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Can someone explain to me why we're mad at the GTA V devs?

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Thread replies: 90
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Can someone explain to me why we're mad at the GTA V devs?
Mod crackdown?
Because they're banning modding in single player
Why are they not entitled to do that?
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They forced the takedown of OpenIV, a program used to make mods for GTAV.

This mod was also used to make several dodgy mods, one being Force Hax.

Basically, if you didn't want to grind, you could pay these turds a monthly fee & basically abuse the fuck out of the online community.

Seeing that their online world had become an absolutely cancerous cesspool of cheaters and trolls, Take 2 has been handing out Cease & Desists to a number of people.

Unfortunately it's all too little, too late. There will be more children eager to hack online, and it's simply a matter of time before other services appear.

As far as the Steam reviews go, it's very angry children spamming the Steam review system after their hacks have been banned


ad nauseum.

Oh and don't worry, I don't even own gtaV. Such a cancerous game in the online form.
online is pretty ass, yet all the good stuff is in online
Online is really that broken? Thanks for the explanation.
He left out that a bit of the moaning is from people who are doing mods for singleplayer too. Like a liberty city mod etc. Online has always been shit for people starting out, its daunting to say the least
I tried logging on this week after literally two years of not playing much online.

It's still cancer. They haven't fixed their shit economy yet, which is the main reason for all of these fucking hackers they hate.
You grind for countless hours doing repetitive shit and you don't get nearly enough money to do anything.
Online itself isn't bad apart from the shitty moneymaking system, so who can blame some people who don't have the time to grind virtual money when they could spend that time literally working in real life?
Shark cards.
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I don't think Take 2 would have been so determined to fuck with modders, had the mods not fucked with their micro transaction market.

It's obvious that online GTAV is geared around real world money, and extracting as much from the player base as possible.

>Never fuck with the money

That said, Bethesda/Zenimax have relaunched their "every mod is going to be paid and go through us, goddammit" insanity with Creation Club.

It's like they are controlled by litigious money-hungry jews

>oh wait, they are ...
>pay jewstar so you can buy in to the actual content in online

yeah nah

ill just let some dumb fuck rain money on my ass until i can just buy the shit i need and have fun
meanwhile some bs game in alpha that's broken has positive reviews .. GTA years later still adding content etc but let's complain
You want me to buy virtual cash when GTA online literally revolves around actually earning that money?
The problem is its repetitiveness and extremely small payoff. That's literally all they have to fix. It's so fucking simple.

>Pay $20 irl to buy some shitty ass clothes and a tattoo in a video game.

ok bud
/vg/ is there for a reason
Its because they want you to buy their shark cards or whatever they are called. You have always been able to get shit tonnes of money, so long as you pay rockstar for it


Statement from Titty:

"Take-Two's actions were not specifically targeting single player mods,” it said. “Unfortunately Open IV enables recent malicious mods that allow harassment of players and interfere with the GTA Online experience for everybody.

"We are working to figure out how we can continue to support the creative community without negatively impacting our players."

tl;dr jew us out of money, we will fuck you.
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>let me pay money to virtually work in a virtual life

Top fucking kek
I hope online gets better now. All the modders ruined the free roam lobbies by freezing everyone and then place c4 on them. If you were in a mission, this was especially hard because it meant you just lost several hours of playing progress. I dont feel sorry for any modder who got banned.
The worst part is all the content they added would have made an amazing single player experience, but GTA V online be is so cancerous you can't enjoy any of it. Every time they launch awesome content (like arms dealing or biker gangs) I try to get back into it but since your basically playing a game meant for sociopaths I've never been able to even access this content
Good goy
they also upped their price before steam sale and then put it on sale for the regular price. "What a deal!" right?
You realise the payout is intentionally low to induce the purchase of shark cards. On a different topic, I noticed while grinding that the AI is literally wired to fuck your day up when you're doing car import/exports: I've actually watched a car swerve left to right to try and hit me, the random u turns onto the oncoming traffic, perfect car spawns to hit you in intersections, the fact that there is no indication whatsoever what way they're turning. It really pisses me off sitting there trying to grind for shit mechanics like that to suck the shit out of my hard earned cash.
I doubt that was their in intentions, but the modders are just colateral damage. They want to stop online cheaters/hackers/whatever you want to call them
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The common argument from players that cheat, or benefit from others that cheat (so they don't get their hands dirty, or account banned):

>Grinding for cash in this game is completely fucked
>I can't afford shark cards, the amounts given are fucking tiny
>I wouldn't give you extra money for this shit anyway

You only need to pay attention to the last argument. It comes down to the fact that players hate being forced by companies to keep paying more and more money to enjoy online gaming.

