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Why is everyone so fake?

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I cant quite pinpoint it but for some reason around 2005-2006 the world turned to complete shit.

It's like sociopaths are seen as normal and normal as weak.

How will this effect our children?
Social media
Social media
It's almost as if someone or a group of someones started campaigns to make the world worse. It's too bad we fell for it
They realized it's time, dude. The end times are here. The earth dying and will be at least half dead by 2050. Population control and looking for a way to GTFO Earth and or steal as many souls as they can before the Lords' return and or the bees dying.


Social media forces us to look outward at a community of a thousand or so people we met over our lifetimes THAT WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT WHATSOEVER rather than the immediate 50 person community of our daily lives.
what the fuck
>rather than the immediate 50 person community of our daily lives
fuck I hate those guys though
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>I cant quite pinpoint it but for some reason

Smart Phones, particularly iPhones?
They let everyone start using Facebook instead of just college students.
>our children
What children? Many of us have simply been priced out from that ever being a reality. Can't afford my own when I'm paying for someone else's retarded spawn, who aren't even white. Just sitting here waiting for the shooting to start.
i dunno in 2006 the only difference i noticed is that the hotties i know started giving me their pictures to fap to for free
i liek it
I blame television. Being cocky and extremely passive aggressive became the only style of humor. Thus people imitated it and it became the new default. I put my tv in the closet back in 2000 and haven't looked back since.
Define "sociopath".
It's a vague fucking term that liberals love, and it, half the time, just means "this person doesn't cry and beat their chest about the same things I do".
If anything, I'd argue it's the opposite. People are too nice, and that's been weaponized to make them do stupid fucking things by the millions that will have DIRE fucking consequences, even for the people who were supposed to be the beneficiaries of said things.

That's why I try my best to be active-aggressive
But there was no difference between facebook and myspace back then. Really the blame should be on easy constant Internet access via smart phones. Before smart phones the majority of people on social media were teens and 20 somethings interested in computers/video games/music who had a computer. Now every fuckhead adult is online ranting like their opinion means something, and 15 years ago most of them didn't give a shit about computers...
>how will this effect our children
I fucking hate faggots like you OP
If you're on this site you shouldn't be having children or caring about them. You're not one of us.
Youtube, scripted "reality" tv shows that don't disclose that fact, a greater display of wealth via the internet, more awareness of how fucked in the head rich people are and thus what we have to do to compete, etc.

excuse me for my language.
"the" children
Oh it looks like you stepped in the wrong bored back you go.

women get infinite attention from men.
women get overwhelmed by this attention and then fuck 10/10 men
10/10 men pump and dump
rinse and repeat till 30
women are bitter, vast majority of men are bitter, small minority of men live like kings.
civilization spirals downward.
This is 1992: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APyfEY814-w

Is this North Korea?
narcissism from social media
people only document the parts of their lived they want others to see
or they document their manifest self hatred to receive pity
>Now every fuckhead adult is online ranting like their opinion means something, and 15 years ago most of them didn't give a shit about computers...
drop all traffic from mobile devices and watch as your website loses 50% of it's traffic but becomes better
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>I was elected president in 200_
Howdy anon

Social media breeds narcissism like no other. Not only that but people block everything they don't want to hear and doesn't enable them, so they just surround themselves with attention from enablers and degenerate distractions.

Theres no social censure save disapproval from your enablers, and no reinforcement of real values and proper behavior.
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The world literally ended sometime around then, and we're disembodied intelligences being kept in an illusory state while some kind-hearted superintelligence tries to figure out what to do with us.

And the illusion is breaking down.
actually it was around 9-11-2001 where the world went to complete shit. It just took a while for it to come back around to USA
blaming media is some feminist tier shit man, its way deeper than that
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You need to understand that 9/11 was the functional end of the world, and the fumes of the "end of history" ran out by the middle of the 2000's. What this means is that the inertia of Western Civilization finally ran out and uncoincidentally this is right when shit like gay marriage triumphed. The reason everything feels like utter shit is because the world has lost its center. We've fully become swallowed by nihilism and things that once gave society direction and purpose like religion no longer influence enough people to matter. The spirit of gravity is drowning us and we'll die if we don't do something about that.

Western civilization is dead. Our only purpose now is to avenge it and ensure something better than this jewish modernist hellscape replaces it.
We need socialism
The good people haven't banded together yet is all.
What if there was some kind of massive nuclear reaction that shot down into the ground and exploded the Earth on 9-11?

