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Dead Celebrities/Famous People Thread

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 57

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Dead Celebrities/Famous People Thread
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it happened a minute ago
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Is that all they could find of him?
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Who is that?
Can you find Connor Clapton?
who dis?
RIP Farley, you were a revolutionary legend
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the coke all over the table jeez

david carradine
David Carradine
i laughed. good one.
David Carradine, autoerotic asphyxiation. Think he was cross dressing at the time as well IIRC.
Bludgeoned with a camera tripod (they think)
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Damn, if someone doesn't believe this was a crime of passion they are just pants on head retarded. OJ ISIS'd her ass.
Oh bill from kill bill
Fuck is he holding a rosary? It's like he knew he would be dying
>RIP Farley, you were a revolutionary legend
Said no one ever
Are you a retard? I just said it.
He had his moments, but overall probably overrated like John Belushi.
Both farley and belushi made me laugh my entire childhood. They were exactly alike in having their own styles unique to them. That's something
Is she wearing a fucking onesie?
His dad threw him out the window to promote that song. Famous people get away with everything.
There were people with him (I think) so they may have put it in his hand after the fact
but seriously. why is only his head at the funeral?
That's very true. Comedy's pretty damn subjective so I don't fault anyone for finding either funny. They just end up being caricatures of themselves and I think that makes me a bit over-critical of them.
What's in his mouth?
How did his head get cut off?
His own cum.
His head was karate chopped off in a fight scene. That's how he died.
judo chop
https://discord gg/kGS7V6H
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Nerve gas residue
david carradine.
Kill Bill, etc.

died of auto-erotic asphyxiation.
masturbating while hanging from a necktie tied to clothes rack in his closet.

the singer from INXS died the same way, necktie around doorknob while masturbating.

rumor is, if you masturbate while depriving yourself of oxygen, orgasm is like 10 times stronger. if you do it right, its really a 'release' (9pun intended)
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who is dis bitch?
Eat a dick, roodypoo shitlord. Farley was great.
not worth the risk imo
Remarkably intact for falling 53 floors
I whip off while bungee jumping a lot. It's basically the same, but safer.
Huh. Hadn't heard that Hutchense had gone the same way. But that seemed like it was set up much more like a classic suicide.
Completely understandable
Norm Macdonald does a great bit on this during his new Netflix special

Long story short the risk not worth the reward
i find edging has the same effect, so why risk your mom finding you in the closet with a tie round your neck and and your dong in your hand.

the eulogy would be a bit embarresing tbh fam
Some Indian chick I guess? I had to google reverse image search her and still didn't know who she was.
Back in the day that show
Mr. Ed
with the talking horse
They shoved a carrot up his ass when they wanted him to talk

Fucking people are weird
This genuinely depresses me. I was a big fan of Farley. Miss that guy... fucker made me laugh.
except jizz goes all over the place when bungee jump hits apex and uncontrollabe *BOING* make your dick helicoptor in all directions,
His esophagus
Yep. Hutchence was beating his dick while strangling himself.
youre obvioulsy a fucking amatuer
You aren't wrong. But I always tell myself while cleaning up that at least I'm alive to do so.
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Same. I doubt he had many more original movies but still we missed out and got the shittier alternative universe for it.
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Revenge of Chuck Norris...
Rip Clint Eastwood :(
Yeah, I think he had one or two in the works (obviously they never saw the light of day due to his passing) but yeah... the world is a shittier place without him. People shit talk the guy, but fuck the haters. He was a funny mother fucker. I am not one to laugh that much due to life always being complete shit but that man made me laugh quite a bit and for that? I'll always be thankful to him. Even all these years later, I still miss him. Heart attacks are fucking evil... assassinated by your own goddamn heart... what a fucking way to go. I'm afraid I am going to go out the same way... I'm built like Farley.
You say you hadnt heard the cause of death yet you offer your personal opinion on it. 0/10 shitpost
Not heard this
Any evidence?
No they didn't. They have the horse peanut butter.

