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What the fuck is with you Trumpfags? Why is it anytime someone

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Thread replies: 126
Thread images: 51

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What the fuck is with you Trumpfags? Why is it anytime someone says mean words you act like the snowflake SJWs you despise so much? Why do you retards fall for obvious bait threads meant to make you salty and butthurt all the fucking time? Are you genuinely retarded?
when a person is truly ignorant and unreasonable they are completely unaware that anything they do is wrong and the rest of the world seems insane to them.
Yes they are.
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Yes...Yes they are!
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because trumpfags are idiots
Pretty much, these faggots look at SJWs and realize that SJWs are their dark counterpart and are a mirror of what they are - loud, fat, stupid, obnoxious, self-righteous, and repugnant. They act like SJWs because they're the catalyst for what made SJWs a thing, not liking Trump is the same wrongthink as not being a feminist.

Why? Because they see so much shit slung at the fucking retard they voted for that their natural reaction is to overreact and become butthurt little babies - again, they gave rise to SJWs and basically use the same tactics.
Trump will go down as the worst president in the us
I wonder how Dubya feels knowing Trump is a bigger fucking idiot than he was.
Happy , since it makes him look better
Notice how none of them are even answering. Because they know how stupid they act and look when they chimp out like they do.
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>If you don't agree wiff me ur a wiberaw fwam weddit whaa.
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>inb4 1000 double standard replies
1/8 b8 just because I replied to tell you it's b8
Also probably at least one samefag mixed in there
Good day sirs I'm not here to stay b8 your hook better another day
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Oh god, you're not gonna start talking about white genocide are you?
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He is, because these faggots can't ever respond to a question without 'muh white genocide' or 'muh cultural marxism'.
Finally someone said it! Hail Trump!
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come at me brah
pretty much sums up libtards and bernie supporters
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Oh look a special snow flake getting butt hurt go slap the shit out of your mom for giving birth to you same goes to all liberal lazy fucks!
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take it to /pol/ boys..
this is spidey-town now
Stop b8ing the b8 you'll just tangle your lines
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>Calls someone an special snowflake
>Sperging harder than a Steve Universe fan on Tumblr.
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Not bait you stupid fucking liberal bitch it a fact go suck a nigger dick faggot>>732921839
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are you actually letting yourself get that mad because you probably shouldn't be on this site if b8 makes you mad this easy
Just my advice tho I'm sure you're old enough to make your own choices
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>it a fact
You talk like the nigger in that image.
Found the drumpfy tard building his TRUMPâ„¢ wall out of Lego's
Better go get your tendies boy
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>green texting my recent reply to a liberal cry baby wuss
>(you)oh look i green txt because im a pathetic unoriginal waste of fucking space because im not inspired by anything i do in real life so i try to be edgy on 4chan so i can look cool like the rest of these fucking FAGGOT LIBERALS LAZY FUCKS!!!
>48 replies
>16 posters
samefag levels are off the charts, so much b8
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Hah your too easy and im not mad :) your just a lil ignorant faggot bitch
nice b8 m8
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What happened to you conservatards being thick-skinned and can take mean words? OH WAIT, I FORGOT YOU'RE JUST AS MUCH OF BUTTHURT SNOWFLAKES AS THE LIBERALS YOU HATE ARE. Cry moar, faggot.
Geez louise mate I was just asking you don't have to get so ruffled
Why this guy so mad I'm so confused lmao
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Who talks like that?? beard neck faggot go back to california and get fucked by a tranny stupid fuck!
These people love to sperg. They cannot help themselves when their god emperor is questioned.
>"beard neck"
Okay boys confirmed b8, let's move out and find a new thread
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Because Trumptards are just as bad as the niggers they despise.
The chimpouts they have over petty shit like obvious bait threads is a good example.
It's all yours spidey just ignore the sperg and shot web
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Nah you got it all wrong here let me explain with anons comment "when a person is truly ignorant and unreasonable they are completely unaware that anything they do is wrong and the rest of the world seems insane to them."
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This thread isn't even about whether or not Trump is a good or bad president, it's asking his supporters why they act just as bad as the people they decry as over emotional and ultra sensitive.

It's a legitimate question, it's very hypocritical when you tell others they should have to have their candidates face criticism but you think yours is beyond fucking reproach. It's ridiculous.
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Because i like talking down to liberal people there really lazy fucking degenerates LOL>>732923042
They're redditors, /pol/ opened the floodgates.

Former sjw bernout here, i came to 4chan when i realised the dems were the real racists.
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It's not bait you stupid fucking dumb ass YOU JUST LOST TO ME BWAHAHAHAA liberals are too fucking easy to scare away XD!!!!!
So /pol/ is a buncha losers who get butthurt over Trump's cock not being sucked?
Makes sense.
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ive got some friends in DC

trumps fucked

mueller's gonna clean house they aren't sure if even pence will survive
Greentext version?
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Gay bait try harder
I knew you were lying when you said you had friends.
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>ive got some friends in DC
>trumps fucked
>mueller's gonna clean house they aren't sure if even pence will survive

