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So...we just guna pretend WW3 isn't right around the corner?

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Thread replies: 253
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So...we just guna pretend WW3 isn't right around the corner? How long till shit hits the fan u think?
Never, you hysterical retard.
Yes, why worry about something you can do nothing to prevent from happening anyway
The thing is that the US is like lvl 100 while the rest of the world is at lvl 30, max
Here's how it'll go. They fire missle, we shoot it down with lasers seconds after they fire. The end.
God Nkorea talks so much shit it infuriates me. I'm not about war, but they're the little kid who has an older brother, so they act like a right asshole all the time.

Sink it? With what? Some rocks thrown from shore?

When the U.S.A forgets;
what the fuck kind of faggot ass font is that
Man I hope north Korea gets it and kim gets hanged just like Saddam Hussein
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How is USA vs nkorea ww3?
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North Korea was going to be dealt with sooner or later. I personally think trump is screwed either way. Pre-emptive strike to stop them from producing nukes until the next administration, or do nothing and watch California get blasted off the map around re-election time. Either way the news will crucify him.
lol found american
I say kill Kim and free the american citizens he has imprisoned there

lol found the butthurt britbong.

Don't you have to some tea to drink while you let Muhammad rape and murder your people?

Yeah I bloody hate Americans as well fellow foreign person. Lets have some beans on toast and tacos together in our country which is not America.
I doubt the missiles will hit California probably japan or south korea
Fake News
Cuz China will get dragged in and then Russia will get involved as usual
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Lib logic
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Yeah, right.
I'm sure the chinks could take out a carrier group.
Jesus fucking christ my sides...

As for WW3, we'll EASILY win.
Nuke Korea and Russia
I know that hitting the west coast right now is highly unlikely, but who knows where their middle tech will be in a few years. Maybe China will bitch slap the piss out of Kim and put an end to this.
Deustchfag here, he has a point. I think what you are artistically trying to portray is that in his comment, America is lvl 100 equivalent while everyone else (arguably besides Russia, who'd be another lvl 100) is a "lvl 30", but mind that's the entire planet individually. United, well, America wouldn't stand a chance. One cannot argue though that they currently have the most powerful military worldwide.
As anon said, because China steps in. North korea is already trained to hit Skorea if ANYTHING escalates to blows. Seoul will take heavy damage, even with the iron shield they have. Japan goes in. US goes in. Skorea goes in.

China goes in for Nkorea. Russia backs China while pushing into either the arctic or into the disputed territories they are already fucking with (or both).

It all hinges on what china does. I got no love for trump but if he can talk down Xi into cutting ties with Nkorea, that's a major step
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>ww3 will happen over dprk
you guys need to be retarded to believe it will happen
Getting rid of north korea is not going to start ww3 you dolt.

They may have been useful to china in the past but even they see them as dead weight as this point.
We've been in WWIII since 2001.
The element of surprise is exactly that.
U.S.A. has proven itself just atrocious in the area's of security. China has stolen anything and everything good we ever thought about producing.

Besides Russia of course ;)
I agree with you it's been simmering in the pot for a while and now its gonna get popping
Plus Iran is with Russia so...if Iran jumps in, Israel jumps in. If Israel jumps in, the arab world is gonna lose their fucking SHIT to get a piece of that.
I wouldn't say China would team up with North Korea given recent advancements in politics. The Communist party is liking Trump in terms of his deals to still continue trade but find ways to give the chinks up top more money, and have you seen the news regarding how Chian feels about North Korea? I wouldn't be surprised if China drops the first bomb on them. Although China should be backing North Korea in the area of that being their puppet state to begin with and all that, the commies are ready to shit on the commies.
Well that's what I mean. It all hinges on what China does, cause yeah their latest statements and their refusal of Nkorea coal is pretty telling.

BUT they did also say that if war started it would be a bad time for everyone. Vague enough to not make a statement, but, who knows
(And you almost know nothing about Asia politics'/religion to think china is going to be dropping bombs on Mong.

China is getting fed up with kims bullshit.

If Best Korea attacks first they will get curb stomped by the combined forces of the US and Japan and China will sit back and thank us (not in the public eye) for dealing with their problem.

No way russia will get involved because it stands to gain nothing from Kim getting reket.

If the US and or Japan strike first then chinas paper tiger will make a big fuss but again be thankful for dealing with their problem for them.

