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Last I heard there isint a fluffy bord.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 220
Thread images: 151

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Last I heard there isint a fluffy bord.
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Nope, a chan that won't be named has a dedicated board just for fluffiest, but its slow and sucks. /trash/ used to have threads but no longer.
I Would like a word with you
ifunny is like the best shit ever
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A lot of fluffy pics get reuploaded/posted on iFunny, no shame in posting a pic with its watermark
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Newfag with OC writing, post?
if it got foals having their eyes opened before they should then maybeeee
Only if it's good
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four text blocks coming up

>Be me
>Working for private trash removal company
>Usually take old furniture and clean out sheds, sometimes office buildings
>Hoarder house today, real estate agent bought it from the slob who lived in knee-high garbage most of their life
>Two story house with every room knee high in paper and toys from the 70s and 80s from what we were told.
>We were also told there were 'a couple fluffies' over the phone
>Realator is salty before we even get there
>Co-worker makes the sale while I get my equipment together, gloves and shit
>Co-worker, let's call him Chuck, was arguing and looked nervous while he was making the sale, got on the phone with boss
>Chuck is the most hillbilly friend i've ever had, full MAGA, loves guns, and has about 3 firebirds in his yard he claims to be fixing.
"Anon, Boss says we gotta do this one."
"So? we clean out hoarder houses all the time."
"Anon this one is infested with fluffies"
"How many?"
"I looked around inside and it's a lot, like fuckin' 50 or something, not including the babies."
"uhhh, isn't that more of a job for pest control?"
"Boss said we have to do it, lady is willing to pay for us to do both"
>fucking fuck
>Fucking cunt fuck
>I'm nervous now, I abuse in my spare time but i'm terrified of being found out.
>Usually we're busy enough that we don't do anything more than move the fluffies aside when we clean a shed.
>But this house is full, I can hear some of their stupid sounds from outside
"Nu gif speshuw huggiews! *Cheepcheepcheep!* mummah hewp babbeh!"
>Some of them have already wandered into the sideyard to graze and scatter away from us
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Short and sweet. I like it.
"So do we?...
>Chuck looks sad, like he just lost his job to a mexican
"Anon I can't kill these things man."
"I mean look at 'em, they're harmless! I don't think it's against god to kill 'em critters but ah dunno."
>The reddest redneck I know doesn't like to kill animals for sport and is shoving the job on me.
>Can't go full autism and torture, can't save face and try not to kill them
"Uhhh, sure Chuck, I got you man. Just go get some garbage bags from HEB, i'll pay you back"
>Our shitty trucks barely have any equipment for doing our job, usually have to pay for our own gear.
>Realator lady starts to leave
"I'm going to go meet some girlfriends for starbucks, call me when you need payment or whatever."
>Bitch talks like we're named 'the help'
"Will do ma'am"
>Grab shovel, sledgehammer, and push-broom from sidebox and set them by the front door.
>Scare a few fluffies walking past, one gets up on it's hind legs and tries to beg for attention
"nyu daddeh? fwuffy be good fwuff, wuv daddy lots"
>Abuse sense tingling
>gently push it aside with my foot
"Fuck off, it's better if you leave"
>Somehow breaks it's leg falling back
"SCREEEEEE! wy daddeh hurt fwuffy!? huuhuuuuu! Wowst huwties!"
>Other fluffies hear the mare and the panic echos through the house in a mix of baby babble and terrified chirps
>The sound and smell of shit waft through the open front door
>Jesus fuck, this is everything I wanted at the worst time and place
>Only have aforementioned stuff, 3-inch pocket knife that I sharpen because boxcutters are for pussies, and a multi-tool with plier.
>Chuck drives off in company truck to get large black garbage bags for cleanup, leaving me to do my own assesment and start organizing the cleanup
>we're on the edges of the city, so I probably have anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes to handle this by myself
>That sadistic itch is growing
I ignore the whimpering mare with a broken leg and shut the front door, proceed to chase down and round up the ones that got outside and throw them back in.
do a walk around and close the side door of the garage so the fluffies can't get out.
come back to the front door, the broken leg mare left a 3-foot long smear of shit and piss as it tried to crawl away down the porch
Pick it up amidst protest and cries and bring it inside, shut door behind me
I immediately regret this as I take my first solid whiff of the house, the dust and mold mixed with the mounds of fluffy shit and a few neon-colored corpses
One of the smaller fluffies I threw back in is quietly laying against the wall it hit, probably dead
huuuhuu, bad upsies! puw mummah dow! wy weggie nu wuwk
I can't help it, I lay the mare on it's back and grip the next uninjured leg in both hands and
And yeah, my smile is about as big as a kid listening to his favorite advertisement.
I put the caustic smell of piling excrement out of mind as I enjoy myself
I break the next leg
then the final
I pick the mare up by the scruff and wade through the piled garbage over to the garage
The hoarder house owner surprisingly left a spot for the car as I finally find a clearing in the garbage.
Decide to experiment
Hold fluffy upside down and drop it
Must have broken something, it's eyes are rolling around like googly eyes as it twitches and chokes on the small clearing in the concrete garage
only have to clean up piss and shit if I decide to break their necks
"Hey! meanie munstah! gowway ow smawty gifs you wowstest owies!"
>Turn around to see a another shit rat, deep crimson red fur with a black mane
>quietly pull my knife out and slavsquat, unfolding the knife
"Alright then, give me 'wowst huwties' you mut."
>Fluffy charges forward to headbutt me and...
>it bounces off my shin like a pillow and falls back, holding it's head
"huuuhuu! stuwpih munstah gif smawty owwies! Huuu"
>Jesus christ I love how useless they are
>Grab it by the scruff and push it down with my left hand, holding it in place
"EEP! wet smawty gu dummeh ow you gew fowevew sweepies! gif smawty ske-GHK!"
>I dive the tip of my knife into it's throat, interupting it's tirade
>it starts to choke, I thought I would have to push more to get the knife to the hilt already.
>The smarty squirms and kicks uselessly as I saw the throat open, cutting every aretery I can find
>The fluffy dry heaves with wide and terrified eyes as each beat of it's heart makes a little spray of blood shoot from the exposed vessels
>I stand as the shitrat pools blood under it
"~99 fluffies to die today, 99 fluffies to die, you take one down, cut it's life short, 98 fluffies to die today~"

