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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>737275840 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 151

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>737275840

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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>have fun
what is fun?
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Still here


It's enjoying yourself bb
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>>737284007 Juvia
There's a few songs i like but i haven't really listened to much of his stuff.
I'll take a listen to that one.
Alright that works for me.
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I'm tired
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Go to slep.
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so you're drunk and just gonna hit on me? aight.
hey you. holding up?
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Then don't say mine are bad and sleep inside
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I mean that's what I do when I'm drunk. Do you not want me to?
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hey cutie.
nah, do whatever you want. been holding up okay?
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Oshiete! Galko-chan 12 6-noscale.jpg
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Its when you're not an edgy faggot
That's pretty fucking gay
Hello everyone
>juvia claimed
Which ones? Love me some REO.
I've been listening to quite a bit of Huey lately too. Also Kiss even though Gene Simmions is an ass.
I look forward to it.
Tomo is drunk?
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hey jill, how you been?
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Nah been feeling miserable at work so that's normal.
I don't really care.
Way drunk
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Its what you have when you drink. Up until the existential crisis.
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My pecs hurt. And so do my triceps.
So no, in total pain. Or very very sore.
Gay is not okay
This is Christian community
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Im back sorry for not replying fast enough.
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shit, that's never gonna happen to me I guess :shrug:
Tomo is drunk.
about as miserable as always, but enough medication to cut the edge off of it. you?
ah... I'm sorry, hon. that sounds pretty bad. wish I could offer something to help, but I'll just hope you don't you don't drink too much.
all that happens when I drink is hiccups.
any kind of anti-inflammatory you can take?
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That doesn't sound very good, I feel like I'm gonna collapse soon, very tired (not sleepy, exhausted). I think I'm gonna lay down for a bit, I might get on my phone
I can't sleep, I'm driving
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I both envy and pity you. Anti-inflammatories arent going to help Rem, he needs to suffer for what he did.
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Take it on the run and can't fight this feeling are my favorite songs by them.
Been a while since i listened to Kiss. Why's he an ass?
Me too, it'll be nice to finally play something together.
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She's An Angel!.png
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God damn it
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Fuck religion it's dumb.
I'm just going to get drunk be happy for a while then cry and sleep
Then don't text you duck
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Hey tomo here a link for me to describe here to you
>also first time posting link so don't judge.

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Please end it tonight, heretic.
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get your rest if you need it, hon <3
wait, what did he do? I just assumed he tried getting some gainz or something.
well, I hope the tears aren't that many, love.
Why's that? Any reason in particular?
You've only just begun! They have tons of good songs!
Love kiss. Cause he tried to trade mark the rock and roll hand sign, the devil horns thing.
Yeah, I'll be able to play with a friend and not a bunch of randoms
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He played pushup Blackjack with stacking penalties.
If you think I should then I guess I'll go to sleep. Goodnight cutie <3
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It might be werid doing it right now but im osaka ama.
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I tried home remedies like coin massaging. Didn't help much.
Tried Aleve two days ago. Didn't help.
Asking for a chest massage is awkward.
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Posting while driving?
Rip Galil.

I'll have to start listening to them more then!
Hahaha oh yeah i remember that, that was actually pretty funnny. In a stupid kind of way.
Heh well fair warning, i'm gonna suck~
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Simple and easily pleased?
Woah now I'm loyal to Tomo.
I don't know how much how it is. Probably lots heh.
Because it's my day off I hate work and things in general.
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This is a Christian community. Since you are a godless heathen you are a heretic
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NAH Religion is not real
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I see your going to have fun tonight.

