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China thread

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 284
Thread images: 74

File: chinese abortion.webm (2MB, 720x960px) Image search: [Google]
chinese abortion.webm
2MB, 720x960px
China thread
Are these fuckers mentally retarded? Why is she slapping her husband and why did he kick the fence?

Also anyone knows how to reduce the file size of webm? I have plenty of China stuffs but they're all above 2mb.
1. Download XMedia Recode: http://www.xmedia-recode.de/en/download.html

2. Open up your webm

3. In the format tab, click 'Video Only'.

4. In the video tab, make sure 'Rate control mode' is set to 2-pass variable bitrate.

5. Lower the bitrate number until it's under 1.99mb. To check the file size, go Options > Bitrate-Calculator at the top.

6. Add to queue > Encode
File: chinese industrial standards.webm (368KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
chinese industrial standards.webm
368KB, 320x240px

> Chinese Driver
> Chinese Pedal
> Chinese Master Cylinder
> Chinese Brake Fluid
> Chinese Brake Lines
> Chinese Brake Cylinder
> Chinese Brake Pads
> Chinese Brake Rotor
> Chinese Tires
> And Chinese Mechanics putting it all together

What could go wrong?
File: champagne pop.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
champagne pop.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
bump for that
this thread will just be a bunch of unattended kids being run over
File: is pay here.webm (2MB, 452x272px) Image search: [Google]
is pay here.webm
2MB, 452x272px
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She probably crashed her ladyboy balls in that fence.
I love watching wedding fails. Especially when they try to do retarded shit like this.
She's slapping him because she was about to cum,he removed her too soon
You know you married a bitch when she immediately blames you for shit that happens to her. Had a girlfriend like that once. Total bitch.
fuck me, stop making me gay you bunch of fucking faggots.
File: i rook for parking.webm (2MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
i rook for parking.webm
2MB, 640x480px
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chinese girls are great !
How was that making you gay? Are you the husband the the woman who crushed her hooche?
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>Hey babe lets take have you walk on this iron fence and have our picture taken
>I don't know I might fall
>Come on it's going to be fun I'll hold your hand
and that's why she "slapped" him
>killing people because they didn't let you overtake them
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
psychopathic personality disorder at the very least.

Dude having a stroke or diabetic emergency
I have so many questions. But they could all be summed up as what the fuck China?
libertarians wet dream.
no regulations.
sure china government says you can't do certain things but...communism...pay people under the table.
the only thing that has a soul in china are the doggos, which the chinks eat to try to gain a soul
might be the dumbest shit i've ever seen

Zero consequences in China if you have money. You can even pay someone to go to court/prison for you.
>kicks the fence

Maybe it's an electric truck. You don't hear those coming!
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2MB, 236x426px
Story- unarmed Chinaman officer takes knife from mass school stabber and administers mental health care.

>Yu not get sex 2 year!
>Stupid fence! China grow larger!
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mad magazine.png
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sucky sucky.webm
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nice china, nice one.
That was one of the happiest moments of that mans life.
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I thought only white people did that stuff at schools.

They're evolving
wow he did a shitty job
Now list US school shooting, funny white man!
Are you kidding? There's a mass stabbing/machete attack just about every day in China, and a truck mowing down a sidewalk like weekly.
File: now now radies.webm (1MB, 480x852px) Image search: [Google]
now now radies.webm
1MB, 480x852px

> Shitty job

That kid stabbed 22 of his classmates. I agree not slow and painful enough.
Haha nobody even looked over the edge.
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that guy in the green shirt
fucking lost
of course not, would you?
Uh yeah, while calling emergency services?

>is he alive?
>don't know, didn't bother to look
Always wondered wtf that machine is and why the victim prodded it.
DeathBot 2000â„¢
the japs have it different
if they try to help they can be sued for Rape
File: that escarated quickery.webm (2MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
that escarated quickery.webm
2MB, 480x270px
they've mostly happened by other students?

idk I've never heard of a teacher STABBING children to death in the west
>man on fire
>decides to record mist

What a shitty fucking cameraman
they just bang them.
at least the female teachers

Yeah, their courts are fucked up. If you help someone, they take it as an admission of guilt. Why would you help some rando unless you caused the accident? Good samaritans successfully sued all the time.

