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So I guess the attack on Machester was Isis. 22 dead found so

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So I guess the attack on Machester was Isis. 22 dead found so far and upwards of 59 injured. Politics means nothing at this point, innocent people are being slaughtered in the name of a god, and because you have some adgenda you need to adhere to, you simply need to oppose anything the president does. Its petty. There is a larger threat looming here that insignificant squabbling between politics in your country. The president has actually taken action against these vile creatures, and who are you to stand there and say "he's evil, war monger, another hitler." I cannot bear to see anymore people bitch on Facebook or anywhere else about action taken against Isis. Those who oppose the destruction of Isis, should be branded as traitors and recieve the same fate Isis is destined for, the ink black abyss of death.
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It just makes me sick that there are people who are too stubborn to admit when theyre wrong just because they cant agree with anything the guy in the other party said. I really disliked Obama because he was a weak islam/pc apologist. But at least he did one or two things right like voting yes for net neutrality.
I hope you die a slow and painful death then.
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You are right.
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Muslim here, with a message for you islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
Kinky pig
Made me reply/10
The President is more concerned about muhhh ratings than defeating ISIS.
We need to look elsewhere.
The point where you start using terror attacks to suggest killing your country men because you don't see eye to eye is the point the terrorists have won.

The whole point isn't to kill people, its to spread fear and turn people against each other.

The only way to combat terrorism is less foreign interventionism. You can't shoot an ideology.
So that excuses killing of innocent people?

Fucking get a grip.
I'm from Manchester and I laugh in your fucking face you loser.

Doesn't matter what you do, Manchester will carry on as we always did.

You have no power in Manchester, loser.
oh yeah, the little kids at the concert totally did all those things. you're delusional. if muslims can't stop their own from being radicalized, then ban them from the western world. there is no other solution.

we gave you a shot. you fucked up. back to the sandy wastes with you.
Fucking muslim scum, crawl back into the cave you came from

I know its still recent and emotions are running high but you guys are just taking bait without thinking. That shit poster is probably not even Muslim.
agree, not even muslim.

once it was under the pretext of communism now it's islamic terrorism
The radical Muslim cuts the head off while the conservative Muslim holds there legs down all Muslim sand niggers should be killed then problem solved none of their beliefs fit with modern society they need to turn their watches forward 2000 years
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tscheck' em

ITT: we wait for 733555555
It happened already

You are partially right on all points, but are painting only a fraction of a picture without mentioning all of the internal causes within the countries and groups affected.

Putting all fault on external factors is lazy and ignorant.

54 get
Donald Dump doesn't serve you, he serves his Wallstreet overlords. Fuck Donald Dump, cuckmander in chief, and fuck you, cuckservative bitch.
Thatcher killed more kids than that.

News articles are literally "stuff that usually never happens".

ISIS need to up their game until they're ahead of "people not using seatbelts", "drink driving", and "high cost of heating WRT state pension".
Think about the people as if they were storm troopers in Star Wars. They may be individually innocent, but they are guilty because they work for the Evil Empire
It doesnt matter who started what fucktard. It matters that fucking Isis is killing innocent people constantly. I hope you reach the same fate they will. Go back to your own muslim country then, if the west is so awful. Enjoy your corrupt society that opresses women.
Evil empires? You mean the middle east who allow these vile beings to thrive in their countries?
And literally my post was about people like you, you deserve to rot in hell.
>You are the cause of all of this.

We could just easily kill you all.

Muslims like to pretend they will conquer the world and kill all infidels but they lack the means to do it. Whites actually do have the means to exterminate all life in Middle East.
True, but it feels good to think you are telling off a piece of shit like that.
Have you met isis?

how can you verify they are even real?
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And catching Osama bin Laden
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Lets make this a muslim/sandnigger hate thread
He had nothing to do with that, that was robert gate's victory that Obama stole the limelight for.
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No fuck you
>>>733480028 (You)
>He had nothing to do with that, that was robert gate's victory that Obama stole the limelight for.
Classic selective bias. Let me guess, if a Republican were president you'd give them credit?

