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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 81
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Here comes a greentext story!

>Be a fluffy pony owner
>Your fluffy is a light blue pegasus mare with an orange mane
>You named her Sky
>She was the sweetest thing in the world when you brought her home from the store, all wiggly legs and pretty fluff
>She's still very sweet, loves you with all her heart
>But you're pretty sure Sky is retarded
>Now, fluffies in general are not well known for their intelligence
>But you suspect that Sky didn't just hit the bottom of the I.Q. chart, but grabbed a shovel and started digging
>"Pick up the treat, Sky! Pick up the treat!"
>"Whewe tweat daddeh? Whewe tweat!?"
>"It... it's right in front of you sweetie. Look, I'm pointing right at it."
>"Siwwy daddeh, dat ou fingah! Fingahs nawt tweats!"
>You eventually have to pick it back up and hold it in front of her face
>Sky's so excited, she doesn't even bother to take it out of your hand before she eats it
>She just shoves her face over it and starts chewing, biting your fingers in the process
>Her stupidity hurts worse than the bites

>Housebreaking Sky was a challenge
>Sky's so dumb, when she gets face up against a wall she thinks she's trapped and won't move
>She can stay like that for hours if you're not home
>At first you tried using a sorry box to punish her when she made "bad poopies", but she accidentally sorry boxes herself every day
>When you did it to her on purpose she didn't understand that she was being punished
>Eventually you took her into the bathroom with her litter box and a rolled up newspaper, and fed her a bowl of raisins
>For hours you put her in the litterbox while she pooped uncontrollably, and told her she was a good girl
>Put her on the floor, and when she pooped there you smacked her on the rump
>Back and forth, over and over
>Repetition is the only way to get to some fluffies, and after hours of it you hammered the lesson through even Sky's thick skull
>Even then she needed a few days before she realized she could use the litter box when it wasn't in the bathroom
>Even then she sometimes shits on the floor because she can't remember where her litter box is
>It's only the largest object in her safe room aside from her bed, and it's not a big room
>But if Sky isn't facing it when she has to take a dump, she can't find it
>It never occurs to her to turn around

>Sky thinks she can fly
>Most of the time this isn't a problem, because there's nothing high enough in her safe room to jump off of
>But you do let her out most days, because having a pet you can only interact with in one room is kind of boring
>You do your best, most of your furniture isn't climbable
>You have baby gates at the top and the bottom of the stairs
>If you pick her up you have to hold her very carefully, because at any moment she might try to jump out of your arms
>You know a few people with pegasus fluffies who let them ride on their shoulders
>You were at least smart enough to never try this with Sky
>But you didn't think to do anything about the couch
>The back's only a few feet high, it's on carpet, how badly could she possibly hurt herself?
>When the vet puts a cast on her left back leg so she can't move it while the sprain heals, he says she's probably lucky she didn't break her little neck
>You've heard some pegasus fluffies with strong enough wings can glide a little, but Sky doesn't try that
>She beats her wings as hard as she can
>That actually makes her fall faster
>Which is probably how she sprained her leg, despite landing on a throw pillow that you managed to get underneath her
>You ask the vet if he can put one of those stupid-looking cones on her because you're determined to get some amusement out of this
>When Sky wakes up she thinks she's in a round plastic sorry box, panics, and shits all over your passenger seat

>Sky is also a huge slut
>She's almost a year old, and she's been wanting babies for a while
>Any time you take her out of the house, any time you let her into the back yard, she's looking for a stallion to knock her up
>She will literally show her ass to anything that looks remotely like a fluffy stallion
>She propositions cats and dogs
>Once, a rabbit that had wandered into your yard actually started humping her
>You decided to let it, because you figured maybe she'd learn a lesson
>Sky tried to make the rabbit stay afterwards because she wanted it to be her special friend
>It actually managed to give her "gud feews"
>A week later she's throwing tantrums because she's not pregnant, and you have to explain to her at least five times a day that fluffies and bunnies can't have babies
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Updated today. Follow, comment, enjoy!
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Are fluffys edible in the canon? Africans would have meat for days.

