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Why is the media going full anti white?

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Thread replies: 249
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Why is the media going full anti white?
Why do jews want to create a unsafe west?
Are they trying to flush jews to Israel so they can democratically take control of Palestine and uphold the Balfour declaration??
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>white people are making less babies
>less babies means less tax payers and less buyers and consumers

>white people know their rights
>companies prefer low wage workers

>white people developed almost every used technology
>if this keeps up, we won't need oil anymore and humanity will advance to the post scarcity era

>white people became non violent, yet resistant to control
>governments lost their chance to have complete control and lost their alibi to use force against the people

Why wouldn't the media become anti-white?
because they've stolen enough information to let them easily mop up whatever is left afterwards.
Israel does haves all data ever send stored on servers according a deal they have with the us.
Do you have any examples?
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The narrative is spun, the "white nationalist" are being slandered and put in the same box with the kkk and neo nazis, they just dont want to end up like south africa being raped to death because they are white.

History repeats, using the exact same methods
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by 2042 white Americans seriously will not be the majority of the population and has been confirmed by years of study,

its not just america, britain will be non white majority by 2031

notice all the commercials slowly adding more and more blacks over the years, it not anything to do with racism either. its preparing people for the inevitable
Keep telling yourself that.
>implying there aren't a vast majority of whites who won't only breed with other whites
Maybe you're right about the majority thing since they fuck like rabbits but whites ain't goin no where
A meme
An accurate article from an unnamed source

I asked for examples of the media going full anti-white, you didn't post any.
Brave guy, it's probably an 80% chance he comes out of there with AIDS, all for fun little photo shoot.
Whites dont have kids, their birth rate is like 1,3, other races have a birth rate of 6,7
See >>742366926
Banking on a minority inferiority complex.
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See the post with zero actual examples of the media going "full anti-white?" I already did, thanks.
What's wrong with either of those articles?
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This is wiki (i know wiki is gabage)
bit there just has to be this little thing about critics, to undermine the thing in the end.

The white nationalist is used in the same breath as kkk neo nazis etc etc, even when they are just protesting the destruction of history
Europe's white essence is non-negotiable.
>wahh the liberal media doesn't support a white ethno-state
>boo hoo hoo I'm so oppressed why so much hate 4 my people
the dude is a professor

"Menachem Z. Rosensaft is general counsel of the World Jewish Congress and a lecturer in law at Columbia Law School. "
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tfw swimming in a toilet bowl

I think the word nationalist has been perverted. Whenever I take some political compass test online it calls me a nationalist but never a nazi. All it really means is that I'm not a globalist. Thinking that your country spends too much on foreign aid is a nationalist idea.
CNN "(CNN)Charlottesville, known as a progressive college town, is bracing for another white nationalist rally scheduled for Saturday.

Police anticipate as many as 2,000 to 6,000 people, including counterprotesters, to converge in the Virginia city, in an event that could be "the largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades in the United States,"

Its hate full to walk around with torches in protest?, in a attempt to not go extinct and with history and heritage diving of the cliff first?
So you haven't watched the news then?
They want to start a civil war. Theres people who make money from war.
Why would >>742368054
"I can find nutjobs in strange corners of the internet that say all sorts of crazy shit, I assumed we were talking about the media people are actually aware of." delete his comment?, is it because he realized that he got owned as the professor actually has a lot of sway in this world?
Yes, most torch-bearing mobs clamoring for a white ethno-state are hateful to some degree
Still waiting...
In all fairness the torches were just a distraction for the incoming cars
Professor != Mainstream news media

