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Who acid /b/oys here? I had my first bad trip last night. WAY

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Who acid /b/oys here?

I had my first bad trip last night. WAY more intense than I thought it would be, but I completely blame taking too many bong rips during the come-up.
I've taken acid once, and that occasion has been an absolute nightmare, involving a friend who lost all sense of self and went full berserk destructive. It left me scarred and with horrible flashes during the last 6 months (I still have some issues, but it's mostly tapered off). I can greentext if you're interested.
Smoking doesn't make you trip harder, just faster.

Acid/Ecstasy/LSD connects itself to the same receptors as THC. If anything smoking will take the edge off
yes, greentext pls
yes pls, im thinking in trying it
I beg to differ. I have had full on visuals 12 hours after tripping because I got some THC in me.
You probably shouldn't worry about bad trip greentexts if you want to try it. It will scare you out of it even though having a bad trip is actually very hard to do if you are in a comfortable environment.
Leftovers which kicked in because your receptors widened

Your trip should be the same intensity, the come up is just slower thus your whole trip might feel more mellow
kinda interesting tho
This is what I thought. The thing is, if you're with someone who flips out completely (like I was), it doesn't matter if you're OK, you're going to get scared as shit and the acid won't help the paranoia. I tripped with very good friends in a mountain camp where I'm very comfortable, but still it was a nightmare.

Ok here goes. I don't have it typed beforehand so you'll have to wait.

>be me
>want to take acid for the first time
>a lot of my friends have tried it or have been doing it occasionally
>they talk about it often and hype it up
>i only smoke weed, do the occasional molly (really rare), and tried cocaine once
>friend has his own lot on a mountain, away from cities
>we go there often
>we decide to go there and drop some acid
>first day we just smoke some weed and do some shit in preparation
>next day in the morning (~10am) we do it
>we have a certain amount of tabs, there's 8 of us, so we split it based on how much people have experience
>i take 5/4 of a tab since it's my first time
>two of my friends have done a lot of lsd and want to try something much more
>they take 2 tabs each
>these friends will become important, lets call them Mike and Jim
>half an hour passes, i'm a bit nervous, starting to feel some change in perception, but almost inperceptible
>an hour passes, we're far from peaking but it's starting to take hold
>we decide to go for a walk

I haven't done it in years. I have been doing mescaline tea (T. Bridgesii) a bit recently. I think I prefer it but it's a lot more hassle to prepare, and choke down. I can't really imagine mescaline giving you a bad trip though. Do more than you mean to (it's a little hard to dose with certainty) and it's just a more intense, yet still peaceful and pleasant trip. Not that you should just eat as much as possible, and push your luck. It may not kill you outright, but it could potentially fuck up your head for life at high enough dosages.
My best friend and I did LSD twice.
Both times were pretty awesome.
9/11, would do again.

Check this out next time you're on acid.
That's why it's advisable to have a trip sitter and don't trip all together. If one of the group starts flipping out the others will have a very bad trip too
And yeah i forgot to mention, I've also done shrooms one time at the same place (was pretty great).

>we take a walk, as we walk, the acid starts really fucking with us
>i'm starting to observe the nature around me (we're walking a narrow dirt road towards a mountain spring)
>the sight of the grass and trees around me really makes me happy inside for some reason
>we talk, start some really deep topics, i talk to a pretty close friend about life generally and feel like i'm seeing all my opinions from a new perspective
>going really great, we play some music via a bluetooth speaker someone brought, it fits so well
>head back to the camp
>go inside the house (there's a wooden cottage there we built at that camp over the years)
>everyone else splits, me and friend stay inside
>we're now really tripping, it's been 2-3
>we play some damien rice and are mesmerized at how great it is
>i feel there's a fundamental truth to his lyrics
>the friend is also in awe
>i observe how the stones the fireplace is built of morph into complex shapes and faces
>i'm pretty sure it'll become more intense
>really positive up until then
>everyone comes back, we stay there, talk a bit, and then go take another walk
>the events during that walk are in my opinion the root cause of all blood chilling shit that happened afterwards

Couple years ago bought over a hundred hits, I was tripping pretty hard for awhile . Shit I even attempted a year in college.
I want to buy an eighth of bud but I don't really want to get through the work of coping. Evens I cop odds I don't.

>LSD Junkie

Hello, man who has never taken acid.
>hurr I get high on life
I enjoy the cerebral effects of it but I hate how excruciating it makes socializing with people who aren't on it.
Motherfucker I'd rather do fatal amounts of DXM than take acid
Honestly, bad acid trips can be terrible, but in my experience they're bearable. I'd honestly stay away from other substances during a trip. Weed has always fucked me up during trips.
Haha what a faggot. DXM is my favorite drug of all time but what a faggy thing to say
>during the walk, some of my friends split, saying they want to take walks alone
>i guess they're knee deep in some introspection and want to reflect on themselves quietly
>i'm tripping even harder, the environment has a different feel to it, almost like a new world
>i'm a bit disoriented
>have 3d visuals, like perceiving the third dimension much more confidently (can't really explain it)
>everyone has gone their separate ways except for me, Mike and Jim
>we had an agreement not to smoke any weed before it starts getting dark and our peaks have passed
>Jim brought a secretly rolled blunt with him
>wants to smoke
>Mike is onboard
>i'm a bit concerned since we have still not peaked and weed can really make your trip unpredictable (or so i've heard)
>Jim convinces us
>he lights the blunt, everyone smokes a little
>i don't take huge hits since it's my first time on acid and still a bit concerned about what weed can do to me
>Mike is the same way despite having more experience (but he has taken 2 tabs)
>Jim ends up smoking everything that's left
>it was a big joint
>I figured he's going to be OK as he's actually a bit of a junkie and has tried a lot of shit and has experience
>we walk towards a road fork where the small dirt road leading to the camp meets the asphalt road leading to a nearby town
>we realize that everyone else is there too
>have a heartfelt reunion
>at this point i'm a bit confused because of the sensory overload
>Jim says he's not feeling well
>nobody really notices except me and Mike
>we talk to Jim and realize it's a bit more alarming than he sounded
>he says he feels like he's starting to have a bad trip
>suggests we walk with him towards the house so he can calm down
>we agree
what was the trip?
>Drop acid
>Pic related suddenly makes way more sense