>What Sky lacks in intelligence, she makes up for in tenacity
>One day when you have a couple of friends over, she catches sight of a feral stallion through the fence, and convinces him to dig into the yard so he can bang her
>The first and only opportunity she gets in months, and she grabs it with all four hooves
>You're distracted with barbecue just long enough for her to get her freak on
>"Hey man, is that your fluffy pony getting humped under that bush?"
>Too late, a big pink earth fluffy has gotten Sky knocked all the way up
>You spike him over the fence like a volleyball
>Sky is heartbroken for about two seconds
>Then she goes around excitedly telling everybody that she's going to be a mommy
>You decide that maybe if actually having babies will make her shut up about wanting them, it might be worth it to let her have them
>God willing, one of them will be smart enough not to hurl itself off of tall furniture
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>>When Sky wakes up she thinks she's in a round plastic sorry box, panics, and shits all over your passenger seat

>"How tahm tiw babbehs!?"
>"Well, a fluffy's gestation period is about three weeks, give or take, and you've been pregnant for about five minutes, so I'd say about three weeks."
>"Nuuuuu! Fwee week tu wong! Wan babbehs naow!"
>"Yeah I really don't think this is something you can force sweetie, you're just going to have to be patient."
>"Whut 'pate-ent'?"
>"It means you're going to have to wait without crying."
>"Wait fow whut?"
>"Your... your babies?"
>"Babbehs!? Skah wan babbehs! How tahm tiw babbehs!?"
>You have this conversation roughly one thousand times

>Sky does eventually calm down when she starts to show
>Actually being able to tell she's pregnant seems to satisfy her, so she stops asking how much longer it'll take
>Thank god, because that was the longest week of your life
>You're still concerned, mainly because you're not sure Sky's up to the task of raising a foal
>Or five, as the internets tell you she's capable of producing
>She only has two tits, you suspect that if her number of babies don't correlate exactly the logistics of feeding will fry her brain
>You do research, stock up on formula and other essentials in case things go south
>Do fluffies actually explode if they get agitated during labor?
>Internets seem pretty evenly split
>The vet swears he's seen it happen, but he could easily be fucking with you
>As the day approaches, Sky becomes less and less mobile
>For the first time since you got her, you can leave her alone just about anywhere in the house without worrying about her killing herself
>All she does is eat, sleep, and cry hysterically when she shits outside the litter box
>You may have trained her a little too well in that particular area

>You spend as much time at home as you can, but even with time off from your job you have to run errands
>Return from a grocery run one day to discover that in the half an hour you were gone, Sky gave birth to two healthy foals
>One is a purple earth fluffy, the other is a bright pink pegasus
>"Wook Daddeh," she says tiredly, beaming at you, "Skah haf babbehs!"
>You are absolutely amazed that she managed to give birth on her own without screwing something up
>The foals seem to be clean and uninjured
>The purple one is still feeding, while the pink pegasus is sleeping peacefully in its mother's belly fluff
>"I'm so proud of you sweetheart. You're going to be a great mommy."
>You scratch her behind the ears as she giggles with hapiness at the praise
>She even makes a cute little chirping noise
>...wait, that's not her
>The chirping is coming from somewhere else in the room
>"Sky? Sweetie? How many babies did you have?"
>Sky can't count to save her life, she just points at her two foals
>"Skah haff babbeh... an odda babbeh."
>The babies you can see are being completely silent
>You still hear chirping, and it's starting to sound increasingly frantic

>Interrogating Sky further would be pointless, so you search the room
>Luckily there aren't many places to hide in the safe room, and after about ten seconds you realize the chirping is coming from the litter box
>The fuck?
>Lying near the edge of the box, buried halfway in the litter, is a brown earth fluffy foal
>You carefully pick the tiny thing up and wipe the litter out of its wet fluff
>The foal latches onto your little finger and starts suckling
>You are trembling with incredulous anger
>"Sky you little... did you put this baby in your litter box!?"
>Sky's eyes widen
>"Nu daddeh! Nu put babbeh in wittabawks! Babbehs aww hewe!"
>You hold the brown foal in front of her
>"Then what the fuck is this!?"
>Sky folds her ears back at the profanity, and her pink foal wakes up and starts crying
>She comforts the foal by holding it against her belly and petting it while she looks at what's in your hand
>"Daddeh... dat's poopie," she says
>"Wha... it's your foal, just because it's this color..."
>"Daddeh," says Sky, in the same tone of voice you use to lecture her when she's being particularly dense, "Dat nawt babbeh. Dat poopie. Skah put poopie in wittabawks. Den Skah give miwkie nummehs to babbehs."
>You stare at her, mouth agape
>"...it... it's making noise and moving."
>"Noisy poopie," she says
a retarded tard pony

