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Thread replies: 148
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Are you feeling alright bong?
navy guys are the most cucked ones, if you are in the navy you shouldn't have a gf or wife
They all look half-black.
he was gone six months not a year wtf britbong
I'd love to be a fart so that I could BRRAAPP in that ass
its entirely plausable that the child is his

looks maybe late 7 early 8 months into the pregnancy

Wife sisnt know she was pregnant for 7 week's or hif it from him
holy shit the kids are black.
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Sailor here this is 1000% true. I'm still trying to get my waifu registered in DEERS for the benefits but they keep denying it.
kek here we call cucks deers, goats, ie anything with horns
DEERS never works for me so I can't even attempt this not that I even have a wife gf or waifu.
What the fuck is this stupid brap meme
i hope he has the good sense to get a paternity test asap
>grasping at straws
corno, that's the word in PT.
Am i missing something?
Been out of the Navy ten years after serving 6. I was lucky to have friends go in before me. They told me if there was anything I learned from their experience was never ever ever ever ever fuck a boat hoe. I saw so many marriages ruined, banks accounts emptied out, 18 year olds divorces with a baby and another on the way. That piece of advice saved my life. I believe this goes for all branches except the chair force. They don't really count.
Quite pungent my dear
No one of them definitely is though.
>6 months at sea
You are aware of how long human gestation is right
>Italian navy

What did you do apart from sail up and the Mediterranean eating pasta?
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>Getting DEERS to do anything.

Good luck lad.
is that hint of onion chutney? mmm quite delectable
I saw shit like that happen when I was in the Army. Don't get married while enlisted.
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picking up niggers to bring them to mother europa
Yeah it's a fucking nightmare but any time I don't feel like working I just say I'm going to work on DEERS and everyone leaves me alone. It's a win win situation.
They don't. Have people on /pol/ never seen a nigger or something?
It's not like that's new, wifes cucking their husbands while they're at war is as old as war itself
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Just noticed the Italy flag on my last post. US Navy vet if it wasn't obvious. I'm vacationing in Italy for the summer. Damn it feels good to be childless. Cheers from the villa I'm currently at in Florence.
I've eaten lots of beans like you asked step pepper. My tummy is really rumbling! Do you like my new panties pep pep? I got them for you, I better pull them down so I don't get them messy. Oh, *GRGRGRRLLL* I think it's cl-*BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPFT* teeheehee! I love how your nose tickles my asshole when you sniff! I see you are getting hard father figure, take it out, you know you want to. Do you like the way my poot chute feels on your dangler? OH DEAR *BRRRPPPFFFFT* oh no, you got cum all over my new panties!
Check my other post crumpets. >>1223148
>4 months pregnant
>6 months at sea

You realize 6 months isn't 9 months
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>boots never learn to avoid bargoyles
>Boots get married to dependas so they can move out of the barracks
>boot becomes PVT and gets deployed
>is shocked when dependa shits out a half black kid before he gets back

Tale as old as the modern era. If you're in the military, you DO NOT GET MARRIED. YOU DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH WOMEN. You WILL get cheated on the instant you get deployed. They're marrying your paycheck and benefits, not you you fucking greenhorn.
I'd dumb her, and her shitty fucking kids immediately.
That is at least a 6 month belly. Looks like a 7 or 8.
Well it is his fault
The fuck do people expect when they leave for months at a time
>muh fish collection
its gonna be blacked
Where did it say 4 months pregnant? Says 4th pregnancy.
what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?
>Getting married while in the military even after hearing all the infamous stories

My hypothesis was right, people really never do learn.
Get a hold of yourself, Fritz.
link to thread?
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nice get

also sage
my guess is the brit thought this was a double whammy with the manlet factor, but looks like it twas only one

One of my favorite quotes: “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.”
I'm not saying he deserves to be cucked but why do modern men have so much faith in women when they obviously don't have the same faith in men?
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3/4 white children aren't too bad by bong standards.
Where are you stationed i can help you with a step by step process to get things do :)
I tried to save my buddy from it. But it's hard to get them to come to grips. He had that whole "I'm gonna go defend my country like my dad and his dad," burned into his head, went off to the sandbox for awhile, came back, knew he was going back because of his mos, and married a troll looking jew bitch with a heap of student loan debt. Honestly, who the fuck goes into physics and just stops at a BA and expects any fucking related job positions to be open to you?

The only thing that makes him happy in his current life is having a daughter, but now that she's getting older, she's looking more and more like her mom everyday, and I just know that's going to eat at him.

