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Hello, /b/. I haven't seen Feels threads for a while now,

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 108
Thread images: 43

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Hello, /b/. I haven't seen Feels threads for a while now, so I thought I should make one.

I believe people visit these threads to express building up emotions. So what should one do, if one can't feel anything? Just a gnawing emptiness where emotions should be. I hope there will be /b/ros that can help.
You are feeling, emptiness. You're disasociating with society and kicking your feels.
There on the /adv/ thread all the time.
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Then let's say emptiness is not what I want to feel. Is there a way to fix this without too many social interactions?
Oh, thank you.
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Sucks being too pussy to kill yourself doesn't it? I've seen that most people feel this way as well. It's like I can't help but want to find out what happens in a few years time but if it's any worse I don't see any other option.
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Well, I must point that I don't want to kill myself. It's true, lately I was unable to find any joy or even sadness (it would do too) in life. But I fear that offing myself will bring me to the point of absolute apathy, won't it? And we don't wan't that. Being completely non-religious, I can't think that there is eternal life or any way to save my identity after death.
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Sometimes I just don't know how to feel
or sometimes I'll just lash out at people for confronting me or just telling me to hurry up or trying to make fun of me at work
idk sometimes i just can't relate to anyone so i cut all the excessive shit and i come out as cold
and sometimes I just want to be left alone
... where I'm truly happy
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fucking kill me pls
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Don't want to talk with reals humans.
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Mr. Blue Sky
I cut alcohol two weeks ago but sometimes the urge is too strong
damn I even cut all my friends, I don't speak to any of them
wtf am i doing lol
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Being distant from people around you, wondering how they manage to interact with each other so naturally and easily. And when trying to do the same, being met with confused stare and leaving in embarrassment, thinking what went wrong and failing to find out.
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Hey Jude
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Part 1 - Video Killed the Radio Star
Im honestly at the point of suicide anymore.
And not like in a hey I want attention way.
More like in the my existence has be varying levels of hell way and cant stand to be suffering anymore way.
I cant take the loneliness, how people misunderstand and look at me, everything I love leaves me, life has been mocking me anymore.
It's driven me mad.
I used to defiantly say "I'll never commit suicide, I don't want to let the world win and say it got the best of me".
Well it did, brutally and efficiently I may add.
I'm just tired, I have nothing to fight for, I have nothing to love.
I've stood on my own for awhile now, but everything feels so hollow and vacant.
>Anything but this
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Part 2 - Gronlandic Edit
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Part 3 - Jumper
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Part 4 - Killer Queen
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Final Part - Courage
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I always wonder why people find the most disappointing and depressing thing to be desire for romantical relationship and loneliness from not having one. Like there is nothing more precious in life than fulfilling your natural instinct to procreate.
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Take a sad song and make it better
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The minute you let her under your skin
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Quite the same here. Only without suicide. This emptiness and vanity is much better than one that comes after death, I think. I'd better be lonely, hollow, purposeless that be nothing.
I'm not even exaggerating.
Nothing I do works out despite my best efforts.
Every girl I find just wants to use me and leave me.
My friend recently turned her back on me and tried to kill me by taking lug nuts off the wheels on my car.
I'm trapped in a lonely isolated existence.
I try to reach out but it never works.
I have a Steam story that I've been wanting to share for a while but I'm not sure if I should tell it here. What do you guys think?
Of course we'd like you to contribute. But it's only you to decide if this is appropriate to post it here.
The thing is, maybe things will change up for me but the more time passes by, the less hope I have.
I just afraid that it would look pretty pathetic if she did added me back and I wrote our little story here because I know that once something is posted here, it will never disappear entirely.
emotions are what is driving you to care whether or not you are feeling anything, otherwise you would probably have APD
i think you probably felt sad for a long time, and you didn't like it, so you learned how to numb those emotions out. so now your sadness has found the only remaining outlet to be acknowledged, by manifesting as sadness about your 'lack of feeling'. but now you don't even recognize it as sadness, because you've spent so long learning to ignore that particular emotion. focus on the feeling of missing out on the richest part of life, because you are. don't TRY to feel anything, because then you are attempting to create artificial emotions which you subconsciously have a preference for. instead ALLOW yourself to feel whatever it is you're feeling. when you catch a glimpse of it, think about what it brings up for you. once you engage with emotions they are fluid, and allowing yourself to bathe in what you are truely feeling is what will help your emotions transform.
Then I advice you to wait until your hope is fully gone and there is nothing to change your situation and then decide again.
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I welcome it. I've felt this way for too long.
And the way that events have worked out in life.
Have left me cold, jaded, and toxic.
I'll never come back from that.
And trust me I know life is hard and you can't always get what you want that's fine. I understand.
But there just comes a point.
Where everything has spiraled out of control, despite your best efforts and intentions, and you can't even have peace of mind.
Sick of worrying, sick of seeing everything blow up in your face, just sick of everything.
Thanks, this is really good advice. The only thing that worries me is if I let my real emotions out I'll kill someone.
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My fiance has been out of the country for five months, wont be back for another month. Due to a lot of bullshit and just circumstance we havent been able to talk except for when she comes back like every three months. I have no doubt in my mind she was faithful, that's not the issue, but my issue is if I'll still love her. When she comes back its only for a few days, we fucked like there was no tomorrow and yeah it felt like everything was good. But that's just a period of a few days. I'm worried she'll be too different. Like she won't be the same person that left. Because people change yeah, but you're with that person as you both change. Does that make sense? I dont know. Im really tired and pretty drunk.

