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Do Latinas like white guys?

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Do Latinas like white guys?
Considering they are racially Caucasian, yes.
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As long as you're not ugly and poor, yea. At least mexican chicks want to have light skinned children. If you're fat and ugly, you'll have to settle for an equally fat and ugly chick. If you're kinda poor but decent, you can easily get a poor chick.
that depends. Latina isn't a race, but the average Latina is mestiza, meaning a mix of white and indigenous ancestry.
Considering i just fucked one, yes
does she have a nice ass?
YES dude. It works like this: A latina lives in a country full of latinos so she sees them as a common thing, the white devil is the novelty and viceversa, the Latino man wants to fuck pale ass white women.
I'm talking more so about Latinas in the US
No, they like latinos most of the time
Just don't date a self proclaimed xicana or whatever. Are you looking for a beaner chick or a coconut?
I don't really care as long as we're compatible
Latinofag reporting in. Grew up in Spanish speaking neighborhoods with bodegas and all. Can confidently tell you the answer is yes. While they find Latinos more facially attractive, white guys are considered a "social upgrade." White guys are also seen as much more docile, easily persuaded, and overall less stubborn than the common violent Latino like Aaron Hernandez.

Extra points if you're 5'9" (1.75m) or taller and have an upper-middle-class (or higher) salary.

So I guess the answer is actually no, not genuinely. But because the relationship will benefits her more than it'll benefit you, she becomes very interested. It's a more subtle form of gold digging.

Expect to be excluded from Latino family reunion inside jokes, traditions, and the Spanish language, though.
Dating someone for money obviously doesn't count, so I'm not sure why you would mention that.

That being said it's not true that they only like white guys for money, I'm a white college dropout without much money and I've been with qt Latina chicks.
I don't know what fucking Latino neighborhood you grew up in but in LA.
The Latinas dont like gringos at all.
They dont like niggers either.
Depends on the chick too, but even if the dude doesn't have a middle class salary, its still seen as an upgrade as long as you're not a neckbeard tubby. As I said, many of them want light skinned children, especially if their a little more on the indigenous looking side. At least from my experiences that's what I've seen.
Are you from the ghetto areas in LA? The more suburban chicks on the east side (aka not the hoodrats) are open to white dudes. And If they're into basketball, they're into black dudes.
while they're wealthy
There are three types of Latinas in the US:

Regular Latina
and Blackwashed
Nah im not from a ghetto part, its full of Mexicans and from what i seen.
They're always with Mexican guys, i have never seen a latina with a white dude in my life.
Adding to this:

Whitewashed Latinas are definitely open to white guys, many Regular Latinas are, and blackwashed less so
You forgot the FOB's. Fresh out the border. These chicks will marry you for some papers lol.
Nope because you are a faggot
Funny how I have no objections to beaner and a white woman but Niggers need to die a early death.
The Latinas that come to the U.S.A. represent the lower classes of Latino Society. Don't date one of them, you should learn about Latinos before hand and not think with your penism that will lead to your demise.
I get the impression blackwashed ones are pariahs even in their own communities.
They would fall under "regular Latina" I would say
Well it depends, because it seems like in East Texas it's common for Hispanics-Americans to say nigga in every sentence and wear Jordans. But surely the more sophisticated/self Hispanics Latinos look down on that type.
>whores like money
>all women are whores
>white guys are more likely to have a better job/more money than mexican guys in general
You do the math, anon.
You better believe it. Blackwashed Latinas are the worst.
Whitewashed ones are definitely open to white dudes. The "regular" ones see white guys as a social upgrade. the xicanas and cholas are harder to get since they dislike blacks and/or whites.
The closer the country is to the US border, the more truthful is your statement
Yes, I personally can attest that they LOOOOOVE white men. Just go out and try your luck, my last SEVERAL gf's were Latina because that's just my preference but every single one of them admitted to me that their favorite race of men was white.
I hate them. Like, why do you think it's cool to copy the way ghetto black people talk?
Oh, and I forgot to the mention the beaner ones (for mexican chicks). They are pretty much off limits since they are infatuated with mexican culture and that includes mexican dudes, especially those who play in a band.
^^This. The whitewashed latinas are more likely open to dating outside of their culture. Cholas are shit. Who would date those things.
I'm in NYC and I want a Mexican gf or any kind of Latina gf so bad
From what i have seen they don't seem to date outside their race but im sure some do.
Beaner chicks: Forget it. They're into Mexicans 100%.

Cholas: no comment.

Blackwashed latinas: Don't bother.

