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You might remember me from a thread I made last night where I

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 114

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You might remember me from a thread I made last night where I showed you what Melbourne teenagers are like when they go clubbing at clubs specifically for underage kids.

This is a continuation of that, you're welcome to join and laugh at the silly things kids do while I make comments on each photo.
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I'll also be posting some of my favorite images from the last thread
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Jesus is always watching
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There are some weirdos
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Some pedophiles
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Some rapists
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Some who clearly don't want to be there
Most of these idiots look like pure cancer.
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they sure do
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Could these kids look anymore inbred
was walking near flinders at like 2am last night and so many of these little faggots running around
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Probably not
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Can't triforce
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my all time fav
This little goof looks like a total douchebag in the making. He'll be fucking goats burning down sheds and collecting welfare by the time he is 17.
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gotthe same necklace

>syrian "14" year old
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>australian nigs
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Apex is here to fuck shit up
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But he's outnumbered by the rival gang
Are these meant for children? Is there a drinking age in Australia? why? How much money is being made here?
wots ur fkn problem punk?
Solid noin/10. Would molest.

why the fuck is everyone wearing 'stussy'?!

Why so many blacks in australia now? I understand abos n polys but no africans.
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Yes. 18. Money. Yes.

They serve red bull at these clubs.
A reminder this kid got more ass than you, OP.
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It's the hip new thing
Holy fuck..this is definitely the product of inbreeding.
Yes! I know these all too well, underages get into cloud these days they are all juicy as fuck or shardy
couples years ago i used to go there all the time and just get fucking cooked now the place has changed and its fucked
that accent must sound so goofy on a black person
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Also all they do is scream FUCK YEAH and its terrible
fucking CANCER
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Any of this chicks face?
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Nose and eyebrows is all I see
I thought American teens were cringy
She could get it tho
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She doesn't seem to like showing her face
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This guy seems to be stuck in 2011
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Looks like this guy just got back from a construction site
Yeah, lots of the dirty kids who don't actually know how to dress just grab everything with stussy on it.
I think I want to rape her a bit
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Everyone makes fun of Amercians for being fat, but we have a lot of fatties here too
bet ya she shows the snatch on omegle though
The AntiChrist nation.
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i walked down flinders street on new years eve 2016 and fuck me it was nigger central, probably like 300 of em
Jesus fuck what is happening in australia.
keep posting all you got this is like therapy for me
the one on the right looks like a midget wtf
i suppose its like ralph lauren when i was young
>Jesus fuck what is happening in australia.
Same shit as every western country.
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the two kids at school no one talks to but somehow showed up to the club
Whats in their cleavage? Straws?

the standards of the club are far lower than those two already so it's not surprising.
Glow sticks
No one in Australia says punk my man
somewhere near Melbourne, shortbus windows have been licked by these two
>This is Oz women
Why the fuck did Zyzz even bother to go to the gym, what an absolute shitshow.
I should leave my basement once in a while. This shit is fascinating though. Keep posting OP
These are girls.
i feel a bit better as a person because i never did this, dressed like this and looked like this back when i was a teenager
but i feel bad too because they seem to be having a lot of fun and happy as teenager
i was a friendless edgy loner back then
i fucking hate this faggot

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don't feel bad, they are mindless people who fit in too easily.
as long as you're not an utter misfit you're good.
these kids look like cancerous idiots
he'll have mugshots for decades to chronicle his crimes and wasted life
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these kids also get more pussy than you ever will, don't forger that
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What is it with people praying at clubs now?
they probably talk like niggers to
>ayo whatzup fam dis club lit af omg lol xoxo
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>tfw wasn't a Normie while growing up
I don't know if it's bad or good I missed out on this
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Probably a good thing
I love the "Asians" who are clearly way too old to be around there.
>these kids also get more STDs and young pregnancies than you ever will, don't forget that
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did they fuck at this club?
Praying for some dick
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Apologies if I'm missing something here but, how do they get in the clubs to begin with?
too far man :'(((
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It's a club specifically for underage kids
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>implying every ausfailian starts out as an ugly duckling and turns into a swan
Ugly girls grow up to be ugly women. Even the titcow had an irredeemable horseface.
i thought yanks were fat but there are tons of tubby lumpkins down under it looks like
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Gotta dress with class to get the ass
>double hoverhands cocksucka
I mean, I'm gonna bet you looked like a goofy teenager too.
name my band
what is wrong with this black kids face lmfao
Yeah, we're like #3 behind US and England in fatties.
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Gotta bring balance to the world somehow, mate.
Otherwise we'd be too top heavy.
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I'm all for letting people like what they like, people have different definitions of what's fun for them. This is in no way my idea of fun and would be the absolute last thing I would want to do. I don't think that makes me better than them, just different. Keep that in mind when you're comparing yourself to others. Also these are literal children, keep that in mind too
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Even neckbeards can be normies

There's hope for everyone
someone needs to snapchat this clown to death
I couldn't agree with you more
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Can't have a club without a hint of renaissance
i'd tap the middle one
Looked these up to go grab me some underage lolis but its all underage events. Guess I'll deal with the few underagers sneaking into the other venues.

