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God tier red pilled movies

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What are /pol/'s favorite movies
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The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence
Eraserhead sums up the scarcity of families in modern society.
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The emoji movie
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>white boy tries to hustle niggers
>subsequently tries to buddy up with nigger
>loses literally everything because he is a proto-nu-male faggot
the moral is to never trust niggers.
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They live

Forgot to mention that it redpills the audience on the dangers of the vaginal Jew
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Shortbus. Grande école. Presque rien. Notre paradis. Marécage. Moonlight. Brokeback. 1950 Cinderella. 1408. The show "Hunting Season". Basically anything with flaccid uncut dicks in it lol
Because it's the ultimate deterrent for anyone considering a career in crime
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Honestly you guys might like Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven" Director's Cut (theatrical cut sucks, Directors much better).
It's a meta commentary on the prison system I heard
>retard gets AIDs from a junkie whore and is left to take care of her spawn like a cuck

I mean its a good movie, but still.
Black hawk down
Blazing saddles
I don't know the difference, but its a good movie. A great one in fact. It doesn't do Christians any favors optics wise in the crusades, but it's not in accurate.

Would be cool if he made another one covering the following crusade with Lion Heart removing the ever living fuck out of kebobs.
Forrest Gump is my favourite movie of all time but its not very redpilled.
He literally spends most of his life chasing after a mentally ill Stacy. She dies of AIDS but Forrest Jr. Didn't catch it.
But the rest of the movie seems pretty redpilled.
There's like an additional hour of movie in the Director's Cut. Fills in all the glaring plotholes, like Balian's sudden prowess as a military strategist (Director's Cut reveals before he was a blacksmith he was a siege weapons engineer). I also would have loved to see Ridley Scott tell another story set in that period, but sadly the general moviegoing population are too stupid for movies like Kingdom of Heaven. He did try to make a more marketable mid-ages movie after Kingdom of Heaven, it was a historical interpretation of Robin Hood movie starring Russel Crow.
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Hands down the best red pill movie every
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Here's a suggestion... it's not a movie, but for those of you who love America and enjoy history, HBO's "John Adams" mini-series is a MUST SEE. It's probably the best thing HBO ever made besides Band of Brothers. In fact it's probably the best film/tv show ever made about the birth of America. I can't recommend it enough. I always wished HBO would have continued with more miniseries like these about the great history of America... but then they'd have to produce shows about the greatness of America and they can't do that can they...

It's on HBOGo for those of you who have it!
>it was a historical interpretation of Robin Hood movie starring Russel Crow.
That too was a great movie. In fact I might need to watch it again, been a while.

Kingdom of Heaven is likely one of those movies that aren't all that entertaining to those who don't know the history. Even for a heathen like myself who doesn't believe in god, some of the subtle messages from god were pretty cool to me. Off the top of my head, the horse getting spooked, don't remember the exact context.

Also Saladin's line at the end when asked what is Jerusalem worth? "It's worth nothing, its worth everything."
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>tries to

He DOES hustle niggers. Then he gets hustled because he trusted a nigger. He relaxed around a black.
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Its a great movie.
The message about religion I enjoyed.
Where you can believe in God but fighting over him does you no favours and its a scapegoat.

Spoilers obviously
A man getting aids from a woman is rare and they only fugged once so, he probably was fine.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've been wondering if it was good.
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>It's worth nothing, it's worth everything.

Great line! Gives me chills. I also love the line from Balian's love interest, the king of Jerusalem's sister... she says "Their prophet says 'Submit'. Jesus says, "Decide"."
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A cheesy but oh so cozy film. If you didn't want to follow Hub McCann into battle after his pre-beatdown speech to those greasers then I don't know what's wrong with you.
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If a *mainstream* film more redpilled than this exists, I have yet to see it.
The title, yes. The movie? Not so sure.
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This, used to watch this a lot with my family as a kid along with Forrest Gump. Good values!
Not redpilled but this is what blacks believe we do to them it's funny as fuck
A movie about a literal coal burning aids ridden junkie chasing cuck
i have actually seen this kino
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Pic related

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Great!! I hope you watch it! I think it's 6 episodes, each episode is 1-2 hours long. They really bring Colonial America to life. Paul Giamatti's best performance of his life, Laura Linney is also fantastic as Abigail Adams. The movie is based on a book, which is a collection of letters written between John & Abigail Adams throughout their lives during the founding of the United States. Absolutely fantastic. Just thinking about it is making me want to watch it! hahaha!
I forgot about that movie
Aliens. Burke manipulating and lying to the Marines, ultimately dooming them all - classic shill.
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Patricians know...
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Awww man that brings back memories.

