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Like last time, 6 lines or less >asians everywhere >PEW

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Thread replies: 409
Thread images: 7

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Like last time, 6 lines or less

>asians everywhere
>some dudes carving on water
>"asians don't do it"
>scenic cruise
>fag wants his board back topkek
point break, the new one
Guy frozen in ice.
much older
tossing a nigger in a blanket (1898)
star wars?
Fuck no, idiot
woah lad steady
it was an answer disguised as a bump
>Little guy mothers dead
>retard befriends him
rice balls
Finding Nemo! c:
no idea
the great wall? (havent seen it)
La la land gay
Ya got it
winter soldier
dead eyes ex-girlfriend has a penis
>Be black
>Be rich
>Wear fancy coat
>Watch fight
>Get arrested
>Become a snitch
Blade runner?
Apocalypse now
Body fluids and a lot of sex
p sure avatar
fifty shades of faggotry
>aggressively average white kid
>befrends a quiet/lifeless beaner
>nothing happens the entire movie
>beaner decides to run for class president
>white kid performs 6 minute dance routine to lock up the class election for the beaner.
>guy in space
>wants to go home
>crashes moon car
>meets self
>teams up with self
Charlie don't surf.
>sittin at home enoying my family
>they kill muh daughter
>I kill everyone now
>I die in jail
Let me try
Bald man with cancer cooks meth

Ok here's another

Black guy admits he's the father

Well that isn't going too well

Here's my last try

Guy gets bitten by radioactive spider and gains superpowers
napolean dynamite
>Not allowed on earth
>On earth anyway
>Get hunt down by Harrison ford
>Clock 2 death

Napoleon Dynamite
not even close, although you could say the movie is in 50 shades of grey
napoleon dynamite
charlie and the chocolate factory
Frick yeah.
How'd you know?
a cowboy has aggressive anal sex
Law Abiding Citizen?
law abiding citizen
>guy taken
>girl drives
>guy drives
>pew pew
>girl dies
>girl was okay and guy is gone.
You're a fucking god
>>white kid performs 6 minute dance routine
that gave it away
Wing attack plan R
>three russian guys walk around a waste land and talk for like 3 hours
>one of them has a bomb
closer in terms of production date, but not close at all
>black cop
>white cop
>why do this?
>white cop unhappy.
your mom's house last night
Some random guy bombs an office building and then kidnaps a fugitive girl, later she gets stockholm syndrome and bombs another government building for him.
Spies like us
Napoleon Dynamite
v for vendetta
>white dude meets black dude
>mexican never shows his face
>the bathroom sucks
>the coffee is horrible
>it was the people in the basement
>turns out the white dude wasn't dead but he dies anyway
>mom is typical obese amerifat
>have retard bro
>tfw he's always getting into trouble
>meet a gril
>still depressed
>>Killing aliens, innit
>guns get sold then salesmen fuck up and get arrested.
a kebab a kebab remover are stuck on a landmine while the un watches
>thing is in the water
>thing goes out of the water
>thing goes back in the water
Merkwuerdige Liebe
Minority cop duo fight crime with hilarious results.
Obviously Leathal Weapon
war dogs
Training Day
rush hour
wrong sir
>wtf is that thing
>oh we're in space now
>where are we now?
>there's that thing again
there you go!
no, but good guess
blade runner
2001 a space odyssey
Want to smash some 12 yr old pussy. Cock blocked by some creep.
Giant metal robots continue civil war on Earth with of explosions
American Gangster
2001: A Space Odyssey
Pulp Fiction?
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whats eating gilber grape
Hard Candy?
>cunty teenager fucks around and then an airplane happens.
>gotta hold the line despite the fact we're way outnumbered
>go down in history as legends
>history will show that we were badasses
round 2:

