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Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.

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Ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.
Haven't you ever just thought of like getting in shape and fucking bitches? It really isn't that hard

I am in shape and always was. Fucking bitches never worked though.
do you masturbate and watch a shit load of porn?

26 year old virgin here. Not kissless though.
>do you masturbate and watch a shit load of porn?

Not really. I masturbate and watch porn maybe once a week.
I am not OP, but I am the same. I wanted it to be naturally though it's not going to happen. I have been that told I look good and things, but I wanted it to be normal...
Circle doesn't count as a shape.
wow. I hope I can be like that when im 34
cause i masturbate a lot and it wastes so much time.

Another question. Do you have a good paying job? do you like your work?
30 y/o kissless virgin. Not as bas as you op but desperation is second to none.
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OP here. I am not swole or hypertrophic but certainly athletic. Pic related.
why do you shave your body hair
My wife says she'd totally do you.

Have none. At least no dark, thick hairs.
I come to these threads to feel less bad about myself
I need to get my shit together
Dude, you look fine. The only thing I can imagine is your face looks bad or something but you could definitely pull chicks.

Post face, like, my body is skinnier than yours and it's not hard for me to get chicks you should be fine
I just need to get laid. Too afraid to pay for it for fear of getting busted. I work alone with crazy hours so no time to meet people.
I went from a 31 year old virgin, to a girlfriend, to a submissive fuck buddy in the span of 5 months. Life is pretty awesome sometimes.
no reason to be virgin bro

Won't post my face but it's a perfectly fine average face.


Not claiming that my body is holding me back. My personality is.
Nice bait. How old is this pic? Have seen it a way too often. Post your real self you fat neckbeard.

Chad out!
Dude, i've seen your body pic, you look fine, it's probabilly not your appearance that prevents you from fucking, i bet you jost dont put yourself outhere... This is what you have to do:
- Instal Tinder, Humble and all those dating apps, start talking to as many girls as you can, get as many dates as possible, this in itself shoudl get you laid eventually.
- Also, start building a network of friends you could go out with for some crazy party nights, i tell you from experience, if you go out enough it's almost certain that eventually you'll get one night stands and such.
In january i hit point of no return. The fact that i kissed a few girls wont affect my int stats right? I plan on goin pure int fire/lightning archmage.
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Here's a new photo.

I've tried Tinder. Only got a few dozen matches in about a year (!= bots) and an answer only once or twice.

I don't have friends but I used to go out very regularly (oftentimes alone) for years during my university time. Usually managed to only hit on one or twice girls per night so probably not enough
yeah, your problem is definitely not trying hard enough/ enough times, you have to be willing to accept all the failure that comes before starting to 'understand' women and actually getting it on.
Kissing your mom doesn't count
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How high are your standards? Would you do pic related?
Not him but what does the body look like?
that jaw line tho, bet she has a great feminine penis
Hey I am in the same situation as OP. Just younger. Same attractiveness level as OP. I just do not understand relationships. In the both senses of just a hook up and long term. I actually asked a girl (for whatever reason I do not understand myself) out she accepted. And that was it. Still seeing her but havent even properly touched her. Guess I was alone for too long and kinda lost something?! (emotionaly, social capabilities?)
Idk but tinder keeps asking me about her and thats the only photo

OP here. No traps.
why not just hire a hooker if not being a virgin is important enough to make a thread about it?
no, dude. You didn't 'loose' something, you just have not gained any experience yet, and that's exactly what you have to go through to get better. Take risks, try to kiss her, if it goes wrong what's the worst that could happen? Try, try, try. You're going to fail many times, but if you keep trying you'll succeed, trust me anon.

Btw if the girl accepted going out with you, it's a good indicator that she would be willing to have sex with you. Invite her to see a movie at your place, that's a universal 'let's fuck'. If she accepts make sure you guys seat close to each other, and make your move during the movie.
because that would make him feel worthless and incapable of getting laid by himself, which is more important than actually having your penis inside a vagina
Just kill your self
I do not have the urge to do that. She already was at my place, completly alone by the way. And I was at hers several times already. She even had some weird poster from her semester abroad with condoms attached to it. No idea whats the deal with that poster but cmon a dude in her room and condoms in plain sight? Still nothing. Im actually concerned she hasnt dumped me yet? Probably fucks around and I turned into a beta orbiter. Dammit need to end it with her.
You done fucked up. Girls want you to make a move. They like when a guy is assertive. If you get the chance to do the movie thing again, put your hand on her thigh while watching. It's a good way to figure out what she wants.
well, if you don't have the urge to fuck, why are you here asking for advice on how to get laid?
My problem is I do not give a fuck what girls like or want. I am constantly fighting my urge to hate women in general. I know thats stupid. Still I have seen in so many occassion, even in my own family, what horrible people they can be. I always wanted a serious loving relationship. Never wittnessed a successfull one. And I do not want to just fuck around to get experience. I want something that does not exist and therefore I outmaneuverd myself. WTF am I writing?
I have no idea to be honest. Guess sex and having a partner is that much of a social axiom that I cannot go against it?
kill yourself faggot, you're not worthy of existing
You're putting the pussy on a pedestal
I lost it at 24. I regret nothing.
Not OP
> 34
> kissless virgin
> 100k/yr salary
> Not perfectly fit, but 250lbs down from 350
> Going to therapy to try and figure out what's wrong with me

Some of us just aren't meant to be in relationships. Like, I just don't relate to women who are my age range. In a lot of ways I feel like I have a lot to offer. But I can't hold conversation, I get awkward. I can't be a sauve person, and that leaves me alone.

