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Why should I join Antifa.What are the arguments? I don't

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Thread replies: 142
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Why should I join Antifa.What are the arguments? I don't hate my race, nationality, gender etc...
I think that Marx was a loser who never had real job just like many Antifas today. I don't use drugs and I am not ignorant about the economics.
And there any other arguments to join this cult?
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Oh, wow! You must be sooooo smart!
You are truly an enlightened intellectual.
Alt-left/right is just the newest flavor of divide and conquer tactics being used against american citizens. If you align with either side, you're a chump.
Heck I would rather join Narco Cartels here then Antifa
>I think that Marx was a loser who never had real job

ANTIFA triggered
Shut the fuck up and post her nudes. while you are at it how about leaking her location so i can rape her
>Must be nice having a trust fund from daddy.
Have you heard of the current president, or did you drink the kool-aid and believe he's actually a Self-Made Man™?
Every president you dumb fuck. You can't be president if you're not rich

>$660k in CA
So middle class?
i know this chick.. whats this from?
I grew up in thousand oaks. It's a nice place but too expensive.
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You join antifa so you can stop the racists and the nazis. Save the country from the rural and suburban retards. Nuff said.

Antifa = pussies in masks
Genuine questions from anon currently in a land far far away, in a nutshell what exactly is Antifa? and what do they want?
commiefag detected
They are just a bunch of violent commiefags
>and what do they want?
They want to destroy property and everything else is just excuses to that end.
>what is antifa?
Antifa is group that counter-protests neo-nazis, but got co-opted by college SJW faggots.

>what do they want?
legit Antifa = neo-nazis (and other authoritarian fuckwads) gone
SJW co-opters = the Tumblr agenda
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Just blame all your problems on "daaaaa evilllll,1% and daaaa richhhh"
Reminds me of Cassidy Klein in case you want to fap.
>Anti Fascist action
>Attacking those who don't agree with their views
>Anti fascist
Are you the same fag that always writes "/thread" everywhere. can you shut the fuck up with that
Ausfag here
Literally everyone i know and talk to. Even left wing loud mouths.
Laugh about how fucking lame antifa are. Theyre turning america into the laughing stock of the world

My facebook etc is literally just video after video of laughable american bullshit

Is it just idiots + soros funds?
I dont believe people could be that fucking stupid.
You get to punch people who disagree with you and get away with it. The media even supports you.
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I mean if you wanna fight Nazis that's your group for right now. But if you think Marx is a loser maybe try some other flavor politcal style. Regardless doesn't matter because Americans don't care about history and so appeals with historical based ideas like Marxs and dont like to read. I like the antifa in the world that actually shoots nazis.
anyone know how to become the cartels IT guy? I can do the server thing
To be a nazi and a facist while claiming you are neither as you violently riot and injure others because they preach "bigotry" and "hatred" under the guise of freedom of speech even though it is because their views differ from yours and you cant stand at the thought that others are capable of thinking for themselves
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Cause you want to be a useful idiot for George Soros.
she got punched in the face
>Is it just idiots
Think of it like Occupy Wall Street 2.0, basically a movement that had some valid points but were quickly sidelined as slews of fucktards (legit commies, 3rd wave feminists, gay rights activists, hipster "protesters", bored college kids, BLM activists) jumped on the bandwagon.

>muh George Soros
>forgetting Trump appointed 2 Soros business-partners to his cabinet
What valid points?
It's nothing more sinister than media money-grubbing, but this.
If you wanna see your sister weared hijab Antifa-Left-Side-Good-Night-White-Pride is your choice.
>What valid points?
That there are an alarming number of people espousing facism in the US these days.
They're just looking for a fight and antifa gives it to them.
Post the nudes you subhuman commie
really? shes tiny
>Snide remark dripping with sarcasm but no kind of argument whatsoever
Typical lib.
>665000 middle class
That could very well be the case. However, let's not forget that idiots will latch onto anything, no matter if serious or not, and often become it's most zealous supporters.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to live under a fascist state.
I heard she did porn. She has hairy pussy legs and armpits. They can't even shave themselves.
I don't want to live under a communist state so we are in quite a dilemma
Post a link please