What site was his (completely non offensive and accurate) article published on?
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Nearly every advert in the UK with a couple in has them as mix-raced right now. What the fuck is that about?
mixed-race ffs
>Mainstream news media
See >>742367844
Do you even know that pretty much every jew reads that, thats pretty mainstream.
The guy is in the faculty , dont you think he has some control there over kids their minds?
Example b
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They are calling whites racist, that is the opposite, how nice of you to argue in extremes
I'm not a Jew, so I wouldn't know what they read. As a regular white American I can say I've never heard of that guy or the site, so why not just post something from the MSM that supports your argument if the bias is really so widespread. Or are you now shifting your argument from the media to academia?
Just the fact that it is called white nationalist now instead of just nationalist is a perversion
So you are biased and prejudges against ppl with torches ^^
No, they're calling people who want a white ethno-state racist. They're right.
Do you have the ability to take in inforation by yourself, or you just sit there waiting for stuf being handed to you when it is right next to you?

here is another http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/08/16/trump-republicans-charlottesville-navarro-sot-ctn.cnn

i am guessing you dont have the intellect to spot a narrative being pushed
>refer to all these posts you've already addressed
Holy shit why bother at this point
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wtf is your argument here?
you dont acknowledge that white nationalism is getting liked to "bad thing" constantly?
hmkay got it, you are not white.

Instead of just slandering, why dont you bring some valid points against white nationalism ?
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Entropy. Out of order comes kaos.
You addressed something? then why are you deleting your comments that got shot down as they are void of argumentation? >>742368206
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Kill any honky ya want just scream racist first, and you're gold!
Finally utopia is achieved.
Explain this insinuation and slandering anti nationalist narrative.
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Whites are worthless trash. Dey never do nuffin to help society.
Can I steal a car for a racist and get away with it?
Oh yeah, anything goes these days!
Because I called that dude crazy before I read what he actually said, which wasn't even a little crazy. I assumed if you were posting some nobody to support your argument it would at least be some wacko.
Explain why the establishment of a white ethno-state is not tied to racism or neo-nazi ideology
Because you all need to fuck like good rabbit goyim and breed out all culture and become effeminate beta cucks, men need to be devoid of testosterone so you all have oestrogen chemicals in your foods etc, also your children need to know that its okay to fuck other men in the ass when they learn about sex ed so they're all bisexual freaks and gay, and confused about their genders, there are 65 genders.
can't have anybody rise up against the system, also you need to allow all muslims to come in and control your communities and fuck your woman so there children can stop being jihadis and become westernized, it is for the good of society.
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Then why do whites have them? its beyond retarded, you are the so called master race but you are to kind so now you are dying?
That's clearly bullshit. According to USA race classifications Hispanic aren't Caucasian which is lie. Hispanic people are white as well as middle eastern are white.
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You dont know what you are talking about.
he says he should abolish nationalism, you like this.

this shows your bias.

This shows that you are wrong, at least you admitted that you spoke with out knowledge and with instant bias.
I don't believe it has anything to do with some conspiracy of creating some utopic/dystopic nation. People never succeed on that level of global planning. It's just impossible to steer a nation over the course of decades.

I think it all comes down to white guilt. You can't say anything anymore about niggers or any other race without being viewed as racist. And the same goes for LGBT's, women, or any other minority. But you are free to bash white people all you like for some reason. And the media is just another business, and it sells hate and misfortune. So it needs some group to blame, otherwise they have nothing to report.
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this post says it all and is seriously under rated.
Right, well good luck fighting for your pure Aryan nation, I'm sure you'll have great success establishing ideals more retarded and impossible than even communism.

Also reality
If l white person says the word black everybody will look at you as though you are going to say some racist shit, it's built into everyones minds the racism. Everybody needs to stop being racist, the truth is you are all fucking racist behind closed doors... blacks whites aians Hispanics fucking everybody.
Being racist towards white people is the "thing" now. You get a pass, because they are born racist.
(((White guilt))) like the Holocaust maybe? Nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi give us your $$ goyim. No one even remembers the 'other' six million gypsies and non-kikes murdered. Why? People think the Civil War was started over slavery why? These things fit a political-religious agenda.
The DNA proves it tho
>but those doggos in the pictures look alike!
Don't worry, a lot of them will kill each other in their teens early adulthood.
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>Thank you java for this perfect aligment

Because so are women.
Nice unbiased title there, from americas most trusted news source (tm). Post RT next.
No doubt that white women are anti-white male
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Funny because whites are going to have to get defensive about being white since you all think they're racist simply for being white which is actually racist and will make white people who aren't racist become racist.
Don't worry fellow whites. Once we are gone, all the non-Asian races will fall under the boot of their Asian overlords.
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>I don't believe it has anything to do with some conspiracy of creating some utopic/dystopic nation. People never succeed on that level of global planning. It's just impossible to steer a nation over the course of decades.
>People never succeed on that level of global planning. It's just impossible to steer a nation over the course of decades.
Oke, now i just know that you are a jew who is covering shit up here.