Last i heard China was beefing up security and defensive positions on the China / NK boarder. It stands to reason that if they were going to aid NK they would be sending troops and aid as well as beefing up the NK / SK boarder.
Israel can got fuck itself.
This is a fact
I agree, but try telling the US to NOT back Israel.
I dont see how Nkorea has any diplomatic advantage, they've cut ties with the rest of the world. Surely they are neighboring China, but they dont have anything to do with China, there's nothing between them besides a wall and isolation.

>Implying Israel will join in a war that dose not directly benefit them.

Why would they join and risk jewish lives to help murrica. murrica is their attack dog. worst case is they have to put it down and get a new one.
Pretty sure China doesn't want the US to hang around in Sth Korea or the smouldering remains of Nth Korea after an incursion...
There are a lot of us that don't support Israel.
We could get 90% of Conservative Christians behind us if we remind them it was the Jews that murdered Jesus. They've been the biggest cucks for centuries because they ignore that.

Russia is more like lvl 60. They got decent size army, but all their tech is heavily outdated. Their navy is also a joke, so they actually like 10 lvls....their Air force is a even bigger joke, so let's say another 10.

The only thing they got going for them is they got Nukes, Putin is a cocky fuck. So if nuclear exchange was taken off the board, then Russia would get fucked hard. If nukes to were exchange, we are all just fucked.
I don't understand how any nation can morally support Israel.
>north korea shit talking just the same as it has for the last 70+ years
fuck off idiot
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>Russia is more like lvl 60. They got decent size army, but all their tech is heavily outdated. Their navy is also a joke, so they actually like 10 lvls....their Air force is a even bigger joke, so let's say another 10

Clueless little lamb
And yet every politican/president states that Israel is our #1 ally
Why would China and US spend money and lives to fight over what happens to a dictator in North Korea.
Politics goes in cycles. Putin will eventually be replaced by a more Gorbachev like president. When that happens will make progress with Russia. Until then China will evolve further away from communism.
North Korea has served its purpose to China. They are expendable. Before you start going all caps and say buffer from democracy (South Korea) or communism and democracy don't mix. Just remember there's a city that China now owns called Hong Kong. Its about money, politics don't apply.
>Implying Commiefornia's destruction wouldn't be the best thing to happen to America since the automobile.
They wouldn't. I said if the war pops off, the arab world would most likely see their opportunity to fuck with Israel, and the US/UK would have to step in.
I hear this all the tim. I'm curious how they are even close to matching the US's strength. The export nothing. They have outdated tech, which they can't even make for themselves they just buy off China. They have nukes sure, and have shown to be resilient to invaders but not great elsewhere. In fact they aren't even great at protecting their own land, their government just doesn't care if all their civilians die. Look at their losses in WW2, if that war goes on for a few more years Russians become history like the Romans. Their only advantage is their land mass. Russia wants nothing to do the United States unless the ally with China. Despite trumps multiple flaws he is good at closing deals. And since China is the biggest business I wouldn't count out the possibility of a US and PRC alliance
This happens annually, and is always worse around the time of an SK election. There's a reason almost nobody in SK is worried when it's happening on their doorstep. KJU knows as well as anyone else trying anything would mean the end of NK in a matter of days, he's not that stupid.
>thinking China would side with shambles of a country that is north Korea versus the greater economic powers south Korea, Japan, and usa
sk, Japan, and usa are more valuable to China than north Korea, a country that is only giving usa, sk, and Japan excuses to rearm
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They need to be reminded. Again.
>Implying arrogant rage can't induce temporary stupidity
>Underestimating a Kim
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according to the time traveler from the other night, May 17, shit hits the fan.
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Step in how so? They didn't in the 60s
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Bitch please.
>The jamming claims were ignored by Western mainstream media. They were dismissed in February 2015 as "nothing but a newspaper hoax" by the Khibiny jammer's Russian manufacturer KRET' website, which asserted that Khibiny was not installed on Su-24 but claimed it was "capable of completely neutralising the enemy radar". One analyst described the incident as "about as tame a flyby as you can get."

Israel would only get involved if they were attacked.
And even then they would only be involved in the middle east and they would be sucking US troops over to die in place of jews.