To any armed forces members reading this, remember, it is all too easy for someone deployed in a combat situation to become emotionally dependent on their current girlfriend or boyfriend and to confuse that emotional dependency as love.
Don't fall into the trap, lads and lasses.
what? He was 6month out , pregnancy takes 9months
im going to tell you something because you are a limey little bitch that doesnt know anything... six months deployment, possibility of leave. do the math
thank you for posting this, there are many men that need to heed this advice
If you're going into the military it's probably just better for your mental health to decide to be a gay.
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>wifes cucking their husbands while they're at war is as old as war itself

Is this true? Are there historical examples of this?
>expects to defend his country while he can't even defend his marriage.

Is that Seth Rich?
It's not that hard in the Navy either. I say this as former squid, it ain't gay if it's underway
the gestation period of a human baby is 9 months you fucking underage alien
I'm not in the military but i've seen this happen with a childhood friend. He went in to the army, got married and the wife ended up sleeping around every chance she got. When he found out after getting back from Iraq the first time it got fucking ugly. He was total suicide mode for a while.
>only 6 months away
>has a 6month belly
are you guys just pretending to be retarded?
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Why do you think chastity belts were a thing?
but at least he got to fight for isreal
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Guys who go to the army are low class plebs, they tend to have low class women in their social circle and therefore in their love life.
Low class women are low morals sluts.
That's all there is to it.
>risk your life for israel
>get brainwashed into thinking you are rad and cool thanks to Call of Duty: Psyops warfare
>get home
>see this

It's his baby you fucking idiot

Christ you people are so fucking stupid

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Two reasons:
1) To prevent women from being raped
2) To prevent women from masturbating
>boat hoe
love this -- i want one
>6 months
Every woman shows differently but it seems entirely plausible that the kid is his given her "bump" seems a bit more than 6 months. It's in that time period between the 2nd and 3rd trimester that women really begin to show. That bump is probably a bit more than 6 months. Also, I've heard from dudes in the military, they all say it's kind of a wink-and-nod situation with cheating while only deployment. They all know there's a possibility or even a probability of it, but men and women in uniform simply don't talk about it.
>Navy wives.
Dude better get a DNA test. I have seen this end badly Soooooo many times.
it's pretty gay but carrier life was pretty easy to survive.

high test environment with clean water, clear focus on work, and lots of gyms for exercise
Well the Germans cucked the French pretty hard during the occupation.
The French being cowards, they beat up and shaved the women instead of going after the German soldiers.
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on vacation, aka sitting in his hotel room drinking alone after midnight posting on /pol/
What's the redpilled way to stop women from being cheating whores?

In his defense we brits gestate over a much shorter 5 month period. By the look of that picture she's holding a rather large clutch.
Death Penalty for adultery.
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>Guys who go to the army are low class plebs,
What part of Navy wife do you not get? Than again your probably a civilian and don't know about the legendary Navy Wife.
It happened also in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Italy
In Poland and East Europe it didn't cause women were "occupied" by soviet troops
I asked my dad why he never married when he was in the Navy. He told me this:
>When I was in the Navy, I didn't get married because Uncle Sam never issued me a wife. I figured if they thought I needed a wife-surely they'd issue one to me.
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So many virgins in this thread...
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[spoiler]I didn't actually mean that about the French, sorry m8[/spoiler]
Whew lads. I have first hand experience with this. Back in the early 1990, I was 17 and had been dating a wild ass 15 year old. She ran away to Virginia Beach to stay with her older sister. Older sis lived in some shit hole apartment where I couldn't even get Chinese delivery it was so dangerous with wilding niggers. Anyway, the 1st gulf war was gearing up and guys were getting deployed left and right. My GFs sister would babysit the kids from the apartment complex we were staying at. As soon as those dudes got on the boat to be shipped off and have their brains blown out, their whore wives were lined up to drop their kids off to her. Some of them would stay gone for days on end, never hear word from them. They'd eventually show up looking like they'd been riding dicks eyes wide open strung out on coke for 3 days straight. That is when I got the redpill on women /pol/ bros. They're all fucking whores when their men aren't there to watch them.
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That always intrigued me. There's something really beautiful about the whole thing. The dynamics at play. Can you imagine what it was like for the french men? Completely humiliated and subjugated, reduced to mere servants not only by the stronger and more dominant German soldier, but also by his wife, who rightfully punishes his weakness by cuckolding him and becoming pregnant with German seed.
>not punishing your people for betraying your contry.
Who's really cucked here?
To give me an erection.
What board is that? Looks like Fucked Company.

