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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 102

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16KB, 600x600px
IS this the real one
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162KB, 800x600px
Hey i died for a sec so sorry for it being rushed but heres that Genji X Mercy thingy

Guess ill take more requests?
youre so bad
File: AwwShucks.png (99KB, 700x700px) Image search: [Google]
99KB, 700x700px
So everyone died, huh?
Nah I'm still here
File: boop says hi.png (203KB, 1385x872px) Image search: [Google]
boop says hi.png
203KB, 1385x872px
hi thread
drawin stuff
youre art style makes me throw up
i hate your art style
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001 (1).jpg
269KB, 803x720px
Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any of these pokemon
Rukia refs: http://imgur.com/a/qItQA
Pokemon refs: http://imgur.com/a/700pN
if another pokemon interests you that isn't pictured here feel free to ask about it
THank you
your art style is really bad
Can I request you playing with a tentacle monster?

Specifically, playing vidya gaems.
your choice of lines really makes me feel bad
i really really really hate your art style
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24KB, 623x428px
i wish you would stop drawing
please leave and never come back
i hated the drinky crow show
your art style really needs work
you do nothing but bring the threads down
if you killed yourself no one would care
Can you draw a female with long shirt and just panties with gas mask

Panties visible with a little camel toe
youre my favorite drawfag
I like it except the mouth is too big and close to nose
>samefagging unironically
>hurr durr i dont like it go away xD
no the art style is shit
when has this ever made me stop
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20KB, 382x240px
Hey, did .halo finish the drawing of this guy and did anyone save it? I went to sleep before it was uploaded and the thread dropped.
i really like your art
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222KB, 1385x978px
tough crowd tonite
so nothin?
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358KB, 910x711px
Just gonna request a little bit of gency
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Good Vibes.png
125KB, 800x600px
Man is this going to be a ongoing thing in these threads lol.
Got it like i said i did rush it though got busy but thanks for the critique
Welcome!! Wish it was better though.
Draw yourself surfing the web!!
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newmeme (7).png
15KB, 411x416px
Draw a yellow and grey blob with a few black lines sprinkled about
It is extremely generic though
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42KB, 600x600px
i did one
not halo tho
work on your draw style
Eh you style doesn't really work with anything I have in mind.

Maybe just sketch a mythical beast or something? I dunno. DO AS YE WILL.
youre welcome, honestly though i like your art a lot
yeah your draw style is really bad so work on it
i really hate how you draw
File: grips.png (116KB, 466x552px) Image search: [Google]
116KB, 466x552px
is there a meme going on that i'm not aware of?

also, taking request.
please kill yourself or get better
yeah your art style is shit
i hate your art style
i wish you would care a little bit about your art style
if you killed yourself i wouldn't even notice
youre bottom tier
File: sadako.png (72KB, 514x564px) Image search: [Google]
72KB, 514x564px
hey guys whats goin on in this thread. looks fun
your art style isnt very pleasing to my eye
your art style is acceptable
Apparently the new meme is that all doodlefags are shit. Which..isn't actually all that new.

Also, kindly requesting Satan as President of the United States. Because, by this point, I can't think of a better leader for the 'free world'.
yeah your art style is ok at best
if youre trying you can stay
your art style doesn't make me feel bad or good
But Hillary isn't a better leader.
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79KB, 800x600px
Hey guyx its mez the Wurzt artizt in thi wurld plz mak4 fun of meh
thank you very much! this looks lovely
tough crowd.
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132KB, 772x568px
tough crowd
Holy shit yes
Ghost waifu is best waifu
More ghost girl pics please
A tough crowd of one
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323KB, 1920x1080px
hows are you people doin
General request for anyone interested:
Draw a pair of sneakers.
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73KB, 1280x1024px
Im being a new fag and no one can stop me
shut up retard
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148KB, 765x1021px
people love the freaky waifus
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99KB, 700x700px
No you.
Requesting haru from Persona 5
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huh. guess he got bored

>doodle fag
eh. i just don't like putting my stuff up here ,thats all
establish name ,fam.
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143KB, 1280x1024px
I will when i get home im just posting stuff from my phones folder