My fiance and I havent actually talked or seen eachother much for the past half a year, we're def still together but Im not sure our relationship will survive both of us being so different and spending so much time apart

That tldr wasnt very short sorry
that's not what i'm talking about here, that's cheap and half-assed.
you have to subject yourself to your emotions, not other people. don't hock your shit off onto someone else, take your own it on the chin. be a man and feel, bitch.
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I wish I was there to be at your side. Sometimes we find more compassion and understanding in such anons than in people irl. And really it's logically to start finding people around you who can understand, being more open and stuff. But making new connections might mean new disappointment, so fear of being betrayed again stops us. I fight my desire to find people to talk to with such anonymous threads and escapism.
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If I copy my greentext from a txt. file will it be in a green format? Or do I have to type in manually?
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It probably will be a tremendous rage or deep sorrow, I'm not sure. Being the man of action I can't just stand and cry or scream so it will probably lead to self-harm or abuse. First is not healthy and second has consequences. And if I try to well, 'bathe in emotions' and not expressing them, I will be restricting myself from what I want to do. It's the same as controlling emotions. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno.
If there are '>', it must be in green. I'm not sure.
Im just cold, and being cold for me is just like being lonely. And the only way to cure this cold feeling is with a hug for someone, anyone. Why do i have to be so cold all the time
under anger is always hurt
bathe, don't drown. if you want to express you need a creative outlet, not just screaming and crying and punching.
i imagine you are already being restricted from what you really want to do by your own mindset
A little background story. I don't usually send friend requests on Steam, I just
don't bother with them. Maybe it's the fear of being rejected or something but I
never send them. Also I'm pretty picky on who I add So naturally it means that I only have a few
people on my list(2-3 on average) so I usually feel free to change my name or mess around with my profile. I don't know why I
chose a feminine name the time I met her, I was reading a book about a girl who was
thrown away to jail somewhere in the far east and I just felt like calling myself something
along those lines. Like I said, I don't bother knowing people too much so it's not going to
hurt anybody if I lie about my gender right? right?

Also sorry for the bad english, not a native speaker and kinda emotionally triggered when typing this.
I've never told it to anyone before so bear with me here..
This my first greentext story, so

Part 1

>Be me
>Kinda late at night(was 01:30 am I believe)
>Login to my favourite game on Steam
>Looking for a nice, easy late night game
>Get into a server, 1 guy 2 girls
>They know eachother from before, they're kinda good friends
>The guy(let's call him Jim) and one of the girls(let's call her Kim) start to message me random stuff
>The third girl(let's call her Maya, she's the stoy related) doesn't talk that much
>Kim and Jim keep screwing around, talking about random shit and throw punch lines around
>We don't play the game too much, we keep losing because the two keep messing around
>They start asking me about myself, where from, how old etc.. they want me to talk on the mic to prove my sex
>They think I'm lying about my gender, for some reason
>Maya tells them to leave me alone, obviously they don't

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People change, yeah. But still, it means that you can learn something new about each other. If there is r e a l love, you will easily accept the changing, won't you? And if you will stand the test of accepting changes in your fiance, she, hopefully, will do as well.
>sending virtual hugs.

