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ITT: We post funny shit. In other words... You ylyl ,you loose

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 124
Thread images: 47

ITT: We post funny shit.

In other words... You ylyl ,you loose thread!

(post things that are both funny and true)





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Dumb af; Laughed hard.
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hello benito
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close to my actual name, but no.
when i am literally a fat, neckbearded, atheist man who would suck a dozen cocks just for the fun of it and even I think OP is a blazing faggot

its disrespectful OPs like this that make me want to get a 4chan pass to image spam spiderman to the image limit

TL;DR: OP is a massive faggot
Crap, lost
> wait, yes
t. Sweden
Why is the order of operations what it is? Like, why are we supposed to do parenthesis first? Who decided that, and why does it matter so much?
> input shit into Wolfram or Symbolab
> that's the correct way
how hard is that
None of these were funny I'm guessing you're like 14 years old
btw the "old way".. how, why... what about the parenthesis you fuck
Honestly, it shouldn't matter. Anyone who writes an equation like this should be shot on sight.

OP is faggot.

>it is funny because it is also verifiably and unsubjectivley true.
yeah its some kind of faggot whose trying to "derail" other ylyl threads because he cant imagine people giving anyone other than him attention, probably literally autistic, with a plate of nuggies in his lap
I thought they were funny. Are you saying I'm a 14 year old?
This nigga gets it. Should at least be done with fractions, or brackets if you are 10 year old

For the same reasons that commas matter.

Let's eat Grandma.

Let's eat, Grandma.

See, with a comma, poor Grandma doesn't get cunnilingus. Poor grandma.
Yes but why? Why can't we do multiplication or division before parenthesis? What's the logic?

It's a rule of convention. Arbitrary but agreed. Follow it or be wrong, faggot.
In 20/5(2*2), 5(2*2) is the numerator. If you wanted the answer to be 16 you would have (20/5)(2*2).
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aol nostalgiad me right in the feels

You have no idea how much pussy I got off of aol.
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>let's eat grandma

aah thats fucking gross i just stick with cannibalism
It doesn't seem like it's the same to me

Like yeah without a comma you're going to end up with a wildly different answer, same as with no order of operations, but it's different because you know what you were trying to say. You weren't trying to say "let's eat grandma's pussy", you were trying to say "let's have dinner, grandma". But with a math equation you aren't trying to get a specific answer, just the correct answer, so deciding an order of operations seems to me like deciding what the correct answer to an equation is

I swear I'm not an idiot but this just doesn't really make sense to me
Order of operations and English language are unrelated.
Order of operations are arbitrary and stupid. Except with powers, which should be calculated first, calculations should be completely invalid if there are more than two non matching operations that aren't separated with parenthesis.
No, you got it wrong. It's
>Let's eat out, Grandma
>Let's eat out Grandma
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ffs guys you're giving me aneurysms pls stop
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what is even the point of this? im sure by now anyone can just look up how to tri-force
áž´ áž´ â–²
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I don't think Germany should be allowed to even be a country anymore, started both world wars, if any culture is a piece of garbage it's them
>Austria-Hungary started WWI
>Declared it on Serbia
>Germany roped into it
>Then blamed for it
>Started it
But ww1 was started by a serbian not a german

where the fuck did you get your info?
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thread died, new one here
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OP here, we need more cocks in this thread
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what actually kind og hurts is that OP could be sarah herself, and her books arent selling like she thought she would so shes trying to promote them to the audience best suited to them

and that audience is us

WE are the socially maladjusted retards
I am OP!

Exponents are simply multiplication or division to the power of a value.
Multiplications or divisions are simply addition or subtraction to the power of a value.
Addition and subtractions are the simplest form in that they only add their own value to another once.

Values inside a parenthesis can be both applied as an exponent, multiplication, division, addition or substraction. But by using brackets we can apply a value that is not just a single value; this is important in algebra when there equations that might have more than one correct answer. Parenthesis still apply or add their value to an item, but must be solved first to know what that value is.
boi he was 16 in that pic
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pls report him
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shut up pedophile

here are more imges of this fat boy naked https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Joseph8276
Actually no, I'm just an alt-right member trying to troll her, but if you want to buy my new book, here's the link to it: https://www.amazon.com/Adulthood-Myth-Sarahs-Scribbles-Collection/dp/1449474195
Basically its there so answers are kept to one. If there was like 14 different answers for a long equation, how the fuck would we get anything done
True but funny
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I don't know whether this is a formatting issue or what but apparently my laptop is retarded.