Shoving a carrot in the horses ass will get you kicked the face, not a talking horse.
Look at the file name anon
You're welcome
Crunchy or smooth?
*give the horse peanut butter
Is this bait? Everybody who knows INXS knows this.
The file name says Jian Khan, dummy
does anyone have Kurt Cobain's photos?
RIP "Blondie" and the man with no name...


did anyone ever see the one from Saddam Hussein? I heard rumor that his hanging execution was botched and that his head popped off or something...
Farley died the same way belushi did, speedballing coke and heroin
Why don't you try reading comprehension you fucking fucktard. I knew that he had committed suicide and I'd heard details about calls he'd made just prior to offing himself, his problems with drugs and alcohol, and depression. I just looked it up and it was a rumor spread by his ex, who changed her story. Sounds more like the ex is a fucktard not unlike you, you cock gobbling shit weasel.
Wait... are you sure? I heard he died from a massive heart attack...
Dude im sure the sadddam hanging was on youtube. His head most definitley did not 'pop off'
I did, and I still didn't know who it was. I guess she is famous in curry-land. I'm too fucking trifling to look it up.
And yes, more like heart explosion, not attack
Okay, (a) nice dubs, and (b) it was more of a why is this cunt famous than a literal what is her name.
No ONE has ever posted legitimate close up of his head blown up.

all that were leaked were all the incidental photos "around" him, like the shoes, the box with paraphenelia, the letter to his childhood imaginary friend, the outside shoot looking in where you could see his partial body.

but close up of his face with BOOM splatter, that has NEVER been released, I have spent years looking for it, and all we have is FAKES, dammit
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He did more coke than a columbian vacuum cleaner. I don't think you're going to die anywhere as fast as Harley. Get your fat ass to the gym or stop eating much. Larger muscles consume more calories even just idling!
peanut butter would have showed on camera
they got carrots cheap from local farmers
they went threw like 50 an episode
But that is his brother...
Clit Fistwood
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Caused by doing a speedball (and being really unhealthy)
A heart attack caused by a speedball
>He did more coke than a columbian vacuum cleaner
That's fucking awesome.
Nope, go look at his death certificate. He was speedballing, blew up his heart. I mean look at him, his esophagus is sticking out of his mouth
No, he has a speedball the size of a fucking golf ball in his mouth in the pictures.
somebody is angry. stay mad shitposter.
I have a close-up of just the head I can post, but I drew it so it's not official. It's what I imagined it would look like.
Not angry, just pointing out how much of a douchwaffle you are. Nice trolling.
if i shoved a carrot up your ass
your lips would move

prove me wrong
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>Free healthcare
>Free house
>No one is poor
>99% of the people of his country support him
>No terrorism
Why the US killed this great man? I hope North Korea blow your fucking fat asses
saddest part is the rosary in his hand, likely felt himself dying and prayed.
You know the difference between a gram of coke and connor clapton?

Eric Clapton would have never let a gram of coke go out a window.

He's overdue a hit song. Did he have any other kids?
You know, you are right, I think i did see a video way back when, but somewhere I heard that it was a botched execution, like the drop and rope wasnt correct, and when they took him down, his neck was all dislocated, and looked like it had seperated from his spine or something... and that that unreleased pic was pretty gnarly
Never knew about the coke. Either way though, the drugs are what caused his heart attack so technically he still died from a big time heart attack.
Fucking kek'd like a mongoloid.
Lol. None of what you posted has any basis in fact. Nice try though, nigger :)
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Thanks anon.
They never caught his killer.
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I looked it up, thanks.
Coroner verdict = suicide.
Paula Yates (least reliable source of information ever) said it was auto erotic. And she killed herself later
>I'm sure convinced by all that golden evidence
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I used to have a good life in Libia stupid fat ass
Even more technically the mixture of an upper and downer, fucking very bad on the ole' ticker, clearly. So many people die easily speedballing
Read that as Labia. Fuck I'm tired.
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To me personally he was one of the greatest vocalist.
>neck separated from spine

That's kind of the point. The drop is supposed to be long enough to snap your neck instantly. Too long, and it will literally tear the head off, too short and the person slowly chokes to death.
Damn OJ... You so crazy!
OMG I kekd, I feel terrible about it. I sang that whilst reading it
was this his apartment? what a fucken dump I have a better apartment than this guy
Pretty hot would smash
You mean Libya? Jesus, no wonder you people are so fucked up. So indoctrinated and mentally retarded you can't even spell the name of your own country right. Hoo boy..
One of the most widely-circulated rumors that I just made up was O.J. Simpson was responsible.
He was pretty badly decomposed wasn't he?

