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Are we to blame for climate change? Discuss

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Are we to blame for climate change?
Not entirely.

Planet goes through cycles, but we're not helping things.
But we're not necessarily hurting it
This. Question now is: Should we focus on minimizing our effect on the environment or just say fuck it and try to create an artificial environment that can sustain human life?(possibly/probably at the cost of fucking up a lot of eco-systems)

We need to focus on containing and preventing actual pollution.
We're not talking about the survival of the planet here. We're talking about what will happen to humanity. If you think immigration is bad now, imagine how bad it will be if/when places around the equator become literally uninhabitable. Then imagine the mass-exodus that would follow if this uninhabitable zone kept growing. More and more people flooding north- and southward while access to farmable land and fresh water is going down
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Freeman Dyson (famous UK theoretical physicist) spent about 20 years researching "climate change" caused by mankind and ultimately concluded that pollution is one thing (plastic garbage fucking up birds and fish) and can be prevented, climate change is entirely something else and cannot be influenced by humanity
I blame Libtard for inventing such thing and concept
Wise man.

Well said sir.

It is very important that we contain our waste and waste byproducts.
There's no empirical scientific evidence of that and thre isn't a forecast for it. Ocean level change cannot be mathematically attributed to human CO2 emissions so it's the same levels that have been maintained for thousands of years
Yea. And he ended up getting death threats after that and pretty much lives in hiding now.

Liberals are a violent gang of thieves
Obama started it, but our glorious leader Don Ald Trump is fighting it using his divine grace.

Either way we should plant more plants and practice good stewardship.

"Climate change" as the media presents it is a farce.

Not who you responded to.
Obama is a fraud and his global climate change bullshit scam is garbage
Politicians in general.

It is sad that thugs can chase you out of town for speaking your mind, disgraceful.
There's a natural cycle that the planet goes through, but we're speeding it up
I have no problem with plants, I have a problem with liberal shills telling me that I'm responsible for climate change and charging more in taxes for it

The irony is that these "green energy" projects for end up producing more CO2 than coal and nuclear energy combined
False. He came to the conclusion that even though there is a lot of alarmism in the scientific community, it is still possible that man-made climate change is real. He argues for more research on the subject and has bluntly stated that climate science is not his field of study. There is an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists that man-made climate change is real. Instead of bringing up famous scientists from other fields of study, either listen to the actual experts on the subject or do research on the subject yourself. Research meaning reading and publishing papers on the and not watching youtube videos.
I'm with you 100%, keep calm and speak the truth, those with common sense will listen.
Planet get warmer for itself but we improving it so much
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So the sun doesn't influence our climate at all? Any little deviatation or shift in the output?
But once did it, green energy work infinitely
Ocean level changes are not linked to greenhouse gasses directly. They are linked to the temperature of the water/air, which is directly linked to the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. It is a two-step process. Also. What do you mean by 'mathematically linked'? If you go in to any field of study what you'll find is a sea of constants and factors that have to be used when physical reality differs from ideal mathematical models.
Every year the US along produces trillions of tons of CO2.
But that aint even close to what yo' mama makes.
I'm not. You are though.

You fucking fuck. Stop fucking up the environment.
If this happens, then that happens proportionally in accordance to what happened to influence it. Human CO2 emissions cannot be directly attributed to a global climate change scenario
Sorry I didn't found something in English. This ball is 70% more efficient then solar panel. It cost only 10000€. https://www.google.it/search?q=esfera+solar&client=ms-android-xiaomi&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2pr7i4bjTAhXECcAKHcxqD0EQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560
The sun is the 'engine' that keeps life on earth going. Of course the sun has an effect. The thing with greenhouse gasses is that normally this effect (energy) would 'bounce back' into space, but greenhouse gasses keep some of the energy in the atmosphere (by redirecting the light) so that more of the energy gets absorbed (remember, energy = heat) than if the light would have been allowed to just go back into space.
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Shut the fuck up and stop jewing up the environment with your torahs and kikebabies.

We know you're behind it, keeping that fucking space heater on and fucking those polar bears.

