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hey /b/ ima kill myself in a few, Ima just head to a secluded

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hey /b/ ima kill myself in a few, Ima just head to a secluded spot since theres still people out in LA. Ill update u in a few
show benis first bb, hehe
What makes you feel like that's your best option? Do you believe in an afterlife or some crazy shit?
Shut the fuck up. People should be allowed to make their own decisions without whiteknight faggots like you trying to "save them" like it's your job or something.
Good luck OP. Go into death with courage. This life is boring, painful, and difficult. Death is peace. Death is the end of pain. Death is happiness.
Ah summer
as much as i agree with >>736969876 im kinda in a good mood so i would prefer to save him. Maybe its not even worth but as a former suicidal I would like to talk to you OP. If you open for talk say so or I should leave thread
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Like a great man once said : If you have time of thinking a beautiful death why not live beautifully until the end ?
I've been in this site for years, I know a legit post when I see one.

OP will deliver, you have my word.

Also, 4chan made me able to question women if they were actually born female
People who talk others out of suicide don't know anything about their lives, or what they are going through.

Delaying the inevitable does more harm than good for some people. It's like deciding against surgery until the last minute.
Haha im not trying to save anybody. Eat shit and die you degenerate piece of garbage. I am just inquiring how he arrives at his conclusion. Ive felt pretty empty but never to the point that i can rationalize hurting myself, only strangers like yourself. I hope we cross paths and you find me in a bad mood. :)
I'll be sure you bring my fedora and katana
For some people it's impossible to live beautifully. They've been screwed out of happiness in life. All that's left is happiness in death.

We all die eventually. Why walk the long, painful road of life when you can take the express trip to your destination the easy way?
Lol hats are for cats. Katanas are for japs. Hollow .40s bring morties!
Have a good rest my friend.
they haven't experienced the shit that waits them so that's why they talk about experiencing the world and other bs
Periscope it pal?
Yes you are right. Thats why I would prefer talking to him (so I can learn his story) than "saving him". You seem to know a lot about suicidal people tho.
If you were to ask me who I am I would answer you : A Tourist. And when I go for a trip its not the destination that counts but the journey. But thats just me and im tough and dont like the easy ways/trips. I always thought LIFE as a curse because LIFE=PAIN. But I decided that its a double edged sword...I prefer cutting the world than myself.Thats just me tho
I know a lot about suicidal people because I've convinced a lot of people to kill themselves.
Hmm... Wanna test it on me?
No, because you're pathetic.
I wouldnt even be shocked if this is samefagging. Jesus why do I come onto boards full of edgelords
Wrong. Ive experienced some shit and im generally a pretty dark son of a bitch. I just personally see more to gain from causing chaos for humanity and individuals than just turning off the only existence i will ever have. Abusive father who concussed me growing up, courpse experience of touch, smell, sound of cracking rigimortis, attempted burglars at my door, heartbreak after five years. Much more, thats just the recent stuff. Stop being a pretentious cunt, we are all have suffering. Be virulent and instead of getting sad, get angry and get even with the world.
You dont know who I am ; there you do not know if I am pathetic. Even tho if I am you are still a LOSER that doesnt even wanna try. Worse than the so called people you have killed...lier. Now choke on a dick until you grow a pair of balls and kill yourself instead of others. Loser.
You've only ever experienced awareness. When you sleep you experience it. When you wake up you experience it. Life is pretty obviously a simulation anyway, so why are you so dumb that you state this being the only existence we have as some kind of fact?
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Listen anon. Suicide can actually be a noble thing. Think about how better off every one will be.
You ought not lose your temper on him aye lad? Also you spelt liar wrong
Why is this thread so cringy
Well its not a problem cause I always knew im short tempered so I learnt how to make Anger=>energy=>smth positive/at least not bad
Why do u wanna die. Your in la? And whats your basic info. Sex location sexuality
Religious nut alert. Go back to your other simulation dipshit and stay out of our reality.
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The edge
Autists all over the spectrum come together to form a giant autistic robot, and that robot made this thread
I also forgot to add "fore" at there-fore but for a guy that learnt english mainly thru gaming / internet I think im qualified to make some mistakes here and there. I just dont bother typing no englado no copy pasterino por favor
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So your a quitter. Following through on life decisions is never something to regret. Like ending your life. No one regrets it afterwards unless you failed.
how am I being edgy?
jesus christ, if OP had any doubts before, he is surely going to follow through after reading the pure autism in his thread.
Because you're trying to sound like you're dark and dangerous and shit. Maybe that works in middle school, but it doesn't work anywhere else.

