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talk trash

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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 61

talk trash about the persons country above you
Fuckin Burgers

Its a school not a shooting range

Lost, abandoned, forgotten, the beginning of the end , mad dog off the chain, runaway train
you have shit cheese
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nigger never heard about jarlsberg.

also niggers
all that sounds good to me you redneck shitbag. south lost because they were weak and mentally inferior, this country is your ancestors fault.
no longer in kalmarunionen with us
feels bad man

sweden can fuck off though, lmao
It's in Europe.
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take this childish faggotry to int or bant if that still exists.
unoriginal boring flag fuck northern europe
More than 40% of the population unironically voted Hillary Clinton (though did not win popular vote, if account for illegals)
What country are you again?
reason why the jews are winning
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Lost to Vietnamese Rice farmers, who are basically the Mexicans of Asia.
Jarlsberg is god level cheese.

Jarlsberg Lite is the transfaggot of cheeses.
More like gay
Can confirm. Is good.
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/bant/ still exists.
To the shame of all 4chan. Is there a worse board?
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>implying Jews didn't gain world financial and political power in Europe centuries before coming to America
fucking faggot ass redditor with his cuck tier civic nationalism autism awareness flag

also sage
It was actually made for this kind of faggotry.
Neck yourself dutch faggot, you destroyed our colonies on tobago and sent in slaves and now look at it it's a fucking shithole, you faggots can ONLY create shitholes that is why your country is one big faulure and shithole, fuck you.
I don't have any beef with Netherlands. In fact I think Dutch is a beautiful language.
yeah and we were so close to destroying them in WW2 until you faggots decided to snip your childrens dick and let your local rabbi suck it for israel
Shithole of a country, you had the potential we never had but you fucked up and now your nothing, you controlled area hundreds of times larger then yiou are right now and you fucked up, you didn't create a single colony.Even norway did better then you.
eat dirt oreo
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>Too cucked to even play along with an insult game
Neck yourself 3rd world low iq shithole.
You need to stop letting all those fucking illegals in.
You faggots ruined the west but blame jews so to make yourself feel better.
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>US flag

K, niggress.
You are always posting that pic of a Latvian girl laughing. How many posters from Latvia does this board have anyway? 4?
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>it's all America's fault.
You know, all of our ancestors could've eliminated them 1000 years ago but they didn't. So who is to blame? Stop falling for D&C schemes. We're all to blame and even more so because we are actively letting it happen right now.
Where is the mighty british empire now?You UK faggs created largest empire in human history yet you somehow managed to lose it ALL, even fucking china is wiping their ass with your flag in Hong Kong.
Who the fuck are you?
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Aren't you meant to be raped by Russia or some shit? Oh wait, you're so irrelevant that no one gives a single fuck about the fate of your people.
nah far more then that i beleve, anyhow you suck at war, and
At least we have a fate while you will soon be pakistan 2.0 and since muhhamad is most popular name in UK we will soon use steriotipical name here on /pol/ for anglos ''muhhamad''
Did you get a license to carry that plastic butter knife?
No one americoon.
(above me when I first saw thread)
Everyone from your country is a mongol rape baby and is mentally retarded. Autism levels equivalent to the Finns.

(above me now)
Your country is a fucking joke.
Your police can hardly control the people. What exactly is keeping the UK's sovereign status again? Somehow, you're the biggest spy country that watches all of it's citizens, yet you can't do shit to your citizens.

Seriously, the UK is a fucking joke.
Burger eating shit! And also bump
(above me when i first saw thread) is meant for >>1600951 (Latvia)
oh hey pedro how is life in Texas?
You probably think BBQ is pork, when everybody knows real BBQ is mesquite smoked brisket.
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pic related but yeah your right about audism :DDDDDDDD
Anhow i am not sure if a guy who needs to do genetic testing just to determine he's heretage can say to ethnic europeans that they are mongrels.
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Fuck me in all my holes daddies!

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You are all lovely countries
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>Slav apes
We aren't slavs you dumb island fuck.
Is this the Latvian flag?
Fuck you patatoe nigger.Mini UK faggot.
No culture, shit accents, full of mongrels, Alost everyone is fat, dumb or on welfare
That didn't make much sence, but yeah your mflag sucks.
ur a faggot
alright you fucking fag. how does these sweet rolls you call abs working out?