Whitewashed Latinas: you've got a chance with them. Just learn some spanish and you're in.
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Lots of latinas are racist as FUCK but they'll go for a white guy if they fall in love. Not a black. They hate black people more than the KKK
They really sophiscated ones are actually open to dating outside of their culture. I've dated one and I'm Caucasian
Chances are yours were more "hood" who wear Baby Phat, Nike, and Jordans. Indigenous native types would rarely (if ever) be into your profile.

Yeah they do, dude. Just wait til they've been out of high school for a bit. During their teens and early 20s they think of whites as "pinche gringos," but later in life they start weighing their options. Plus, they LOVE the idea of having a child with blue eyes.

Yeah, that sounds about right. They love light colored eyes, too.
Can confirm this
Cholas, would depend. Ya gotta be that neanderthal-type alpha male for sure
Latinas are nice. And if they hate niggers, they are even more nice.

Its true. Latinos are very "color conscious" and can be more racist than americans. Dark skin = bad, light skin = good. White boys = ehhhh, depends on the girl and how you play your cards. You'll have a better chance in Latin America than in the US, thats for sure.
I went to high school with them, trust me i seen them date Latinos and some of them are even married now with Latinos.

as a latino ive seen this shit first hand
No, hood Latinas usually don't like white guys. They were both pretty whitewashed.
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The darker they are, the more they'll want a white
This guy knows the deal.

All you white American males that are sooo scared to say... *gasp, "The N-WORD!!" have no idea how openly racist colored people are, especially among their own peoples. Thisi goes for Asian Americans, too.
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Puerto Rican here

>Expect to be excluded from Latino family reunion inside jokes, traditions, and the Spanish language, though.

So much this, I don't even...
Latinos and Asians, at least in the US, are way less likely to be racist against blacks than white people are
I have a feeling most of you guys don't actually know any Latinos
Depends, Latinas living in the U.S. some of she, yes, some no. Latinas living in latin american countries, Yes, they are racist again their own race.
There's the joke of the year. Bro, I'm a Latino who grew up around them for the first 25ys of my life... you've got no idea how wrong your comment is.
if Latinos were that racist, I don't think black people would let them say nigga to their faces

Of course plenty of Latinos hold racist views, but overall whites win in being more racist.
As a latino, I can tell you that Latinos in the US look down on blacks. They see them as the dirtiy, violent, and lazy. We openly talk about them among ourselves in Spanish all the time.
I'm sure plenty do, but clearly not all of them considering how many of them copy the way black people talk and dress
Well let me be the 1st to tell you you're wrong my friend. I'm a Latino myself and I can say that I'm a little racist towards black people. It seems that every black person I encounter is obnoxious, stubborn and rude.
White guy here, I met my Latina sweet heart in middle school. She's Puerto Rican, nice tan skin, cute face and long, long black hair. Yes they do go for white people, but they fucking hate blacks. They will bash niggers in their secret language all the time. Latinas think people with black skin have the fucking plague or something. If you're %15 African don't tell her. She doesn't want ugly children.
Puerto Ricans are more than 15% African on average
btw, this applies only to the immigrant latino. The americanized ones arent this racist.
Yes they do ;)
In the NYC barios we call those Lations "NuyoRicans," which means that they're Latino but have adapted the black ghetto rap/hip-hop culture, which allows them to say "nigga" as a term of endearment. This is where you get Fat Joe, Immortal Technique, J.Lo, etc. But actual Latinos in NY are ashamed of NuyoRicans.

On a separate note, understand that Latinos are re saying "niggA", not "niggER." It's a huge difference, and it will get him fucked up (possibly killed) if a Latino said the latter.
Wrong again. White people are as racist as Hispanics/African Americans. I think the Asian is the least racist ethnic group.
They don't care they still hate blacks.
>be black
>only get other black women or trash women from other races whose men left them because they're trash
I'm pretty sure latinas find blacks the least attractive, literally never even seen a pair together.
if u can dance to Mexican music then yes
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>Of course plenty of Latinos hold racist views, but overall whites win in being more racist.

>but overall whites win in being more racist

You've never met a Hispanic have you.
You're right on the first part, but not the second. I had an Asian floormate in my dorm in college who confessed to me that he prayed he wouldn't get a black roommate assignment. He said he looked up his roommates name as soon as it came in the mail to double check if it was a common black name. Lucky for him, the roommate was white American middle class.
No shit they're saying "nigga", point being black people must not think they're racist or else they wouldn't let them call them nigga.

And it's not just Nuyoricans, black people in Texas and The Bay Area let the Mexicans there call them nigga too
Not all Asians are Uncle Wongs, anon
There sure are a whole lot of nigger sympathizers on 4chan today. You guys all love Black Lives Matter all of a sudden?
No one wants your filth inside them.
What are you talking about, you autistic stormcuck?
hispanics laugh at the whole white vs black thing.