>2 mexican kids
>hot mexican bitch
>first one got cucked
>wait the second one got cucked too
Donnie Darko
>in jail
>dig hole
>happy ending
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
>Retarded asian kid
>my mum is kill
>cage fight whole life
>L2 play pian
>theres a blind nigger
>people who kill mum is now kill by me
>friend whos a girl plays piano really at after
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right you are.
Could be 300 or Enemy at the Gates but Im guessing its 300.
black hawk down
Whats eating gilbert grape
>tattoo hand man pretends to have kids so he can kill an old lady and get money.
>old black man tries to help troubled urban youth by creating a boxing gym
>gym gets taken over by a bunch of faggy dancers
>oh no, now my gym needs money, what are we going to do?
>faggots better dance their way out of this one
>Old people talking
>Haboob recks shit
>Ghosts say go
>Go where ghost says
>Try to save mankind
>Ghost saves mankind anyways
mind you it couldve been several films
mortal kombat
Twas training day my friend.
>overly aggressive cop
>this not sorbet is pretty good
>lol international relations
>found a new planet
>send peeps to fuck it up
>shithead robot gets girl preggers
A new event like halloween is created for americans but it has the violence of black friday and literally makes no sense.
mrs doubtfire
Mission to Mars
>feminists singing
Star wars 1

Try harder
interstellar or that other shit film what was it?
Lemme retype, sorry kinda drunk

>retarded Asian kid
>my mum is kill
>cage fight whole life
>L2 play piano
>there's a blind nigger
>people who kill mum is now kill by me
>friend who's a girl plays piano really good at the end
the worst movie in the alien franchise? (Prometheus)
You are a fucking idiot
you forgot 3.
>man: "wtf happen my wife"
>woman: "fuk u dood"
>cops: "we know you killed her"
>woman: "shit there's only one way out of this"
>woman: "hi honey i'm home"
>JJ Abrams proves he cannot into scale
>Blues Brothers fat guy is dead and his ghost walks around.
>san diego is invaded by fruits
>drummer from pearl jam sings a song
>Finger of God.
What is haboob?
>women with 3 boobs
>drugs let you be anyone
>feels good man
Dr. Strangelove, right?
>Be britbong
>Hate me job
>Me flat is hot
>Me girl is a terrorist
>Mum wants me get promotion
>tfw no happy ending
We don't talk about 3...
Gone Girl
Hateful Eight
total recall
total recall
That one gay ass chick flick
Gone gurl

dude i love that movie havent seen it in forever i need to have a movie night.
total retard
the neigbours murdered a guy but a different guy
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I don't know how to green text but here goes:

Brit cop movie
Happy ending
band of brothers
>be a faggot kid with no real friends
>someone tries to kill parents
>fat guy helps try to find parents
>make friends in the end
>attempted murder gets work release at the house.
>classiest guy in san diego
>tell everyone in san diego how things are
>dog is rip
>fall in love with a cunt
>dog saves cunt from a bear at zoo
>some fuckin expensive airplanes
>better take my clothes off and stay in this room for a while
Way off.
Covenant wasn't a total let down at least
>be oddball scientist
>got awesome machine
>leave home
>tfw get back
>kids are playing with ants
>tfw dunno where they are
No one's guessing this one mate.
>dude where's my car?
>Teenage girl can't decide whether to fuck a dead guy or a dog.
Yeah, nice one.
honey i shrunk the kids
>two jerks
>Arrr... Yee be ghey...
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>do something
richie rich
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
btw i suggest you translate what i wrote (other reply)
It's a dust storm

>Google it next time, faggot
Guy fights, Guy loses, TRAINING MONTAGE, Guy wins
Honey I shrunk the kids.
Demolition man?
Damn anon, you hot shit
>old fart rants about his life
>lots of conflicting stories
>something something live a good life
>high school kids fuck
>preggo is dyke
>gives away babby to Batman's wife
>kid hangs out with midgets then his parents blow up and James Bond said hi.
hot fuzz
lets be cops
Honey I Shrunk the Kids

>Fuck Rick Moranis
Honey i fucked the kids
one flew over a cocoo's nest?
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Twilight. But Edward didn't die. Read the book. Idjit
pitch perfect
fury road
Leon the Professional?
good guess not quite
>guy brings big knife to gunfight
>kills buncha guys he used to know
>kills crushes husband
>3 complete idiots get lost in he woods
>drink some goats milk
>go the fuck home