Only half of their cucked country owns guns.
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Said a guy who's country is the one who pushes ''progressive'' faggot shit to our countries.
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Hello neighbor and fellow white man.
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Well done. Now thank me for making you a man, UKanon.

>Even Churchill had to beg big brother US to fight off Hitler
We've been showing you all the art of manliness for decades now.
I don't even need to say anything besides the fact that your country is a Canada, you are just more socialist and more progressive version of USA.
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why do you think this belongs on /pol/
>east germany/pomerania/prussia/whatever the fuck isn't also east asian
I thought the Soviet army that had Asians with them fucked every bitch in this part of Europe in 1945? You can see how Poles and Germans from Berlin have Asian eyes while the Dutch and Rhine ones don't.

You're above me right now.

Your country is a Jewish prison state with a corrupt judicial system based around nepotism and connections with other people. Your government is corrupt, your people are stupid on purpose by the (((Education system))) and although your president is a step in the right direction, he will have to get good with your already-there cuckservative kike representatives and such to keep his ass in Washington. Not only that, but these cuckservatives are paid off by big pharma to keep universal healthcare from being reality even though you should have it, seeing as how you pay off white trash and niggers to sit on their ass, why not give everyone a basic standardized healthcare when you give them a basic housing meme. Your country is falling apart because your "engineers" thought "STEEL? RUST? LET'S JUST PAINT IT XD" and everyone's surprised a fucking bridge collapses every so often. No-one in your country is even white. It's just a mixture of Irish with 1/64 Cherokees and spic shit.

You're now above me after a thread update, and I just can't skip a Finland roast.

Your country is the same as Latvia.
Mongol rape babies, and the only thing you've mastered that Latvia hasn't is autism.
Latvia and the rest of the Baltic states are Asperger's. You're just full blown autism.
Shut the fuck up you feminist heaven shithole country, your country is just faggot vesrion of Estonia.
Your flag looks like an ice cream cookie.
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Why are the British Isles so completely cucked? You all can't even play like men, you come trying to hand out roses like every retarded girl who wants to ruin manly fun.
Yes but here for most part rape babies where killed, that is why we don't have allmost any enrichment.

Makes me want a klondike bar
Said a guy who's ancestors where british criminals and who's country was just a big prission for british criminals.
Iceland is an irrelevant island that can become Lavaland in a second.
Estonia is just an even more autistic version than your country, and even more Asian. Why don't you Baltic shitholes just unite? There's literally no reason for you three high-function Asperger's speech development rooms can't be thrown into the same education department as the full blown autism Finland treatment group.
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>TFW a single Lativian is tougher than all the cucked British Isles fags ITT.
Shut up cuck faggot . Even my shit country is whiter than yours.
We have diferant cultures and languages as much as we whant to unite and create an actual country (by european standarts) we can't.
Also USA is just a colony that reached more then they should of had, i live in hause that is older then first anglo set he's foot on the soil of new world.
No one in Europe knows who you are.
where the fuck is latvia?
Yeah and despite the fact that your whiter then USA your poor as fuck, how can you fuck up so much?
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You are mexican.
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>Implaying that's a bad thing
Like Italy isn't any better.
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>Calling his own country shit
You're not doing it right.

Also, can you stand still? I've never seen a talking monkey before.
Your entire country almost died off because of potato blight.
American ''''''''''''''education''''''''''''''''''''''''
is it true that the irish are the mexicans of europe?
Fucking gay country fuck off, you're not white.
Montevideo is 200 km away from getting 100% BLACKED by Brazil, and 150 km away from being enriched by the """white""" Argentine faggots who are even more Amerindian mutt than you are.

Irrelevant country that needs to just go away. Including Para-gay

American houses are shit, since you mentioned your house that's old. Instead of solid brick to keep warm, it's lung cancer fiberglass autism inside wood that can collapse at any time.
t. own a shit american home

Can't come up with a comeback after BTFO
Although we're in the same country tho

Mexico is such a shithole, they can't even beat the US on football.
Your country is just a huge narco cortel with low IQ spanish rape babies having the favorite sport called border chrossing to white mans built country.
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Has an education system that is shit because it is completely dominated by teacher's unions.