They will call a black person a "nigger" to their face and not feel white guilt
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Yea, and Chileans and Argentines are probably some of the most racist
>be me
>above average height (not super tall), thin white dude
>work in a middle school
>stuck with asshole kids in 8th grade for a while
>pretty evenly divided district, lots of hispanic and white, slightly less black
>hispanic girls crush hard on me, light or dark

Probably nothing special about me, it's just that girls get that way around that age and I'm in my 20's and not exactly ugly so it's like a matter of convenience for their barely-teen crushes.

My point in saying this is, hispanic girls go for white easy. Immigrant or born here, doesn't matter; light or dark skin, doesn't matter. Guaranteed those girls are going on to date a mix of hispanic and white kids. Just don't be some fuccboi gringo who is impossible to relate to.
and don't be a Trump supporter either, that's a huge turnoff
what do whites have to be guilty about?
Not entirely true but close. Am married to Latina. Middle Class to upper middle class family higher educated went to select schools. She was never interested in her race and wanted a blue eyed boy from me...

I came from dirt poor family but educated. Family chose path in community services ... think free labor. Myself am years later just considered upper middle class.
Mexiefag who lives in L.A.. Jew magic has infiltrated our community and latinas will now ride the bbc. It is more common than 10 years ago.

Latinas will go for white guys but the majority of you are mgtow fags or settle for Asians with white feaver. So, Nigs are sweeping in and ruining our gene pool.

And from reading 4chan you have that Latina's turn into goblins after 30 meme which in reality can happen to anyone.
Black people worship Hispanics

And most white guys do like Latinas, but some are too beta to try to even get with their own women. But I live in New York and among my white friends, and myself, all of us have got with at least one Latina.
You clearly have not been to mexico.
Pro tip, the US gets the bottom barrel of mexican girls. The kind if girls that live in the middle of nowhere towns and shitty villages. They are still cute af for the most part but the US doesnt get the city girls.
Okay I think we can all agree each ethnic group is as racist as the next. Of course not everyone is rascist but a large portion of the population is rascist to an extent.
depends on your age and their heritage

The middle school kids last year were pretty funny actually. Chanted build the wall as a joke (hispanic kids included). A few were butthurt and all but they all saw him as a joke. Plus, most of them see the illegals negatively anyway. They come here legally and are solidly middle class, but their perception suffers from the day laborer image. Many run from super unsafe situations in their home countries but come from educated families, etc.

Side note, many other immigrants don't care either. Most avid Trump supporter I know is a Korean kid I met in college who has gone reservist to avoid going into the SK military and to earn his citizenship. He posts shit all day against illegals.
Lmao Jew magic???
The Korean guy sounds like an Uncle Wong, he's probably self righteous because he saw some weaboo alt-righters suck off Asians on /pol/
>They will call a black person a "nigger" to their face and not feel white guilt

>Yea, and Chileans and Argentines are probably some of the most racist

As if there's a problem with that... less useless halfnigs in the world.
I think it's more of a protectionist thing. China and Mexico smuggle people in with organized crime, SK has no such ability or power. His only means is through legitimate channels and that shit isn't easy, though it is somewhat equivalent to what he would have to do anyway in SK (join their military for 2 years vs. be a reservist for who knows how long).

Same thing you saw with some legal Chinese people who went Trump, or the fact that Cuban heritage usually goes conservative. They don't identify with the plight of illegal immigration, they actually resent it due to their own struggles to do it legally.
Jews control social and mass media promoting interracial relationships. Im 40 years, when I was in HS girls that were into nig nogs would be made fun of. Called mayateras essentially nig lovers. Now, its like whatever...
Are you a dumb nigger?

There's people of every race that like people of every other race.

Do white people like pizza?
Black people are very accepting of Hispanics, what do you expect? That being said I don't think the majority of Hispanic girls are into black guys, it's comparable to the share of white girls that are into black guys.

It's also more common now to see Asian chicks with black guys. Although at least Asian chicks usually pick top tier black guys.
No one like Indian dudes lol
I'm white, and most Latinas my age are attracted to me.
Also, I'm a 22 year old white guy from New York and want to go to LA for vacation, do you think I have a decent shot of hooking up with a Latina?
Considering there are indian dudes around still, someone apparently does.
as a 25 y/o white guy from NY, it depends.

Are you like, upstate-white or down-state white?

And do you know any hispanic people .... at all?
You dont have to lie on the internet man. No one believes you:
Downstate white, but keep in mind that varies a lot.

And yes, I know tons of Hispanics.
then yea, you're fine. Just don't be a fucking weirdo. Treat them like you treat all the hispanics you know.

