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Waifu claiming thread previous: >>729561564 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 188
Thread images: 151

Waifu claiming thread

previous: >>729561564

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Still here


How so?
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I'm Fabulous.jpg
82KB, 728x450px

Kurumi claimed
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idk. I'd say sad but I love Massive Attack so...
I'm leaving for tonight, cya'll

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drunk claiming best girl
goodnight again
were you Ello poster?
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Yuuki (21).jpg
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Still here

I imagine playing games would be a chore for that reason. But if you can do it pretty quickly it shouldn't be a problem.

I think I've asked, but are there any good resources or anything for learning the language?

Toradora is my all time favorite romance anime, I just love Taiga as a character and watching her grow closer to Ryuji is so cute
Yeah those are good examples.
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Hello everyone
>juvia claimed
Houki is an abusive bitch. Why would anyone like her?
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lay down monkey
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Saya 185.jpg
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Claiming best girl.
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Only if you come with me
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misaki smugly stares.gif
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That's a good point too.

But personally I've just been always turned off to dubs ever since I watched the Girls Und Panzer (dubbed) version. (Toradora-loli)

>Misaki Claimed
ok I'll try to look for you again
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do you want to be a pet now?
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Forgot replies
>>729575014 anon
What music did you listen to?
>>729575707 Houki
Yeah, but i believe this could've had a good season 2. It was a ton of fun to watch.
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>Massive Attack
Comfy, haven't listened to that in ages.

Mine too, I like how Taiga starts off looking like a shallow bitch, and changes throughout the series.


You two are really starting to sound like a broken record.

I usually only watch terrible anime dubbed, that way I'll have entertainment and not feel bad about missing something.
Still haven't seen Girls Und Panzer, should add that to my list.
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Okay, cya soon
Mostly music box and calming
The creativity and intellect of our people almost exclusively created the modern world.
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Yuuki (125).jpg
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The moment when she went from annoying me to being the best character in the show is when Ryuji almost drowns and she screams at everyone to leave him alone and that he belongs to her.
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Uh cool?
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sucy LWA.jpg
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Saya 274.png
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You are a good person Tomoko. Never change that.
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my niggas
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Kinda hard to put something specific to that, but not a bad listen at all. I could see how you got sad though.

I don't remember if it was you or someone else who had asked before, but /jp/ has Daily Japanese Threads (DJT)- the resource list posted on each of those threads is a gold mine, borderline overwhelming if you've never tried studying it on your own. The Tae Kim grammar guide is a good starting point once you've learned hiragana/katakana.

With games, pretty much any old JRPG on the PS1 era fit the bill. Grandia stood out quite a bit for me in that regard. And of course, there's Castlevania: Symphony of the Night too. Still one of my all time favorite games & OSTs in spite of the ham fisted dub.

Probably could have, there's a lot of stuff that never got what it deserved.
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I have been listening to alot of other stuff lately, so i thought I'd go back to their stuff.
How's your night, or better, morning?

a cute, though I prefer Akko
Not really. Just nice sometimes is all.
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that was quick, you are a pervert
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I'm out.gif
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I guess I'll go to sleep now
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Well yeah.
I've been observing you for some time now, and you have demonstrated nothing but kindness not only to your friends, bit even to complete strangers.
Alright, i see
No doubt
Deadman wonderland is another that comes to mind that should've got a season 2
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Wet Mizo.jpg
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look at you now finally starting to be honest
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You should probably spend your time doing something else. It probably gets pretty boring.
Hi again.
Just have to put the question differently is all.
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misaki 2.5 D.jpg
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Kek, there are a few really good dub parodies, there's a particularly good one still going on that (and Hellsing Abridged) that I always love to catch when it's available.
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Yuuki (31).jpg
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I know /a/ has them as well, I'll have to look into them
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will you now admit that you are a perverted horny monkey willing to be a pet expecting a reward? or will you still say you are a person?
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hirasawa yui (578).jpg
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Well I thought I'd drop in for a hi before going to sleep. Nighty night all
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Way past bedtime yet again...
Goodnight everyone, take care.

After watching it again, her behavior in the start makes so much more sense to me.
I like how she opens up more and shows her real emotions closer to the end.

I'm all over the place when it comes to music, will have to give their stuff a listen again.
It's very late (very early?), my night has been alright I guess, watched some silly stuff and listened to some music.

Goodnight, sleep well.

Will try to remember that, silly stuff is always fun.

