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fight thread post best fight webms you have i gotta build folder

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Thread replies: 235
Thread images: 63

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fight thread

post best fight webms you have

i gotta build folder
why does it always have to be the fucking niggers jumping people. Should just exterminate them all.
That DDT was pretty badass though.
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Nigger's idea of a fair fight is always 4 on 1 cause its more fun...
Bump for interest
Fucking niggers.
All them shitskins need to be killed.
Damn let your man fight his own battle lmao

Blacks are pussy
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Fuck you
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Dropping mother fuckers left and right
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I hate white people
I grew up in an almost entirely white neighborhood and there was so much of this kind of thing going on with no actual black niggers involved.
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Like I give a fuck
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You skipped the part where they start stalking that dude as he walks off.
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you should, white devil
need mor hilorus fights where they loose their clothing
and thats why i hate niggers
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That's messed up, and I didn't make the .gif, baka
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I grew up in a black neighborhood in Houston as a half white guy who looks white it wasn't great but now I can take 3 people at once I've had much as run up on me just because I looked white. Then I started putting them in the hospital and they realized I'm better as a friend and I ran with a good group
Eh I'm only half so I dont really care and I'm pretty sure I can kick 7 different colors of shit out of you
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I'm pretty sure you could since I'm small irl
Shut up nigger
That guy who hit her was her bf
Well i hate black people and i have more mony than you.
Heil blue lives negroid extermination unit
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For Alla
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48 second fight.webm
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standard ape behavior, why am i not surprised. niggers are disgusting
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I'm not black tho
We can still fyte
Aww did the big bad white people hurt your little feelings?
little shit
What are you? And the fuck did we do to you?
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Yeah I am
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I seem to have ran out of fight .gifs
>hate white people
>im not black
>like minority echelons matter at all.

Fuck off mongo. Stay away from me and my beautiful white potential mates.
Are they triplets
Hahahahaha BITCH!!
that ass
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booty brothas got caught.webm
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Everybody hates cops!
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nigger takes a video of a video
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Okay yeah I ran out of fight .gifs, sorry. Good bye.

I love fighting even if I lose, lets do thisss
Not really, why?
Yeah I hate white babies too
I'm Puerto Rican, you raped mah ppl
Stop swearing
No it's Naruto
Be nice
I'll stomp your little Puerto Rican head in then you'll have a real reason to call me white devil
Naruto sucks so much fucking filler
>black orgy
You don't have to be black to be a nigger. Niggers come in all races, they're just predominantly black.
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Redneck Fight.webm
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Doesn't seem like it

that guy is in jail now.
i hope so fucking white scum redneck
Because only cool people can recognize cool people as cool.
I'm surprised the dude got up twice before getting knocked out
Talking shit but you can't stop us. Just made because you know we can take whatever we want.
I can bump the thread with a greentext if you want.
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I don't think that's true.
That's fuckin cool man
look at his fighting stance after lmao
Yeah that's why I said "actual black nigger"
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Broken Ankles.gif
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Does this count?
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This guy gets it
Hahaha do that shit your grandma
Reported for being a faggot
Been preching this for years. Plenty of white scumbags in the world but ive never seen any fight like dumb niggers. Funny how he was still kicking that niggers ass too while geting blasted by 4 disgusting wastes of flesh and blood
I've seen plenty fight like dumb niggers.
Yeah? Well they should be put the fuck down too just like the niggers they act like.
Nigger detected
You could say she got... Fisted
Got jumped and still won, fuck niggers
get rekt pussy
That never gets old. Fucking MK shit right there.
Prank show gone wrong; see the two crew come to stop.
Shame the gif ends though, the bad ass does this cool shrug and just walks off like a boss
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If I'm not mistaken this guy is a pro boxer, I'm looking for sauce now
Nogs animals. Good white bro.
This one is gold.
Not pro, amateur boxer. I remember the story
All nogs must be rekt desu.

Here you go.
Nigger had the Byakugan
kek he thinks he's Chinese
Yeah, this is old vidz. Shit happens in Turkistan, as far as I remember. Easy and effective work.
Was thinking the same
Fellow Houston b/ro
That's how you stand when you're getting ready to beat someone when theyre down.
Only a nigger would get that worked up over fried chicken.
The cop got charged with assault for this and lost his job sad isn't it?
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>He is
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Goddamn slavs
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That cuck still got beaten after his apes got to help him. 1V1 he would have been absolutely destroyed. And those cucks didn't even manage to hit him well.
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These two guys want to suck each other's dicks so bad.
>Sweep the leg
It's really nice to see some white trash in a Browning shirt get his ass beat even if it's by another bumfuck countryfag. If only both would have been shot by their daddy's hunting rifle as the video ended.
The guy on the left looks like fucking Goku,
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Yeah? Well that's exactly what I'm saying.
lol cowbob biboy stealing from naruto, thats sad
Lol, nah. I'm a fat white dude with a small penis.
>frosted butts
Those were the days.
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Asks for webms... Gets gifs
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4chan gets into a fight.webm
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black queen.webm
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white boys fight.webm
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Old but has anybody cracked the code as to why this nigger wears two pairs of gym shorts?
This motherfucker, i hope he dies painfully
Another fucking loser redneck throwing sucker punches
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Did nobody else notice the midget