Explain james and the creation of Israel 5:20 https://youtu.be/Kj5eypBex-U (he literally says it)
explain the Bolshevik revolution, explain the rise of the red army.
explain the fall of the prussian empire
explain ww1
explain the jewish exodus to Israel
explain ww2
explain the creation of the un
explain the creation of the eu
explain the flooding of europe with immigrants
and again, explain the Jewish exodus to Israel 2:08 https://youtu.be/Wk25AeFWMNs

i suggest you kinda stick to this order as they are related and causation to each other
Only because as a group we are conditioned to think of ourselves as boring. Plain ol' White people. White-bread. White-bred. Uncool. It's pretty cool to be black or PoC these days. This goes back to the 70's. We are held to a different standard.
He sounds so fucking evil, like he thinks you are all complete trash to be separated from him and kept dumb and stupid, fighting eachother so you all never turn on his kind. Excuse meir l'm just going to put on my spectacles.
>exodus to
My jimmies are rustled
yea 400 years of slavery and 150 years of section 8 housing will make ppl pretty racist too
Very few women want to be with a man that works 40 hours each week and pays his bills and taxes. That's definitely not very exciting.
There are poor whites aswell.. it's really about class and the ones on the bottom are racist, as you get higher to the top they stop being racist and then at the highest level they literally think you humans are disgusting things that need to be controlled regardless of what colour you are.
What is Henry Kissinger? We always fill our cabinets with sheenies why?
>muh white ancestors
meanwhilst you are doing nothing with your life wasting away arguing about null points on 4chinz.

oh how the great have fallen....
It's not. It's anti white-supremecist .
It's unfortunate that most women are emotional and irrational
It's funny, I stopped thinking this way when I got out of gradeschool...
whites such as myself have been a minority for an extremely long time, most of these swarthy races your calling white are not true white.
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Ay least (((they)))'re no longer calling hispanics "White."
Stop posting that image you genuine moron. You can't just change political definitions to fit your narrative, you fucking newspeak spreading authoritarian scum.
>liberals are the most authoritarian!!!
>hot is cold
>dry is wet
Why do other ethnicities want white gone?

We are literally the sole reason for the greatest state of living the human race has ever known. We are the building blocks of first world comfort and morality. Without us it's only a mater of time before everything is in ruins.

Unless of course, China steps up to the plate. They have their own fucked up social and cultural draw backs though.

Why is it a good thing that innovation and prosperity dies?
china wont want niggers and spics in their society either.
yes... it would just be so awesome if the world were filled with rational women..

too bad they'd be fucking each other and not you, because that's a lesbian you're talking about.
because they are run by big nosed kikes who would rather be grubbing dollar bills then be loyal to their race
are you claiming jews are white?

because I know a lot of people who think like you do who would disagree on that thought.
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It is pretty simple
you know what else has an over representation of jews? Trump's family. THERE EVERYWHERE I TELLS U !!!
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liberals are not lefties, you are a leftie as you are against free speech
Most in sofa ads. Fuck DHS/CSL Sofas
Right. The Jews control us by controlling our women. Easier to manipulate. They control the porn industry too. Who gave a fuck about the Kardashians? It's no surprise the first commonly known early transsexual (with a lot of media coverage) is a Ashkenazi Jew. (Jazz is a pseudonym last name is Bolshinsky.) little things add up. I've seen the Wall Streel Journal take the same front-page article and change the spin in different markets. One for and against the Wall. Just to appeal to a wider audience. What is true anymore? What are tangible facts? They made sure to muddy the waters and indoctrinate our children through the education system.
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This explains why the dutch are hit hardest with miscegenation, they are the most superior Europeans that need to be annihilated as they are a strong opposition.
I've read different Jewish publications from the 20's that stated they want to promote blacks in order to create a society that is more open to communism. That way they'll have their slaves they were promised in their religious prophecies
Did you find a better argument. We are programmed not to be inflammatory and not to take pride in ourselves. It's cultural bullying.
maybe at one point in history they were