Forest Gump completely lied.
>Local park
>Not many people
>In the trails sitting by the stream
>Smoking weed, sometimes reading
>With close friends
>Stay until sundown

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100ug is a great dose for me .. I'll do it on weekend even if i'm just gaming etc.. heightens senses, gives some warmth, makes everything fun and interesting and exciting

If I want to trip properly then its 200-300 ug... There I can lift the veil... ego death... connect to my sub-conscience..

It's an amazing substance. I just kind of wish it didn't last so long.

I'm starting to enjoy DMT now for that reason.

Last week I watched my hands stretch and bend to three times their size as leaned back in my chair and grinned ear to ear. What happened next cannot be explained in any language we can communicate with.
Didn't work for me. First two times i took Acid were great. The past 3 times I've smoked during the come up and peak and I seem to turn into a retard. Can't do anything without help, feel like i'm stuck trying to figure out what to do. Might have just been 3 bad tabs but it's put me off it a while as i just can't enjoy it. Next time i will try it without smoking like the first few times and see if it makes a difference.

I've never taken more than a tab but I have definitely felt my mind on the edge of spiraling down the path of a bad trip.

I just use the same technique as when weed paranoia starts creeping in: the tried and true "it's just the drugs, I'm fine and having a good time with my friends" mantra.

I guess that only works if you haven't taken too many drugs though. I've always erred on the side of caution I guess.
Moral of the story is don't fucking smoke weed until after you peak, idiots

Like c'mon
U jerked off? It's ok bro we can communicate this way it's 2017
>as the three of us walks to the camp, Mike and I were talking about random shit but slowly become quiet
>we're both really enjoying the nature around us
>we notice Jim is getting ahead of us and catch up to him
>Jim says he's feeling like he's having a hard time breathing
>asks us to check his pulse
>Mike agrees but his sense of time is so warped he can't really count seconds
>Mike gives up on that
>as we walk, we see Jim looking more and more detached
>has a really blank stare when we talk to him, like he is not really looking at us directly
>Mike and I give up and just proceed walking to the camp
>Jim starts getting ahead once more
>starts talking to himself
>he's speaking some sentences that could make some slight sense in a dialogue but not when spoken to himself
>we stop him, make him talk to us
>now we're a bit concerned
>he tries to speak but all he manages to say is that he's not sure if he is breathing
>asks us to confirm to him that he's alive
>we're now even more concerned, we comfort him as much as we possibly can
>small aside: in our native language, "you fine, man?" can be colloquially said as "you alive, man?"
>Mike was asking Jim this quite often in order to assess his status
>we later found out that Jim was interpreting this literally as "are you alive?" and that was fucking with his acid-ravaged mind a bit too much
>anyhow, we proceed walking
>get to the camp

Are you following guys, should I proceed?
I'm here anon. Keep going and never stop.
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I very wrongly made that assumption once.

Was tripping with a (girl) friend. We stayed up all night watching crap on youtube and laughing.

At sunrise I was starting to get tired and wanted to sleep. She was still really restless so I offered her a cone to calm down.

She was fine for all of 30 seconds until she had a complete psychotic episode.

I felt so guilty.

She had issues with anxiety etc. for 6-12 months afterwards but has gotten things under control now.

Ironically she is a psych.

Nowdays I wouldn't recommend anyone mix unless they're very confident in what they're doing and have someone closeby that can look after them.
Continue anon.
Yes gogogo
Are you norwegian, OP?

For some reason this story is sounding nordic as fuck
>are you alive
what were you thinking asking someone who is tripping that
Gave up acid a long time ago. It was a lot of fun. You gotta have a bad trip once in a while to really appreciate the good ones. Good or bad trips are your fault, not the drugs.
Last time I've taken acid I had really bad tension in my neck and shoulders and a very annoying weird pressure in my brain. I've posted about this issue before and never really got a straight answer. During the trip the visuals were intense however I was astonishingly clear headed and barely felt high at all. I didn't test the acid before taking it and have about 40 tabs of the same batch left. I plan on getting a test before I take anymore but has anyone else experienced anything like this? It really ruined my trip.
Hard to explain. I was on a walk with two friends and we ripped bong while tripping. I ripped way too many way too hard, being completely cocky having tripped the same amount of acid and smoked weed in the past.

The walk back to the house was beautiful. It was night time but despite that the colors were amazing. Trees waved to me, the road turned into a beautiful colorful tunnel, and I felt like I had seen things I had never seen before on acid, in a good way. Once we got back to the house however I started to get frustrated because my visuals were more than I barganed for, and while it was nice on the walk, tripping fucking balls inside a crammed room with 2 other people, I started panicking because I couldn't look away or close my eyes without seeing INTENSE COLORFUL visuals. It was just too much. I would close my eyes and see the same thing I would see with them open. I started to lose control of the trip, realizing I have no ability to stop the visuals. That was a bad move. Luckily my trip buddies were there and super supportive (their trips were going swimmingly), but as I freaked out my visuals turned from colorful circles and waves into what looked like red and blue spiderlegs on everything I looked at.

Terrifying. The heaviest emphesis I can put on the bad trip is the feeling of helplessness. I could do NOTHING but wait it out and the pressure man, the pressure just felt so intense I couldn't even describe it. It felt like my entire mental being was being squeezed by the visuals.