Exhibit A:
Doesn't know the difference between Ireland and Italy.
U R Gay
I'm triggered!
That was a researched reply anon.

Surprising for a fatass american desu
is there any difference between paraguay and uruguay
Morocco is the Mexico of Europe.
Or maybe Greece.

Yeah, we're the ones that knocked out of the World Cup. Fag.
Too easy. Like your women.
Full of cuckolds that make fun of their own country.

Exhibit A:
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Such poorfags, literally the only sport they can afford requires:

1. Ball
2. Goal
"Let's start a war that gets millions killed for the sake of PROFIT!"
Is there any reson why south american countries except brazil and argentina + uruGAY shouldn't be one nation?No becouse you faggots are the same low IQ shitskins that speak european language becouse your momy was raped by Spanish back in the day.
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That's part of the joke, 94 IQ red-headed genetic zero.
It's common sense to know your country is THIS irrelevant.
I didn't even have to open up Google Earth or anything, I just guessed distances and used already-known knowledge that you're not even white, your southern neighbors aren't white either, and your northern neighbors are the epitome of not-white.

I'm not fat either faggot. At least I can choose what meal I eat, you have to eat leaves from Argentina to survive.
Eat shit next dinner, Ur-a-gay. Maybe you'll like something different you fucking non-country.
Why don't you dye your hair blue and go protest something you fat fuck. Or are you too busy taking nigger dick up your ass to cry for Bernie to give you a bigger welfare check and free college? Hope you die from your next speedball fix you fucking fat cuck.

Wew, how was that?
Sometimes i hate your country more then i hate russia, and thats a big fucking deal.
i dont know, they both try to be europoors
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>Liven in best country in the world
>Such a loser, your only strategy is to try and steal other people's shit
>Try and come into an insult thread
>Fail miserably because literally all you can do is parrot leftist talking points

Don't come back, faggot. The Latvian here is worth 20 of your kind.
Talking shit to just one country? Fuck that shit that's way too pussified.

I want to talk shit to the entire world. All of you piece of shit around the world reading this - I want you all to know you all make me sick. You are all, each and every one of you, a waste of a skin. All of your countries, including mine, are pieces of shit. I am ashamed to be called human because you are all shameless, selfish, stinking lowbrow pieces of shit of low intellect. I am sick of being surrounded by you all having to inhale your stink and having to watch your endless stupidity.

This is not just for the lols either I sincerely hope you all go to hell.
Said a fucking 3rd world shithole
Your country is so irrelevent that I've never heard of it other than on this site.
Shares border with America, sad.
Somalia sucks.
Shouldn't you be trafficking drugs or taking a siesta you lazy spic?
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Prime minister is Trudeau
Latvia, do you anything other than lifting heavy rocks on ESPN?
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The last few pirates of the Caribbean movies had been satisfactory at best.
Show your flag, homo. That's kind of the point
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>Implaying thats a bad thing
This thread is the best. Except for that faggot with the pirate flag.
>meme flag
At least we have strong men unlike you south american goblins.
im doing both right now
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This leaf is playing 3D chess.
Strong men that fuck each other. Bunch of fags
your a mediocre gringo
i dont even know what country ur from russian cunt
As much as i like germany your people have been denazified raped by russians and american niggers, now your country is lost, you lost 2 world wars and have nothing besides economy.
Why the fuck doesn't he show his flag on a thread specifically designed for it? Retarded
Must be american.
Damn, multitasking!
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>Trying to be the globalist in the nation vs nation trashing board
How can he be this re...
>Pirate flag
>Implaying you new world-tards aren't the capital of faggotry
literally who
Must be, fucking queer ass muricans
Literal faggot country
Not even original on this thread. Go suck some dick and make your PM happy.
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Agreed. While we have our differences, we all agree the faggot taking the globalist approach is the worst.
the best thing you created was Hitler.
The US is a big country.
Fat people AND a big land with different states and shit.
I'm not in California or Kike York, so none of this applies to me.

We don't even know Latvia exists. In high school, at least in 2009, the (((social studies))) teacher who told us Nazism was pure evil but communism was never really tried ALSO told us to not fill out the tiny countries in the Balkans (he pointed at the former-yugo shitfest, you really think he'd say "balkan") and he just pointed around your tiny Baltic shitholes and said the same thing.

