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Our beloved Hesse is on trial right now

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Our beloved Hesse is on trial right now
I wonder if he thought being an edgy cunt was a such a great idea when he gets beat up in prison so bad he'll be moved to solitary. F to spit.
who the fuck's that
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Don't messe with hesse

Seems like you haven't paid much attention last march
Der junge sollte sich dringend die haare schneiden lassen

Poor lad had to be there without fancy clothing.
Ain't a newfag, friendo

question stands
This was all over /b/ in march nice try newfag

A german guy who murdered a neighbour kid and one of his friends for lulz.
Before he did it he texted some brit he knows "see you space cowboy".
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>He apologized for his clothes but nobody of his family wanted to bring him some better ones
yfw you're a virgin with no chance of pussy for the next 10-15 years

Don't you forget the bag full of onions and the umbrella he took with him while turning himself over.

I hate this little kidslaying fag, but this was kinda epic. Gross, but epic. Like to witness someone eating his own vomit.

Pretty sure he won't be an ass virgin for long
He was never our beloved though. He was a pussy, said he would an hero and did not. Not even a psychopath just some attention seeking bitch who is now more than likely going to be beat on for however many years he gets. More than likely he will die in prison.
I always seen his threads but never clicked on them

All I know is that he killed someone
Should be locked up for life

Sarcasm, my dear friend. But you have to admit that some weird guys over here had been pretty enthusiastic about him.

Doubt that he will die in prison. You can not compare the german prison with american ones
I've been on /b since 2005 and I have no idea who this is, either.
He's not "beloved" and I'd say most anons either don't remember him or just don't care.

Not my problem. If someone remembers this shithead, he or she can feel free to comment
>This was all over /b/ in march nice try newfag
I was here before march and don't know or care. Faggots tend to cling to the first couple threads that excite them. Who's the newfag?
>not my problem

Uh ok...what?
You didn't look at every single thread that month? Shame on you anon
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Can someone bring him clothes and cut his hair
can anyone recommend me a German news site to follow this case?
>for however many years he gets. More than likely he will die in prison

In Germany the max years are 15 and he probably won't even get that
It will be considered a gang crime, he'll get probation
Im refreshing for news every other 5 minutes.. kinda want to write a letter to him since im living in the same city as he did.. to get insight on this..
No the max is life with a parole hearing after 15, it can be denied and you'll do more time.

There are plenty. Try Welt, Focus or Spiegel. If you are into the trashy ones: Bild
Not the guy your talking to but

> Not everyone spends all day every day on /b/
> I've been coming on since 2010
> Yesterday was the first time in like 4 months I came on
> Been on since

Have you seen the letter he wrote his mom? He has got serious issues.

But i know what you mean. Would be interesting to get a view inside his head (well, we already got this on /b)

My hometown was freaking out because there were rumors of him prawling around. Can't imagine how the situation in Herne had to be.
no i didn't know that it got to the internet actually..
i was on my way from st Anna hospital to wanne eickel hbf as he "turned himself in"
still cant belive how police and press conference soft-soaped eachother for "their" achievements..

Post letter

You are so damn right. He was in full controll all the time, whole NRW was in fear. He would have been able to add a lot more people to his bodycount if he had been more clever...

Can't believe how they blamed /b and the darknet tho!

It is in German. I will post it in five minutes and translate it in English
post it in german too, want to know how well spoken he is.
You mean if a German goes on a kill/rape spree.. t-the max is 15. Do they have death penalty?

Dear Mrs XX, your youngest here.
I guess zen monastery won’t be happening for me.
All jokes aside, how is Schroder? (cat)
I fear he won’t be alive by the time I get out of here. So at least take cake of Lily, okay?
My sister told me you are glad that I’m gone.
On one hand I hope it was a defensive statement, so that you won’t be pictured as the mother of Satan. On the other hand I couldn’t blame you.

Anyways, I hope it’s okay if Sandy (sister) takes my belongings.
Mostly because she’s interested and would find it pityful, if you’d just get rid of them.
If you don’t want to maintain contact, at least let your daughter know so that both, you and I, can close the matter.
Start taking care of your diet, or else I’m sure Schroder will survive you.
Asks about cat before sister, yup she's ugly/fat af.


"Das Schreiben beginnt mit einer förmlichen Anrede: „Sehr geehrte Frau L., dein jüngster hier.“"

His letter begins pretty formal. "Dear Miss L., your youngest over here"

"Er schreibt: „Ich schätze, aus dem Zen-Kloster wird wohl nichts. Spaß beiseite“ - und dann erkundigt er sich nach seiner Katze Schröder. „Ich fürchte er wird nicht mehr Leben wenn ich hier raus bin.“ "

He writes "I guess i can forget the zen monastery. Jokes beside." and asks about his cat Schröder. "Ich guess he won't be still alive when i get out"

"Seine Schwester habe ihm gesagt, die Mutter sei froh, dass er weg ist. Das scheint ihn zu berühren - das jedenfalls scheint diese Formulierung anzudeuten: Er hoffe, „dass dies eine defensive Aussage ist um nicht als die Mutter des Satans zu gelten. Zum anderen würde ich es dir nicht übel nehmen.“ "

His sister had told him, that his mother is happy that he is gone. He hopes, that this was a defensive saying because she doesn't want to be the mother of satan and he could understand that.