"legit Antifa" LOL!
She did and it's not good. Barely worth watching other than the fact this bitch just babbles trash and is a hypocrite like every other antifa faggot.
Not really. Communism always (history BITCH!) inevitably leads to fascism, I don't want that either. I'm not saying the current system isn't a bit fucked, but it's *FAR* less fucked than the other two proposed alternatives.
This. I remember in the 90s the equivalents of antifa and nazis where just skinheads all alike (neonazis, sharp, rash, etc).

In the end, they were just thugs, both sides. Fortunately, they were very few, just some urban tribes of edgy kids. Now it seems more serious but they are still the same shit with different odor and now they get to the news.
This. Jesus H Christ people keep talking aww trump was born with a silver spoon up his ass. Guess what? Majority of the presidents and presidential candidates has. Im goddamn sure hillary didnt start out as a hick from the backwaters of missouri and im hell as sure obama didnt grow up in shit hole africa.
Most people are anti facist in the first place
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Shes also scamming people by playing the victim card. Has kickstarter for her hospitalization when she never went to a hospital. And shes still keeping the money.
Internet age lets them become organised and seek validation for their insanity where in the past they'd be too mah anxiety to actually talk face to face with anyone else and it was pretty much only located in universities.
reason to join: get into one of their riots, then randomly scream "HE'S A DISGUISED NAZI" at some random antifa cunt, get free pass to proceed to beat the shit out of them and probably have some of the others join in.
Rinse and repeat
Good idea. Create chaos within the ranks.
pornhub view_video.php?viewkey=ph58f514bbecafc

Literally took me 45 seconds you lazy nigger.
>I think that Marx was a loser who never had real job
Someone told you that. His journalism was pretty damn good and he was known for always considering the USA as the cutting edge of progressiveness as opposed to European stunted, aristocratic and backward looking ways.
He organised a boycott of slave picked cotton that affected the course of the civil war and exposed in print the fact that the south was always for a slave republic, that hostilities were opened on that basis.
AntiFa isn't a cult, larping is silly, most of these masked idiots are as ignorant as you.
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>that hairy asshole
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This is why you should NOT join antifa. Starts out reasonably enough - stop racists and nazis. Then slips into a war on rural and suburban voters. It goes from neo-nazis to alt right to anyone who voted for Trump to white middle class suburban voters of all kinds without batting an eye. In the end, Antifa is violent towards anyone not a confirmed far leftist.
She's a disgusting slob, what did you expect?

About as entertaining as a box of rocks.
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She needs to borrow Andy's bike
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>Communism always leads to fascism

This needs to die. Communism is communism. Stop calling every authoritarian regime communist.

The Soviet Union wasn't a fascist state, it was a communist state, and they murdered tens of millions.

The People's Republic of China, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, Poland, East Germany... none of these are fascist states. They were communist, collectivist, authoritarian, and genocidal.
Stop calling every authoritarian regime fascist*
Marx was a piece of shit who never lived in a real world just like most of Leftards today.All of his theories were proven to be wrong and failed.He lived on Engels's handouts and was abused his wife and kids.
Porn probably. She's super fuckin' hairy. Name's Venus Rosales.
>b-but it's not *TRUE* fascism
>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ - a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce
Sounds exactly like Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, and Castro's Cuba to me.
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''Anti-fascists'' did biggest rape in human history when over 2,5 million German and Polish females were raped during 1944-1946

Nope those mass rapists weren't fascists they were Communist anti-fascists who threated people like animals
Lead the revolution to the nearest bakery by the looks of it
That's exactly what I'm saying.

We need to stop conflating fascist with authoritarian.