Israel will never send a single troop to NK, China or Russia. Once their position is safe they will let their guard dog do the dirty work.
That's not how you make a meme you autistic retard.
implying anyone's gonna stand with north korea. shit, I bet china nukes them first.
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>implying norks suicidal
>implying seoulians have a death wish
>implying chinks want K-pop directly competing with C-munism
>implying zionists running the shite house no longer want their distraction to the east
>implying burgers could win a war (ANY war), much less against a fanatical, well-armed cult -- when the rar-rar-retards couldn't beat paltry peasant rice farmers who scurried about in rat holes
Exactly the reason for Chinese troops massing at the northern border of N.Korea. Also to prevent all the starving civilians spilling over to their side when the shit hits the fan.
I wish all sides would stop talking shit and get on with it though. Hopefully we have an excellent plan to take out Pyongyang and all of the southern artillery batteries in one massive strike.
You're a stupid nigger
I didn't say they would send troops to any of those. I said if Iran attacks Israel, then the rest of the area would pile on israel and the US/UK would have to step in
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If the shit hits the fan Seoul takes a pounding from WW2 / cold war era arty guns.

Not missiles. fucking shelling with 70 year old fucking cannons.

You can shoot down missiles. not so much with arty shells. and when they have spent every second since the end of the korean war burrying arty support in a mountian side thats going to be one hell of a pounding.
Like I said, it depends what China does in the big picture.

I'm not saying they would choose to get involved, I'm saying IF they got involved, it would have way bigger ramifications than just NK vs US vs China vs SK
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mf on the 17th
>North Korea threatening to bring supreme death to America
>something even slightly unusual or meaningful
Pick only 1

You must be 8 years old you faggotty retard.
>can't shoot down arty

Do you even C-RAM?
I'm so pissed off in life right now that I actually do hope that Trump no-shit attacks North Korea. I'm not talking about flipping in a few cruise missiles, but a full on invasion. Take the country, depose and execute Kim, and reunify the nation under South Korean rule.

And fuck China if they try to interfere. As far as I'm concerned, we're as strong now as we'll ever be. Let's use that power to clean up a few shit holes in this world. North Korea, Cuba, Syria, and if China and/or Russia gets in the way, then let's go for full on WW3.

I'm ready to hit "fuck it" on this whole shitty world. Let's get some good killing going on.
I kind of agree with this. Seoul would get fucked hard by artillery and whatever surface to surface missles NK has. I don't give a shit what world war the artillery came from. If they killed people 60 years ago, they can kill today.
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In all honesty, I would really love to see you kill each other.
i don't give a fuck anymore, and nuclear war don't affect me in any way
hopefully within the next four years. I'd like that
They have 8500~ artillery pieces.

I'm sure C-ram is viable option.
I hope they actually do somehow manage to sink that aircraft carrier they've been threatening for the past few days. Video of that thing going down would be pretty boss.
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north korea always been a bunch of loudmouth basic do-nothing "hungry-ass niggas"

the more you forget they talk shit the better, if literally everyone in the country stopped caring that they shit talk we would have no problems. psh lol, they're gonna' sink our super carriers when they know they're 2 days aerial bombardment from becoming a parking lot or maybe a solar grid, ROFL pic related mfw
HOOYAH, NK doesn't want a WW3. Fucking blast them already
All you faggots thinking WWIII is going to be anything but a nuclear holocaust. Who cares if the US has a better navy than Russia. Who cares if China has the largest army. It all goes out the window when the nukes start flying. Any conflict with nuclear powers will escalate into launhing the ICBMs.
I feel like Russia, while it does have lvl 100, it used rushed so much to get there that when you prove their skill they are not above lvl 30. Picture Clash of Clans for example, it's not the same to have level 8 town hall with everything at max and have all the skills that come with time, than having a town hall level 11 but it being rushed. If both of these would battle it is most likely the town hall 8 would win.
Exactly. These idiots who think the US has an un-penetrable shield from nukes are morons too. The missile defence is to stop a few missiles. Russia has way more than a few, same goes for China. If it came down to it, all sides would lose.
You're right
Russia is like level -30
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Nope. I'm from the future. On June 7th 2018 the United States along with aerial wifi drones from Google and Apple attack North Korea. Hundreds of thousands of old cell phones are dropped preloaded with bookmarks for xhamster, motherless and pornhub.
Allied troops invade June 9th after most soldiers have become to weak to fight and excited to see pawgs, bbc's and white feet.
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>I feel like Russia, while it does have lvl 100, it used rushed so much to get there that when you prove their skill they are not above lvl 30. Picture Clash of Clans for example, it's not the same to have level 8 town hall with everything at max and have all the skills that come with time, than having a town hall level 11 but it being rushed. If both of these would battle it is most likely the town hall 8 would win.

