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This is what collusion looks like, Trump Jr.

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Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 67

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This is what collusion looks like, Trump Jr.
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Damn libcuck colluding with Russian is not bad


Then: Evidence


you fuckers are tying yourself up in knots. fun to watch you twist in the wind of your own stupidity
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Cry some more tears you still lost the election. Trump 2020
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Daddy Daddy, I did something. Don't stop loving meeeeeeeeeeeee!

>bu bu but muh elekshuns, we won! *sob* we won the election! why wont any of you just honor the election?! *sob
You broke my heart
The dirt he was offered was supposed to be evidence of Hillary's dealings with Russia.
>BTW this was before the DNC leaks...

Why would the DNC murder a leaker, and not blast him all over the news as meddling with an election??
Probably because the leak by Seth Rich was a paid plot. The man had a picture of himself in a red white and blue suite... who would ever think to question his patriotism.
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It's beautiful actually. Cucks were defending Hillary by screaming BUTTER MAILS and pushing the narrative that emails dont matter. Now all of a sudden, emails do matter and even though the DNC was publicly looking for dirt on Trump, they condemn their opponents for doing the same! Hypocrites!







anti trump ≠ pro clinton

Trump camp received even more contributions from Russia who channeled the funds through the Miss Universe pageants.

Trump's done.


This meme is months old,
and it still applies to the newest scandals.
CNN. trumps done. for the tenth time today.
>Then: Evidence

What evidence is that?
stale as the day it was made.
only a person who suffers from Asperger's would post a static reply in a living conversation.

maga tards: Trump isnt done, everyone around him has connections to the russian government and there is more and more breadcrumbs leading to collusion between the two but...but...fake news...so ha
>thinks his post was a clever observation
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I'm loving these stages of trumptard denial. Now that Russian collusion has been confirmed, the walls are closing in on the Trump administration and trumptards have nothing to say.
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any day now, any day.
funny how he wasn't supposed to win either.
made you reply.
any day now. any day.

And then the russians came along.
Pence is putting distance between himself and the president.

Trump Jr retained a high-level top NY defense attorney.

The GOP is distancing themselves from Trump.

John McCain said that he needs to reexamine the Russian dossier, and is opening new questions on it.

Seems like the shit is hitting the fan guys. No way out of this one.
>June 8 2016
Russia says they have dirt on Hillary.
>July 10 2016
Seth Rick murdered.
July 22 2016.
DNC leak.

Adds up.
Nothing will be proven in court, of course.
But this will not look good going into 2018

Your denial is turning me on.
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this graph is outdated, there are way more connections and a larger cast of characters. Anyone got a more current version?
No buddy, we all lost the election. And fuck Hillary, I wanted Cruz. But we get the government we deserve.
Hey, libtards! Look, straws. Go grasp at them.
Lol - that's all you guys got anymore.
>wanted Cruz.
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truer words have never been spoken.
they may have colluded with russians, but let's be real. a huge part, maybe the only important part, was that he tapped into a real dissatisfaction that a large swath of the population was feeling, and hillary was a terrible candidate.
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it will be a glorious day, a tremendous day, in fact
>Seth Rich
Trump Jr. tweeted the emails out himself. The text is there in black and white
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Very good, vladmir.
>meets with kremlin-connected lawyer promising damaging info on their political opponent, provided by the Russian government
yeah what a nothing burger lol. nevermind it's illegal on multiple levels. there's a reason trump has been quiet about this on twitter, he knows it's explosive.
See Trumpettes. We told you that those O'Keefe videos were examined by experts and found to be fakes. You thought you had put this Russia stuff to bed with these fake videos.

You should have listened to us. You were told the videos were fake, and Trump was in bed with the Russians. I guess we're getting proven right, and you're getting proven wrong.

Oooohhhh that sucks!
do you guys just have a list of stock phrases to respond to criticism with?