Spending my 20s at 300+ pounds really fucked me.
yes it does
How many hookers can you afford? None? Wtf?
Just hire a hooker and be done with it, live with your mum dude wtf? go to a brothel then find some money,... like $250 or something whatever check it out.. problem solved and get your self some god damn confidence
What did yo guys to at her home? Just sit around? What did she tell you?
Am I? I do not worship or even think highly of them. Maybe I am, gonna look into that. I always thought I did not.

Thanks for your contribution!
A classic /b/ kys!
+2 for faggot and worthlessness
what if you tried it at the age of 5? :S
I mean did it...
Not who you're replying to but I wanted to add to this.

For anyone say in their late teens or early 20s who are worried about being a permavirgin. Listen to my advice. Go out with a girl you don't care about. I know, it makes me sound like I'm being some asshole. And I am. But understand that the issues keeping you from being with women - shyness, lack of confidence, etc - are probably in part because you're so worried about doing things "right" that it shoots you in the foot.

If you go out with a girl you don't care about you won't be worked up. In the absolute best case scenario you'll fall for the girl over time. In the worst case, you break up after a while and she writes you off as a shitty high school / college romance. It happens to everyone.

The goal is to build confidence and learn how to treat girls with someone you don't care about, in the hopes that you'll be ready when you meet one you do care about.

It sucks, but life isn't a fairy tale. Romance has to have a degree of strategy behind it if it doesn't come to you naturally.
i don't get it. just visit a prostitute. a vagina is a vagina.
>and incapable of getting laid by himself
but he is incapable... hence TT. after a certain age you've got to lower your standards.
"Virgin" is basically shorthand for "had a girl respect them" in these threads.

So by the word of it, yeah a prostitute is the way to go. But it doesn't help the intended meaning at all.
what are your thoughts on this?

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How high are you?
That was my plan with her initially. Known her for a while and thought to try it out. I did, asked her out and that was the end of it. Still dense like a rock and active like a sloth. I am not shy my confidence is not the best but ok and I can bluff good enough.

But thanks for those proper answers guys!
Want to emphasize my agreement.

It is not only about the sexual act in itself.
But the various factors and experiences of conquering a woman. Everyone can just buy sex. I would probably still count myself a "virgin" if I went to a prostitute. Because there is no effort and success behind it.


> is all about personal freedom ("everyone fucking" is the mainstream meme - your freedom to not to adhere is not)

> equals to being free (only gullible idiots fall for the slut-memes deployed by porn industry)

> is against "sex as a commodity" (noone chose his/her own body features, noone should feel obligated to comply to some "yes had sex" standard)

> is against the "rape culture" (a rapist mind is obsessed with the stereotypical "why don't you want sex? everyone wants sex!" meme)

> contributes to slut-shaming (that is: shaming poorly minded people, sex-commoditizing people, and whores)

> destroys all of the LGBT's memes

Note that there are two kinds of virgin people:

- those who crave for sex and didn't yet get it

- those who crave for freedom and didn't fall for the slut-memes

Too much to be still considered funny.

Just disgusting at this point.
Weak bait, you're no wizard, only a conjurer of cheap tricks anon. Another decade of study perhaps.
Did you buy bitcoin yet? You should so you can become rich, then girls will want you.
I disagree with the freedom part.

It is a biological function. And only few "abnormal" people, like asexuals, go against it out of free will.

You can suppress your needs and feelings but cannot deny that your body craves it.
A prostitute may jerk off my dick but it won't jerk off my heart.
I don't want to climb that low to pay for a fuck.It would feel like using cheat codes in GTA
virgin confirmed
What if you have small peeper like 2 inches soft and 3 inches hard?
Go back to your bitcoin threads.

Im a supporter of the Blockchain development but bitcoin failed its purpose. Just another investment instrument supported by imaginary value creation of our flawed economical system.
Sounds gay as fuck but damn true.

Men can have emotional feelings too without being homosexual.
Worry about that after you get far enough along for a woman to see it.

Also try losing weight if you're big. Adds some length.
What bout titless assless chicks? Same problem.


Hey there Perfect Dark friendo
so how many dicks did you suck yesterday?
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