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Can someone please explain to me like I'm fucking a 5 year

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Can someone please explain to me like I'm fucking a 5 year old how nuclear power works?

Why is it that you can hold nuclear fuel pellets before they go in the reactor and then after they have been used they would kill you?
Good question
I think the thermal energy given off with the radiation has something to do with it. It's used in the same way as a normal plant, to heat steam and turn turbines, and it's also why they'll overheat. Still have no idea why they get used up though. The reason they kill you when they're done is the residual radiation.
you have to be careful with electricity it is very dangerous, so with that in mind the big funnel is filled with the electrons of electricity and it is dangerous to touch with hand
This is what i was told:
Okay. You have the one special uranium isotope that is hard to find. I think it's Uranium U-235. You put it into a special case and shoot electrons at it. If an electron hits, it makes U-236, which is more common, and some other byproducts. That can later break down further. This reaction releases a lot of energy in form of heat. That heat is transferred to heat up water, which turns to steam. Steam powers turbines. Steam then gets caught by the giant chimneys and condensed. Condensed steam (now water) gets recycled. The trash (used) uranium then gets stored underground for reusing in 50000 million years or whatever (the other elements after U-236 van be refined).
The fuel is used to generate heat and turn water to steam. The steam turns a turbine in the big chimney and the turbine spins a generator creating electricity. The "smoke" that comes out of the chimney is actually just steam. Once the fuel has been used it is very (radioactive waste)
You use the nuclear rods to heat up water,that water turns in to steam, that steam turns turbines, these turbines produce electicity
Basically the way nuclear power works is that nuclear fuel generates heat, the heat from this is used to create steam and the steam is then used to spin a turbine and through friction generates a whole lot of electricity, this is a how coal and oil power plants work, but the difference is that nuclear fuel lasts so much longer before it is spent, I hope that clarifies how it works
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also electricity and water dont mix well, so you can imagine the rest
look that's an interesting topic and all but you appear to be fucking a 5 year old
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1 pound of uranium contains as much energy as 150 gallons of oil
Imagine that you're pissing off some autistic kid at school by throwing rocks at him, because of the rocks he becomes furious and releases all this energy in the form of REEEEEEEE, we harness that energy but are left with his sweats which isn't really nice to have on your hands.
You take something that is radioactive, which means its core will sort of break down and give off energy, partly in warmth. This warmth will heat water surrounding the radioactive product and it will turn into steam. This pressure caused by the steam will be converted into elektricity, which is just another form of power.

The reason these nuclear fuel pellets are harmless before and dangerous after is because before, its core is still stable and it doesn't do anything (could be wrong, not an expert or anything close). But after, when the core is unstable and it gives off radioactivity, it is obviously dangerous to living organisms.
side note, 1 pound of uranium weighs aprox the same as 1 pound of dried oregano
the fuel cells create a chemical reaction with another element combined, the cells will heat up and power a steam turbine. the reaction doesnt stop immediatly after you remove the 2nd element from touching the fuel cells.
Anyway my astral body is so purified by the child porn I masturbated to that I'm now imune to radiations.
That is also why you have control rods. They absorb some electrons to slow down the reactions.
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I'm more concerned about how many nuclear plants have a number plus the word "Mile" in there names. Is there an 8 Mile Road nuclear plant? Is Eminem a radioactive monster and that's what gives him yellow hair and the ability to conjure up words that seem to rhyme with "orange"? What is the government hiding by not answering my unhinged emails??
U-238 isn't particularly dangerous. U-235 is
its basically a stupid version of a wind turbine, because it doesnt use wind...
You mean it weighs the same as 1 pound of anything.
Its not a chemical reaction, its a physical reaction, neutron flux is physical.
how many pounds of dark matter is that?
or oregano yeh. roughly the same
Radioactive elements have a half-life (hence the title of the videogame). In this time the radiation the metal gives off halves. I assume with less radiation there's also less heat generated, reducing the energy generated from said heat. So the rods, once 'done', still give off radiation, just less, which is why they're replaced with new ones, the old rods stored at very special locations, buried in deep underground concrete bunkers. (Until enough time has passed when they're no longer dangerous.)