"Zum Schluss wird H. noch einmal zynisch: „Achte endlich mal auf deine Ernährung, sonst glaube ich, wird der Schröder dich überleben.“ "

He get's cynical at the end and tells his mother, she should take a look on her diet or Schröder is going to survive her
Translated protocol of the phone call
8.15 pm Hesse called the Emergency call line (110 in Germany, similar to 911)
Marcel Heße:„You for sure know Marcel Heße, right?“

Polizist:„Yes, why?“
Heße:"He's calling right now. I'm inside a Kebabplace straight across from Hotel Bismarck. How long do you need till the policecar arrives? I'd buy a kebab if it'll take long.“
Polizist:„I don't know. What's the name of the Kebabplace?“

Heße asks the Shopowner:„What's the name? Nah, the name of the restaurant?“
Owners wife takes the phone:„Hello, this is‚ Thessaloniki‘-Grill.“

Polizist:„Could that be the guy were searching for? He got short blonde Hair and glasses.“
Owners wife:„Short hair yes,but no glasses. His left hand is wounded, Indexfinger is bandaged. Wears black pants and shirt.“
Polizist:„He doesn't have a weapon on him right? Still sitting calmly in your Kebabplace? I hope so, the car will arive soon.“

Owners wife :„Yes he's calm, standing in front of me, he wanted that I call you.“
Polizist:„He's still calm? It should be him.“
Owners wife :„Shouldn't he be 1,75 Meter? Nah, he isn't.“
Polizist:„Does he carry a bagpack?“
Owners wife :„Nah, just an umbrella and a sack of red onions.“
Polizist:„Stay on the line till my colleges arrive.“
Owners wife :„They're here, they're arresting him.“
Polizist:„Thank you and goodbye then.“

Serious question?

We have got something called "Sicherungsverwahrung". With that, it is that if you are still dangerous after prison they can take you in for longer. They thought about canceling the Sicherungsverwahrung because some people said it was against human rights.

That's it. You can do practically everything in Germany and be a free man after 15 years

Better english skills than me ;D argh all for nothing
How common is crime really in Germany?

It's rare to hear about serious violent crime in your country, at least in our newspapers. Recent terrorist attacks aside ofcourse.
Für die frisur sollte er ein paar jahre extra kriegen
rocking that dieter bohlen modern talking hair - hot

Well, i am a young blonde little woman in this country and should be the kind of victim our new inhabitants are favouring (pretty sure your newspapers are talking about an increasing crime rate because of the refugees). But hey, here i am, living in a small town next to cologne and a bigger city near Hessen and i feel safe.

Of course there is more small crime and maybe even more sexual harassments because most of those people are living ghettolike. But what i fear most are parallel societies because the mood between "biogermans" and muslim/turkish people is a little strange right now.

You should come to germany one day and make your own picture. All in all, germany is a pretty safe place and i never had serious problems. I only had two threating situations in my life - one time i slapped a refugee, one time a Nazi tried to push my kurdish friend down the track.

Sry for the novel, but i hate how everyone thinks Germany would have become a dangerous place. I still walk outside alone at night
As an English speaker "die mutter des satans du gelten" sound ominous and threatening.
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>I still walk outside alone at night

like maria in freiburg? and the countless others? fucking bubble in which you are living.

Tf my english has become pretty bad, take a pardon


Yeah because something like this can't happen in a country with 80 Million people.
Darling don't forget who killed the 9 year old boy with more than 50 cuts.

I am not going to prison myself in for something that could happen or not.
Hör auf denen deine linke scheiße
zu erzählen, bloß weil dir in deiner kleinstadt nichts passiert ist heißt es nicht dass es woanders nicht passiert. Wenn deutschland in paar jahren so scheiße dran ist wie schweden dann wirst du schon sehen.
Is that German for tits or gtfo?
Its german for fuck off with your leftist shit

Woah Cowboy.

I won't deny that the crime rate between foreigners and germans differs but you have to see the bigger picture. Each area with higher poverty and lower school education has a bigger crime rate.