Except, God ensured that we would always have an Earth so when we unexpectedly blew it up, He intervened and in a flash booted up a new universe?

Obama was like His attempt to see if we would buy a world of diversity but people hated his creation and people rebelled by rioting and racial hatred.

Trump is Gods plan to give us what we want which is ultimate redpilling to see what the true world is. We harnessed meme magic through certain prophets and have instituted a planet simulation which is slowly but surely waking everyone up.

Apocalypse actually means a great awakening, not necessarily the end of the world and Bible prophesied a New Earth led by Jesus. Maybe it was meant that we would destroy our Earth and then through dimensional manipulations and increasing world absurdity and hollowness to 11, God is showing humanity that we ARE in His simulation and need to wake up so that we can serve his son in the new world.
Everything has gone to shit since 2001 and will continue to get worse, probably culminating with the end of the world via World War 3 or some planetary-wide disaster of our making.
gaslighting media kikes altered your perception of reality

....Today faggots cant see that all changed after 2001, like a rift in our dimension and all we have now is chaos...

2001 is the diverging point when we crossed into the wrong timeline. Everything after felt off and kept getting worse until we got to how things are today.

When whe see the towers falling i think our world went together..
The absolute degenerate behavior of the baby boomers finally came to head in the 2000's.

>boomers rejected God
>they watered down the church
>they forced feminism
>they forced multiculturalism
>they supported degenerate post-modern art
>they embraced corrupt politics
>they let the family fall apart with 50% divorce rate because they are a bunch of savage niggers who can't stop cheating
>they are generally dilusional and nihlistic assholes but they don't even know it

Worst generation in American history, if they weren't going to die soon I would suggest they go to the gas chamber ASAP.

We are cleaning up the mess of the boomers. We need to do the complete opposite of what they did, and also rail against them publicly.
This, thanks to social media and it becoming more accessible.
Around late 1990s, especially 2001, this nation went to complete SHIT.

We knew we had it a little too good in the 90s and 2001 really seemed to be the tipping point that destroyed everything in this country.

2001 was such a letdown to the freespirit that the world went into depression
>We need to do the complete opposite of what they did, and also rail against them publicly.
"Fix yourself before you go fixing others"
t. Jordan Peterson
The 90's was the last great decade before globalism truly hit us. Tech was at a perfect level to where you could have instant communication, but still had normal interactions with those around you. Jobs were everywhere, even if you didn't go to college for the right degree. The golden era of video gaming in both gaming systems and arcades.

There's no going back m8s. Trump will probably make America better than it is now, but I doubt we can go back to a time before globalism.
The 90s were the zenith of the boomer civilization, essentially all the bad things had yet to kick in but all the good stuff was there. The fall of the Soviet Union only made it even better.

The mid-late 90s (Around 1997 I'd say) was the peak if it were a graph. We've been in steady decline ever since
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>Around late 1990s, especially 2001, this nation went to complete SHIT.

>yfw you realize the Communist movement predated the Soviet Union
>and was related but independent to the Soviet Union
>and it has continued after the collapse of the USSR
>and its greatest victory was when it pretended to die
>and now they've quietly become in charge almost everywhere
The gradual increase of magnification of the self under a microscope with social media self awarness people resort to just putting on perpetual acts, look at footage of people back in the day so aloof care free, now look at people now in the sidewalk they carry the same terror of a person in the 50's first night on a Broadway stage, the fakeness of our people personally hurts me cause its hard to find people to connect with.
Things started to go downhill in about 1996.
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>but I doubt we can go back to a time before globalism.

Read Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan, and then think about how the Internet works in terms of its structure as a medium, and you'll see that globalism peaked about 10 years ago and is rapidly becoming impossible.

Federalism is the future and is inevitable, unless the Internet can be replaced with something centralized.
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>fix yourself before you go fixing others

Many of Peter's philosophies are incredibly stupid and loosely reference out-of-context Bible verses.

A idea like that will take you no-where. At what point is somebody "fixed"? It's a vague relative idea that will take everybody to a dead end, and will probably result in a lot of puritan virtue signaling.

The younger generations have not even had a chance to be half as bad as the baby boomers. They are truly a disgusting wicked generation, and the sooner we identify their perversion, the sooner we can get back on track.

The boomers brought us to where we are. You don't need to be perfect to point out that boomers have ruined society and raised a horrible generation of people (millenials) who are almost as bad as themselves, you only need to be not-as-bad to point this out.