It's also my understanding that uranium or plutonium (the nuclear fuel pallets as you call them) don't give off these high amount of radiation in their natural state, which is why they need to be processed, creating enriched uranium or plutonium. They already give off (harmful) radiation in their natural state (which isn't a problem if it's contained in a vein in deep rock), so enriched uranium or plutonium will always harm you, not just after usage in a reactor. Moral: shit will always harm you, moreso in enriched state, and always needs to be safely handled.
Well first you get like 5000 mice and put them on treadmills. When they get up to speed you can generate enough electricity to power san diego.
What does the fact that you're fucking a five-year-old have to do with any of it?
They have been known to react in their natural state, look up "oklo reactor gabon"
Hah, took me too long and way smarter people gave far better answers. Oh well.
i think the colour is irrelevant dont you? we are talking about nuclear electons here c,mon man its always about the colour with you
All correct except
>the old rods stored at very special locations, buried in deep underground concrete bunkers.
spent rods are stored on site in improvised warehouses made from wooden beams. still an improvement over how liquid nuclear waste used to be mixed with concrete and fucking thrown into the ocean, but only just.
Yes, roughly. Not always excactly. You have to take density into consideration.

you get the idea
quads of bullshit
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Take your extra "u"s and go home, Limey bastard.
u can go fuck yourself you fat piece of shit
>can go fck yoself yo fat piece of shit
1 fuel pellet of irradiated U-235/P-241 turns into several other unstable isotopes (Things that no longer want to be their element anymore) and give off mass and/or energy to try and stabilize. This energy is known as radiation and humans can generally only survive 600-1000 Rem which is the measurement of effective dose.

And even dumber terms...

rock got hot, hot rock wants to be cold, hot rock makes environment hot so it can be cold. People don't like it hot.
Tf did I just watch?
Your fucking president, you piece of shit. He won. Get over it.

What the fuck is wrong with millennials.
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Underrated post
Poison rock make lightening in big pool.
Hate to tell, you, but he's probably gen z. Millineals are from 80-95.
heats water.
turns turbine.
>gen z
Does that mean it's the final generation? Please say yes. Please say yes.
No, it's the 26th generation
is thorium all it's hyped up to be?
or just anothing bullshit too good to be true theory which could never make it bcos muh capitalism
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it's pasta

you're supposed to notice that OP said 'fucking a five year old"
who told you they are safe to handle at first?
>how to troll the g20 all at once
trump, ftfw
There's so much information in the world that I would be surprised if I knew 10% of it.
umm when rods are lowered next to other rods it goes critical and we get power....rods raise to create space between other rods to turn off reaction
I...I'm neither a physicist nor a chemist, so I have no clue.
such an old meme
still laughed good job
well how do you learn about science other than fucking children while people explain ??
How did you post that thinking it made sense?
Underrated post
Lowering control rods is actually slowing the reactio down.
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the ocean deals with far greater levels of radiation than we can muster. it all sinks to the bottom of the ocean anyway
>Can someone please explain to me like I'm fucking a 5 year old how nuclear power works?
> I'm fucking a 5 year old

Y'all posting in a pedo bread.
backwards nigger
the reaction starts when the rods get close enough to eachother for the radiation to bounce off one another
can't wait for japan to get kaijued for fukashima
youve lost me bro. im not sure what sense you think it is but its present
>Y'all posting in a pedo bread.
Google CANDU reactor. All explained well there and which is a very safe reactor compared to the shit tier reactors the rest of the world uses.
Control rods made of graphite make reaction slower
Critical nuclear fission. Basically you split a uranium atom with a neutron, which then spits off more neutrons which split more atoms.This releases a fuckton of energy as heat which is used to turn turbines. If the reaction is allowed to run away and go supercritical, by not having it cooled by water and buffered by cadmium rods for example, it goes boom and you have nuclear material all over your atmosphere. The nuclear waste is uranium that has achieved criticality and is still undergoing the reaction. It kills you by throwing particles at your cells and ripping apart your proteins.
i like this guy

>rods made of graphite .