Wow, monkeys on her jammies

>Way to embrace the stereotype
I probably would've still tried to fuck her
The fact you had never even heard the auto erotic aspect of his death makes you look stupid. All the googling in the world cant change that.
one of his fellow asshats' heads did pop off before he was hanged. Saddam got a nasty cut on his neck
how long was he dead before they found him? wikipedia doesn't say
Yeah, my boi pussy lips would move to accommodate the sexy carrot
Yeah. His body started rotting, the spot he died was really black.
Not really, he was probably pretty gross though.

Decomposition takes a lot longer than a couple weeks.
Most reports say he had been dead 9 seconds when they found him.
Before all the drugs and shit I would have drugged my dick through a mile of glass just to smell where she peed.
Thought it was a black guy with a wig
That was probably his drug taking apartmtent, So well done, your apartment is better than a crack den.
Is that Kris Hurley?
I'd fuck her. As long as I dont get caught, who gives a fuck.
what does it say?
Fuck I can't type. dragged, not drugged or maybe it's drug? I'm fucking extra stupid this afternoon.
If it was drug overdose why is he bleeding??
So much for no fap thursday.......

da fuq???
That's the fucking Chicago condo you dumb fucks, Jerry springer lived right beside him. It was a high rise, very nice one
I dont know why in english its "Lybia" and i dont care, stay safe when the bomb comes
Cops kicked the door in and found the lead singer of Alice in Chains dead.
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Holy shit. Are you 11 years old?
I'm glad my work is appreciated

>As appreciated as your trips
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Oh don't you worry. We'll be quite safe as maybe one bomb makes it to the East or West coast and whoever launched it, be it Russia or NK, is utterly wiped off the globe :)

You'd be surprised at how not-rich a lot of celebrities are. A lot of their assets and value isn't liquid and can't be used as income.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
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It was his main Chicago residence. Just an average apartment in an expensive Michigan Ave. apartment building, the John Hancock..
Maybe from the outside it looks nice but look at that place its embarrassing you stupid spic
Im in my mid 40s. Whats with the blood?
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>No response at the door.
>Door kicked in, entrance made.
>Someone snuffed the goddamn rooster.
Kek. Not embalmed or washed at all. I bet GG's funeral was the worst smelling event ever.
probably bashed his head on the corner of a table or something
Drug addicts aren't known for having the nicest places
Fuck, lost it bro. Last line slowly became his voice. You win.
This one always makes me sad. I loved that band.
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Claudia Zobel
Drugs, heart attack, being morbidly obese. He really checked all the boxes.
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I wonder how much he was actually there between SNL and movies and shit.
That's because of the decorating, not the condo, you're seeing the entry way. They are very nice. Master bedroom master bath, huge
No worse than he normally smelled, I'm sure.
its eternal bleeding
That and 90's light ass stain on furniture (honey oak or whatever it may be). That shit hasn't aged well.
It is very common, i.e., standard, to bleed from drug overdoses that cause severe hypertension. The pressure on the cardio-vascular system is so extreme that the body will try to decrease pressure via bleeding, commonly from the sinuses when rupturing has occurred from the trauma.
Eric and his son Conor have something in common.

They've both made an impact on rock.
hopefully you meant internal, otherwise you must be a gothic poet
Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's half-brother, was hanged and decapitated by the long drop

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>eternal bleeding
Like a little tubby angel

You're lucky there's no hell
You ever do lots of cocaine?
She finally reached her weight goal.
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You saying 'tbh fam' is more embarrassing than dying like a retard while jerking off.
Thanks a fucking lot, TrimSpa
>This one always makes me sad. I loved that band

Now that makes ME sad, cause the band was shite
ah, thanks for clarification. I mixed up to 1/2 stories in my head, i guess
Oh jesus god no. He already looks dead
I heard it was actually his cock head that blew off from the pressure of the long drop
enjoy your autism. its a special gift from god
I figured he would have a nicer flat.
like furie thinks HE can kill pepe off.
shits in the public domain, you think anyone gives a fuck about copyright? fair use doctrine, and parody protection, and all that...

