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Who is the hottest female comedian?

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Who is the hottest female comedian?
I find her comedy pretty annoying, but I would definitely let Schleisenger sit on my face.
Female... comedian...
Aahha, that's a good one!
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Gonna go with Iliza Schlezinger because she's funny and that's pretty important for a comedian.

no contest
whos the chick on the right?
Iliza may have had the best tits in the fappening... her or Brie Larson
I don't know who those whores are, but i want Sarah Silverman to pee in my mouth because she is probably skanky enough to do it.
Whitney cummings
Katherine Ryan
Amy Schumer
She is jewish so i doubt she'll do it for free if she knows you want it.
Kathy griffin
Dare someone say Kathy?
hottest female recently fired comedian?

your damn right she is.
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Now to the queen you hopeless newfags
Sarah Silverman, does she have nudes?
Anna Akana
Kate Quigley
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i actually find her funny and sexy
thirty-five seconds before you
I loved her as the geek in the old Star Trek movie but she's gotten classically hotter over the years, thanks in part to plastic surgery no doubt.
Sarah Silverman's new special was pretty funny.
I agree. She gets hotter as she gets older. God how I love those Jew funbags
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kek trick question anon. Women aren't funny
Pick one
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this is my second form..
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Amy Schumer
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and this is even further beyond
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the power of 3 heads combine to form megahead
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she isnt funny though
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and then it powers up further - becoming gigahead!

i wish i could be her goy slave
nice dubs, also i got a thing for natasha leggero
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>I'm sure I'm missing something, please feel free to add your own
Rebel Wilson. Period.
Cunk! So sexy.
Bruce jenner
We didn't even know he could swim, we usually just had our fists in his ass
Sarah Silverman is the kind of woman you want to see naked until you actually see her naked...
Her jew pussy is though.
y tho
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She is getting old though.
Chelsea peretti is smoking hot
Katherine Ryan
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She hits a lot of marks.
Hot, funny, brunette, and at 46, has the "mature" thing going on. And, you just know she's a fucking animal in bed.
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she looks great in clothes
like a shitty present beautifully wrapped
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>does she have nudes?
yes, unfortunately
saw her latest special, or about 5 minutes of it
not remotely funny
not at all
She was also in an episode of Star Trek Voyager 20 years ago.
body like a fridge
she looks like Gonzo from the Muppets
Her facial expression, the way she moves, her kind of humor is a huge boner machinery to me...
Don't front, you'd smash
I win
shed be so much hotter if she was about 200 pounds lighter
thank me later
>iFuck Tonight.com
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>genital herpes
no thanks
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Also, in 2015 she was smoking hot as hell
I admit that, yes
She has a sexy personality, which isn't even supposed to be a thing
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The only funny female comedians are women who act like men, look like men, and epitomize masculinity. "Funny femininity" does not exist. Smart women are more masculine and therefore capable of humor.
into the trash
anjelah johnson
She stays fat because it gets more roles and people find her funnier. She's actually pretty hot at her natural weight
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>She's actually pretty hot at her natural weight
she's already at her natural weight ie being a fat piece of shit
>animal in bed

come on anon, you can't be serious
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nazi comedians are pretty rare tho, stormfag
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>hottest female comedian
Is there a requirement to reach the standard of comedian? I know some hot bitches that claim to be comedians, but like most women, can't tell a decent joke.
Also, if I had mentioned Lesie Hall, it would have been weirder than Mrs. Wilson
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le edgy post
yeah, she does anal. she admitted in an interview that kimmel took her ass virginity
>white knighting niggers on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
smh tbh fam
I am also into Pamela Poovey, that should explain enough...




>hating on a sexy black woman because you're an edgy shitlord who thinks le racism is le cool
Amy Schumer is the most talented and the greatest comedian of out times.
>Pamela Poovey
How do you feel about Aidy Bryant?
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this? yikes
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>sexy black woman
Not my cup of tea... From cuddly-fat to fat-fat, there was a line sonehow. We have reached that line...
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>when you're gay for racism
Exactly. Heavy is good, fat is eeew
yeh sexy fat to gross fat i hear u anon
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post moar fishychans thx
Goat face, but hot body. I'll be kind and give this one to my arab friends.

come on anon- for a non model pretty top shelf comic she's very sexy.

Schlesinger isnt bad.

Chelsea Handler (I like milfs)

... lots of female comics are jewish huh?

anyway I will concede that when I saw her tits in that movie I was disappointed. Totally average tits that seemed marvelous and big under her shirts...

I fucking hate her politics and her quiet Jooooooooish supremacist attitude but she is fucking funny.

not a comedian; dead weight on that show like half the cast.
kek ahahaha
Not only is Mo Collins one of the best female comedians ever, but her body has always been fucking smoking hot
SOMEONE gets it. Thanks, anonymous cool stranger
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Carrot Top is actually a pretty cool dude and prop comic or not - people end up liking his show....

but what in the fuck did he do to his face?