>hurr snowflake
>hurr triggered
>hurr butthurt
>hurr your tears taste delicious
>hurr you lost get over it
Don Jr. go pick up someone at the airport. Let Junior run some mickey mouse nightclub. He's smart. He can handle things!
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you forgot cuck

Collusion lol. If you make eye contact with someone with a Russian name then it means you have plotted with Putin personally to overthrow the US government. Get cucked ya faggots. You lost the election and your only response has been to whine like faggots. The democrat method is to just repeat the same shit over and over and over and over. He's racist. Say it 80,000 times until people start to think it's true. Now repeat "Russians" 900 billion times in 3 months, then point out every time someone on the team speaks with their counterparts in foreign governments and the seals will clap for it.
TRUMP2020. This time, they get the gas chamber when we win!
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>I wanted Cruz

>Lost election

And Trump turns out to have won very little back, lol.
>a real dissatisfaction that a large swath of the population was feeling

Yeah, the fools who only watched Fox News for 8 years
and were fed a constant stream of hate and despair.

I even went there today to see what the take on Trump Jr. was,
and every headline was "Brown Man in Podunk, Cornland Murders White Beauty Queen"
and it says that they knew that the russians were trying to influence the election, and team trump wanted to reach out to them to be a part of it. it's all there for the world to see. trump is fucked.
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>20 years in the cube.
High treason.
He will be a mess in the streets.
Obtaining dirt on Hillary isn't illegal, sorry faggots. Keep on crying though.

protip: Both the Obama administration and Hillary's campaign actively worked with the Ukrainian government to find dirt on Trump and one of his campaign managers. It's what happens.
>didn't read the published emails

sorry there snowflake, but it's time to come back to reality.
Rural people shouldn't vote.
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lol, butthurt leftists think that getting dirt on Cankles is treason. BAHAHAHAHAH you are so fucking mad and I am so fucking glad.
It's high treason. That is punishable only by military firing squad. It's not looking too good at this point.
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The Dems are losing again.

Classic deflection. Murdered. Like Vince Foster right? Why don't you go free a bunch of kids at a pizza parlor armed with an assault rifle.
Charles Krauthammer on Fox News RIGHT NOW saying "For 6 months there appears to be NO there there. NOW there IS a THERE. THERE. Even the Fox News hacks can't spin this.
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Shit, I hope my son never breaks the law or I'll be facing jail time!!!

Also, his son didn't break any laws or even do anything wrong. Finding and releasing incriminating information on Hillary, someone who could have been president, is doing us all a fucking favor.

We lost because you nigger faggots can't win without a handicap. Congratulations, Trumpski is an affirmative action hire.

You should google "Campaign Finance Laws".
You'll be hearing about them in the next couple of days.
Oh, nevermind, you won't. You get your news from Fox and Breitbart.
>my son
His son was part of HIS CAMPAIGN team, and therefore represents HIM you pleb.

>tfw CAPTCHA was handcuffs
topKek, Google must know something.
Federal law prohibits receiving information of value to an election campaign from a foreign source.
o0o0o0o a new coal mine?! Wow, tell me about how he's going to bring VHS manufacturing back to the US next!
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Protip:protips are verifiable unlike the shit you just spewed

Those mental gymnastics though

"Yea well everybody is doing it! We can't be sure of what Clinton would have done!"

Just be wrong man, the trumps are capable of fucking up, let it go

No it doesn't You're dumb as fucking shit.
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jared, trump jr. and manafort present and you think donald had no idea what was going on at that meeting?
Nearly the entire Trump campaign team, and the white house staff have all lawyered up.

Gee, that's what all innocent people always do.
Of the 28 new laws signed by Trump, two name Veterans Affairs clinics in honor of people, one adds National Vietnam War Veterans Day to the list of days people and businesses are encouraged to fly American flags, five are related to personnel matters (including the waiver allowing James Mattis to become secretary of defense), and one extends an Obama-era policy allowing veterans in some circumstances to get health care outside of the VA system.

>No it doesn't

>What Trumpsters actually believe
>No it doesn't
Saying something doesn't make it true Cletus.
It does.

It is also just breaking that he funneled millions in campaign contributions from the Russians through the Miss Universe pageant...... Oooops!

