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I'm a white girl and I drool over the thought of black

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Thread replies: 96
Thread images: 70

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I'm a white girl and I drool over the thought of black dick.... Mmmmm
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> I'm a white girl

That is new low. We both know you are a lonely 30 year old virgin cuck.

Suck on this big black crap while your at it.
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>BBC is the future ;)
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Awe poor white conservative is in disbelief
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Try again. Sorry loser :3
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I love this pose... Does anyone have more pics like it?
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Post pics then
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Those are some nice logs of shit! Let me add some!
>I'm a white girl
Of course you are son.
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So BTFO by SHITTED they resort to this! KEK! How can turdbois even compete?
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Cuck poster closes one thread and starts another hoping that shitposters won't follow.

Nigger please
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What a fucking shame white guys are so envious of a black guys cock size that they pull shit like this haha

No... that's not true you know why cuck? because women care about stability...money... in the other hand, homosexuals, faggots like you care about dick size. go back to your social studies gtfo.
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pic related
I know you guys troll but why troll cuck yourselves?

We are better than blacks so why make these threads
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> envious of a black guys crap

How can we even compete.
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How can non shitters even compete?
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Troll what? What the fuck are you talking about idiot... Why is it so hard to believe girls are also on the Internet? Oh yeah because you are a depressed sad sack of shit virgin who can't get laid and only lives his life on the computer.
Who is this? Need source.
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They can't
prove it or gtfo
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Only a nice juicy log can active womens shit receptors and give her maximum pleasure
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You really cant
tits w/ timestamp or gtfo faggot.
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Tits/timestamp or gtfo. Until then you're a HAPA faggot pissed off his daddy banged some monkey for a greencard
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I know right? That sticky smelly log of crap? I wonder why girls stay away from black guys so much? I never know
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>cuckposters so btfo by shitted that they try to cuckpost
>cuck fetish now becomes scat fetish

how can white boys even compete? (except for economically)
mfw....who cares bout another mans dick....beta shit right there...yes blacks have bigger dicks on average....so what would u want to b black? i wouldnt...
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Hahahaha yeah that's why you always see white girls walking and holding hands with tall handsome black men everywhere in the big cities of the us
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Holy fucking shit these cuckposters will be eternally btfo by shitted.com. you faggots can even bait anymore without having your threads shitposted to oblivion. What a time to be alive
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We're on to your shit.
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It's glorious
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Of course cuckboi. I would never want to burst that little bubble of yours.
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nig nogs are pissed that they learned their skintone is the color of shit
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say awww sheckleberg
Wud put in the kitchen as house slave and rape.
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Tht rich black flavor! Here comes one more!
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Women prefer white guys because white guys are more likely to be successful and financially stable, more likely to stay out of jail, less likely to abuse them, less likely to leave them after getting them pregnant, more likely to be a stable and well adjusted father, more likely not to abuse substances, etc etc etc.

But, to be fair, you guys do have "muh dik."
While nigs can have muh dik, whites will have "muh creative intelligence" and "muh money"
Aaaan muh stable family...and muh clean/mild criminal record..etc.
But you guys do have big dicks. No denying that.

t. 7 inch white dude
And impregnate
The shitted memes are really making you cuck-shills mad, aren't they? I fucking love threads like this, it's nice to see validation that it's getting under your skin.
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they can't fucking stand it
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Contract HIV by doing this one simple trick! You wouldn't believe the results!
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T-cell counts HATE HIM!
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>Lol when will turdbois ever learn?

Do you really think posting a bunch of girls with a photoshopped shopped off dick will make us white girls mad? This is the most autistic form of autist warfare I've ever seen. We aren't phased a single bit by it. It's just retarded and cringy.
I will say these shitted pics are hilarious....
Wouldn't "CRAPPED" work better?
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Yes that
Don't you feel a little faggy pretending to be a chick and posting black men's dicks ?
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>>>745077650 #
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Chop? What are you talking about? They're obviously taking a shit. Aren't you familiar with scat porn?
I can't tell anymore. Is that a nigger dick or a real turd?
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>us white girls

As a black man how will I ever compete with this asian mans superior skills?
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show her your dog turd
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Thread posts: 96
Thread images: 70

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