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So /b/ the gf found out I voted for Trump and now she says she

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Thread replies: 117
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So /b/ the gf found out I voted for Trump and now she says she wants to fuck a nigger to "punish" me. Should I even be concerned about this?
Dump her lmfao. And if she thinks thats punishment then she just thinks youre insecure. Shes not viewing a black guy as a lover btw shes just viewing him as an object.
you've already proven you're a cuck, why stop now?
How's that make me a cuck you fucking faggot?
Fuck you and your buzzwords.
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Tell her to go right ahead and kick the whore out of your life for even suggesting it. She's going to do it anyway now that she's thought about it so you might as well spare yourself from being cucked and send her off to the cock carousel where she belongs
Don't look at this as punishment. She's 100% already getting plowed by him, so why don't you sit in on one of their sessions and watch? It'll bring you closer together
>How's that make me a cuck
you're a cuck for even considering cuckoldry, you pathetic cuckold. Nobody in their right mind would even "be concerned" about this. Cucks like you (using the word in it's original sense of someone who tolerates his woman being inseminated by other men) can't imagine a world where a man would not tolerate such horse shit, so you're a lost cause.

If you could imagine what actual men who aren't cucks like you think, you'd realize it wouldn't even reach our consciousness to CONSIDER such faggotry, we'd beat the bitch across the head for even bringing it up.

but I'm guessing a faggot like you entertains the though, and your efforts at talking loud only prove this point further, since most cucks try to compensate by outwardly acting all manly and shit.

stay mad, cuckold ;)
You fucking faggot, I'm trying to STOP this from happening.
And I can't break up with her because I'm working for her father's company right now. In fact this whole thing needs to be kept hush hush.
You're not a cuck, you're a pathetic beta nigger that's living his fetish on 4chan you should do something better with your life instead of being obsessed with white men and their women you sad little oppressed nigger.
Look, I don't know what you are like irl but i would punch the fucking shit out of anyone talking shit like that in public around me. And I'd enjoy it.
And you shut the fuck up, too. I'd show in 20 minutes just how much a "beta" I am by kicking your fucking ass.
Tell her to go ahead, then dump that skank. No one needs a mudshark in their life. Maybe she can visit Jamal once he inevitably goes to prison.
Fake and gay
You're already getting cucked politically, you might as go all the way.
Sounds like a WIN/WIN scenario...

You voted for a cuck my dude, she's just empowering you bro. Go for it.
Lol you fucking faggot you're a dweeb on here non stop making autistic threads if I yelled at you you'd have a panic attack and cry pussy, stay inside and let your autism eat you alive beta nigger.
You shut the fuck up asshole, Trump is only looking bad because of the liberal media.
Be quiet nigger, don't make me whip you slave. be a good boy and get on your knees and shine your masters shoes nigger parasite.
Honesty works wonders. Talk to her father about this. I doubt he wants his little girl fucking some nig, unless he's a liberal faggot too, in which case fuck all of them and move on. You're the man, don't let her dictate the relationship. I'm the type to set ultimatums, never backfired on me because I'm right.
Is it hot in here or is it just summer?
You voted for the king of Cucks, you deserve it.
nigger/parasite same thing kek
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She's already been blacked I guarantee you
Stop same fagging stupid nigger, everyone knows it's you the sad nigger that keeps spamming autistic threads obsessed with what the white man has knowing not a single at least average white girl would spit on you nigger.
Why are there liberals here? Just ironic hipsters or what?
did you just fall off the back of a truck?
most of /b/ voted for Clinton and was sad af when Trump got elected
You should be concerned that you have a retarded GF, yeah.
Why do I keep answering to these jewish bait threads for fuck's sake? Probably the same reason I keep visiting 4chan I guess. Boredom.
>not jew
>samefaggin sad nigger
>most of /b/
Nice statistics you got there buddy.
How is this thread "jewish?" Shut the fuck up. And I already explained that I can't dump her right now. Fuck off.
So you weren't here last year.
>most of /b/ voted for Clinton
Everyone here 8s anon how would you know that? Liberals just scream the loudest and appear over represented. Like watching cnn
Yes he fell out of the back of /pol/

>Assuming my political views and willingly sucking Russian dick.
trumpfag getting what he deserves, kek
Besides, Trump is pro-Israel and his daughter is Jewish. Fuck you faggot. Fuck you.
give the full greentext, what's the story?
Conservacucks are the biggest whiners. And the only reason you won is because Trump bucked the system and lied to the right people.
This /pol/ tards got owned by the Jews and can't seem to come to terms with it.
You shut the fuck up. We WON. We are passing laws now to spite you liberals for wasting all that money on welfare. We're going to get BIG fucking tax cuts, do you understand liberal faggot?
It's the exact same reason you all fell down your chair when Trump got elected. You've been so brainwashed by the media that you think most vocal = majority. And this is where you're wrong.
we are the majority,
we beat Trump by 3 million votes
inb4 durr leegals coastal elites durr
There are only 2 genders
Op ignored my advice so this is now a political thread
We can fix that.
Deport 3 million illegals
Fine. Trump is going to get impeached by the end of this year. His support is dwindling. He's holding rallies to give the illusion of popularity.
Well your voting system sucks, THANKS OBAMA!
As long as we can deport the 3 million+ people who hired them.
The fact we won the popular vote is enough to mobilize voters to take back the House in 2018.
Dont be a fucking cuck. Put her in her place. Out your fucking life
Well if she fucks other people you are a cuckold. It must have been the only legitimate use of the word on this site in months.
Trump was not the best choice to run the country I will admit that. Better than hill imo. He's having a lot of trouble but it's pretty sad how many people in the government actively work against him. No one has ever encountered so much resistance being the fairly elected candidate.
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> This never happened for 10 please alex
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YOU should be fucked by a nigger for voting Trump
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I'd be more concerned with hard the conservative establishment cucked the far-right into 4 more years of establishment fuckery.
break up with her
i share my wife
sharing is not a punishment
if she thinks like that, she needs to be punished by being fucking alone, fuck that bitch

trump is the fucking best president we've had in a long time, look how he fucking man handled those fucking europoors

All trumpfags are cucks, so yeah
Muh 12-D chess
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>fairly elected candidate
keep telling yourself that
>We are passing laws

>he actually thinks this.