but not anymore thats for sure
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>thinks humans invented electricity
>one point in history
>from the Mediterranean/middle east

yeah.... no.....
He's stealing their melanin.
It's shorter than saying we developed the technologies to harness electricity towards a useful end, you pathetic, disgusting, pedantic twat.


That image is your portrait, isn't it? Kill yourself, fuckwit.
>notice all the commercials slowly adding more and more blacks over the years,

well... when you compare it to the past (when there was none), any increase in black people in commercials is going to be tremendous.
Because Jews cling to their holy book and it says Israel is constantly the underdog. Fighting on all sides. They would rather install the Kingdom of Israel and bring about the Antichrist then consider working with Gentiles (second-class citizens). Sheygets, they call us.
Envy, bitterness and short-sightedness. Their inability to plan long-term is why their ancestors gave them nothing. They subconsciously recognize the superiority of whites by sticking their dick in a white woman when they get the chance.

The past 50 years we have been turned docile and complacent. Our altruism is seen as a weakness to be exploited rather than something virtuous and respectable - it does not invite other people to behave the same. There has not been a more self-loathing people in history than today's whites. Brainwashed to the extent that we'll cheer on our own demise.
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>a beta cuck in college
>want to show scientific prowess of race
>simplify everything down to the dumbest possible explanation

are the nazis going full anti-nigger?
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>its shorter than saying we developed the technologies to harness electricity
because only white people did this. dude youre so fucking dumb and butthurt.
Jew is not White. They are the first to say that. Tell an Orthodox that.
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Who runs the (((((((((((((((((((((((((((media)))))))))))))))

Who are giving us this fake news and biased opinions?
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Every movie you see these days with a relation in the movie is a IR black male blond female relation.
Some cases they even put in the relation when it doesnt fits the script.
Why dont you see african females in movies unless they are white washed?

Why do you see som many blacks in movies comparative to their population percentage.

Why dont you see blacks in jew starred movies and sitcoms?
Why dont you see the same amount of races in all movies, only the white ppl have their movies invaded.
But you see plenty of all black starred movies.

Why are whites not allowed to have a movie with out other races in there when other races are ?
No surprise. Do you think Obama could have got off wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall? Trump can't even quote the Books properly. It's SECOND Corinthians you dummy. Not 2 Corinthians. The yarmulke was a signal that he plays the Jewish game.
This post is like a tard yelling at a tard for being a tard
Also dumbing the sheygets. The look superior in comparison.
You don't know what free speech even is you dunce. Google "constitution of the united states", read it, then come back to me.
Actually, I'll give you a TLDR, since I know you're too impatient to actually follow my advice. You aren't protected from being made to look like a fool by your peers, you’re protected from governmental censorship. The fact that all you can do it cry oppression when people confront you with arguments that you can’t counter shows how intellectually bankrupt your poor excuse for a political ideology is. Do you understand now? Hold on to that information, it might help you out in the future.
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When some one starts to use violence to shut down free speech your fallacy straw men and slander falls apart.

