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I fucking hate niggers....but like civilized black folk . Is

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Thread replies: 100
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I fucking hate niggers....but like civilized black folk . Is there a difference/b/?
Niggers are simply the white trash of black peoples. Nigga is just black people's version of dude.
Theres degenrates in all races not just blacks
There are no colors or race. Their are rich people and poor people. Green is the true master race.
Yes, but it's easier to lump them into the same category.
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This. Also, generational poverty.
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It's a majority in blacks tho, how do you explain the inner cities?

This has to be the most autistic thing I have read all day.
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>Is there a difference
>I fucking hate niggers
>but like civilized black folks
You just answered before you even asked your own question, you acoustic nigger.
The fuck is an acoustic nigger?
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But that begs the question are blacks even people to begin with?
Poverty turns black people in inner cities into niggers shittard
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Did someone say acoustic Nigger?
Robert Johnson was an acoustic nigger. Jimi Hendrix was an electric nigger. Understand now?
How is that autistic when it's absolutely true?
Actually it's more cultural. They revel in the impoverished lifestyle of those who turn to crime to get by. Middle class suburb blacks end up "niggers" too.
>Blacks can breed with other races
And you're the closest thing to a gorilla like that nigger, son.
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No, they are property like women
Also nice quads
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That's because of the idolization of the "savage" lifestyle, poor nogs have to be nogs to survive. Suburban black kids listen to trap music and want to emulate the poor nogs.
People on the same income level deal with the same financial issues whether you're broke or have millions and everything else in between. Whatever your race. The same tax bracket, the same type of job. Your income level sets you into a similar group. No matter your color. When you make the same amount as another person, you both have money in common. You live in the same areas. Your kids go to the same schools. You shop at the same stores and so on. What is the one thing you need to have to live? Money. Same financial status, same problems, same way of thinking.
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List one standing monument that the niggers of Africa have built?
>pro tip Nigger shill you can't
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Why does monkey have flesh light in ass?

That doesn't explain why niggers kill more people than every other race.
Yeah, but not in the same proportions.
It's mostly niggers killing each other. Stop being such a bitch.
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They think its cool to fuck up the English language on purpose. They're lazy as fuck for the most part and know that they don't have to work hard because they can abuse the system to get free food/housing/etc.... Also indoctrinated from a young age to be resentful/distrusting of whites. Their music glamourises getting fucked up, commiting crimes and treating women like garbage.
It's the other way around.
The only offers that kill people, are poor and angry. White trash inbred ppl have nothing to be upset about except themselves and their poor life choices so they are typically drug addicts. Blacks believe the man is holding them down so that's where the anger comes from. They are just angry because they don't have the ability to think without getting defensive and upset. Wealthy black men are too busy keeping up with bills and working man problems to be upset at fake problems.
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>list common facts why black people ruin everything
>gets triggered

Fuck off nigger shill
stop WHITE genocide
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>Not that guy you were responding to
>Projecting this hard
Also the vast majority of white teenage and twenty somethings LOVE rap music. They can't get enough of it. They have no idea what its like to live around/go to school with/work with niggers. They'll learn (hopefully)
So they use white peoples philosophical concepts for monetary gain.....that explains why there is no standing monument built by blacks in Africa?
you do realize that "white" isn't a race? not to begin with that from a biological sight there are no different human races at all
>N E V E R
niggers in cities turn people into blacks in poverty?
this. we love a tight ass

Here, all of your "race is a social construct" debunked in a nice format.
These monuments were built using slave labor https://www.curbed.com/maps/slave-labor-white-house-united-states-michelle-obama
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Too much autism
Dunno lotta rednecks n autists here
Niggers create poverty, not the other way around.

You can see this pretty much anywhere in the world. Without whites to help them, niggers turn any place into a shithole. It's a universal concept.
Explain Africa pre-colonialization then? They even had wealthy civilizations before colonists took everything for themselves. You could say that whites literally ruined the continent.
>can't name a black monument because there is non

conceived white intellect, not by the thoughts of some nigger, or how about all of the standing monuments in Europe? Are they also built by the blacks....get the fuck out of here nigger lover.

>They think its cool to fuck up the English language on purpose.

did you know that languages are always evolving? The english that you speak now is not the english that your father spoke, or the english that his father spoke. Etymology is fascinating and if you ever tire of sucking dicks in your spare time I reccomend you doing some research into the subject. Especially the part where we forced black slaves to adopt pidgeon english to ensure that we could give the slaves orders, but not the vocabulary to forment revolt, for example.

>They're lazy as fuck for the most part

Well, so are white people. So are all people. And you can argue that some whites are nto lazy, or that some people are not lazy. We chose black slaves because they were sturdy and worked hard, compared to the slaves we took from the indigenous tribes who died like flies down the silver mines.