I can keep trying to describe what it was like if you want, but the whole thing was kinda beyond words.

>at this point Jim is really fucking losing it, he's getting far ahead and just talking nonsense and waving his hands around like he's in a heated debate explaining something
>we stop him and Mike says "Jim, man, you're losing it"
>at that point an expression of sheer horror and an utterly helpless look i'll never forget in my life flashes over his face
>i still sometimes have nightmares featuring that face of his, because it was kind of a "point of no return" in hindsight
>he looks at us with that expression and says, in a really weak voice "i've lost it"
>like between a question and a confirmation
>me and Mike are now starting to panic
>we're still hoping we can turn things around
>we go by the small rapid mountain river that's by the camp
>we talk to Jim, he now looks utterly lost
>he hugs Mike really passionately and in a kind-of-gayish way
>Mike doesn't know how to respond
>Jim now says once again that he's not really sure if he's alive
>he sounds really indifferent about that
>Mike reaches out to pat him on the back to comfort him
>Jim suddenly has a face of pure anger
>punches Mike in the chest
>Mike is panicking now
>he says "man, Jim, you're going to be fine, just don't do that kind of shit, I don't want to have to respond in a bad way"
>i know that he's more scared than he sounds
>Jim is just watching him silently, not even sure if he understood that


It's a very, very common colloquialism in our language when said in a certain abbreviated form. It's used as "you OK?", "where've you been, haven't seen you a long time", and even as a greeting in a form of "where are you, man, you alive?". It's so common you don't normally think about the literal meaning of the phrase.
I microdose and trip fairly regularly when I get bored. I don't have bad trips but I also don't ever change my routine to account for taking acid. I just continue on my day laughing my ass off mostly.
>very, very common colloquialism in our language when said in a certain abbreviated form
Are you from the Balkan?
I've had similar experiences. I have neck problems so imo it's just the acid augmenting them, but sometimes when I trip, I do feel a weird tense sensation in my neck along with an odd pressure in my right eye. Normally this will fade as I peak though.
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Some more information about my trip:
I took the acid on a completely empty stomach as I never eat breakfast and had to work through lunch that day. We decided about 4-5 hours into the trip to order a pizza which seemed to make the symptoms worse and the didn't let up until I went to sleep, cutting my trip off early after only about 8-9 hours, and woke up the next day.
>Jim suddenly gets his shit together briefly
>suggests we go to the house
>we're relieved since we think he's passed that peak and is starting to regain control
>oh how wrong we were
>we go to the house
>as we enter, Jim starts behaving erratically, looking for something all around the place
>he sits on the couch, starts mumbling "call mom, call mom"
>he takes out his phone
>Mike reacts faster than me realizing that fucking idiot is really trying to call his mom
>Jim has quickly started doing something on the phone still mumbling about calling mom
>Mike charges at Jim in an attempt to get his phone out of his reach
>Jim reacts very quickly and very violently and kicks Mike in the face from the couch as Mike was approaching him
>Mike is on the ground and not really sure what's happening
>at this point both me and Mike are peaking but doing our best to keep our calm
>the effect of weed is imperceptible, except for the loss of short-term memory and focus we need to remember the direness of the situation and what is happening
>Mike is still on the floor trying to figure out what just happened
>at that moment, Jim dashes out of the door and starts running towards the river
>follow him
>he has his phone in his hand
>fuck fuck fuck
>catch up to him near enough to hear what he's saying
>he's stuttering and saying in the same weak voice "mom, I love you mom"
>consider taking his phone away from him but too scared of his reaction
>i figured that he sees his mom as a kind of comfort in whatever world he is, and trying to take that away from him might provoke some very aggressive behavior towards me
>i'm not in a position to defend myself, not thinking clearly, peaking still, and having a hard time remembering things cause of weed
>decide not to
>hear him say "mom, I shouldn't have done these drugs, these are terrible drugs, I shouldn't have done acid, I shouldn't have done these drugs, I'm never gonna do acid again"


Yes, from Serbia.

THC - CB1/2
Ecstacy doesnt connect to receptors. It releases Serotonin and some other pre-synaptic shizzlenizzle (and to a lesser degree dopamine and noradrenaline).
Eating on acid can make your headspace a little wonky. Some people complain about stomach aches or head tightness after taking acid, I doubt eating helps this if you have these experiences. Best thing to do is test your batch with an ehlrich. If it's acid, maybe try and ibuprofen and some ginger ale before tripping.
*I meant to say he has his phone to his ear, not only in hand

>Mike catches up and he's heard only Jim mentioning "acid" on the phone
>we're still overhwelmed and just walking by Jim trying to figure out what to do now
>at that point Jim throws his fucking phone into the river
>I should've mentioned that this was during winter, so the river had a frozen top layer
>as he throws his phone and we see it hit the ice, he starts running like hell towards the river
>Mike and I run behind him
>he fucking throws himself on the ice
>starts smashing around with his fists and screaming like he's in unthinkable pain
>Mike is trying to reason with him, says the ice will break
>Jim is totally imperceptive, just keeps doing what he's doing
>he thrashes on the ice
>we figure there's a real danger of him breaking it and falling into below-0 freezing cold water
>can't drag him off the ice as our weight can easily make it break
>he breaks a single chunk of the ice and it falls inside
>Mike's panic overwhelms him and he storms towards the bridge over the river, crosses it and disappears along the road
>not thinking clearly, i go back to the house
>somehow thinking it's all going to be fine if i'm not witnessing what's happening
>a naked-torso wet Jim with a giant wound on his head walks inside shortly after
>he's looking better
>i'm thanking god in the unlikely event that he's there, listening, and actually stopped that mouth breathing idiot from falling through ice and freezing to death
>Jim looks better, he sits on a chair, I'm not sure what to say
>he says "did this all happen?"
>i say "yes"
>he asks "even the bit with my mom?"
>i say "yes"
>he asks if he's alive
>i assure him he is
>he comes sit beside me on the couch, asks me again if he's alive
>i touch him and say that i'm touching him and that he's there, he's just taken acid and is having a bit of a bad trip, but everything's fine
>he looks at me with his "normal" eyes
>i get a feeling it's all ending