When the left is calling for violence to shut down free speech that falls apart
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>The fact that all you can do it cry oppression when people confront you with arguments that you can’t counter
Like which argument, you are not making any
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>scientific prowess
>elegant linguistics
I mean, really? One has nothing to do with the other

I never made a claim that only whites did it, but you can't win unless you make a bunch of assumptions about me or my argument. Get fucked, schlong-swallower.
And people were pissed that they could revoke all 'untrue' oaths on the Day of Atonement...
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your pic says "#whiteinventions", brainstem. did you not even read it before you posted it?
>rationalizing your stupidity this hard
you do know whites, asians, blacks all have different dna right?
Pretending not to understand other people’s arguments doesn’t make you look smart, it makes you look like a moron. You’re using the same tactics as flat earthers, who aren’t exactly the brightest of the bunch. I’ll say it again anyway, just for the record. Political definitions don't change, no matter your personal opinion of them. If you personally see liberals as being against free speech, then the people you are thinking of aren't liberals. They might pretend to be part of the left to add integrity to their arguments, but they aren't, they're pretenders.
If someone told you they were a conservative, but then revealed that they voted for Bernie Sanders, you would call them a liar. In the same way, someone who claims to be liberal, but who wants conservatives kicked out of universities, isn't a liberal. They’re authoritarian scum masquerading as people they perceive to have moral authority. Actions speak louder than words, and the supposed left in America (the Black Lives Matter types) have proven through their actions that they are nothing close to liberal.
You know we are not the only country that makes up the west....

The rest of them hate him even more than the people in this country.
>you do know whites, asians, blacks all have different dna right?
*conclusion based on a survey done by op's mom at the truck stop.
I hadn't watched TV for years, decided to watch a movie on one. Every fucking advert there was at least 80% black or mixed people over white, even though I live in fucking Ireland. I've seen like 2 or 3 black people in my entire life.

Just you wait. It's just a matter of time. If anyone would just fucking open history book, this shit has happened before.

Back in the day, the Irish were almost on the same social level as slaves in the US. As the white "majority" eroded, the Irish were then grouped in with the majority and told "You're one of us now, it's us against them."

We then repeated the same thing with Southern Italians.

We'll repeat the same thing with Hispanics light enough to do white. I got my first glimpse of it when Zimmerman murdered Trayvon and the media called him white.

Calling it now...
Absolutely. If you were from another planet, and you happened to receive (and view) a broadcast of some random TV show - complete with commercials and then actually came to this planet, you'd feel mislead.
While I agree with the premise pretty much all articles that starts with "Science says" is bullshit.
>"constitution of the united states",
Doesnt allows the rallying of violent antifa mobsters beating up ppl.
yeah but maybe your tv channels are directed at people that not from ireland, like maybe a more heterogenous population
tl,dr, still not an argument
How sad do you have to be to bait on /b/? What went wrong?
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So they rile up the black populations to fight white population?
That does explains the dogmatic hatred AA have
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weren't they always with india and africa and whatnot?
wtf, you are not making any argument at all.
>more slander from the leftie
If it is bait then you just fell for it
well yeah in india and africa, but now india and africa have majority births in america england and the whole of europe with the exception of poland
I don't think whites are being persecuted at all
I think persecution or any group of people by any group of people is rare worldwide nowadays (isis is the only one I can think of)
I think the media benefits from stirring the pot for one and I also think everywhere is getting more heterogenous, even poorer places but richer places esp. because nobody wants to be poor DUH
that makes zero sense, do you understand how many fucking people there are in india? there's no way that could be true
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>I don't think whites are being persecuted at all
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>I think the media benefits from stirring the pot for one and I also think everywhere is getting more heterogeneous, even poorer places but richer places esp. because nobody wants to be poor DUH
Only white places are getting more heterogeneous
Tell us, Anon. Talking about it can help.
Without you? what did you do for society of the world other than sharing the same skin tone than those who actually developed important things?