Dedicated to that shitty removals job I had
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I need to get writing. I was going to after work tonight, but...fucking depression crept up on me.
What a beautiful house.
>Last I heard there isint a fluffy bord.
There is and it's called http://boards.4chan.org/trash
Then I fucked up the greentext, kill me now
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Post abuse comics I'm new to /fluff/
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Finishing up one story. Should be up by tomorrow.
Aww this faggot took time away from fapping to trap threads to get salty in a fluffy thread
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God I'm so happy WRS is back.
Nope, see previous comments
So says the newfag
sure thing kid
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If you say so, also your mom says to clean that basement dwelling you call a bedroom
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the end has come
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Jellenheimer is not afraid
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Do not engage.

Just ignore it and everything will be all right.
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you say that but nothing stops them from posting whether you reply or not, its passive
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Need more fluffies
Yeah pokebro does what pokebro does
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But they spam more when you respond to them.
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That dude needs to get laid instead of spamming fluffy threads. Can someone hook him up with a well hung black top?
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Has he posted anything new yet?
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Only if he cosplays as a kweh. Pokebro has standards.
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Well, nignogs love chicken
last post was 6 days
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There was a recent page to his comic but the file size is to big so I'll link it.
I can't tell if his abuse is out of sadism or just being done with this shit.
What the actual fuck is this shit? When did this become a thing?
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No that's his Russian hugbox week pic. The comic page was linked.
Or just being Scottish?
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Like 4 years ago dude.
Can someone explain why these threads exist?
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I believe he's a small fluffy breeder who has his profit margin/garden ruined but a smarty herd. He's half pragmatic about killing them and also pissed they cost him time/money. Also Scottish.
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So the people posting hate fluffies? And use them to expel anger? Wat.
see this >>732203949
I resized it for 4chans stupid IMG limits
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I can't fathom the fucking weirdos creating this stuff.
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Yeah basically. Started as a thing against bronies. Turned into it's own thing over time, ideas became cannon, a whole sort of story evolved where the company Hasbio made "bio-toys" and PETA ruined their shit and released fluffies into the wild.

Some people have them as pets, some kill them as pests.
Bronies hate fluffies.
post more? this is pretty good stuff.
And some people keep them for other reasons>>732199472
I'll write up another part for that removals shit another thread, got a John Henry joke lined up and everything.
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Well I can say from a few skype calls and such that we are horrifyingly normal for the most part. You'd never see us coming. Some really nice folks oddly enough, but with that sadistic undercurrent channeled into fictional ponies.
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Oh yes, I'm aware.
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>mfw you can't just become an hero already
Those product reviews put my fucking sides on the moon
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Reminds me of Filthy Frank smacking the shit out a hamster that way. kek'd
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I love the idea of the jellenheimers. Even after all the shit fluffies have gone through, they don't instinctively fear anything, except these creepy ass motherfuckers. It's like there is something fundamentally wrong with them, no human seems to remember making them, and god certainly didn't make them.
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Where it all began.
Can you explain what a jellenheimer is? I'm not new to fluffies but I've never heard of that. Is it a new thing in the fluffy universe or what?
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It's fluffy nightmares made manifest. Basically it started >>732206344 in this dudes link.
Badly drawn foals, given a new name in the comments. Cannon became they are fluffies worst fear.
Click the tag of the booru image to see more.
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Fuck no. We LOVE fluffies, and we love their suffering. The whole evil fluffy genre is called hellgremlins, and is basically a spinoff of fluffies made by casuals who couldn't handle innocent fluffies suffering so they had to paint the fluffies as literal satans in order to make the abusers seem like knights in white armor.
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Nope. Fluffies originated in /mlp/ threads at /co/, were popular at /mlp/ once it was founded, but were evicted when the board janitor went rogue and banned them along with Milky Way, tulpa, and nsfw content.
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I think it has more to do with "canon" being extremely limited... there are only so many stories to tell if fluffies have such flat personalities
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There are only two stories to be told with hellgremlins: Fluffies act like shit and get punished, or fluffies shit on a baby and a white knight rescues it.

