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Sup /b/tards. My IQ is 166. For those of you unfamiliar with

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Thread replies: 134
Thread images: 24

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Sup /b/tards.

My IQ is 166. For those of you unfamiliar with IQ, this means I have "genius-level" intelligence. Unlike most of the millenials, I'm a Republican and a proud Trump supporter.
I also have synaesthesia, and absolute pitch. Things as diverse as math, music, and art come naturally to me and I get straight A's without studying much at all. I also am able to understand music at a deeper level than most people.

While most people my age spend their free time listening to mainstream music, I spend my free time listening to works such as Jerry Garcia's Cats Under the Stars, Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week.

All this and I'm an 18 year old still in high school.

Ask me anything.
u sound gay as fuck queer
why should i give a fuck
>Ask me anything

Why should we believe you, dipshit?
Why should I care?
I believe literally none of the things in the OP. KYS.
What colour is the word 'tossfuck'
If you're gonna bait at-least make a fucking effort.
i could beat the shit out of you and fuck your dumb mom op
What did Hitler do wrong?
People don't give a shit about potential, people might give a shit about achievements. If you were an honest to god genius and/or a gifted musician, you wouldn't be shitposting to 4chan, you'd be doing some actual shit with your life

2/5 because you got me to answer, now kill yourself faggot
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Because i can prove it?
Because your IQ is only two digits.
If your IQ was 166 you wouldn't be on 4Chan, let alone /b/
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
Is my name jeff the ultimate meme? This is killing me. I can't decide.
is there anything more powerful than autism?

Frank Turner's Sleep Is for the Week

I genuinely love this album, its my Uni years (it came out while I was at uni, we saw him play that year around 10-15 times, guy was my hero), but seriously, don't know why you have it here. Still nice to see it mentioned.

thats some vintage copy pasta my friend :^)
Forgot to black out ur mums name mate, bold move
Gtfo with this old copypasta bait, you retard
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Fuck you and your mensa letter
>ITT newfags falling for the same pasta for the nth time
Guys this pasta is like a few years old. Also always with the same photo

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Only 166?
Ahhh mongoloid fuck,

we meet again

how has the lack of friends been treating you? feeling worthless in all aspects of your shallow life yet?
did your mom tell you that you are a special one for completely all the online IQ tests today?
be sure to say thank you to your parents and do try to get a job; your parents will need you to pick some bills every now and again for housing your ass in the upcoming decades
>IQ came from an internet quiz, and is irrelevant either way
>Political preference has nothing to do with superiority
>That whole synaesthesia line is ridiculous and just shows how much of a pedestal you put yourself on.
>Public school is a fucking joke
>"I'm not like everyone else, I listen to so and so instead of Taylor Swift" Again, personal preference. There are fucking autistic 11 year olds that listen to the same shit.
Have you ever had a job? Spent time with a middle-class worker to see how they live? These things you're trying to brag about are entirely pointless in the real world. Have you talked to anyone about your obvious Superiority Complex? If you're so smart, then you should know the #1 rule of /b/. Tits or gtfo.
Why the fuck are you asking this on /b/ at least try on /v/ or something.


not OP but i have synesthesia too, to me toss fuck is yellow and blue. toss is yellow and fuck is blue, the more i think about the word the more colours come to mind about the structure of the words themselves
Oh look, you found it necessary to repost this.
as a fellow mensan and in the 99.9th percentile I'm a bit surprised why you would first of all shitpost, then put your actual name in a pic and put it here. Either this is fake or just really self depricating. Cheers


Why do you say "um" so much?

And are you a fucking mute?
you lying dumbfuck

What's it like knowing you'll be forever inferior to me?
prove that letter is yours faggot, timestamp. Also if youre female who is as smart as you say you are you should have known to post tits and timestamp, kys for your ignorance
You typed "My IQ is 66" wrong
You sound like a condescending, bitchy twat.

Then again, most "genuises" and people with synthesia I know are. They think they're better than everyone because they got genetic mutations others didn't.
> I get straight A's without studying much at all.

That's nothing to brag about. If you really have an IQ of 166 then the people setting those exams are must less intelligent than you. You should be coming out with answers that are so mind blowing to them that they resent you and can't even bring themselves to give you good marks because they're jealous.

If all you do is conform do retards then your intelligence is wasted (except this is trollbaitpasta).
>Words are colorful.
So synesthesia is a fancy way of saying you have advanced autism? Okay.
There was literally this thread the yesterday. You could of waited a while before posting the same shitty bait so soon
We are not idiots here.