It'll be fine, mate. But you have to put some effort to warm people around you, and they will do the same thing.
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I'm not a very creative person. Art doesn't help, I've tried. Do you have any ideas?
Sure do, mate.
Part 2

>fast forward all the fucking around Jim and Kim did, they both died in-game and only me and Maya were left
>We manage to beat the game only the two of us and Kim, the other girl decided to leave
>We set up a new game, the three of us
>Jim kept fucking around but he was alone now, so less walls of text on the bottom left
>Throughout that time, Maya was polite, kind and for some reason very caring about me, even protective
>Mid-game Maya suddenly disconnect from the game, I was both kinda shocked and sad
>I remember typing in chat:"so that means game over?" to Jim and he said:"I guess" and left immediately
>I decided to leave as well because well, I'm alone now
>I got a a friend invitation a few moments later
>It was Maya, I can't say I wasn't expecting it but who knows
>Apparently, the game crashed for her so that's why she left all of a sudden
>Start chatting into the the early hours of the morning, you know, personal stuff
>She thinks I'm a girl and I go with it because remember, I don't plan on getting to know people too much so who cares
>I'm a laptop fag so battery starts to run out because I switched to bed mod
>So much fun talking to her, she's both interested and interesting, time flies by
>Tell her battery is running out and that if I suddenly go offline, that's the reason why
>Finally ran out, fell asleep
>Later that day, saw two unread chat messages saying something along the line of:"damn you're not here.." "Anonnette?"

Tell me if it's worth cont.
It is, of course.
Oh how i have tried all i end up with is fucking frostbite
Part 3

>Night time again the very next day, not that late this time
>We didn't play as much, but we did talk a lot on our private chat
>Things started to get seriously pretty fast
>She's bi, so I wasn't to sad about telling my real gender 'cause everything is open
>It's the 2nd day and I already get a picture from her
>I swear to god to you all, she's a fucking 10/10 the most beautiful girl you've ever seen
>I swear to you, she's amazing:face, body is petite and curvy, she's a goddess
>I'm overwhelmed, I can't believe this is the person I've been talking to
>I keep telling her that I can't believe that's you, she laughs and say that many of the girls from where she comes look like that,
that she's "average".
I know where she's from but I won't tell anything because I respect her privacy so sorry guys, please understand
>That's the first time I started to fall for her
>Felt kinda bad because I obviously can't send her a pic back, so I tell her that I'm shy
>She said it's okay, that I didn't ask her to send me a pic and that I can send her whenever I feel like it
>Feels guilty about my lies but tell her I'll send something soon
>Fast forward a little bit, friendship being built pretty strong
>She start logging in from her school just to tell me how much she misses me, tell me about school stuff, when she's coming home, send updates from train, bus etc..
>Always greets me when she's becoming online, I actually change my schedule to fit hers because hers is pretty awkward
But thanks
lurking, pls give more
what about sad songs, cause i've got one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBIqLqUenz0
Part 4

>She always ask me from time to time what I'm doing and she keep giving me attention, which is fucking awesome
>I started humming loves song at work, in the gym, randomly at street. People would give me weird looks but fuck everybody I'm happy so get lost
>I send her song lyrics, you know.. the ones that have romantic and lovers vibe to them
>She tends to play with her group of local friends and I don't even bother about joining because they play games that I don't have and doesn't interest me
>We only played a few times the game we played together when we first met
>She tells me that we can keep chatting even when she plays and that if I ask if she can leave, she will do so without hesitation
>Very sweet of her, but I have no intention of causing drama, not yet at least
>Again switch to bed, battery starting to run out
>This time, after she finishes playing we actually got into a small sexting. I don't know how but it happened
>It was so good, I didn't really touched myself because I mostly typed but I know she did, at least that's what she told me
>She said I'm so good at it, maybe we should do it at other times as well
>"No problem with me", at this point I'm really falling for her, like I'm falling in love with someone from a different country
>Again, battery runs out so good night XOXO see you tomorrow routin
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Then try escapism. Hollow shell irl, alive in games books, films. Eventually, you will find that you feel more comfortable (and warm!) with your imagination than with people, and you will lose all desire to interact with them.
I wish next advice helped more.
Part 5