Clash of Clans is shitwaters brah
Found the north korean correct the record fag
I concur with this faggot
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You've got to respect Trump for this one.

NK has been a DEADLY thread for years.

Obama/libs did NOTHING!

let me clue you in on something you inbred fruity talking person from a tiny island. its well known in the american military that when the nukes go the very first one is for london. so kek that you ungrateful prick.
o shit
They're pretty difficult to actually sink. Too many individually sealable compartments for it to go down. But you might be able to make a real mess of the flight deck and island if you could get through the defenses, and that would at least take it out of commission.
What did he mean by this?
True. Just look at all the attacks they've made on other nations to further their economic and political strength.
Blood makes the grass grow

I played enough runescape in my life to know that all lvl 100's are shity main accounts where as the lvl 30 is a thrill junkie who will dbow you out and hope the recoil doesn't kill them.

Don't fuck with pure...
The threats alone. Trump's going to go after Iran, too.

Buck up buttercup snowflake libcucks, we're making America safer and better for you too.

absolutely incorrect. conservative christians see the jews as caretakers of the holy lands. the believe jews will come around when you know who comes back to earth. the point is they back israel 1000%.
Sounds like the US is a scared little bitch to be honest.
Jesus people, chill. Trump has already cut a deal with China, evidenced by his reduced rhetoric about currency manipulation. The Chinese have what passes as influence with the hermit king. They will arrange a sudden heart attack for Kim, install a puppet communist government and everything will settle down. The trade off is less pressure on China economically in return for keeping communist government on their border instead of a shambles left by war, or a western leaning democracy. Trump and the US is ok with this deal. Nukes gone, Kim gone, tension eased, dealing about tariffs and currency manipulation continues outside media limelight.

no china still wants a buffer. they do not want a reunited korea. simple as that.
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Are you retarded, like if more than half of the world is just a cuck sucking america's dick even if they hate then, they are their bitches.
They fire a missile, we hesitate..." is this a test?"
"What do?"
"I dunno, the guy to ask is in a meeting right now."
Missile incoming. Nuclear tipped. Gets close enough that blast alone will make radioactive boat.
Merica embarrassed.

That's the way things really work.
oh, another little while maybe. kids like you have been discussing ww3 at the lunch table since the end of the last one

lrn2context and quit watching fox.
As long as the US doesn't take the bait it's fine.

China isn't gonna let North Korea off its leash.
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I don't know how they haven't realised that they won't win. The U.S. has enough combat capability and firepower to take on any other nation and their allies, but more importantly, they have the capability to project that power anywhere in the world.
Damn, forgot to post a pic!
WW3 isn't around the corner. Shit is always going on. If you weren't 13 you'd know that.
Ok Mathew Broderick
They made a decent game out that movie.
pures are fags who are too pussy to risk more than 50k, fuck urself bud tell me when you pk some tassys, o wait
3 ww will be sooner than 2030 for sure

thats best case scenario and will take time for china to pull off. meanwhile, a nutcase is running nk & trump is a steroidal aspie himself so anything can happen.
That would be true if the US still believed in the domino effect and Truman doctrine. We don't. Now I'm not saying they wouldn't be nervous as shit about it.
Think about this for a second. If you've been to any university since the 80's you've seen Chinese nationals attend us colleges. Those Chinese return to China after being westernized. We get closer and closer to China everyday.
Lv 70 range/str pure will fuck ur shit up tho fam

Russia is max level. They just never bothered to gear for PvP. Still using blue grade armor they found while PVE leveling.

America would annihilate Russia. And China. And North Korea. And Iran

The typical libby has already thrown up the flag of SURRENDER!

Trump's not perfect. But he's in for 8.
>Its about money, politics don't apply.

I don't understand how you can say this and still not get the point.

China won't fight the US for North Korea, it's in their interest to keep us as trading partners. The real reason both China and South Korea are shiting their pants over NK is that there are 25,000,000 illiterate starving peasants on their border that only know how to cook grass and mine coal. South Korea doesn't want them because it would destroy them. China doesn't want them because it would be a huge burden for no real gain on their part.