Also, how the fuck is this woman allowed to teach kids this crap?
Not the way it's written (also, you mean denominator, as numerator is what goes on top). The / for division is a stand-in for the ÷ operator where operator arguments are left and right of it,since standard keyboards don't support it. It's NOT the vertical bar division with arguments on top and bottom. Thus, the mathematical expression is a typographical variation of:
Multiplication and addition don't have precedence over each other. By convention, they have left-to-right associativity where order is not determined by preference or parentheses, so the ÷ is evaluated first
That's wrong, because when you establish order of operations, you don't need parenthesis unless you want to change that order — on average thus you eliminate the use of parentheses half of the time they would be needed otherwise. This makes representation of math expressions more efficient.
Type an expression in a programming language and it will always be evaluated in an unambiguous manner.
>should be
No different than saying we should use a different symbol for the numeral 4 because you prefer one arbitrary convention over another one that's well established over centuries by huge numbers of people
Yes but why? Why can't we put verbs or verb phrases before the subject? What's the logic?
not that anon but that is a stupid fucking argument, you cant just take two things that are NOT the same (math and grammar) and compare them like they are the same without any kind of context
pls stop this bait
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It's you who is retarded, not your laptop. In most computer environments you cannot omit multiplication signs from math expressions, so you must write this as 20/5*(2*2)
Because / and * are of the same precedence and have left-to-right associativity, you'll get 16.
I am a programmer, I write C (and assembly occasionally) for rewritable chipsets in prototype machines, which are later mass manufactured when the "code" is built into the PROM chip itself using bit locking fuses.

Expressions such as
are surprisingly common, and they piss me off because I have to repeatedly recite PEMDAS just to decode it.

The computer does it well, but I, as a human, do not. I understand why it exists, but it still can be pretty annoying.
Sure you can — that's why we have analogies.
Part of intelligence is the ability to make abstractions valid in the context of what aspect of a given system one is interested in, and an analogy is valid as long as the incompatible details between the different domains from where one draws the original example and the analogous one have been abstracted away.
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hot headed loser who hates gays, enjoy

226 dash 663 dash 6000
As an actual programmer, I can tell from several "features" of your post that you're not.
>not being able to unfold your genitals
We do parentheses first because thats what we do. Why would we change when every mathematical formula you'll ever learn is based on that way of doing things?
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analogies have some sort of context, you cant just assert, what you (or the other anon if it wasnt you) did was what is called a "false analogy" and it was fucking stupid
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I changed my opinion. And I do have a lot of fans on this site now.
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why the fuck does he talk so slow, is it the retardation? or is he just so fat he cant even talk as fast as normal people without running out of breath
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delete this. NOW! Or i'll sue you.
how are you going to sue on an anonymous image board

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
5*(2 = 10
5*2) = 10
then 10 * 10 = 100
THEN 20/100 = 5

what is the deal with this guy? why does he feed the trolls?
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I'm gay and need a big cock to suck and another one in my ass
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>how are you going to sue on an anonymous image board
Do you really think that the mods and the owner of this website doesn't know your IP? And the FBI can connect it to your social media & provider to find you.
I'll report you if you post that picture again.
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>internet troll
>not understanding that things posted here can be taken as evidence in court

let me say again

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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Never gonna give you up,
never gonna let you down

Don't know how many times did you sad you're going to ban me, and look I'm here...

Also remember that time you told that feminine google developer will ban me XD

LOL. Hi again. You are that guy who rekt that nigga: "says the one who solve a captcha..."
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It's not addition it's division
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yeah :,)
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Shut up pedophile
I'm gay an need big cocks to suck
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Shit, yes. we meed to make this a thing
can you guys not do this with sarahs scribbles?
kek < this one
>why "7" is supposed to mean seven?
>why the sound "cow" is assigned to that animal?

All language is an agreement, there is not a "why"

Hi saussure.
>why the sound "cow"
>the sound "cow"

Like has been said countless times on /v/ before 4chan's septic tank got a hold of it, this is an edit of some fake thing made to make bitter manbabies throw a fit about some fictional female teacher teaching numathâ„¢.

Please stop being so easily baited.
The problem with expressions like this is that they're unspecific and unobjective and the real answer is "who cares?"
>I think self-deprecating humor is the same as complaining about people being better than you
how autistic can one person be?
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Cause you're autistic

Cow is a sound you make with your mouth. Written language came later.
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Thread posts: 124
Thread images: 47

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