The communists have done more and worse shit for longer than fascism even existed.
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Is that girl on some serious drugs?She looks so confused
I honestly can't see fascism becoming a thing without interference from a foreign government.
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Karlie Kloss 2020
is she 1/4 Native American too? she's an injun - tribal casino money for being a nation member.
If you see a Hitler or a Nazi-lite walking down your street in Nazi regalia, it is your duty as an American citizen to punch him in the face. That means, you are all members of anti-fa by default. It is an opt-out not an opt-in situation. Remember the greatest generation that gave their all to punch Hitler in the face - that was actually tough.
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Underrated post
You should move to texas and join up then I can blow your ass away when you start up with that isis shit.
Ok, lets have a body count. Nazis and Klan versus anti-fa, which one has a longer track history again?

>she wants open borders

You're right, North American should never have had open borders in the first place.
O cool the guy has savages on bluray
Trips confirm marx was a NEET
Fuck off tonto. Nobody gives a shit about those drunken retards
> historically assfucked for it
You support border control?
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>80.3% of the population is white

So 19.7% is not. Sounds like a divers community to me. I am pretty sure your trailer park is 99% white (trash).

Also what to black people have to do with open borders, you shit?
Read a book or something moron. Yes, some of our Presidents started out rich, but nowhere near Trump. And yes Clinton (Bill), Obama, Carter .... there are a ton of them that endured poverty growing up.

I like how that one all makes anti-immigration 'murricans get butthurt because the know they know it's true.
Indians didn't have a boarders or a nation because they were savages, who even during a foreign invasion couldn't expand their in-group to include tribes they generationally warred with

Also the only way colonist were able to win was all the smaller tribes who were happy to join whitey to fight their oppressors (other tribes).

fuck your peaceful nomad revisionist history.
Isn't there a porno of antifa girl?
Ok, not even my granma would actually believe or forward that poorly photoshopped shit
know how true it is that tiny ethno sectarian nomads couldnt hold north america 400 years ago? nope

also how does mass low skill immigration help indian communities today ?
You shouldn't buy into the false right/left dichotomy. Think without those boundaries, and try to avoid tribalism. I'd give the same advice to anyone calling themselves a member of the alt-right.
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>Indians didn't have a boarders or a nation because they were savages

They had a territories they lived in, they defended against other tribes and that they were forced out of by European settlers. That is illegals border crossing and immigration.

>inb4 we wuz conquererz

Yeah just like some nigger robbing your wallet at gun point isn't actually stealing it: He's conquering it!
Love how the letters are getting smaller and smaller
Take your racist bullshit back to bed you fucking pajama person.
>You can't complain about immigration because historically, it fucks shit up for whoever is currently living there
>Libtard logic
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Let me remind you of 8 years of often misspelled tea party signs.
>read a book

Don't tell them that. They'll probably go out and by Alex Jones' latest shit burger.
>Comparing soldiers who got drafted to fight against Hitler to a bunch of communist revolutionaries

w e w
an undefended boarder deserves to be cross as much as an undefended wallet. thats the morality of nature.

the morality of a society/ ingroup is diffrent and when that is broken there needs to be justice orthe society will breakdown
>miss the point entirely
>every alt-right cuck ever
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>>You can't complain about immigration because historically, it fucks shit up for whoever is currently living there

Bullshit. Historically many communities have profited from immigration. The northern Europeans were still sniffing each others butts when the Romans arrived and taught modern (at the time) technology. Britain has profited from several waves of invaders. Germany has profited from large scale immigration of Poles in the the Ruhr area. It's only European settlers in the last 500 years that have fucked shit up for many people.
They were also slavers. Pity the fool that got captured and not killed.
they can take his ugly face off whatever they want, he was a nigger loving bisexual.
why should you join racist? dumbass question.

Antifa stand for peace. racist will cause wars.
Why do you have to 'join' anyone have your own goddamn opinions for once in your life
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>an undefended boarder deserves to be cross as much as an undefended wallet.