Fuck off.
make it as confusing as possible
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Yeah I am a bit of a quitter unless I lock my focus on the goal and I determine that its worth the struggle. Never thought of suicide like "lifes decision" tho. Seems interesting theory. care to elaborate
?????? What dark what dangerous where exactly you saw that. Im just a kid lul.
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>this thread
Hey does that selca gel get you high? Looks dope fam
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Last three decades of life must be like only andy sixx threads. Why is an heroing such a bad thing again?
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It's like a 2007 Facebook post in here.
Lol that's how i talk irl around everybody, i have many friends and family still somehow. Humans are mostly scum. I used to dedicate life to helping others and the planet, but now i am on a new path which is devoid of empathy. I have much to live for according to common standards of fitness and wealth, but really life is a sick thrill to me now.
you were a faggot either way
well ... okey . Should I start posting reaction images as well ? Long time lurker that is gonna start talking now
That is because life only happens through strife, if you want something interesting you gotta make your own path
Good one. Ive had more pleasure and money than you ever will. Stupid poor human garbage.
trying to save the world is pathetic but you're even more pathetic now. gg
What about love? Have you loved anyone appart pleasure and money? Did anyone love you for another reason than money and pleasure? Thats what makes me richer than you and I have 7$ to spent the week
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Bugger thinks he is Dorian Grey lmao
typical bourgeoisie arguments
Oh its definitely been interesting. Did i say it was boring? Hopefully you and others are right that my mind will someday not be a minefield.
Well try LSD for once instead of suiciding
Ya my gf had no idea how much money i have and we lived together over five years. She knew i have good credit and no debts but no idea about actual net worth.
Gibe us a numba den big boyo, step up n show us lad
Wow they banned me for what i said even though it was not illegal or against the rules. I thought this was a place where we could share experiences? Faggot mods are total pussies who dont want to hear about reality
OP here, im at the spot
No, I dont believe in the afterlife, thats for idiots.
Thanks, I hope suffocation doesnt hurt for long
Dont bother
You're ok
Cant and wouldnt
I know my family is better off with me
19/m/gay, you should know without me telling you
Suffocation is literally the most painful other than burning. Why would you think they are better off unless you raped them? Be smarter man, i wish i was gay, bitches are crazy.
He says his family would like it better off without him, most likely wearimg clothes and using mobile data and a phone his family bought him. Well nothing can talk em out of downward spiral delusions eh lad?
Sorry OP
bye felicia
you shouldnt do that. Stay alive to spite everyone.
find something to lose if you feel like you have nothing. life is worth living.
Carbon monoxide poisoning is supposed to be chill, just pass out and die
Duct tape vacuum hose from tailpipe to window seal it up
Nightly night an hero
This. Being gay isnt bad at all man. Your family will get over it for sure. Its never been better to be gay. Embrace who you are and others will too!
Well im glad for you,honestly ! Hope its the same with the next one and all the people around you ! Stay safe,stay happy ! <3
What the fuck is wrong with all of you. Even the people that were trying to 'talk this guy down' went "NO I'M NOT" when they got called out.

Fuck, are you all serious? Are you seriously saying it's no good trying to be nice and reach out to someone who obviously posted and waited and checked to see if anyone GAVE A FUCK?

For fucking shame.

Don't kill yourself, op.
document it here bro:
ftp. cap stone-cre ative.com
u: m ain@ca psto ne-cre ativ e.com
p: 1Capst0n3
Well im going to sleep lads, assuming you havent already necked yourself op, you might try to think about the things you like and how you will never do them again if you die. Cheers lad
Faggot, kys u wont
You should keep fighting, op. You're 19, and I bet you're beautiful.
You and the 7$ guy can take that shit back to highschool. I read the communist manifesto back then too and ya its a good read. Later in life you will realize you cannot fight the capitalist machine and money is important. Also i have loved, my college gf and i were deeply in love for five years, she didnt think i was wealthy. Thats above average for the infatuation stage of romance. You are pretentious, likely having much joy and disappontment ahead of you.
Don't do it. Just because. I don't give a fuck how old you are, what gender you are, what sexuality you are, or where you are.
I'm saying don't.
Just because.
You're loved. You're a person. You're awesome. You deserve happiness. Just don't throw your life away.
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Holy fucking shit guys the fucking bum tried to knock me out, he was fucking tweeking he ran away after I tried to knock him down
If you feel like you can't live where you are, MOVE. MOVE.
MOVE TO A FUCKING JUNGLE. Scrape by with your savings and fuck off somewhere. WALK. KEEP FUCKING WALKING. Drop everything and FUCK OFF. Don't kill yourself. You can change your entire fucking life around. Just keep moving. Don't look back from this. Fuck everyone. You're going to leave now anyway, right? Don't kill yourself. Just leave.
Uh ya didnt i explain i dont really care about anybody? I dont want op to hurt himself but ultimately its up to him. I think he should live and pursue what makes him happy, i sure wish i were gay and or 19.
He hit me with some shit I didnt see, I dont know if it was a wake up call but fuck it hurts
What? Elaborate, dude.
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Get lost summer fag
Sorry. Wrong reply on the last one.
I was sitting in a stairway where its dark then some guy starts asking me who am I then starts to look for what I thought was roaches since I am at a popular smoke spot then out of the no where he fucking hits me on my elbow I think he was aiming for my head, then starts tell me to give him my fucking phone and I tried to get at him then he fled.
Never mind, you're an edgelord summer boi.
Is this op?
That's fucked. Are you okay?
ITT: anon meets OP and tries to murder OP for his phone but fails and stops OP from an hero
>trying to mug a teen with nothing to lose
that was his first mistake
This is getting kinda weird
Fuck yeah! Hey, I think you should keep going. You have so much ahead of you. Seriously, just take off and live somewhere else. Keep fighting, and don't give up.