But a black guy? No it had to be the white guy doing everything.
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Goat cheese and I love it so I can do that lol no I doubt that I will do that to me
What are you? A nigger? It's everyone's fault but the people who are blowing up civilians.....
Go back to goat land with your "we wuz kangs and shit" fucking tears
So what did he do apart from approve the operation? Plan it? Drop in with the SEAL team?

Try not to be quite such a fucktard ok?

The president is on a jaunt of the Middle East. He got all friendly with Saudi Arabia, they are pals, they are not a democracy and the main funder of extreme Islam. So what exactly is the president doing?
Thank you.
Also, he was only elected because he's black. Try to use something besides the race card to win an agrument, its a classic liberal move and it doesnt work.
the very people who are blowing up civilians are those in your elected democratic governments
So congress bombed Manchester? Is that what you are saying? Faggot.
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>you deserve to rot in hell.
And Trump will turn the US into that hell.
False Flag until I see the explosion(s).
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Believing everything the media tells you.
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>Also, he was only elected because he's black
And trumpy was only elected because of idiots with no ability to think.
No he was elected because you libtards gave us an even worse option. I did not want to vote for Trump but you morons in the left made me because you put him against fucking Hillary.
>an even worse option
the only option worse than trump, would be 2 trumps
I feel like I understand Muslims.

When I was a kid, I got hooked on Pokemon and video games. For them, they grow up in a environment where it's cool to kill people for Allah.

The problem really stims from the children being indoctrinated into killing. If somehow you could convince the children that fidget spinners and cellphones are cooler than guns and bombs, then radical Islam will go away.
just delete these kebabs from the world, everyone would forget a few months later until we have the "international remember the sand niggers" day.
Then we would go about our business, as usual.
And take the oil from the land, without the need to pay for it, the western world wins regardless.

TL;DR: delete kebab
too bad its not what the rest of your country thinks
We are living in a modern-day dystopia.
Spying and surveillance programs like the ECHELON spying satellites than can intercept any text message or email or phone call or the mass surveillance conducted illegaly by the U.S. government exposed by Edward Snowden prove that privacy in the modern age is absolutely dead.
We have amazing technology and science and have the power to feed, house, and clothe every person in the world and we simply don't. Why? In the past hundred years, we went from two billion people to seven billion people, and if we don't bring down our numbers, we won't be able to sustain ourselves.
More than seventy percent of the world lives on less than ten dollars a day. How is that possible? We can easily give everyone a standard living style and simply DON'T because We DON'T FEEL LIKE IT.
Police officers are completely untouchable and are militarizing. They can get away with almost anything and there's literally nothing we can do to stop it. All a government needs to do is scream, "TERRORISM!" and every pisses themselves even though there hasn't even been another terrorist attack even slightly close to 9/11.
If you're living in a developing country, you are forced to deal with a corrupt government that will screw you over by not providing you with enough. If you're living in a developed country, you are forced to deal with a corrupt government that will screw you over by taking your rights away from you.
There's a system of people, government, and companies. The people should have all the power; they elect government and decide what to buy. But now, the government and companies are just benefitting each other while they fuck the people.
There is no point. The middle class is soon to dissapear as all it's going to be is extreme wealth or extreme poverty. They can know everything they want about you and already do. Profits are worth more than human lives.
Civilization is doomed.
Why is /b/ so easily baited?
Do you people really think that a mudslime lover is really on these boards?
You guys are literally just a step above the idiots that strap bombs to themselves for the sake of religion.
So I got an honest question.

Why don't we fight them? I mean if we think about it, the corruption in America for instance is because of a couple thousand or less CEOs/Elite right?