He shit his pants on the golf course today when he heard they appointed Mueller
those are more like 11's, what a shit meme
We've elected a man-child which perfectly represents the culture we live in.
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How about this meme will this do for you?
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AND??? what culture do you mean americans don't have a culture? it's a diversity of shit load of people from other countries that maybe(maybe) giving/bringing americans culture...
I speak for all trump supporters. You libfags dont understand if you do get trump impeached the right will bein a purge of its own slaughtering the left wing scum. Republicans already won one civil war and we can do it again. Impeach him at your own peril.
this makes no sense: school shooters are overwhelmingly (if not entirely) losers who can't ever hope to have a girl.
hell, that might even be a good strategy to reduce school shootings: pay some hookers to fuck some of these betas!
lib talking points in the filename. and you wonder why you fags get called shills. enjoy your CNN brain cancer
So basically it's gonna be like Antifa is now? Buncha masked faggots screaming oppression and tyranny? Okay.
SNOPES rated it false. Even SNOPES, a /pol/ liberal bogey man, didn't lie just because it hates trump. many, many of us hate trump
Are you ok? You should see a doctor or you are going to work yourself up into a heart attack just like Alex Jones did back in 2015. Wouldn't want the globalists to confiscate your corpse and replace you with a clone!
Real republicans will be ready to put you libs down like the cancer you cucks are. If trump gets impeached the right will purge the country of the left wing to have a real democracy with real people.
I speak for all trump supporters when I say he does not speak for all Trump supporters, we're not all lunatic spergs, Trump messed up, should probably be impeached after this latest fiasco. Was a sad run he messed up
Remember boys he was just a meme we raised anyway
Americans have a puritan, class based culture. We care about leisure, quick fixes, and corporations solving all of our problems. We love our leisure time and quick fix lives so much we spend most of it working to actually do anything. After a life of working like a slave for little benefit, we complain how liberals want to destroy our shitty way of life. also we love prisons
You are a fake republican and you will be slaughtered in the purge leftist scum.
That seems more like a fascist action, y'know, mass slaughtering political opponents.

I'm sure absolutely nothing will come of your words.
I represent all republicans, we politely decline your invitation to purge, you'll have to go it alone.
You crybabies dont own weapons. We republicans do. We have more weapons and will slaughter you leftist scum.
Like and share
I represent real Republicans, you won't be harmed, don't pay attention to this guy, he's kind of unstable emotionally and you upset him and made him cry
And cause damage to the party's already bad image by acting like a terrorist fag.
All these fake republicans... The real republicans will take our country back and win us our 2nd civil war. The leftists will be rounded up and slaughtered for this. give me liberty or give me death!!
Well we all know whos the retard in the room
I represent the actual republicans for real, there will be no civil war, this guy isn't on our side he's just a crazy sperg
>r8 muh b8 m8 8/8.
fuck off OP, even if I voted for another {not clinton} I'd still call you a Candy-Ass for posting this copy-pasta bait.
He's like that edgy drama whore we all knew back in high school who's unironically a communist or anarchist.
Spot on
Found the /r/The_Donald poster, even acts like the faggots from there too.
This is why the USA needs the KKK and the Bible. WE MUST fight back and destroy the leftists. They are no better than ISIS and must be rounded up and eliminated. For the sake of our country. We also have a majority and civil war will happen if trump is impeached.
Hit all the key talking points with that one, keep it up Drudgy McCinfowars
Cool story bro, tell it again.

And yes, I busted that out from it's grave just for this.
You are a disgrace to true republicans. We won a civil war already and we can easily win another.
U fokking wat mate
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>What the fuck is with you Baitfags? Why is it everytime you have to post mean words just to bait the snowflake SJWs you despise so much? Why do you retards post obvious bait threads meant to make people salty and butthurt all the fucking time? Are you genuinely retarded?
That's nice dear, no one's listening still but that's nice.
Yes lazy liberals, the ones that go to college and make something of themselves.
Posting on /b/ sure as shit isn't helping
All these fake republicans are no better than the niggers/towelheads/faggots on the left. true disgrace to the real republicans that want a free country.
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Yes i'm fucking doing GREAT! and no I don't need to see a doctor maybe you can go see your mom instead and slap the HOLY FUCKING shit out of her for giving birth to your lazy beard neck piece of faggot shit :). Oh and I always have protection 24/7 son unlike you shady fuckstien! :D and I don't give a flying fucking hell about Alex Jones cuckboy! (Pic is you)
Listen faggot, no one here buys your tough guy war nonsense.

What you're ACTUALLY gonna do if Trump is impeached is go back to that shithole /pol/ and REEEE like the autist you are, or back to The_Donald on Reddit and sperg like a nigger who just got denied welfare there.
Nice try libfag if trump gets impeached we will be at your door with guns. All true republicans will fight back agaisnt this tyranny.
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Oh look it is this thread again. Go home Shia youre drunk.;
Paul Joseph Watson released a new video that shows what true republicans will do. The comments are filled with real republicans who wont stand down the the faggots on the left. We will take back our country and have a democracy.
I have no reason to indulge you anymore, you say that America needs the KKK - the social group choice of redneck sisterfuckers who just can't accept that Tyrone the Nigger has a bigger cock than Jimbo the incest baby.
Another fake republican who doesnt want to stop the #whitegenocide. Leftists like you are working with ISIS to destroy the west. WE need a straight/white/christian country that will not stand for this leftist crap. If we dont we will be dead and real republicans will fight to the death.
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ITP: You.
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My spidey senses are tingling, the only way to destroy these shills is to post more spideys!
It's partially Russians. Every day 500 are employed to do the kremlin's bidding.
Them darn Russians, it's like Team Rocket.
>Are you genuinely retarded?

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Thread images: 51

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