Keep going boyo
>at that point, he fucking flips out
>takes out his dick, his face is completely imperceptible, maybe due to my own trip or his own inability to control his facial muscles
>i somehow still have my shit together, i look at him in a kind of disappointed way and say "come on asshole, put it back in, don't be a moron"
>he fucking jumps towards me in a split second
>starts strangling me
>saying "you like that, bitch, huh" and some sexual phrases i don't recall exactly
>i get my head from under his arm and manage to punch the motherfucker in the chest as hard as I could given my position
>he's startled by what happened and doesn't react
>suddenly jumps up and dashes outside screaming "cut veins, cut veins"
>i'm fucking in full blown panic mode, my peak is not ending, and this is not looking good
>i realize there's a stray piece of sheet metal from when we made the chimney of the house
>i realize he's realized it's there too
>has fucking sharp edges
>before i could react i see him crouching down and trying to cut his veins on the metal
>he's obviously not really trying as he's missing
>i'm completely fucking lost by this time
>i run out and yell at him something like "Jim, I can't help you, I'll find help, don't harm yourself, don't do anything"
>run across the bridge
>run like hell for a long time
>realize i'm lost
>(i wasn't lost, just not able to orient myself)
>i turn around and make a decision to head for the mountains where our spring is
>figure i'll be safe there

God your friend is a fucking faggot. What a frustrating story.

This kid needs to learn to handle his fucking drugs
don't stop
Can't stand people that can't handle their drugs.
lost all credibility at damien rice, weaktits. no wonder you had a bad trip you normie pussy.
Moral of the story is to never take drugs with anyone who was born and raised in the Balkans. We are already naturally insane enough as is.
>there's a parallel dirt road to the one i'm taking, at it leads to the spring
>it also passes by the house
>i manage to gather some balls to pass there once again, not really knowing where Jim is, what kind of tendencies he has, if he wants to kill me or kill himself
>as I walk along that parallel road and near the house, I hear screaming
>fucking screaming some nonsense phrases such as "you are the only one" but with "only one" in a feminine gender, referring to someone female (our language is slavic, has grammatical gender)
>also hear some powerful smashing from inside the house
>start running like i've never run in my life
>just praying to god the motherfucker doesn't see me on that road through the house window
>he has a lot of shit there he can use as weapons, i have none
>he might actually want to kill me, he's completely lost, he doesn't have an idea who he is
>i feel existential dread inside of me, my skin starts to crawl, my pulse starts increasing to astronomical heights
>effectively completely unable to control my body, it just runs and runs and runs automatically trying to save my life
>stop running after i'm far along the road
>the road has taken a few turns and is climbing fast, i'm now in the hills, far from the house
>i realize there's no one around
>i wonder where Mike is
>i wonder where everyone else is
>feel alone
>feel helpless
>i start playing out the worst case scenarios in my mind
>what if people return to the house separately and they all see a Jim tripping balls and being violent and just flee to some random place in the woods or the hills
>what if Jim actually kills himself and how the fuck would i live with that and how the fuck would we explain that to his parents
>what if he kills or seriously injures someone of us
>i start hearing someone running behind me
>full paranoia mode


damien rice is a fag but his music sounds great on acid nonetheless.
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>his music sounds great on acid
sorry captain cringe, but that is a total waste of triptime. ugh.
your friend clearly has a mental disorder or two or fifteen.
Biopsy topsy
kek, the weed put the nigger in full psychosis. any sort of residual effects for jim today? did you guys know the general dosage of the tabs?
>realize it's just acid fucking with me and i'm hallucinating the sounds
>still can't convince myself that
>start seeing his orange jacket he was wearing in the corner of my eye
>still can't convince myself it's just acid
>run even more up the hills
>climb the side of the road, now i'm up above, can't see the camp and the house
>lie down
>it's fucking cold, snow is everywhere
>realize i can't go back, he might hurt me, i might find his body lying somewhere and i couldn't handle that
>realize i will likely need to sleep there in the cold snow
>have some cigarettes with me, no lighter, can't calm myself
>have visuals of him finding me, starting punching and kicking me, of me falling on the ground and him kicking my head and me losing my teeth and him kicking me until he opens my skull
>i'm sitting in the fucking snow, i realize i'm tripping hard
>i start sweating profusely and now i feel very warm
>existential dread all over again
>i later realized i probably had a panic attack then (first one in my life)
>i start thinking about my gf, i was supposed to see her the day after when we arrived back home
>i think about how she's going to be devastated when she realizes i'm dead
>i lie down and look at the sky
>i see the naked branches of trees, they seemingly extend into infinity
>i start losing the sense of surroundings, the trees and the sky are now an abstract pattern
>i experience a transformation where the sky is now the ground in some huge sunny garden
>it's the garden of fucking eden
>i'm completely mesmerized by this vivid hallucination, forgetting where i am, who i am
>i just exist there and slowly fly to the garden of eden
>after a while of that completely strange trip, i snap out
>look around me
>realize what's happening
>try to calm myself down
>i'm really thirsty
>start eating snow for some reason, it feels nice, quenches my thirst

cont'd, not much left

it was great, it was my trip, i liked it, so go suck a giant cock you asswipe.
How old were you guys? You said that your friend had tripped before, but handling your acid this poorly is rediculous.
I cured cancer on acid
Is it absolutely necessary to remain present in my house?
While tripping? Absolutely not. You need to just do what makes you comfortable. Retstraining yourself will do nothing good
keep going you fucking slav, im interested in your story
That is very likely.