If you think it'll be like some Vietnam trip with street rats trying to suck you dick, then think again, though.
i'm getting a kick out of these comments because i'm white, living in south america, and drowning in pussy. they literally love a white guy with money (i'm loaded). they are also surprisingly STD free. i must have fucked over 120 young latinas in the last 5 years and no disease.
>according to 3rd world medical tests
lol fuck me
I'm definitely not weird like that. I'm just wondering if they're different from Latinas in New York, which I'm guessing they are in some manner. But even in New York, the Latinas vary A LOT.

Are you from NYC? How were your travels in LA, as far as Latinas go?

Latinas like dick from at many guys as they can get.
never been, I'm on LI, in an area that sees a ton of direct immigration (legal/illegal) from Central and South America, plus has a lot of later generation Hispanic-Americans.

I don't see why a Colombian or Mexican new to America would be different in NY or LA. Only LA/California cities, though. West Coast in general hates New Yorkers in my experience.
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Aren't most NY Latinas Puerto Rican and Dominican? In LA it's all Mexican and Salvadoran, so yea they're different. Stay away from the hood rats in South LA and East LA. Pic up chicks at college campuses or upscale clubs so you don't get stuck with the trashy ones
I'm on Long Island too, Baldwin to be exact. Similar Hispanic demographics here, except I'd add that there are also a lot of Dominicans.
We have tons of Mexicans and Central Americans here too, as well as many South Americans

Where in LA would you find the most "normal" Mexican chicks?
why is good latina porn hard to find
>don't show me that shitty abella anderson fake piece of shit
Amateur Latina porn is the best.
Latinos will very quickly and very strongly decide if they like you or not. First impressions have meant a lot in my experience. If you are white, avoid falling into the gringo/fuckboy stereotypes.

I am a genuinely hard working guy and I speak Spanish pretty fluently and almost all of my GF's massive extended family either is fine with me or actually says they like me.

There are also a lot of latinas that get caught up in the whole sjw/feminist/degenerate shit and end up disliking whites pretty strongly, but not even their own families take them seriously or like them very much.
I think a lot of SJW Latinas secretly or not so secretly like white guys
im dating a latina ama

also im white
It's hard to say by me, the supplying countries keep changing. When I was younger it was like Venezuela, Honduras, and Argentina. Now it's Salvador, Mexico, Colombia, etc. Some Dominican for sure, but some Hispanics look at them like island people like Puerto Ricans

Expect a lot of Mexicans in LA along with Central Americans. Don't expect the Caribbean nations like we're used to.
How old are you? As long as I can remember it's been lots of Salvadorans, Hondurans, Dominicans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, etc.

Also I've barely met any Mexicans on Long Island, I've met like 2 Mexicans my entire time living here.
because a vast majority of porn is LA

if they're far enough outside the control of abuela's crucifix to go into fucking porn, then they're also likely mixed with white by then and super Americanized. Then the ones you get straight from SA are usually prostitutes by profession and look gross.

25, like I said. I've known some older families that ended up mixing, but I work in a school so I see the new trends immediately. Good amount of Mexican kids coming through, significant numbers compared to the non-existent presence a decade ago. On the other hand, I see no new Hondurans coming in, and Dominicans are always mixed black by the time they get to me.
Oh yeah I forgot you mentioned your age before, my bad.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were Mexicans coming in now, there are a shitton of them in NYC. But I won't believe there's a significant Mexican presence until I start seeing Mexican businesses around.

What town, or at least region of LI do you work in?
Little bit into Suffolk. On a map it's like dead center of the south shore. I see some bodega's and more legit delis run by a few Mexicans but they have to establish themselves and get the money together first. 5 years minimum until the presence is undeniable.
It might be Medford, I've actually heard of Mexicans living there but not really anywhere else on Long Island so far
They're sprinkled throughout LA. The closer ti downtown, the more ghetto they are. Out in the suburbs and the OC and theyre more whitewashed
Dumb question. Of course they do. I'm from Phoenix. I have dated Mexican women and white girls. Can pull them both. I'm half white quarter Mexican quarter apache. Mexican girls love me. And I'm white looking.
that's funny because where I live, the ghetto areas tend to be further from downtown

But what is the average Mexican chick in East LA like?
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they love white guys.
you still can't be a piece of shit slob, but if you gave a latina woman a choice between two near-identical super model dopplegangers where one is white and the other is darker skinned, they will mostly pick the white guy.

Mexicans are kind of mean towards the darker skinned mexicans and prefer light skin in general.
latinas in the US love white bois.

2nd or 3rd general specially prefer white guys. Most latina girls i've met who are 2nd or 3rd generation would trade their lives to be actual white with white families.

I mean, they love being mexican and their family, but no where near as much as they wish they were white.

and i say this from experience as a mexican american who lives surrounded by 2nd and 3rd generation mexicans.
Latinas born in the US are prettttty much white...
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