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If they wanna get potentially shot at that fine by me, who fucking cares. Just leave people alone literally nobody fucking cares. Every fucking day it's another fucking thing! Grow the fuck up donald. Everyone is sick and tired of your shit. Your parents should have beat you more.
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ITT: We post some sexy giraffes
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Not the same anon but you should not correlate the awesomeness of giraffes to people like Trump.

>Also they are an interesting case study in evolution.
Transgenderism is a mental illness.

I don't want true soldiers serving next to someone who could lose their shit at any second for no reason.

There is a reason that as a group they have astronomically higher than average suicide rates.
terence mckenna was right, novelty ran out around 2012/2013. your reactions are a commodity. move on
Think your dick should be a gash? Get out of my military mentally ill trash
>in a big battle
>oh hold on guys, gotta shove a dildo in my open wound so it doesn't close

Anybody who says being "trans" is natural needs to be gassed.
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what did i just watch.
holy fuck that was amazing
There is no response a logical person can give to an emotional mind. Those folks lack the critical thinking skills to actually consider the fact that no social policy aimed at others will ever affect them in any meaningful way. They just "don't like it" because of their religion or innate feelings and Trump is their voice.
IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun fact: the media circus is giving this many fucks about 0.1% of the military. Estimates range from as low as 1500 to as "high" as 6500 transgender people serving. Out of 1.3 million.

This is not worthy of the media, nor is it worthy of our fucking time in the military. I don't want to spend 2 hours a week counseling people on sensitivity towards the "woman" with a dick in the barracks.

Lest we forget the poster child of military transgender fame is a fucking criminal.
Are you a soldier? Or are you just an armchair critic?

Because you literally have nothing meaningful to say.
pretty sure the point of it is that they need the individual to function in their meat suit comfortably and without chemical support to ensure a functioning team of meat suits. So its more about not letting someone with a disability be responsible for the well being of other meatsuits.

Nobody is going to send out military hardware that's running the wrong operating system.
Hurr durrr I support mentally ill heavily armed people hurrr durrrrr.
I do believe that trans is nowhere near normal just my two cents that being said if someone wants to fight and defend their country they should have the right to do so. It's very ironic that these man women want to fight for our country but our president who claims to be a "manly man" fucking avoided the draft. Fucking hypocrite.
>awesomeness of giraffes

Cringy teenager detected. Get the fuck off of 4chan, little fag.
Did you actually read my post?
Because Obama and his pro-LGBTQBbqxMC7% campaign also served. Oh wait.
So you're just an armchair critic then.
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That's one fine giraffe
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Well said.

Not saying all trans people are mentally unwell, but many of them are.
Literally the only justification he gave was that it's too expensive for the dod

shut the fuck up faggot lover
He's trying to distract you from the matters that are important. Pay no attention to this.
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I am amazed that someone is so actually stupid that they can't see the irony in posting a brainless emotion "fuck you" response to a post about how these people are incapable of anything more than a brainless emotion "fuck you" response. Honestly this is like a comedy skit except it's real and a little sad.
They don't allow people with transplants in because of the post surgical shit they have to deal with. Why would they let trannies in when they're basically the same except crazy?
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1. transgender isn't a mental disorder so they aren't "crazy". If anyone is crazy, it's you for not believing in medical science.

2. Someone who identifies as trans but decides not to undergo transitions (or someone who's gender is flexible) would also be banned. So the argument that it's due to "health concerns" is a bullshit lie to mask the fact that it's just unscientific transphobia.
It's kind of a bummer, dude.

I feel like there are two types of people in this world, those that "get it" and those that don't. And no matter what your perspective is, that idea can still ring true.