Stop being a jew and start being part of the solution you stupid hooknose fuck.
The thing that liberals don't understand is that CO2 is the food that plants need to survive in order to turn it back into oxygen. If liberals understood that basic concept maybe we would not have spent so much fucking money on this climate change scam
you've drunk enough coolaid for a while
How about we lock you up in a room with only CO2 in it, then tell us how wonderful it is. Ooops, sorry, you won't because you'll be dead. Your argument is made for idiots.
So everything the sun outputs that we recieve is automatically understood to be part of the equation for the argument that humanity caused climate change?
It's you v.s. the overwhelming majority of the scientific community on this one. There is a direct link between energy absorption in the atmosphere and amount of greenhouse gasses. Humanity is producing a lot of greenhouse gasses. If the model is correct, we should be able to observe an increase in energy absorption (which will register as heat) and this has been observed. It's now up to you to produce peer-reviewed research that shows the opposite with evidence that is stronger than the evidence for the link between greenhouse gas emissions and energy absorption in the atmosphere.
I'm not a plant, otherwise I'd be right at home.

Try again faggot
Oxygen is 20.9% of Earth's atmosphere, CO2 is 0.04%. No sir, your argument is made for idiots.
How about we lock you up in a room with only oxygen, and light a match!
Yes, and people who feel the need to exaggerate and lie about it for the sake of their own political agendas should be incinerated alive. They are the reason that people deny climate change. You can't tell a flat out lie to someone and then expect them to care when it turns out you were only *mostly* lying.
Ok you got the wrong impression. I'm not denying that climate change exists, it's been a big part of our fucking world for the last hundred million years.


We point out that HUMANS do not have a part of that
Plants need some CO2, but not too much of it. What is also important to remember is that CO2 is one of many greenhouse gasses, methane being a particularly bad one.
You misread your peer-reviewed research. There is an overwhelming amount of research that does state climate change exists; however, very little of it mentions man-made CO2 as a significant factor. Our CO2 emission are very small verses the large number of natural producers.
>here is an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists that man-made climate change is real.

You just heard someone say that. You have never actually looked into that validity of that statement.

Also, "climate change is real" is a misleading statement because there's no quantification of it. Obviously any human contribution to pollution in the air is going to contribute to the climate changing in some way. The question is how much. The reality is that we are a microscopic film of scum that has infested an 8,000 mile thick rock in space. We aren't changing shit in any significant way. We aren't going to wake up one day and the oceans will be 20 feet higher and boiling. The climate will change so slowly that no one will notice it. The only way you'd notice it is by looking at climate trends over the previous several centuries.

100% politicized issue with no solution. Just something to divide people up into little voting groups.
well said
>Also, "climate change is real" is a misleading statement because there's no quantification of it. Obviously any human contribution to pollution in the air is going to contribute to the climate changing in some way. The question is how much. The reality is that we are a microscopic film of scum that has infested an 8,000 mile thick rock in space. We aren't changing shit in any significant way. We aren't going to wake up one day and the oceans will be 20 feet higher and boiling. The climate will change so slowly that no one will notice it. The only way you'd notice it is by looking at climate trends over the previous several centuries.

This has got to be up there with the most ignorant shit I've heard on the subject thus far.
Not me, before I was born it was already like this I have nothing to do with that shit and I don't give a fuck about the future generations, It's their fucking problem, they deal with it.
get back under your rock, subhuman
I'm a climate change denier for the sole reason that I want to see the coastal cities flooded.

There will be massive damage and awesome apocalyptic vistas to view.
If I understand your question: Yes, the total energy absorbed from the sun if taken into account when doing these calculations. Everything from weather to photosynthesis uses the sun's energy. There seems to be a bit of confusion on this point though. The amount of energy the Earth absorbs from the sun is incoming energy minus outgoing energy. For life to be sustained the outgoing energy has to be less than the incoming energy. What greenhouse gasses change in this equation is not the amount of incoming energy, but rather the amount of outgoing energy (namely, it decreases).
Too little net energy would be fatal, but too much net energy would also be fatal. Earth is in a sweet-spot and increasing the net energy moves Earth away from this spot.
"Climate change" to liberals is called seasons.

Enough said
>This has got to be up there with the most ignorant shit I've heard on the subject thus far.

Did not provide any counterargument. Comment discarded.
We can only be blamed by speeding up the whole thing drastically.
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God you're fucking retarded if you or anyone believe this
The energy output from the sun significantly differs based on magnetic field orientation and distance from the earth.

To me, it appears that the evidence concludes that liberals are confusing "seasons" with "climate change".