Let's hope crusaders are sleeping
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>tips fedora
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Fuck them
Hats are lame
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All right don't mind the bullshit around here and least keep posting.
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Oshiete! Galko-chan 12 3-noscale.jpg
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>claims shittiest fujo waifu
>is atheist
Aw I see, shit tastes
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I am!
Well I don't know what fujo is and atheist is retarded to tote. I'm just not religious but people shouldn't be dicks
Let's is what i meant.
>this always happens
galko, stop the trolling for goodness sake.
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Do you like dr.pepper tomo
Fuck you. I am Galko. Just not the original one. Faggot
There's people in Syria who are white
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Indeed. Going to see them in july so that'll be fun
Yeah it was stupidly funny
It's alright, I'm sure you'll be better than half the randoms i play with. I'll help you out don't worry
Good reason
What are you drinking?
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I do yes.
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Jack Daniels honey whisky it's a bit cough syrup tasting
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I don't believe in discrimination and I doubt the rifle does either.
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Now that i got that random question out of the way let's talk more about watemote and our favorite parts.
Fucking edgy as fuck.
I bet it's a shitty semi-auto. Even then your arms are too weak to receive the recoil
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I'm way drunk now~ well I love when Tomoko had a crush on a guy. I can wish that was me so much.
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Oh really? That's awesome. I've actually never been to a concert before.
I don't know how the hell he thought that would work. Reminds me of the time the Fine Bros tried to trademark reacting.
I can only hope, i just need to get used to the controls and i think i'll be fine. Thanks.
Hello everyone
So you want to have a crush just like her
Your funny.
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I want her to have a crush on me. I mean wishful thinking you know
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Good morning love~ How are you?
I love when she starts to get nervous and blurt out random shit
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erp me daddy
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Don't all of us here on /wafiu/ want to think like that.
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I want her. Oh well I can't make someone like that happy anyways heh.
Of course but it's just a dumb wish. Wanting stuff you missed out in high school and what not
Good evening honey~
And how are you~?
Anything good about it. God cough syrup is the worest
This'll be my first real concert
He wasn't even the first person to do it was the best part. Oh yeah! Then their sub count dropped by a lot.
Do you use the key board or controller?
Hey that's 5 nights in a row. Congrats
I'd say you've earned a reward~
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Haha i feel you, sleep sounds really nice~
I'm ok, just music and drinking.
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I'm drunk?
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True but if tomoko was real she would fuck around with all of us here.
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I have no illusions. She wouldn't care about me that much. I'm pretty ass anyways
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That's cool that your first time will be going to see a band you really like.
Really? What the hell is even the point in trying to trademark something like that? Did they expect to get money out of it? Haha yeah, it was fun watching everyone rip them apart.
Hell yeah boi, that's some sweet looking bikini~
Sooo.... When will I get another one~?
Also, great to see you Juvia, how are you tonight~?
And yesterday I went to sleep even earlier to get some rest. And what do I get? I feel even worse than normal. Body ffs make up your mind~
Sounds like a pleasant night. Whatcha drinking?
Me neither i chose osaka just because
>im running out of pictures so might chose someone else next time.
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Oh I see. I like Tomo but I'm pretty worthless as a person and all that
Well i guess that's pretty good
What do you usually drink?
Yeah pretty much.
Probably. Gene simmons likes money so I'm not surprised. It was.
Same here. Controllers are the best
10 maybe?
I'm doing alright. Just playing some games. How are you?
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So is she but she doesn't care and that what's makes her relatable.

>here yuno insted i like innocent characters.
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Whisky, it fucks mr up easy so I like it.
Yuno is a crazy bitch and I would have a mental breakdown every day
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Haha i hate it when that happens, the human body is truly strange~
It's ok i guess. A beer, a couple screwdrivers and now i'm having a whiskey and pepsi.

You would think he has enough to keep him happy. And the video they posted a couple days after where they looked so defeated, was so damn satisfying.
Damn right.
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It must be wide head syndrome
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Sooo another 5 days? I can do that!
Whatcha playing?
Sleepy, need to grab some breakfast and take granny to a doctor so I don't think I'll be here for as long..
Yeah, it's really weird. But maybe tomor- oh, wait, I have an exam tomorrow. Nevermind, I'm gonna rest in my grave~
Huh, that's some heavy drinks. You sure you can handle them~?
Also, is there an occasion?
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Anything else?
Let's just say Gene isn't helping kill the Jewish stereotype
That was great
What controller?
>also post panties please
Yeah. I bet you can. Especially for lewds perv
Riff racer.
Aw that's a shame.
Will you be back later?
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You seen hidamari right
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You said she was crazy right so i gave here a mental illness
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What else is there?
What does that mean?
Woah she just hasn't adapted right. She needs love is all
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> trips
Rip Firekeeper, you will be missed~ What kind of exam?
Well i was planning on just beer tonight, but after the first one i didn't feel like that anymore, so i got the good stuff~ Well...i guess we'll find out~ ;p
Not really, just in a bleh mood and have tomorrow off.