He Kathy Griffined it somehow.
STFU u white knight fagget jesus christ GTFO
I've convinced women to try anal who were still terrible. He might have just been trying something new to make things bearable
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me too /b/ro...when she was offering bulk blowjobs to a bunch of guys moving furniture or computers or something one episode it made my dick diamonds af
>my vagina smells like a barnyard animal
i guess if you are here that might be your thing huh? fucking piggy she is
There are no good female comedians.
women aint funny
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When ISIS was nearly bankrupt and Mallory took the 401k money to pay for bonds in Monaco
Iliza is hot but holy fuck I want to strangle her. A chick I was fucking made me watch some of her special and it's just a bunch of goat noises. Seriously... awful, room temperature IQ shit for the most part. I'd put it in her pooper tho.
I would offer you a beer right now in real life...
13 is legal in my country - piss off now

Schumer's first two specials were wicked funny, and the first couple seasons of her sketch show.

Then she became a feminist icon sjw messiah and her last special sucked (still better than most of the shit on netflix homestly) and the last season of her sketch show was a huge hunk of SJW shit.

I love comedy and can deal with omics being Leftards since most are but that sort of PC preaching is unacceptable.

And I would fuck her.

And you would too, anon.... search deep inside yourself... you know its true.
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I'd take it, anon, ty
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14 actually
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Female and comedian are two words that don't belong together. Maybe female occasionally-causes-a-chuckl-er
Whitney for sure
lol i saw him at the local county fair about 6 maybe 8 yrs ago and he was pretty fucking funny but im sure he was wasted lol and ya he fucked his face up bigtime
Is that shopped? Where did her waist go?
Checked and agreed.

Shame she is turning into SJW tier, I used to like her comedy. But yeah iliza is probably my favorite fappening leak of all time.
she's a slut
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Yall made me doit
>fat is eeew
>gross fat
see >>734644578
wear a condom faggot
i absolutely would not fuck her and i dont find her style of comedy funny. first time i saw her was on delocated on adult swim and i didnt like her then. believe me dude my gf and my fuck buddy are way hotter than her and i can pull way better strange than that dirty fat fuck
You know she would be smoking hot if skinny.
fuuuuucckkkk!!!!!! the things i would fucking do. i don't care if she's 13
(throws it a banana)
Yah, no. No woman stays heavy if they can help it.

What are those weird lumps on her tits?


her tits, I guess, huh?

Really makes you think, man.

Well, he put on weight. He turned 50. And he wears eyeliner.

But yeah he's had surgery somewhere.
This is the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life...
spotted Jamal
I'm hooking yall up no need to thank me
Dammit! I need more of this!

Why is shim's phone's camera from 2004, though?
Isn't she just an actress
She is so funny
so hot
Where's the Chelsie peretti
I am white, though...
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Up there, within the first posts
Can't fit her nose in under the 2mb image size limit.
Who's this lass getting bummed
The girl on the left. What's her name? I can't remember but I know she's hot. I didn't know she had newds
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About 4 years ago Iliza was performing in my city and I saw her at a Dave and Busters with my girlfriend. We had just watched a special of hers on Comedy Central a few weeks earlier. We were high as shit and I walked up to her and told her I recognized her and blah blah blah. She asked us if we were at the show that night? I said "No." She whipped out her iPhone and said we could have tickets to her show the next day for free if we wanted, they'd be at the will call window. The next night we showed up at the club and sure enough, the tickets were there and we got in for free to see her. This isn't a bullshit story, this honestly happened. Tell you the truth, I don't think she's funny at all. We saw Earthquake like 3 weeks before that and I couldn't catch my breath from laughing. Seeing comedy in a club is an entirely different experience than watching it on tv.

that show was like 4 years ago shes more like 17
virgin detected
This is exactly what turned me off of her.
Now I support Rebelfag.
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Not too bad. I didn't know these were a thing.
Wrong shower for her

is that Jimmy Kimmel drilling Aisha's stinky corn-hole?
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From her Playboy spread
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This lady is 43, rich, and has nipples like stacks of dimes.

Perfect MILF fantasy.

I'd break my dick off inside of her.
>This lady is 43, rich, and has nipples like stacks of dimes.
>Perfect MILF fantasy.
>I'd break my dick off inside of her.
find, just don't call here a comdeian
You're a dumb faggot
Wtf is a comdeian?
she is
Landwhale Emy Schumer
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No one cares about my super cool story about my brush with a C-List celebrity? Fine. I didn't even care if anyone thought it was cool anyway. So jokes on you, not me.
>saw her live in Iraq 2009-2010.
>Still hot.
Canadian Goddess
with what
some horse puss
cool, got any anal?
Is this photoshop?
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Iliza, hands down.
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She. Anyone who disagrees is a racist asshole
Director was a feminist who wanted to portray women without sexuality. Look at the way her feet are positioned. They tried to make her as ugly as possible.
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She was nude in Playboy in the 90s. Maybe just a pic or two. Have never been able to find it. Any ideas where to see it, anon? Google is no help...
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she's not even funny
rebel wilson is fat but at least sometimes she's funny
if there's absolutely nothing on google, it doesn't exist
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Alisa for sure
That's what I figured, but I do remember a pic or two, dammit!
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Fucking kek.
pick one nigger
Who's middle?
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>Iliza Schlezinger

Shlesinger was born in Dallas to a Reform Jewish family.[4]

Not hot.
dont know any of these.
They are probably childless and barren
Also they are jews
Is this legit??
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is that rosanne?
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Well, we know who's not.
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I appreciate the effort
dont know who the fuck they are but i would bang the one in the middle and lickt hose tits until the end of the times
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I'm no longer vegan! I want that chicken and mayo!
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