>We keep the friendship close, very close
>We sexted a few more times, I always ask her about the color of her panties ;)
>Got another pic of her, this time a face pic
>She's breathtaking, literally
>She told me that Jim is bothered with her adding me, he's into her as well, that's what she told me
>I tell her I don't want her to fight anyone for me, so maybe she should delete me
>"No no no!".txt
>"It's okay don't worry about him".
There are many small details that I'm not typing for the sake of length, like the fact that both Jim and Kim added me as well
and started asking me questions but I think it's kinda irrelevant regarding my friendship with Maya so I'm just gonna drop that direction entirely
>I notice that she plays quite a lot with her group of local friends, deep inside I start to get jealous but never tells
>"play as much as you like Maya, you dont own me anything".jpeg
Also keep in mind, the entire time I fear for the truth since I'm not a girl and I can't show her myself so I get frustrated with myself as well.
I did sent her a few faceless female pics, mostly from my ex gf which I never told her why I needed them in the first place
>We keep things up, eventually I draw a portrait of hers
>I show it to her, she's absolutely shocked, she loves me even more
>Tells me she can't stop smiling, I offer to mail it to her
>I did eventually
>Fast forward a few days of chatting regulary from her school and home, and a few more sexting between us
>I now more frustrated since she doesn't play with me as much as she plays with her local friends and the fear of being exposed
>I like her and I start to have an inner conflict with myself
>On one side, my mind: I'm curious about her and want more info and pics of her, so want to keep lying to the point of no return
>Other side, my heart: says that I care about her and you don't lie to people you care and love so need to tell the truth now because there's still a chance
I mean, I don't know. I like to think we'll both just accept each other, I think I would, but I'm just so worried things will be TOO different.
Part 6

>Last night of our chat, I know that today at least..
>I make up a drama about her not spending enough time playing with me becuase I'm a raging whore
>Send her this goodbye long ass, dramaqueen post about "have a good life, hope you'll have a bright future" melodramatic bullshit blah blah blah to scare her I guess
>she's like don'tdothistome.zip
She was watching a friend playing a scary video game because she's too afraid to play herself, my dramatic message made her leave that video.
I feel so much ashamed to this day.
>After a very long chat where she tries to calms me down, says she will help me with my jealously problem
>I can't take it anymore, she's too sweet and perfect.
>Decides to confess about myself, you know carrying that dramatic momentum
By the way and I swear on my mother's grave. The name and my gender is the ONLY THING I've ever lied to her for the obvious reasons, anything else I've ever
told her about myself was true as the skies. So just keep that in mind.
>She doesn't belive me at first, she think I'm looking for a reason to delete her
>God I wish that was true
>We keep talking, I managed to get it through her head
>I tell her, I fell for her after all the pics and sexting between us. How she made me feel special when greeting me and logging from her school just for me
>She has a mixed feeling about it
>I tell her to delete me because I'm in love with her and I can't stop
>After all kinds of talking about what we had, we agree that I'll send her the portrait I made for her with a letter and some pics of the true me, also I kept
a few chatlogs with her so those as well
>She tells me she wants to keep me around but at the same time we need a break to "settle the minds"
Part 7

>I tell her she can do whatever she likes, I have feeling for her and she should know that
>She ask to promise her I will accept her invitation if/when she sends it
>I tell her I will but shes have to promise to give me a chance with her, the chances are slim already because different countries, life obligation etc..
but I meant that she could look at me as a potential bf because it gives me the chance to fantasize/dream about her
>It's going to end soon, I can feel it. It's already 07:00 am in the morning and we've been talking all night
>She told me she's crying and she will cry even more once her head meets the pillow
>She didn't know I already cried rivers
>She ask me to promise her that I'll accept her invitation, that she will never forgive me if I won't
>I tell her I wouldn't even think twice about it, I'll acccpet it faster than light travels
>She can't push the unfriend button, it's too hard for her, she says that even if I lied it's like killing "Annonette".
>I tell her she has to do it in order to forgive me so we could start over
>I'm such a melodramatic little shithead but I was so much ecstatic? Like excited in a bad way? No idea what word to use here.
>She tells me I can keep everything she sent me, the pics, the chatlogs, her artwork she sent me. Of course I will I tell her
>I kept telling her that it's not her fault but only mine, she was honest all the way and it was me who lied and got jealous of her friends
>It's really close now, we're exchanging goodbyes
>"Promise that you'll accept me" she says, "fresh start" she told me, "we will start over and everything will be okay" she said
>She doesn't know that the last thing I want is for her to leave me
>Maya Offline.zip