Pfft like the Jewish stereotype could ever be killed~
Good times.
Ps3 controller. And you use an Xbox controller right?
> I guess, if that's what you want.
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Im telling you if you seen or read hidamari sketch.
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Oh it just another sol anime.
No clue i don't drink
Also did you do anything else today?
Yeah but when you got people like Gene out here. Honestly just think about how much kiss merchandise there is.
Indeed! You remembered! How sweet~
>those cute purple panties~
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Of cool.
I set up a bank account and I'm crying
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You Know Gasai (11).jpg
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Basting that turkey I see~
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Im leaving already if you want we could talk more about it later though or go back to tanks it's your choice.

>Btw the blond is the crazy bitch.
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True, there will never be a shortage of money grubbing Jews out there. I know right, you've got fame and fortune, how much more can you possibly need.
W-well, it's no big deal~
> Thanks.

Of course, gotta make it nice and juicy~
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I won't. Remember.
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Ready for your punishment?~
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Why are you crying?
Yeah. As i said before celebrity jews aren't helping
To quote CCR "the only answer is more more"
But it is~ i think it's cute~
>are you alright?
>prettt pink panties
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Hope you get better i almost forgot to type it you know.

>heard juice help out with hangovers.
Hope you get better

>heard juice help out with hangovers.
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You Know Gasai (42).gif
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My mistake :(
Aww come on, you know I do it for you~
Gained 0.5$ from trades yesterday, maybe I'll buy it today
Yeah, I should. Maybe I'll post while waiting in a queue
Remember that exam I took at the end of the school year? That was the theory. Tomorrow I have a practical exam. Need to make a cable, connect some stuff, set up a server however they want it and hope for the best. Worst thing is I start as 8AM so I won't be here tomorrow..
Someone's finally growing up~ And as you have off tomorrow you can test your bounds~ ;p
Bleh moods are bleh, hope you'll get better soon sweetie
That wasn't ment for you*
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You mean my juvia lewds
5 cents or 5 dollars?
It's a pretty rad game. Also What's your steam name? I'll add you now
Please do
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Because I hate living,
I wont
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See >>737292090
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Punishment, but i dindu nuffin!~

It's kinda entertaining to watch when you can see them for what they are.
Sad truth of this world.
Hehe, well t-thanks~
> Just...not really in the mood to be called a stupid pervert and hear how much you hate me tonight..sorry.

Oh man, this one sounds pretty damn complicated. Aww that sucks...but maybe i'll be able to catch you a bit later~
I'm a big boy now~ ;p Oh i've already got a decent grasp of my limits~...kind of ;p
Yeah they are, thanks, i'm sure i'll be fine tomorrow.
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You Know Gasai (111).png
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You wanted to play ds3 no?
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Now why's that?
Oh i see
Juvia gets no reply at all ;-;
Indeed. Like Sharon Osbourne, gets constantly cheated on by Ozzy to this day and is still with him
>if it really bothers you that much then how come you didn't say anything? I would've stopped.
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You Know Gasai (122).jpg
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Hello Shinobu

Nigga Im replying to you now
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Ohh that's what you meant~ Well i'm game if you are~

Yo Shinobu. How are you?

> dubs
Really? I thought they were getting/already divorced. Well i guess she doesn't want to leave all the money.
> It doesn't for the most part, it's just sometimes i just want you to be warm to me..instead of saying stuff like that.
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I'm ready to smack dat ass~
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Alright guys, need to go for now, see you later (probably)!

Naaaah, butt of course not~
$0.5 means half a dollar as far as I'm concerned, but you were pretty close
I trust your judgement. And my ID is /spacecowbby, I have the best game in existence set up as my favorite on profile
I'll try my best
Also, I have an exam tomorrow so I won't be here, sorry..
It kinda is ;~;
Yeah, if anything I'll try to come here after it~
Sure you are~ ;p Kind of, huh~? Well, don't push them too hard tonight if you want to keep that floor without some stains~ ;p
Also, goodbye honey, need to take granny to doc now, I may be later on while waiting in queue. Until later~
...if you manage to stay awake, that is~ ;p
Hi cute donut vampire
Bye cute donut vampire
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Alright loading it up now~

