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What's everyone's favorite cheese?

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Thread replies: 260
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What's everyone's favorite cheese?
Mac and chese
You are a disgrace to this community.
cheddar jack
cheddar and camembert
white american cheese
pepper jack
Dorset Blue Vinney.
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White aged cheddar
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gouda best cheese
>wait for it~°...
i love Port Salut
Stilton and Limburger
Havaerti. microwave onto toast and it just melts in. Havaaerti is to food like PVA is to carpentry - it holds everything together and it doesn't smell like vomit, like mozzarella.
Dick cheese
Pepper jack
64 slices of american cheese
That's tough. Depends on the purpose. Really sharp cheddars are good for sauces/roux. If it is on a sandwich gruyere is the winner. Gorgonzola gets an honorable mention just because cheese fondue.
Thanks dudebro!

Mine is ash ripened norwegian goat cheese.
Ahhh nice choices
Gouda and Swiss
Oh, and I forgot. If it is just straight or with crackers or something, brie is my favorite.
Cheese is fucking disgusting you goddamn omnivores.
Blue cheese crumble, I hate the dressing
I just mix some crumble with a small amount of hot sauce for wing sauce, better than the shit they give you
Cazu Marzu
Kill yourself you uncultured swine
Fuck you.

Cheese is literally one of the best foods in existence.
Vintage Cheddar from cheddar
Aged stilton
blue cheese is hard to beat.. flavor is so intense
White cheddar or smoked mozzarella
and smoked gouda is best gouda
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Ossau Iraty

Fruity and nutty pairs with grapes perfectly, or just on it's own.
Cheez Whiz taste better than any cheeze to me
Picked up some Munster today, it is good.
Smoked cheeses are top tier
jack is a waste of time. There is a reason it is almost always blended with something else. Just eat cheddar.
what kind of cheddar? any specific creamery? Also you should give cambozola a shot. Its a veined camembert and super good.
most high quality cheddar is going to be white. almost every "yellow" cheddar has been dyed. Totally industry standard as approved by the Wisconsin Master Cheesemaker's Board, but real OG shit is white.
pretty low-key for an irish cheese. Average as far as cheddars go. You should give their reserve cheddar a shot.
ew. not a cheese you just eat. Its just pure salt.
I think gouda is boring. Its good on stuff like sandwiches and shit but pretty flavorless by itself.
Pretty good. Puts a lot of people off because of the musk but it has the subtle mild bitter flavor that goes well with beer.
You're either english or old.
Aged Havaerti is the shit. That crystalline texture and those caramel notes. Mmm
Way too hard to eat on its own. Mostly used in recipes.

Lately I have been into anything from Sartori. All of their Bellavitanos have been on point, although I am not a big fan of the gimmick flavors. Carr Valley makes a Mobay which is an american take on traditional french Mobier. Layer of sheeps milk, layer of goats milk, separated by a layer of grape vine ash. So good, if you find it, buy it.

Cheesemonger in Wisconsin by the way, although I prefer the term frommagier.
Bow to the Uber cheese, bask in the norsk goodness.
smoked things are for pussies who don't smoke cigarettes and want to look tough "to fit in the gang" .. look at me everyone.. u thought i was a nerd? nopeee i eat smoked things!!
Danbo cheese !
You are a man of culture and have quite good taste.
are you going to colorado? Friend is doing ACS cert later this month, i wanted to do it but i was merely part time for 6 years due to school. just an enthusiast who worked behind a counter for 6 years.

favorites: smokey blue from rogue, ossau iraty, midnight mood, petite basque, epoisse
i put slice of this cheese between 2 buttered toast for breakfast .. I'm I doing it wrong? Im in Canada btw
the one that goes on pizza
Double Gloucester
most likely a mozzarella/provolone mix.
I don't have a favourite. I think most are pretty - Grate -.
Not English or old. Well not super old anyways. Stilton with fruit is amazing. Limburger is fantastic with great bread and a cold beer. I try to get people to try Limburger all the time. Age it at home in fridge for a few weeks and it really mellows out.
Munster and Roquefort is the shit

I had a real weird time with this. objectively it tasted good but it just felt so un-french and it was mind fucking me.
good muenster is hard to find. Most just have dyed rinds which is the good part, the actual body is pretty boring. Decent to snack on I guess.
smoked cheese has its place, but certainly not on a favorites list.
my go-to swiss. solid choice
thank you friend
I went last year, probably going to skip this year. Rogue makes some solid stuff but I am bias af towards Oregon. Everything Cypress Grove has made has impressed me so far. I haven't had the midnight blue yet (although my store sells it) their lambchopper is the shit. epoisse is hard as fuck to find here but I try to grab some when I can get my hands on it.
>all of my this
One time I was at the store and bought an entire block of Havaerti from the deli and just ate it throughout the day. Was the only thing I ate.

