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I am a musician. I make electronic music, run a label, and have

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I am a musician. I make electronic music, run a label, and have been active for over years now. I'm pretty famous in my field, though obviously I can't say who i am. Though my genre is pretty niche by mainstream standards, my tracks have millions of plays on Spotify etc.. I make good money from royalties and have effectively retired now in my 30's. I have a guaranteed income until the day I die and I only continue to make music because it's fun.

However, I had a dawning realisation today. Had I been born 500 years ago, I would probably have been a bard. A fucking bard. The weakest, most pathetic humans who ever existed. I'm not cut out for soldier work and hate being poor, so general farm peasantry just wouldn't cut it for me. Nope, it would have been the bards life for me. Reciting shitty poetry and annoying my patrons with crappy songs, like Ed Sheeren in that latest Game of Thrones episode. I would have probably got laid a fair bit as I'm not ugly and it's easy to manipulate docile wenches with my shitty songs, but apart from that, I'd pretty much be universally despised and ultimately, lead an unfulfilling life.

Why even continue living, now I know the truth about what I am, lads?
i make electronic music too bra
im not a pussy tho
go lift fag
If you make music, it doesn't matter how much you lift. You're still a fucking bard.
Your perspective on the past is innaccurate for more reasons than i'd care to list.
Additionally, your ancestor's sacrifices made sure your current future is the future you're living. It didn't come as a fluke, or by a flash of magic. Have good kids yourselves, 3 or more, then start returning your ancestor's sacrifice to the world.
Kind of like Elon Musk.

Also this is a larp.
Fuck your faggot genre, queerbong crybaby nigger. Kill yourself.
Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Lynch, Rice, they're all going to prison.
im making music for my culture now.
thats how musicians fight.
give a voice to your own group.
>I am a musician
>i make electronic "music"
wew lad
Bards are underrated, the buffs they give to the rest of the party are quite useful. Dont give up.
how dare you anon
theres a really electronic music scene. see below:
That was objectively shit. They need to learn an instrument.
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bards in east (anatolia, caucasus, central asia) were highly respected. I'm not talking about shitty bards who did it for the shekels, I'm talking about the ones who were singing songs with esoteric wisdom and those who carried ancient myths to present day with their songs. did you know what bards were singing songs about sumerians before they were discovered by archaeologists?

maybe you should consider such a path
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because you have a direction
go there but beware
because you have our attention
k nice LARP too here's a (you)
dj controllers are instruments
Lol you are so homo, I bet you listen to rock, metal, punk and other liberal gay bullshit. Rock ain't even music desu, its Jewish faggotry installed to turn human into fucking plants.
Cast haste and the whole party gets 2 attacks. It's like having twice the manpower.
I just make shitty webms for 8gag//wsg/
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If you have as much talent as this guy , then you have my respect. Regardless if you're a weak and pathetic human being. Music heals the soul.
>Rock ain't even music desu, its Jewish faggotry installed to turn human into fucking plants.

More on this?
Tbh, punk retards, electronic music is the only genre out there that is actually music and not some gay jew degrading shit. Why are all rock stars faggots that die from either drugs or HIV, while real electronic musicians live long lives whit their sexy wifes?
Depends on the rock.
Dio has interesting songs.
Woo look at this cunt
>not ugly
>famous electronic musician
LARP detected; saged
Punk is liberal and gay?
kekd anc checkd
kys fag

If you don't actually play an instrument, you're not a musician. Plugging bits and pieces of sound into a program isn't an instrument.

The music industry is as jewed as hollywood, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few semi-redpilled artists out there. You just have to look further than what you hear on the radio.
This has the potential to be a pasta on /mu/
Why don't you go there, Adam?
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To be fair, the "mainstream" punks in America of yesterday and today are liberal as fuck.
NOFX, Descendants, Against me, etc,

All degenerates who claim they know what's best for everyone and preach about communist ideas in their music.

Even one of my favorites growing up , Propaghandi , has been a libtard on Twitter.

There is something about Fame that fucks with people, or perhaps they realize they can just sell more CDs and merch by being SJWs.
>though obviously I can't say who i am
Best slide comment i ever did see
Art is a very important medium as it's a means to spread symbolism and meme. Why don't you start making music with fashy subliminal intention

geez man, no life is fulfilling, are you stupid or what? i would be a bard so fucking much, people would come to my patreon's tavern just to hang around, we would be so fucking chilled
You are going to get atheist cucks mad.
No, they are appliances.

Do it for Roy. Keep being awesome.

bottle of water is an instrument. so is computer mouse. and any fucking object on earth if you aint a postmodernist asshole
Ritchie Blackmore said he'd love to be a bard and play legit reneisance music
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>Also this is a larp.