That's Tsimfuckis!
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Somebody tell /fa/ that one of their regulars is on the loose
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Not gonna lie, i looked downright retarded.. Still do.
Thanks for reminding me, faggot!
so are you actually just making fun of these dorks, or a total fucking creep with a lot of pictures of underage boys?
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Hey there, Dra'nakyuek, Destroyer of Worlds.
i hate all these kids because I secretly wish I was them
face melting
"Poor little black guy"
the most awkward makeout session i've seen
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Making fun of them, I used to DJ at one of these retarded clubs so I've had my fair share of having to deal with autism
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This guy must have been sweating his ass off, but it's all right because he can show off how much he loves the Bulls by wearing the jersey of the only basketball player he knows
Whats up with all those "Stussy" clothes OP? Is this some local label or the name of the club or something?
the one on the right has an ironboard for a face
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Another teenager being edgy again, it's just in their nature

I assumed it was American, it's just a super popular brand right now in Australia that you'd find at clothing stores that sell fuckboi clothing
which pic?
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These two are awfully close to each other

Someone should tell her to put a shirt on
at least her body is ok
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Someone's a little sad they didn't get to pose with the big girls
Does australia not have sports? I've seen bulls jerseys, NY yankee caps, and for some reason san francisco giants?
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This guy has definitely seen Bowie's "Heroes" album cover the night before
he'll be sweatin when he tries to get him immigrant microdick into porky folds
Any funny stories ?
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breh... stussy was popular 15 years ago in Aus. Do you not remember this?
this thread was done a couple of months back you unoriginal faggot
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This hickey is awfully low...
nose was taking up too much space
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And yesterday, I'm the same guy who made the threads
has nothing to do with each other
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The eyes say more than his voice ever could
You obviously never was in czech republic where 80% of club visitors are underaged kids, its illegal and i hate it but hey Czech republic is full of cunts
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Anyone remember those weird E.T. looking alien things from Doctor Who?

Genetics boy reminds me of them
lol okay word, and jesus christ that sounds like it sucked bawlz
one of the few times where putting a paper bag on a girl's face while fucking her makes sense :D
he's probably polynesian which are actually indigenous to Straya
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I was super cool when I was their age.

Not at all like these losers.
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If a manlet can fuck normie bitches then so can you
eat a dick faggot. go back to your dick rate threads
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Casey Neistat is the hot new thing this year
it's pretty hot in australia right?
just imagine all the sweat and oil and sticky skins
and also their teenagers with hormones and shit
i wonder what this bar smells like
I'm so glad I had a job in high school that required me to be clean shaved. I know I would have joined this unfortunate parade of pubescent facial hair
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Seems like no one was ready to have their photo taken here
>those fucked up cut wrist

don't ever stick your dick in cray cray
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can someone photoshop me in there please???
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Why is everyone obsessed with these Casio watches again all of a sudden?
This guy should see a doctor about the possible melanoma on his forearm
Michael Cera on the right here
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North Face is too mature to pull off a stupid pose like that
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Do I call him a Nazi, or do I get punched for looking?
smells like.....

the boys in these pics are fucking ugly, did we "devolve" as a species in the last 20 years?
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They probably shouldn't be in such a crowded place if they've all got a cold
them nasty hickeys and dark af armpit
What in the fuck? Why do they look so odd? Didnt know this is how ausfags look
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This guy was pulling some magic tricks all night, the ladies love magic
that nigga at the back wearing yeezy belugas in an underage club wtf
post selfie
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This guy really likes the colour red
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Degenerate ancestors
Well spotted columbo
seems like there's a skaterboy thug faggot culture going on in Melb.