Becausr i lack the confidence to post other stuff i really need to sit down and study but adhd is a hell of a drug
your art style is ok also
your art style isnt great but it isnt bad
i dont hate how you draw but i dont love it either
your art style could use work but i also dont find it really offensive
i could live with the knowlege that you are drawing and posting in /b/
i like your art style but it could use a little work
I enjoy looking at your art but there i room for improvement
hey your art style is pretty dang good but i have seen a lot better
can you draw as fast as mac? he is pretty fast almost as fast as ehg!!!!
if you were a little better that would be awesome
if you improve your art style you could be great
You're back? How you doin?
hey man if you get a little better you will be pretty good
your art style doesnt make me want to die
Who is artist?
Requesting a flat chested dickgirl.
some shit piece of shit
all these art styles are bad why request anything?
That's a lot (you)s
How do you expect people to get better if all you do is berate them
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256KB, 692x577px
So a man?
You're asking for a man?
I think a boy would be more accurate
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89KB, 340x418px
what kind of psychological game are u tryna play.
didn't stop me early on.
it doesn't count.
not knowing who mac is HAHAHAH you newfag piece of shit
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10KB, 500x500px
Hi request?
Could I ask for this?
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I guess but really it will have to wait the 4 hours till my shift is over

Im still at the tracing stage of learning to study anyway
Who is?
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89KB, 386x447px
alright mr.drawthread veteran, tell me who mac is.
god dang, dude. 4 more hours?! don't let the nigroids getcha.
try studying some gestures more.
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366KB, 738x937px
Counter requesting her in this position
mac=triangle dorito faggot
Didn't even know his name was Mac

All I knew was dorito or triangle
thats why you should be dead from suicide and not posting here honestly
I always thought he was just ripping that character from Gravity Falls
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Oh, you mean this guy?
Yeah, I remember him.

what the hell does that say? "let's kill some fags?"
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80KB, 600x600px
Hey, it maybe shit, but at least it exists. It's made with a mouse though because someone else is currently using my main drawing tablet.
By the way, I've started learning seriously for 6 months. My progress isn't looking good compared to others.
ya xD
just shit on the paper
File: eva.png (12KB, 900x900px) Image search: [Google]
12KB, 900x900px
i was so preoccupied with the captcha i didn't say anything when i finished it cool

sup yo~

requests or something?
not much goin on
Because God sees what you are trying to draw and justly hampers your skill development
File: boopsbox.png (187KB, 938x1161px) Image search: [Google]
187KB, 938x1161px
Just dropping in to test the waters, have to sleep now but I'll start showing up more.
No, I usually draw pure waifus.
This is my first time drawing such an abomination. I regret it, a little.
why you awake homie?
Oi' yeah ill try is on the list of things t1p do
Good night!
Miss your cute thicc girls
Any limits to requests?
Flat colors, hows everyone doing this dreadful night?
Ah. Well then start with yourself.
Perhaps there is hope for you
File: yep.png (86KB, 880x1048px) Image search: [Google]
86KB, 880x1048px
seeya later I have to get back into practice it's been too long.
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183KB, 1280x1024px
Forgot pic
how about this ? around 2 years old. last pic i've drawed srsly on
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85KB, 499x570px
ooohh. should've just said so earlier
keep it up,mah man.
cold and un-easy
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21KB, 900x900px
i'm always awake at this hour
my sleeping schedule is blown to bits

if it's somethin i like i'll do it
but thats not a good start honestly
This is very cute, thank you!
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13KB, 256x192px
here some shit i draw some years ago in Nintendo DSi flipnote studio, i don't draw, just did this 4 fun
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same fag
Purple is nice

Bout to sleep
learn to take naps you fiend
Hang out when
I'm going to bed, night nerd
your art style is really bad
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312KB, 336x527px
I got something i wanna request, Wondering if you can do a pic of this dude summoning a fireball
i really hate your art style
i really think you need to improve your art style
if i had to give you one tip it would be to work on your art style
if your art style wasnt so bad i would consider requesting a drawing from you
you should take a while to improve your art style
your art style needs some work
It was fun. Thanks for the request. A good day 2 U
if i were you i would think about improving my art style
your art style is pretty bad
some fag gets mad cause hes bad
not even saying plugfag is good, just less terrible
i really hate your art style

Is this a meme or something? It's been a while since I last came to /b/.

I agree with them though. Work on your artstyle. Go read a book about anatomy or something.
i like this, more please
can you draw her, with one of this big summer hats, with her hands up, a happiness blushing face please?
>Is this a meme or something? It's been a while since I last came to /b/.

^ second this question.