You libs just don't get tired of losing huh, I love it. CNN is playing you like puppets and you guys just eat it. Mmmmm those tears are amazing.
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Lets just get rid of this orange haired baboon so we can get Hillary in.
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>wanted Cruz
bet you're glad you didn't get him now. He turned out to be just another bitch for Trump
I would too If I were going against a political system that hates my guts simply because I threaten their power.
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Funny thing is, this actor is actually a fucking Republican. He doesn't like Trump, but thinks we ought to come together. I'm not coming with a bunch of faggots. That's a circle jerk.
Perhaps after this debacle with Trump is over we can finally accept that rural people shouldn't be voting and close polling stations in all rural areas so we can finally MAGA.

Trump: Hey Cruz, your bitch wife is ugly and your dad killed Kennedy!
Cruz: Thank you sir, may I have another??

Is that why the GOP has failed to realize so much of its agenda in like half a fucking year?

What's your excuse? That Democrats control the House? The Senate?

that's all you got.

you've got no policy wins. Campaign promises just aren't getting fufilled and wont'.

we're laughing at you.
Donald Trump Jr's Tweet post Emails
Anybody who says "cuck" is a cunt.

anon here gets it. this is the reality.
Deflection is changing the topic to pizza gate and... some other incoherent autistic screeching.

I am simply saying it adds up, could be worth further investigating. Specially since the Trump bot army seemed to be so convinced the Seth Rich murder was some how a DNC plot that was going to topple them (and Hillary at the time)
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which makes the GOP's failure to even pass a healthcare bill even more laughable. Get fucked
Seth Rich was a nobody. I'm shocked that someone in a high crime area like D.C. was the victim of a crime. Surely this has never happened before.
I'm jacking off to this. It looks like the little faggot is kissing my dickhead.
No we have a presidency, stop projecting. Liberals didn't get what they wanted and now you're doing what they do best and that's cry with offering zero solutions. Keep crying though, it just guarantees us another win.

The truth is, the GOP is skilled at getting power. It is not skilled at actually getting anything accomplished.
yeah OK vladmir.
Now that it could possibly not have been the DNC we are all supposed to forget about a public servant with 2 bullets in the back of his head.
This guy is fucking incredible.
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his parents really wish you would
I don't like trump at all but I hate shitty arguments.
Innocent people need lawyers. That's just common sense. Its dumb to pretend getting lawyers means your guilty.
Just in case, here is Donny's original Twitter post: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/884789418455953413
That adds up huh? But all of the contact, and subsequent LYING about all of those contacts doesn't add up? You're ready to jump to MURDER to cover up an email leak, but Russian collusion with the campaign is unrealistic? You're blind baby. BLIND. Blissfully ignorant some would say.
You retarded fucks might not know this by collusion isn't illegal. If you're trying to win an election you want to get any and everything against your opponent that you can. Plus the attorney wasn't even connected to the Russian government and only used the meeting to get to talk to Trump Jr about adoption from Russia to the us which has been halted. Get your shit together people
If they did nothing wrong then legally they have nothing to fear.
>cry with offering zero solutions

>50+ votes to repeal Obamacare 2010-2016
>get all three branches of govt
>have no clue how to get it done
Hilarious. You are even using the same tactic the left was using to try and avoid this investigation when it was believed to be the DNC
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It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—

(A) a contribution or donation of money OR OTHER THING OF VALUE, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election …

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) … from a foreign national.

>inb4 opposition research has no value
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federal law says otherwise.

Al Gore was handed similar documents when he was running against Bush.

Of course, he's not GOP and isn't against democracy. He handed them over to the FBI and refused to use any thing those documents contained. Of course he was legally required to hand them over, for him to ignore his responsibility as an American citizen would have been a felony.

Nobody will go to prison over this, the GOP has actively eroded democracy in the USA since 1934 and we've done nothing but allow them. The Dems are too spineless to execute a few dozen traitors and the GOP faithful are incapable of questioning the politicians they worship as gods.

It's over for us.
Where's that link at hmmmmm
>Buh buh buh he's gonna get impeached this time for sure!!