artist just hated that his art got co-opted by white faggots, skinheads acted like they owned it or it represented them. fuck that. pepe belongs to /b/

That's depressing. The place is a fucking pigpen. I hope when I go out, my fat wings, giant belly and a face full of foamy jizz are not the last things that people remember me by. Fuck me.
pretty sure jizz on face will be your deathbed pic also, sorry faggot...
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He'll have so many cum ropes on his head, they'll initially think his hair is in cornrows.
It was fast a lighting da da da dada dada

Thats downtown Chicago... That apartment is probably renting today for 3-5k a month even with a dead guy history. I live in the shitty part of down town and I am paying a little over 1800 a month for a 2 bedroom
Forgot to add the coroner report also mention atherosclerosis, which is hardening of the arteries. The coroner should have listed Farleys cause of death as "Everything"
Alice In Chains music wasnt meant for bongs. Literally no thought of European people ever once crossed the minds of anyone in the band.
>also, don't cheat on a nigga with a jew bastard
I think you mean Herbie Hancock, moron

That actually doesn't seem that bad. Not as high as I'd thought it would be for a city the size of Chicago. Or is it relatively low because it's Chicago?
Go planet based lower your blood pressure an cholesterol in three weeks you fucking fagget
my diet is already planet based, moron
In the police report it said his haid wasnt blown up, just an exit wound in the back of his throat
Autopsy also showed he was on a shit ton of heroin, even for a junkie

Rly maks u dink...
the planet "Uranus"
Does anyone have the actual Kurt Cobain shotgun wound photos?
*plant based

but the planet Uranus remark is still valid
Yea but who has time to idle now in days
they ABSOLUTELY do not exist.
have been looking for them for the last 12+ years. Anything anybody claims to have is an easiliy debunked fake.
It's really surprising Courtney hasn't sold the pics off to support one of her habits.
burn the candle at both ends
burns twice as bright
but only half as long
candles make excellent dildo's btw
you fail grasshopper
whos wife was he boffn?
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Ghadaffi was a good man
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Osama Bin Laden
Pic related
Its a combo of location really. The Hancock doesnt have the best views of the lake because of other buildings around it. Im also totally guessing. For example an apartment in Trump Tower 2 blocks away from the Hancock with views of the lake sold last year for 74 million. The same apartment on a lower floor overlooking the MagMile was selling for 10 million. Im guessing from the photo he was on a lower floor with no view. If he could see the lake from his window (if he had windows) could easily have been 3-5 times the price
wax in wax out?
id mash that
Reminds me of the stripper sketch with "Working for the Weekend" song in the background.
How did he die?
Hey, thanks for taking the time to respond. So much of what you hear about Chicago is how fucked up it is. I just listened to an interview with the mayor yesterday and it seems like it might be getting better.

I've been once, spent a day there and loved it. Didn't get to see all that much (was there for the Supercomm telecom convention about 12-13 years ago) but still seemed like a cool place to explore.
It is more likely he kept his drunks in it.
Ah, the old choke and stroke
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JFKs empty head
Only time in history a bullet made a bigger hole going in than coming out.../sarcasm
It's fat "guy" you fucking loser.
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Either you're a sour old fuck, which I doubt or a child. Either way go fuck yourself.
Its a beautiful city and there is tons to do at any moment. You just have to be careful to not get lost . Stay in the goldcoast/mag mile/ streeterville area and you are fine... Get lost on the expressway and decide to get off at a random exit... your chances of getting robbed/killed arent insignificant.
what the fuck happend
kek. this
Does this have anything to do with niggers roaming wild near the random exits?
I'm from Richmond VA, and there are plenty of areas here that are like that. Anywhere on the east end is to be avoided. Hell, I think we were up there for the most murders at some point or another. Or maybe it was per capita. Virginia's got a lot of cities like that. Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond.

Oh, and also whatever airport we left out of had their proverbial shit together. Those people knew how to move.

Thanks again, anon!
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Check out Almost Heroes. Last film he did. Apparently it was so bad they weren't gonna release it but he passed away and the put it out. Either way it was funny in a mindless sort of way. I got a kick out of it.
Anyplace you have poverty you're gonna have crime. So, yeah.
They dont roam... they tend to occupy large sections of the cities. Its not all Nigs though. The second most dangerous zip code in the city is 99% Mexican.