Not a larp. Here's my royalty earnings from distrokid (the aggregate I use, since I own the publishing/copyright on most of my work and get full shares owed for it) in May, which is the most up-to-date record of earnings.

This also only represents about half my work, as I claim the rest via PRS (for performance rights etc) and another aggregate I use for my earlier catalogue, but don't own the full share on.

Like I say, life is good, but I'm still a fucking bard.
>bottle of water is an instrument
Where are all the bottle o water composers and virtuosos?
just for sake of elaboration : think about it that way : do you make music because of wanting to pursue your inner muse and beeing affected by your influences or you make it for gaining a certain public status?

just be glad you dont have to put up with same shit as even famous music writers had to before XX century, look up how Mozart or Bach or Chopin lived - continous debt, struggle with accomodation etc
Aviici - full blown liver chirrosis before 25.
Invent new Red Pill Based Electronic genre, Change World, Profit. Go Bill and Ted level bard.
Nope, not everything is a fucking instrument. those shitty faggot guitars aint an instrument. the don't make music, they make weird, shitty noises...
What subgenre do you play, Anon?
it's beeing done already - look up The Bug, or Tim Hecker and the likes
Multiple. Everything from techno to ambient, but more on the experimental side than something you'd hear in the charts, hence why I make "OK" money rather than "fuck you" money.
Lorde Please shut up.

You were never a geek, and you were never good. Post sharpie in pooper, and I'll reconsider you fucking bard.
> I make electronic music, run a label
>Had I been born 500 years ago, I would probably have been a bard

No, bards had to play actual music on an instrument, they had to learn songs and lyrics and perform live. You probably would have been a field laborer or a prostitute.
Guitars are capable of scale. Scale IS music, not random samples over a droning 4/4 beat.
Stop playing so much D&D and do some research.
There were no hoards of bards running around like some fantasy novel.
Either you were some kind of gypsy musician or you were some kind of knight / lesser nobleman playing some music in your leissure time trying to bang some chics.

Everyone else was busy working in argiculture 24/7
And like i said, you're more than a bard.
Not to be a woman, but are you feeling alright? Are you working out, making sure you get enough calories, enough nutrition and sunlight etc?
If you are physically alright then i'd recommend you read up on European history, specifically how Christianity changed Europe. If you haven't read 1984, the Bible, Crime and Punishment, or The Gulag Archipelago, i'd suggest you buy these books and make a rule of reading 50ish pages every day.
Your well-being is governed by your perspective, and to understand why you have a place in the fundament and bedrock of our world, you must understand who hacked out the proverbial seat.
And additionally, if you have free time, aside from self-improvement you could try to set up a network for underground artists. There are plenty of phenomenal artists that don't get enough exposure.
>I am a musician
>I make electronic music

These are contradictory statements.
The first requires talent.
The second requires a lack of talent.
>mfw a bard makes more than I ever will because STEM is flooded masters in EE get nothing after all the hard study

Good for you anon,godspeed
Yeah but bards got tons of pussy, and the purpose of life on a universal level is to procreate, so you're above others.
Are you one of those retrowave kekistan faggots?
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>hed go for a faggy singer instead of a muscular knight
Literally bad rap beats for autistic people.
You think everyone was a knight? 95% of the population back then were peasants and serfs, knights are above bards, but bards still got pussy.
Adding on to this a bit after re-reading your posts, you wouldn't be depressed or so? The tone in your writing suggests you're not happy with your success, even though you perhaps think you ought to be. As i've been depressed in the past, i got a hunch.
so you mean like muscular farmers
Not depressed at all, though for musicians, it's not always a bad thing. I've done pretty well and would much rather do this than a standard office day job or something, but like everything in life, you always feel like you can do more.
If you're going to die in an unmarked grave you should at least be making classical music.
You seem to miss the importance of bardery. It sends a message through a medium deeper than words. While people can argue with words easily it's harder to argue with song.

Music has the ability to bring people together and also send out a message between those people regardless of ideological positioning. You have the ability to bring the libtards of tomorrow into the light of the new dawn.