You can hate us all you want, at least your big brother Russia thinks about you.

Your country is a fucking meme.
You let rapes happen all over the place, you put people in prison for hurt feelings, but at least you're not UK tier, you guys have shitty guns and plastic riot shields at least.

Spics with guns VS Autistic mongoloids with outdated Soviet shit

I'd assume Argentina would team in if you fucked with their retarded cousin, and the same vise versa for your autism mongol union of Baltic bros and the cool autistic kid with the pog collection next door, aka Finland.

Either way, they'd beat your ass in a war if NATO didn't care, and they fucking wouldn't.
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> did you finially get your license
for plastic forks so you can defend yourself
from Muslim rape gangs?
You faggots just gave 10 million dollars to a terrorist
i will ask the same question to you in 30 years new mexico.
I've already fucked the best of your women and I never wore a condom.
You probably have AIDS then.

I couldn't talk shit Latvia. This is how shit you are. Sorry...
What is this thread where Latvia calls Mexico poor?
You're so broke you need Mexico to pay for the wall.
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>He admits the BEST of his country's women have AIDS

Stop shooting yourself in the foot Uruguay.
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Your country is literally so fucking polluted by shitskins.

The history channel had to hire a leaf to play the fucking king of France.
Would you rather fear for your life and have a 99.9% chance of being the sliced neck in a snuff film when a drug cartel raids your house at night


Be an irrelevant country that's also poor...

Decisions decisions...
fat people and lots of niggers
>We don't even know Latvia exists. In high school, at least in 2009, the (((social studies))) teacher who told us Nazism was pure evil but communism was never really tried ALSO told us to not fill out the tiny countries in the Balkans (he pointed at the former-yugo shitfest, you really think he'd say "balkan") and he just pointed around your tiny Baltic shitholes and said the same thing.
Yeah since comunism destroyed our countries
>I'd assume Argentina would team in if you fucked with their retarded cousin, and the same vise versa for your autism mongol union of Baltic bros and the cool autistic kid with the pog collection next door, aka Finland.
Yeah not sure about that, they would not be able to land invade and we neither, other then that USA will be irrelevant in few years all empires fell eventualy, my ancestors have lived for 4000 years before first anglo set he's foot on the soil of new world and gues that we are still fucking here, we have seen many empires that have risen and fell you aren't first nor last of them.
>Is currently in New Mexico
What the fuck is that flag? Pirate flag looks serious now.
Do you even have money?
Last girl from there I pumped and dumped said it was just dirt and rocks with fat mexican looking faggots strewn about.
Fucking island nigger I hope a tsunami wipes you out
Aren't you guys ruled by Doctor Doom or something?
She must have been a Dominican crack ho, she obviously lied to you.
Pot calling the kettle black in this situation.
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we surely hate each other but we all share a special place in our hearts for the people of the united states
We are actualy rich when compeared to mexico or even russia, only becouse western euros laught at us dosen't mean we are poor acording to world standarts or even slavs.
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I would love to talk shit about your country

Sadly your just a territory
Nope, amazing singer.
She told me all about the kids that beg for money whenever someone crosses their stretch of road.
The US isn't as poor as Mexico or Latvia, nor do I have to fear for my life because a drug cartel is rounding up everyone in the village.

What the fuck was the point of this reply?
They live in a shithole desert full of deadly venomous animals and abo- oh wait...
Your biggest cities are 30% white lmao, you even have some 30% white states
Singer? Name names motherfucker.
You PBR swilling, pick up driving, country music listening, sister fucking inbred. They named the toothbrush after your type cause if it was another country, they'd have called it a teethbrush. You don't need it to pick your sisters pubes and yesterday's porkrinds out of it though, cause of all the meth you've done. Have fun in your shitty little trailer on the edge of nowhere, loser.

Ok, is that better?
Literaly who?
I got you brother
Latvia isn't poor...........only becouse you hear some western euros talking shit dosen't make it true.
wtf are you talking about? are you even in any list that ranks countries by any fucking standard
I fucking love this shit good one anon I havn't seen this one yet.
Same here

your strongest export industry is table dancers
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>Insulting a non-existent fiction

Phyles when?
Uruguay ?
Isn't that like Paraguay's angst ridden little sister?
Dude, you're worse than Uruguay. You're fucked.


