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what are you studying lads

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Thread replies: 130
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what are you studying lads
French but it's hard. I'll go to a library and get some books tomorrow.
Bonjour bonjour est ce que la prochaine révolution communiste arrivera bientôt ?
the blade
>Hello Hello is ce que la prochaine communist revolution arrivera bientôt ?

This is what I was able to translate
How to drive Serbs back to Siberia
financial risk management through an organization called GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals). I already have two masters in finance, but FRM is the most anal thing I've ever seen.
>back to Siberia
Hello hello will the next communist revolution habening soon ?
biology (more specifically genetics and epidemiology)
日本語 y español
Why is your language so difficult?
cuz we wuz latin n shiet
Finished a couple of years ago. I'm now a full time high school teacher.
You know, I feel bad when I use americanisms. It's like an insult to the English language.
Archeology and history.
Which time period?
Early bronze age and forward. I'm not aiming for a specific time period, my line of future work require a broad knowledge.
>my line of future work
Are you planning to be a teacher?
No, already have a job offer as a field archeologist as soon as my education is done.
I need to be able to identify finds from all periods.
why the hell would you lose your time here?
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I've got a sick child and I need a quiet distraction while he sleeps.
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Good choice kiddo.
Been working the field for 6 years now.
Roasties out
1st year of med, currently semester is suspended so we can protest
Economics and Philosophy
Cool. Really looking forward to getting out there.
We had a few field trips with my university and it was great.
i'm studying guerrilla warfare
you're not a real man unless you take care of your family.
For what purpose?

were you an actually good student? only the best of the best can enter med unis here
father is a president at a pmc, want to efficiently complete tasks he will give me when i am r ready

I'm having trouble picking up any of the west african languages, but I'm doing well with arabic.
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International Relations
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westerners entertainment
And sutdying french independently. Not really looking to master it, just enough to read its literature.
I'm thinking of learning german next, since it might help with my degree in some way.
Kek. When i was watching the gameplay, i was thinking the surely someone would get offended by its "cultural appropiation". But it's all in good fun. I heard that one of the developers visited Mexico and loved its so much that he wanted it on the game.
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Political Science

that's why I browse /pol/ :^)
electrical engineering
finally some patricians in this thread.
Anthropology and archeology, thinking of switching to something else though.

Cell and molecular biology
Just got accepted to study information management at an engineering school. How fucked am I?
private military contractor? Sounds like fun, you will see some very interesting shit
Become a doctor, like me. (Just kidding, don't, you'll be a well payed human slave). You will spend most of your life awake.
How the fuck did you get into Medicine? I really want to get into Medicine but my grades came out complete shit. Should I waste another year on trying to get As or should I just give up? I'd be really pissed off if I had to settle for a lower paying job.
Just go into Finance or something. Holy shit way too many people get into this for the money and end up regretting. You like having to spend almost your entire life in a hospital? Literally there are days you don't sleep at all and just pick up calls and write notes. You also are constantly afraid of lib retards sueing you for shits, like this dude who thinks I """"""raped"""""" his gf when it was just a simple examination that followed medical procedure.
I'll have some stories to tell.

I am the only son of my father and we are spiting images of each other. So I don't think I will be put in too dangerous an area, least one where I can be ransomed.
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But I studied parking laws for a week last month, but I got paid to do it
Graduated a couple of years ago, am thinking about going back to school though.
>tfw I have no idea what the fuck I want to do
>You will spend most of your life awake.

Awake as in studying now and on a 24/7 standby later in your career? what if you go for a more hipster kind of doctor like plastic surgeon?
I studied comp sci, and now I'm studying a backwards bloated mess of frustration at work.
I have no experience at all with businesses, accounting, economics or anything. I'm definitely not cut out for Finance, I can't take risks or anything.
My father is a doctor and earns a ton of money, I'm so jealous of him. I don't mind having to spend my life in a hospital, I have 0 interests except dumb shit like video games. My goal in life is to become a millionaire, and the only safe way to achieve that seems to be becoming a doctor.
Not that anon, but even if you're a plastic surgeon, you'll have to take the 8 years+ of shit before you get the cushy plastic surgeon job. You willing to slog your life for that long to get there?
Not all doctors make lots of money. Every year many get pushed to family medicine and end up making middle class income at best.
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Music education. I'll probably end up being an underpaid, burnt out high school teacher.
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excuse me?
Studying CS