Why are we talking about whiteness as though it meant somemthing good automatically? There are a lot of white fuckers I desagree with, it doesn't bring a tear in my eye to think I have the same skin color as the billy hick rednecks who keep chanting they invented the modern world and shit.
There is nothing to talk about as you are not bringing in any argument
Plz anon
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>sharing the same skin tone

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

“Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
I didn't know The Onion had that many versions.
South african here.
Land reclamation is literally not a concern for us.
You think your niggers are bad?
We still have no hope tho
Are you a massive retard? Whites were never more than 15% of South Africa's population, even during apartheid.
The fact that you saved that image instantly destroys any credibility you may have had.
"Therefore, the overall inference from the controlled analysis is that the differences between single-race and mixed-race identifiers on the control variables we introduced are not the source of the higher risk encountered by mixed-race adolescents."
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>Plz anon
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Lol, you took that out of contects, or simply did not understand the context, im thinking the latter.
Here is the whole thing

Given that mixed-race-identified adolescents may differ from single-race-identified adolescents on other important attributes, would they be at higher risk if these differences were statistically controlled?

"We repeated the analyses" presented in Tables 2 ▶ and 3 ▶

"""""with statistical controls for age, sex, PVT, GPA, family structure, and family education (data available from the authors upon request). """"

Although for many individual risk items the odds ratios change in identification of statistical significance, very few entries change odds ratios from above to below 1.0.

""" Therefore, the overall inference from the controlled analysis is that the differences between single-race and mixed-race identifiers on the control variables we introduced are not the source of the higher risk encountered by mixed-race adolescents."""
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?? karma??
So after the whites bring technology culture and civilization to those that enslaved raped and murdered them for 2000 years its only karma to be exterminated by those very same ppl that you took in to your nations later out of kindness.
Despite them being so evil in the past taking slaves from europe /asia and occupying the south of europe for 600 years or more?
>white country
The term "minority" will be used for non-whites for a very long time after they've effectively become the majority. Ironically, if white nationalists want to come to power, their best bet is to wait it out until white birth rates are drastically lower than those of other groups and then start using SJW tactics to enact change.
>Why dont you see blacks in jew starred movies and sitcoms?
Lol, you do. Craig Robinson is in a few of Seth Rogan's movies, and Chris Rock appears in some Adam Sandler movies.
Lol several of those were made by Jews
you took those articles out of context too. Except for maybe the humanvarieties article, all articles are dedicated to highlight actual field studies and its not a proper response to why you should feel proud of "being white" and "inventing the modern world".
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You took your payback too far I guess
Hey anchor baby, people lived in America before you invaded so America isn't a white country. Go back to Europe, crybaby.
No i did not take anything out of context i linked the whole articles, you seem to think its just different colors

You cherry pick one line out of it that is substantiating my claims in context, it is genetically set and not by the variables you implied..

You simply did not understand it and thought you had something, but you were just being dumb getting exited about one line that you did not understand in context.

We are all anon, im not even the one that was talking about inventions.
The conversation moved on i even greentext the part of your comment that i am responding to.

Try to keep up mkay
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Payback??, no whites only paid
fake news
AND babbies without fathers too. They will learn from their daddies and again and again and again
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Found the Nigger
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Wow. This is actually pretty fucked up. Especially the happy white american man one.
>new meme /pol/tars are pushing to justify invasion and genocide
You had better hope the concepts of freedom from old dead white men take, otherwise America will convert to a dictatorship kleptocracy just like all the countries the immigrants are coming from.

I think that will not be the case, and things will be fine, but you are betting the future of humanity on it.
It is not new, nor is it a meme.
the only way to fight this is to get on there level, impregnate as many fellow white people as possible. dont pay child support and let your kids be impoverished continuing the cycle of baby mommas for many generation
Google "Happy American Man"
>census says
So, objective fact. Why do you perceive unbiased factual data as anti-white?
Just google, if you will, and reach your own conclusions.
american inventors
white couple
european people art
european people history
happy american woman
>implying I'm actually the one who posted that image, not just some asshole who decided to rail against a stupid reply he saw

How fucking new are you? It's not my post in the first place. Maybe we should bring back IDs so babby can keep track of who he's talking to.

I'll repeat by earlier suggestion: get fucked.

Addendum: kill yourself.
Nobody talks about it except for /pol/babbies trying to pretend America is a white country.
Christ Almighty....What has happened?
They don't. It's just melamine and shit. The dogos only have sterile kids, but amid between black and white van have kids. Juts like a donkey and a horse have a mule, but the mule is sterile
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No shit no one talks about it, whites dont go around yelling we wuz natives, what do you take us for.