I'll write an epilogue in the last post about what happened since then. See below for the dosage estimation.

I was 19 at the time, Jim and Mike were 22. Jim has taken acid maybe 4-5 times before but never that high of a dosage. The tabs we took are from a "reliable" seller. He said it was Hoffman's dose (250ug), but those people are very often full of shit, so don't know exactly.

>i remember seeing on some show that you aren't supposed to eat snow if you have to survive for some time in the cold, since it cools you quicker
>tripping really hard, thinking i really fucked up bad with that snow
>find a place where i can sit somewhat comfortably, my ass is all wet from the snow
>still in paranoia mode, still thinking about what's happened to the others
>get some really insane ideas like going all over to the main road and hitchhiking or just asking someone for a phone
>realized i probably wouldn't be able to manage that, and the road is so low-traffic that it's likely no one will show up for a long time, plus i need to pass that fucking house one more
>just sit there, occasionally experiencing some more hallucinations of Jim coming to get me
>think about how I would handle that
>think about charging at him with all my might as soon as I see him, getting him on the floor, kicking him and throwing him off the road down onto the frozen river (the road was by the river's canyon, not a big canyon as it's a small river)
>walk up the road even more, now i'm really, really far up
>starting to hallucinate hearing my friends just after every turn in the road
>hearing them laugh atop the hill and seeing them in the bushes since it's now darker and visibility is not that good
>after every turn, i think it's for real this time
>after it becomes significantly darker, i decide to walk towards the spring, since it would be relatively safe
>it takes a lot of balls, i'm practically tiptoeing all the way

just took one in the morning. Parvati Deluxe. and yeah.. dont smoke weed during acid trip. Hashish or charasu is a nice booster.
That's precisely why you should be very careful when selecting people for a trip. Any violent tendencies on booze, fried brains from weed and such are a huge red flag. Also that guy is definitely immature as fuck in his core. Calling his mom, attempting suicide... I mean come on..
Also the weed does really bad things to people who have high tolerance to it. The high can induce psychotic behavior on psychedelics.
(talking from my own personal experience, I've smoked tons of weed on high school, fried my brains a bit. That's why I won't ever touch a joint when peaking. On the comedown maybe a hit or two, but that's it.)
And you're incredibly tough minded person, I admire that.
studies have shown that people who have bad trips need to do it again, and maybe even again, until you get over it. just be in a safe environment.
who else goa boys here? :)
Yo, dude

You good?
>i go to the spring, nothing's moving, good sign, no screaming or smashing from the house
>it could either mean he's calmed down or he's dead
>try not to think about the possibilities
>i climb up the hill above the spring and find a secluded bush where i can sit kind of comfortably and see the house with little light that's left outside
>station myself there
>waiting to see some kind of activity from there, hoping to see someone else coming to the spring to get water
>no one is coming
>thinking once again of the possibility i might need to sleep there, filled with dread
>i just sit in the bush, i'm not tripping that hard anymore, but still not nearly off of the acid
>i close my eyes, even manage to enjoy some closed eye visuals, not thinking what will happen
>be there for a long time, now you can barely see outside
>i hear someone calling my name from the general direction of the house
>i'm both hopeful and scared
>hopeful because it might be the guys that have returned to the house and somehow handled that giant tripping asshole
>scared because it might be that giant tripping asshole trying to lure me back (i know it's unlikely, but acid-fueled paranoia gets you a long way)
>i hear someone calling my name again
>i muster the courage to yell "hey", figuring that even if it's him he's probably sobered up by now and trying to find someone else
>i manage to see two silhouettes in the dark going along the road
>i figure that since it's two people, i'm good
>i yell again and practically start running towards them
>it's two of the guys
>i'm overhwelmed with emotion, i start crying, reach them and keep hugging them
>telling them that i'm scared, that i thought i'm going to die
>i ask what's going on with Jim
>friend says "it's taken care of"
>i ask for details
>he repeats "it's taken care of"
>i'm now panicking, thinking Jim might be dead and that my friend doesn't want to tell me this because I'm in a very unstable state
>we go back to the house

type faster, its a good story.
How hard is it to find real acid nowadays? Been hearing it's mostly acid-like research chemicals out there anymore.
Trippin' in the balkans with some crazy ass para-militar mind-broken serbian. Nooooice
Forrest Gump was a retard, so of course he got shit wrong.
If it's bitter, it's a spitter.

As long as you follow that rule you really shouldn't worry about research chemicals
Kek did you knock him out or tie him up with duct tape?
Thinking of trying 50ug of 1p-lsd soon. Anyone got a similar experience story? I know its not that much, the thing is that the bodyload u get from it when u take about 100+ is way to crazy for me, fucks up my trip. 1p-lsd is better available since i dont know anyone who could sell me real acid around here where i live
Sounds like the trip that my friend once had when he went with his retarded friends over to some friends and dropped acid for his very first time.
They kept walking from places to places, lots of people, lots of music.
Basically, he lost his shit and started punching people in the face, etc.
In the end, the police arrived, an ambulance aswell. They forced him onto (idk what they're called in english tbh) those beds that they have inside their ambulances, and tied him there so he couldn't move anymore.