>You actually can't believe this
>You've heard stories that some fluffies reject their foals because they're too small, or they don't like their color, or because they smell bad
>You know that fluffies certainly don't react well to alicorn babies
>But you have never heard of a fluffy mother rejecting a brown baby because she thought it was literally shit
>"Sky... look, I know it's the same color as your poop, but this is a baby fluffy, I promise you. It needs to eat just like your other foals. Okay? Here I'll show you."
>You bring the foal closer and try to lay it on Sky's stomach next to her teats
>She flips the fuck out
>"NUUUUUUU!!! Nu poopies in fwuff! Nu poopie on babbehs! Nu smell pwetty!!!"
>All three of her babies immediately wake up and start crying, squeaking and chirping like crazy
>Sky flails like a mad thing, trying to keep the brown baby off of her
>In fact, she flails so hard that one of her back legs catches the pink foal and a wild kick sends it flying
>The foal lets out a high-pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEEE!" until it hits the baseboard with a tiny, pathetic thump
>You're so shocked that you pull the brown foal away from Sky and back away from her
>Sky calms down after a minute and quiets the purple foal, licking and nuzzling it until it falls asleep
>You gingerly roll the pink one over with a finger
>It landed badly, and it wasn't terribly robust to begin with
>You're no vet, but you know a broken neck when you see one

>"Sweepy babbeh!"
>You look up in surprise as Sky crawls out of her bed and slowly but cheerfully trundles over to her baby's corpse
>"Gud qwiet babbeh," she says before gently picking it up by the scruff and carrying it back to her bed
>She settles down again with the sleeping baby and the dead one cuddled in her stomach fluff, and starts to sing softly to them
>"Mummah wuvs babbehs, and babbehs wuv mummah, mummah gives miwkies, and babbehs num miwkies..."
>She seems to have forgotten that you exist for the moment, and you take the opportunity to slip out of the room
>You carefully clean the brown foal with a damp washcloth and wrap it in a dishtowel while you mix and warm up some formula
>It's too small for a bottle, but the foal finishes off two eyedroppers full of formula in rapid succession
>You discover, after some searching, that it's a male
>He doesn't want to go to sleep for a while, fussing and crying, as if he can tell that his mother abandoned him
>Finally you lie down and settle him on your chest, and your breathing and heartbeat seem to soothe him to sleep
>You lie there for a while, a fluffy foal the length of your palm cuddled against your chest, staring at the ceiling
>What in the actual fuck did you just witness?

>That night when Sky falls asleep you sneak into her safe room and take the dead baby
>You're not really sure how to break it to her that the poor thing is gone
>It was another male, spitting image of its dad aside from the wings
>You're just glad it didn't suffer as you wrap it up in a paper towel and drop it in the garbage
>You're also glad the brown foal hasn't opened his eyes yet so he can't see you throwing away his brother
>As you feed him again, you notice the way his now dry fluff reflects the glow from the lamp in your living room
>It's not brown at all, but a shade of orange so dark that you can only see it if it catches the light just right
>Sky put him in the litterbox because she thought he was her poop, but he's probably the most beautiful fluffy you've ever seen
>You decide you're going to name him Nugget
>You briefly consider trying to give him back to Sky again; maybe now that she's lost one of her other babies she'll be more open to the idea
>Then you remember that tiny pink body flying through the air and hitting the wall
>That sad little thumping noise
>Nugget's going to stay with you until he can fend for himself
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>You're really worried how Sky's going to react to waking up with only one baby
>She can't count to two, but surely even she knows the difference between one and more than one, right?
>You go in to feed her in the morning, and find her gently grooming the purple baby
>"Good morning Sky! How are you and your baby doing?"
>"Skah gud daddeh!" she says cheerfully, letting her baby crawl down her stomach to get to her teats, "Babbeh gud tu!"
>Oh dear god, she actually has no idea
>"That's great sweetie! So... everything's fine? Nothing... missing?"
>You know you shouldn't press your luck, but this is fucking boggling your mind
>Sky blinks at you for a minute and then starts looking around, nosing at her blanket and twisting around a little to look under her back
>"Nu!" she says finally, "Aww hewe!"
>You don't say anything else as you give her breakfast and help her take her morning shit
>Maybe the pink foal was just an accident, and surely once Nugget can talk she'll be able to understand he's actually another fluffy
>Sky's about as sharp as a sack of hammers, but her mothering instincts seem to be mostly there
>Purple one looks healthy enough, at least
>It rolls over onto its back after it finishes feeding, and you determine that it's female
>"You want to name her?"
>"Oooh, ye Skah wan name babbeh! Skah name babbeh... Skah's Babbeh!"
>She giggles hysterically and hugs the foal
>That's cute