I'm guessing it is since he/she draws better than 60% of the usual drawfags.
File: req.png (64KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
64KB, 1000x750px
Yeah its the
>We all post the same thing meme
Find an post with a reply then just start posting the same reply modified a bit
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147KB, 700x700px
Did you just assume zher gender? Check your privilege, shitlord.
her art style is shit though
Can I have this?
the style is a bit weird, but i rly like it, could be from some television cartoon, i would be lucky to see more like this from you
Now post the tits verson of her
Fapping with a sting of beeds in her cock
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178KB, 1000x1000px
Was prolly your fault.

Stop oppressing me with your mansplaining.
What are you, schizophrenic or something
I don't really mind if so, however.
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71KB, 900x900px

night yo~
That actually got a chuckle out of me
Requesting a futa (with both) who is god, skoming some weed, with horns and a holy around it's head, lying on it's open diaper with the earth inside, and a crib mobile with sun and the other planets
File: concern.png (106KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
106KB, 1000x750px
Still no requests? Boring.

you do good work, any advice on coloring in black and white?
here me
How many weeds are you on my dude
nothing today, just a little bit buprenorphin and coming down from keta
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68KB, 900x900px
i thought it was trying to summon
my bad~
draw to people doing a business.
It's good, and kinda made sense with the character as he is struggling a bit on pyromancy
why are all the people on these threads either gay or dudes pretending to be chicks
it's the internet
everyone is either gay or a dude pretending to be a chick
all the straight people left because they are annoying and no one wants to be around loud homos.
Well you just hit the nail right on the head
File: dick2.png (153KB, 800x700px) Image search: [Google]
153KB, 800x700px
im straight
Haha great thanks bra!

I to am heterosexuals aka

I just like beeds/vibs in my dick sometimes
File: buisness.png (89KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
89KB, 1000x750px
normal people, normal buisness.
I'm asexual tho.
i'm bisexual
who is this
File: 04-27-2017-01.jpg (180KB, 945x945px) Image search: [Google]
180KB, 945x945px
Sup? New here, taking requests!
Absolutely normal, fair, and unbiased.
eat a dick
Lets see you with 3 bullet vibrators in your urethra
haha ha ha
We always have hope
a cute wizard, please
File: SweetTalker.png (80KB, 555x649px) Image search: [Google]
80KB, 555x649px
I never kill and tell~
you need to stop this and start sucking
i like the little phrases you add, also very good work
Shut it ya cock sucking whore and get back to work
Is her job to sit and make faces?
While sucking and fuckin
Jeez these really slow to a crawl this late don't they?
File: tab version.png (189KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
tab version.png
189KB, 1000x1000px
Sorry it took so long. Finally got back my tablet but I still screwed it up. The proportions are a mess because I hesitated whether to keep the round shape or get a little more serious.
It's still a good exercise for me anyways so I think It's fine. Can't see the D anymore because of my miscalculation so you can treat her as a flat girl now.
Guy from yesterday reminding green about goth loli drawing
Can someone please draw me a chibi biggie cheese? Need a new steam profile pic.
File: Avvi.png (22KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
22KB, 500x500px
Yeah, pretty much. Most of the people who frequent these threads are asleep, with a few exceptions, leaving only emptiness.
thank you, it's very cute
When i get off work ill try and most stuff
Dont expect much stuff becuase im still really new at this and havent practiced much but ill do my best
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26KB, 500x500px
Just keep practicing and you'll get good eventually.
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82KB, 1000x1414px
I hope so
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54KB, 285x292px
sup fagoroonis
its aus time m8
aus where we at
Somebody could draw me a cute crossdressing boy, in full decora fashion with a hole in his clothes his big cock hanging out?
Would be nice of you, thanks!
File: Avvi.png (25KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
25KB, 500x500px
You're already a better artist than I.

very nice
Requesting a nice party dress
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110KB, 1000x1414px
Dont sell you self short your pretty good fam
that looks cool, what is this?
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130KB, 1000x1414px
Still at work for a nother hour

Whats up with you boy?
It was ment to be a chocobo
File: Avvi.png (23KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 500x500px
Not sure if it's nice, but I tried.

Ehh, selling myself short is the story of my life. Doesn't help that my tablet broke and I have to draw with a mouse. For now.