By the way, what does I.Q. Stand for?
IQ of 166 just means you did good on an outdated test. Good job. Have a cookie.
>implying IQ is directly correlated with personal success and happiness
>I also have synaesthesia
I had synaesthesia once but the doctor gave me a shot and cleared right up
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Wow OP. You and your superior intellect could never dumb anything down to us. May you continue to grace us with your intelligence Ms. Einstein.
wouldnt expect a plebian like yourself to understand, its a fusion of the tow lobes of the brain responsible for visual perception and formation of words in the brain, when i think of a word the word has a colour google it
>implying it doesnt
Frank Turner was way better in Million Dead.
ok guys calm down, I checked her in the USA Mensa database, there is no such person there. Also the test to enter is pretty shit, and the IQ numbers vary anyway from test to test. All in all just a bad shitpost.
Oh look its this thread again
So basically, you're broken. Okay.
>it doesn't
You may be right but said correlation certainly doesn't favor you, sorry anon.
>Be super intelligent
>Be on /b/

These things don't go together, and only 166 you have is on your faggotry levels
Nigger the first two aren't even peer-reviewed, and the 3rd and 4th articles are by the same authors save one
Being smart is one thing and being experienced and know whom to trust is another thing
I got drunk with frank turner once. super nice guy.
> Implying that because I'm too lazy to type an apostrophe that somehow means I don't know it's mean to be there.
can you show us your fedora?
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>"genius-level" intelligence
>posting on /b/
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This is the second time today. This is shitty pasta, please An Hero
> Has 166 IQ & perfect pitch
> Is also borderline psychotic, with PTSD and an opioid addiction. Plays neopets. Likely going to commit suicide before 25.
Just the first few things I found on google. The point is do your own research before making blind assumptions from no data whatsoever.
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can't get higher than 100 iq nigger
18 and still in high school lol
I think I'd rather just, you know.....live my life
Gr8 B8 M8.
So living your life = making blind assumptions with no data whatsoever? If so then please don't ever do business with me or interact with me in any way besides anonymous web forums.
"Look at me, i'm edgy and different"
Hey bro, what would be the most efficient way to reduce monthly bills? I have some ideas but if you aren't a troll hope to get an answer I could get behind
>My IQ is 166.
Yeah I took that facebook survey too, kiddo.
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Ok, I did some research and found this in the Journal of Go Fuck Yourself Prick
I am much more interested in your clear need for validation. Do you feel that your self-proclaimed genious isn't being recognized? Do you want us to ridicule you over how unimportant you are so we can do what plebians do and attempt to drag you down while you laugh at us, being of transcended thought you are?

Anyway, he is a (You) for you.
Also suicide not an option
IQ 100 means your'e average.
But because yours is lower than that you don't know that.
Tits or get the fuck out you dumb whore.
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fuckoff op no one cares elitist faggot sociopath
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OP, I know you're baiting, but I'd like to point out that if you were truly a genius, you would realize that IQ is used to measure mental development in children and serves as no real indicator of intelligence after adolescence begins.
I'd also like to point out that synesthesia, absolute pitch, musical taste, and political views have little to no real correlation with mental capacity.
Not for black people anyway.
Anything with more than 2 long paragraphs in the OP qualifies as b8 on my b8 meter
Well if you're that smart then there's not much else for you to accomplish in life. I suggest doing the next best thing...posting nudes of yourself
[citation fucking needed]
Make fun of him and move on.
>People still responding to that pasta

I hate /scene/ /b/
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Only 166? I'm at 196. Get on my level.

>pic related
fuck off
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What's the point of reposting all these stale ancient threads? There must be a dozen today.

Are these supposed to be worth re-reading? Are they supposed to inspire decent posting amongst the trap/dick/fag threads?
Some anon posted a google analytics chart interna for /b/ some days ago and our median user age was 12 years. Let that "sink" in. Those little gremlins like repition, thats why we had the heavy quality drop the last 4 years.
I'm 35 (so borderline Gen X / millennial). When I was 11 my IQ was 139, but frankly that's a meaningless result as you can practise IQ tests and get good at them (I can easily beat 190 in any online test, I don't think it proves much). I also got straight A's in all my exams, and took more subjects in my final year than most people. I started doing Medicine, then switched to maths. I've got an MSc in Applied mathematics, another in Quantitative Genetics & Genome Analysis, and a PhD in mathematical epidemiology. I'm now a postdoc research asssociate studying vaccines and disease transmission.

I think Trump is an idiot, with very little knowledge of how to run a business, let alone a country, and he appeals mostly to people who want change but have no idea how that change should come or how it works, and I think his policies are incredibly damaging to vulnerable people and minorities. Many people will die as a result of his policies, and he won't bring back those jobs that have already left the country. He's a joke among most other countries (sadly coming from the UK, we're also a joke too, in no part from our PM sucking up so blatantly to Trump).

