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What is your experience with Hispanic chicks?

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Thread replies: 185
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What is your experience with Hispanic chicks?
their farts smell like tacos
crazy bitches
A broken windshield, court cases, and crazy sex.
if they were raised by parents who kept a tight leash on them, then they are most likely good at cooking and pretty loyal
and some of them know how to sow!
Depends on what kind, western murrican raised Hispanic is just like your typical western white whore except she is brown, hispanic chick that comes form a pueblo or some small town in mexico are hard workers and very traditional.
Wettest pussy ever
There're just 3 options:
1) She's a whore and loves the D
2) She's kind of boring because she got abused
3) She's a whore and loves the D because she got abused
that sounds amazing

I want a hot Latina to blast a nice al pastor taco fart in my face
Psycho, already have 6 kids by the time theyre 18, threaten to get their "down ass vato cousins to beat you up", smell like patchouli and jalapenos....
latinas have amazing buttholes
>be me
>Met a gril on /soc/
>We live close to each other
>Chat it up for a while
>We send pics
>She's a qt and has huge tits
No, eat shit, your story is bogus
Cant deny those quints
Can prove it

Cute when they under 28. Their bodies turn to cellulite and fat beyond that. Especially after childbirth.
No you cant.
Kek has the 33344444
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Please stap, kek
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sloots gonna sloot
clingy, possessive, moody

generally crazy
this, exactly this
witnessed and confirmed
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>perfect amount of body fat
>eager to please
>younger sister was constantly flirty
>couldn't understand the dad
>mom was fucking crazy
My Latina gf ate a bowl of pozole and drake 8 cans of Tecate last night, she farted right in my face and it was fuckin amazing
Post the pics nigga
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>uses kemojis
what's this bitches name
Lol ok
I guess I won't provide juice tits
>Didnt have to violate me like that
Man, what's up with these literal pussies not knowing how to spit game and take rejection? I'd have that bitch salivating at the thought of fucking me
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so this is CP
Moar nao
Our loss, i guess.
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Latino fag here.
They are annoying. Be prepared to meet their big ass family.
All about the white girls. Beautiful women. Master race
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If reverse image doesn't check you ill be reportin you nigger (after i save :3)
Thanks for ruining the thread asshole. Go die
Met one off craigslist. Did ass to mouth with her. Shit was hot as fuck.

That's the end of my experience. She never talked to me again.
I like them both but I prefer Latinas
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Latinas can't compete
they are good until around 27, then get very fat and usually depressed.
plan accordingly
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If you wanna see a sexy latina Google heidymodel
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She were a mess, a good ass-hell tier mess

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yes they can
I see insanely hot 27-35 year old Latinas all the time
God damn those are nice
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So you saved a butterhog off /soc/ and pretend you fucked her?

Couldve at least saved a hotter one, you retard
Latino here, born and raised Panamanian, can confirm white chicks are the shit. >>733345159
I've got a thicc Catholic one that'sbeen wanting me for quite a while. I've been using her for relationship advice for literally months, but now that I've exhausted most of my options, I'm considering finally getting with her before she moves away in a month.
Should I do it?
Pic related, she's the one in the front.
Also related to the pic, I'm a senior in HS (18) and the Asian in the top right corner is a freshman who wants the d. Should I risk it?
>uses jaiden meme
Oh cool other people on here watch her too.
>inb4 newfag
>inb4 get out
All the actual NEETs left 4chan years ago.everyone here is a newfag that was left untaught by the previous generation of anons left to roam and make a new culture. then failed miserably
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Sorry bro. They can't compete. White girls FTW
Y'all better save quick, I anticipate an imminent nuke on this here bread
>I see insanely hot 27-35 year old Latinas all the time

no, you think you do
they are like 25
I mean it wasn't like it was good to begin with. Now it's exciting and i got to FUKKEN SAVED for the first time in a while
no, I know their ages
she's hot, but yes Latinas can compete
I have been with Hispanics and white girls. Hispanics are a better fuck but crazy! White girls are okay but can take better advantage of them
Must be true
Meh. She's a 5.

The only attractive one in the picture is the white girl in the back
What i miss out on?
How hard is it being this gay?
They're wild animals.
Should be chained up somewhere, or at very least kept on a leash.

They are fucking psycho.

They are also loyal.

If you want to marry them and raise a family, you better do everything 100% correctly by their standards, or THEY WILL DESTROY YOU.

You have been warned.