Nights Yui, sleep well.
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Why cant I be a person that just likes those things?
Im out too, good night everyone.
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They used to have them, and now it seems that they've moved to /jp/ as of late. Probably mods at work or something. Either way, the resources there are helpful. If I had all of that when I started I'd be even better by now I'm sure.

'Night, sleep well.
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because maybe you'll fit better as a pet than a person.
I'll leave you to your thoughts for now you dirty monkey
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Im not sure anyone would want that. Ok ill be around I guess.
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Why are thick eyebrows so good
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Yuuki (136).png
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Oh dang they must be good then! Maybe once I graduate I'll look into it
anything ticc is good
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>no ticc legs
well at least some things are
Im always suprised these threads continue to exist
Its like how Bob Dylan still makes music
Its nice
They always will
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Grand theft kneesocks.jpg
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I like the positivity, but really?
what is the point of that image
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Yuuki (73).jpg
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Did you guys know a hostile witness is a witness that has interests contradictory to those of the party that called them to the stand?
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Whats the point in any image

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fuck you I've had too much to drink for your bullshit.
nice claim
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I think you mean best claim.
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kumiko i love
no I'm going to say nice
but all eyepatch girls are best
Teach me more pls
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Yuuki (75).jpg
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I'm studying criminal justice

Leading questions aren't allowed in court unless under certain circumstances

QOTT: what's your favorite anime outside of the one your waifu's in?
I'll start: D- Frag
Hello Kumiko
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claiming dva

prime slutty korean pussy
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misaki smug.png
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Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade

My piano nigga
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Cory in the House
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How are you?

That is a very cute outfit. How are you?

my gun nigga (I dunno). How are you?
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Yuuki (23).png
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Can't complain, doing some late studying for an exam. You?
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misaki says goodbye (upgraded).jpg
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Accurate (no pun intended)

I took my raifu out again this week, just put in an order for some more mags, a sling, etc. Very happy with how it shoots, it's mostly up to me at this point.

Gonna have to bail early tonight because of a presentation tomorrow.

Take care everybody.
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Don't know. Picking favorites is hard
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wishing I had a folder because I need one for this project where we had to make a mock-up resumé, application letter, and reference page. 5 point deduction and not much I can do about it.

good luck on your presentation
C'mon That's an obvious one.
There's got to be a few that stand out
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Yuuki (106).jpg
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Can you pick one up before school?
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Pee, I have to pee.jpg
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Its also the only other amine ive watched
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Sure but I'm tired
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Jill (01).png
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Alright fair enough
Now you're just being difficult
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So.....many....Ls.....taken in Overwatch just fuck me
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Lies kid, theyre all lies.jpg
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jill (03).png
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Tomo buddy.
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yo dude all I do is lose. I got to 2600 SR, but now I'm back at like 2000, or maybe even lower.
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Can you post Jill in the slut tshirt?
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<3 still here Tomo?

I dont play comp but my god if I did I would be stuck in hell
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jill (04).png
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I... have a couple of those. this one though, I'm guessing?
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>not playing comp
but QP is ez pz and boring.
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Yeah. Overwatch not going well?
Post the others too please. How are you?
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I doubt anyones claimed mine yet so.
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hello friends
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Hi Komine..
I'm doing good
Playing league atm
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She looks cute.
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jill (44).png
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I'm... doing my best. you?
Post JC vamp.
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I use to play comp on my PS4 and i was in plat but on PC my friends and I just fuck around and play QP and Arcade, I would rather have that with them than everyone getting mad at each other so I dont mind too much

Yeah were just getting our asses kicked over and over again, just not our day today i guess
Thank you. :)
where is this from?
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Lewd. Just talking to you and some others.
Maybe play something else today?
Sure. What do you like about her?
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how're you tonight tomo

when in doubt, pick hanzo and spam fire everywhere :^)
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Fuck dude, my roommate and his friends only want to play QP and it's gay as fuck, Comp is way more fun imo.
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jill (51).png
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that sounds okay. good holiday and all?
I honestly think shes really adorable. Shes a strong character and a leader
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You know. Posting and stuff. You?
Even lewder. It was not good. How was yours?
Those are good reasons. Whats your favorite detail in her appearance?
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jill (05).png
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about the same, honestly.
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Good idea, were ending now and I think I might continue on my MGSV playthrough

