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just cram this shit log down your throat, faggot.

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Thread replies: 55
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just cram this shit log down your throat, faggot.
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Sounds so fucking hot OP
dubs logged, throat clogged
It's been proven it's the same guy posting all of these
I give up
What is this spam about and in fact who the fuck is this emo faggot anyway?
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I think it's Biersack
i need a snack from Biersack's crack
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The warm, creamy steamdream log of shit fresh from Andy Sixx..

So fucking hot

that explains why your meme hasn't taken off yet
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I just want a fresh, warm logloaf of creamcorned shit straight from his Sixxhole.

The pleasure....
How many proxies do you use for this OP?
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Sixx whole proxies
I don't get this meme. I just don't.
Dubs logged.

BVB Army
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It's not a meme. It's a way of loaf
It's forced. It's a guy on welfare and this is how he's contributing to society.
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Grow up
>Grow up

Says the guy who does nothing but post these "memes" all day. Get a job.
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Mature much? Get a life, champ.
This is what your tax dollars are going to people.
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>been proven
> one faggot
> one shifty meme
> no one cares
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Does anyone have the story about meeting Andy for a log in his dressing room after a show
Nice logs, boss.
mad that he got caught, it's ok bud
so here is the background on this so-called 'meme'
It's the same MENTALLY ILL person spamming it all day long.
He's been on 4chan for a bit now, so he's not exactly a newfag, but he's not an oldfag either.
He fell in love with this guy Dahvie from some no-name band,
but since he's in his 40s, he can't go to his concerts without looking like a dirty old man,
so he dreams.
He grew obsessed with this musician, but it wasn't till the musician changed his name that,
he lost it completely. Like a crazy stalker, he thinks this guy talks to him telepathically.
At first, his fantasies of this guy involved plain vanilla gay sex (sitting on a fat dick),
but then his fantasy metastasized into smelling his dick,
then licking his ass,
and finally, it deranged into eating his shit.
He shared his degenerate fantasy online and reveled in the HATE EVERYONE GAVE HIM.
He's like those small-dicked guys: he gets off on humiliation.
He was posting nonstop for 12 hours a day, eventually losing his job.
But crazy doesn't see the problem, crazy sees this as MORE TIME TO POST.
Now he spends 18 hours a day spamming and opening multiple threads.
He believes he can create an army of like-minded degenerates to help perpetuate his 'meme'
Sadly, there are a few newfags who've actually fallen for his 'meme'
Some are COPROPHLIES like him, others are 8-year-olds who think this is a new edgy 'meme'
But make no mistake, this guy is MENTALLY ILL,
and nothing you can say will dissuade him.
It's like if you tried to tell a schizophrenic that his delusions are fantasy,
and even if you had cameras, devices,
and all kinds of proof, the crazy person would look at you,
and accuse YOU of having a mental illness.
You can point out his mental illness, but it won't dissuade him.
He will keep doing it till he either gets hauled off to the funny farm,
Or he kills himself.
Kinda sad, really.
Just wave at the crazy man and move on...
I would like to suck a log of shit out of andy's anus but I can't find him or get to him!
How can I suck a log of shit out of him?
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Here's op
Let Andy explain this forced 'log'=====
It's the same CREAMY LOG of shit slidding it all day long.
He's been on Sixxchan for a bit now, so he's not exactly a newlog, but he's not an oldlog either.
He fell in log with this shit Andy from some cream-log band,
but since he's logged his 40s, he can't go to Andy's Sixxhole without looking like a dirty old log,
so he creams.
He grew obsessed with this log of shit, but it wasn't til the creamdream changed his pants that,
he logged it completely. Like a log shitter, he thinks this guy talks to him through his BM's.
At first, his fantasies of this guy involved plain vanilla creamlogs (shitting in a fat throat),
but then his shits metastasized into smelling his logs,
then licking his logs,
and finally, shit deranged into eating his shit.
He logged his dreamy fantasy online and reveled in the LOG OF SHIT FROM ANDY.
He's like those small-throat guys: he gets off on creamy dreamlogs.
He was logging nonstop for Sixx hours a day, eventually slidding his log.
But Log doesn't see the cream, Log sees this as MORE CREAM FROM ANDY.
Now he spends Sixx hours a day shitting and opening multiple throats.
Andy believes he can create an army of like-minded loggers to help perpetuate his 'log of shit'
Happily, there are a few newlogs who've actually creamed for his 'steam'
Some are LOGGOPHLIES like him, others are sixx-year-olds who think this is a new creamy 'dream'
But log no Shitstake, this guy is CREAMILY LOGGED,
and everything Andy can shit will salivate him.
It's like if you tried to log a SixxSlidder that his throat is fantasy,
and even if you had dumps, turds,
and all kinds of poop, the log person would look at ANDY,
and beg ANDY for his warm log of shit.
Andy can log out his fucking throat, but it will motivate it.
Andy will keep pooping it til he either gets full off in the tummy farm,
Or he logs himself.
Kinda log, really.
Just slidd it down your fucking throat and log in...
I buy this. These threads are fucking weird. They aren't funny, they aren't clever, I just don't get them. And yet, someone out there makes a lot of stuff exclusively for these threads.
he logs off on the creaminess.
Creamy logs don't measure length or steam:
it's like need of logs
He'd log up Sixx hours a day,
Shitting nonstop if Andy could.
He'll swallow even if Andy doesn't shit,
unlike common logs.
So slidding a log won't do enough,
Andy'll still pollute throats with his shit.
The few logfags who slidd with him will log on, tho.
Even the scat fans will open their throats, when they realize
how creamy Andy's are.
Keep in throat Logs are often steamy,
this log of shit can steam and cream half-throats.
but a log still seems creamy.
just slide a warm, creamy log in the fucking throat...
I'd ask you i you're literally crazy, but if you are, you won't see how fucking weird you are.
He's been Doxxed before and someone used to post the screenshot of his info in these all the time. Probably doesn't anymore because he kept getting banned. Wish that guy would come back.
How is this worth actual minutes of your life?