Here's a very interesting sermon on this subject
Globalisation and the rise of mobile/Internet technologies did ao much more harm to our societies than most people would care to admit. This all shifted into 'overdrive' in the latter half of the 90s.
Is 2005 when you turned 18?
People tend to overrate then 90s as a whole. 90-95 were fantastic years, but the decade began to decline in about 96. The late 90s weren't that good at all tbph.

'96 was definitely when everything went wrong.
>Many of Peter's philosophies are incredibly stupid and loosely reference out-of-context Bible verses.
if you'll actually listen to him, you'll notice that he's not taking the bible verses literally.

>A idea like that will take you no-where.
and nihilism/blaming your forefathers will?
great, we know the boomers fucked everything up! what now, are we just going to sit around and blame them more?

>At what point is somebody "fixed"?
there is no clearly defined point, because the entire idea of "fixing yourself" is to improve yourself. there's no well defined end point, and there isn't meant to be.

sort yourself out. your autistically literal thinking is preventing you from gaining anything from peterson's work.
I really don't think social media has been as bad as people pretend it has been.

Schools, churches, dysfunctional family units, economic problems, entertainment, alcohol, drugs, and maybe multiculturalism have been a much bigger problem than social media. Social media only amplifies the effects of these root causes and acts as an escape mechanism for a dysfunctional society.

People imagine they are somebody else through social media to get away from a meaningless existence caused by the problems listed above.
Things might have been healthier societal wise in decades prior because there definitely was feminism and all of that but it still had the most innovative stuff. Although actually the 80's were pretty cool too. It's kind of more the years '80-'95 that are the best.
it is honestly this. no one will ever prove it though because the second you postulate it, you're called a sexist retard or some shit. But I'm pretty certain it's this.

women's narcissism is running rampant, leaving only the most narcissist men to compete; breeding further narcissism
>'96 was definitely when everything went wrong

Did my birth ruin the world? ;_;
Obligatory "it all went wrong when Hitler lost" post.
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Sure did. But the pendulum which has swung towards centralization for the last 150 years is now moving in the other direction, fast.

The medium is the message. People who used to think like newspapers and TV are starting to think like the Internet, and centralized power in an Internet world is slowly becoming literally unthinkable. It is no coincidence that as publishers and later studios used to broadcast over massive geographical areas from centralized locations, central governments became massively powerful. Now, decentralized power centers are the future, because as content sources are scattered everywhere in the Internet.

That's why the resurgence of libertarianism and its related ideologies started online and have been steadily becoming more mainstream, at the same time the Internet has steadily displaced the old, Hollywood/New York-centered media models.

We're the tip of the spear in an inevitable change in human consciousness, towards decentralization of power. It's happened before, with increasing speed, in the opposite direction, over the last century -- but the Internet moves a lot faster than the old media ever did.
Doing the opposite of what boomers have done would be personal development you dumb cunt. What do you think the counterculture revolution was if not an attempt to change the world? Fucking idiot.

People behave differently in private and non-private settings. Thanks to their tendency to put fucking everything on social media, their life has become entirely non-private.

Really fucking obvious with everyone you know a little better, too. Their social media feeds do not represent who they really are at all.
the 90s was the last of the true generation before we went to shit

we played out as kids,climbed trees,talked to girls without needing a computer,we socialized,we didnt have mobile phones we didnt have the internet...we was normal

i want to go back...
Same. I don't watch tv either and people are always shocked when I tell them and look at me like I'm some weirdo
I just remember the 90s being so fucking fun and people were just so easy going and carefree. The parks were filled with kids rollerblading, skate boarding, playing with super soakers/water balloons. People just walking around listening to their walkman/cd player. Kids and teens always invited each other over to play the newest video games or watch the newest movie their parents got for them on vhs.

Beaches, malls, theaters, amusement parks were packed and nobody seemed to give a shit as long as they were having fun! The biggest difference of all was most people were WHITE!
>he's not taking the bible verses literally

That's his problem. He doesn't actually understand The Bible. He builds basic-bitch philosophy 101 frameworks around Bible memes that were taken out of context to begin with. The Bible does not tell people to withhold judging until you are perfect yourself, it just says "don't be as bad the person you're judging".

>somehow deflect to nihilism

I have no idea how you came up with that from what I said. Of course people should strive to improve themselves, that is the level of wisdom you see on a inspirational poster at a corporate office. It's nothing new or profound.