>The next day it stops being cute because you realize Sky was 100% serious
>"I don't know honey, 'Sky's Baby' is kind of... I mean, don't you want her to have her own name?"
>"Nu. Skah's babbeh cawwed Skah's Babbeh, because babbeh is Skah's babbeh."
>You actually can't argue with that logic
>Mostly because it doesn't resemble actual terrestrial logic in any way, shape, or form
>Still, Sky's Baby is happy enough, and warm and well fed
>You make sure that Nugget gets the same care, making a little sling so you can carry him close to your chest hands-free
>In just a few days the foals open their eyes and start to toddle around a little
>Sky is fascinated by this; she can sit and watch her baby waddle around for hours
>Or the five minutes it's capable of before it gets tired and cries until she picks it back up
>Nugget is less adventurous, he never wants to leave you, although he will scamper around on top of you like you're a big piece of playground equipment
>You catch Sky scooting along on the floor next to her baby, copying its awkward movements
>"Mummah an babbeh pway cwawie game!" she squeals
>You take a short video and it gives all of your friends heart attacks

>The very next day as you're passing the safe room on your way downstairs to make breakfast you hear Sky already up and about
>"Pway babbeh, pway!" she's babbling, "Pway baww!"
>You frown
>Baby's probably not big enough for that yet, you should...
>"Siwwy babbeh, nu time for sweepies! Pway baww wif mummah!"
>Oh dear god
>You rush back and open the safe room door to see Sky nosing her ball off of her baby
>It is lying very still
>"Babbeh? Up!"
>She looks up at you, puffing out her cheeks in annoyance
>"Babbeh wazy!" she pouts
>You step into the room and gently nudge the purple foal with your finger
>Neck seems to be intact, and it's breathing, but it's just staring up at the ceiling
>A miniscule trickle of blood is coming out of one of its ears
>"Sky... did you hit the baby with your ball?"
>"Skah kick baww fow babbeh! Babbeh catch baww wif face, den go sweepies!"
>The baby suddenly begins to twitch, and then after a minute it's no longer breathing
>You prod the baby's forehead, which is much spongier than it should be
>Sky can't kick that hard, but apparently it was hard enough to shatter her daughter's soft baby skull

>You pick up the foal and lean heavily against the wall, staring down at the tiny bloodstain where it was laying a moment ago
>Sky frowns up at you, nudging your foot with her hoof
>"Daddeh, nu give babbeh bad upsies! Give Skah babbeh back!"
>You look at the tiny pathetic form of the dead foal
>"Daddeh! Make Skah babbeh wake up! Nee' give babbeh miwkies!"
>"It's dead you ignorant slut."
>Sky backs away from you, mouth wide open in surprise
>She doesn't understand what you said, but the tone of your voice cuts through the cloudy veil of her stupidity and maybe for the first time she realizes something is wrong
>"I said it's dead, Sky. You killed it. You killed your baby."
>"Whut daddeh tawk abow?" says Sky, "Whut a 'swut'?"
>"You hit it too hard, you caved in its braincase you dumb bint."
>"Whut dat mean?"
>"For fuck's sake you gave it worst owwies and now it's going to sleep forever!"
>Sky gasps in horror and dawning comprehension
>"Nuuuuuuu! Nu go foewvah sweepies! Wake up babbeh! Wake up! Bestest mummeh give miwk and huggies!"
I've written several stories about the bums of NYC eating ferals https://www.fluffybooru.org/post/view/46344