Pencils ???
Backwards nigger. Lowering CONTROL rods slow a reaction. Raising CONTROL rods increase the reaction. Lower FUEL rods Increase the reaction, Raising Fuel Rods slow the reaction. Lowering moderator rods stop the reaction. Learn to nuke plant or get the fuck out.
thats what i meant
sorry i didnt specify fuel or control
Also depends if reactor is bottom feed or top feed. So could be the reverse of this statement. But it is the CONTROL rods that slow and FUEL rods that increase.
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Why can the fuel pellets be held by hand before the go into the reactor?
Slightly bigger
Because they get more radioactive as they decay.
Hiroshima deals with far greater levels of radiation than we can muster. It's literally impossible to do anything at all.
They also have to be placed in a certain geometry to go critical.
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because its like a match that hasnt been lit

once you light the match, it burns the head off

>explain like I'm 5

Go back to fucking reddit faggot
Fun fact, the reason why the U.S. developed nukes in WWII and Germany didn't was because we believed graphite was a better neutron buffer than heavy water. The most important secret of the war was the purification process to make fissile graphite.
Actually correct. Worth pointing out the waste is not all uranium doe.

Uranium has a fucking long as shit half life so it's not actually harmful unless you're really unlucky. The products or fission on the other hand can have half lives in the second/minute range so you can't be near them.
Is lie
Always delicious!
Because when fuel goes in a reactor its only slightly radioactive. Once we induce a reaction the elements break down into fission products. These are much more unstable and split on there own a shit ton. Each time the split they release radioactivity. So fission prosucts are the really bad stuff. They make up about 3% of a spent fuel rod. Interestingly after the fission products are removed by reprocessing you could actually hold the uranium or plutonium again. Wouldnt recommend with bare hands but you can with gloves and a respirator and suit.
Very simply:

Pellets contain isotopes (normally of Uranium) which react when hit with a neutron that is absorbed. The neutron causes the isotope to become unstable, and split into two atoms of different materials. At the point it splits, it becomes highly radioactive. Hence you can handle it before, but not after.

the splitting of the atom also releases more neutrons, which go on to hit more atoms of uranium, repeating the process in a chain reaction.

The reactor has moderators - cores of graphite or water that absorb most of the neutrons, so the chain reaction chugs along at a slow rate. Remove the moderator, and the chain reaction becomes uncontrolled, and you get a chernobyl / 3-mile island style accident.

the atoms splitting also releases energy. the energy becomes heat, making the reactor grow hot.