Pretty fucking grim.
its good enough reason as any. if I'm going to get a piece of machinery and i want it to do something specific. I'm going to get the best bang for my buck. I'm also not going to purchase the piece of hardware that requires an oil change every day at my own cost.
This post is not going to get you far with this crowd. You have to try and argue from a different perspective. The thought that being trans is a mental disorder is a undeniable truth to them. You have to work within that mindset to change opinion in a different way.
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Looks iike they are to me.
I knew plenty of fags while I was in the service. They served just fine. I'd rather have a hard working fag than the shits that half assed it all the time. I'm not fucking any of them, so I don't fucking care if they're faggots or not.
If they want to wear a pair of tits into battle, or slice their tits off, good on them.
Let's go kill some foreigners.
It's not about religion you fucking moron it's about being a soldier first putting your unit first and you country first. If you have to proclaim you are trans then you are putting yourself first and not your unit you are being selfish and not selfless. Go.suck a bag of dicks fucking fag
Trannies are mentally ill, the science disproves that there are more than 2 genders and that you can change them.
Mentally i'll people don't belong in the military.

He's about to fire Sessions though, Sessions makes the KKK super happy. If Trump shits on fags the KKK won't be as upset about Sessions so they'll let him stay in the club.
Trans are mentally ill. I'm glad they are banned from the military. We don't need mentally ill people defending our country.
>Reddit spacing

I'm pretty sure a majority of people in the military don't want these mentally ill trannies around them either.

also anyone who thinks there are more than 2 genders and that you can change your gender and think it's NOT a mental illness should keep their mouth shout when it comes to "knowing things".
I don't see what the big deal is.
Mentally ill people shouldn't be in the military.
Go to \pol to bitch faggot.
>impliying not everyone in the military is mentally ill
Are you retarded? How can recognizing you're a bitch be against the unit? Does it make you a bitch if Frank is a bitch? Are you scared the bitchness might spread
It's always fears _you_ fags will freak out when the actual fags come out that causes issues.
Get your shit in order.
You're not a soldier and the people in the military I know all support keeping these mentally ill people out.
kek, GAY people were banned up until a few years ago. Get it together OP.
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>>Reddit spacing
>uses reddit spacing
These aren't fags tho. These are mentally ill people who want to mutilate their bodies. They shouldn't' even be allowed to drive cars.

and I doubt you served.
Actually if you take any basic university course in physiology you will learn there are many more than 2 genders in humans (and even more in other animals).

For example, other than XY and XX in humans, you have:
17-beta-hydroxysteroid deyhdrogenase deficiency
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
5-alpha reductase deficiency
Swyer syndrome
Turner syndrome
And many more (those were just off the top of my head from a physiology class I took years ago).

Lrn 2 science.
Is that why the dems are now "defending" sessions? Trump is playing the libshits like a drum. Also sessions doesn't make the KKK happy, he put them in jail.
I think he is using a oboma strategy. Slide of the hand. What is going on while we are looking a the tears of people that have no intention of joining. I'm in the transportation industry, regulations are dropping like crazy.
Wait a sec. If you join the military, that is a selfless act? What about getting money for college, or medical expenses paid for, or all of the other benefits ex military receives? If you want to serve your country, great. Do it. But don't act like it's some higher than thou selfless act because it really isn't. If it were you would go serve for four years, come home without pay or benefits. It's a career move.

Your response is why I say that it's either a religious no-no, or the fact that you "just don't like it" - for reasons we won't talk about. It simply makes no logical sense, its an emotional response. That's why these threads turn to shit and no one can have reasonable discourse.
4chan is pol. Besides he's a lefty and lefties dont' go to pol because they can't debate, it's why they hang around here and post between the tranny and gay porn.
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Are you implying that the "logical minds" in your argument are the people who actually believe that you can magically switch genders just because they emotionally feel like it and the people with "emotional minds" are the people who choose not to play along with trannies and not suspend reality to cater to the mentally ills fantasies?