That doesn't mean you don't get someone to help you through the process. If you were accused of murder (wrongfully) would you be like, "nah man, no lawyer. I'm good. Innocent people never go to jail."
it's not so much about party as it is about ideology (ie, conservative vs. liberal). Had we hung all the officers after the Civil War this country would be in much better shape.
What? No i never said any of that.
I definitely do believe there was many levels of collusion and could have involved many of Trumps staff.
The DNC leak could definitely have been a part of this. We really don't know because Trump Jr only released the emails saying they were meeting with Russians, and again released emails showing the russians definitely intended on hurting hillarys election chances.
We simply don't know what actually was discussed/traded/bought.
Remember they've been saying for a year there was NO contacts with Russians. They we find out half a dozen people met with Russian govt agents. Then the spent 6 months saying contacts but NO collusion. Now it's collusion isn't illegal. Next up: Obama did it!!! Hillary did it!!!! Obama did it MORE than Trump!!!! You're PATHETIC.
>This is t-t-t-treason! yeah that's it! Trump is going down this time we s-swear!

I agree the Dem leadership are pussies
who let the right walk all over them.

I don't think it's over though -
there are a lot of normal, decent career people in power
(what the idiots call "deep state", lol)
that will protect the USA from traitorous acts.
samefag harder

Nah, this is party through and through, conservatives aren't all brain dead. Not by any stretch, nor are liberals. The GOP is cancerous and treasonous, and the Democrats are pitiful nut sweat licking cowards.

Spineless Dems.

POS Republicans.

This all day.
Yes, it does. Just because it wasn't on an episode of The Apprentice does not mean it's not true. Quite the opposite in fact.
Clothing gets hung, people get hanged. Why stop at the officers? Need to execute all the political leaders which led the Southern states into treason and a third of the enlisted men for good measure.
Liberals and lefties, here's something you need to know. Trump is destroying your way of life. Everything that you love and everything that you believe in will soon be gone.

You're illegal friends and family are going to be deported and / or jailed, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Trump will serve 8 years, and much like Reagan, it's very likely his VP will become the next president.

And no matter what you do you will never stop this from happening.
Yeah. They MURDERED someone over an email leak. What was so bad in those emails that would necessitate murder?
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52 U.S. Code Section 30121

look it up you fekkin fag felcher
Shut up, Dimitri.
Democrats, we've all figured out that you hate America, hate the traditional family, hate gender roles, hate heterosexuals, hate white people and hate our government. Give it a rest already. You hate everything. We get it.

Democrats are pure fucking evil.
Was Spicer fired? I keep seeing that big girl Huckabee Sanders
>deporting illegals = destroying liberal way of life
jesus fuck you really don't think much do you?
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Nigga did you even read the post holy shit.

this is the good one, and it's the one he "forgot" to post. then said it was file restrictions or something. But the NYT had it, so he posted it.

This one shows 1) collusion 2) trading info on Hillary from sworn enemy 3) in exchange for dropping sanctions 4) Jr was totally into it.

Doesn't get any more smoking gun than that.
>If you make eye contact with someone with a Russian name then it means
What if you meat with a Kremlin-connected lawyer after being promised they have damaging info on your political opponent that was obtained by the Russian government as part of a broader effort to help Trump win the election?
How is this in any way treasonous? Senators meet with foreign diplomats and department heads daily, closed sessions also, why not subject them to the same outcry of protest.
Why is everybody in the Trump Administration fat or skeletal like sewer rat barbie?
Trump is erasing Obama's legacy.

Trump is erasing the left from America.
Sometimes I do envy the GOP's sheer balls. My party has none. It's like Bukowski said, "Endurance is more important than truth."

wrong "email 4"
>hate America
>GOP now loves an ex-KGB agent
stop projecting your hatred of America on the rest of us. You only love your vision of you think America used to be, you do not love it as it is. Fuck off you seditious mong
>Also, his son didn't break any laws or even do anything wrong

aw man it's great how fucking desperate you poor saps are becoming.
Better team up with the Russians then!! Fucking GOP traitors!!
It was his son not trump you know that right? Or did CNN fail to mention that trump would in no way catch any shit storm from this
>Trump is erasing the left from America.
We outnumber you. This is a hickup on the road to eliminating the rural filth ability to fuck up the country.

The "states rights" the racists try to put into every federal law
(like the recent House obamacare repeal that let states write their own standards)
will keep what you say from happening.
You may be living in a redneck rural shithole,
but there are a lot of us that are living the dream and will continue to.