Last one after this..
That's kind of whats goong on now i really prefer my own company over other people but all i want is someone warm to cuddle with to not make me feel alone
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My spine is wreckd
>Feels bad man
Which kind of defeats the purpose of eacapism i know and beggera cant be choosers but why cant i be a little less useless
Look, if you ARE worried, it means you still love her. All that matters. And if you are too different, then it would be easy to let go, not clinging to previous version of her.
Part 8

I did ask for her email a day later to get all the info about her mailing address, she gave me it and her mother's full name for the receiver.
I sent her the portrait and a USB drive I bought just for her for some files I've sent to her as well, like pics I made specifically for her,
a big sorry letter.txt and a few chatlogs I've managed to save of our conversations. I also used the most expensive and fast mail service I
could get so the portrait could get to her as fast and safe as possible because I thought she will contact me soon after getting it.

It's been a month since I've last spoken to her. I don't know if she got what I've sent her and the only conformation I have is an SMS message
from the mailing service that it got to her location safe and sound. I did wanted to sent her an email but I keep changing my mind, too afraid
to bother her and inside I want to believe she will remember me and add me back herself. She has to make the first contact so I could know for
a fact that she still cares and not mad/disgusted with me anymore.

Another small part after that and that's it.
Almost there..

tried everything I can to not think about her. Going to work, going to school, going to the gym trying to keep myself occupied with anything.
Maybe a month is not long in terms of these kind of situations, maybe for her she needs a lot more. I really don't know, I've never had something like that
happens before. But I did open her profiles a few times and I noticed she found a new game to play with her group friends and they've pouring
countless hours into it, which makes me feel fucking sad as fuck. I still have a little hope inside me, just little managed to survive. I know with
each day passes by, it works against me. I can't do anything about it, time goes by slowly, I can't sleep good at night because I keep thinking about
her,I don't know what to do to be honest. I can't contact her whatsoever. Everything I do feels meaningless, the game we've met on feels empty and boring.
I miss her so much, she's such a rare find. I don't even know if she got my mail because she didn't say anything.
>tfw these two weeks were the most exciting I've had in years
>tfw I hear Brian Eno, Mogwai and Sigur Ros on a daily basis because I'm always melancholic
>tfw I made a portrait of her and sent her a cringeworthy sorry letter, ego aside hoping she will forgive me
>tfw I have a folder of her that I don't dare opening because I'm too afraid to see what I have lost
>tfw I pop up her profile regulary and thus torturing myself knowing she probably moved on and having fun with real friends
>tfw the more I think about it, the more I know she has no reason to add me back
>tfw I have so many questions to ask her, I can't hold it inside of me anymore
>Maybe if I told her the truth from the beginning, I would end up not knowing her that way
>Maybe if I told her the truth early on, I would be in a better position today, still being in her presence
>tfw I will never meet someone like her ever again
>tfw I fell in love with someone on the internet because I didn't have a gf since 2014 and because she's so beautiful
and appealing to me..
AND it requires effort that you are too afraid to make. So it's either try and try and try again bearing all the pain, or give up. World is a bitch, fighting ain't easy. Try to find someone in the Internet (it's not as hurting) and talk for A LOT before making a move. Talk until you are 100% sure that's the one.
Does /b/ think that maybe it's worth going through all the bullshit just for the good times? What's the point of living if you're not happy?
all these terrorist attacks lately have been making me think of how lazy humans are today. people are getting stabbed to death on the street and act like it's not their own fault. if you grew up the past like medieval europe or feudal japan, for example, you'd ought to learn how to fight hand to hand and swing a sword by the time you were born. nowadays, everybody feels like their safe so they let their guard down. it would be so easy for a terrorist fuck unsuspecting people up
But thats the thing, all I can think about is what she was before she left.
The beautiful woman who I saved, and who saved me. Our lives collided at Mach4 and we tore eachother apart, we met at really dark times in our lives and everything just went horribly, we're both very angry, hateful, self destructive people. She used to be an escort, and I pulled her out of that life even though it nearly costed mine. She pulled me out of two year long drug bender that was going in desperate downward spiral which was only going to stop once I was dead.
She was humble. She was sweet. She was kind, caring, and just amazing. She could still be, and I could be losing it for no reason. But it's been a long time.

