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sad pictures thread

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 77

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sad pictures thread
u mean a feel threads

THat's the age at which you should get the fuck out of the house, but still listen to what your parent have to say.
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Kekd so hard.
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This counts
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): can't hold them all
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Breaks my heart. I can't believe I was such an asshole in highschool.
Really makes me sad...

The mother gave everything to her child, loved him as much as she could, and still do. She is just trying to make him feel happy again, like when he was a kid full of energy. When he was excited to go out and play with the other kids on a hot sunny day.

Feels everywhere.

I can't even try to understand how my mom must feel to know that her kid is suffering from depression, and has no more feelings towards anything. It always makes me feel bad when I hear her crying while she is in her room looked at the pictures of me when I was a small hyperactive kid full of energy and always smiling...

I'm still debating if I should kill myself while she is still alive, or just do it once she's dead. I don't think it would hurt her more than it actually does. She would actually feel a relief deep inside I think.
either that or the mom tried to throw a party for her kid who would rather be out smoking with his friends.
Nah man. Your death would be an invalidation of her efforts.

Just keep trucking broski. It's worth it for more reasons than just your mum's happiness, though that's a damn good reason to start.
Shut up, you are ruining the mood.
Just kys faggot
im sad for the mom whose kid doesnt want to be around her.
I had clinical depression for more than 10 years now. My brain doesn't react to any stimulus anymore.

If my child suddenly became like that, I would go crazy or get depression too.

If the child was just a solitary person his whole life, it wouldn't be a problem, because that's just his personality...

But the fact that I was the most fucking annoying and energetic kid when I was younger, and then became a "dead inside" person wih depression... breaks my heart, because I know my parents feel sad for me... and just want to see me smiling or have some hobbies again.
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Can someone post the pic of that stupid old man eating a burger in front of a photo of his dead wife?
Just fight through the pain. That's what I did and am doing. It gets easier and you get stronger. You're gonna have to grit your teeth and get through it in the beginning, but just smiling and making other people smile and be happy helps me. Just being a positive force for other people is honestly enough to get you out of it. Also stop watching porn and masturbating and get to the gym and read more books. Getting outside is the most important thing (speaking from experience) and allowing yourself to just wallow in it all is the absolute last thing that you want to do.
You ever thought about finding a sense of identity? I mean, I find that that's most of the problem with, at the very least, my generation, and perhaps yours as well.

Previous generations were more well defined by their religions, cultures, and languages. But as western society becomes an amorphous blob of culture, identity sinks into the background.

Find something that you find would define you. It can be arbitrary. You could join a religion, sure. That's why they're appealing to some people.

But I mean, finding an identity is an important part of at least giving purpose and meaning to life, and can help at least focus your efforts, even if it doesn't 'cure' depression.
Post script: What I'm saying is that feeling obligated to do something or be someone is important for self value. Military provides that too.

Again, take whatever direction you want, I'm not trying to hock something particular. Just get yourself an identity and build an obligation in yourself.
Dude. I already went to the gym. I already learned everything about lifting... about gaining muscle ans losing fat.

I already started eating clean... no sugars or junk food. Literally meat/fish with green veggies and potatoes everyday.

Already stopped fapping a long time ago (when I was lifting) because it increased my testosterone levels and helped me lift heavier weights. It's not even hard today anymore, because I have erectile disfunction... at 23 (sad as fuck). I don't even have erections in the morning.

I've tried reading books on self help and positive thinking... but it didn't work out... even after actually following the advice from them. Also, tried to learn new stuff and become an entrepreneur, but my brain doesn't retain information, because of clinical depression.

Do you know what clinical depression is?

It's NOT "feeling sad" after a break-up.

It's literally being a robot, with no emotions. No bad emotions, but no good one either. I could win the lottery tomorrow, and my reaction would be EXACTLY the same as if you announced me I had terminal cancer. I'd just say "oh, o.k".

No motivation, no pleasure, no desire to do anything. Not even masturbate. I only stay inside and let the time pass. Go sleep. Repeat. All year long.

That's what it is.
Sad? That's not sad.
He is not ugly. He is healthy. His mom still cares for him and tries to celebrate his birthday. All he needs is to take strength from that, set a goal and go for it.
This is the start of a boy becoming a man.
> I don't even have erections in the morning.
Well if it's any help, I've pretty much never had those and my dick works just fine.
Read: >>732228052

Seriously, don't worry about self-help and all that. You need something that obliges you to act, and just act. Gives you a role where you're necessary, whether you feel great about it or not.

There's a reason why tribal cultures don't present clinical depression as often as modernized ones do: everyone is necessary. (Doesn't mean depression isn't present, just means it's not remotely prevalent)
Clinical depression is the feeling of being worthless all the time. The feeling of existential dread. The feeling of being fed-up with life. The feeling and desire to just finally die.