You see because shit gets cooler in the winter and hotter in the summer, in the spring and fall it kinda stays the same?
Yes plants do consume CO2 but thank to human involvement and agriculture in general we have massively destroyed much of the plant life that existed within the last 50+ years. Also as much as I agree that the planet has cycles the current climactic developments do not line up with climactic and natural history time lines.
Also on the agriculture note thanks to mass production of domestic stock we have revved up the methane production by 10 fold.
lol scam
CO2 is one of many greenhouse gasses. Water vapor being another and methane being a particularly bad one (which gets released by the agricultural industry and released from sea floors as the water temperature rises). One major problem we face with climate change is the feedback effects. As the planet gets hotter, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases, heating the planet more (by keeping the sun's energy in the atmosphere for longer), heating up bodies of water that release methane, which keeps more of the sun's energy in the atmosphere for longer and so on and so on. A small amount of greenhouse gasses emitted (by humans or not) has a domino effect. and this has been observed. Climate change is a very real threat to our current way of life regardless of whether humans are causing it or not. The emission of greenhouse gasses is directly liked to the increase in absorption of energy in the atmosphere. The logical thing to do is to try to decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted and to plant lots of trees. Genetically modified trees that are very good at storing greenhouse gasses would be ideal.
I would say that the evidence is pretty staggering, and there's a pretty reliable trend among people that deny it in that they haven't researched the evidence for fuck all.
climate change has become a pretty big issue for libs in the last decade or so. Can any libs here honestly say they have made any significant changes in their daily lives to lessen their personal contributions to climate change? Or is this just a debate that you want to see your team win?
>Be me live by the coast for +20 years
In 5 years since some miner company moved in
>Houses getting flooded
>Local economy affected
>Mfuckin sea washed away our beautiful plaza!
>Can't get in the water cuz is too dangerous now.
>Water is polluted
>Some small farmers soil contaminated
>Every time it rains the city floods.
guess we are the ones to blame.
You are exactly wrong. Climate change being real has to do with measured data. It is quantifiable by definition.
The planet isn't getting hotter. The contribution that humans have towards the climate is very negligible. And termites make more of these "greenhouse gasses" you talk about than humans do

Liberals try to be cute with saying humanity is to blame but its really all just one big expensive lie
>CO2 is the food that plants need to survive in order to turn it back into oxygen.
Oxygen can't be made if there's no plants!
Methane released from sea floor is bullshit. Methane at depths is frozen there due to the pressure not the fucking temp. And fucking sea surface temps have not been shown to (as yet) change any temps on the sea floor. I'm all about the problems we've caused by rising levels of all greenhouse gasses but you're implying a problem here specific to methane and sea floors that simply doesn't fucking exist. Humans emit more methane from their asses than comes from methane trapped on the sea floor.

Bruh, most conservatives are religious, and most of those religious conservative not only believe that they will die and go to a magical place where they will live forever in utopia, but also believe that God or whatever will come and fix whatever is wrong with the world.

And then there's the rich assholes you use those people to get laws and shit passed so they can fuck up even more of the environment for money, because they don't give a fuck. Hell they would probably sell their children if it were worth it.

Even if that were true, which it's not, we could reduce human contribution to climate change to zero and the climate would still be changing because it's a natural process that we have no real control over up or down. Our contributions to the climate are insignificant, especially over the large timescales that climate change occurs on.
Don't bring religion into this. It's not related
>And termites make more of these "greenhouse gasses"

omg please go troll somewhere else.
Look it up faggatron
Nigga it's exactly related. They don't believe in the liberal yahoo because god would never let the world die.

In my experience conservatism directly correlates with anti-intellectualism
Can't argue with that
so.... fuck it were all gonna die anyway no bother trying gg? is that what you're saying?
The output from the sun does not vary with distance from the Earth. It is the Earth's input that varies. The incoming energy from the Sun is not easy to change. Greenhouse gas emissions change the Earth's energy output. Your point seems to be that the measured effect of changing the Earth's energy output is less than the change in energy input.
The Sun's input has to be taken into account when predicting the future of Earth's climate and the conclusion is that this effect is disappearingly small compared to the effect of greenhouse gasses on the energy output.
>Bruh, most conservatives are religious,

Bruh, most of everybody, no matter the political party, are religious nutters. But the point is that no one denies that the climate is changing. The debate is over whether or not humans have any real contribution to that, and the answer is no we don't. Libs are great at framing debates, and so they frame this as "hurr durr conservacucktards don't think the climate is changing at all."
Looks like someone flunked out of all of his science classes in high school. Or maybe you haven't gotten there yet?
What the fuck is anti-intellectualism? And no, conservatives are by nature more intellectual than liberals because (hahahahahahahaha) they use their brains!