I'm fagpoasting from a tablet and not even sure what country you're from but you look like a kike so there's your problem.
Your country has never done a single important thing in it's history.
My trailer is in nowhere. Coal mines blew my family's mountain into the S H A D O W _ R E A L M
I fucked my cousin though. Siscest is too far, even for us.

Nice name, Arbitary-line-land
Your country is shit, and from that flag, you have a big ass black butt plug on a Colombian flag.
ur women are fun, and BLEACHED
Thats GDP you retarded faggot, not gdp per capita or cost of living to gdp per capita, this is what i like to call south american low IQ spanish rape baby education.
Our women are bitter bitches with great asses. Stop lying.
Ok, no prob. Just for the lolz! I'm drinking a PBR in a small town in the south right now
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Definitely no arbitrary lines here
Close still. I can barely read myself.

Literaly new algeria.
You have an orange kike as president
hey 15th is not that bad. the bad thing is that all that money goes to just a few cunts
> u r gay
Post more fat chickens faggot
The only original shit you produced is the checkboard football shirt.

15th time that joke was made on thsi thread.
Not even close faggot plus our cost of living is lower and that is after being raped by commies for 70 years, and we are still better then you russia or mexico.
>literally ISIS tier
Who needs lines when you own the world?
You wouldn't know about owning things would you, Pierre? Gotta watch your capitol go to shit, but it's OK because you colonized Algeria or some shit.

Go back to processing cocaine, buttplug.

Your country looks like a boomerang on a map because you don't want to hurt any kebab feelings. Literally the biggest pussy in the Balkans.
People in foreign countries know who he is unlike yours.
What are you an economist? Damn.
Most of people are fat and uggly in USA.
Finnish Jews
In order that you and your fellowmen can stuff it by tons in your noses right?
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I can understand why your country/flag doesn't include states.

If you divided France 50 ways, you would be able to spit at someone three states away from you.
No but abyone with half of brain can understand that Eastern europe isn't poor like south america, yes poorer then western europe but better off then 90% of world.
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Holy shit Latvia is full of hot chicks. I'll break the rules and compliment your country on that note.
What the hell flag is that? Do you cook dinner over dried cow poop?
I knew the second part, but I never let them talk.
You don't have any of pic related.
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Idk why you think you have the right to talk shit when this is how your grandchildren will look like
pfff 5/10 tbqh
as i said you are south american goblins
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and these are yours ;)
Gotta station your front door with an AK?
I bet you heard that Jeep Grand Cherokee stolen from a freight truck on it's way to export pull up to your door and hearing magazines get popped in and a machete getting taken out of it's leather thing. I think we both know what that means...

Cocaine is a meme here. 1975 was 40 years ago, Rodrigo. Gotta ship to Bogota or La Paz now.

It's been established that it's a butt plug.
Top is the part that stomps up the anus, middle skinny part is what goes around the sphincter and the big thick part is what makes the faggot blow his tiny load via prostate.

You're one to talk, faggot.
You honestly think every white girl in the US wants nigger cock? You realize the entire US isn't California, right?
I also said "your capitol", not "your country". I know not all of France is getting cucked by Arabs, but it may as well be.
Hello new Algeria
Those are old woman what did you expect?Them to be fit like supermodels at age of 60?
And what about yours? Why do you have 50 David stars on it?
even less significant than the country I only know about for being in a commonwealth with poland in the 16th century
Pic of a 10/10 in 15 sec or stfu
>La Paz
American education?
You wheren't even a thing back 300 years ago faggot.
UraGAY is corupt as fuck
America is fat and uneducated as fuck.
That's a 10/10? I bet you're into foreheads. Holy shit.
Ship is synonymous with transport.
That Bolivian doctor who has breathing problems from literally living at 12,000 feet in the air needs his fix of cocaine. Better get to it. Chop chop.
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Looks like you Bolsheviks like eating Appalachian cuisine.
Isn't your country like 30% Russian ?
Well your capital is 50% black lmao
Average Washington DC resident in 2017
Yeah big brain takes a lot of space the same thing you don't have you SA goblin.
Man I had some jarlsberg just the other day, idk if it was overripe or too old or what but it was terrible... feelsbadman
Gorgonzola, brie, and classic cheddar are best cheeses
Thanks for the explanation, makes sense
Almost as corrupt as you. Retard.
lol that shit got closed becouse you americans can't make good resturounts, american faggs didn't pay money and workers didn't clean anything and it got shot down becouse of sanitary resons and shit food.