What you have, is no clinical depression, but is just a lack of happiness. Find something that makes you happy. Go out and explore the world. Start local- visit some nice little cafes and restaurants. Buy a car you always wanted and drive it around town or to another state. Go hike through the woods and sit on top of a mountain. Find whatever it is that makes YOU happy. I can assure you that once you are happy with yourself, your life, your wants and desires, someone will come along and see you being happy. They will want to be happy with you.
Read Tribe by Sebastian Junger; it's a bit about the military, but an interesting read on depression and anxiety and the bad sides of modernity, and the possible causes.

Worth exploring.
so much this
I know a guy who is 26 and still lives with his parents and brothers. He's "in college trying to get a degree" but makes up bullshit about not being able to pay for it. All he does literally all day is play Xbox and watch Twitch streams. He even has his girlfriend live with him in his room. And his parents seem to not care at all. It's pathetic.
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Find something you like doing, or can at least tell her you like doing (playing some video game, walking dogs at a shelter, fucking anything) and tell your mom about it and smile. It will make a huge difference, and may even help you.

My brother "suffers" from depression. I'm his older brother, so I just think he's being a little faggot. My mom worries about him and he talks about suicide a lot in front of her, which pisses me off. Anyway, he picked up a job and has been pursuing some interests of his and my mom worries less and seems happier.

Doing stuff for her might actually help you in the end.

Also, don't an-hero. Become Dexter or Batman, first. Seems like way more fun.
*Teleports behind you*
Nothing personal kid
Nothing personnel, kid.
lol wtf who would do that like omg that never happens
my sweet child :,)
masterbaiting increases your testerone water u talkin aboot
Dude. I think I know what I have.

And by the way, I've already travelled to multiple places, all over the world except Asia/ Oceania. My parents would actually pay for my trips, because they tought it would surely make me happy, because "everyone enjoys travelling" , right?

It's true when your brain works normally. Mine doesn't.

And guess what. I'm currently in fucking LONDON, U.K, it's 17 degrees and sunny. Yet, you see what I'm currently doing.
Can someone please explain this meme
damn why is it so cold this close to summer?
People like it because it's really shitty.
>Pun intended
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Hey at least someone cares enough to make him a cake

This is cringe

Gake and fay

This is sad

Probably a bitch that no one would ever want to marry

Creepy as fuck
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shit trolls believe annoying equals trolling.
>pic related
>It's worth it for more reasons than just your mum's happiness

not that anon but go ahead and try to name some, and see if you can even name a single objective reason
It isn't about travel, it is about finding the thing you enjoy. Which means not being a pity-party of one and getting outside and finding that thing.
I had reached an all-time low about a year ago. It was not long after I went in search of the things that make me happy. I blew $9000 on an enormous military truck and I drive it around every week. This truck has truly made me happy. I enjoy driving it around, I enjoy when people see my truck and are in awe and disbelief, and I enjoy doing maintenance on my truck. I found the thing that keeps me going.
You need to do the same.
never kill yourself never let "them" win
Bro, it just doesn't work.

You can't pick up hobbies, because your brain doesn't produce any chemicals when you do them.

I used to love video games and pc gaming. So I spent years buying games on Steam sales and waiting to build a good rig. Once I built a good rig and ran some of the games, I felt nothing.

I was just doing it because of old memories, when I was enjoying playing games.

Also, if I would go to the gym now, it would be just because of the goold old days, when I was actually somehow enjoying it. But not anymore.

It sucks.
yea, you sound like you suck.
Where are you from? Wanna hang out?
>I did a thing that I thought would make me finally happy
>it didn't make me happy
>oh, woe is me
>better cry about it
At least his mom made him a cake.

When I asked my mum if we could bake cake for my birthday, she said "Nah we will just buy something in store."
Week before my birthday she and dad left for vacation. My brother gave me a chocolate.
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It's muh birthday today
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Start exercising and eating properly.

It was proven that running 3 times a week for 30 minutes is as much effective as antidepressants.
you can see what he's gonna turn into behind him.
You're lucky. I wish my mom would leave.
Dude, when I was younger I had hobbies.

Computer general and games.

I used to think about these things all the time, and get excited just by imagining myself doing them.


Music or movies make me feel nothing. Literally. Travelling, sports or drawing either. I'm on the computer because it's the easiest thing to do, instead of looking at the wall all day long.

There's no "finding what you love" here buddy. I know what I loved and what made me happy, but my brain shut down some connections, so now I'm a fucking zombie.
This is so true
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Actually look comfy

>b-b-but he doesn't have a car as a gift and a giant mega party with hot Russian bribes

Forced meme via samefagging mostly. It's stupid, the people who perpetuate it are sad fails and the band itself is lame.
have you considered smoking marihuana?
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One day you will understand that you are the only person in the world able to make you live your dreams, and that life is not eternal.. The motivation must come from YOURSELF, I know it's hard, but if you really want your life to change, then CHANGE IT YOURSELF because nobody is going to change it for you. Complaining about how shitty your life is won't change anything, this is the truth. Force yourself to smile and to be positive and for once in your fucking life be brave enough to get out of your comfort zone and to try something you never tried before.
Being depressed = it's rainy, you lost your gf, a relative died, etc.