North Korea is China's Mexico, but somehow even more poor and stupid.
China isn't going to side with them, the US has waaay more trade value and if they mess with us then they're fucked. China is already reducing services at gas stations in NKorea, foreshadowing that it would be a waste to invest precious fuel into an economy that is about to get destroyed.
We can only hope :')

Korean War pt.2
>It's time to finish what my grandpa started
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Wrong. The President has authorized his military commanders to take what steps they deem appropriate. Like past administrations he has told the professionals to do their job. (See MOAB and Al Shayrat airfield in Syria) We would smoke the launch site, Chinks won't say a thing because our strike will be limited and directly proportionate, and there will be no further follow up.
For some reason I hear Joe dirts voice while reading this.

They don't go back. They get married and have anchor babies to stay here
First of all, I said China and us would not fight over NK. Not sure why that's too complicated to understand.
You are right about China not wanting them and that is why they mobilized to prevent NK refugees.
If you think Koreans don't want a unified Korea you must be too young to remember east and west Germany
nice font, faggot
America couldn't even handle Vietnam, you fucking pussies would die within a fucking week against a real country
So what country are you from anon?

Whatever. We haven't taken the gloves off since WWII
Well at least you don't have to worry about immigrants with degrees taking your job since all you have is a GED.
if they get ICBM's it becomes a deterrent against a conventional strike because then American cities can be hit you dumbass nigger
All bullshit aside, NK has to have a regime change. One way or another. If not that fucker will eventually kill half the planet. Un is like that asshole you don't go to the bar with. The guy that always starts shit.
>If you think Koreans don't want a unified Korea you must be too young to remember east and west Germany

Tell me about Germany grandpa. My neighbor actually came from west Germany and left because of reunification, but I'm sure you know more about it than he does. And we will pretend just for you that NK is anywhere near as developed as East Germany was.

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yeah, but our gov't is too full of pussies to ever take the gloves off.
It has already started, media just keeps you clueless like usual, you are a tool(disposable one at that) after all.
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>My neighbor is from west Germany.
Here we go. What are the fucking odds?

“I have no beef against the people of the North,” said Lee Seung-jae, a 23-year-old student at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. “I’m pretty sure I still have relatives up there.”

"Like others here, he was quick to compare the situation to the struggles and eventual triumphs that arose with the 1990 reunification of West Germany and East Germany."

That's from the article you just linked. You should read things before you just google your side of an argument.
I'm really worried guies... Best Korea is going to nuke themselves lel
Fuck WW3,bring it
Gonna get flack for it but.. what exactly is stopping us from wiping them off the map if they attack first?

"Hurr durr anti-[Insert "Korea is the most advanced army" Equipment here]"

Sure but, they are kind of ass. Example: they talk big but their most recent missile failed in the bay. Couple days after they threaten war with them?

All I can say is Rest in Peace North Korea, there wasn't enough space for the smallest man and his shitty country because he wanted more.
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>"ww3 is right around the corner"
>refering to north korea.
>china has already promissed trump that they will nuke n.korea if they test nuclear icbms so murica wont have to get involved in china's territory. i say again, we have their word that they will "nuke" n.korea if they try to start shit.

so heres how your hypothetical ww3 scinario plays out. n.korea attemps to nuke murican fleet.

either murican fleet, os s.korea, or china shoots down any nukes. china turns n.korea into a radioactive wasteland.

the end.

yup, sounds like a world wide apocalypse to me. if i where you and where always looking for some stupid excuse to proclaim ww3 has begun, i'd focus my efforts on syria and russia and turkey.
Kek. What an autistic fuck
sounds like you need to move out of your moms basement you lil fuck, the only scared people in America are the ones trying to make guns hard as fuck to get. Whilst the rest of us are making sure our guns are nice and shiny for when someone finally decides to test the might of the US military.
lolz. Cause peeps don't want guns because they're scared.
They have to get their missiles off the ground before their threats are the least bit credible.
We fought 'nam on a nickel and dime budget. We had no support from congress or the national treasury.

America going full swing is an entire nation building weapons of war, and boots to the field. If we EVER got back into our WW2 mindset we'd have at LEAST 20 million able bodied men and one of the most advanced armies in the world.