I am the fuck not a Merkel Fan and i am fuckin sry for everyone who was hurt thanks to the lack of control, but i want to have a neutral view
Thankyou for taking the time to answer :)

I do want to visit Germany at some point and a lot more of Europe too suppose i should be quick about it while the UK is still in the EU.
Ah you are from the UK? I have to admit that i've heard some right wing propaganda about your country as well. Seems like the situation between Muslims and atheists/christians isn't very chill as well over there
I am and yes we have our issues too, terror attacks in big cities gangs of muslim men grooming white girls etc

We don't really have Nazi's but we do have the edl, English Defense League but there pretty unorganised and not really violent.

I can't say i've ever experienced anything like that myself but i live in a small town in Scotland so fairly isolated from it.

I am curious though, what are the German papers saying about us?

I can't imagine we've very popular now we're leaving.
Can't wait for you get enriched

Stuff like muslims going for a white girl hunt. Ya know, typical AFD-talk

Aaaah, beautiful scotland. This is getting pretty ot but i am visiting your home in a few weeks. Pretty excited
"kinda epic" retarded but epic no just retarded

Fuckhead. I've never said that i am a pro-refugee person. I just try to see the bigger picture.

Clearifying for you: i am for a netter control of the refugeething (from passing the border to leaving it, everything) and i am not someone who has the need to save the world. If there are victims of political persecution, they have to be saved. Not the ones with a bad economy like nafris. And i am not a friend of islam, fucking hate the ideology part of it.

Still going to vote for SPD. Hate me for it :) dumb cunt.
I like you anon, you are ok. (Habe auch SPD gewählt, auch wenns eh die CDU wird.)

Also, wasn't the child he killed the son of a bandido or something? This will probably make his life in prison a bit harder.
Who gives a fuck?

Danke dir. Man muss nicht alles gut finden, tut keiner, aber den Blick nicht verlieren.

Yeah the kid's parents are a little in the Bandido-crap. Pretty sure Heße isn't going to have a nice time in jail. The security at court was pretty high because they reckoned someone will take revenge

Who gives a fuck you don't give a fuck?
But most people don't even know who the fuck this is, and the story makes no sense.
what doesnt make sense?
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Maruseru memes
can try to find the threads with marcel :/ it was pretty sick stuff. Maybe you (or anyone, idfk idfc) would like to take a look... Or not.

He posted everything he did here, praised himself like a hero and even posted pics of a corpse. Cruel
There was no motive, and it was all just random. The story is as pointless as the one about Luka Magnotta.

I know the stupid story. I was in many of those threads last march.
his motive was that he is a loser. his only skills were speaking english and doing kendo on high lvl.
he wanted to go to the Bundeswehr but wasnt accepted. the only thing in his life that he was good at, he snapped.
There's too many other people like this that snap, especially in America, so it just gets boring.
well remember we have some decent gunlaws so idiots snapping doesnt end up as badly and as often as in your place.. in Germany shit like this doesnt go down every two months or so
Den Tag total vermarcelt, das kann doch Jaden passieren
True. In my place, almost everybody is convinced that guns are the answer, even though they always end up turned on everybody.
Either way mr.Hitlerina , you have no pride. You have no shame. And the ones i truly feel sad for are your brave ancestors who fought, only to die and lose the war to the people who fucked you all over.

Not only did you worthless losers get fucked over by the Soviet union, and fucked but re-built by the Americans.

You did it AGAIN. By your own choice, by voting to have these fucking niggers in your country.

You know nothing you daft stupid german cunt. You filthy whore. Do you know what happened in Lebanon? Leftists united with islamists, and today that country is not exactly known as a safe place.

It is only a matter of time before actions will be made. Made, but from very bad people. You will not feel safe, I can assure you that.

You silly fucking ape.

>you morons still have not learned.

How can you truly believe LEGALLY aquiring weaponry is the problem?
Everyone who has the intention to commit crimes with weapons surely gets them illegaly. Without a licence, without proper paperwork.

Keep tearing down what little you have left of the sanity your ancestors wrote down on that constitution, little american fagboy.
And where do they get the illegal guns genius? They steal them from the ones that obtain them legally. You should think before you run your mouth like a pretentious douchebag.

Aaah i love them - people who don't have a clou about germany <3

Shut the fuck up you fag. You don't know anything about germany or it's people - and don't you ever dare to speak about it's past again.

We learned. We grew. We won't let history repeat itself and we want to give people a save place wich we couldnt offer in past.

And how i said: our politicians are shit, they aren't able to take full control over the situation. But Here we have got our police to step in who is making a great job in terror defense.
I don't think people are to be trusted. They may appear sane one day only to snap the next. It's really got nothing to do with politics.

Don't they have life sentences?

15 years is the life sentence.
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But didn't he receive a life sentence over there?
>Everyone on /b/ goes through every thread.
Lmfao no. Holy shit, go outside. Way to out yourself as the newfag. This your first year?

This fella was sentenced to 15 years in 2006. He is able to get free at earliest after december 2017
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