Also I'd like to know more about how you got into this. When did you start? How did you learn/practice? What programs do you use?
This. It's way easier to make music with software than it is to perform it live. The latter involves real physical work and the former involves pushing buttons in your living room.
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Inb4 doxed and career ruined for being a neckbeard closet racist posting on a mongolian finger painting forum
Pretty much everyone led an unfulfilling life 500 years ago. Otherwise you would have been cannon fodder or a farmer. So what.
T tony?
Not sure why you're posting here then. Read books, learn about history (especially whatever ancestral homeland you hail from) and you'll not only become a wiser person, but a happier and healthier one.
>I have a guaranteed income until the day I die
share some deets of this assumption otherwise it is bullshit.
seinfeld makes $100 mill a year from repeats, but these aren't guaranteed what so ever after date of the contract.

you don't have royalties guaranteed for 50 years. such a claim makes what you say sound like bs.

what niche too? without that your claims are worthless
Oh, I fully understand that music is important to people. I actually have (mostly) decent fans and I like reading their stories for how my music has affected them. It gives the bards life some purpose.

>When did you start? How did you learn/practice? What programs do you use?

Started around 2000-ish, mainly messing with simple hardware and early DAW's like Reason etc.. I'm entirely self-taught. I mostly use Ableton for sequencing these days, but I'll use any DAW really. They all do the same job and ultimately, it's the notes and the sounds that matter. Kontakt is my main tool now, as I've built up a really huge library of instruments. When I do "serious" work like for film/tv etc, then I give the midi files I create to a classically trained friend who transcribes it to sheet music, for orchestras etc.. String libraries in particular are getting really good now, but there's still something lost compared to a full orchestra, with fully treated hall spaces etc..
>If you don't actually play an instrument, you're not a musician. Plugging bits and pieces of sound into a program isn't an instrument.
that is fair. but i think what most people mean by electronic musician is composer, producer, engineer, sound designer etc combined. they are making music ergo a musician.
a few people say piano player instead of musician.
Well, nothing is guaranteed 100% of course, but short of civilization failing, I'll continue to get writer royalty payments every month (or 3 months for the performance/mechanicals etc)
>I'll continue to get writer royalty payments every month
until people stop listening to your music. or until people stop listening to spotify playlists containing your music.

have you ever gotten a BBC royalty? if not, then your time in the sun is limited.
you wouldn't have been a bard cos you can't play an instrument
Do you cunts shouting slide even know what thread sliding is?
That is beautiful anon
>until people stop listening to your music. or until people stop listening to spotify playlists containing your music

People don't really stop listening to music. Indivduals might, but there's always someone else discovering it to take their place. Numbers have grown every month since I started, so again, short of some catastrophe, it's very unlikely. If/when Spotify fails, something else will take its place. That's just how this works.

>have you ever gotten a BBC royalty?

Yep. TV features mainly. I've been on Radio 1 a few times, but like I say, my music isn't really commercial and is mostly limited to the more leftfield shows.
It'll be fine deadmau5
Well faggots go live pretending to play music, or playing a thing that pretends to be music(if they use guitars). Electronic musicans actually take their time to model the music so it brings you the feeling without the need of shitty lyrics. Electronic music is kind of the modern classical music, while any other genre is kinda what the Africans would call music. Playing instruments takes no real talent, ffs every second hipster out there is either a fag or play the guitar, and mostly both.
Really living up to that musician stereotype of being an airhead retard-faggot. Is there even a point to your barely sentient, stream of consciousness ramblings? If this had been 500 years ago you would probably have had other priorities that aren't "LARPing as a gay rock star" and similar such HIV positivity you insist on verbally assailing us with.
How did you break into the business anon?
Good music, good ART, inspires people to be good, because it is only through your depiction of the ideal that man may know what to aspire to. Art, and music is an art, has a very important place in every great civilization. There is nothing shameful about being an artist.
Depends on how good the art it desu. If OP would share his identity we could deem his worth.
"Wow bro, those samples really made me feel".
Get the fuck outta here.
>How did you break into the business anon?

Same as many others, really. I made some tunes, they got some attention, the fan-base built up.

>Depends on how good the art it desu. If OP would share his identity we could deem his worth.

That wouldn't be wise, but how does anyone judge the worth of art? Some people like my stuff and some inevitably don't. As long as I'm personally satisfied with my music, that's the only thing that matters to me.
>If you make music, it doesn't matter how much you lift. You're still a fucking bard.
How often do you practice your loop based "instrument" per week? Don't tell me you are a musician. If I want to learn another musician's music and play it, it takes discipline and talent. Not clicking play on a screen. It is an art, it is creative, but you are not a musician. You are a composer. There is a big difference.
I think Paul Bettany(SP?) came to the same conclusion on a American chat-show.
You're so short sighted. Bards were the meme masters of their day. Passing down stories from generation to generation is more effective in song form. Getting tunes with great ideas in people's heads contributed greatly to how far we've gotten as a species. It just so happens that we've reached a threshold of media saturation that makes your impact seem less important. If you compare yourself to a bard then you should recognize the impact they had on our culture and advancement and not let the portrayal on goy of thrones put you down.
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Why is this thread filled with redditors who claim electronic music isn't real music

>h-hurr machines aren't real instruments
>>A musical instrument is an instrument created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument.
Pressing buttons on a keyboard is no different than pressing buttons on a piano.