Name one law congress has passed since trump came into office.
>Tell her go ahead
>Tell her she won't do it
>Tell her you won't believe her unless you get >pics
>She fucks a nigger and takes pics
>Sends them to you
>You screenshot
>You post all her info online with a pic of her sucking nigger dick
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bourgeois democracy is a scam, anyone who says otherwise is a capitalist shill or bootlicker
They're passing laws to make it easier for them to pass laws.
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You're forgetting one crucial thing.
> This is never happened it's just bait to fuel your twisted fantasy/nightmare of interracial cucking.
Seriously how can one be that mad more than 6 months after the election. Just move if you can't accept your own democracy's rules.
well that's gay
Muh democracy
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No. Women can't function if you don't care.

If she pushes it, act like you'd relieved that you can now find some new pussy.

Only the trashiest women fuck niggers in RL. It's a meme.
fascinating rebuttal
Russia hacked the election and that's why hillary was a shitty candidate
>keep telling yourself that
You don't find it weird that the country would vote in billionaire TV personality trump over a seemingly qualified career politician? She was terrible

A woman president
We are moving on. It's empowering to know the system is broken enough that we have to change it.
She will get AIDS.
go fuck a better looking white bitch.
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Like you know anything about women >>733929032
Just responding to a hypothetical situation. I have no fantasy of cucking. I think it's all awful.
What if
> Oligarchy with a facade of democracy?
All you're doing is making faggots stay home on Election Day. Someone should fucking pound your ass for doing that, faggot.
Refer to >>733928961
>a woman president

Yeah it is shocking that our country is that backward they can't handle one
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Politics is not purely about electoral things. Activism and dissent and protest are important parts of democracy.
yeah but if you're being a spiteful ignorant group of dipshits like the Tea Party, why protest? Just punch yourself in the face.
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Nightmare/fantasy it's a collective obsession otherwise cuck would have little meaning to the alt-right (like the rest of the population).
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sure they suck but they got stuff done i.e. dragged the republicans rightwards and shifted public discourse.
Seriously though. I will not do business with a woman. Have been fucked around in the past by emotional women. And guess what, they usually come out on top, because cops and judges are soft and side with the poor battered woman. Even though she's a cruel heartless cunt. Never do business with women boys
They were a bunch of selfish attention whores who served to DISTRACT from public discourse on issues like labor rights and wealth inequality.
Canada has a female pm. It's going so great for us.................excuse me, I have some refugee cock to go suck
Enjoy your sexual discrimination suits, anon. Or make peace and save a bunch of time and money. :^)
The oligarchy had every reason to suck Hillary's snatch and they did, from Obama & co to the press. The people on the other hand, are more and more desperate and saw Trump as a last chance to be heard or "break the wheel".
I can't imagine what's going through a Trump True Believer when they see he really isn't "draining the swamp" and he's a bigger money whore than Hillary ever was.
most of /b/ aren't even old enough to vote
Not for work. I mean stuff like realtors bankers, things I have a choice over
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you shouldn't be "concerned" about it

let her fuck whomever she likes

then you can go and fuck whomever you'd like

you;re an animal. she's an animal. you've been programmed to think as though you are eachothers property. love is love an nothing can change that.

Well to start, you have to hide your political opinions from your significant other. Second, you didn't break up with her to second she said that. That's disrespectful and pretty skanky. I had someone say that to me once. Cheated on me twice I found out a year later after leaving her.
You don't really, since women are making strides in those industries.
But still shit post lib nonsense on b hence the overrepresentation
Pissed. But still better than what hill might have done
How is Trump being a total corporate whore after making practically a scene about how he wasn't going to be a corporate whore better than hilldog?

You faggots are such useful idiots.
I know. But they won't be getting any of my business. I'd rather deal with some prick. At least when a guy is an asshole I can say that to his face and that doesn't affect our business relationship. I'm not trying to make friends, its business.
>Talking tough on the internet.

Dude how are you not beta if you can't even control your own woman. Her even making that comment in the first place means she's probably already done it.

Am I the only one who keeps playing the moment in my mind right before a nigger's penis penetrates a white woman's perfect body over and over?
They are both hypocrites and liars. It's called being a politician. I tend to be more conservative but always choosing the lesser of two evils.
>lesser of two evils
Clinton wasn't "evil" she would have been a good President.
>greentexting random words

That never happened, and if you have any modicum of intelligence, you would realize taking pride in voting for him is a fool's errand. The future will not be kind.
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you dont have a gf
she's punishing herself because she will be known as nigger fucker when you tell any light skinned man that tries to date her in future lol
>Cancer edition.
just explain to her father that you have to break up due to irreconcilable differences. you voted for trump, she wants to fuck nigs. he'll understand
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