We need to identify the problems we're having and identify what caused them so we can solve them. Most people do not understand that babyboomers are absolute shit-tier people. In fact, many people romance the idea of the 60's civil rights movement and think the boomers were heroes.

>there is no end point

But this philosophy tells you to "fix yourself" or "clean your room" before you try to tell other people how to live. Okay, well when is your room clean? When are you "fixed"? At what point are you authorized to try and make a difference in society?

This is why Peterson's philosophies are very hollow, unpractical, and basically the equivalent of a corny marketing slogan.

>sort yourself out
>autistic ramblings

Peterson is a brainlet. Somehow, he has a strong following on /pol/. It leads me to believe /pol/ is filled with 18 year olds who have not even entered college yet.
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not me guys. time for sleepies
2007/08 were the worst years of my life something shifted then and hasn't gone back
In 1996, globalism and Soros' Metropolis Project invited the 3rd world army to rape and pillage of the 1st world.

>sociopaths are normal
>normal is weak
>any level of testosterone or liberty is 'insanity'

I've started to notice that just about any display of masculinity is taboo in public. You can't raise your voice, you can't even jokingly punch anyone, you can't have a proper conversation with a man without everyone around you panicking and calling the cops because you're actually being serious about something for once in your life, and look at what they're doing to kids!

Kids can't fight anymore, they aren't allowed to go out without supervision (niggers fault really) they can't bump a knee or scrape an elbow without immediate intervention. I mean, is it any wonder men are growing up in increasing femininity? They've completely purged masculinity from society and act as though it's a good thing everyone is caddy and hides behind good manners
2009-2011 was absolutely suicide-tier.

I think I was 17-19 during those years. Then 20-25 (am now 25) progressively got better, now I am decently content and doing pretty ok.

Ironically, the rise of SJWs sort of snapped me back into reality. I was sort of a centralist maybe left-leaning pot smoking degenerate faggot until I moved to a major city and met a lot of SJWs. Then I said to myself "Holy fucking shit what is up with these people? Why are they constantly hating on Christianity? What is so bad about Christianity anyway? They don't even have a fucking argument".

This naturally drove me back to Christianity.

no springs.
>watch tv
>rots my brain
>switch to only watching film made pre-80's
>realize there's nothing wrong with silence in a conversation
>improve focus
>diction comes out better
>more involved in friend's lives

I watched Kagemusha the other day and for once in my life I felt like I could just talk to people in earnest. They even responded relatively well to it themselves and made better eye contact and spoke more directly to one another.

Helps if you read philosophy too, teaches you to focus and form a full thought
>believes that globalisation is failing
china, india, islam, western imperialism would like to have a word with you


Nosaj thing.

giving 8 year olds iphones was when it all went downhill
God I wish I could relive the 90s.
the 2001 molochian sacrifice shifted us to the under one global moloch order timeline

back in the 60s there were major protests in NYC against building the WTC, because there was literally, absolutely no real reason and no practical purpose for the WTC. at the time, the area was a residential neighborhood and NYC suffered from a high office vacancy rate. one of the major objections was that the project was financially unsound since there was already an economic crisis from a surplus of empty office space in NYC.

most office buildings were vacant and people protested against destroying a residential neighborhood for a useless office building that would just add to the inventory of struggling, empty office space market.

the gov't ignored all financial, social, and practical issues and continued with the "purposeless" project and throughout the WTC's existence, vacancy rate was always high for WTC, and also for NYC. WTC was practically empty throughout the 70s, 80s, 90s

the purpose of the "11" building was finally revealed on the mega occult ritual sacrifice of 2001
>Helps if you read philosophy too, teaches you to focus and form a full thought

Any recommendations for that? I don't have much interest in viewing reality at ever more different angles, but some "practical applyable" philosophy would interest me greatly.
The construction of the first World Trade Center was conceived by David Rockefeller

In 1946 Winthrop Aldrich chairman of Chase bank ( and uncle to David and Nelson Rockefeller) explored the feasibility of the World Trade Center project.

Port Authority formally backed the project on March 11, 1961.