10/10 would recommend
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Found the Asian.
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why are you bias towards oregon? all of rogue is great but holy shit at their prices. would never eat it if i didnt get it for free.
Im actually not a huge fan of sartori, although rumrunner is a great cheese. the base cheese is just too, i dunno, generic, sharp, im more of a fan of smoother stuff.
Well if anyone was curious what mine is it is White Vermont cheddar
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Being born and raised and having my business in Wisconsin means I get to look down on other states are far as cheese is concerned.
hahh fair enough. Friend was up there for training from UW and man the facilities are top tier. you guys take your cheese fucking seriously. Im just a peddler of wares.
i'm french so good munster is not hard to find : )

also you must try some mont d'or sometime , best cheese i know so far .
French cuck
hats off to you for eating french muenster. ive had people actually complain when cutting it. fucking normies
i love just about all cheeses in there unique textures and flavors, nice bait thread btw.
This is no bait thread my good sir, this is a thread for the cheese community. A place for us all to get together.
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what? they complain because they had to cut their cheeese? But everyone cut his own cheese , right?

like on the picture
breaking down a bulk wheel into pieces
Cotija is my current favorite.

Casu Marzu
My vote goes to pepper jack.
When you're a cheesemonger your cheese comes in by the wheel, which obviously a customer can't really buy. You cut it into smaller chunks that are easy to buy and some of the more pungent cheeses can stink up a whole store when they are by the wheel.
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Havarti master race reporting in.
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>which obviously a customer can't really buy
but man is it an occasion when they do.
have a lady who buys 6 Cowgirl Creamery Mount Tams every week. she's definitely not eating it all because she's thin as a rail

Smoked Gouda is god tier
I have a customer who buys a 10lb block of German aged brick once every few months. Props to her.

I also have a pretty good source of Pleasant Ridge Reserve when it is in season, which is a pretty big deal in Wisconsin, and I have a few restaurants order 50lb wheels from me a few times a year. At $30 a pound it normally makes my month when they do.
Smoked Gouda on a turkey sandwich is amazing.
kinda smells like butt (not even kidding) but tastes awesome.
oh god i fucking forgot about pleasant ridge, definitely a top 10 for me. oh spenwood as well, although 50 bucks a pound is insanity.
Sharp cheddar.

Smoked gouda

I used to go to a quick serve restaurant that had a cheese sandwich made with cheddar, swiss, havarti, monterey jack on sourdough bread with avocado and sprouts. If you like cheese this was awesome. And no, its not a grilled cheese, this was cold.
Smoked Guoda
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very good choice
I don't think I've had cotija what wasn't on an enchilada. I can't imagine it has much flavor on its own. Maybe I am wrong.
Pepperjack is really hit or miss for me. When the pepper comes through and tastes fresh it is the shit, but more often than not it just tastes like slightly spicy jack which is a disappointment.
wtf even is this
smoked gouda is one of my go-to barbeque cheeses. Pairs really nicely with other smoked meats. Outside of that I'd struggle to pair it, as its pretty bland on its on.
There is so much wack gruyere out there. I go out of my way to import good shit from Switzerland but when I am in grocery stores all I see is weak ass fake shit. Its a shame really because I think most people would be pretty open to it despite the smell, which really isn't relatively that bad.
How sharp? Anything 1 year and older is considered sharp and the profile difference between a 1 year cheddar and an 11 year cheddar is immense. They are hardly even comparable.
My guy, the undisputed king of all cheeses.
Vermont will kick your ass, boyo
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is that these kind of italian cheese some people eat with worms? i ear about that yesterday .
the cheese are not coming with some packaging for the smell?
like this munster
Raclette, Taleggio, or Munster Gerome
Dawg look at most national cheese awards (fuck even international some years) and you'll see that hands down Wisconsin wins awards FAR more than any other state. Vermont is worth mentioning, but they're a cute runner up.
Well yeah, but you have to undo the packaging to cut it down to sellable sizes. Wires don't like going through packaging.
Comte master race
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Well I'll kick your ass.
the french muenster we get is in like a 3-4 pound wheel, so we cut it into smaller size pieces and package it in paper. during this process, theres like a 30 foot radius of the smell, which a solid 99% of people find offensive in the united states
as a french , i have to admit , this cheese is good !
especialy with pasta , like carbonara/bolognese
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What do you noobs know about this butterscotchy deliciousness?
As long as its white, its alright