I myself have grown so bitter and hateful over the past half a year, I dont know if she'll even want to be around me any more.
Don't need to read. I just need to vent.

I'm addicted to failing because that is when I get the most support. I like to feel sorry for myself because then I feel people will care for me if I am sad.

I am not that great at what I do but people believe I do it exceptionally well.

I talked to a girl today, she was beautiful. We had a nice conversation, I wish I could have a girlfriend soon again. But then I think if I just want to love someone to distract me from the fear of failing in my career.

Fear has taken control and being sad allows me to connect more than being success does.

Being perfect means being alone. One day, hopefully soon, I will comprise for love once again.
Thanks but its not at the point where i want to kill myself i just feel cold and lonely
Everything in life is pointless, "Memento Mori"- Remember that you have to die. Once I realized that practically all of my problems are just caused by human nature and that they shouldn't really be problems and that no matter what I do with my life, let it be I enjoy it or hate it or do something amazing with it or I let myself rot away, I have the same outcome. I die. I've dug my own hole of sadness that weighs me down everyday
Also i have plenty of friends. But the annoying thing is they never ask to hang out and if i ask they make bullshit excuses
Sorry for ranting i just need to get this shit out of my system so i can keep sloging through life
I ask myself this question a lot.
It makes me think of my grandmother who told me something very similar and it always leaves me conflicted
"Why bother eating something that doesn't taste good"
There's a bit of context to that, but still. That's a thought I've also struggled with anon.
Think about how you are feeling and why?

Then think, and be honest with yourself, what actions are you taking to make a positive change.

Before blaming others take a solid look within yourself and ask if you're really doing your best.

Write down what makes you happy and why, what makes you sad and why.

Ask yourself constantly til you get the answer. No such thing as you don't know. Only you don't want to think about.

I love you. Thank you for sharing.
Well another thought is there are some people who would who would kill to eat your shit food in life.

We often take most things for granted, I suggest every night you write down three daily things you are honestly thankful for. I promise your mood and view will shift.
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Wow that steam game sucks.
I would ask for a refund.

>Are you fucking serious???
Your going apeshit over some girl you've never even met.
I don't want to die alone.
8 out of 10 people are assholes. If you're in college, it's 9 out of 10.
And heres my answer, i like school cause i get really gpod scores, i like cycling cause i have good people to talk to, i like gaming cause i also have good people to talk to and i enjoy studying cause i makes me better at school. Now for things that make me sad, not having a girlfriend nor a girl that is ny friend cause all i want is for someone to love and to hold nd to not feel lonely sou ds like a repeat right. And thanks you have genuinely made me feel better about myself and even though you are anonymous i love you too
Also it makes me feel sad cause i dont want to die alone
The fact that other people struggle as well, maybe even more than you, doesn't just make your own problems disappear.

At any rate, I guess I'll try that. It might be a challenge thinking of new things after a few days, but hey. Might as well try.
I know man okay.
Since were pointing out useless statistics
9 out of 10 women have a fake rape story.

Trust me you are going to die a lone.
Unless you want to take other people with you but that's mean
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This is the one that always hits me. I wish I knew why depression sucked so bad. I can spend all day doing fun activities, spending time with family and friends, getting plenty of sunlight and fresh air, then in the evening suddenly it'll just feel like i'm in quicksand and i can't stop feeling like garbage and having negative thoughts.
preach it mah nigga
I feel sad for you. An unhappy useless fuck. when you kill yourself...good riddance.
>ifunny watermark at the end.
Are you fucking serious right now?
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>I feel sad for you.
I don't need your pitty

>An unhappy useless fuck
Unhappy yes, useless lol, I get things done.

>when you kill yourself...good riddance.
And I will say the same, you people fucking sicken me, this world doesn't deserve me.
tfw came here to feel but instead just came instead
I feel like I can't anymore!
i like stencilling
poetry is also very good for the feels
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