>You stare down at Sky in fascinated horror
>"You can't fix a collapsed brainpan with huggies Sky. It's gone. You gave it forever sleepies."
>"I swear to god I don't know how you do it. The combined maternal instincts of half a dozen species and whatever programming Hasbio gave you and you still managed to fuck up the one thing you little shits can usually be counted on to do with some degree of competence. You actually killed all of them you stupid little bitch."
>Sky is scrabbling desperately at your ankles trying to get to her foal, tears streaming down her furry face
>But something you say manages to get through to her and she stops crying for a second, eyes wide
>"Whut daddeh mean 'aww babbehs'?"
>"You had three, Sky."
>You hold up three fingers for emphasis
>"You had three babies. You as good as killed all of them."
>"Nu... nuuuu..." Sky moans, beating her head on your leg "Give babbesh back! Give back!"
>"You don't even remember them do you? Do you remember the one you put in your litterbox because you thought it was your shit? That's the only one that survived because it was the only one you didn't try to take care of!"
>"Why daddeh say mean ting to Skah?"
>"It's the truth you retarded cunt! You thought your baby was shit so you threw it away! And when I tried to make you take care of it, you kicked your own daughter so hard you snapped her little neck!"
>"Nuuuuuuu!!!!! Huuu huuu huuu! Nawt twue!"
>"You seriously don't remember the pink one? The pink one that flew across the room and went to sleep? It wasn't asleep, it was dead! It was dead JUST LIKE THIS ONE'S DEAD, BECAUSE YOU FUCKED UP HER HEAD WITH YOUR FUCKING BALL YOU STUPID LITTLE SACK OF SHIT!"
thats you?

i never have a chance to actually speak to other authors. Im The_Enygma i post too, i just gotta say man, your work has saved me from so many boring days at work.

bottom line, i like your work man, keep it up.

>You're leaning down and screaming at her now, shaking the purple corpse at her for emphasis, tiny drops of blood hitting her in the face
>Sky tries to hide behind her hooves, screaming and wailing incoherently
>You sigh and lean against the wall again, trying to calm down
>Never lost your temper with her like that before, even when you were housebreaking her
>Of course, she hadn't killed anything then
>"Jesus... Sky I'm sorry sweetie, but you're just not good at this. You're going to be okay, you just... you can't have babies anymore."
>Sky immediately runs back up to you, grabbing your ankle as hard as she can, which isn't actually very hard at all
>"Nuuu! Nu daddeh! Give Skah babbehs back! Skah bestest mummeh, ou see! Give huggies and miwkies and wuv and babbehs wake up and be bestest babbehs! Skah pwomise!"
>You just sigh and shake your head
>"Sweetie it doesn't matter now, two of them are dead and you probably still won't realize the last one is a fluffy. Just... just play with your ball, okay? I'll get you some breakfast."
>"Nu! Nuuu! Give babbehs back! GIVE SKAH'S BABBEHS BACK!!!"
thank you, i work hard on my stories and i'm glad to know people enjoy them

>It's not like Sky ever listened to reason before, but now she seems bound and determined to reject reality
>Probably best to let her get it out of her system
>Hell, by the time she calms down she might have forgotten why she was upset in the first place
>You pry her off your leg and leave her in the safe room, still crying, while you head downstairs
>You remember Nugget just in time and cover up his dead sister with your hands
>He's got his chin up over the side of his sleeping box, as high as he can reach, and he's staring at you with wide eyes
>"Munstah," he squeaks
>You can still hear Sky upstairs, screaming about getting her babies back
>You really hope your neighbors are the sort to just take that sort of thing in stride
>"It's okay Nugget, I won't let it get you. How about some breakfast, huh?"
>After carefully disposing of the corpse you warm up a bottle and give it to him in his box
>He wants you to hug him while he's eating, but you manage to quiet him down by stroking his belly until he's contentedly suckling
>You'll pick him up in a minute, you want to get Sky something to eat, at least
>Maybe some spaghetti will take her mind off her foals?
>Oh god, what was that?