>asshole who's only good with animals accidentally kisses a dude.
big fish
Mr nobody
shutter assland
Big Fish
Come on anons. Guess this one. I've put three so far and this one is still unknown
No, but damn good movie.
>old movie
>black and white
>some banker
>loses all his money
>tries to kill himself
>fails because reasons
shutter land
>all wiminz has problems
>only one with none
>gotta help her somehow
>on the run
>everywhere gone to shit but hey theres weed at least
>die but i did muh duty
Clockwork orange


This is the world we built
Its great
oh no
No guesses?
It's a Wernderfer Loif
Big man gun dies at end
>old retard gets killed by his retarded space son
just use the greater than sign to green text

>like this
>farm boy in desert
>family killed by oppressive government
>elderly mentor killed by black guy
>kills millions of people and gets a medal for it
Total Recall
> black and white
> has to do with Jesus
> story of creation
> weird
> old

R.I.P Spelling
A New Bob Hope
children of men
sars wars
>Last day. Capricorn 15's.
A group of mercenaries travel to a lost world to find a missing person, but when their vehicle is destroyed, they have to fight for their lives.
star wars

Long blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

Angry Austrian

Austrian burn's

Blonde hair blue eyes win!

Blonde hair blue eye's dies

Austrian still alive!!!
star wars
>macho policeman
>shoots shooter
>falls in love
>stabby mcstabberton
>get old
>meet stabby jr
>wetback gov experiments on weird kids
>help stabby jr meet her friends
>fight gov
>guy who sees good hangs out in the dark and there was a space muslim too.
Dirty Harry
>that fucking faggot!
>muh artwork
>not so old movie
>some fit hooker
>nameless cat
>writer falls in love with hooker
>looses cat
>finds cat, kiss
Holes ?
well done m8
Rogue one
one of the riddick movies
This is a television show.
yes, pitch dark to be specific
>crippled writer gets raped by a fat bitch
Come on people. Unleashed with Jet Li
misery ez
Time bandits?
>just some guy living a normal life
>discovers everybody on earth has seen him masturbating
>decides to move to fiji
Special pick
>tfw Bob Dylan stole your song and all you got for it is a jew cat.
>Flying Cow.
>be nigger
>get out
truman show

ok heres one
>shittiest remake of all time gets bashed on youtube
>unfunny jokes
>total fucking let down
>d/l it but deleted it 5 mins in
>fake religion keeps everyone happy
>select few discover the truth
>reveal the truth to the masses
>giant battle against the gods, mass murder
>giant orgy
>break the fourth wall
Maximum victory.
>gets double crossed
>gets double crossed again
>he does a double cross
>then double crosses the original double crosser
>pulls his face off.
Inside Llewyn Davis
>be smart
>something about Apple's
>Batman was there
>So was Jason bourne
Ghost Busters
get out?
>>slow sense drug
>>cop with strong gun and shitty side kick
>>has remake
>group of space retards
>canned laughter
Face off
>on a boat motherfucker
>meet a bitch and we fuck
>boat is sinking
>I rip
>at least I fucked
>here's my valuable green thing
>oh shit it got stolen
>let's find it
good will hunting
dred, ez
Food Fight
jk Sausage Party
>oh no whered my face go
>the end
Nope, I kind of reversed it. Took a stupid movie, and described it seriously.
space balls
Indianapolis Johnny
>kill me
>I cant
>plot twist
>kill him
>>space plant
>>MC gets laid
>Wife dies
>Dog is kill
>Wrecks countless shit
>Kills a lot of people
>for revenge.
>Guy spends all day with a futuristic apple product
it's guardians of the galaxy
Austin Powers boi
indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark
>take shit from people
>become a person that has shit taken
>on the run
>actually dead the whole time
I thought it was an alright movie
>hero get injected with Chinese drug
>best ring tone in movie of all time
>we all know that damn ring tone
Nope, when I said not so old, I meant in relation to "It's a Wonderful Life", which was 1940s. This was 1960s.
Baba Yaga
raiders of the lost arc!
johnny wickers