X window system?
Yea this guy hits the nail on the head. Medical School and the Career as a Medical Doctor is overrated, it's actually a job that carries a lot of risks just like most other highly professional jobs like lawyers, architects and even auditors.
>8 years+ of shit
I see
Which govs are going to get toppled within the next 5 years? :^)
That suing doctors stuff is only confined to your retarded country
I'm studying for my Master's in marine engineering here at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden.
My goal is to be placed on a vessel in either the military or a research vessel.
aren't you afraid of the Kraken?
it's the questions (est-ce que, qu'est-ce que...) and the silent letters that confuses you the most I guess
worst thing is that we rarely use the correct way to ask questions so it's harder for you
>aren't you afraid of the Kraken?
No but I would love to find a real life sea monster and study it.
I love the sea and all it's mysteries, I grew up on a ship.
Medicine. There are 2 tragedies in life. One is to lose your hearts desire. The other is to gain it.

Medicine is truly a tragedy.
Web design

It's shit
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have a BSc in CS, been working 5 years
The company makes routers and switches and I work on their Linux based OS. All Enterprise stuff.
>well payed human slave
here youll just be a slave
the salaries are shit even by our standards
Just finished my B.Sc. in civil eingineering but I hate it to the point I get sick when I see a construction site. I will be doing a MBA in order to get rich without having to deal with engineering shit.
Im working at the moment
>underpaid NHS doctor
Never realized there was such a fate worse than death.
Ingieneria informática, I guess is something like computer science in english, will start first year in september hopefully
Just one more year
Advanced neet theory with a minor in japanese cartoons.
Actuarial maths
civil engineering

i really regret choosing it when i could have easily gone into electrical
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have a BSc in CS, been unemployed 2 years
Racial Biology
accounting, and I'm damm good at it

Well you can get some jerk off government job for life with great retirement and all that.

>Fuck around at the office
>Get bored
>Drive out and stand over a bunch of guys building shit
>If you're not sure about something working out, just put "field verify" on the plans so they can figure it out for you.
neet here
NEETing 101
It's harder than you think.
Artifical intelligence will take your job ese.
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Crowd psychology. Also I'm refreshing my Hungarian reading skills
too much
comp sci
it's a meme but a fun meme
Don't ever do that.
Correct me if I'm wrong
>Hello Hello is there going to be a communist revolution today?

It already has, the shekels are in taxes, laws, finances and shit like that
Mechanical engineering and then aerospace post grad.
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media studies
just finished the first year, passed all projects
feels good man

>barely any media companies on mann
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Make your own

>Manx Media LTD
>logo is a fidget spinner
algebra, personal training and spanish
Tax law
Im Jewish btw
computer engineering. Last final was about CPU architecture and instructions and they kicked my ass with it. I only need to get 3.8/10 to pass the class because I did good in the other exams but Im fucking nervous lads I may not get it
ricardo reis
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nice netherstein
computer engineering
What's with the file name? "I think I hate Michael Jackson"
>doesn't know the hilarious episode when the Simpsons go to Neverland Ranch and sue MJ for molesting Bart
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Already got my B.S. in CompSci but I still study random shit on my own. Currently reading about DSP and musical acoustics.
Where did this thread come from? First few posts don't have ID's
history, i aspire to be a history teacher
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Anatomy and Physiology, I some how passed the first exam with a 87%. It's a prerequisite course for EMT.
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Starting aviation this fall.
/pol/ more than likely. this place is where the mod move off topic /pol/ threads
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I'm training to be a primary school teacher from September.
civil engineering
ur mama
Le francais nest pas si difficle fagote
people arent good at it because its so tedious and boring that they just dont give a fuck.
Any half retarded person can be good at accounting if they so much as put two neurons in it.
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Aviation. Plan to become a private pilot
IT certs
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High five bruh!
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my niggas
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Neet 101
to escape from this shitty island
Business administration.

But I plan on transferring to OSU and studying Agri business.

Maastricht? xD
i'm a professional NEET
me too lets share notes
Thread posts: 130
Thread images: 23

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