Or are you all midgets so you didn't point it out
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Heavy Hands.webm
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this is what happens when the above average black fights a below overage white without the whole jungle getting inolved, every time.
Some niggers do that. I think he's probably a mulatto though. Nigs' gon' nig'.
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shitty schoolyear.webm
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gay facial.webm
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foh ifunny fag
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is the thread dead?
>All those weaves on the ground the last few seconds
Serious question, why do some people still consider niggers human?
sucker punched like a pussy
She has a seizure after that drop too, post the full clip next time dumb nigger

bump bump
Mulatto here.
Mind your own fucking business.

that irrelevant fag that stands over him
wow you are really tough. I am very impressed
>fuck off nigger
Fuckin classic.... Haven't seen this in years
the best one
She deserved it. If u watch the full video you'll see why
dude the white kid is twice his size and choking a nigga isnt that hard even if you're smaller then him
Its mutual you lesser faggot
>opponent is way bigger, so there is no shame in suckerpunching
>immediately stops when he realized that the guy is knocked out
>doesn't kick a dude who is on the ground

I can respect that.
That was awesome
Why do people flail around like retarded deflated balloons when fighting? I've never understood that
Doesn't that dude actually have down syndrome tho?
Hahaha fucking nigger BTFO
Can't one pair of shorts serve the same purpose?
>expert on this matter
>never been in a fight
without words we dont know if its a suckerpunch but it seemed like the white dude shoulda known shit was gonna go down
I was in like 6 fights in high school, you flailing retard expert
Nigger detected.
>in high school
7/10, you got me.
of course as soon as white boy starts kicking ass, all the little niggers had to jump in and sucker kick and sucker punch him.

ur the dumbest nigger
Well, that's why those negroids aren't worth that much.
Fucking hell, top kek.
that immediate level change.
Kid knows what he is doin.
yea if she wasn't white and wasn't a woman he would've been fine.
did he die
u don't start a fight thread with a 5v1 newfag
Why did I think the driver was wearing a Nixon mask at first? I wasn't convinced he wasn't until he stuck his head out of the window.
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>Big John Runyan

Such a baller episode.
Damn nigger karate chop!
Oh, internet bad-ass over here guys.
He needs to learn to respect mammals.
amazing just amazing if i ever caught in situaton like this i will be good aswell i will collide my folded hand into hostile face much good my brother i can
only decent nigger I have seen
Suckerpunch is kinda not ok but the guy had it coming obviously
loooool sauce i can bate to this
>fuck nigger
>fight nigger and other nogs
that kid is gonna grow up to murder cats
fucking hate niggers. Nigger took his shirt off, still got whopped. Bunch of niggers jumped in, white man still prevails.

edgy 12 y/o pretending to be a tough

i can hear the chimp-screams
why so many replies? i hate faggots who do this dumb shit, do you have the puerto rican autismo boricua?? dumb piece of shit, your country is broke AF
that was swift 10/10 took his trackies off as well and had shorts on underneath this is godly
Lol. It's fun to try to sound tough.

Fucked that lil bitch UP
whats this they fighting cause some incest problems
What pussy nigger monkeys
They got off easy.
holy shit nice leg kick
pfft weak shit

he obviously wasnt trying to fight him. Might as well be a sucker punch
If you're squaring up and get tagged in the face it's not a sucker punch.
not so nice leg kick. lead with punch
Who's laughing now bitch?!
Honest question are all Niggers pussies?
I mean no Nigger would start a fight if he wouldnt have like 10 of his Nigger Faggot friends to help him right?
Should have stabbed him after it broken, cause now you just get gut shot.
Give this man a medal. I'd of smashed the other little shit's heads as soon as they ganged-up against him.
He ko's the guy anyway. Make it two medals.
Niggers are no better
"If he dies, he dies."
was that like bro and sister vs another family bro and sister? or did that redneck bitch actually had 4 pieces of white trash?
That's the 3rd time his been blasted in the face this week.
Did some loose their T-Swift tickets??
H town hold it down
someone should knock out the faggot that cant center a fucking shot to save his life
Lol niggers can't win a fight by their selfs so they get their chimp friends to help.
>implying blacks aren't the most incestuous "people"
He looks Samoan to be honest. Don't fuck with Samoans. They're just lumps of pure muscle.
implying correctly
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HA!Fucked that little bastards world up!
You're right, I forgot about jews.
cracka in denial
Top fucking lel
Cleanest KO I've ever seen
despite all the black folks touching neices nephews and children i mean honestly they fuck more kids then white (not just statisticwise) they just keep quiet about it they're even worse then the mexicans
nigger lover gets suckerpunched quite the irony
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glad you can hear it, cause i can't see shit in that thumbnail
I wouldnt even call this a sucker punch, you can see this kids reaction and body movement that hes about to get ready for a fight, the dumb queef looks like he walked up to him and was pushing his buttons but wasnt ready to fight.
>found the faggot
Women are so fucking stupid, honestly. The meme that they're smart is something we made up to let them feel good about being stupid AND weak.
Except Cowboy bebop was out 5 years before the first episode of Naruto ever aired.

So no, actually. It's the opposite.
Thread posts: 235
Thread images: 63

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