You must be a treat to talk to regarding basic common sense. Enjoy entering middle school next year Sherlock, it gets kinda tricky in biology class
Mentally ill trannies have no place in the military.
This. Im proud of you. Men like you are first in line for the best bro jobs or even blow jobs your tooth jobs can't compete against
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This is the one
No there are only 2 genders. Science proves this.
Please stop enabling these mentally ill people.
If you want to get your surgery before or after serving, fine, go nuts, but don't sign up and expect the government to foot the bill for the surgery or treatments.

I think the only thing that really matters is if the person next to you can get their job done when shit goes down. If they can perform their duties as well as anyone else, who cares what they're packing in their pants.

Just don't spend my tax dollars on what's essentially an elective surgery
Good no fucking sex changes on tax payer dollars, go suck cock like everyone else
Redditors are the lefties that act like triggered fags when trannies are btfo of the military.
I don't think we should allow mentally ill into the military.
Mental illnesses are not real. Freud is a jew name. That is all. He also invented all these terms. Always been around but people were more bi before. Nothing new under sun. No male nor female in Christ. Fully transitioning is better than cross dressing. Everybody's gay. Men. Women. Everybody. Or at least bi. No joking. This is man kind's biggest open secret
Educated people don't go to /pol/ because wasting time debating with people who could barely graduate highschool and spend their time on the internet insulting people who aren't exactly like them to feel less inadequate is a waste of time.

/pol/ is a cesspool of morons. And /b/ in large part grew popular by trolling the shit out of said uneducated morons.
Those are mutations and defects, these problems are currently being researched and rectified
In Rome, being bi was the norm. You were legit expected to be turned on by men and women. And if you weren't, it was considered a bit weird.

The entire source of European culture had an openly bi society. Today we are like "lol bi doesn't even exist"
Keep telling yourself that. The lefties on b usually scurry away when the real debates start because they are mostly just teens.
This is nu/b/ full of tranny and gay porn. Old /b/ moved on to /pol/ the backbone of 4chan.
Everyone I know that's served in the military that knew someone that was anything other than straight said you're too busy getting on with the job to care about that sort of thing.
If they pull their weight, they're accepted. There might be a couple of small minded ppl that give some resistance but when things get real that's the last thing on their minds and often they realize there was nothing to get butthurt about in the first place.
If you want a mentally ill person to get better send them a priest. Short of that fuck off and go home and be quiet. Ripping on people restricts freedom. Economic left wing makes more people, more money. Worry about yourselves
In rome they didn't cut of mens dicks and say they were women.
found a genocidal child fucker
don's spent more on golfing, than trannies have spent on surgery

then will come the lawsuits (broken contracts by the US military)

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I served 4 years right after 9/11, because I was patriotic and stupid.
Plenty of people do shit to change their image. I couldn't find a bitch without tattoos at times. Subdermals and hooks and backlacing are popular in some crowds too
Dudes and chicks got lypo, and bitches got tit implants while I was in. hell, there was a list you could sign up for so the plastic surgeons they grab from making bank doing tit jobs can practice while they're in the service carving blasted hell back into some semblance of a face each day.
Don't tell me they can't serve because it makes you queasy. Go fucking run till you get over your faggotry.
This statement demonstrates you have 0 knowledge of medical science, or what a "mutation/defect" is. Just because you watched x-men doesn't make you an expert.

These are not mutations or defects. These are normal variations of humans.

They are no more defective than you are for lacking the ability to read a fuckin textbook.
trannies have no legal standing, they are mentally ill. Maybew e can get a case up to the scotus to finally kill this tranny nonsense forever.
Were assholes, too
Mental illness..
Speaking of mental illness, how many vets do you know that are fucked up from Afghanistan? Because I know quite a few. And it's fucking sad.