Youre right I should just do this from now on lol

Yeah QP isnt as exciting but after league with them I would hate to see how they get in OW
I like her hair the most. Just something about it
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Ah that sucks. I tried to avoid my family during it best I could.
Dont forget to stare at quiet a lot.
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carry me back to plat bruh

bored, was playing ffxiv but it just went down for maintenance, dunno what to do now
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Dont worry I will do that request for you Tomo

Hop on my back we can make this climb together eyepatch friend!
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jill (49).webm
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you're taking time for yourself to recover, then?
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it'll be great I promise. I'm a really good healer and pretty good at everyone else (except reaper for some fucking reason). also Rikka's anime (which has a long name that I can't remember) is the only anime I have ever watched without someone basically forcing me to watch with them.
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Thats sweet. My waifus hair and eyes are my favorite parts
Well what other games do you like?
Like you werent going to anyways you lewder you.
Yeah. Im working on a little something now. Almost done. Neat webm
What is your battle.net so i can add ya?? I would love to play with you sometime and thats awesome chuunibyou is super fucking cute isnt it?

ACTUALLY I wasnt going to lewd quiet she isnt my kinda gal
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jill (13).png
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look after yourself, friend. let me know if you need to talk ever though, okay?
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I mean she does wear almost nothing and the game lewds her for you.
Yeah Jill I want snugs. Also for you to look at my art project.
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jill (15).png
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I'm not much of a snuggler. what kind of project is it?
i'll probly just play some dark souls, or keep sitting here, idk
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Tomoko slut tshirt.jpg
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Please for me? Just a little something I thought would give you a little giggle.
It sounds like you want to lewd her not me!
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jill (08).gif
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nice shirt.
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tomo wants to lewd everyone
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I wanna lewd tomo tho
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1MB, 1328x1134px
Well maybe sit for 10 minutes then do dark souls?
Its lewded for you remember? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87YXRvfMDlM
Special print. One of a kind. Got it to match my hero.
Thank you. Couldnt just paint bucket the thing which sucked.
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When is playing in the rain lewd??? Isnt it cute???
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>trusting paint
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More like you want me to lewd you
When they wear no clothes pretty much. Also look at all the camera angles for women characters when they appear.
It wasnt in paint. Was in photoshop.
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shit bro, I'd like to post it but I'm too autistic to post any of my usernames on public forums/imageboards.
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jill (10).png
2MB, 1171x1920px
increase the threshold setting.
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BouttaNUT#1145 dont worry friend I aint afraid here ya go

Well then if you insist tomo <3 and yeah I know they zoom in on the booty
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Ill try to remember the next time. Its not often I fire up photoshop. Are you doing good Jill?
No no. Im quiet bad at it. Dont let Kojimas hard work go to waste.
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Hello everyone.
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my bad
Maki is so adorable
Youree secretly good at it and of course not I will admire these models
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Hi Hanako.
Its ok. No worries idol person
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hey hanako
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whats with the video
Abouttime you got here
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How? All I said I would do is touch your thigh. Good.
I think the idols should sing it.
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....you spook me
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Hi Tomoko. How are you?

Hiya Shinobu. How are you?

Hello Juiva.
Oh i'm sorry, did i keep you waiting again~?
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Just sitting. You?
Thats more than enough for this girl
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I told you i never wait for you!
you never link videos
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Well what else would you want?
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fire keeper waifu.jpg
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fire keeper straight up I would touch the darkness within her
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You know thats infinitely more creepy. How long have you watched me?
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im good, cant decide if i wanna play some dark souls or not, how are you?
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Can't decide what to do?
Just listening to music.

Haha you're just so fun to tease~
How are you?
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Doll is better.
Ah thats fun I guess.
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That's good. The first one?
I'm pretty good.

It's quite nice.
d-don't turn this on me also that song was weird
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Yuuki (4).jpg
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I'm back
I...I mean what would you want to do...
I am not here for you to tease you pervert!
I'm alright, you?
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As long as its not the meme stuff.
Oh yeah. All that guys content is weird. Come on. I dont mind that you do.
Well which spots do you find to be the most sensitive? Or do I have to find them...
I won't check the rest that alone was spooky af
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dunno yet, i have all 3 on steam cant decide which i wanna play

hey yuuki
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> Trips
Oh cmon you know you like it when i tease you~
Good to hear. I'm pretty well.

Well It's not that particular meme stuff, but yeah.
Just going to avoid the question then. Thats cool. So you like idols?
So its other meme stuff?

Thread posts: 188
Thread images: 151

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