Running can help in those cases.

But clinical depression? No fucking way.

Wanna know how I know? Because I actually tried it, and guess what?

Your brain can't produce any more dopamine/serotonin, if it shut completeley shut down the production. You can't multiply something by 0.

>just spend money and buy material shit and you'll be happy!

Shit, nigga. How fucking one dimensional are you?
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ITT: people who know nothing about depression telling people with depression "have you ever just tried not being depressing" like fucking seriously its like if you broke your leg and i told you "have you ever just tried not having a broken leg"

yeah some depression is just emotional/environmental and one can "get through the funk" but that isnt real depression...that just being depressed for awhile

real depression cant be fixed like that as it can be due to many things completely outside the person control

for all you guys saying "you need a hobby/friends/a job etc.....fuck you
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happy birthday anon!
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Feels bad man
You sound like some of those positive thinking books. It can help people that have motivation...

But there is no way it will be any successful if you have Clinical Depression. I'm not even trying to get attention like most emo kids here... I'm just trying to teach people the difference between a) being depressed, and b)clinical depression.

They seem to be similar, but they are completely different.
what the fuck does that even mean? who is t"them" and what the fuck do they win for some random obscure person killing themselves

the sad thing is that a lot of people live through the worst kind of lives and suffer so much and in the end regret their entire lives but had to go through it all because people have placed suicide on some kind of taboo pedestal

if you have reason to kys i honestly would not judge you at all, however i do judge the people that pretend like they fucking care and like they know and understand you. If people truly knew and understood you and cared guess what, YOU WOULDNT WANT TO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF so fuck them all
wait till your family dies then kill yourself. i think it's easier that way and it's what im gonna do
This guya knows the deal.

Also, did you guys know that clinical depression CAN NOT be cured... but only managed. Because, once some connections in your brain stop working, they do it for good.
dont kill yourself it is morally wrong
Kill family, then kys.

Give me one reason why you shouldn't, you can't
That poor girl.

Such sexy legs and no man pushing his cock between them.
>buying into the whole "money can't buy happiness"
Money can and DOES buy happiness. The phrase, "money can't buy happiness" is just a typical fox and the grapes- "I don't have money, so I better hate those that do to make myself feel better". You know why money buys happiness?
Because you don't have to worry about shit like living, eating, etc.
Because you can go out and have a good time with your family and friends.
Because you can use money to help those less fortunate than you. Enjoy the smile you put on their faces.
Because you can use money for the hobbies you enjoy.
The list goes on, but the fact of the matter is money DOES buy happiness.
exercise and proper diet will go a long way. also psychotherapy, whatever meds they think you should take, and marijuana.
Then just fucking kill yourself you sorry excuse for a human being.
If you don't even want to try, if you don't even want to convince yourself to be happy, then fucking give up and die.
You seriously fucked up falling for the no fap myth.

You need to be masturbating regularly.

Sick of bullshit like this.

>wahhhh I've got REAL depression!
>the web doctor said so, I relate to all the symptoms!
>don't tell me what to do, it won't fix anything!
>no I've not tried it but fuck you
>nothing will fix this
>feel sorry for me

Unless you're actively trying to manage your depression, you can go fuck yourself. You're just letting the depression win, and part of you wants it to.
>ITT: people whining about how unsatisfied they are of their life
>protip: you are the only one able to change your life

I love how people keep telling that "my depression is way more real than yours because blablablabla", "real depression can't be fixed i'm cursed because i'm a dark special snowflake who know the real meaning of despair and not you" "You don't know my pain I'm such a emotionless robot etc...". I've been through this I know exactly how it feels trust me.. But honestly what's the point of thinking like this ? Are you trying to convince yourself you're a piece of shit ? Because that's exactly what it looks like. The world is so fucking huge, there are tons of different people, different amazing things to experience, yet people like you are just spending all their time complaining about how fucked their life is and that they would like things to change but won't do anything to change because "noo i'm sooo comfy my comfort zone I'm so safe please the real world is so scary". BE BRAVE AND TRY NEW THINGS (I MEAN FOR REAL, DON'T PRETEND TO TRY AND THEN IMMEDIATELY GO BACK HOME), HERE IS THE CURE

Which is why you never see rich celebrities deal with depression, right?

Fucking idiot.

Money to depression is like a band aid on a fractured skull. Hell, it may help a bit, but not exactly a fucking cure.
get over yourself
morals are subjective, i personally think forcing people to live hollow live because of your own perception on the sanctity of live is morally wrong
Sure, let me ignore the actual studies performed on athletes that prove the effectiveness of no-fap on blood serum testosterone levels...

I should listen to some kid that faps to pictures of guys dressed as girls or some other weird pony cartoons stuff, on an anonymous imageboard.
>morals are subjective
lol no. there is an objective morality in a society.

Oh, did I upset you? Go buy a new dinner set and make yourself happy again.
get over yourself
Which is why you see poor people with the largest smile on their faces, right?
Which is why you see everyone trying to get a better paying job, right?