And they used anesthetics to put him down to sleep.
>i see fucking Jim putting his clothes on with everyone else surrounding him and eyeing him suspiciously
>he keeps saying "i'm sorry if i caused you guys some troubles, i'm sorry if i fucked up your trip", really apologetic
>because i'm so relieved that everything's fine, i'm not even mad at him, i'm even glad the motherfucker is alive
>anger at him came much later
>i say to him "asshole, you fucking ruined me, you owe me a 12-pack of beer"
>he says "i owe you whatever you want, man"
>our acid is starting to wear off, we are all disoriented and a bit confused but not tripping so hard
>we take out some weed to smoke and calm ourselves down
>Mike is there, i talk to him, get him to tell me his side of the story
>everyone keeps talking about what happened and what they were doing
>i learn the story from everyone else's perspective
>as soon as we start rolling a blunt, someone notices headlights through the window
>we go out, two cars park on the other side of the river
>we have no idea who that could be
>people come out of the cars, head towards the bridge to our camp
>someone quickly hides the weed (it could be cops or rangers or whoever the fuck)
>i get to the door to see better
>some old guy is going towards the house
>says "where's Jim Jimson"?
>oh fuck
>fuck fuck fuck fuck
>we call out to Jim
>the guy and a woman and some two other random people walk in
>realize it's Jim's fucking parents
>his dad starts walking around the house, faking interest in how it was built
>drops casual questions about our identity, where we're from, where we go to college, etc
>i reply to some of his questions, but find it really hard to keep doing that
>they tell Jim to pack his things and to leave with them
>Jim doesn't yet have his shit completely together as he fucking ASKS THEM TO STAY
>we're all quiet, some of us went to the spring to get water just to avoid the interactions with Jim's parents

Terrible vistas of emptieness... can not be left unanswered
you could make that into a movie
Seems like a fair pay for jimmyboi xD
I only ever did AL-LAD and 1P-LSD (lots of times)
and all I can suggest you is, trip in a place where you feel safe, DO NOT GO OUT. Have atleast 1 or 2 people around you so they could tripsit you, again, only people that you trust (acid tends to fuck with any negativity in any human that you see infront of you, make sure that these people have none of that).

Then you're free to drop acid, I'd suggest you smoke weed to get rid of the anxiety (or just don't take it at all if you're anxious).
Put your phone away, listen to music and talk to your friends if you feel like it. Just do whatever you want.
"JIm Jimson" lol
newer than tomorrow
I took acid when I was 16 I took it in my house at night it was quite boring so I dropped another tab and went out I then talked to a homeless man for a few hours before going back to my house to get him some boots as his were real shit. I got back to where he was and he wasnt yhere so I walked around trying to find him. Inthen began to come down and wandered if id imagined him, shit was terrifying. Turns oit he was real and I was spinning out all in all was enjoyable.
If it takes longer than 15mins to kick in its not lsd. Remember that. Lsd is safe and a very clean dreamy high kind of like shrooms but you can control things. Acid is a dirty high that takes up to an hour to get going and it has a lot of bad side effects, people od occasionally and throwing up is pretty common. There are 22 different types of acid and they are pretty cheap to make compared to lsd. Unless you're buying it from the silk road, it's not lsd. Remember that new friends
God fucking dammit.
Smoking makes me trip way harder
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I had these gel tabs and my friends was throwing up for four hours straight, I didn't fall asleep til ~20 hours later.
Your brain got fried you bumbling dumbass.
How would u describe the difference between the two?
Thanks a lot for the tips
>"some of us went to the spring", I meant other people, I was at the house all the time.

>Jim's dad realizes Jim has a big-ass wound over his head (he's bald)
>asks us if Jim was in a fight with someone
>we deny it
>he's suspicious, asks where the wound is from
>i manage to put together a normal sentence along the lines of "ask him, he's gonna explain it to you, i wasn't there"
>he quickly packs up and leaves with them
>they drive off
>we smoke more weed
>later learn that after he called his mom, she freaked out and they managed to get hold of some guy in the nearby town who knew one of the rangers who turned out to be the single ranger on the mountain that knows us and where our camp is and knows we're there since we visited him when we arrived
>figured it could've been worse, they might've called the cops, had they not known that guy
>we all have actually a pretty pleasant trip from there since we're all relieved
>smoke all the weed we have, constantly going into minor panic modes when people start thought loops while in conversations because they sound like they're losing it
>constantly talk about the experience and what could've been
>we ate some great jelly sandwiches, talked a lot, went to sleep
>come back home the other day
>have nightmares about the experience almost daily

Their side of the story: basically Mike managed to take his phone while leaving the house, so he could call them. They were still at the original place where we split when we went off with Jim. When he said over the phone that Jim is trying to beat him up, they thought he was fucking with them, but he then proceeded to say Jim's trying to kill himself so they listened. They managed to all get together with Mike, came back to the house immediately to find Jim trying to enter the fireplace, with burns on his body. One of them (the guy that was actually yelling my name) just went inside and managed to talk him out of it. We still have no idea how he did that.

cont'd epilogue
A dizzying blow to body and brain
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That's what 25i will do, even one tab got me. Sticking to shrooms
Thanks for the great greentext
AL-LAD was rather like "you're tripping balls, but you're not seeing any sort of visuals".
1P-LSD on the other hand is pretty fun.
Lots of colours (especially outside in the nature), many patterns pop up when you're looking at lets say a wall or the ceiling (music like Psytrance helps you a lot with these patterns).