As far as religion is concerned we are tasked with caring for the welfare of this world and we do that exactly. I don't think ripping people off with claims of a global climate change disaster that's all a lie is a good way of caring for the welfare of this world
I'm not talking about the methane on the sea floor. I'm talking about the methane that has already been observed escaping from lakes and dams. Also, the amount methane released by agriculture is huge and here we have another feedback. Agriculture also releases a lot of nitrogen into bodies of water, which causes algae blooms. This kills life in the water, which sinks to the bottom and releases more methane as it decomposes.
But it's true.... I live in the south. People are retarded over here. All they care about is their family and their god.
I work in a program that influences what they teach to high school students

Are you mentally disabled?
Doesn't even know what anti-intellectualism is...

What are you even doing in this thread?
I'm asking what your brain thinks anti-intellectualism is. Can you tell me or are you too high?
I may be high, but at least I know how to use google.

Anti-intellectualism is hostility towards and mistrust of intellect, intellectuals, and intellectual pursuits, usually expressed through the derision of education, philosophy, literature, art, and science, as impractical and contemptible.

Probably America's No.1 problem.
>All they care about is their family

How dare they.

And no, no one other than like 7 dumbfucks who don't matter actually think that the Earth and its climate are completely static and unchanging. Everyone knows it changes over time, because everyone knows about things like ice ages.
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So how is modern Christianity related to anti-intellectualism?
We could indeed reduce greenhouse emissions to zero, but see no immediate effect on the Earth's energy output to space because of feedback processes mentioned earlier in this thread. This is no reason not to try. You are arguing against the consensus of the World's experts on this subject here. The data speaks for itself. If you want to show that there is no link between emitted greenhouse gasses and increased energy absorption in the atmosphere you'll have to come up with evidence stronger than the staggering amount of evidence that shows the opposite.

No. The world climate has changed over and over through out history. We've had multiple ice ages, we have had the planet get much hotter than what it is today (Check out the Jurassic era, it was to hot for humans to live in) the only difference is we are just really helping it along this time.

We're all gonna die sooner or later, so gives a shit.
Factually false.
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Well basically, the real big socail topics boil us down into two groups.

topics being
Gay marriage
the environment
legalization of marijuana
obviously the debate over a god and afterlife
etc... the list goes on

So when you prioritize family, god, work, having your own home bla bla bla basically getting me and mine and not giving a fuck about anything else. The other side, liberals the ones who believe in logic and side with the scientists, say "hey there's some shit going on and it's getting hotter"

The entire other side says no fuck you my religion says there is no global warming and anything you say and believe is wrong. even though liberals are right about lots of things, conservatives don't like to change, and are slower to adapt.
In the end, all that matters is whether there's a God or not, and whether we owe anything after we die
And to add on this whole thread is trash the evidence for us fucking up the planet for future is overwhelming, but i don't have the time or crayons for it.

If you really do wanna educate yourself here's a video of elon musk explaining it thoroughly or trying to at least, he's an engineer not a public speaker.

You talk about life after death. This discussion is about life before death.
ayy lmaos or jews
Probably no God, humanity needed a god to believe in to get through the hard times.

Evolution happened and we are just smarter animals. All our consciousness is are memories and brain synapses keeping us alive and once those stop working and you die it's probably just unconsciousness forever.

Kinda like how before we were born.
What if there is a god?
Then He'll have to ask me for forgiveness.
What we're discussing here is what to do before death. Your ideas about what happens after we die mean nothing here. Take them to some religious thread instead.
Sure kid

I live my life based on the philosophy of trying to make other peoples lives better and not being an asshole.

If I'm still being sent to hell for that wouldn't that make God evil JUST cause I didn't believe in him? And in that case we are fucked from the start.
There is no climate change.
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Also which god we talking?
Nothing personnel
Well your definition of what you should do and shouldn't do isn't based on your own opinions. You didn't create yourself so you can't expect to be able to correctly outline your own plan for your life
You have to depend on God for your own purpose
hahahah, ooooor or. I could just, figure what I want to do with my life and do that.

There's not much meaning in this life.

Worshiping a god we don't even know exists sounds like a waste.
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