Unless you play chess with chicks, I don't see a need for big brain women. I like tits and ass. Fag
But Bolivia is literally the biggest cocaine producer of the world, not Colombia
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I'm triggered
Sorry about the imported garbage, /bant/

I was >>1601149 btw.
literally no one even know of this countries existence
>Isn't your country like 30% Russian ?
Russians>Algerians and the diferance is USSR forced us to take them in while you cucks took niggs in by yourselves.
what the fuck is this /bant/ shit. I feel I'm in some shithole now, like Latvia
why were you even on /pol/?
Meet one bich from puertu ricco once she realy whanted my Euro aryan cock but i didn't give it to her.
You mean a job that Africans and immigrants can do is impossible for your people? No wonder the Jews defeated you.
stop posting in this thread, it got moved to my board /bant/!!!!
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>Arugay calls Latvia a shithole
Hello 51st state
Shut the fuck up, you spanish rape baby nigger literaly empoverished USA state.
This thread went to hell. Latvia guy is cool

I'm out.
Hello literaly nothing
not yet friend... not yet
uhh better keep watch of those potatoes man
Hi soviet clay
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you know if we're on /bant/ that means I can post anime without getting banned
Mauntain poo in a loo
How can one fuck up so much that they are poor while being american vassal???HOW?
Potato nigger.
Mejico is cancer
>governments that only want money
>US doesn't allow us to file for bankruptcy

that's how
Mini australia sheep fuckers.
The only thing that your country is good at is producing big assed low IQ biches that will suck Euro cock for free.
Exacly your corrupt shithole, to bad spanish autists didn't just genocide your people and just didn't replace them with white spanish instead they just raped your momy and now there is you low IQ half monkey.
Horizontal Peru pls.
Literaly WHO?

Do you like being ruled by womens?

>Do you like being ruled by womens?
What do you mean?
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a cartel-ran shithole even by south american standards
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He can't say anything against me so he pretends he dosen't care while crying like the little bich you are
PC faggot country

Pablo Escobar is the only good thing to come from your 3rd world shithole.
The same country that is richer, more developed has higher average IQ then you do, and has actual History, unlike you south american goblin.
Your country is fake, is there souch a thing as ethnic canadians?No?You should be part of USA faggot.
inb4 Latvia is russia
No we have our own culture and History and language and there is souch a thing as ethnic Latvians.
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>Puerto Rico
You're not a country. You're a territory. Now pay your debt, 'Murica isn't bailing you out
>He thinks i will listen to souch a Subhuman like yourself
"Kids find Canada on the map"
"The big one teacher1!!1!"
"Now find Latvia"
"Lol wtf is that"
I think you are the non-existant country sub-slavic unknowns.
Uneducated fat fuck the country
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is it like this for anybody else ?
>Be new world fuck
>Atack some natives
>Get huge amount of theritories practicaly for free
HAHAHAHAHA you guys are soo small.
Fucking faggot.
yes, the thread was moved here from another board
>practicaly for free

shiny beads and cheap booze weren't free!
I have been educated
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I like how no-one has noticed that Croatia is a boomerang because they're too pussy to confront kebab.
you post fucking frogs. any argument you have against my island is now invalid
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Your island is invalid
The liddol Latvia mad his country is the size of a small island and couldnt counqor shit.
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Listen here you Liberal faggot country new world fuck, my ancestors lived on these lands for 4000 years before first anglo set he's foot on the soil of new world we have long history of wars and bravery we as small as we are have done more in war then you ever have we did more in bouth ww1 and ww2 more then you have, we killed hundreds of thousands of russians while you where sucking the british cock and Latvian ss divisions receeved most medals as non german divissions.Our people are born fighters you are born suckers.
That's a toad, not a frog. Silly Cuban.
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>4000 years of history
>still a literaly who country

who cares! they are both the same reddit tier shit meme
Q U A D!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moot is it you?
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