>b-b-but there's no technical talent
Who the fuck cares? I don't give a fuck that Johnny can play 50 notes a second on his fucking guitar, I care about how the song sounds in the end. The fucking talent comes from producing something that sounds good.

>b-but electronic music is a byproduct of m-modern jewery
Electronic music dates back to the 1920s.

Are you niggers trying to tell me this is legitimately not music?
no one cares, you are probably illegal anyways so go back.
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>goy of thrones
> all these Le wrong generation fags saying electronic music isn't music

Back to 9gag
Composers > Musicians.

It's not hard to strum strings and bash your sausages into titles. Sure it might take some practice but it's not hard. Anyone baring physical or mental disability can learn to play n instrument at a basic level in less then a year.

Composers on the other hand make the music. They're the ones that put the sounds together so you can enjoy them. The skanks that get up on stages and sing about riding dick bicycles don't compose music. They pay other people hundreds of thousands of dollars and then slap their shitty lyrics on top.
Not necessarily, when you're a music producer there's a lot of things to keep in mind. Platforms' loudness standards, programming your own synths because other producers will call you out for using presets, mixing tracks properly using spectrograms and RMS metering, mastering, and knowing arrangement theory. Something that definitely separates a good producer from a shit producer is experience and knowledge about audio, equipment, music theory, audio engineering, and how to keep it interesting for yourself.
A lot of producers learn piano and/or guitar and apply that in their own music. I practice guitar for 30 minutes or more a day so I can use it properly in my music.
>Electronic music dates back to the 1920s.

So what? You realize modern classical subgenres (like serialism) prior to the 20th century were promoted by Jews to dismantle the tenets of Romanticism and degrade Western values, right? Early electronic music came straight out of that lineage. It's degenerate even in its most "pure", intellectual form.
thanks for answering
Tard. There were a lot of great and respected musicians who weren't bards. How do you think great masterpieces like long sleeves survived. Jesus fuck. The only thing that's changed in music is that the composician now can be a complete fucking retard, especially if you're not in the classical genre.

Modern art is fucking dead.
>Anyone baring physical or mental disability can learn to play n instrument at a basic level in less then a year.
yet they're mostly too lazy and prefer making "electronic" on fruity loopz ®
thank god dnb is dead. kill yourself edgy cunt.
I know this bitch she's inn medical school with my fiance
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>I am a musician
>I make electronic music
>electronic music
The best dnb came from AU. Neck yourself faggot.
Any tips for someone in the music business man? I've started an apprenticeship with a guy who has some pretty serious connections but I am still a lowly lvl 1 scrub with a long grind ahead
>t. faggot who only listens to bjork and the decemberists
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it's trash, literal nigger genre.

you just described a music producer you fucking autist. Composers write scores for orchestras.
Lisa, you have a lot of IMPLYING to do!
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I don't think the average person composing electronic loop based music has a great deal of talent. It is trial and error. Anyone can do it, I have done it. Install a pirate copy of Sony Vegas or whatever, have a basic understanding of rhythm and structure then tinker until it sounds good. You can't do that with guitar bass and drums, all of which I play. You can record a guitar track a million times, but if you do not have the chops it will sound shit, and no one will listen to what you have made.
If you have a keyboard/guitar and you are composing a few seconds of music to add to your mix, that is going to be looped, you can do it again and again until it sounds right. Try to record a 6 minute guitar or drum track like that, and see how far you get. It isn't the same, and it doesn't require the same level of talent.
>First World Problems
No, nigger, you're only listening to the likes of Spor and Black Sun Empire. Try giving someone like Nelver or Xilent a try.
>I am a musician. I make real music, run a label, and have been active for over years now. I'm pretty famous in my field, though obviously I can't say who i am. Though my genre is pretty niche by mainstream standards, my tracks have hundreds of plays on Spotify etc.. I make shit money from royalties and have effectively retired now. I have state supported guaranteed income until the day I die and I only continue to make music because it's fun.

There, fixed that for you.
What's all this then?
But what kind of bard do you want to be? Beck? Or Manowar?
Anyone can figure out a music scale, 5 basic chord progressions, and 3 poly rhythms and become a music producer too.