Be a bum destroyer. In all senses of the word.
If you laugh at that, you owe me at least another decade of living.
just post pics of yourself online if this is what you want faggot
Yeah, im fine. Im trying to find that fucker.
Piece of shit made me not want to kill myself, but I sure as hell will fucking put him down if I find him
Being gay isn't that bad. Try being a tranny with total manface.
Heyheyhey, lets not turn this suicide into a murder
I'd call that a sign to keep living.
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mfw i was fapping last night to all the god tier sex i couldve had if i had only come out of the closet as a teen and not grown up into a super closeted man-child

>i´ll be fine
Seriously, op.

Take the chance to see a professional. Sort your life out. Move towns. Hitch hike, I don't care. Just change your life.
Set goals. Achieve them. Come back and tell us.

Always Keep Fighting. You Are Enough.
Get some antiseptic on that ASAP.

Sounds to me like you had a near-death experience. Do you still feel like you want to kill yourself?
It more of an adrenaline rush I got, yeah not killing myself today anymore
I've never been to highschool because of reasons. I am not involved in politics (basically i dont know shit) but I think anarchocapitalism is good (from what a friend of mine told me). Im working my way towards adulthood and trying to fit in the capitalistic world we are all in. 21 years I was trying to have fun and then I was crying alone. Now I just wanna talk to people and maybe play chess? I still dont get why you put labels on me (maybe thats what im showing to you) but I feel you have something to teach me. Something better than the stuff they teach at highschools. Care to talk a bit more? I never attacked you tho and sorry if it felt like this :)
I'm sure you have friends. Please reach out to them and tell them what happened.
I'm sorry that you felt so desperate and alone to come to the suicidal conclusion, but I hope you get better.
Well wishes.
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After reading the first few comments, I realised... This is actually a cringe thread

Also, please do kill yourself

Also Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima Ima, for lack of better words faggot. Kill yourself (again)
My parents never bought me a phone I have one from a government assistance program and one I bought four years ago from a paid internship. Wearing shorts from middle school and shirt from an old friend. Im poor you fucking idiot
I only have one and I don't consider him a friend. I don't consider acquaintances friends
Don't bother fighting anyone here. You should go live your life and die from time.
Old age, cancer, whatever.
Wanna be friends?
Indulge me

Super cringe
Sure thang.

Just got out of an 11 year relationship because I realised I was stuck and my life was going down hill.
Now I'm struggling to get all my shit out of my old house all the while trying to find out who I am again.

I've got a diploma in makeup services. Didn't even know it was a thing until a month before I started school. Now I do horrible photoshoots. Looking to get better when I find my feet.
Agreed. OP, f you could please kill yourself twice, we'd all sure appreciate it.
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>find my feet

Found em.
Well, I hope you do. You seem like a kind soul. Im just outside thinking of a place to hang myself. When it comes to character I don't have any redeemable qualities nor do I have anything to offer.
I still think you should just drop everything and go. Don't kill yourself, just run. Nothing is stopping you from doing that.

I need to go. Hopefully you see clarity. Please stay safe. Look at the words of kindness in the thread. I meant 'em all. Be good to you.
Thanks for the useless advice
>When it comes to character I don't have any redeemable qualities nor do I have anything to offer.

if this was true you're in the perfect position to become a mercenary or hitman. but we all know it's not and this is you vying for attention
Hey gayfag, are you already a hero? Or are you still waiting a few?

I wish i had the guts to kys myself. Sadly i'm a pathetic loser and am too afraid to die.

I would be so jelly if you actually commit suicide.
Here's the straight shit
My close friend hung himself at 20. Had girl preggo, busted for dope, embarrassfam

I visited his grave yearly until I moved across the country. I used to be angry at him, but now I'm just sad. I'm 62 years old and my bud missed out at least 40 kick ass years.
Call your folks, friends, cops but get in contact with a person and tell them you hurt.

Getting old ain't for pussies, but it's worth every scar.
I had a friend who commuted suicide but he had a gun, I feel the same way, im jealous of him. Nah a didn't just cried like a bitch and when home. I had some meth head attach me which I explained here
God I fucking hate LA
>Hey does that selca gel get you high? Looks dope fam

Makes you really thirsty.
Pls don't off self. K Thx.
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