Not as apocalyptic as that
John Wick
raiders of the lost arc
I could have been right.
Yes. I went to see this move when I was in the 8th grade. The fucking film broke 20 minutes in and they had to give us our money back. It was probably for the best.
little shop of horrors?
Okay here's a hard one:

>mid-life crisis
>a nice plastic bag
>sexually confused middle aged man
>bang RIP
>>cop befriends thug
>>lots of money stolen
>>find thieves
>>thug goes to jail
>>happy ending
>Be drunk
>village fag
>content til the faggots show up
>muh gf
>muh freedoms
>to broke and battered to keep going
American Beauty
American Beauty, too ez
>time travel
>nips in america
>nazi smith
>dorris day red china jonny ray north pacific south pacific joe dimaggio
>guy kills jew but doesnt
>doesnt kill jew but does
Repo men? I like that movie too
The Empire Strikes Back
6th sense
>guy goes home and stuff is weird then he was dead the whole time and Kevin from Home alone was his son.
American Beauty plastic bag 2 ez
>I gotta sing to get the bitches
>Oh no I can't sing
>I can dance tho
>great scott
>lets make a ton of shittier sequels
Damn, Inside Llewyn Davis is pretty good too
Star Wars?
happy feet
The 6st cents in my ass
>>alaskan bull worms
>>worms can mutate and fly
>>they make too many fucking movies
the walking dead the movie?
Fast and Furious
american pie
C'mon guess
breakfast at tiffany's
Frodo el Penguino
Does it fit the desc? If so, I might check it out.
>fuckin oldish movie
>Bunch of midgets
>destroy a kids life
One of the Tremors movies
Back to the future
>the wizard of oz except with niggers
good job
>Guy has existential crisis
>Smokes weed
>Almost fucks daughter's friend
>plastic bag
The Aviator
time bandits again?
Alright, well since nobody is answering I'll just say it; it's The Truman Show.
Time Bandits!
kek, I always smile when I see someone on 4chan who can recognise old movies.
>shitty Michael bay series
the wiz
Willer Wernker
the wiz
american booty
the wiz Thank you its always sunny
>bitch sees her dead mother
>limey creep shows up
>red clay
>more ghosts
>incest and death
>>darkness is very scary
>>nope scarier than that
>>scarier than that too
>>it speaks with 'many' voices
>>for fucks sakes stay in the light
>>shitty faggy kids survive
Back to the future
Jacob's Ladder
calm down, spaz
It was the cat that made me think Inside Llewyn Davis too. Otherwise its an excellent movie about an asshole musician who just keeps making the wrong choices to get himself nowhere.
Wettest Anal MILFs, Vol. 6
>fish and chips kills haggisdad
>kid raised with uncle touchy
>comes back
>doesnt want fight fish n chips
>marrys girl he had a crush on like 20 years ago
>fish and chips kills wife
>clang clang clang
>creepy sex vibe with queen
Don't actually know the name of this one. HELP!

>some creepy fucking ghost
>pukes a lot and eats everything
>kinda anime looking but not really
>would have been a better sequel to home alone
Crimson Peak
>>shitty movie
>>demon hand
>>hand kills
>>it fucks an electric pencil sharpener
>>'there's something under your bed'
It's 7 o'clock in the morning and I haven't slept. Shit, I think I might just watch it.

saving ryan's privates
it is close to the description, that other dude that posted is pretty right on the money
>guy gets fucked up boxing, paul giamatti doesn't care, wins boxing.
> Empty swimming pool
> Bounce
Spirited Away, you're lucky it's my favorite movie
The wiz
spirited away??
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A police officer blackmails a minority for help. This leads to a city-wide freakout and eventually a race war.
Idle Hands
idle hands
Idle Hands
lords of dogtown
Thank you. It was bugging me for a while not knowing
Cant go wrong with the Coen Brothers.
Nope, older
>dead hillbilly
>fat yellow thing does shit
>fat yellow thing is skinny purple thing
>my frenemy is here
>let's dance
you got it
>Be detective
>Search for missing girl
>Tony Soprano did it
>Go for a scuba dive in pool.
>Should get into plastics.
>Fuck a Milf
Thread posts: 409
Thread images: 7

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