the hot reactor is normally cooled by water pumped through it in tubes that run through the reactor. the heat boils the water into superheated water, with lots of energy in it. that water will them be used, sometimes as steam, sometimes as simple hot water to power a turbine, and the turbine is then connected to a generator.
the exact same generator and turbine could be powered by water out of a dam (hydro-electric), by turning it by a big windmill (wind power generation), or by boiling water by burning coal or gas (coal/gas power stations). The nuclear part of the power plant is simply one method of creating energy to spin a turbine, to make electricity in a generator.
Nuclear sciencefag here, ok, so some isotopes (which just means a different amount of neutrons), like Uranium-235, Thorium-232 etc. can absorb neutrons (fissile isotopes), freak the fuck out, and explode into a bunch of more neutrons, lighter isotopes (Technetium-99, Caesium-137, Cobalt-60 etc.) and lots of heat. To do this you need to wrap foil around a super-radioactive isotope that emits alpha-particles (2 neutrons and 2 protons, with a charge of +2), usually Polonium-210, Americium-241 and Californium-249, and the Aluminium absorbs alpha particles and shits out over 9000 neutrons, which in turn can cause your fissile material to fission, making you a winrar. The spent fuel is dangerous because some fission products (Caesium-137, Strontium-90 etc.) can rekt you from the gamma-rays they release, others (Technetium-99, also some Plutonium, Neptunium, Actinium, etc. isotopes from fusion) are super useful and extracting them requires effort, but in doing so will make you lots of monez.
Pic unrelated.
the pellets are ordinary stuff at first, but they are greedy and consume lots of money to make. then a group of evil persons rounded them all and sent them in a cramped space where the pellets were forced to work and then set on fire. the pellets that survived the ordeal becomes vengeful and will kill people and drain the money of countries who wants to contain their angry radiation and make them safe again.
Do kids even know what a pencil is?
Would it be less than a pound of feathers though?
1 pound of any fissile isotope contains about as much energy as 150 gallons of oil, it's like the "humans are made of 70% water and 50% carbon" argument, you're just looking at it from a misleading perspective.
>ITT: nuclear physicists
no. only as dried oregano. if it was other kind of oregano it would depend because of moisture and other ambient factors
Can someone please draw an MS paint stickmen sketch of OP fucking a 5 year old while an Anon uncomfortably explains nuclear power with a paper easel?
Id do it but I have to leave for work now.
It's roughly the same as a pound of panda sperm.
No, Thorium is literally Uranium but shit-tier and hyped to fuck bcuz the word Uranium has become tainted from hippies overreacting to nuclear disasters.
>Why is it that you can hold nuclear fuel pellets before they go in the reactor and then after they have been used they would kill you?

explain nerve mustard please
>Can someone please explain to me like I'm fucking a 5 year old how nuclear power works?
>like I'm fucking a 5 year
STOP FUCKING THAT 5 YEAR OLD. Then maybe I'll explain it to you.
But the real question here is, which is heavier: one pound of feathers or one pound of bricks?
how many ducks are the feathers attached to?
It's found in electricity
To put it simply, you take a bunch of material that is unstable; it has an unequal number of protons and neutrons (your average periodic table element has an equal number of each). You then launch neutrons at this material until the nucleus splits, which launches off more protons and neutrons, which then hit other nuclei, and so on and so on. If you set the conditions right you can then cause a chain reaction, which results in a nuclear fission bomb.

As a byproduct of this, energy is given off in the form of heat. This boils water into steam, which powers a turbine like we've been using since the Industrial Revolution.
are the ducks English or Americans?
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um no, thorium is thousands of times more abundant. when hit with an electron/nuetron it has a chance to become u-235, the extremely rare isotope.

on paper it looks awesome, prototypes have functioned for a few years continuously, claim to be far safer (again, on paper), but they havent been tested on large scale use.

biggest issue with a "breeder" reactor is it takes a long ass time to start making energy (thorium is useless for radiating energy, we need thorium to change to uranium), very very slow start up.

imagine a maintenance issue and it had to be taken offline, once restarted, could be a week or 2 before power is restored

would it work? maybe.
are there pitfalls making it very unattractive? yes
but i still want to see it tried
They're both 1 pound obviously.
you prefer being hit by a pound of feather or a pound of bricks? clearly not the same
one gram of diamond weighs like 15 grams bro i think the 1 gram of uranium would be heavier
actually you shouldnt be holding nuclear fuel pellets even when they are "depleted" that shit ll give you cancer at best or kill you in a few days
I'm perfectly aware of Thorium's abundance and radiological properties, but what I meant is that U-235 breeder reactors make a lot of money, efficiently make an awful lot of energy, and don't take too long or too much money to construct / maintain, and it's this last point that contrasts to molten salt reactors, fusion reactors, the harnessing of dark matter for energy etc. , not to mension the fact that these technologies don't actually exist yet. We're better off harnessing the energy from the millions of tonnes of Uranium in the crust of the earth than the billions of tonnes of Thorium for the moment.
idk all i know is it produces les radiation than uranium, more commonly found and cant be used to make nukes. xrays and micro weave ovens have small thorium reactors in them
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