Well good luck sweetheart~
I should be here~
4 u~ ;p Ahh don't worry, i wont even get close to them tonight~ Well there may be a few stains on the floor tonight~ ;p
Alright sweetie, go do your stuff~ See you later~
Oh shush you~ ;p
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You wanna tussle?
You hit the nail on the head there. That's way too much money. Plus her fame will be gone
>i am warm to you... sometimes...
Wasn't close at all but
Man do i even need to see it to know what it is?
Please do
Aw too bad you'll lose that little streak you had~
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im alright, you?

no come back ;-;
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You Know Gasai (60).jpg
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Did you want to voice?
If not set the password to "cummies"

Nigga I'll smoke you any day
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Does the boopslut want his boops?
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You Know Gasai (126).png
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Oi ya cheeki kunt, boop yourself
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You sure talk a lot of shit for someone with a weak ass game like yourself
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Exactly, she couldn't bring herself to give all that up.
> I know you are..but i just want you to do it more you know..? I really like it when you do.

I'm alright, about to kick YouKnow's ass in some DS3 PvP.

Yeah sure. Lemme get it ready.
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I do though. Someone looks like they want boops.
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You Know Gasai (15).gif
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Come over here and tell me that to my face, I'll fuck you til you love me faggot

Ight hollar at ya boi when ya ready

Yo ass looks like they want boops, more like it
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Did someone say boops?
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You Know Gasai (20).gif
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sounds fun

get booped nerd
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Im all self booped. I need to give boops now.
Of course not. She's a Jew.
Also will you be on l4d2 tomorrow?
>do you now?~ What do you like the best about it?
Boy bet. Your dick ain't long enough to please this ass
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You Know Gasai (10).png
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HAH you won't feel your ass when Im done with you!~
I'm waiting. You're no more than 3 inches~
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>boops the boopslut
Im going to continue my giantdad DS1 run maybe.
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im gonna go to bed actually, didnt sleep well last night

night everybody
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Yes this!

It is.

She is too?
Yeah i should be.
> Yeah.. a lot~ Well, i just like it when you're really nice to me.. and when you open up a little~
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You Know Gasai (40).png
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Your ass is already numb~

Have fun

Good night

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Juvias ass is numb because its Hanakos sloppy seconds ;^)
Help me, the lower bell is being a bitch.
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You Know Gasai (43).gif
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Pc right? hang on I'm giving hanako an ass whoopin
We could play tomorrow if you'd like
>but what do you like specifically?~
Your dick ain't big enough to for me to even feel you
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I dont have a fire in there, and I hate having humanity. Pyroshits hitting me while Im barely lvl 28. Not on now, finishing food.
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You Know Gasai (104).png
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Still battling Hanako
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Yeah that sounds good. About what time do you think?
> Well i like that it's not your usual tsundere attitude, that you actually say that you like me and stuff~ and when you are lewd without being all shy about it~
I'm alive and back in action, the queue to the doc is solid 20 people, what the fuck
Depends, i work till 5 so it could be anytime after that. Just message me or something when I'm on cause it'll be me for sure.
>i do not have a tsundere attitude...
>it's just natural to be shy
Welcome back perv
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734KB, 600x800px
I'm whooping YouKnow's ass at DS3 Pvp~
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Now now you don't have to lie~
How's the night? Missed me, didn't ya~?
That's not really an achievement, YouKnow sucks at PvP~
But congrats anyway honey, I'm really proud of you~
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Well that would be around 2 my time, so i should be good then. Alright sure thing.
> Yes you do~ And i love it~
> cute bluh~
> Yeah i know, and i like that about you too~

No lies here~
Please no i don't like it when mommy and daddy fight
It's been good. Now laying down instead of playing games
You were gone for maybe a half hour so not really
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Well you're right about that~
Thanks~ Now i just need to whoop that sweet ass of yours next~ ;p
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You Know Gasai (7).gif
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WHAT oh hell na nigga 1v1 me

Das some bullshit ass lie

Be a good girl and go to your room
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At the latest 7 because i might have dinner when i get home. But 7 at the latest. Probably
>i do not...
>those pretty pink panties
I don't wanna you guys are gonna yell at each other
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Comfy in bed?
Oh come on :c
So, how are ya feeling tonight?
I could guess~
Oh Pffff-lease, I'm not as much of a scrub as him~ ;p
Calm down taco
And I don't usually play with newbies like that, but I might make an exception for you~
>pic rel before u fite me
I dun rekt momma nigga

Ohh cocky are we?

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