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I'm a trap/tranny/whatever you wanna call me who likes being

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Thread replies: 104
Thread images: 48

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I'm a trap/tranny/whatever you wanna call me who likes being succed by cute guys.
>Ask me anything.
Are you considered a disappointment by your family?
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Surprisingly no! They must ne some new age hipster faggots who accept trannies, crazy fucking world we live in.
why dont you get a cute guy to suck you?
You're indeed very lucky. Here's some more. At what age did you undergo your "change", and hoe did your friends and people you knew took the news?
I have one that does regularly, so no complaints from me. Although to answer your question, he's not here right now.
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I must have been about 14 when i started thinking about it, 18 almost 19 now and I told my parents when I was like 17. Everyone took it well except my father, he just didn't talk to me or look me in the eye for a straight week or so, after that he handled it pretty well. However my father is a massive cunt anyways so I don't really give a shit what he thinks about me.
Do you live in the US of A?
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Nope, living in the Netherlands. Pretty swell place to be if you're a tranny.

Here's a (You) friend.
How well do you pass?
there are ..... Genders (complete)
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Not sure, people tell me I can pass reasonably well. It's still obvious I'm a tranny though.
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That's easy anon, there's two!

If my goal was to date you, what would be the best way of achieving that? Just asking hypothetically.
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Be genuinely sweet and caring. Be comfortable with yourself and be touchy and affectionate, bonus points if you're cute and have a nice dick.
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Touchy as in like physical contact, not as in be a huge pussy.
Wow a smart trap, nice
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You flatter me anon, it's not rocket science.
Thanks for the answer, maybe I have a chance after all :3
I have a "friend" on transition, from women to men, you dont know how stupid a person can be until you know someone like she/he
would you post tits?
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No problem anon! Glad to help out.

You've gotta deal with the odd special snowflake sometimes, I've been there too.

I would if I had any half decent ones. Also I have a disorder that makes my chest dent in a bit and I'm quite self aware of it, so the chest is a no go.
what if i post my nasty man tits to make yours look nice?

how big is ur dicc trapanon
Favorite trap character from anime?
Suicide by 30 for OP if get
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Afraid it's still a no go anon, sorry ><

Uhm, that one guard from nanbaka was alright I guess.

I have no idea what you mean, but I'm alright in life, so mo suicide for me friend.
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About this bicc.
aww shucks, oh well better luck next time
I wanna press my nose in it, before you kill yourself
I would never stop succing you :3
Good luck anon!

You can press your nose in it all you like, probably won't be killing myself for a while.

Sounds good to me lewdanon!

where do you like to shoot your cummies cutie-chan ~;p
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I like cumming anywhete to be honest, although mouths are the best. All warm and wet.
It physically pains me to not be able to wrap my lips around your lollipop right at this moment ;*(
It pains me too. Sounds like it'd be a pretty good time, especislly with someone as eager as you~
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You said you liked nice dicks, here's mine~ I'll let you be the judge of its niceness ;p
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Looks to be a solid 9/10 there, nice one anon, I'm already hooked.
It's official then, I'm traveling to the Netherlands to get my lips around you ^-^ I'm in Sweden btw, really close!
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Sounds good swedanon, can't wait to have you next to me.. The things I would do to you.
if you wanna talk privately (and get some more lewd pics) you could add me on kik: HumbleGoomba
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I'd have to install kik first, but I'll def consider it after this thread dies out completely.
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Here's a fun picture I took once, cummies everywhere!
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I'll be honest I don't know what you mean.

The timing on that is marvelous, looks tasty as well.
Nothing would beat your taste I'm sure :3
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Depends if you like sweet and salty things, in that case you'd probably like it.
Oh my goodness you just described my favorite flavor. Seriously my mouth is watering just thinking about it~
Im getting a bit excited thinking about it too.. I'd love to fill your eager mouth up anon.
i have just come across this thread dn was wondering 2 things btw op
1 is it gay to fuck a trap like u
2 perfect dick size for a trap?
1. Opinions differ, although it seems atleast a bit gay.
2. For a trap, usually not bigger than your top if you're the bottom, if you're the top it doesn't matter. This is personal preference though.
You in the New England area?
I'm more than excited, also really horny >//< I want youuu~

Oh and I totally just forgot that this was an AMA thread so I'll just throw out a question: what do you like doing most in your spare time (besides sexual stuff :p)
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Forgot an image, also nice trips anon.
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Nope, Netherlands.

I'm certainly getting there too.. Besides sexual stuff however mostly anime and video games, I like Dark Souls III and Overwatch alot. Also super into FFXIV but I stopped until the new expansion hits.
Can I suck your dick? ;^3
Awesome! Overwatch is my fav game right now for sure~ love playing tanks like Rein or Orisa!