Yes, apparently, the maggots can jump like 5-6 feet, so you have to dodge them jumping off the cheese. Some say, that if there are no maggots or the maggots are dead the cheese is spoiled and cannot be eaten!

that i have broken more wires on this fucker than any other cheese by far. you pretty much HAVE to score it before using a wire.
literally the most labor intensive cheese to cut, other than the effort involved in lifting/moving around the 85-90 pound wheel of parm reg
It likes to call itself that and it's a damn good, but give a piece of L'Etivaz or Sbrinz over it any day.
It mainly calls itself that because of how impressive the 80lb wheels look, but I'm pretty sure I've seen some Gruyère wheels that were at least 85lbs,.
Roth's Gran Queso has a habbit of fucking my wires up literally every time, but I think I've broken a few on this shit too.
If I'm just breaking a wheel in half, I'll just chisel it usually. Even with scoring it's still a nightmare to cut.

This video is Gordon Ramsey eating Casu Marzu

that's not a bad idea. especially when cutting the wheel in half with a wire doesnt result in a clean cut half the time anyways.
i fucking hate gran queso.

disliked cheeses?
gran queso
anything with truffles (esp sottocenere)
meule de savoie
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even some french find munster have an offensive smell. But it's not a big deal if i have to compare with roquefort or some bleu d'auvergne

i also love eating some sauce roquefort with entrecote
I visited france for a month, going to the Fete de bayonne 2 years ago, traveling down the ossau iraty path. i have never ate better in my entire life. the pride you people carry in your cooking is insane.
your taste is superb
Fromunda cheese
Nah may fav is pic related
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This baby.
I like provolone and smoked gouda
I like to stick Provolone in my socks so they smell like your sister's crotch in the morning.
blue stilton
red leicester
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as a french who have eat nearly 70-80 kind of different cheese , i wonder how this cheese can taste .it's probably a strong one

we have some cheese form corsica who have maggot on too . also the french word corsé (from corsica ) could mean full-bodied because their cheese are strong .
as someone who doesnt eat cheese i enjoyed reading this threadd. well done /b/
so the socks smell as OP's sister's does in the morning?
or by the morning the socks smell as OP's sister's does in general

this is vital information, you must tell us at once.
and stop being so fucking vague, these autists can't handle it.
pecorino romano
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No love for Brie?
I don't have a sister... do you?
Fuck you, I was gonna say that.
Meh , I would eat it but its not my favorite.
Swiss and Bleu, imo
i prefer Smegma brand
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This all day.
soft-ripened cheeses all have a place in my heart (literally)
Brie, or a decent blue. Also could fuck with tartufo
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Fromunda cheese all day bay bay
not cheese

get that shit outta here
I'd eat any cheese but my favorite has got to be edam.
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the bayonne ham !
Even if france is a small country compare to the united states , every region have many different food , wines , cheese , etc .

I think you right , if you say to a french than we dont know how to cook well , that would be better insult than every french bashing for losing the WWII /didnt come to the irak war

Also food i one of the main reason why i want to travel around the world.

(this pic is also my favorite cheese)
>that would be better insult than every french bashing for losing the WWII

no wonder they lost...
Ball cheddar
Wood smoked gouada though!
Is this the Wisconsin thread?
Now thatsa gouada cheese! Very creamy.
making the maginot line was useless and germany was already have passed by belgium so it was stupid to didnt learn from the first world war.