Get off your high-horse. You are NOT 'morally superior' for thinking money isn't the solution to all your problems.
>protip: it is.
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trolley problem
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when the fuck did i say i have depression? I havent been tested for that shit and i dont seem to have it.. the difference is im not some kind of bullshitter that pretends life is all happiness and rainbows as long as you want it to be

fucking face it some poeple have ACTUAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS and pretending they dont exist is literally what hurts them the most

its faggots like you guys that lead people with depression to kill themselves

want some proof? look at the late robin williams who had depression and dementia

literally one of the "happiest" people if you didnt really know him, he did what he loved the most and had so much fun in his life...still fucking killed himself. Would you tell robin williams to just try harder to be happy?
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>Which is why you see poor people with the largest smile on their faces, right?


>Which is why you see everyone trying to get a better paying job, right?

Seriously? You've never heard of people doing a lower paid job than they're capable of because they prefer doing it?

Don't project shit on me, I've got a handful of morals but I'm pretty fucked up. I'm just calling you out on your blatant bullshit and your simplistic world view. If you have ambition that's great, son. Just don't let obsession over money control you - your nose is big enough as it is.
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>lol no. there is an objective morality in a society.

if it is dependant on the society then it is not objective

there are societies which say marrying, then fucking a 9 year old is fine....would you not object to that because that is that society's morals?
source please?
Are you on meds? If no: why?
This is real though

Oh, please be trolling. But I'll bite.

>pretending they dont exist

Nobody is saying that. The opposite, actually. We're acknowledging the problems and offering solutions. You seem to insist there's no cure and those suffering with depression should be left to suffer.
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This has to be b8...
>there is an objective morality within a society
there I clarified my point for you, autist.
And what the fuck do you expect anyone else to do about your sorry excuse for a life?
The fact of the matter is that deep down people really don't give two shits about you and your problems, because each and every one of us has our own challenges and demons to face. The difference is that those of us who suffered in the dark realms of depression have learned to overcome it, even through great effort, while you (and the people in this thread) think that they can't be helped. Truth be told, it is because they don't want to be helped. If you don't want the help, or don't want to, at the very least, try, then seriously, fucking kill yourself, because you will NEVER be happy.
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>talks about the major problems that other people are suffering, rather than his own
>he must be fucking full of himself, thinking about other people like that

kys faggot
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pls sauce
still faces the same issue, if the morality is dependent on the society, then it literally cannot be objective

Undderated pic.

Have not seen that piece in about 6 years.
my birth day was few days ago , only my mom wished me HB, this pic hurt me right in the feels
when the fuck did i bring my life into this? i dont give to shits about my own life as far as this thread goes, im talking about people who legitimately have problems with clinical depression

goddamn this place is summer as fuck

>oh shit hes saying something? well he must be talking about himself, because no one ever discusses the problems of other people
get over


you're retarded

pop onto leddit and say that

and you'll get more empty birthday wishes than you can count
The cure is NOT to just meet people, find hobbies, do exercise and meditate. That's what you don't get. I understand that university might be expensive, but you have no excuses since you have access to public libraries and the internet to learn something.

Their brain doesn't work properly. They either need to take and test 100s lf differen pills and see small results... or do some electro-shock therapy (yes, that's a thing 2017) so the brain starts to make connections and starts releasing dopamine again.

So please, don't come in these threads and say studf like "don't kill yourself, just go out and run for 10 minutes, you're gonna be cured"... Bull fucking shit.

I know there are no trap threads on /b/ right, but don't come spread pollution in these serious threads.
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likewise faggot
>You've never heard of people doing a lower paid job than they're capable of because they prefer doing it?
No. And if they do, they want to be paid more for it.
With money comes peace of mind. It would be nice to not have to worry about how much groceries cost, or how much gas I can put in my car, let alone pay for the insurance for it. It would be nice not to have to worry about the cost of rent, or the price of electricity. It would be nice not to have to worry.

So what have I done to solve that problem? I paid my own way through college by working while earning a BS in Physics, with a straight fucking 4.0GPA, student marshall+summa cum laude, secured a government contract at a national lab, used that as a boost so I could buy a car, and move to another state where I became a doctoral candidate.
Money is the driving factor- so I can enjoy my life, without worry. Through this great effort, I will achieve a well-paying job so I do not have to worry like I used to.
this is just as retarded as tumblr fags defending being fat because "they cant help it"
i didn't expected anyone to empathize , but i wanted to share what i feel looking at this picture
>you seem to insist there's no cure
>The cure is NOT ...

you're still insisting aren't you ?
Pills actually can make a huge difference. What are you even saying?
You're a fucking joke dude. Please, go read something about it online or the library.
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>the point of this post
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Athletes really believe they shouldn't orgasm? That's why condoms are handed out by the fistful at the Olympics.

Anyone who believes that masturbating contributed to low performance or depression is a moron. Sure, if it's all you think about it's a problem, but regular sex/masturbation is healthy. And yes, there's research to support that.
Because 1 pill can help one person. Another can help another. Another dosage can help another. Etc.