There's plenty more to do with idealistic things trying to interact with a world that doesn't care than with unambiguous evil that just needs to be coldly stomped out.
an artist named jellenheimer posted his version of fluffies to the booru. it sucked so bad it became its own thing.
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Yeah I use the word cannon very loosely.
>Cannon became they are fluffies worst fear.
I like to think the fluffies know something about them that we don't.
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You get off to fluffy threads. You're just as bad as that faggot, you childhood-raped fuck.
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Hey, I nevewr weare sahx
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Do I get called less of a faggot for owning up to indulging in cathartic sadism against a fictional creature designed to be hated?
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no u
Getting ass-pained because someone told OP he was wrong and taking a stance of
>Anyone who responds to something for any reason or in any way is trolled!
doesn't help your case, either.
Lowest form of life.
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Nope sorry, by posting on 4chan your automatically a faggot. It's just a fact of nature.
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Small correction, you don't need to post. Lurking on 4chan is enough.
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I like both, oddly enough.
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I'm guilty of liking the first 2 seasons of FiM.
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Let's keep this fluffy related.
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Does anyone have that comic with the guy in a gas mask with a Russian accent that kills fluffies in a fallout setting? I think there was a white fluffy that was his partner?
I wrangle tards, fluffy threads help take some of the edge off during bad shifts
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>Blame the children too

Typical niggers.
Deserve their abuse just like real niggers do.
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You know, I never realized this story had a title page. Thank you.
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Thanks, anon! I remember reading it a while back and loving it.
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Different artists, I only use it as a title page.
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As far as I know this is the last of it.
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Did you know the urge to hug things and the urge to strangle them are controlled by the same part of your brain.

That's how I explain away you raging sociopaths at least.
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Artist-kun Abuse43.png
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Hugging is just a low powered body strangle anyway. Makes sense to me. Never trusted people who hug babies anyway.
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Too bad.
This version of the fluffy universe is super interesting. I hope more people will explore it some day.
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Spoosh Sadbox2.png
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Agreed. It's one of the only multi artists comics out there too.
If I could draw worth half a damn I'd continue it.
I'm a drawfag, but I wouldn't even know how to continue the story or make it feel the same. I do love the idea of an intelligent fluffy though. It mixes things up.
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Fluffy mistaken for a foal.jpg
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Me too.
I look at fluffy stuff from time to time. It's the autistic constant posting of it I don't like.

I like both too. Some pony fans turn edgy at some point, but I externalized my sadistic desires into fluffies rather than mlp proper.
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Hmm. Maybe we can get some writefags to help with a script? I'm a mod on the Sketti Wands discord server and I have a few people on skype into fluffies. I'll drop the discord thing.

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Squeakyfriend Hugbox4.png
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Will join
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pretty gud anon
brattiness is the flattest personality possible, which is why 90% of hellgremlin stories are the exact same yard invasion/foal rejection played out ad-naseum.
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Underrated as fuck
>scared of lightning
>shitrat isn't cover in shit
>hugbox owner
>shitrat was properly trained not to make scared poop
i call bullshit
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>chump blocker against non-blue deck.
This token oversells their usefulness.
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TheWanderingTrader Hugbox2.png
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Wolfram_sparks Abuse4.png
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i guess lilly gets to eat
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You fuckin newfag.

Before /mlp/ the brony faggots always hung out on /b/. At one point before the board like half the given threads on the front page were various types of brony bullshit. So they finally got their own board, and they wouldn't fucking leave /b/ because "this is our board already" bullshit.

Anyway people gangraped their threads with spiderman and heresy to no avail, so they started posting grotesque images of ponies to shoo them off and thus fluffies were born.
I hate animal cruelty, but if these things were real I would kill them, they're creepy.
welcome to our world brother
If you like mlp you should hang yourself. It's pretty cool to do that if you're into it. Because it's not cool to live on the same planet as other people and like mlp. Kill yourself please? Thank you :)
I always thought the mlp thing was all a troll when I started seeing it on 4chan, then I realized people actually liked it.
I think the whole trend started from troll threads on 4chan though and then literal retards took it seriously
nah, when i was a senior in 2000-2001, i had some distant cousins who came over for the holidays, they each brought a backpack crammed with mlp shit

i had to share my room with one of them
Fluffy belongs to /b/ nothing else
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