But in both drugs you tend to be, as I call it, drunk or retarded. You forget things pretty easily and you're not able to have a normal conversation and seem sober (for example if you're talking to someone who isn't supposed to know that you just did a drug).
Haha, I kinda know what you mean. Like it's the same geometric patterns appearing in both closed-eye visuals and open-eye perception? I had an uncomfortable comedown once where I was lying in bed just waiting for it to pass while the bedsheet patterns turned into little maggots twisting and turning and when I closed my eyes sometimes I could see cuts and bleeding, all in green. Just laughed it off, but it wasn't exactly my best trip
lol at jim asking his parents to stay.
You gotta note that the stuff I just wrote down in there, are from personal experiences and people I tripped with.
Everyone trips differently.
That's exactly what I mean. It could have gone a lot worse, but I hated not having control over what I saw. I normally consider myself a strong willed person so I was unused to the feeling of genuine helplessness on a drug
Only took acid once at a music festival and I was rolling at the time. Apparently its called candy flipping or something to do them both at once. It was by far the best drug experience of my life. The molly completely negated any negative side effects at all.
While the guy was inside trying to reason with Jim and talking him out of burning himself to death in the fireplace, everyone else was gathered outside and they discussed if they should get an ambulance, tie him up, or just knock him out. After the guy managed to calm Jim down, they realized there's no need to physically restrain him, but were on the lookout all the time. Jim calmed down enough to be explained what he did, but no one told him he said all those things to his mom, so he wouldn't freak out again.

As for him, he admitted to everything to his parents, and they practically made him stay at their place in the countryside, travelling to the city to take his college exams. He didn't even light a cigarette since the experience (he was a smoker) and hasn't done any drugs. He says he most definitely won't do any of them ever again, and about LSD in particular, he was adamant he is never going to do again.

He told me about his trip then. Basically, he figured he died and is soul couldn't leave is body, so he tried to destroy it. In the house, he looked in the mirror and saw an ugly creature, and forgot all about himself. He thought he was some kind of wicked, awful person in his life and that the trip was his punishment. (He of course forgot he took any LSD.) As he lost all sense of himself, he was completely detached from reality, and has no recollection of anything he did, saying that he was going through hundreds of different lives, in parallel, that in any given moment he was doing dozens of different things, and didn't know which one he was actually doing in real life. At one point, he went mad due to "loops fucking with him", since he perceived he was in a closed loop and that everything is a recursive, looped construct. His background is strongly theoretical mathematics, which didn't help in the slightest. There's lots more, but this story has been going on for a long time, so I'm going to end it here.

Thanks for staying with me anons.
He knew they wont beat his ass into oblivion in front of the witnesses.
Its hard to not embellish on the fact we are all addicted to substance while tripping.
Great story anon. Make sure to get fucked up with Jim more often so you have plenty more stories. Sounds like acid and weed didn't do him any favors so maybe just try shrooms and PCP or something next time.
Please don't listen to this fucking idiot
Great story, godspeed you magnificent Serbian bastard.
great greentext, i came
Jim reminds me of this guy:
I had a similar but much less severe experience like that on shrooms. Tripped way too hard and experienced ego death. Didn't know if I was alive or dead or even real. I didn't freak out though, I just accepted my fate and kept going.

Glad I didn't freak out, I was in a college dorm so it would've been really bad. Glad you and your boys are good too. That trip sounded hellish.
This. nothing better than acid/weed

Tripped the other day but I noticed that the acid tabs weren't the normal kind you see in movies with the torn sides and cute picture, it was a smaller tab with the sides perfectly cut, and blue lines where it's clear they were meant to be cut.

I know I'm over thinking this, but does that matter? Did I accidentally take something other than lsd, or is the tab I took a common acid appearence?
Worth mentioning that the trip went totally fine. No panic attacks or anything, infact it was pretty much what I expected. However it was only my second time tripping, and it felt totally different than my first time
The appearance of the tabs is mostly just aesthetics and the lines being there to cut is just for ease. You're good, dude.
Get an Ehrlich Reagent test kit. This is mandatory for safe tripping.
Thanks. Just needed some quick comfort. Idiots on this very board got in my head about research chemicals.
I agree, DO NOT GO OUT, I made that mistake and my first trip was my worst, did it at like 10pm in winter, would not recommend
I can tell you right now it's not lsd. You have to buy lsd online. What you took was a form of acid, probably 25i or 25c, or any of the other kinds of research chemicals(RCs). RCs cost a dollar to make and lsd cost five, not to mention the chemicals for lsd are heavily regulated and expensive. It's damn near impossible to find lsd on the street.
Well what exactly am I supposed to taste then?
No worries dude. Like that other guy said, if you're ever sketched, it's good to have a test kit. And it's a good idea to find other communities that don't exist for the sole purpose of fucking with you. Erowid is a REALLY good place to find information on most drugs.
Good story. I had a rough time on purple microdot once. Took a second hit about 2hrs in.... changed who I was psychologically for months... was severely depressed for a week. Scary stuff
Tried to fap on 4 tabs of acid, Didn't work
I've probably taken it 7-8 times, never had a bad experience. Though one time I had 4 tabs, and I was genuinely bamboozled by the very fact that everything is the way it is and not some other way. I just couldn't believe it. It was really jarring. But nothing bad happened.
You have to be very persistent. Ejaculation feels like a literal dick explosion. Worth it, friendo. But you'll be drenched in sweat at the end, like soaking.
UK here, how easy is it to get LSD in america? planning a trip
Do you know the warm progress under the stars?
Do you know we exist?
Have you forgotten the keys to the Kingdom?
Have you been born yet and are you alive?
The comedown period is a good time for that. Your body can be really sensitive. Great time for sex, if you can manage it.
It's becoming vastly more common but finding someone with actual L could prove difficult. Took me 4 years. I live in bumfuck nowhere, though.
>Be me
>Few weeks ago
>Hiking the Appalachian trail
>Make my way to Damascus VA for trail days festival
>Get drunk and find a man in a speedo
>Speedo man tells me where to find acid
>Think about all the people who said it was an amazing experience and decide to go for it
>Go on a drunken quest through the town to find acid
>Overpriced but fuck it excited
>Get back to tent city and place the paper on my tongue
>An hour later and still nothing
>Get pissed that I wasted money and start drinking again
>20 minutes and 3 more beers later it begins

Shit got so fucking weird that night and I never got to sleep. I was paranoid about cops the entire night because they were walking around the tent city and I made a girl uncomfortable when I told her I wasn't real. Also a gay guy gave me a hug and it was legit the best feeling ever. I was actually uncertain if that person was real until late the next day.