"Billy, how much money did you make today?"
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(((They))) took out Kubrick for trying to expose the pedos
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Love this
A pol classic
aka. how to trigger feminazis: the movie
For you:
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The Departed.

The Good, Bad and the Ugly ( and the rest of the classic Clint Eastwood/ Sergio Leone Western films.

Gran Torino.

Those are some that I can think of right ahead, there are plenty more.

Kingdom of Heaven is beautiful but it's not redpilled, it has a bunch of peace/love muslims, kikes and christians must get together-bullshit in it. It's not redpilled at all sadly. Great soundtrack though.
>Add prefix
>Sound smarter
Sweeden, the film.
You're my favourite poster
I've seen it.
Exactly how I imagine the (swedish) feminist government will function in 5-10 years.
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The ghostbusters reboot. If you don't like it, you're just a sexist misogynistic piece of shit.
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Pretty red pilled movie and one that both atheists and Christians can enjoy equally.
Best of the trilogy

Also The Seventh Seal
Bateman is the embodiment of combining every board on 4chan

Mentally ill cuck
> no
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Brazil by Terry Gilliam
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unironically this
>People use this as if it was a fortune teller instead of a reflection of the times attitude toward everything.

It's a great movie but damnit if everyone didn't miss the fucking point
literally why
the only way to withstand chaos is to have a people devoted to its culture and history
Gay movie for unambitious queers
Whoops, thought that was the poster for 5 centimeters per second
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Don't forget to update your ideology just like your film collection!



1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
unadulterated kino

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So fucking redpilled.
Dude that centipede could kill those scientists and start fucking shit up. Bet that's how humans built the pyramids.
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Everyone on here, stop what you are doing and watch this movie.

They should have called this movie Whore Gives Forrest AIDS.
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Also hands down the best monologue in film history
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Atlas Shrugged
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Earth starts to die so redpilled NASA convinces crew to leave Earth and find a new planet for their families because GravityArks™
Crew gets cucked because it was just a huge conspiracy, and NASA just wanted Earth to die.
Black guy gets blown up and stacy is abandoned on desert planet, while proud protagonist becomes God.
Good movie

Read the book, dude. She gave him AIDS.
Bob Roberts. Tim Robbins plays a folk singing anti-leftist businessman politician who sings songs mocking the left. Yes it's as awesome as it sounds.
on netflix https://www.netflix.com/title/60002154
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I guess I'm just old at heart. Always loved it.
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Watched this back in the day, total garbage. What could you possibly see in this movie?
It is a great show. Very Sad and human near the end.

Shows exactly how fucking crazy the elites are.
It was great...
If you liked Akira, you might also enjoy Stanley Kubrick's 2001 : A Space Odyssey
I'm beginning to think Stanley Kubricks was /pol/, born from jewish parents and wanted nothing to do with that disgusting mess.
kino af
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1) Sunglasses

2) Good Afternoon,Good Evening and Good Night

3) War is Peace

[Threads: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge%20Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

Movies have lots of messages/references in them, if you have a good Eye & good Knowledge you can understand them.
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Im not American but this movie has stuck with me throughout the years.
The "kingdom of conscience" motif seemed sort of like a way to justify modern israli politics. Namely, siezing land and claiming Israel as it's own rather than staying the hell in Germany, Russia, Europe etc after so much blood was spilled.in.ww2.
>god tier red pilled movies
what the fuck does that even mean?
Dunno, they're all kike shilling.
Max par!
Mup beep!
Effectively the most blue pilled movie because every anti trump person assumes it directly maps to reality, and self inserts themself and their party as the lone voice of reason among literal retards.
See how a good thread instantly died when you move it to this meme hell shithole
The mods are going to kill /bant/ if you dont use it for what they made it for
(((They))) Live
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>redpilled young MGTOW lives with seals until he gets cucked back into living with disgusting human women

In all honesty this movie made me cry as a kid.
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