Good luck.
How hard is it being that much of a faggot?
Some dude claimed to post 16 year old gf, reverse image produced no results :3
Could have easily been bullshit but you never know...
Whatever you don't do it HS you will regret the rest of your life. Fuck anything that moves.
About as easy to save a rando pic of a whale off /soc/ and say you totally fucked her
Any person can take care. If your mexi get nasty turn her in for a new one. Mexican chicks are great, but they wont leave, Once you have one expect her to be there forever.....oh...they are always psychos in bed. It's perfection.
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Here's another of her
Idk what you want me to do to prove it.
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Prove it then. Who can compete with this
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First she wasn't a whale she was pretty cute.
Second you're mad af and no one knows why :3
Third even if he did take it off /soc/ the girl's pics couldn't be found anywhere else. So in my eyes he's cool, you're yet another useless nigger clogging up a fap thread with acrimonious horseshit.
If you go to a Mexican party the 12-15 year olds are sluts. The older guys there don't care if you hook up with their nieces either. Also, they have the ass and tits of 20 year olds.
While true, I don't know if that one is into me.
Don't piss them off, even if you have cat-like reflexes. They WILL throw anything and everything at you.
Good plan
>implying 75 Russian 25 Japanese are superior.
fuck, kill, marry?
Take that disgusting shit back to /soc/ where you saved it from
Latino here also, I LOVE fucking white girls! White girls love Latin guys, they always approach me first, they love working out, they love the music I like, they're up on pop culture and are generally very smart.

Latinas like shity hip hop, Reggaeton, and nothing else, they've never seen any good movies really, they get really defensive or insulted if you say clever or intelligent things around them, they are generally ignorant and stupid.

White girls>Latinas
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what? the last two Latinas I've gotten to know have diverse taste in music, and one of them actually has similar taste as me (lots of rock)
shes getting dressed for her quincenera
Haha get mad faggot. Go back to your cuck category on xvideos
what about white washed hispanic girls? some white washed dominican girl has a crush on me and shes thicc to. avoid? or go for it
Same Latin guy,
This is a GREAT example, Latin women would never even ride a bike on a trail, maybe just ONCE and take a million selfies just to brag that she did it. White girls love the outdoors are are very secure with their bodies, a Latina would have 5 o'clock stubble on her ass.
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They are low iq savages with the personal hygene of one.
Also they dont look like op picture and they are pooping out around 6 kids on avg.
Soo they will take over you r society and you will feel like you are in mexico
fuckin go for it
I actually know a latina who's into hiking a lot
butthurt stormcuck virgin

If she's a traditional type with fully illegal parents, then you got a keeper, which I doubt. If you have a white washed girl raised in white areas, you got a white girl with a slight inferiority complex and a "tries too hard" front to fit in.
She hangs around Mexicans dude. Feed the alcohol. Raep her and blame them.
You a white or brown skin latino?
She was a lot hotter when I could pretend she was underaged. Her new tits are a monstrosity
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>tfw i missed
I'm white skin Latino.
205 lbs.
Latina here, bi curious but I've always been attracted to white girls.. they have the perfect features.
You know anon, you literally just killed someone in another thread..
do you like white guys?
bitch who grows food is probably a keeper
I actually want tits :(
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Latino fag here
White girls FTW
what happened?
yell alot and cry all the time.

My house was never cleaner.

She liked rape play so I was never sure if she was into or just didn't want to do it... My wiener was very frustrated about it.
Yes, I've had two white guys and they were the best sex I had. Mexican men are boring, from my experience.
>White skin latino
Well no shit....
where do you live?
Kek there are some dark ass latinos ok. I happen to be very light skinned. Green eyes.
Kek that's not what white girls tell me. They love this Latin dick.
In Houston. Also idk how to reply to a post lol
>TFW im a dark skin Latino
Sex. All. The. Time.
damn, too bad you're not in New York haha

is it common for Latinas in Houston to date white guys?
what do you mean by dark skin?
No, but I moved here from a small town in CTX. Alot of white people there..
Skin color of a pinto bean
Not worth it.
Looking back, Ive pretty much been with them all, except a middle easterner.