If you did hurt someone, better back up over them and make sure they're dead. Settlement is less that way.
watch me swooce right in
Thanks faggot. Most of my webms are too big to post here and I never bothered to learn how to shrink them.
File: its ok i rand on feet.webm (859KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
its ok i rand on feet.webm
859KB, 480x480px
fucking awesome.

Anymore like this?
File: feedr.webm (1MB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 400x224px
>fabric mill
>rolls finished fabric onto rolls
>rolls workers into rolls
This is quite simple, really.

rarity = value
China is the country with the most humans of all, therefore they're much less valuable there.
actuarry that's India
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He said humans
File: not without my deriveries.webm (1MB, 720x576px) Image search: [Google]
not without my deriveries.webm
1MB, 720x576px

At least it was over quickly.

If you think China is the only place where people kill each other over traffic incidents, let me tell you about a country called "America"
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I are Chinese Checker
American: 0.0
Chinese: -.-
Relax man, that's a FEMININE penis, I jerk off to traps all the time and I couldn't be straighter
I don't think it was
File: 1498941151499.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x360px
Woah. They speak English?
This is how elevators will work in America after the Republicans finish getting rid of those job-killing safety regulations.
May have been an intentional suicide
What exactly is going on here?
What was she trying to achieve?
She was trying to hide her cock
But why is she up there and in her pants in the first place?
Looks like a dancer for some sort of event.
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1MB, 1280x720px
Watching this goes great with listening to the maple leaf rag by scott joplin
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888KB, 292x220px
Apparently in China run over people is a nacional sport.
Bumping this in the name of knowledge.
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>the cat
>saves her child instead of herself
Are you sure that's China?
you have got to be shitting me
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Looks like "she" has a penis bulge.
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Your fedora is showing...

that kid throw

No joke.
Yeah I've heard the same. That's part of the reason why you always see everyone minding their own business and not reacting when terrible things happen. In China, reacting is seen as an admission of guilt.
Guard rails are expensive and inefficient.
Not China,...

....well, it happened in Richmond, BC.....so...I guess.....close enough.
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Die, you dog eating cunts
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1MB, 1280x720px
i don't like motorcyclist
KEK so hard
File: squashcourt.webm (604KB, 512x288px) Image search: [Google]
604KB, 512x288px
Was wondering. There shouldn't be anything alive in china's waters. They ate it all.
created for 4chan compliant webm's.
even has a file size target.
So satisfying to see the cat fucking dog beaters get their comeuppance. Post MOAR!!
You're right. It's Kazakhstan.
File: 1498400541154.webm (2MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x404px
Rumble in the Bronx
directed by Micheal bay
Cheaper to pay funeral costs than a lifetime of disability payments, this is why tgere are so many who have dashcams to protect themselves from daily insurance scammers
that's some final destination shit
This has to be some sort of chinese version of jackass where the host is expendable.
'Hello, I am chinese guy #32, welcome to jackass'
Yea they just promise to feed his family forever but then don't.
File: 1498941980552.webm (1MB, 202x360px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 202x360px
Hey, I catch lat for your lestaulant. Come get!
Not to mention they're dangerous.

File: Nerve gas 3.webm (309KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Nerve gas 3.webm
309KB, 640x360px
Critical hit
Look up "china insurance scams" on youtube, they deliberately throw themselves at cars to claim insurance
Why are chinks so fucking dumb?
Can someone post the one of the semi truck plowing through some cyclists?
that's russia
natural fucking 20
search kcwebm.py on googl
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Fuck chinks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB3cB2Raswc
There's a severely injured person on the ground.

Nobody helps.

File: invisible_bicyclist.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
this happened to me last night.
this thread reminded me about it.
nothing happened.
but i just loathe bicyclist so much.
i don't even bat an eyelid when i see a liveleak cyclist road accident.
one less cyclist.
i was only driving about 35, could've easily been doing 50.
if you can't see him then you realize why i believe it should be illegal to be on the road
what was that
is ther a bicycle i your webm? I don't see shit.