That's not something any nation could fight back against.
i think its funny how kids on /b are scared of jews, I'd be scared of something that I've never seen before, but then again, I don't live under a FUCKING ROCK. Disgusting the way you fags rip on Jews when they've survived all the stupid shit degenerates like you have caused for them. Fuck off, project your self hatred onto something else, like YOUR FUCKING SELF. The world would be a better place without Jew-Haters; sincerely - SOMEONE WHO HAS MET A JEW
>If we EVER got back into our WW2 mindset we'd have at LEAST 20 million able bodied men
That would require a draft. In modern times I think you would find that most people would not respond to such a draft.
You are implying a draft is optional
As a jew, jews are responsible for 90% of the world's issues going back 2 millennia.
And you are implying that a draft could be enforced on a disgruntled population that refuses to fight.
I'd respond to the draft, but I'm about to graduate with an Aero Eng degree, so I'd offer to build missiles to fuck even more shit up than I would with a rifle
all wed have to do is drop a nuke on Pyongyang and thatd end it
Nice fucking figure you just pulled out of your ass retard
Bruh america has 400 million people.
50% are men.
30% of them are of military age.

That's 60 million men.
I'm willing to bet 1 in 3 guys would willingly go to war.
First in order for a draft to be instituted, we would have to be in some shit. You'd be suprised the number of people that would volunteer if we were in some shit. 9/12 was a perfect example of that. People flocked to recruiting offices in droves.
also funny, yeah same /b, as a devout sikh water moccasin I can personally attest to this
>9/12 was a perfect example of that. People flocked to recruiting offices in droves.
People are less gullible now after seeing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Don't project your faggotry onto the rest of us. A fucking draft is just what our generation needs
I'm not going to grab a fucking history book and highlight all the sheklings for you so you're left with my dook covered estimate
I'd say it's more than 90 percent
>people actually beleive this
All credibility gone out the window.
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Pick an article. Plenty of documentation on it.
Have fun dying in some foreign shithole so people here can forget all about you.
I hope you spill your piss jar.
wo fat has had an american grabbed at pyonyong hareport,,,hostage,
done to make unca don squirm,
lessee who gonna use the claws first
everyone is sick of north korea pulling their stupid stunts. If anything, China will act first so that their hemisphere is secured from western influence, rather than having the US act so close to them.
>Fingers in ears, pants on head retarded libs don't recall how badly Hillary wanted to go to war with Russia
You've been watching too much movies
And I hope you live long enough in war to watch all your friends die.
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I'm American and this is kinda funny, kinda sad and kinda true
I hope your parents die so you will be homeless and not have internets
He can always join the military.
Do they have tendies?
Nuclear war would affect you, you unbelievable dumbass.
Ever hear of a little thing called radioactive fallout?
I liked 4 but 3 was better
Mum get the tendies, I need to eat while I argue about destroying a country that literally can't get it up long enough to shoot back
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Trump should start a full on war with N Korea because you're an emo faggot? I'm sure your ass is too fat to be drafted anyway, basement dweller
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I schooled those patriotic fags
Lol my kek-list is bigger you bad hombre motha trucka
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I actually thought that said USS Donald Cock
heres how it will really go
>They fire a missile, we hesitate..." is this a test?"
>it explodes right after takeoff
They fire a missile, we hesitate..." is this another test?"
>it explodes again
Longcat is loooooooong
Ok, you get a chuckle, but only because I'm currently stuck trying to find all the goddamn magazines scattered throughout the Commonwealth.
waddup with that disgusting font

jesus christ
most likely an android phone
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fuck, haven't seen someone demolish another person like that since i went on pornhub 5 mins ago
Next month.
Do people believe this?
Lol being this clueless

One on one vs any nation, the US throwing it's entire economic and industrial resource towards the war, they would absolutely annihilate angone

In a world war it becomes more complex, esp if nukes are involved, but I don't see anyone using them. Even n korea knows a single launch of nuke is guaranteed obliteration from the rest of the world
Shit tier bait dude.
Not going to happen.

Israel will get tired of Iran being faggots though
What gets me right now and don't get me wrong this thread has been a good read... if I was in /Pol or /w but get this shit off my /b/eloved. Fuckers.
Israel is the one being the faggot, and the rest of the world are tired of it.