It's not like for diabetics, where you just give Insulin to everyone.
This one gets me every time. :-(
cringe is more like it
I understand that might have no friends. But really can you be that oblivious to the fact? Do you really, having no friends at all, post that shit on FB hoping for someone to show up?
Yeah I know, but then you fuckin try and find the best one for yourself. What is the problem here?
Ok this is sad. I want to throw this guy a rooftop party in NYC or LA.
Again, thank you anon for your bro-science.

Let me ditch the Harvard university studies for some kid on an online imageboard.
You can see from the profile pic that he has a job. Plus, he probably has cousins and other family. So he was probably hoping coworkers and family would come.
discord dot gg/cMD2Vch
who took the picture if nobody came?

the guy is kidding you retards.
His mum, dumbass
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This same Harvard that has a study linking ejaculation with positive health results? Or another Harvard that morons like you attend?
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We did something
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Mom's cakes are the best. Always.
Hottest as fux
"tended to have"

No numbers whatsoever.

The testosterone levels were probably higher because they used people that actually had sex... which does increase testosterone, but by a small amount and for a short time.

Imagine if you could just cuddle with a nude girl everyday, but without ejaculating. Let's see the testosterone levels then.

Go back to school and learn how to interpret studies.

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what if he was an avid /b/ro and that had the opposite effect intended, like it reminded him that his life was such a mess that even the cesspit of the internet felt sorry for him
sad nigga? that was literally me last year except it was 5 family members instead of one

felt just as shit inside
man you lost me at "has his girlfriend live with him"

i find nothing wrong with it if he's actually studying, i feel like a loser living at home at 21 LOL
tip assist
Post your study, you stupid faggot.
The one lesson here is that the people who believe no fapping hype are really stupid motherfuckers. There have been multiple studies done and they show very little significant relationship between masturbating and testosterone or anything else. Even if it does slightly lower testosterone, that has basically no effect on you. If you Google it, you get nothing but meathead simpletons on bodybuilding forums.

Pretty much every literature review ever done shows masturbating is healthy as long as it's not consuming your life.
This is a pretty pathetic defense of your position.
I'm on a tablet.

Did you even search for it? I guess you didn't, because you only look for stuff that you want to believe.

It was study showing that after like seven days of abstinence, the testosterone levels were 200-500% higher than normal.

Maybe that will help you find it.
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Thats what he got for being a nigger
Happy day of birth anon eat something sweet
Oh look, we have an edgy anon. Wow, your joke was so original.

You're the cancer
why did this bitch leave
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wtf is this shit
I want my /b/ back
sadly SJW influence has spread even here and there are fucks that try to discourage natural behavior such as that exhibited

Suddenly, the "no-fap is a myth hurr durr better jerk off to traps everyday hurrr" faggots left, once hey found the studies that prove how no-fap increases test levels.

Stupid dropout kids.
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i turn 20 today too...
i dropped out of school at 14 and i never leave my house since then, 6 years without doing anything, i want to change but being alone fucked me up, i learned to deal with depression but my anxiety cripples me
Yes. I used Google scholar logged in through my university's library. I can find literature referencing one Chinese study that showed after 6 days of masturbation cessation, testosterone levels increased 146%. The same literature also acknowledges that finding is fairly meaningless as multiple studies show positive health results overall and its unlikely such an increase has much effect on health.

Harvard calls masturbation healthy in its publicly accessible materials.

I found one bodybuilding forum with a proper reference to a study, though it cites Stanford. That study doesn't appear to exist.

Given the wealth of literature, even if the study you're talking about does exist, it would be a blip in the literature.
more please
dude i literally have a friend that does this

he has a job, won't move out, sits in his room all day with his fat girlfriend while she eats all his parents' food, then she goes home at like 11pm-12 and comes back in the morning

well there's two kinds of people

people that follow their parents blindly

people that listen to their parents but build their own opinions

hopefully he's the latter
Yeah keep smoking in the house beach
There is no more.
This is the sad part. Just swallow it.
>She would actually feel a relief deep inside I think.
No. She'd be heartbroken. At least stick around for her. You should talk to her and help her understand your illness, possibly she blames herself and she needs to know it's a medical condition and not a reaction to her parenting.
>he's being a little faggot.
Fight me you spastic cock.
yes, its sad then. Where did you found the pic?
i dont think it has anything with SJWs

i hate SJWs but i think the 13 year olds spamming nigger are annoying
this is literally all i wanted for my 17th birthday

This. The originality of /b/ is dying. Threads are getting overtaken with "nigger" all over the place.
She probably deserves it.

"calls masturbation healthy"

Where does it say that it increases testosterone? I don't give care if it cleans the canals, gets rid of dead spermatozoides, or reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 2%. All of that is cool and healthy, but doesn't tell me anything about testosterone levels.

Also, don't interpret studies that say that regular ejaculation increases test levels. It might increase it a little, but only because "ejaculation" means having sex, and being in contact with a nude girl automatically increases your test levels. In fact, just having an erection increases testosterone levels. This doesn't mean that ejaculation was the cause of the test levels.