Anyway, bicyces without lights at night should be jailed. They are literally forfeiting their right to life.
the ol' toddler toss
oh yes there is.
i guess the webm darkens the video a bit.
but its right there between 6-8 second mark.
i think they were plannin on turning. (he/she was in the middle turning lane.)
Never ever ever getting on a Chinese elevator
>China-son: This China rife brows.
>China-pa: You dishonor the famiwy name. Go kirr yourself if its so bad.
>China-son: Dont mind if I do.
>China-ma & China-pa: Stupid chink did it, he actually did it! ROTFLMAO
Buster Keaton couldn't have done it better
she was pissed off and took it out on him which made him pissed off and he took it out on the fence
don't resist arrest in china
Did he dead die kill ?
File: welcome to wonderland.webm (533KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
welcome to wonderland.webm
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File: vf.png (1MB, 784x900px) Image search: [Google]
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There's an emergency stop button right the fuck there.
it's china.
>implying the e-stop does anything besides give you lead poisoning.
File: Last minute text.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Last minute text.webm
2MB, 640x360px
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2MB, 226x360px
well dont stop desu
File: yu4.png (1MB, 1092x900px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1092x900px
if you like it, her being fucked by my big white cock
Cheaper to kill someone than it is to pay whatever you have to pay for injuring someone
[puts feet down to stop]
>OW that hurts my bare feet! I wish I had worn shoes! Nothing could ever hurt worse than this...
Nothing is real.
"Dog in freezer. Cook before kill. TTYL, lol."
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I love when he forgets he's getting stabbed and decides to walk away normally
File: subway - eat flesh.webm (2MB, 624x360px) Image search: [Google]
subway - eat flesh.webm
2MB, 624x360px
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2MB, 640x480px
Is walking into powerlines with a metal frame a legit profession in china?
go on?
That must be the stupidest race of human I have ever seen, far far ahead of negroides
If they was uhmurka he could've sued for no railing. What a shame the nigga wasn't in a free country. 'murika!
The Warking Dead. Evelybody is Glenn edition.
Eating! You die dog cunts.
I keep thinking wtf is this
there's no reason for that
File: Keksimus Maximus.jpg (96KB, 596x628px) Image search: [Google]
Keksimus Maximus.jpg
96KB, 596x628px
That's the worst photoshoped shit I have ever seen
So I guess you could say he ...

died in the wool.
insta-c3po arms

he mad cause fence took her virginity. she mad cause he remove fence
orange dude comes down @ 0:32
cop be like
>hang on, I'm restoring peace
Where is the soul? I cant find an explanation for these rash actions
china and its people will never receive pity from me, just caramel covered keks
holy shit
this is so fucking frustrating
ha just like from looney toons
Shut the fuck up faggot commie kike
since it's unwinding I'll guess it's being slit down from a jumbo reel to 3-5 smaller reels. Not quite sure why they're touching the paper, no real need to.
File: keks.png (694KB, 800x673px) Image search: [Google]
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vrrr doink... vrrrr doink... vrrrr doink... vrrr doink

vrrrrrr aaaaaahhhhhhhhh

What's going on with chink elevators, mass murder machines or new scenes of final destination movie?
Just looking at the read car passing the blue truck, and the white one after it... no wonder there is zero safety margin if this is how people drive there.
Seriously where are the traffic lights?
>Never ever ever getting on a Chinese elevator

or escalator
or street
classic exit strat
File: chomo.jpg (42KB, 920x711px) Image search: [Google]
42KB, 920x711px
>not knowing about Cho
How old are you kid?
I guess his ribcage was confined enough for him to suffocate.
You can see his hand cramping up before his head goes into typical convulsive breathing.
my sides
Good on you for not calling him a newfag.
holy kek thx anon for the giggle i wish i post this on O/
It's faked.
elevator more likely to kill a fat person, fat people who don't wanna risk it take stairs and lose weight, either way, less fatties good job repubs
No it isn't you idiot.
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I want to see this thing fuck Veronica Rodriguez
Hard hat
my neck my back

he might have been saved were it not for that final head slap
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40KB, 634x346px

I hope that cop got a medal
betrayed hubby?
its not hard when they're all clones. Imagine a line-up in china
no shit.
and we thought all niggers look alike.
That's Korea, not China.
To run over someone is a sport in china
jesus christ
That bicycler smash though
They got rear-ended you retard.
File: watch your step.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
watch your step.webm
2MB, 640x360px
who's the cop ?
Only on 4chan i saw 5 videos of chineses running on children.
File: Made in china.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Made in china.webm
1MB, 1280x720px
China is a communist nation, and guess which political party is pro communism
>spoiler; the liberal one<
what the heck, was the plane made of plywood?
The yellow motorbike at the end tried to cross with the children
File: 1498523215135.webm (2MB, 360x640px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 360x640px
It's called not-as-capitalist-as-USA, fuckers!