I wanted to move there. glad I didnt.
that weirdo looks like he will be fucking hte boy in black alter lol
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I wonder what it is they're trying to achieve by putting the little glow sticks there?
Right is good to fucking go holy shitt
they want boys to look at it
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Gotta make sure you include an ATM so they can use daddy's credit card to buy as much red bull as possible
more arm hair than Sicilian construction workers
fucking EPIC hover
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I don't believe that she's underage

Maybe it's the nose
dirty cock ass to mouth
Meth & Heroin
these look like the type of kids who drink red bull and pretend to be drunk
At least they have each other :')
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"aw yiss south east blood gang, ayo tyrone..tyrone whatchu doing fam?"
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Cultural appropriation much?
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i never get this new hand dance thing in clubs
they look retarded it's the hand dance club from napoleon dynamite but with neon lights
i always see at least 3 idiots with these things on
in every club i go to
fuck me I used to go to bluelight discos in rural victoria when I was a kid, I hope they weren't this pathetic (they were)
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She doesn't look impressed
>red bull
so they dont sell liquor there?
Is he trying to kamehameha the photographer
no shit, the rest of us just want to look at these pictures because we are concerned about the safety of our youth
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Nope, that would be illegal
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>underage girl has manlier forearms than me, a 30 year old bricklayer
How the fuck should i react to this?!
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That's a long tongue
i feel bad for the dj
he must've taken a lot of drugs to endure this gig
cornrow chick looks a bit porky
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Did you say there's an underage club open?
its swag culture bro
What do the clubs get out of this? They'd get fuck all over the bar and I can't imagine them charging $20 for entry. Unless they get something from the government for "community activities" or some shit
that dude In all black is 100% on Pingaz
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Hey Brendan, Jesus man
this might be an out of topic question
but im looking to try a career change for once
and im interested in welding and bricklaying
is it a good job? how's the paycheck?
They usually have these on during the day before the bar opens for 18+
He got stung by a bee.

welding is a good job
bricklaying is a great way to fuck every joint in your body in 15 years, only thing worse is roofing
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Who brought their dad along?
the photographer must be on fucking hallucinogens to be documenting this cancerous shitstorm
This guy seems like one of those "child refugees"
They all look like retards, melbourne clubbing and scene is fucked but at least its not like sydney
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fatstache and the wiz
so what other drugs do they resort to?
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Take note of how there are only two different types of outfits/looks worn by the males in this picture
askk her brother
The chin would stick out from underneath the bag.
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I wonder how many gang signs you can some up with before you run out of ideas
made me look
Is that a glow stick coming out of his hand??
Jeans and a tshirt are a go-to forever. Now how many genes are shared amongst the people here is more noteworthy
a lot of these girls need to ease up on the shrimp on the barbie
Where was this event held?
that's not a gang sign that's street for
"Stevie, call Mom and get her to pick us up"
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not bad.jpg
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Do you think he tried to get some that night?

Would anyone have tried to stop him?
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Diversity is the one way we can move forward as a country
lol the dude on the right is trying to send a message
he had them lined up for a block cause he was trading roofies for gash in his raper van
Man he likes that black dildo..........
We've got the same shit in France , called teen party for 13 to 17 yold .

Same cringe as well
this isnt stussy thats just the "S"
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Who invited Spider-Man?
The pays good, 25 an hour, and pieced work can get you way above that. But then you'll have to bust your ass.
But like >>733980356 mentioned, its hell on your body. Lots of heavy lifting, winters are cold and the summers are delicious.

But overall i enjoy it, i got some case of ADD so i cannot for the life of me do office shit. And job sites are pretty funny.. Just verbal shitposting for 8 hours a day. No HR department because there are no girls. I'd say go for it.
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Not gunna lie I own a few stussy tshirts but after seeing this I kind of wanna burn them...
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>hickeys for my bby

fuck at least australian teens aren't as fucking ugly
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fucking jew
holy shit these kids look like they're 8
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Tattoos aren't legal for under 18 year olds...
overpriced redbull brah
Özil is that you?
I've seen 1 attractive male and maybe 3 females. Why is AUS scraping the bottom of the genetic barrel ?

Technically are if you get parental permission, that cunt looks 20 though
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Don't worry ,pedos are here too
id say too late to the train. This gen doesnt really have anything so theyre just rehashing the 90s (combined with 90s people starting these companties). Ive always worn the terrorist variant of this watch.

yeah but unless every kid is spending $40 on redbull it's not worth it
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>that guy phase shifting on the right
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red shirt
This pic is from France
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Don't underestimate the stupidity of kids

I can guarantee you that at least of these fuckers has pretended that their drink was spiked with alcohol and pretended to be drunk
Max Headroom
16 in aus if you have written consent
holy fuck why is everyone so ugly?
Thread posts: 282
Thread images: 114

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