Apart from the 3 hellish hours I spent white knuckling sanity and the several hour afterglow the net day it was a pretty good experience.
Really now?
That's interesting.
I was a little curious about this too. Good to know I most likely got real shit.
If you can still have bad trips, you are doing it wrong.
Also I found out that mariachi music is toppest tier music when you're tripping.
>>we stop him and Mike says "Jim, man, you're losing it"

lol why would you say that to him? he already knows hes fucked. that just destroyed him.
Go to any highschool or college and look for someone that could only be described as a walking corpse. They have acid.
Almost all music is.
Nice story bro. Come to Barcelona and we drop together.
Thinking back on it I think you're right. The mariachi just stuck in my mind the most because it was the first song I heard.
Done it around 10 times in total, all ready good trips until the last one where me and a few mates thought it would be a good idea to candyflip (LSD + MDMA together), we all ended up stuck in a thought loop for several hours repeating the same actions over and over, throwing a ball, fetching a glass of water, rolling a joint etc. at one point I was certain one of my friends was going to die as he couldn't breathe and had chest pain, figured out later it was just a panic attack due to being completely overwhelmed by the experience. Would love to try again as I can remember how magical it can be in the right setting with some good buddies, getting wierd and laughing for hours at the most trivial shit, or just getting completely lost in the sounds around you with your eyes closed.
I need to get acid soon always wanted to try it
Bullshit. NBOMe is a bitter-spitter. He would have known that with just a little research.
Anything else that actually fits on a small blotter is either LSD-25, 1P-LSD or ALD-52. All of those are so called "Hoffman" substances, they are all non-toxic and trigger the same receptors as the original Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ;)
Don't scare people please.
Thanks for the story anon
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>Implying those are the only options,
There's are a lot of RCs.
He should be scared, triggering the same receptors doesn't mean much, lots of chemicals trigger the same receptors. Not much research is done on RCs
I really enjoyed your side of the story. I really wanna do lsd again.
>too many bong rips during the come-up.

Sullying God's gift of ganja with chemicals grown in a lab. Babylon! Should have just stuck with the bong, m8.
I do nbome all the time! It's not that bitter! And it's fun too, I get 4 for 20, shit gets crazy
Glad you liked it /b/ros.

We're actually considering gathering all of the people who were there, going to the same place and making a documentary, with video of the actual places where all that happened and everyone telling the same story from their own perspective, chronologically.

I've talked to Jim and his parents probably wouldn't like him going there again at the moment, but he's all up for it. Perhaps in the winter, when there's snow everywhere again, so the atmosphere is complete. I have some (admittedly very thin) background in video editing/directing, but I'm confident I can piece together a good picture.

If anyone's interested, contact me at [email protected] and I'll keep you in the loop. We planned for it to be internal use only (like, just for our own archive so we don't forget the details) but I guess I can blur out the faces and subtitle it in English if you guys are interested.

Contact me at [email protected] and I'll shoot you an email if I'm around :)
I've tripped probably at least 20 or 30 times and never had anywhere close to a bad trip or lost touch with reality. don't understand how one has a bad trip.
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>not shrooms put into a coffee grinder and then put into chocolate
Kill yourself
>doesn't know what he's missing

Then we hear a whistle like a bison's pipe
And the carnival immediately begins
Gradually mixing rain,
Babylon Fading...
You could put acid in chocolate or whatever. Not sure why you'd need the grinder though.
again. Most of RC's won't even fit on the blotter. Stuff like aMT and 6apb works in tens to hundreds of miligrams. The blotter would be either much bigger or thicker than usual acid, or it won't be in a form of blotter at all.
Small, tasteless blotters are most certainly LSD prodrugs. Ehrlich kit is just for 100% accurate confirmation.
>suggests we walk with him towards the house so he can calm down
lol how naive
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Sorry I didn't know Anon-kun was an expert on every research chemical on the streets, i forgot Anon sempai had his own lad and does tests on the various unknown chemicals and their effects on taste buds and receptors.
Forgive me faggot
Shrooms taste like fertilized dirt. Grinding the up makes them unnoticeable and they won't get stuck in your teeth
U have to think they're still high
What was your set and setting?
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http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4076860 dieing from acid
Well, it's obvious its "acid", not acid. You know
I get that. I mean I don't know why it would be necessary for lacing food with acid. Just like a sugar cube or blotter, just apply with an eye-dropper.
Not sure what you mean by set, but
>>734964625 is me
ACID is good even without cannabis.
That last part sounds bad af! Id like to try it i think
the acid that makes you trip bolls
please do
because im a lil drunk and i like you guys heres a tip:
listen to this on acid for the best time of your life
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>Wanna trip
>nobody in my town has it

Makes me sad.
You should have slapped the shit out of your friend. If someone goes berserk on acid, its because their ego is afraid of death. i.e your friend is a pussy, no matter how tough he tries to act.
smoking just makes it more.. whatever you feel when you smoke cannabis, and does not intervene with lsd.
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>be me a few years ago
>high on acid in my 6m2 parisian studio
>it's ok as I can control myself but I hope that my psycho arab neighbour will not knock
>open my shitty window
>just roofs in the night
>listen "when the tigers broke free" by Roger Waters
>I began to feel like a soldier
>Shit man, this is WW2, I have to protect my friends and country, may I have to kill someone
>I fell a helmet, almost the sound of bullets and planes
>the roofs start to melt in some abstract battlefront
>wtf I am living
Shrooms have a very good high, lsd makes me very sweaty and anxious, could just be me though a few of my friends say the same thing even in good settings
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