So much fucking this.
But in Israel's eyes Iran is acting like a complete Fagoot
Oh pardon us for taking valuable digital real estate from a potential YLYL thread. Oh, the indignity.
Only because they're unable to extort shekels from them.
False. It's a "military conflict" war can only be declared by congress, not the President. The last "war" we were in was WWII. War in Iraq is incorrect. It's Military Conflict in Iraq and Syria

>cold war tier army
this is the only interesting thread I've seen on /b/ in a week, maybe more, and you want it gone

I find it funny how spm-posting faggots like you think you're "saving" /b/ when a: there never was anything to save, and b: you faggots are doing way more harm than good to this board in terms of fighting the cancer
Their governments doesn't care about their soldiers either. There's actually a pretty steady current of Russian deserters crossing the borders into Sweden, Norway and Finland (I imagine it's bigger down in the Baltics though). Young guys that mostly are fleing economical conflicts within their units or the fear of being deployed in Donbass.
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>mfw not allowed to use full military might against rice farmers.
>mfw technically vietnam ended in a cease fire which the vietnamese broke.
>mfw no one even reads history books anymore.
He wants more dick posts the Fagoot
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There is it really nothing wrong with Israel.
Send in Dennis rodman
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Bedroom Closet.jpg
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The problems inside the US will be more of a cause for war in a few years than the threat of foreign war
that why my bedroom closet looks like
pic related
USA spends the most on military but doesn't mean they can fight. They're like someone who bought a level 100 wow character but get beat up in pvp

I mean come on you can't even beat Vietnam
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>tfw america has 800 foreign military bases
>tfw america could basically be the largest empire in history but chooses not to be
>tfw people still say "hurr durr murica is acktually week an dum"
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It's been happening for years now

It will never happen, a solar flare will wipe out the internet before we enter WWIII. It will be the last war and no one wants that.
>when you failed history class
I'm not quite sure you know what /thread means. First you can't /thread your own post. Second that point you made had nothing to do with ops topic. Either learn how to behave and lurk more.
>claims to be german
>misspells Deutsch
>Don't you have to some tea to drink while you let muhammad rape and murder your people?
English is your only language and you even fuck that up. Russia has more active warheads than the US, gg wp.
Lok kek
Agn grat murica mek

if the Russians and Asia will create a military Alliance with China, DPRK, Europe will lose ww3 in one day, America a little later.
>mfw the US killed millions of North Vietnamese
>only lost a fraction of that number

Sorry angry little faggot, but your blind US hate is showing. The only people who lost the Vietnam War were the Vietnamese.

Let's see, the French got their asses kicked out of, well, everywhere. Oh wait, so did the British, yeah that's right, you faggots lost your empire.

BAHAHAHAHAHA Stupid Yuropoor.
The fact that they're not putting those to use and actually becoming the largest empire in history basically backs up the point that they are weak and dumb. You done did yourself.
It's all gone down hill since your princess got fucked by a sandnigger
This is shit bait
if russia and its shit tier weapons has this meme then surely murica has a similar or same said meme
Oh look, it's one of THESE faggots. The Brits couldn't handle the Japs, and the French lost to the Vietnamese before the US went to war. The US killed millions of NVA and Viet Cong, while losing just over 55k. I'm sorry angry little faggot, but you're wrong.
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name one empire that is prosperous today..Oh wait! you cant! because they don't exist anymore!
Finish it already!
dont care. war in middle east has been going on for over 10 years now, doesnt effect shit in my life, except for trillions of wasted tax dollars that i couldve used for healthcare or education, but whatever.
More Yurocucks.

Read, future headless victim of Islam.

I thought I was the only one
Then America couldn't be an empire at all, invalidating the point of the person I was replying to.
Yet all anyone does is cry about America being "the world police" or "bullies." It's pathetic really, bunch of little whiny bitches.
what are you even saying anymore man
People that think the US hold the most power in the world is about as vaulable of an opinion as the US having none. They're not the most powerful but they're definitely not the least or far from it at that.
go back to bed anon, adults are talking.
Picture is off center, clear indication of military inferiority.
The point you miss about America not being an empire is that controlling areas of dirt divided by imaginary lines is 18th century (or older) thinking.

Empire building is from another time. We use economics, market forces, global trade, instant worldwide communication, diplomacy, sanctions, treaties, and yes even military force. However, the actual dirt and imaginary lines are left to the peasants.
It's just basic thuganomics.
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