Yes, Hillary sucked royally, and it was really awful that the Democrats ended up choosing her, but even so she'd have still been less dangerous choice than Trump.
guess "geniuses" aren't familiar with the concept of brevity
you can't be that smart - now you're on the hook for Mensa dues
pick related?
You sound smart, but you also sound like an asshole, fuck off m8
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
"genius-level" "Trump supporter" Funny post.
What the banana peel did you just fucking say about bananas, you YLYL cancer? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the potassium platoon, I've been involved in numerous raids on hugboxes and I have over 300 confirmed derailed threads. I am trained in really, really, really liking this picture and I'm the top worshipper of Lori in the entire board. You are nothing to me but just another angry faggot. I will make you laugh out loud with bananas the likes of which have never been seen before on this thread, mark my potassium filled words. You think saying that shit to me over the internet will faze me? Think again try hard. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of shitposters across 4Chan, and your threads are being derailed right now so you better prepare for banana bombardment, newfag. The bombardment that derails the pathetic little thing you call your thread. You're fucking done, son. I can be on any board, any thread and I can shitpost bananas in over 700 ways, and that's just with my first folder. Not only am I extensively experience in shitposting, but I have access to the entire archives of the 4Chan shitposting directory and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your cancerous thread off of the face of the board, you little shit.If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking keyboard. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now your thread is paying the price, you goddamn butt hurt faggot. I will shitpost bananas all over you and you will drown in potassium and lulz. Your thread is dead, kiddo.
Lol. If that's what you think this is about, then sure pal.
An actual comment, I'm a young millennial and everyday I see the stupidity of left leaning libtards, how do you deal with them or debate them?
Apparently either you or MENSA don't understand IQ. 164 is 99.999 percentile. Odds of meeting someone with an IQ in that range is pretty negligible.
Lol all these newfags
Hope this isnt just bait lol
oh, no tits yet? looks like this genius doesn't know rule one of /b/
go to reddit and to you IAMA you fucking queer
>IQ of 166
>on 4chan
>on /b/ of all boards
You know the drill, tits or GTFO
That's ok and all, but the real question here is...

Can you surpass John??
IQ is an asset. But it says nothing about your level of knowledge. Being able to solve Mensa puzzles doesn't mean that your political opinions are more valid than a person with a lower IQ and a degree in political sciences.

You realize this, right?

So, what are you doing to expand your knowledge base? Or do you spend all your time listening to super deep and awesome music?
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lmao you just copy and pasted the thread from yesterday just different pic
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>takes a online iq test once
You're also autistic right??
as a male with an i.q. of 174. enjoy it until your looks go... once you hit 28 you will be alone and a hardcore narcssisist. also imature as fuck. grow up a bit. or be higher fuctioning :/ posting on youtube like a joke..
If you want us to harass and torment the woman in the picture, you'll have to give us more information about her. I mean, /b/ is just not what it was a decade ago. We can still spam gore on Twitter and push the mentally unstable towards suicide in a reasonably effective manner, but expecting an all out Internet dragnet to unearth her identity and every secret is an unrealistic and dated view of our current capabilities. Just saying, man.
if you want to bait at least change the bait or dont post it every single day i saw you here yesterday with the same shit. OP is massive faggot confirm.
>IQ of 166
no fucking way
>proud Trump supporter
Rookie mistake bait seeker newb. Trump supporter and genius cannot coexist in this (or any) universe. If you really were smart you'd know that.
Chunky or smooth peanut butter?
If you're smarter than Einstein, his IQ was 160, how come no one here has heard of you. I severely doubt that you are as smart as you say you are for several reasons.
It's not hard to be autistic
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>mfw I will never get to hate fuck Ciara
You're a superior being, Miss Horan.

May I serve you in any way? I'd like being your humble, devoted slave.

I mean it. If you're interested, I will leave my email.

Thank you for considering, Mistress.
What's it like living as a compulsive liar? I get the feeling you just learned what synesthesia is, and you wanted to use the word in a sentence to make people think that ur leik rly rly smarrt lol.
my IQ is 172 you stupid asshole
This shit again, fucking pasta
>Quite literally took the first IQ search you find on google and gave it to yourself
>Giving any fuck about politics.
With your IQ, you'd know that unless you own a lot of money or give a crap about people who can't adapt to our system of government, politics is pointless no matter what side you support.
>synaesthesia...so you're a retard
Or just a really stuck up 18 year old that saw some big word and wanted to play pretend. More then likely it's the latter. People with actual disabilities aren't typically cocky.
>Straight A's in high school. Big whoop.
>Understanding music deeper...so you smoke weed?
>Mentions nothing interesting music-wise.

All I can say is the only thing I wonder, from all of this...

How does that drink taste? It looks good.
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seriously stop browsing this shit board for a while and maybe you won't be so naive
Thread posts: 134
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