I still think if you want to serve and you are physically able, you should be able to serve.
They can't serve because they are mentally ill sick fucks.
I think it's one thing if you get your surgery after you serve, but it's a whole other story if you show up to a recruiting office dressed like Klinger from mash
yeah but they all killed themselves by using lead pipes
the mentally ill should not be allowed otherwise shit like this will keep happening
Not all mutations are good, it's a bummer
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Found a blood libel rabbi. Zionism is wholly right wing. Mental illnesses are spiritual problems. And heteros have those in spades. Research serpent seed. That wasnt adam and steve. Trannies. Fags. I answered you already. It depends on being a molech whore. Or a "grab them". Or "my daughter is hot". Or epstein trial. Or kiss of putin youtube video. Or pic related
Why are you confounding the two? Research the sacred band of thebes. They werent trannies but they were fags. Then a bisexual alexander got to them. Learn things!
They are still mentally ill, you can't change your gender.
Neo vagina = vagina
Look up "vaginismus"
Pretty sure Trump recently legalized dumping factory sewage into rivers that feed into drinking water reservoirs... So yeah... that....
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>trans in the military
Fags don't cost extra for being fags, and I don't want to pay for mentally ill men's gender reassignment surgery.
>40% chance of suicide
>highest rate of STDs of any group nationwide
Yeah, bad move keeping those guys out.
Pretty sure you're full of shit.
>>"1. transgender isn't a mental disorder so they aren't "crazy". If anyone is crazy, it's you for not believing in medical science. "
Is this nigga serious? Are you that fucking dense? The trick is to stop pushing the q-tip when you feel resistance in the ear moron.
yeah no.
Putting to the states is not "legalizing it".
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Dont know who to rape anymore? Threadly reminder "nice" is only a meme for females
lol love the pic.
So, I never actually gave my opinion on biological gender versus gender identity. Those are two separate things, but you're conflating them.

That does not change the fact that they are people that want to serve in the military and they are physically able to do so.
Again, there is nothing I can say as a logical thinker to an emotional mind to change your opinion. You just "don't like it" and so you don't want these people serving in the military.
obviously rationality won't change your mind. luckily you'll probably keel over from being a fat subhuman piece of shit soon enough. thanks to your charming personality, no one will even find the corpse till your landlord or neighbors are forced to call someone because of the smell.
> assuming you've ever left home in the first place
Source: your ass.
there's only two genders
rest are mental disorders
Trump signed an executive order to overturn Obama's "Stream protection rule". Just google it?
what are hermaphrodites then?
Being rational is admitting they are mentally ill. If you can't admit that there is nothing more to say.
>ctrl f for "freud's dick" aka mental illness
>internet explodes and breaks
where did you get your medical degree from?
There was an entire religious sect (the Galli) that was all "trans" (in the sense that it was biologically born men living as women). You can read about it in Catullus' poem Carmen.
I like how all the ads are naked men
reread my post for your answer
you think a genetic variation is a "mental disorder."

Literally trump-tier intelligence right there.
that makes no sense, how can having both genitals consider you male or female, which one is it then genius? Please answer that for me ohh glorious God!!
Because there clearly wasn't anything in there that wasn't straight-up DC pork.
It sounds nice though, warm and fuzzy.
>literally nobody fucking cares
I don't think that word means what you think it does.
Bill Nye detected.
you know that the fulbright means they were just given the degree right??
Hey, trump is just doing what he said he would do. What he said to Putin, specifically. See, any chance to strike at our own military is good for a traitor to our country. Because he's a traitor to our country.
>Tell anorexics they're fat
>Tell schizophrenics to target politicians because they really are stealing his ideas

Do you have a scale for which mental illnesses are played into and which aren't? What are your parameters? Clearly you're a faggot who will listen to anyone who claims to be a professional, but only when they're validating your opinion.
It's very sad that you don't know how to win, but that's okay because Trump is POTUS and he will teach you.
Your depression and anxiety are mentally illness, not transgenderism
Based on the shitstorm it caused I'd say OP is a faggot.
Right. Because that's what some guy on Brietbart with an official 4chan /pol/ degree said?

Maybe read the actual policy. It wasn't perfect but it protected the environment. You have to be a fucking moron to think dumping coal waste in rivers is a good idea.
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