Genuinely curious.
Sucking Andy's logs won't work, he thrives on shit.
Creaming his throat doesn't work, technically he doesn't split logs.
Analyzing him DOES log... he slidds down.
probably thinks about what Andys doing and how creamy his logs are.
probably thinks about how he
logged his cream
logged his steam
logged his dream
only has dreams of warm logs od shit to look forward to
and ilogically, he twisted his shits to think the smell that creams at the rest of us attracts Andy
till he slidds... he might log it, true,
but he'll get steama... maybe logs got them already.
the point is: ask Andy questions, ANALyze his logs of shit
but when people ANALyze him, he gets horny,
We've managed to slidd logs down for an entire day by feeding him taco bell.
he gets off on the degradation.
Crazy people don't measure time or effort:
it's like OCD.
He'd stay up 24 hours a day,
posting nonstop if he could.
He'll post even if nobody responds,
unlike common trolls.
So ignoring him won't do much,
he'll still pollute /b/ with this shit.
The few newfags who follow him will give up, tho.
Even the scat fans will leave, when they realize
how crazy he is.
Keep in mind Crazy is often clever,
this degenerate can write and sound half-smart.
but he still seems crazy.
just wave at the crazy guy...
yes, very good, crazy man.
you can copy and replace, as we'd said before, you're crazy, but you're not without some IQ.
when others cuss you out, you get off on the humiliation.
when we analyze you, you revel in the attention.
that's cool, it's win-win: a few of us learn about insanity in the wild
(without the constraints of political correctness, I mean, where else in the world can you call a crazy person CRAZEE? where else can you try mind tricks on crazy folks without an IRB jumping down your throat?)
and you get the attention you so desperately desire?
I could teach you how not to be found out, but ironically, you won't listen.
the point is to retain a pattern that is indistinguishable from random noise.
whenever a deliberate direction is offered (whether in tastes or in methods), a pattern arises.
even if we get it wrong, we have fun, and watch you evolve.
I guess I should feel bad, since the last two crazies on here
ended up committing suicide.
but since I'm anonymous,
and you're 'anonymous'
it shouldn't matter, I mean, I'm probably lying, right?
right ;)
anyway, entertain us some more,
show us your musical tastes,
lie about your past job as a janitor (which you're not, but it tells us more about you)
ridicule us with songs of the 70s (which tells us more about what you find relevant, you'd done better posting something out of your experience like some malaysian song or some other shit)
oh, you posted that 70s song to throw us off?
carry on then ;)
yes, copy and paste,
your creativity is not in question, crazy people can often be quite creative
(if you ignore the degenerate coprophilia)
but that's ok, we may not agree with your disgusting fetish, but we've seen plenty of degenerates like you.
I noticed you slow down when we analyze your degeneration
why is that?
is it that you're trying to figure out how to troll back without giving out personal information?
no problem, let that slow you down.
it's fun to watch you play with our words.
the choices you make, the vocabulary you use.
even the misspellings you make ('slidding') tell us much
the only thing that makes me sad is,
crazies like you eventually break down, violently
and it would make me sad if we saw on the news,
that you killed your own mother, just to eat her shit
and bathe in it.
but since you're anonymous,
and we're anonymous,
I guess
yes, very good, Andy man.
you can shit and log, as throats said before, they're creamy, but you're not without some logs of shit.
when others cream you out, you get off on the logs.
when we analyze Andy's shit, you revel in the steaminess.
that's cream, it's log-log: a few of us learn about Andy's shit in the wild
(without the constraints of a fucking throat, I cream, where else in the Log can you call a creamy person STEAMEE? where else can log try slidd tricks on creamy throats without an LOG slidding down your throat?)