On the flip side, players shouldn't buy 16 jet planes & a dozen super vehicles, blow them up for one YouTube video because it would be "funny", then rinse repeat.

tl;dr GTAV is a game for faggots
Join a crew. Specifically the 4chan related one. Go to /vg/ and search GTAG. Read the instructions and leave your in that thread. They may be autists, but they'll have your back 100% of the time
they are also entitled to charge 9999.99$ for their game and shit in every 3rd box... get it?
The single player was great.
>10/10 first half of the game
I never get why the online mode was so "amazing"
It has some pretty cool shit, but the payouts are so low and the money making is very grindy.
I agree single player was reasonably good. Online always kinda seemed like a bit of a farce. I might have played a few hours online. I just ended up doing the same fucking about i did in single player.
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Banning single player modding

False multiplayer bans to thousands of people

general money hungry practices with their bullshit shark cards

what's not to hate?
But you can do that with some friends, its the only difference... Also more stuff to buy like new cars, if you like that kind of thing

I agree that the 1st half of single player GTAV was genuine


2nd half sucked major donkey dick, with hackneyed writing and ending scenarios. Michael was the best, Trevor is just a piece of shit psycho inserted for shock value, and the gang banger had an extremely tenuous & retarded storyline. Reminded me of when Spike Lee did the Frequency Vibrations shit. Cringe af.

I only played these two because the game forced me to. But Michael and his shit white trash family redeemed the fuck out of this game.
Meh, all of my friends have consoles. I play on pc, so that doesnt really hold water for me personally. Even still, you are just fucking around. There's really nothing holding the online game play together
>Jew pricing
>B& online even though you dindu nuffin and modding fuckheads get away
I hate the Trevor dialogue, always sounds like some Nolan's writte shit.
its trash
Encouraging players to report modders has helped slightly in that the modders mess around without fucking with people, and hand out cash to keep the players quiet.

Maybe they'll finally get better at detecting them automatically, who the fuck knows- but really half the shit the modders can do shouldn't even be possible, the game protocol must be really shitty. I'm guessing multiplayer was hacked in over the singleplayer game, in a big fucking hurry.

Agreed, they encourage antagonism over cooperation, which is annoying.
cause this new dlc is just a fucking rehash of past 3 dlcs, you buy a bunker that costs almosts 2 fucking million dollars just to start the god damn gun runnin, but wait theres more, now you gotta fucking supply the shit to make it make money by doing the same fucking go and grab missions like every fucking other one in the game just to come back to your bunker/vehicle warehouse/cargo warehouse and make a meezly 7-15 thousand fucking dollars for 7-15 minutes of gameplay oh wait what about the new overpriced weapons and car mods, nope you gotta fucking resupply your shit show in order to research/manufacturing which takes a fucking decade and barely makes 1 mil.

tl:dr this game is shit
it's one thing to cheat in single player, but it's quite another to cheat in multiplayer. so many of those modding fucks abused people, i left the game. now that i heard that r* actually came down on those faggots, i'll have to jump back on to see what's what. seriously, if you're complaining about something you have to earn, then you're a little bitch and i fucking want you gone from this earth. kids these days are all faggots who don't want to earn anything.

case in point: shitty service at every goddamn restaurant i go to. when i worked at restaurants, i took pride in serving people. unless they were dicks, and then i gave them what they deserved.

but online modders? 1 out of 20 were decent people who would drop cash on you or create some entertaining scene/gameplay.

the rest were vermin that deserve to die irl.
>Trevor is just a piece of shit psycho inserted for shock value

I thought he was funny, but playing him as a protagonist was a little awkward. I think I'd have preferred Trevor as an ancillary character and sometimes-antagonist.

Earning stuff is fine, but there's a point beyond which a game gets retardedly grindy and too far into "pay to win" territory... plus, the meager payouts for everything just encourages people to rip each other off that much more.
>because all the modder kiddies that break the rules don´t understand punishment.
Eat shit kids.
It's quite empty yes
But i usually just play for like an hour every now and then, so i just go fuck around with the physics and do some stunts with a few friends
This is not supposed to be a job to play gta5 you know? I just dont have the time and patience to grind for hours like a little bitch to get just a new virtual car... I expect my games to distract me and entertain me. I dont see it as a chore
So are we going to do something about it?
>Still complaining about no instant gratification
You want everything immediately?
Get a job irl, pay money for shark cards, get what you want immediately.
But that'd be too adult for you and your shitty generation.
You fucking millennials should fuck off for good. It would absolutely improve America and likely most everywhere else.
fuck off old man
the world is ours to inherit
Just typical pc gamer chimpout, cause of muh mods
You retarded nigger, complaining about kids and wanting to sound grown up while still posting about video games on 4chan... Who's the real kid here?
I work part time and study for a master degree, i dont have the money for jew shark cards. I already paid for the game, i want to be able to enjoy the content of it without pouring hundreds of dollars more for a bunker, clubhouse, and other stuff that is just a platform to do different missions i would be able to do without spending 2M$
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
greetings from Reddit cx
i come in piece c:
The shithole you're making it is yours. Enjoy it, you deserve it.