Nigger you need to get yourself a spellcheck plugin before you talk about anything.
You consider the Romans immigrants? Read Caesar's campaign in Gaul.
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fuck me.

>Read Caesar's campaign in Gaul.

I did. Was funny as a kid.
They had all warning through history that mass numbers of white settlers were coming, followed by an equal amount of soldiers.
My grandfather descended from oceonic nomads.
The danger of trying to unite traders tribes with tribes that were more war-like and territorial were great.

Natives couldnt band together because of differences and traditional behaviors.
There were no borders, and the solo war-like tribes were decimated.
Screen cap me.
Naw, comparing an entire nation called the United States of America that thought Nazi ideology and actions were despicable and needed to be eradicated versus idiots in 2017 marching with tiki torches and Nazi flags in our streets.
I'm not saying Immigration fucks shit up, I'm saying that's literally how Libtards are phrasing this argument.

They're saying "You should feel guilty for how your ancestors (you) fucked up the natives, and give the new guys a chance instead of considering that maybe we'll get fucked worse than the redskins did"
made me chuckle.
actually it would be pretty fun right? maybe even beind their full stack dev. you could extract requirements and make some sales system, a CRM and even a website to present themselves.
the only problem is you get your head chainsawed off if you miss the deadline
Historically-challenged individual.

Communism killed orders of magnitude more people in the 21st century than all fascist states combined.
I smoke marihuana, i have a job and I feel the same way you do about antifa losers.
So what, we're supposed to side with the screaming mass of black clad revolutionaries who want to topple the government and establish socialism instead?

The fascists are a joke, a bunch of polo shirt wearing STEM students with tiki torches. Their torchlight parade was so over the top that I'm inclined to believe it was probably a psyop.

Antifa, on the other hand, are wholly anti-American, and should be destroyed before they make any more gains.
> oceanic*
Also, she got punched for throwing glass bottles at people, 100% deserved
when the fuck did he say anything about niggers you dumbass?
Money-grubbing and all the things that come with it - slavery, war, direct attacks on the population, and if they can get away with it, mind control.
They're both anti-"American", but the antifas are more concerning, because the antifas might win.

Here it is!
did you also forget the fact that the romans were way more smarter than the niggers plaguing the earth these days
all this shit sprung up over night like everything else spawned from fagbook and you act like I should give a shit. Go fuck yourself.
The so called fascists are antithetical to democracy as well, yes, but they're also politically irrelevant. Nobody is going to allow a nazi government to take over. Millions of people all over America believe that socialism is a good idea though.
> probably thinks facism made land expensive to keep out minorities

> doesnt consider economics partnered with the fact hollywood is a short drive away
>dismissing the entire point just because of spelling errors
>median house price is $669,500
>says it like its a huge ass number

You fags, come back when the avg house price is $2 mill like where I live, and then we can start talking about priviledged ass people
>greece today
ya - theres a symbol of modern success
keep fighting the good fight doughboy
If you're not a Fascist, you're antifa by default you fucking elitist fucks
Antifa are literally the absolute bottom of society. The ones who can't think for themselves join antofa.
There are 65 million people on the run from war and poverty, and antifa thinks the 0.0001% who can reach western countries by foul play are more important than the rest of the 65 million.
They protect criminal scum, that costs our societies billions of money, in favor off actually helping people.

Mind you, having the mindset of me - someone who has spent 15 years of military service helping people in kosovo, kongo, afghanistan and irak - means you're a nazi and deserves death.

Fuck antifa and their complete lack of reality check
You got a small chuckle out of me. Good post anon
>You join antifa so you can stop the racists
they dont live around minorities, outside of asians which barely any whites dislike; which is very good of them they have also experienced heavy racism because of pearl harbor and japs in ww2 in general and vietnamn and communism n shit
black people mostly just experience racism from people who live around blacks, and people who look at crime statistics
i mean, asians do less crimes than even whites; blacks should take a good lesson from them tbh
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