There is a real good reason why news and media did not cover this.

Now, if you orbited in different circles, scientific ones then you would have known about the viking artifacts found on the east coast of America, they even found persevered longboat dating 12k years back
>Happy American Man
Sigh. Google has been infected with the virus of extreme liberalism.
>. It's just melamine and shit.
melanin (and shit) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840
>No shit no one talks about it, whites dont go around yelling we wuz natives, what do you take us for.
You're shouting right now, but then again, /pol/scum shouldn't be considered white.
literally the argument to niggerfy and enmuslim the world you fucking mong
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Because Trump is in the office! The voice for KKK, Neo-Nazis, Fascists, etc.
>because only whites pay taxes and buy things
maybe its best you were wiped out afterall
>You're shouting right now, but then again, /pol/scum shouldn't be considered white.
Do you see any explanation marks or all caps?

Why are you slandering ?, can you not stop slandering for a moment? are you mentally insane?
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>because only whites pay taxes and buy things
See img. >>742370892

What race are those little mulatto children I'm supporting considered?
Sauce plz
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>What race are those little mulatto children
i dont get the question, could you rephrase?
Maybe this helps
Empire of Dust, its a great documentary
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I noticed that also.

CNN help the top two pages of google yesterday.

Typically you pay for first page billing...leaning left much?
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i wonder if they even have to pay
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I thought this was trolling. But no, these are the actual search results.
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>You don't know what free speech even is you dunce
>Google "constitution of the united states"
That argument only applies to the first amendment. Leftists, like so many others, aren't open to honest discussions, so they use this kind of rhetoric to dance around having to actually listen to other opinions with open minds
Almost always black men and white women.
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white people.jpg
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I love how hispanics are classed as color for the purpose of this, yet Zimmerman was always portrayed as white by the media, despite his hispanic lineage.
Whatever lie suits their agenda at the time…
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This one takes the price, that new "colored" bar on the top those genres are wtf,
Google is like a hollywood movie made by sheklestein.
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white couple...jpg
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White couple is still a strong contender, notice how it is only black male white female
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The only reason he got off was because he was not white

first 3 images top kek
You spout your inane rambling bullshit and get mad when people shut you down with actual facts and arguments. That's all this is. You think the government should force people to listen to your opinion, as if it actually has any worth.
They tried real hard to make him white though, poor little Trayvon gunned down by those hateful whites!

Thank fuck Zimmerman got saved by his heritage.
Then its ok to be racist anon, don't worry.
i guess because white people are the only safe punching bag?
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The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jewish commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.

They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.

In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism;
but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning,
especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when,
as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.
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>internationalist globalist jewish commies

I'm going to shit myself.
How is reporting this anti-white? Isn't you nazis' whole point that there is a """white genocide""" happening? Make up your fucking minds, you hypocritical cunts. Flip flopping retards.
Hispanic is white.
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happy white american man.jpg
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Wtf google is just a propaganda machine
>how do I boolean search: the post
>Jim Bob the fourth, whose mother is also his aunt and whose father is also his uncle: the post
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No, Hispanics are Caucasoids not Caucasians, even spain is not Caucasian.
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They are all that, they just keep jumping ship when one movement goes down.
Check the tree tho, it sums all those terms up in one family
The Caucasian race consists of North Africans, Arabs, Whites, Somalians, some people in India and Ethiopians. On the other hand, white are mostly people who belong to Europe.
You know they can set boolean searches right, they control that
>Jim Bob: the post
>what is search engine optimization: the post
>inbreeding: the post
Wrong, stop getting info from wiki, those ar caucasiods.

Now here is where you are reading it wrong and wiki is running with that same missinterpertation.

Those areas "used" to be populated by caucasians.

today they are Caucasoids as they fucked raped or got raped by africans with some mongolian mixed in to it
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