Also that looks like a Chocobo.
File: 1492065354652.png (81KB, 1000x1414px) Image search: [Google]
81KB, 1000x1414px
These were made on a phone so i know your suffering

Also your right it is!
avvi draw porn theyre hilarious
File: lel.png (65KB, 569x594px) Image search: [Google]
65KB, 569x594px
hi hi, one request?
watch hentai with me
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598KB, 900x900px
Hand holding
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42KB, 500x500px
I kinda wanted to get a new tablet before I started drawing those kinds of pictures, sorry.
What kind of tablet are you rocking?
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236KB, 715x538px

Starting off your morning with degenerate filth or just landing from a night of it, you disgusting fucking piece of shit?
nah fuck that draw it anyway
The second one
Im also into headpats
Requesting Rag...
File: fud.png (5KB, 650x650px) Image search: [Google]
5KB, 650x650px
Oh boy early morning thread...lemme draw your shit.
hi wheres fudette
Can you do me a tohru holding some rustic bread! so I can make it my wallpaper :3? But on a tan paper plss
File: file.png (82KB, 691x656px) Image search: [Google]
82KB, 691x656px
Grope a busy mom
biggie cheese
biggie cheese
you are trying to bowl, it's your first time, but the bowlingball is too heavy, while you do this, you trip on your schoelaces and slide,
and add some neko ears and a neko tail
File: clean.png (250KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
250KB, 1000x1000px
Here's the cleaner version because I had the time to do it.
Followed by the SFW version because I had to post it to "that" site just so I can extract it through my computer.
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36KB, 500x500px
Pen and Touch medium, but it's broken. The thing that you plug into on my tablet for the power/computer stuff came loose and killed the whole tablet. I tried getting it fixed, but to no avail, so I'm stuck getting a new one. But there is good news, my crappy job got a bit less crappier, as I got more house, so I might be able to pull off getting a second tablet if I get the same tablet (If it's still being sold).

It would look really crappy, though that's par for the course for me.


I'm not sure if I want to do nsfw right now though.
thank you again xoxo
File: clean and SFW.png (256KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
clean and SFW.png
256KB, 1000x1000px
Seeing other works here, I still think I have ways to go.
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Congrats on being home owner fam welcome to the club
Requesting a kitten playing a saxophone.
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10KB, 500x500px
>Hours not houses
I need to stop staying up all night.
you have a good dojinshi quality
I know them feels m8
Have this to feel better
File: fud.png (82KB, 650x650px) Image search: [Google]
82KB, 650x650px
I drew a Tohru...then I realised you probably meant some other anime waifu bullshit. Not sorry.
File: kobayashi_dragon_girls.jpg (222KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
222KB, 1920x1080px
I meant the one with the green tail lmao
Thanks m8s. Remember to take a break from time to time if you're drawing. It helps.

>good dojinshi quality
/ic/ would shit on me the moment I dare to tell that to myself. That place is pretty harsh, but in a good way.
File: fud.png (46KB, 650x650px) Image search: [Google]
46KB, 650x650px
Fill out a Double T form.
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100KB, 669x668px
B-but I'm a boy
File: PicsArt_1493293346018.jpg (537KB, 2012x2604px) Image search: [Google]
537KB, 2012x2604px
Draw your little bired taking a big dick in same angle but bent over more

Bonus if birdy has ahegao face and loves it

>had a thing for snivy a few years ago and your bird has the same body type

>feel free to judge, im well aware of how retarded it is, just asking if it can be done

>doesnt matter if male or female
na, i did see much worse work, o buy, also you could try to draw yaoi or dystopia fighting shonen, it would fit perfect to your style
not anymore
File: fud.png (42KB, 650x650px) Image search: [Google]
42KB, 650x650px
What's the have to do with anything? Tough Titties, fucko.
Nice thank you

Now have the infection spread to you
I thought you meant tits or gtfo. Lmao sorry fam

Shit I wish. I'd be a camwhore and not be so broke
File: birb.png (125KB, 521x436px) Image search: [Google]
125KB, 521x436px
leave the birbs alone


Lung cancer yet?
But im requesting that birdy bro is enjoying it exquisitely

>Aint into that rape shit

Be lewd for once
Well it's not hopeless anon, you can shave and dress up to become a pretty girl for us
Requesting your OC with heart shaped pupils, along with the reason why
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I'm far from trap material haha. Sorry to break it to you :(.I'm hairy and beefy but WHERE MY TOHRU AT
wow thats cute, even if it looks like you carry an egg lol
File: awstillbutthurt.png (47KB, 800x600px) Image search: [Google]
47KB, 800x600px
Nope! Feeling much much better now.

to each their own I guess
I don't draw that kind of porn
Requesting loli lewds
Saved both
>i dont draw that kind of porn
No starr likes to draw the fucked silly begging for more wonderful cock kind of porn
can you draw her shrunk, making hoolahoops with a wedding ring, upon the hand of her husband?
Taking lewd requests

Best results if you request loli, not the best with drawing older females
File: katten.png (214KB, 768x768px) Image search: [Google]
214KB, 768x768px
Thanks, but this isn't my style yet, since I'm still learning. I've been challenging myself to draw in different styles of possible until I get the hang of it. Might take a year or two until I can finally call myself "good" by /ic/ standards.