You can try to sound like an university student... but you can't even understand the data of the studies in front of you.
Jannini 1999 showed masturbation abstinence for 3 months negatively affected testosterone levels.

Fox 1972 showed no decrease in t level after ejaculation. Batty 1978 confirmed this result.
>ACTUAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS and pretending they dont exist is literally what hurts them the most
like transgender fags and SJW's
You're getting ass raped here, man. Just stop.
You have NO evidence to support a significant increase in t levels.

You have NO evidence to correlate higher testosterone with anything, whether it's lower depression or athletic performance.

You have NO evidence to show even one negative effect of masturbation.

Other anon is referencing research that directly contradicts your hypothesis.

Listen carefully... Shut the fuck up.

ok these are fair points as well
The study you're basing everything on doesn't exist. Do you not understand that?
you need to clarify, do you mean that stanrtrenderfags and sjw are pretending the problems dont exitst, and are hurting the people with actual medical problems? then yes and fuck the transtrenders and sjws

if you mean that transtrenders and SJWs have problems and people pretend the dont exist, then no, they dont really have problems, fuck them
No pic but I know someone sadder than anyone on here.

>Have friend from High School
>Everyone moved on and went to have kids or a career except for this guy
>He's 29 and lives with his mother
>His teeth are rotting because he doesn't brush them and hasn't in years
>He showers maybe once every couple of months and wears the same clothes every day
>Never leaves the house and just watches Twitch streams all day
>Makes enough money online to fuel his 24/7 alcohol addiction and drinks these cheap 1.7L bottles of Vodka
>Says he can't stop drinking and can't function without it
>Hasn't touched a girl in 3 years and has no desire to do anything about it

A lot of you may be sad but I think he has you beat. For those who think "well, why don't you help him?" I and others tried offering him advice but he just keeps falling down the same well of despair so fuck em. Let em rot like his nasty ass teeth.
>stanrtrenderfags and sjw are pretending the problems dont exitst, and are hurting the people with actual medical problems?
yes, totally this. they are sick fucks and need to admit they have issues, immediately. its a cancer to society as a whole, but as you said even more to the people with real issues.
I know a similar guy. He lives down the street. Not sure his age, but he has to be near 50. Lives with his parents who are barely mobile anymore. Lives off their retirement and SS. Tried to get disability, but basically every doctor tells him there's nothing wrong with him and to go get a job.

I think he's pathetic, but he's also gotta have something seriously wrong with him. I fully expect when his parents die, he'll kill himself.
>transtrenders and SJWs have problems and people pretend the dont exist
but now after re reading, this too. alot of the liberal fucks out there pretend that they dont have mental problems, when in reality they are sick af
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>when ive been realizing that i am slowly spiraling in this direction
>im 22 and a lot of that applies to me, except that i dont make any money so no alcohol either
>3 years? im still a virgin (though honestly i dont see how sex means happiness, as ive seen plenty of people go get laid, only to end up it being the source of many problems)
I feel your sentiment, but have to disagree on one point. If a guy actually wants to cut off his dick, something is wrong with him. That kinda person has a problem.
>quotes study on the impact of SEXUAL ACTIVITY on people suffering ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION
>doesn't know the definition of SEXUAL ACTIVITY

School dropout trying to sound like an expert. Lmfao.

they choose to ignore the facts behinf the SJW's and transfags actions and not even bring light to the fact they might be sick in the head
>Never leaves the house and just watches Twitch streams all day
>Makes enough money online to fuel his 24/7 alcohol addiction
>Hasn't touched a girl in 3 years and has no desire to do anything about it
Livin the sweet life m8.
You said he lives with his mother? This is usually the result of a single mother. Not everyone turns out to be this pathetic but single mothers usually raise nutjobs or failures.

Sorry, it's the truth. He needs to find something in life he strives for or create goals for himself.

Also, as for the drinking then, I have been there. I couldn't type, I couldn't look people in the eyes or walk straight when I was sober. Quitting is really fucking hard and alcohol is the worst thing to detox from. If you have nothing to live for, it's even harder. You need a goal and you need something to work towards.

I only drink a little at night now and I feel fine with a career of my own. It's kinda fucked up that you say you offered him advice then said fuck it let him rot. It's not as easy as you think it is to turn something like that around.
Can you not read? I mentioned masturbation several times.