I'm not trolling, fuck you.

pic related, two school chicks making out in a NICE car, who live in a NICE suburb or city, RELATIVELY SAFELY and CAREFREE.

Sure, they might be oblivious to the many problems of their country, and they most likely are more socialist than capitalist, themselves, but capitalism and individual rights and sovereignty are the fundamental building blocks of our country's government.

It's the reason we are called greedy and stupid and racist, etc. Trump don't give a fuck, he's going to keep going until you do kill or impeach him. He's setting a standard, but hopefully the next president will be "more tactful" yet more subversive.
Glorifying stupidity of that caliber is pathetic
"Herro? 9 Run Run? My regs clushed in erevater."
File: Boxed chinese food.gif (2MB, 270x480px) Image search: [Google]
Boxed chinese food.gif
2MB, 270x480px

steaming pile of guts blasted out his ass...

File: compassion training.gif (2MB, 300x222px) Image search: [Google]
compassion training.gif
2MB, 300x222px
Fuckin sauce?!
File: Raiden Origins.gif (2MB, 338x239px) Image search: [Google]
Raiden Origins.gif
2MB, 338x239px
File: got it.png (750KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
got it.png
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that u turn tho

Do you think the cameraman was trying to creepshot her?

Cuz that would definitely be my reason for filming this lol
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RC model made of wood.

For a minute I also wondered if Brasil was making jets out of plywood to save money
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File: Ghostrider.gif (2MB, 400x280px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 400x280px

That $20 dash cam may have saved this driver quite a lot of prison time.

This is how they work in China with those regulations.

Regulations limit entrepreneurial activity.

Liberal universities (funded by government) produce and propagate socialist/liberal economic science.

Your understanding is based on popular belief. You are trying your hardest to be average by hating those who the average tell you are the big bullies.
File: made in china.webm (1MB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
made in china.webm
1MB, 640x480px
That video just kept getting worse and worse. Like, I was thinking, "Oh, he ran someone over... AND AGAIN, AND NOW HE'S RUNNING SOMEONE ELSE OVER... AND NOW HE'S FUCKING CRASHING INTO SHIT!"

Like, it just kept getting worse... Holy shit, China...
anyone else notice the one phone dude seems to check the rail? Was he lookin for blood or takin a sniff or something?
>skyrim paralysis spell
holy shit, that fence even fights back.
Niggers do this in New Orleans too.
It's China, what do you expect?
Guy gets upset. Fights adults. Tosses child. Nothing of value damaged.
MODS!!! that's a 13 year old!
Pussy Bruised
i totally lost it
File: haha lol.jpg (93KB, 800x800px) Image search: [Google]
haha lol.jpg
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File: The curse of the black pearl.webm (1MB, 624x352px) Image search: [Google]
The curse of the black pearl.webm
1MB, 624x352px
What was he thinking
I think he'll be a right just get some stitches :)
Lotta niggers for china...
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this would never have happened if the baby had a gun! the elevator would never have dared to do that.
poor cat
it's korean, nigger
File: This kill the man.png (105KB, 283x302px) Image search: [Google]
This kill the man.png
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That fucking pole kill the monkey
Wha happarhend?
Well most probably overloading the truck as is the local custom.
it kills me that in all these vids the people around them just don't give a shit or help or warn each other

fucking animals

i've noticed the same in south american vids

trash people
he stabbed the soul out of that guy
Am I following this event right?
Some kid attacked another kid and then the attacked hops over the railing and kills himself halfway through the assault?

lol the cat shaking
*attacker, not attacked, fuck.
He was pushed off the balcony.
that's some final destination shit right there.
File: aznguy.jpg (32KB, 400x593px) Image search: [Google]
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She's going to use this incident as an excuse not to have sex for the entirety of the marriage.
That was just pure dumb luck. Smh

Justice is served
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i don't see shit
>as an excuse not to have sex
Never... In the whole damn history of the country... has a chinese person done this.
FFS! There wouldn't be 50 billion of them if they had!

and she's gonna cuck him and blackmail him with something and get all his inheritance money and property in the end.
how all women should be treated
It was made by a typical Trump voting american using cheap parts and labor to save money.
Your first mistake would be going to China in the first place.

No reason to do that.
Thread posts: 284
Thread images: 74

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