Boo fucking hoo. Waaa waaa waaa I gotta work but somehow I don't have money so I'm gonna whine and complain about a fucking video game waaa waaa waaa.
Grow the fuck up, pillowbiter. All of us have to fucking work, all of us have limited time to fuck off and do bullshit we like, and all of us had to make decisions on how to spend limited funds.
Stop being an entitled little bitch thinking that because you're getting an expensive piece of paper that you're actually worth something - newsflash, you're not. There hundreds of thousands if not millions of people exactly fucking like you out there, the only difference is they don't have sand in their vagina about not being able to afford something in a video game. Boo hoo, so sad.
How about you put your shit skills to work, ear some green, and you know, act like a fucking adult and make choices about how to fund your fun.
Most importantly - stop being a whiny little bitch about it all.
Whatever negro, taking that from someone on 4chan loses all seriousness.
Whatever let's you sleep at night, princess. Guess being told you're not the super awesome special little popsicle mommy always said you were is upsetting to you, gotta resort to the old "LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU SO YOU DON'T COUNT."
It's funny, because we both know I'm right. Hell, we all know I'm right. The only people complaining are the kids who don't want to work to earn anything.
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That was quick.
I see you complaining way more, "old man"... Im sure youre just a poor 30 something guy who failed at life and just blame on younger people
They deleted a whole bunch of legitimate money from players because they were too lazy to properly correct all the illegitimate money flooding their game over the past two months, then then they used legal threats to shut down single player modding because the same tools are used by online mods which they're too Jewish to develop anti-cheat for. Basically, they're a tremendously shit dev and don't care how many people they harm as long as it means they don't have to put any effort into anything.
I'm not complaining. If I wanted, I could go out this morning, buy the game, and then drop $500 on shark cards and not blink.
I have a job, a savings, 401k, extra retirement plans, and my home, vacation home, autos and RV are all paid for.
Because I know how to handle my finances and also not complain about working for what I want.
I was just pointing out that you're a whiny little cockgobling faggot who thinks just because you got something you're entitled to more, like you're somehow special or different than anybody else.
You're not.
Boo hoo. Game company decides to fix their game in a way you don't like.
Waaa waaa waaa.
And yet youre on 4chan shitposting on a gta thread... I think youre full of shit
>I could waste my money if I wanted to stupid idiots!

Holy shit please consider and proceed with suicide.
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>both being this mad
And youre a shitty troll...
Now youre just pulling your "lolz i troll you" card like a little kid

>imblyging young people even have an opportunity to save/build up money
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You're just angry because you're mad
>gives a hypothetical
>thinks it means he's gonna do it
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you.
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Content only accessible through high dollar micro transactions unless you treat the game as a minimum wage job and work it like so for literally weeks.

>days to weeks of mind numbing work to maybe allow self management and get somewhat of a taste of the new (or any) dlc
>get it all instantly with a $100 shark card

Pick one,
Pro tip
They both fucking suck.
Whine some more. I'm sure that's helping.
While you're at it, change your Facebook pic with some filter to help stop the injustice. That'll sure show them.
>Muh freedom of market

Fuck yourself. Best Things in Life are free
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Did someone fork your lawn or something? Because you sure are salty tonight.
And please do tell me what grandiose purpose you're serving here since you're calling me out on not doing anything productive
Are you retarded?
You're paying for internet, you're paying for a place to live, electricity, you paid for whatever it is that you're using to connect here to this Madagascarian basket weaving board, you paid for the furniture you're using right now.
Tell me again how things are free.
I just said that about you skippy. I see that I was right.
The purpose?
Couldn't sleep so it's my own amusement at watching you millennial fucks bitch and moan about a video game.
Nothing more.
no fun allowed
giv shekels goy buy emoney cards
>coming to 4chan to make himself feel better
ok buddy I'm sure you must have a lot of friends
inb4 someone who doesn't share my exact political views is a millennial
Actually im Not. My wife earns a shitload and im having le neetlife.
The Worldwide would be better without Money and yes the BESt Things Are free.

We wouldnt need Money its Made Up and there are actually Alternatives
>4am - can't sleep
>hurrr u must have no friends if ur here, hurkhurkhurkhurk
I don't right now, they're all asleep. On a Sunday morning.
You're having this life now until she divorces your parasitic freeloading ass.
Enjoy your wake up.
And you're on 4 chins at 7 am on father's day? Gtfo lying faggot, hang yourself in your mancave and do the world a favor.
See >>736192401 nigger
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>Not having plans for Sunday (fathers day btw, might wanna remember that)
>micro transactions in a full priced game.
Normies are literally killing the industry
Me and the wife plan on hitting the lake later. Going to go out for the day on our boat, then tonight dinner at our favorite restaurant, followed up by the theater.
No kids in the way to fuck up the day.
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They rushed the game, thats why.
Watcha seeing in theatres?
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