I like anime as well but don't watch it too much because I feel so overwhelmed not knowing what to watch with so many options >.<
I know you said your not confident in your chest, how about a nice pic of your ass and/or boi pucci?
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I'm enjoying Lucio alot, although I'm not amazing at him. Anime wise I'm not watching a whole lot atm either to be honest.

The more cuties the merrier.

It's not great but here ya go, also the resolution is super shit and the image looks grainy as fuck
a tranny with daddy issues

thats a first
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Why do trannies watch/post anime? I think there's a correlation.
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I know, you hardly ever hear of them.

Probably because trannies and anime are both trash tbh

Picture this: You and me in a big king-sized bed, watching animu on a big screen and cuddling and sucking one another :3

I'd start by teasing you a bit....kissing my way downwards starting from your belly until I hit the sweet spot... <3
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You're giving me goosebumps mister Anon.. In a nice way though.
I'm sure you get this alot but outside of 4chan and other boards like it, where would you recommend someone find a cute trap for themselves. Not only just for maybe relationship material but just for lewd friends or something.
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I hardly ever get this, however I'd say try some other online communities. You may get lucky on reddit or so. Just be careful not to net a special snowflake. Alot of traps are delusional.
Once I have my lips firmly around your dick, I'd use my tongue a lot...sliding it back and forth over your head and licking inside and outside your foreskin~ Once I hear your moans getting louder I'd start taking more action, swallowing more of your member until I felt your sweet salty release down my throat :3
I figured Reddit might be a good spot but funny enough the worst ones I ever met were from there so I'm kind of biased against giving it another go. Someone said in general online games are a good place to meet some but dunno. I don't have good luck I guess.
You actually made me shiver slightly at that mister.. It sounds awfully tempting~

As I said, alot of special snowflakes out there. It really is based on luck if you find a cute one or a needy psycho one. To be fair most traps on 4chan don't seem as psycho/needy. You might wanna try /soc/ aswell.
The problem I have with /soc/ is that a lot of ones I meet on there end up not having the same interests are say (I shit you not) that they're too normal for me and would rather go for a dudebro of some kind.
Dutch-san, how do you like to pleasure someone in return after they have given you delightful oral pleasure?
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If you're looking for nerdy traps I'd say look through a few online communities, wouldn't know where else to point you, sorry.

That one's easy Anon-kun! I'll just listen to their wishes and oblige, unless it's too extreme. If someone would pleasure me like that it's only fitting I return the favor. I'd use my own mouth if they so wished, and if they'd rather use my ass that's fine too!
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Are you on hormones
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Although if you're asking for my favorite.. It's definitely giving oral aswell. I love having nice salty stuff fill my mouth.
I wouldn't wanna stop giving you pleasure, so how about a good old sixty-nine then? ;D
do you have cute feet?
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As of right now, no. However I'm seeing a psychiatrist to try and get them asap. I just have to sit through a few more appointments before they diagnose me, which could sadly take a few more months. Also surprised this wasn't asked earlier to be honest.

Sounds amazing Anon!
Are there no informed consent clinics there?
(I'm a degenerate tranny too)
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I don't think I do, and I won't post them as I'm way too self conscious.
now i want to see them even more

You gay nigga
I was referred to a clinic in Amsterdam, and speaking to the lady there I basically just went into this line of appointments, I didn't really ask about informed consent or any of that.

Yes, I am.

I'm sorry to have piqued your interest by being shy anon, but I really won't post my feet.
If I were you, I'd look it up and see if there are any near you. It's the easiest method to get hrt if they're available. Otherwise there's WPATH requirements of like, 3 months of psych appointments before you can even get a recommendation to an endo.
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I'll be sure to look into it, thanks transanon!
can we cuddle? <3
Of course. Good luck with your transition, OP
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Ofcourse we can! Cuddling is always nice.

Thanks again!
Hi, swe-anon here again I was gone for a bit. Trap-anon you've really gotten me super excited and I have so many lewd pics (even videos :o) that I would wanna show you but that can't be posted here due to file-size. Would love to chat with you more when the thread 404's because you're too awesome to disappear :3
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Welcome back swedeanon! I'll make sure to send you a message on kik, I'll get it installed now ^^
yay <3
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Very succable!
well thank you! <3 I haven't seen yours yet, but i would definitely succ yours given the chance, im sure it's cute!
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There's mine if you fancy having a looksie ^^
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oh, that was yours? it was too perfect, i didnt believe you...
Aww you're flattering me, it's not that great ><
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oh you know it is <3 are you on discord or anything i can add you on? (redownloading kik atm, will post username once i remember my password/make new account)
Also succable!

I do have a discord, not sure on my username and tag right now though, as I'm on mobile, feel free to post yours thoigh and i'll respond ^^
(played priest in WoW under this name and it stuck)
send dick pics so i know its you :^)
Sure thing o7
Won't you get killed by all the immigrants?
Surprisingly enough I'm fine!
Thread posts: 104
Thread images: 48

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