Why do you think the blacksmiths apprentice meme was so prevalent?
>blacksmiths apprentice
What do you mean?
Maybe you could explain for those of us fortunate enough to have not been involved in the military.
I can certainly believe this with regard to the type of women enlisted military personnel would end up marrying.

Blacksmiths son was like the pool boy of the middle ages.

Mostly because he could take the belt of and replace it when hes done.
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The only thing more cucked is being married to a female in the military. Their divorce rate is double males in the military.
>brits gestate over a much shorter 5 month period
The gestation period for sheep is about 150 days, or 5 months. Makes sense, actually.
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>are you guys just pretending to be retarded?
I think they are. The op's story is totally possible, and it is even possible it is his kid. FYI all you neets and other virgin neckbeards....Children take 9 months from start to finish inside of mommy's belly.

Pic unrelated, but more what 4chan likes to see.

That is purely confined to the mammalian welsh.
Smart phone auto correct, stfu grammar nazi.
can confirm this happens all the time. I dated a bitch that would call her "husband" on the phone and make sure he would know I was there. asking questions while on the phone with him to me and whatnot. Its a cuck thing to do really. Marry a woman and then head off to the military leaving them alone for years. What do they expect to happen.
>Maybe you could explain
Nope, I will not ruin the surprise in-store for you if you enlist. I will tell you one thing, I would not wish that fate on my worst enemy.
If the military guys can stay faithful just by jerking off to some grainy photo of their wife for the entire tour, then why can't these whores do the same?
You are ruining the language through your laziness and incompetence and contributing to the destruction of an artistic legacy passed down for millennia.
>ree save the white race muh degeneracy but taking 5 seconds to proofread and use proper English is too hard.

Are you tarded boy?
Phone posters need to be gassed.
What?! Don't tell me that you believe women being disloyal is only a recent, modern day thing?
they do that because there are no women. these women are in thier prime years and they feel betrayed.
>Phone posters need to be gassed.
Fuck yeah, fuck those faggots!

sent from my iPhone 7 plus, please excuse errors.
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That's just Jahans.
He is a silly autistic man.
You have any dependa stories?
Chastity belts were for children to not masturbate though.
Women are essentially enormous parasites that appear convincingly human. Without a host to feed off of, they will shrivel up and die.
im sure everyone here agrees that this thing is male right?
I checked into /pol/ daily when I was in Europe. It was the best heads up for terrorist attacks. I found out about riots in Paris before I heard them IRL. Saw the Nice truck attack news hours before anyone in Prague heard.
You're a stupid fucking asshole. Not only are you ignorant as shit, you can't even admit that.
The Frenchies were always known as the sluts of Europe since the middle ages, so no wonder drench """women""" where the poster childs of debasing themselves before their Invaders and being total trecherous whores

You are now aware that people who complain about "reddit spacing" are phone posters.
while working at a BX during highschool i noticed these military dudes have the most trashy wives i have ever seen. alot of them looked like ex pornstars. the old guys seemed to have nice decent looking wives but its the young guys that had the tatted up skimpy lookin broads and the benefit absorbing mamas(Filipinos). i guess when your constantly working or on ship for long periods of times you take what you can get, idk.
This is why I never go on vacation.
Holocaust for whores or just not accepting them in the first place.

You don't honestly believe that stopped them from cheating do you? It might've discouraged most of them but it sure as hell wasn't stopped all of them.
lets be real here. Why would you marry someone before you leave for years? think about it. its their own fault. They could have got a job instead. Military is for fuckups to be honest. unless you are smart and join the airforce or Coast Guard hell even the National Guard. Lets face it every war that has happened since the Korean war has been for money and or Oil.
To protect your homeland dipshit.
King david and beersheba
When stationed over seas, you get 2-4 weeks of leave.
PLENTY of time to shoot the seed?!
nigger fighting for the jewish controlled central banking system is about the most fucked thing you can do. if a real war broke out thats a different story but these faggots are just welfare queens and paid militias.
He could've knocked her up 2 months before getting deployed and he wouldn't know she was pregnant.
If he came back and was greeted by a niglet calling him dada, that would be a different story.
Because women don't have to worry about their heads being blow off by the enemy.
>Frenchies were always known as the sluts of Europe since the middle ages

What do you mean?
Sorry basement dweller I do not have the luxury of a pc while at work. I also don't expect you to know what work is either.
>enjoying euro culture
>not procreating to save it
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>Protecting the Homeland
Haha that's not what they do faggot
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Dang, Westpac Widow! lol baka
Germanic women used to be pure.
Don't ever trust a woman.

Shit posting while on the shitter.
That maple leaf's pennant is a fucking golden addition
Thread posts: 148
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