>they can abuse the system to get free food/housing/etc

you don't need to be black to know how to abuse the system my friend. Also just because something is free, doesn't mean that it's good. Some people might be content to live in the ghetto knowing that they will never get out, but others aspire to get out of it. This applies to all races.

>Also indoctrinated from a young age to be resentful/distrusting of whites

It can be argued that you my friend has been indoctrinated to be resentful/distrustful of blacks.

>Their music glamourises getting fucked up, commiting crimes and treating women like garbage.

So they listen to punk music?
Money and attitude.
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You asked me to think of a monument built by the people of Africa and I came up with several. Word your requests better if you wanted something more specific. This is one of the Abu Simbel temples, conceived and built by the Nubians of Africa. Suck my dick you racist cuck.
>no modern inventions (nothing but stone-age huts and tools)
>more slavery than any other "civilization"
>no medicines beyond found plants
>no written language

nothing of value was lost.

It gets better. the Frenchy who drew up the plans for DC and started the layout of the city got in a huff and left and took the blue prints. The one who took over and finished was his assistant a self taught surveyor and former slave who drew the plans from memory and overseen the slaves doing the work
Maybe, but that's a cheap excuse for the modern negro. Niggers aren't colonized today and yet they still turn everything to shit.

We even created an entire country to house them - it is called Liberia. And when the american blacks arrived in Liberia, the indigenous blacks killed them off - no one not even blacks want blacks in their 'hood.

And what of Liberia ? It is a cesspool of rape, murder, robbery, child abuse etc just like EVERY black american city.

Blacks know only taking from whites and then destroying the glorious gifts whites bestow upon them.
no, no my monkey friend, this was built buy Egyptians with Alien assist

would fuck them
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Scott Joplin, one of the best ragtime pianists the world has ever seen.

The most acoustic of niggers
>did you know that languages are always evolving?
>here let me give you an example

The central African "Empires"did not form until after contact with the Arab world bought in goods and Iron weapons in exchange for gold, salt and slaves. The Pseudo Muslimized families made rich were the "royals"
Found a nigger chained up and shot about 10 times that washed up on the beach once I threw him back was the crazyiest suicide I ever seen
>implying I'm black just because I'm not a racist
Dont forget peanut butter, Gorge Washington Carver was a black man but made quite the peanut based progress.
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You mean by Egyptians. Not only do niggers steal money, cars, bikes, TVs...etc but now you are trying to steal history also?? Hahahhahahhahahhahahgahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhaha
How smart is a bulldog, /b/?
How smart is a border collie?

Some breeds of dog are simply smarter than others. Some are better at menial tasks and following orders. They can interbreed and are technically of the came species.

Niggers simply are a different breed of human, they are work dogs and their naturally low intelligence makes them usable for unsavory tasks.

Nobody blames a terrier for being stupid, so we cant blame the niggers for being dumb, but you wouldnt try to use one for something it isnt good at.

When properly trained and kept, they have many uses.

It is only the burden of intelligence and self-importance that makes us think that they are somehow equal, when they simply cannot be.

The Kush or Nubian were Egyptian fanboys and copied what they had seen. They ruled south Egypt for 100 out of 3000 years

yeah your right, hispanics are better.
Well said

What about his daughter Janice
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Ray Charles, was an American singer-songwriter, musician, and composer. A well know acoustic nigger.
porch monkey
Peekaboo jigaboo
Cum guzzling orangutan
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give moar of your insight
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Strongest man in the world
White American
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One of the smartest minds of all time
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Could have at least picked a better racist photo. Anyone who has a clue about WW2 history and respects it also has some respect for the Tuskegee Airmen.
pick one
No. Civilized black people also hate niggers
Bobby McFerrin. OG acoustic negro, unless you count that dude from police academy

Niggers hate Black Men and their families too

Call them Oreos and try and lure their kids into the Ghetto way

Comedy Beat Boxing
The difference is niggers are annoying, criminals and don't do anything good for society.

Black people are just like you and me
they have better tans than us.
>The english that you speak now is not the english that your father spoke
>or the english that his father spoke
Wrong again.
Almost as wrong as your rationalization in defense of willful stupidity as a form of rebellion and cultural identity (which in actuality is only self-damaging).
>So are all people
And again, wrong.
>We chose black slaves because they were sturdy and worked hard
Wrong again, also, I don't know about you, but I've never owned or chosen any slaves.
>It can be argued that you my friend has been indoctrinated
You would know about that, as you are a prime example of the present curriculum of indoctrination of the youth.
>So they listen to punk music?
Ok, now you're just wearing your retardation on your sleeve.
Not classical buildings, any old world african monument was probably have been destroyed by invaders or left to ruin
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because all niggers are the same
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Fuck niggers
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