Also, you based everything on a Harvard study that doesn't exist. Explain that.
>pretend that they dont have mental problems
let me clarify, the liberal fucks are witnessing these transfags and SJW;s perform these insane acts, and they ignore the fact that they are mentally ill, so their opinions towrds them are not tied to mental illness.

ok now its my turn to clarify

>if you mean that transtrenders and SJWs have problems and people pretend the dont exist

i was actually reffering to the gender dysphoria they pretend to feel when they clearly dont

yes they have problems that need to be addressed, but no it isnt the problems they pretend to have
Wouldn't that be depressing as shit? Watching camgirls who aren't allowed to take their clothes off get showered with free money that you have to work to earn?
Happy belated birthday you cunt
they are all sick and the shit they do is fucking insane!
Dude. This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in a while and I spend time on /b/ for Christ's sake.
That's Tim Sykes' jet.
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Pathetic rich man
Sounds misogynist. Single mothers do not raise failures, you just hate women.
I gotcha. Fair point.
Fucking kek. Thats a very pessimistic view of what could've happened.
>but no it isnt the problems they pretend to have
your right, they arent pretending to have them, they are clearly ignoring the fact that what they have is a mental illness. they are pretending its normal, hell ill give some of them the benefit of the doubt and say the illness prevents some of them from even being able to recognize its an illness. but in the end, its a mental illness and some choose to ignore that fact. other liberal fucks that do not have the illness but take the same side as them also choose to ignore the fact that they are mentally ill as well
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YOU mentionned masturbation... too bad that the Jannini 1999 study on ncbi.nlm doesn't. You lying piece of shit. Some people will actually verify the shitty ass claims and studies you use in your bro-science arguments.


Don't play in the big boys court.

Finish high school first, only then will your claims and study interpretations look a little more legit.
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just offering an alternative perspective, its very possible and people often dont think about these things enough to realize this could happen
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i bet it smells like shit on that street
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sometimes drugs can fill that void
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this is probably the saddest picture that i have ever seen. it perfectly captures life in the modern world.
>be me
>22yo beta
>confirmed aspie via diagnosis
>recieving disability payments
>no need to leave the house
>haven't been outside since Decemer
>feel like killing myself daily
>on 150mg sertraline
>it does nothing
>zero friends, not even fakes
>not had sex in about 5 years
>spend all day on omegle & 4chin

Why shouldn't I kill myself?
I'll do it live to gain internet immortality.
The state of the world today.

Political correctness will kill humanity.
im guessing cumin and onions.
Dubs checked and logged
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>i dont have erections in the morning

not something i get everyday but god damn it when i do it sucks. its like having a dog jump in bed with you and saying either pet me or gotta go pee

Pic related, it's my penis
I'm not researching this shit like you faggots, but I'm pretty sure you've got a lot more debunking to do to make your point.

And where's the harvard study?
look in the mirror
she'll be fine

attractive woman can either become whores or find someone to take care of them...

tbh never understood the whore part. client of mine, prostitute but super fine blonde. i straight up asked why she didnt find a lawyer or doctor and low key retire
These anons, all butthurt because they have their own apartments and office jobs but girls still won't touch their wee wee.
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Good ol' times, when only the boys of rich people could go to college. Times, when advanced education ment that you could read, count to 100 and know the last 5 presidents.
PubMed only has the abstract, you lying cunt
Now I can see the whales
Looming out from the dark
Like arrows in the sky
I can believe me eyes
nah i live at home but im 21 and just finishing school
Doesn't work for me. The brain stopped producing chemicals. So I can't really force it to produce more... if it completely shut down their production.

I remember when drinking alcohol before depression made me euphoric and happier while drunk. Then I would feel sad the next day during hangover.

Well, now alcohol just makes me more relaxed. Even if I'm wasted, I won't be happy. Just a little numb physically, but mentally the same. And music will not sound better, like it used to when drunk.
Dude in the middle has ancestors who fucked slaves, guaranteed.
this got me
Just find a job then a girl will pop up and jerk you off once in a while, we call it a gf. Keep in mind if you quit, so does she.
the ones with the wolf and the girl are better
These guys are all raised in a time when babies were pumped full of morphine to "soothe" them so they were probably a little fucked up themselves.
>Just find a job
Statistically very unlikely, considering that only 1.5% of whites owned slaves.
thats pretty much the state my gf is in right now except she doesnt make any money and doesnt have addictions but videogames.
She has nowehere to go, no motivation to do anything... when we started dating she was so cheerfull and full of life but after a couple of years not being able to maintin a decent job as an artist she just got depressed and gave up for not being able to work in the industry she always wanted.

I cant kick her out as she has no place to live, i have no idea of what to do
Owning them and fucking them are two way different things.
so you pay for her to live in your house?
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it's always sunny jobs.gif
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we've been together for 8 years, this started happening around the end of 2015 or so and hasnt stopped.
We've been living together for some years now but nowadays I pay her stuff yes
>zero replies
thanks, you cunts
that's sad man, cant she find a part time job or something just so that she's atleast earning some of her keep?
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was your comment important enough to reply

>fuck i guess i gave you the (you) you wanted
I know she isn't betraying me.

Depression is fucked up to deal with man, she tried for sometime but got sad for not doing graphic design as she always wanted (she went to one of the best unis in the country to study graphic design) and quit trying.
Im trying to convice her to try again or just do some online comissions even if it is to draw furry porn to some weeb or some shit
You are literally everybody in this place.
Not all that special
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knowing that is sad... who even is Tim Syke ?
Find the right meds and shut the fuck up. Did you get your fuckin brain tested and docter said "Oh well no chemicals there anymore sorry pal"? I don't fuckin thing so. Meds sometimes do a huge difference. Fucking hell.
fuck off newfag
I like this. It's wholesome
You sound like you need a tab of acid

Lol. There's no way she's gonna find a job in graphic design... She's competing with try-hard hipsters that fucking dream about graphic design... plus she has to compete with all the online websites of Indian or Bangladeshi people doing entire websites and print designs for like 10 bucks, because 10 USD is a lot for them.