On January 22, 1962, the two states reached an agreement to allow the Port Authority to take over the railroad and to build the World Trade Center on Manhattan's lower west side

Protests before and while the World Trade Center was constructed, as to whether the Port Authority really ought to take on the project, described by some as a "mistaken social priority". (the goyim sensed the masonic b.s.)

real estate developers and members of the Real Estate Board of New York also expressed concerns about this much "subsidized" office space going on the open market, competing with the private sector when there was already a glut of vacancies

Yamasaki as lead architect, who had previously designed Saudi Arabia's Dhahran International Airport with the Saudi Binladin Group (more masonic molochism)

The plaza was modelled after Mecca, incorporating features such as a vast delineated square, a fountain, and a radial circular pattern. Yamasaki described the plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the Wall Street area.

twin 110-story towers

demolition work began on March 22, 1966 to clear the residential site, Radio Row

With his brother Nelson serving as New York’s governor, Rockefeller lined up support from the bi-state, New York/New Jersey Port Authority agency. A wealthy, quasi-public commission, the Port Authority, was using public tax payer money to fund, build and occupy the vacant WTC.

the govt agency, the Port Authority owners of WTC were themselves the tenants of the WTC, since it was always vacant. even with the Port Authority occupancy did not alleviate the vacancy issue.

The idea was immediately slammed by business leaders who saw it as clear evidence that the project had no legs. "The Governor is using taxpayers' dollars to bail out the Port Authority," one critic told the New York Times. "There is no need for the World Trade Center and there are no tenants."
>Heidegger believed the Western world to be on a trajectory headed for total war,[62] and on the brink of profound nihilism[63] (the rejection of all religious and moral principles),[64] which would be the purest and highest revelation of Being itself,[65] offering a horrifying crossroads of either salvation or the end of metaphysics and modernity;[66] rendering the West a wasteland populated by tool-using brutes, characterized by an unprecedented ignorance and barbarism[67] in which everything is permitted.[68]
>He thought the latter possibility would degenerate mankind generally into scientists, workers and brutes;[69] living under the last mantle of one of three ideologies, Americanism, Marxism or Nazism[70] (which he deemed metaphysically identical, as avatars of subjectivity and institutionalized nihilism),[71] and an unfettered totalitarian world technology.[69] Supposedly, this epoch would be ironically celebrated, as the most enlightened and glorious in human history.[72]
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The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual


That was your post cold war exaltation.

Buchanan ran in 1992 on the same platform he stays today, and have been staying since the 1960s.

George F. Kennan, another interesting figure essential to Ameica's direction, started to backtrack from his ideas long before shit hit the fan.

Things don't just happen. They develop. If you track how the Soviet Union become obsolete, it wasn't just whoopsy and it's over. People started to write pessimistic books.
not only social media but it's arts and architecture too that have a hand in this matter.


watch and you will know why everybody is a drone.
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jesus, that pic gives me the spooks
>rather than the immediate 50 person community of our daily lives
This is extremely important. If you meet someone with friends in the triple digits, they're absolutely subhuman.
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>the future was a scam
Yes. Phoneposting makes you lazy

Im foampostin rite now and c
wtf I hate Nintendo now
Nah, it was the future sane people wanted vs the Jewish hell that the psychopath zionists wanted
Sociopath is someone who doesn't feel empathy or remorse about anything. I think they can't feel at all except the most basic emotions like fear.
Stop bitchiung :^) worlds gotta go fast
mad cimplx
ins8 b78
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its ok

Trumpf is predizent nao
why did goys take the bait?
>CTRL+F social media
>15 hits
/pol/ does not disappoint. But yeah it basically boils down to that.
Those 5 years post ww2 saw some shit. Plans were laid for the end of the world.




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I hate pictures that dumb narcissistic sluts take when they're either sticking their tongue out or pouting their lips.

>Pic related
social media turned everyone into celebrities and celebrities shit on normies and freaks.
special snowflakes?
This, and these
Or whatever kind of faggots with literal paintbrushes on their heads
Look at pic related, if (s)he would target me in any way i'd literally tear that kid apart, yet (s)he acts like some kind of god, just because he makes shitty music
And people are copying this behavior like brainless cunts because they want to be "famous" or whatever the fuck
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This is an interesting one tho
Do not reply to /pol/ imptrash without putting sage in the options field. Do not let mods ruin this board.
Its because of alienation, fampai. People no longer see eachother as peers but as opponents and society has gone to shit because of it

Hilariously, many of the people who have been affected worst by it refuse to learn about the one system that aims to solve the problem because the corporations who benefit from it have convinced them that communism is some horrible conspiracy to kill white people and steal their toothbrushes
If your dog keeps shitting inside on the rug, do you reward him on the rare occasion he shits on the kitchen tile?
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