Downtown though the vast majority of it all is kept in check by huge numbers of people everywhere and huge police presence. I love going down to the parks by the lake in summer and petting the police horses
Poisoned by his enemies
>no picture

grohl looks awful too
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Pepe will never die here... Matt's wishes are irrelevant
> Keith Richards
> should be dead
The walking dead doesn't count.
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Allegedly a family friend placed the rosary beads in his hand as to make the photo a little less shitty.
How could you not know about the coke. Chris Farley was the embodiment of cocaine. Nobody has done more coke then he did. Well maybe John Belushi
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Face it pepe's dead
what is on his shirt?
This. Easiest way to spot a child who wanderd away from ifunny
Do you know who Chris Farley is?
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He has risen
His brother did. His whole family, including Chris, we're hardcore Jesuit
He saw the ghost of his dead girlfriend who died of a heroin overdose 2 days prior to overdosing himself.

His cat also ate part of his face.
Heroin overdose.
Heroin, like so many other 90's dudes.
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Good riddance.
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Why can't you fuckers flip the picture the way it should be?

he looks.....alive af
Granite table not coke all over it I think
He was one of the greatest vocalist no one could fill his shoes
That apartment is in the John Hancock Center so it was probably expensive as fuck and as far as the interior goes, it was the 90's
he woke bro
He never did kill himself on stage.
sad times
>that symmetry is beautiful
kek. These
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Fuck off troll, his father made the song about this incident.
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Does anyone have the pic of Elvis dead on the toilet that shit looks sad af
A dead commie always smell well
smells like fake
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there was one I had seen in interwebz younger days and I can't find it anymore. I had never seen it debunked but it would be impossible to prove so who knows
it literally says on the fucking death certificate opiate and cocaine intoxication
This isn't real, is it?
There are zero photos of his face.

Though, if you really do some research. He had an open casket viewing, because the only damage done was just a bit of swelling/bruising at the top of his head and eyes. There was no exit wound, and only a hole in the roof of the mouth. It was a low powered blast at just the right angle. No brain matter left the skull, only a pool of blood to the left of him.

Krist explained that they had a cloth over his head and eyes, but that they had fixed him up quite well. He was then cremated and had his ashes split up. Courtney kept some and a lock of his hair, some were spread in the river of his hometown, some at his home, and the rest were given to Buddhist monks and given a traditional ceremony.

There were rumors from Courtney posted online that his body had been mutilated and disgraced in the funeral home, but was false, and only drug induced delusional drama. The posts were quickly removed.
Funny Story, Belushi is buried in the cemetery behind my house. He is a legend as far as drugs go. Big name rock stars back then couldnt even keep up with him. He is to coke as Dimebag Darrel is to liquor
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you know damn well who
All death photos of his face are fake. Always have been.
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L&D archives
You're not very bright, are you?
yes, one of the many famous fake cobains.

face it, NOBODY will ever post the real one till the the Washington Police release it, and that will not happen.

and no matter how strong your google fu is, no random post will ever have the cobain money shot foto
Either amazing mspaint work or shitty photoshop... Can't tell.
Was thinking the same thing... made me kek nonetheless. Guess he thinks you literally swallow balloons of coke and heroin to speedball
not famous
I believe his brother found his body and put the rosary in his hand, He was partying with a prostitute and actually begged her not to leave because he knew something was wrong but she left anyway.
This is correct. Kevin found the body, and put the rosary in his hand
it was one of the 672 fakes that were on the internet since who knows when.

in 1994, they didnt all have camera phones and leak sites like they have now. they were actual 35mm fotos, and would have to be pulled out of the secure police files, scanned and uploaded. aint gonna leak

and you are the 176,654,245 th person to say "I heard about it, my friend says they saw the real one on the internet"...

that ONE foto has never been leaked.
but there are literally 1000 fakes
the crashed that killed her
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119KB, 630x630px
I actually feel bad for Matt Furie, I remember he was posting here a few months back complaining about getting abuse in the street for creating a hate symbol and was ashamed of his most famous creation, it's a pity he caved in to PC pressure and tried to kill his best loved character
but pepe had already transcended into a powerful meme... and you can never truly kill a meme because it's constantly evolving
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