>yeah, yeah, made me post

yeah, let me know how that works out for you.

Obama's biggest legacy is Obamacare, which hasn't gone anywhere.
So it took about 33000 emails from Clinton to help bring her down. It only takes one to bring down trump.
At least she tried to hide them, real fucked up when your namesake is so stupid he posts his correspondence with Russians thinking that would fix this.
Fuck them both.
We've figured out you're stupid. We get it.
The DNC has no future in America. Their treasonous efforts have failed and now the party is a disgrace.
Republicans are pure fucking stupid.
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They don't do it to share information pertaining to elections. To do so is COLLUSION. You're basically saying "people meet all the time. What's the big deal if they're using that time to sell cocaine"
Trump has brought an end to the vile sickness that is the leftist agenda in America.
That has been obvious since the days of Nixon. Rural and blue collar people are unfit for self government and should not be anywhere near a polling station.
you cannot receive damaging information from a foreign source to use against your opponent during an election.

Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. said

Democrats have no future in this country. It's sad to watch the party of President Kennedy fall into such pathetic disgrace.
>implying Don Sr. doesn't control Diaper Don with an iron fist and is aware of everything he knows
>implying that (((kushner))) didn't tell Ivanka and her incestuous father
>implying that his CAMPAIGN MANAGER didn't report back to his boss
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Go to /pol/ and say that.
Can't wait for all these GOP traitors to SWING by their necks!!
Luckily, we have the Republicans to outdo them.
Hillary Clinton was easily the most evil person ever to run for high office. Anyone who supported her was also evil. This is irrefutable.
you're confused. there is both a legal and a colloquial meaning of "collusion", and while not all acts of collusion fit the legal definition (this likely does), many are still illegal in their own right.
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>still samefagging this hard
Democrats are all traitors who hate this country and everything else that is good and righteous.
Lol it's not really. Not even illegal, no matter how many liberals theorize about how it could be.
Once again yet another democrat narrative falls to pieces
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>samefag doesn't even into asian spam
You're seeing pics of her. They are too chickenshit to do a video recorded press conference. Bad optics.
ANd you still believe CNN is reputable? When their sources are Washington post and New York Times
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I guess we will find out eventually.
I'm normally a Trump supporter. But this mess is pretty bad now. Might have to go lefty.

Guess that's why Trump can't make it go away, lol.

Agree, the trumptard spam machine must be down for maintenance today.
Democrats are genuinely evil people who want to destroy this country. They literally wanted to open the border between the US and Mexico. This would have destroyed the nation.
Depend on whether he knew about it, which is very possible
I disagree, but I definitely don't think they should have their votes weighted 30x mine by the Electoral College. Fuck them. Hayseeds shouldn't get more votes just because their states have more empty square footage.
>sewer rat barbie
Thanks, I needed a good chuckle
Now Putinbot spams gilf pics.
>attacking the source and not the content
nigga that's elementary level logical fallacy
"They" murdered him because they didn't want anyone to know the source.
We have not proven who "they" are.
Could be the DNC... sure. But this definitely opens a whole new idea that the Russians actually got the emails leaks first, and told Trump Jr about it.
They make the deal, get the leaks, kill Seth (Russians or maybe even Trump hitment) and boom, just barely enough middle votes to win an election.
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If the agenda ended, how the fuck did 7400 cities agree to uphold obamas climate change agreement
You fucking idiot think before you claim victory
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Democrats have lost everything for supporting Clinton.
its against campaign finance law you uber dumb fuck
>supports a man who wanted to form a "joint cybersecurity force" with Russia
>claims other people hate America
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>tfw CNN cites itself.



Pick one
treason is definitely illegal
A bear attacked a kid at a Christian youth retreat. Where's your God now?
Trump is the greatest president in the past 50 years. Nothing will ever stop him.
>Actually believing we have a closed border

You fucks amaze me

that's for donations you fucking cock swallower
And Putin blew up apt buildings in Russia killing his own people to consolidate power. And you'd rather align with them because you're so racist.. SAD
hard to fail and tweet from prison
Liberals have a very serious problem with mental illness, as evidenced by this thread.
>Pick one

Once they have you only listening to one news source,
they already have you in the bag.