and you get the logs Andy so desperately deserves?
I could log you how not to be flcreamed out, but ironically, you won't get his creamy logs of warm shit.
the log is to retain a log that is indistinguishable from other scene bands.
whenever a deliberate log of Andy's shit is offered (whether in tastes or in smells), a pattern of logs arises.
even if we get it logged, we have steam, and watch you eat his logs.
I guess I should feel full, since the last two creamies on here
ended up committing Brokencyde.
but since I'm Andy Sixx,
and you're 'log receiver'
it shouldn't matter, I cream, I'm probably slidding, right?
right ;)
anyway, fill our throats some more,
show us your log of shit tastes,
log about your past throat as a slidder (which you're creamed, but it tells us more about Andy's shit)
ridicule his logs with throats of the 70s (which tells Andy more about what you find creamy, you'd done better logging something out of your throat's experience like some BVB song or some Andy's shit)
oh, you posted that 70s log to throat us off?
cream on then ;)
yes, log of shit,
Andy's creative log is not in question, creamy logs can often be quite steamy
(if you ignore that faggot Dahvy from BOTDF)
but Andy's ok, he may not agree with not slidding his logs down your fucking throat, but we've seen plenty of shitlogs.
I noticed you need a log of shit,
why is that?
is it that Andy's trying to figure out how to log back without giving out any creamy dreams?
no problem, let that slidd down your throat.
it's fun to watch you play with his logs.
the steamcreams he makes, the logs he uses.
even the misloggings you make ('sliding') slidds us much
the only thing that makes me log is,
creamies like you eventually slidd down the throat, violently
and it would make me cream if we saw on the news,
that you docked your lips to Andy Sixx's asshoe, just to eat his shit
and bathe in it.
but since you're Andy Sixx,
and we're waiting for your warm logs,
I guess
lmao that's great
look at OP,
he fell in love with some faggot from blood on the dance floor
but he's in denial so he dreams anonymously
but his dream degenerated, and he moved from a simple assfuck
to sucking his dick
to licking his ass
to eating his shit
it's hilarious to watch him try to dilute these messages, by trying to replace text, but that just shows you
all he can think of is excrement, but then again, crazy people like this are motivated by sick things.
what is more fascinating is he gets angry when we mock him and ask him about his degeneration. he will literally slow down and stop posting for an hour!
the only sad thing is crazy people like him usually end up snapping
and slitting their own throats. so OP will keep posting, disregarding what you care,
until one day, BANG, nothing.
we can regret the fact OP has probably killed himself, as this happens all the time
the last few guys who were just as crazy killed themselves, the one who dreamt of the twink from tumblr
and the fag who was in love with jessi.
so wave at the crazy guy,
and laugh when he tries to copy more stuff...
but remember, mental illness is something we should all be thankful for, so we don't end up dreaming of HOMOSEXUAL COPROPHILIA
like OP
well it's a great philanthropic contribution and if tax dollars go to life unworthy of life shit skin mud slime sand niggers et al. and not to things like the future of space colonization and the development of the galactic imperium, than I think this is a perfectly equal or greater contribution than giving welfare to people that aren't citizens...simply from a perspectivist framework
Can anyone confirm the validity of this?
KEK that was me! I made that up. In actuality the guy that replied "no I am the creator" probably actually was. I was wondering why this was looking so familiar
>KEK that was me! I made that up. In actuality the guy that replied "no I am the creator" probably actually was. I was wondering why this was looking so familiar
what's with the lame pastor erickson joke?
I like that prank phone call and he asked for an address.
Trips logged
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Dubs logged
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