>*Whump!* "GIVE." *Whump!* "SKAH." *Whump!* "BABBEHS." *Whump!*
>Christ, she's smacking her head so hard on the saferoom door you can hear it from here
>You rush up the stairs, mind full of images of Sky's own skull caved in by the force she must be applying to it
>"Sky, sweetie, please stop, you're hurting yourself!"
>*Whump!* "GIVE BABBEHS!" *Whump!* "WIGHT NAOW!" *Whump! Whump!*
>You open the door
>In hindsight, it's been a pretty rough morning, so you're not really thinking this through
>You didn't take the time to close the gates at the top and bottom of the stairs
>Safe room has a door, so a gate won't fit there
>As soon as the door is opened enough for Sky to wriggle through it, she does
>Through your legs and down the hall
>Fluffy ponies aren't very fast, but Sky is determined, and she doesn't have far to go
>"OH fuck, Sky don't! Get back here! Bad fluffy!"
>"Bad fluffy" usually works
>"Nu cawe! Skah fahnd babbehs! SKAH FAHND BABBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES...!"

>All pegasus fluffies dream of flying
>It's in their DNA
>But most fluffies know instinctively that they can't actually do it
>For the ones that don't, pain is one lesson even fluffies can learn, and one failed attempt at flight is usually enough to convince them
>It takes a very stupid, stubborn fluffy to insist they can fly despite all evidence to the contrary
>And even a very, very stupid fluffy will usually think twice before throwing themselves headlong down an entire flight of stairs
>The vet does his best
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>A couple of days later you're sitting in your living room watching TV
>It's a kid's program, simple stuff about shapes and numbers
>You're not actually watching it, you're watching Nugget, who's completely enthralled
>Not sure if he understands any of it, but that's beside the point
>"How tahm tiw weggies?"
>"You're not getting your legs back, Sky, you had twelve compound fractures. They can't fix that."
>Nugget is wiggling back and forth on your leg, dancing in time to the beat as the cartoon characters on TV sing a song about stop signs
>"Why wingies nu wowk?"
>"You don't have wings anymore Sky, you shattered every bone in them. One came off on its own."
>Nugget waddles in a little circle on your leg and looks up at you
>"Tummeh haf owwies dada."
>"Hungry again? Well, I guess you are a growing boy..."
>You gently scoop the toddler up and walk over to the other side of the room
Fuck this is a strange fucking thread.

>Sky is lying in her bowl, bottom suspended over a litterbox, straining and grunting and trying to move her nonexistent legs
>"Sky wan pway!"
>"Yeah, yeah, I know. You're lucky your legs and wings broke your fall, you know, doc said it was a miracle you didn't snap your neck too. And the concussion doesn't seem to have done any permanent damage."
>You carefully tip the bowl so Sky slides onto her back on the floor
>Nugget gets placed on the ground beside her, where he immediately clambers onto her stomach to gain access to her full teats
>"Nuuuu!" Sky moans, "Nu put poopie in Skah fwuff! Nu smeww pwetty!"
>Nugget turns and gives his mother the saddest look a fluffy has ever given their parent
>"Why mummeh nu wuv Nugget?"
>"Stoopi tawkin' poopie! Get off Skah's fwuff!"
>The vet thought that was a clear sign of brain damage until you told him she'd already done it before
>You sigh and put on Sky's muzzle
>"Tank ou daddeh," whimpers Nugget
>You gently scritch him behind the ears, where his dark blue mane is starting to come in
>"It's okay Nugget. No matter what your mean old mommy says, you'll always be my special little guy."
>Nugget beams at you and then gets to work sucking on Sky's left nip
>You decide to get yourself a drink
>Sky just sobs brokenly as she unwittingly feeds her last foal

and this is sauce: https://www.fluffybooru.org/post/view/40349
what a crazy story

Yes that is the end
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267KB, 2764x1197px
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269KB, 1040x831px
File: 1499477174885.jpg (365KB, 955x1307px) Image search: [Google]
365KB, 955x1307px
aww yes yuw awe wittwe guy!!!
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313KB, 500x1856px
more like this?
CC2 are you here ?

enjoy all the sauce you can eat fag: fluffybooru.org/post/list/user_id=3274/1
how many lurkers we got?
I thought the artwork looked like the one Red's story. GWN's style has a darker tone to it, but he's still very good at his work.
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M A N Y D O O R S.png
448KB, 799x800px
Life has many doors, Ed Boy!
Nope, I'm done with this
I love her art style, but not her content
Too many for couch potato Ed Boy such as yourself?
hunters the only kind of good fluffy
Great story
Thread posts: 81
Thread images: 37

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