Also this is some great goat cheese
Is wisconsin the best region for tasting american cheese ?
All cheese is good cheese!
i rag on you and you bring up the maginot line? you suck anon. seriously youre just a piece of shit
humbolt fog
Yeah, look down on those states. Look down on them hard. Ignore the existence of Europe, where virtually every country makes better, higher quality cheese than you.
Normandie Brie
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It's not my absolute favorite, but I do love me some Limburger cheese from time to time.
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Smoke Gouda is best cheese BUT
On a burger, American processed cheese is the best. I've tried it all. American cheese is just better on a burger. Melts better, tastes better. Deal with it!
They make a lot of cheese there. I wouldn't necessarily say the quality is stupendous. I mean I'm sure there are some good, artisan cheese craftsmen there, but those are pretty much anywhere there are dairy cows.
I disagree, but I understand the qualities is possesses that would make you say this.
Old Amsterdam (Extra aged Gouda)

though Dubliner is a close second.
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Which one do you like? I've had some that are okay, just none that I thought were really great.
Depends on what you need it for. Prefer a mature chedder for sandwiches, Red Leicester for baked potatoes, Gruyere for cooking, Parmigiano Reggiano for pasta, Smoked Austrian for crackers and processed American for cheeseburgers.
but i now we have lost because we have make several mistake, it's a fact . it's not a shame , we have to learn about it.

you have kill millions of native american or you have lose against vietnam, it's a fact , you can't change the past .

the thing is , we can't make the same mistake again , we need to learn from history .
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But why are there potatoes?
buffalo wing cheddar.
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personnaly , i prefer this cheese with my burger.
Swiss or smoked gouda are pretty good. I also had a burger with blue cheese on it a few times. It doesn't really "melt" per se, but it's already pretty soft and it's really good.
Eh...I've never had that before, but I feel like the texture would bother me on a burger. Those are big ass mold veins, I feel like every now and then you'd just get a big bite of mold.
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Mozarella string cheese. I peel it apart and put the strings on a bagel, microwave it for 25 seconds, add two dill pickles and mustard.

The cheese is good on its own sometimes, too.
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last one i tried was called holiday in italy. soft ripened cows milk cheese washed with brandy. was pretty good.
this is the traditionnal way to eat mont d'or.

we dig a little hole on the center of the cheese and put some white wine (chardonnay ) or yellow wine in it .Then we put the cheese to the oven

we eat it with potatoes and
sausage of morteau , sometime we add ham and a few part of salad
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also love a good irish cheddar
Quel que chose est plus mal, ton anglais ou mon francais?
Pepperjack or you're a pussy was bitch.
seconded, doesn't smell gross, goes with everything, and is crazy soft without even needing to microwave
Why is it brown?

...pepperjack is a fucking bottom rung cheese. Don't get me wrong, it's good on a sandwich or something, but it's low quality as fuck for like..you know...people who actually know cheese.
I love smegma.
I fucks with this
it has beer in it. that's the dark veins you see. a stout i believe

everyone who likes pepperjack needs to try buffalo wing cheddar or jalapeno cayenne cheddar. they are about 10 times spicier at least, and have way more flavor.

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My favorite cheese is gorgonzola, but this is good too.
yeah my english is not good . i was thinking you can understand what i mean , but maybe it's not true . sorry
I've always wanted to try epoisse, heard it's pretty good but can't find any where I'm from
not him, your english is very good and dont be ashamed to speak it.
Not gunna lie, I don't know shit about cheese other than what you can get at Subway. Pepperjack is best sandwich cheese I've found tho. Make my sandwiches at home with it now
so this is a cheese with beer in it? how expensive is that in ireland?

i need to try this one!
I love Colby cheese, muenster cheese and goat cheese
And blue cheese crumbles on my medium rare steak
Willy-delphia ;-)
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its ok froggy we understand
>buffalo cheddar
>Porsche cayanne cheddar
>scorpion cheddar

Where do you find this shit?
mdr! Nous comprendons (?), mais j'ai un peu de joue avec toi.
Also pepperjack is an abomination
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Saenkanter. Just for nibbling with a delicious beverage. It's the cheese that goes *crunch*
different anon here.

You took it really cool, dude. Congratulations.

Also, your english is far from perfect, but (unless whoever reads it is an imbecile) it's good enough to understand, so don't mind those bitches who whine about it.

I mean, Cheers! Or cheesy cheers ;)
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Pepper jack is the only right answer
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granapadano is best AND SHUT THE FUCK UP
Sounds good
If you don't shut the fuck up, pepperjack fag.