>dated a few white girls. loads of drama from all of them, especially the jew.
>friends with benefits with 2 mexicans, they happened to be sisters actually. one was kinda fat, the other was in really good shape. killer body. they both cooked and were really sweet. but had weird habbits.
>fucked around with a fillipino chick for awhile, and she was super godly and family oriented. wanted me to hang out with the family, etc.
>dated viet girl, tight little bod and pussy. pretty immature though
>now been with a half black/white girl. and shes the best in my opinion (obviously). body shape is pretty decent. but she has absolute perfect smooth skin, nice full hair, tight as fuck pussy and nice ass. also, shes a 10/10 personality.
do you have a kik?
so like tan?

nothing wrong with that, it just helps (regardless of color) to not be fat and or ghetto

Fucked one along with my ex-wife after wedding in Mexico. Was fucking awesome!
hot as fuck but will gain minimum 20 pounds when you get into a LTR or marry one. As always, take a look at her mom to see what the future holds.
mulatto pics now pls
I think they can
Def not ghetto but do need to get back into shape.
well that's good enough, as long as you're not super fat you can still get girls. I'm a little out of shape myself and I've gotten girls before.
annoying, needy, and crazy.

always want to start some shit and love nagging and poking their nose where it shouldnt be.

fuck like goddesses though
I want to poke my nose between their butt cheeks
Xo.jenn. is my Kik
They make a lot of brown babies
I fucking lo ve those. Will you post moré?
trust me my friend. its great the first time
but it consumes you
do you mean like it's addicting? I can see myself getting addicted to sniffing latina booty
with two periods in it? I just sent you a message
Yes two periods in it.
check your kik
I hope so, don't wanted to become a wizard.
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OP, they're very nice as whores or short term fucks off of Tinder, but would make shit wife. They turn into Gargoyles in a matter of years.
How old are you now? Do you have tinder? Do you live in a city?
not true
i mean she will literally consume the life out of you. like a parasite. you will end up hating yourself for ever getting to know her and you'll be too much of a pussy to break it off because you know she'll go psycho on your ass
Latinas are awesome in the sack except for one thing they refuse to do.
For one gf it was refusing to be on top.
For another one it was letting me do foreplay on her. She hated it. Which is weird since other girls loved when I ate them out.

Maybe ones that are more European will age better but the ones with that native in them are monsters.
Latina pussy is delicious

and why did that chick not like being on top?
no, I've seen plenty of indigenous leaning latinas that aged well
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some wat to give you a huge some want anal sex
20, nope my self-esteem is to low for that, yes.
you should try it anyway, you might get something

what city do you live in?
Fell in love with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is Mexican. Making out was amazing, sex was the best I have ever gotten, and was so fun to be around.

But she was a fucking cheater who still had sex with her ex while trying to keep it a secret from me.
I'll give it a go when i lose some weight, LA.
any more? she looks sexy af
> Has a folder full and ready for every b8

m8 you need some help.
try it now, many girls don't mind a little chub
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Here in Mexico, it's not easy to come up with a glib generalization. Except maybe that Central American girls are the least loyal and Argentinean girls are unbelievably stuck-up.
Alright, thanks anon.
Don't kill yourself! Life is worth living
she have good pussy too?
My Guatemalan friend is sexy as fuck. We had a thing going, but since she had a boyfriend I beta'd the fuck out. Come to find out, she was about to leave him to be with me, until she found out her best friend and me fooled around. Fast forward a year later, we got back in touch, I told her how I feel about her, and we're hanging out now. She still has the same boyfriend, and the tension is real.
Married a 100% born and raised in Meheeco girl.
I wake up every day wondering what i did to be this lucky.

>She does everything around the house
>has a solid paying job,
>she is cool as shit,
>her fam is pretty dope,
>food is delish,
>my pants are magically iron somehow
>get to vacation to all over Mexico
>get to fuck a solid 9/10 body girl with the cutest face possible, she doesn't have that whore/bitch face all 9/10s do

The majority of guys at work are divorced or in shitty marriages, they eat canned soup or sammiches for lunch while i get to eat delicious as fuck homemade food erry day.

listen to them complain about their shitty lives and fucked up kids while i eat my chile rojo.
the crazy - hot scale applied x10
I just got a handjob a few hours ago and now I wanna jerk off already thanks to this
fucking nice

does she have nudes?
They're fun and wild and taste amazing but are also crazy repressed and prone to violent outbursts. They make redheads with bad tattoos look sane in the long run.
Niggers can keep the white girls, ill stick with the cute tan girls.
Always love to get fucked
They cook good
Want to please you
Batshit crazy
Insanely jealous
You can either be right or you can be happy
You can't be both

got the brown skin here, they like it, either way, man. I'm smart well spoken and have never failed to make a girl laugh I'm a bonafide catch, the thing is I like fucking thicc to bbw bitches and they can't wait to jump on the dick

Demasiado indígena.

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