Here. I tried my best, but it doesn't look like a kitten at all. Sorry about that.
Loli rape
Anal to this loli:

I like the fucked silly stuff

Someone draw lolis or shotas sitting on leg sized dildos and cumming thier brains out!
a giant alien loli sitting on the moon, the moon has a emberrassed moon face
Loli mothgirl sucking anons dick looking him in the eye while winking from his perspective
Dang, is it only western ones though?
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10KB, 700x700px
"good by /ic/ standards"
I don't mean to put you down, but you have way more than 1-2 years to be even decent in their eyes
That looks creepy as fuck.
You have good taste starr
If you were single id make you have that fucked silly face whenever you wanted
That's because they go for the technicality of a drawing, which a lot of people seem to pass off because "muh art style and creativity".
Miyuki getting gangbanged
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55KB, 618x613px

No problem.

>No requesting to this to the author

I'm sad.

othe request?
Since there's only a couple of posts left until this dies, we might as well jump ship. Make one where it's music edition, where drawfags do a drawing based on a piece of music.
just make it in your style please
i like these minimalistic colors without shadows
could you make the hand pastel pink
That other has requests. It's just that they don't want to do it. So don't feel sad.
wheres fudette?
Draw some hot anal action with your loli, please.
I would request something but I think nobody would draw it <.<
Not the best with rape stuff...
How about kissing the infected girl with it the infection taking over the two of you

If no one else has any requests i mean
you do karaoke at home with friend, but your dog is licking your face, and you are a little bit drunken and embarrassed
Who is starr? Me?

Also im single as fuck...too chicken shit to ever make moves
Yeah, even good is too much. Maybe I should rephrase myself: "Below-average" by /ic/ standards.
They are just that good in my eyes.

I'll try later if I have the time and if the thread isn't dead yet. I'm gonna be away for a few minutes, hours maybe, because I have something important to do. I still have to eat too.
Are you a girl?
If so great
If not
I ant gay

Also.starrs the chick i was linking to who said i dont do that
>if the thread isn't dead yet
My bad, it hit the bump limit already. I'll probably post it in the next drawthread if I could.
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how much do you practice every day, i mean real practice. You won't make it with scribbles and without real hardcore studies
that's not wholly true unless you only count a consensus as an entire thread agreeing, which they wouldnt do even to an amazing artist
>how much do you practice every day
At first, it used to be 2 hours a day, I still did some scribble-tier drawings back then.
Next, I downloaded every single loomis book available and I use my sister as reference when I draw all sorts of shit that has female humans in it.
I also try to draw real life most of the time, although I only do it on paper.
But nowadays, I've reached the part where I only practice 1 to 1 1/2 hours every day. It's gotten so bad, so I wanted to motivate myself to continue practicing like I used to.
Also, I had all sorts of anatomy books studied, but I can't apply them to "drawing by imagination" yet.
I'm still 6 month in from when I started to study seriously. Although I think I've stagnated right now.

Ahh sorry, have to go. Maybe I'll post something on my tumblr or pixiv :>

Sorry guys, need to go.
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U.. monster..
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it's a sad an unrealistic thing to think of at first, but unless you can push to 4-6 hours your progress will be painfully sluggish, it can be devastating to do a small amount of practice each day thinking you're making progress and then a year later it's weak as heck. If you want to think of progress in terms of 1-2 years, you need to reach that 5-6 hour mark. That's if you really want to get serious though, hardly a nice thing to think about
nicole i love you i love you nicole nicole nicole i loved you nicole i love nicole i nicole love nicole love i love nicole nicole
It's fine. I'm not pursuing art as a career.
It's only a hobby for me so that I can illustrate my shitty web novels for free when I finally get good enough.
even /ic/ says that it takes more than 5 years to become average in their eyes. 4-6 hours is just a death sentence for those who aren't seriously going for a career related to art.
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