Pick an instrument, pick an effect, put it on a sine wave, add kick.
>put it on a sine wave
And like that, you show that you don't know what you're talking about.
Scrubstep played on two midi controllers.
>Why even continue living, now I know the truth about what I am, lads?
The truth is you wouldn't even be a bard.
You would be the clown who would travel from town to town to shout news from the king on some sewer ridden square where you wouldn't know the difference between people gnarling or smiling at you because crooked teeth ingerland.
You would be pelted with shit and rotten fruit. Just like (((musicians))) like you should be.
You do any mentoring? I've been producing for 6 years now and the final brick wall I'm trying to get past is getting the final mix to work and have it work with today's loudness standards. I've read some of Izotope's guides on all of that and I'm still not getting it.
>Had I been born 500 years ago
impossible you are the product of your ancestors
if your parents didn't met or they would've fucked a minute later you wouldn't exist
I know it's not always possible due to budget, but I always highly recommend leaving the mixdown/mastering stages to someone else, especially the latter. A fresh pair of ears which aren't emotionally tied to the project makes things better, always.

If you do it yourself, then don't use any limiters, compressors (especially multiband) or heavy EQ on the master bus. Don't worry if it doesn't sound loud, because that is achieved in the mastering stage anyway. Just make sure your mix is in-phase, works well in mono, and has good, clean instrument separation. Always use a spectrum analysis tool to check the EQ and make sure you don't have any stray/resonant peaks. Don't trust your ears, they will lie to you. Also listen to the mix on mutliple playback devices, including headphones. A good mix will sound decent on everything. Again, don't worry about volume - mastering engineers have the best gear to achieve this, without turning your mix into a brick wall.
Is your moor blood preventing you from understanding the concept of hypothetical situations?
>there's a really good electronic music scene
>doesn't post hard acid techno

Literally the only genre with some dignity left.
Because they're plebs, literally, and they hate anything they don't know or understand. Electronic music was theorized in 1916 even before it was possible to achieve it technically. Just like some mathematical theories have existed seemingly in a vacuum for decades before physicists stumble uppon a practical application. And just like any other musical movement that existed since the dawn of the human race it has its geniuses and its duds.
>The Art of Noises (Italian: L'arte dei Rumori) is a Futurist manifesto, written by Luigi Russolo in a 1913 letter to friend and Futurist composer Francesco Balilla Pratella. In it, Russolo argues that the human ear has become accustomed to the speed, energy, and noise of the urban industrial soundscape; furthermore, this new sonic palette requires a new approach to musical instrumentation and composition. He proposes a number of conclusions about how electronics and other technology will allow futurist musicians to "substitute for the limited variety of timbres that the orchestra possesses today the infinite variety of timbres in noises, reproduced with appropriate mechanisms".
Almost every electronic music producer who has "made it" plays piano/keyboard and/or guitar/bass senpai. wrong.jpg

What's your excuse?
Looks like fun even tho it sounds like shit.
listen to any jazz jesus christ
not if they are extremely dumb
this "I could've been born somewhere else" is a globalist bullshit being fed to our kids since kindergartens
The whole refugee situations comes from "they were unlucky to be born in poor nations" wich is a lie
They are poor cause their ancestors weren't smart enough and that's it
Even our former treasure president said something like that wich makes you think "why would he care then about the wellbeing of our nation, we could've been born in CHina"
Lifting would unlock a prestige class - Battle Minstrel
>you just described a music producer you fucking autist. Composers write scores for orchestras.

Laughing at the irony of this post.
> Actually makes money
> Music played on BBC and Spotify
> Still comes to the weeaboo Nazi underground collective for affirmation
Just goes to show; you never know who you're talking to on 4Chinz. OP could be a faggot, or OP could be a massive, dick chomping, BARD faggot.
It is,weird how capitalism frequently rewards,the least vital and important jobs with the most money.
There are a few guys on Fivr who do a pretty good job, or you can try LANDR. If you don't understand mastering, just leave it to someone else.
Sorry if this sounds elitist as fuck, but the truth is, if you're selling your services for a fiver on sites like this, then you're probably not in any position to be giving out worthwhile advice.

If your art is important to you, then get your mastering done professionally. £120/hour seems like a lot of money, but it's a few hours of your time/money for art which may well last hundreds of years. You're doing a disservice to yourself and your (eventual) fans by putting out sub-standard stuff, just to save money.
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The problem with moving these threads is that they all died regardless, so you might as well have deleted them instead.
Literally millions doing the same shit. Everyone can make "electronic music". Fuck now I'm tilted when I hear these kind of fucking people. Makes me rot inside a bit.
could it be? a thread NOT from /pol/?

It is a /pol/ thread
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>play actual music
Producing sounds in a melody is actual music

A musical instrument is an instrument created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument.
Machines can be instruments.

>learn songs and perform live

Fuck off with your reddit-tier stance on music.
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