I told you already, pepperjack is a fucking sandwich tier cheese.
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worked for a whole foods for 6 years while in highschool/college
Spanish Manchego. The taste of feta with the consistency of parmesean.
it's from england if i recall so it shouldnt be too expensive, here it is around 15 dollars a pound.

ill be honest, it's not one of my favorites, but it's been like 3 years since ive tried it so i should give it another go.
>Just cause mommy only made that way.
Learn to buy bricks faggot
i have to say i dont like eating frog. Escargots , on the other hands ...

"Nous comprenons" , the french conjugation can be a pain in the ass
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>mfw not enough pepperjack
interesting, i love frog, but cant stand escargot, but texture is very important for me. which is one reason i like cheese!
not things that remind me of giant snot globs
lmao what the fuck kind of opinion is this? Can someone identify?
Kraft American Singles
God damn comte is so good, worked at a mail order place in michigan for the holidays, cheese bro would always slip us some of that stuff, fantastic really, almost like pineapple
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>No Pierre Robert
>This board has no taste
i know i'm not fluent but i need to practice again and again to improve myself . Also i'm on 4chan , especially on /b , so i dont really take an insult personally.
I couldn't do pleasant ridge reserve, tried it like 4 times and every time I do it makes my tongue have this like, itchy/hot/fizzy reaction to it that kills me
Beemster 18mo classic, widmers 10yr cheddar, parmigiano reggiano, and shafts blue vein.
thanks for the tips, but it's look like strange , so it could be fun to try once .
that's an actual reaction, i forgot exactly what it is but you can really really feel that with aged provolone. that shit is so spiky, spicy, it's strange
Fuck yeah. Love that shit. A few nights ago I ate some with some red wine. Delicious.
this, american cheese isnt really special but on a burger it cant be beat. wouldnt be surprised if it was created to accompany hamburgers
Fuzzy buttcheese
blue, st agur
you know , escargot can be crispy . But it's like when i'm eating beef tongue , i didnt think about what i'm eating , it could kill my appetite.

in other hand , i completely agree with you , texture is so important when we eating cheese .
I never thought there would be this many cheese fanatics on /b/. It's almost pleasant to see all these anons calmly sharing their opinions and experiences.
Correct answer.
feels threads have a shitload of honesty in them too.
i agree!
nice trips , st agur is a good one btw
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Fascinating! Please archive this thread.

Can't think of a cheese that hasn't already been mentioned. Falling into a reverie of cheeses consumed with bits of bread, with beer, by themselves...
Kiddies switch from chicken tendies to pepperjack to feel sophisticated
I've been really into Mozzarella lately
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stilton or that layered one that's double gloucester with stilton -huntsman it's called
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Cambozola (German bleu Brie)

I eat it with olives and rosemary crackers
>What's everyone's favorite cheese?
cheddar so fucking sharp it makes my asshole draw up in a knot
shit I just got done reading entire thread and I feel like a total cheese pleb. I don't really know where I can find all these different types of cheeses (of any good quality, at least). Can somebody rec me some cheese that's really good but not too obscure or super pricey? I live in Southeast Texas btw.
It's not quite god-tier but it's definitely hero-tier.

I bow at your feet, Mr. Wensleydale.
Mozzerella and Swiss cheese are my favorites.
>Southeast Texas

Sounds like a place that thinks anything but Velveeta is for communists.
God bless thisfag's mobile home.

That's not even cheese. Read the fucking label. It is CHEESE FOOD PRODUCT - whatever the fuck that means.
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Best cheese.
Captcha: drive this
Cabot Seriously Sharp and their Premium cheddar are my every day cheeses and WalMart carries them.
Vague memories of home ec, and USDA may have changed the definitions since then:
>Cheese spread
Less than some percentage of cheese
>Cheese food
More than that percentage of cheese but less than 100%
This is what happens when people don't know how the process of "smoking" foods works. Has nothing to do with cigs bud.
pls help me I am desperate for fantasy cheese ;_;
all we have is cheddar, muenster, mozzarella, swiss, pepperjack, provologne, colby jack, ricotta, cream, parmesan, and everything else you can find literally anywhere.

I especially like the little mozzarella balls that are packaged in olive oil and herbs...
Colby jack
gouda or gtfo
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Looking for this?
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Not quite but i suppose it's ideal to respond with a joke. Well played.
Gimme that provel
Mount Tam is one of my favorites, as far as mild soft cheeses go one of the best.
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287KB, 480x360px
great post
>ctrl+f brunost
>no results
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
Cock cheese
Dubz is
Puns are my favorite cheese.
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