Veritas CNN Expose'




Who ever took CNN seriously?
kid survived. plus god sometimes sends bears to attack people, read 2 Kings chapter 2.
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God was the bear
says the "man" that likes men and has no attachment to reality
Rural people are trash, and they should not be permitted to vote in anything higher than a local election. That way the only place they fuck up is their own insignificant, backwater, podunk, impoverished, ass end of nowhere, more cornfields than people parts of the country. The places that don't matter, populated by people who matter even less.
Good for you, but get some fucking education and then apply.
"Or anything of value". Those pesky details exist for a reason fucknut.
ha ha, that little queef is a hilarious failure
And Putin blew up apt buildings in Russia killing his own people to consolidate power. And you'd rather align with them because you're so racist.. SAD
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excellent post comrades

Nice posting video links that have all been proven to be fakes and debunked.
>my work in a cubicle is more important than the farm producing food for America
You obviously have no idea how the electoral college works do you?
Oh, you mean the expose with falsified audio?
I'm so glad this administration is crashing and burning. We cannot get rid of him fast enough. The sooner we dump Trump, the sooner we can make America great again.
>fake videos are fake

now back to /pol/ with you snowflake
Inb4 spam bots detect anti trump sentinent and post 500 photos of Korean girls
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lol, and guess what the word "value" means. Protip, it doesn't mean information you cum guzzler.
>implying the billion dollar companies who own those farms care more about the blue collar nobodies working on them than they do the end consumer.
thats true, farmers are also on the corn wellfare, getting subsidies for shit they didn't grow, free market my ass
not that anon, but how are they wrong? urban areas wielded too much power so flyover states got more weight per population
Said no Democrat, ever. Fuck off, Alexei.
>implying you're heterosexual
Depends on what you do in the cubicle. I'll admit your job as a gay phone sex operator is worth less than a farmer, some information is very valuable.
>doesn't realize that California provides most produce and beef to the country

>actually believes that flyover country is meaningfully productive

wew lad
they killed him for a bunch of emails dissing Bernie? Come on.
Because we're letting our elections be decided by the dregs of society. The rural filth.
Not that anon but u obviously don't either. It should all be based on the actual popular vote, case closed.
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Can't tell if trolling or dumb.
Benefiting from the labor of illegal immigrants while simultaneously railing against the immigrant labor that helps make food so cheap for Americans.
But he never received any damaging evidence in Hillary? Instead was preached on about adoption. So to believe he would get evidence is collusion? Try that in the courts
>"rural filth"
>refuses to look at niggers and illegals who almost unanimously vote for whoever offers them the most gibs

This kids is what a samefag looks like
We get more produce from other countries than we produce for ourselves. Hell there are lobbyists that want to stop you from knowing where your food comes from altogether so that we can stop our own livestock farms and get it all from china. And China has disease outbreaks and lax regulations like a mother fuck.
This little rant of yours about 'rurals' is precisely why the electoral college exists...
Until you understand that their vote has weight, and that they are like you, a voting American, then you will forever be divisive in your thoughts and actions...
Use a dictionary fucknut. The first definition should prove why high school dropouts like you never seem to do anything valuable.
Nope. Not fake. You can see the person talking is saying what you hear in the audio. There are no cuts from the point where a question is asked, and then answered, just a continuous run.

If it's fake, provide a link to proof.

Protip: you can't, because they're legit
>one group that has historically not voted and another that legally cannot vote
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nigger who talks like this?
>Oh look guise, they're really saying stuff in this video.