So why don't we stop the bullshit and head for them? They are the problem aren't they?
"You forced me to kill inocent kids"


https://discord dot gg/wRezpMc
Go join isis then you stupid fucking muslim. Im in the reserves, id be happy to go to war with you and brutally slaughter all of your men women and children
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How to stop ISIS:

NATO / Israel need to stop giving them money, ammo, supplies, intel, training, promotion

NATO / Israel need to stop bombing the Syrians and Russian fighting them

Replace the U.S. Constitution with one which outlaws Capitalism

Try everyone in the U.S. / Israel government responsible for creating ISIS, all U.S. service personnel who are or have been in Syria (illegal invasion = crime against humanity = following orders not a defense) and hang them until they are dead.
This. This guy is right. Which is why i say anyone who steps out of line in any way needs to just be executed. A fear like that, that effects everyone, would definitely keep people in check, rich or poor
you are right sir.
And we will be the one who blast a fucking hole on your shitload land.
We make just one mistake to leave your goats fucker alive.
Nope. Wanna know how to stop isis? Kill anyone affiliated with them. You muslims want to bring your "holy war" to us? NATO has weapons that will make you shit your pants with fear and beg your useless faggot prophet mohammed for forgiveness.
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I'm an Irish American with no religious affiliation, you ignorant dumb fuck.

It's 2017.

Millions upon millions of people have seen the film Charlie Wilson's War. You're probably seen that movie.

There's no excuse for being this ignorant anymore. NATO, led by the U.S., is responsible for killing several million Muslims in my lifetime. And you just said bring your war to you. There's no excuse for being that ignorant.

You're just a piece of shit. You have no morality. You're a child. You're more easily manipulated than the most delusional religious zealot. You really want to be among the dumbest, most ignorant people currently living on the planet?

Then stay the fucking course, you fucking retard.
>I'm an Irish American with no religious affiliation
then why do you care about isis? are you that fucking stupid?
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>implying he gives a fuck about wall street
>or any other american street
Just give us the oil. You don't need to be a bitch about it. Jeeez, god!
Listen dumbass, I never disagreed with you in regards to the US/NATO creating and funding these fucks. The thing is, you're being just as ignorant but think its ok because you're a sympathizer. You really think killing all the troops and politicians is gonna solve anything? You want them gone? Vote for someone else. You cant negotiate with terrorists, theyll keep doing this until theyre stomped out. NATO and its allies created this mess, time to clean it up. Even if that means war.
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Why should I care that my country is committing genocide in my name?

Why don't you go play a video game? That might be better for all concerned.
how do you suppose they're commiting genocide?
>Wanna know how to stop isis? Kill anyone affiliated with them.

As the post you are replying to said, the U.S. and Israel attack the SAA and Russian army every time they are about to crush ISIS.

This isn't conspiracy. This isn't propaganda. And everyone who doesn't get their news from Western corporate media knows it to be fact.

What do you recommend?
Lol you dont know the definition of genocide you fuck. Ive had family that was killed as a result of an actual documented genocide. Fuck you, if im brainwashed, then youre just as brainwashed you piece of shit.
Then it is us that should end it. With the extermination of the people. If they are dead they can't kill. And a genocide will be but a few pages in the history books. Easily overlook and quickly glossed over.
You really want to know how to defeat ISIS? Quit enriching Saudi Arabia who finances them, quit selling weapons to Saudi Arabia who arm them.
meh/10 would still bomb whole middle-east if it was up to me, and i am not even from usa
sauce on all of these plz, or gtfo muslim degenerate, TURAN WILL PROSPER!
this would be the best solution. 50-60 nukes and the problem would be gone.
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God bless Trump, for standing up to Saudi agression.
why dont you look for the sources yourself, they can be found very easily, from wikipedia to history books, and most recent from news outlets. or are you just uneducated fool?
Nice bate
actually if we carpet bomb middle-east we could use the land after they are gone
I am not uneducated, simply put,
>you state a thing
>you have to prove it
it ain't like some religion where you can say god exists without proof
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