I've met people that were genuinely interested in graphic design, and they were good... but didn't find a job and now are working in a minimum wage factory wih foreigners that don't even speak the language yet. Been like this for 2 years.

Sad shit.
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fuck yes mate, fuck yes
A VHS tape in there, some floppy disks. Not a bad 90's Christmas.
This right here is gold. You're wise man.
i'm sorry i cant offer you any advice, but i do hope things work out for you.
off yourself faggot
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More cancer
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Someone gives me some peanut butter crunch for Christmas and I'll probably owe them a blow job.
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i saw some faggot post the same image in a twitch chat
What you considered smoking DMT?
Can anyone find his profile?
Awesome picture
Even got his gf on the freebies nice. It's not pathetic it's smart.
Or decedents who fucked slaves amirite???
Give MDMA a try?
>I've met people that were genuinely interested in graphic design, and they were good... but didn't find a job and now are working in a minimum wage factory wih foreigners that don't even speak the language yet. Been like this for 2 years.

Yeah its pretty shitty, im trying to shift her attention to game design and concept art and she is getting into it, lets see what the future holds
its ok, thanks anon.
reminds me of days in heaven
Hey just like my birthday last year. This year for my 21st, i don't even want a cake
im about to turn 21 and i still live with my parents

i should be out before 22 though
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Obvious samefag is obvious
This is creepy as fuck
>hot Russian bribes
Damn Putin's really been going all out huh..

These pictures always just strike me as normal. I was pretty social in college, but I always had the little "party" with mom and dad before I went out and had fun. Our I'd go out with friends on Friday night and hang out with mom on Tuesday when my actual birthday was.
Translation: my mom didn't hug me enough.
Go outside and interact with people other than your family you kaffers. 21 and searching, last year I tried to off myself but failed so I guess I'm here for a reason and so are you, just find it.
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I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't want to meet nobody go anywhere or do anything except just take a shower and watch something on on my computer till I fall asleep.
Got a trash mail?
But it's free that way and management requires money. I know mama and papa probably provide everything for you but it's not like that for all people. And with depression present motivation to do anything even making enough money to see a therapist goes away.
>> alcohol is the worst thing to detox from
>>This is usually the result of a single mother.

This retard....

Blanket statement everywhere.
This is why you are a drunk failure of a retard.
I dont know, sry
[email protected]

It dies in 10 mins tho
it was skeletons
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Thanks for proving the point with this cringepost.
goddamn that insult has lost its powers over the years if you can call someone a newfag for that
You're lucky about the shower part...
Whether its just some sort of Jungian temperament thing causing my depression, or its just a brain thing that can't be changed, I've had strong depressive episodes since the age of 5, and my parents have witnessed it. I'm 25 now, I work full time, exercise, good looking, live on my own, and am still depressed as shit. The people phobia is terrible, so now I am a recluse. Fuck this world, death free us all.
Nerve gas factory next door leaked
please show me
he looks happy for having this cake
this is the end

>"Go change your life!!!"

Must've not worked out very well for you then if the best use of your time is posting on 4chan, great life changer.
it has, you can
A mother killed herself and her 3 kids because her husband had died and she couldn't support the family financially.
>failed suicide
>must mean im here for a reason

no it means you fucking failed try harder
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have you tried looking for a job?
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Picture 39.jpg
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will send a mail with a picture containing same objects
anyone got that pic of the guy who died sitting upright in his chair from the flu?
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you're retarded lul
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i dont like this....

its like, the full image looks kinda cool, but the thumbnail looks photoshopped as fuck
He clearly doesn't give a fuck about being there. I feel bad for the person who put effort into making this faggot feel special
It's also a thrashmail for me
To prove it's me, it's a picture with same objects but with writing on paper
What is an aspie exactly?
I've received an email from [email protected] but I'm not sure what we are supposed to be talking to each other about?
>the day a serial killer is born
Someone with Aspergers Syndrome.
nice pic. source?
why though? if it was someone who actually cared they should know him well enough to know what makes him happy

they didnt put them on for him to feel special, they put it on so THEY could feel like THEY were the ones who made him feel special

i fucking hate hollow shit like this because you only have 2 options, sit there and fucking pretend to give a shit, or dont and be "that douche" because someone else wanted to use you to make themselves feel important
Just talking a bit, you seem to be kinda sad, I have some free time during the day and just made a trashmail for another thread earlier.
I feel you anon, it sucks feeling nothing at all I'd like to be sad again now I just don't feel like I exist really. But hey less people talk to you at least and don't question the weird shit we do. It's okay for me to spend most of my time reading and drinking.

no really what are the symptoms?
that doesnt exist anymore you retard.
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