>So yes guise it's absolutely real, and they really said that.

wew lad
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Actually no you autist
It went from no contacts or meetings to, ok, contacts but no collusion, to this. the moment he got that email, he should have turned it over to the FBI, not gone, you know what yeah, lets see what they have to say.
>their opinions aren't my opinions so their votes shouldn't matter

Nice democracy.
Self government is wasted on these "people," they're like the Arabs in the Middle East; fit to be ruled over but unfit to govern themselves.
Now post a screen shot from your Lappy samefag
they have all been totally debunked and confirmed by forensic video experts to have had their audio tracks altered and overdubbed after the fact.

nothing to see there, just trumpettes getting boners for more fake bullshit.
that does work in the courts, his intention to receive aid from a foreign agent for gain to his campaign
>its the same legal principle used for sting operations for drug deals and child molesters
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You are hopeless
Google helped me out a lot. Why don't you try it?
No more than every other anon here
Republicans are the worst sore losers there are. For eight years your party made shit up when you couldn't find any real facts and Obama was still elected twice. So don't pretend you're all that great. At least we didn't swallow a truckload of bullshit, vote against our own best interests and elect a fucking professional grade liar in a hair piece and an expensive suite.
I.e opposition research
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deflecting and avoiding....

sorry, not an argument.

see >>738588859
and >>738589031

Not to mention that it's been almost 30 years since they've won a non-incumbent Presidential election where they've won the popular vote.
Again no...
They killed him to hide the source. But that is assuming Seth had anything to with it. This meeting could directly link the DNC email hacks to Russia for all we know.
Still not a link to proof. "Because I said so" =/= proof.
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>they are real because Trump said they were.
My personal favorite "ism" from this presidency so far is "alternative facts." Kellyanne Conway really nailed down what the next four to eight are going to be like. So, keep eating those piles and piles of bullshit and keep yelling about how he's MAGA while you see your wages and environment slip away. You poor fucks voted for big money. I hope you're happy.
And the Trumps paid to acquire the Emails. Of course there won't be a money trail.

Just a Rex Tillerson Sec State (who will make sure Russia is allowed to get all the disputed Alaska oil they want.)
This thread is fucking hilarious. I've never seen the liberal idiots cry so hard.

I love how the corrupt MSM always gets their hopes up, only to let them come crashing down every time. Great stuff.
Glad we don't have mob rule cause all high peoples per capita areas would decide every election, so basically cali liberal fucks. Which is how the hildabeast got popular vote
>There are no cuts from the point where a question is asked, and then answered, just a continuous run

Holy fuck are you really that stupid? Do you not realize that videos are easy as fuck to edit to make them appear that way? Seriously, please tell me you are just trolling.
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>if i say that the videos are fake enough times, it will become true
Kek are you dumb or just a faggot?
>Implying rural trash in bumfuck nowhere matter as much as the cities who produce the wealth that rural areas leech off of.
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Exactly why trump won this election you mean???
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>actually believes this.

Russian help was more influential than southern votes.
He's not a traitor. He's just a typical sociopath. He wants, so he takes and if he breaks a law or twelve along the way, he hires lawyers to ride it out in court until the prosecutor gets tired or he dies. Or, he just buys his way out. Trump has lived his whole life that way and there's no reason he'd change while in the White House.
We should appreciate OP effort. That must be hard for Trump haters to go post their shits on /b/
Rural. People. Are. Trash. If they don't want to be ostracized then they should stop being human filth.
Each states/county voting is different some still do it by paper ballots. So to believe 39 states could be hacked is crazy and nearly impossible. But the NSA did centrally hack voting machines look that shit up
The getting the dirt wasn't illegal it was the fact that it was coming from the Russian government
Wonderful isn't it? Just destroying all his EOs was enough.
How do you like that burger from rural America, or gasoline, electricity. They fuel America so you can live in your non contributable life,
These involved the counting centers, not the actual voting districts themselves. Yes the districts were fine, but where the votes all get tallied for the states is internet connected, so that the media and the federal government can see the data, did get breached in many states.
>implying the billion dollar companies who actually control those things care about the uneducated trash that work for them more than the end consumer in the cities.
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So why are you here and not /pol/? It's almost as if.....
>implying they actually care about the end consumer.
This whole thing is turning out to be just another "Nothing Burger" as Van Jones puts it.


{sigh}....maybe next time guys...
You liberals are deluded, it's hilarious how under the control of Tavistock, Globalists, and NWO you are. The AntiChrist will be here to save you guys soon.
Coming from a top model's lawyer you mean?

you do realize that this is only a tabloid and not a real newspaper don't you?
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You're delusional. Predicting the Armageddon is as old as civilization.
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How will he ever recover?
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