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Islam is THE Religion of PEACE Prove me wrong you Nazi scum

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Islam is THE Religion of PEACE
Prove me wrong you Nazi scum
The fact that the "not" is being crossed out.
>Muslims are terrorists
>Terrorists are muslim
Point proven
It's only peace if the people it puts down is cool with being subdued. Women, gays, yeah sure in a perfect world where the people practicing it are cool with being shit on by the people who made it then it's peaceful.

>times are changing
>people aren't as cool with having the same human rights as livestock
>it is not peaceful

Take your shit and leave, please.
The peace of death
>didn't call the religion false
>didn't talk about how there is no god
>strictly talked about how it's not peaceful

that about does it


Jews did 9/11 to demonize Islam.
Muh fear terrorism kys scum.
Must be b8
read your holy books. The Koran, the Hadith and the Sura are all filled with accounts of Jihad, and calls for Jihad. All muslims are to fight and subdue all other religions, unless they are blind or crippled. This is not a spiritual struggle - they are to emulate the Prophet who lead raids on caravans, towns and cities, killed those who did not accept his religion and enslaved others. slavery, or forced payment of a tax for being a non muslim, are the fate of non believers. All the world must convert, or die, or submit.

it is not a religion of peace.
sand nigger lover detected
Jew Lover detected
Peaceful Muslims, much like normie Christians, are simply non-practicing. They're not really Muslims.
Islam is the Religion of Piece...
A piece of you here and a piece of you there.
Prove me wrong Nazi Scum.
quran 9:73
"O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination."
quran 9:123
"O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous."
quran 8:59
"And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure [to Allah ]."
quran 61:4
"Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly."
quran 47:35
"So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds."
>I am and Irish man NOT a drunk
>Irish men are NOT drunks
>Drunks are NOT Irish men
funny how the word "no" is crossed out in the pic. must be an example of doublespeak, which muslims use a lot
i will bump this funny thread
is that fooseytube? Im afraid to reverse image search I don't want to be on fbi lists
Taqiya: Lie so that the none believers dont call you on your pedo bullshit.

Also see the Hadith, which is basically the biography of Mohammad, which includes how to practice what is called thighing. A technique mohammad used when his wife was not of age for sex, and it describes how you put the girls legs together and fuck her thighs to get off.

So suck a bag of pork dicks mudslime faggot and die.
>A technique mohammad used when his wife was not of age for sex
no, he fucked her at the age of 9. the real thing
No i know he did, but before then because fucking her before 9 was morally wrong but you could fuck her thighs. Which the Hadith goes into how to do, its the 2nd most holy text of the cult.
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Prove yourself right first, muzzie
Nice troll OP
2 words


>Islam is THE Religion of PEACE
>Calling people "Nazi scum"

that file name though
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Muslim here.
Define peace then we can have a discussion, jewOP.
like...not fighting, no violence and stuff
if you have to ask for a definition for a common word, i already smell a lie
Why the fuck would i prove wrong something that is not proven right ? That's not how arguments work you shitskin faggot
Does your holy book condone and encourage violence against non muslims? Yes? Then you are not a religion of peace

Does the members of your religion consistently behead or otherwise kill non muslims in horrible, brutal ways simply because they aren't muslims? Yes? Then you are not a religion of peace.

Does your religion allow marrying of and having sex with prepubescent girls as well as degrading women and giving them less rights than livestock? Yes? You are not a religion of peace.
We follow common sense.
We fight those who fight us.
All verses in Quran about fighting non-muslims are the same as the bible and the old testemant thing.
Especially sura 9.

There is no violence. One might argue about punishments. (you sin you get punished)
If you steal, you get your hand cut.
How many people stole when this law was around and got their hand cut?
Very few and mostly highwaymen.(at that time)
If you steal because you are hungry, you don't get your hand cut. In Islam no one should ever be hungry or not sleep under a roof if it is practised 100%.
You get the point.
As for adultery, if you are married AND commit adultery AND 4 people witness the act, you get killed.
Those are somethings that you would consider cruel.
>We fight those who fight us.
no, you don't. see here:
>All verses in Quran about fighting non-muslims are the same as the bible and the old testemant thing.
haha, no. not even a bit.
>everybody I don't like is Hitler

Back to school with you kiddo.
All Abrahamic religions are shit. Prove me wrong.
read the gospels. it requests even to love your fucking enemy for fucks sake.
except christians aren't supposed to follow the old testament, they're supposed to follow the new testament which got rid of most if not all of the disgusting things that muslims still live by today. you're a dirty liar and this is yet another reason your "religion" should to be wiped off the face of the planet
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Whow kinda nice seeing seing you Imbeciles going at it Islamistic turd hats on one nazi scum retard fags on the other side and a few normal people in between. The Problem isn´t called Islam it is called religion christians jews and all othe religions have the flaw to be to easily exploited as a tool for fanatizing people and moralising the killings of others.But you know whats even worse Racism and thats why I can tolerate a peacful muslim (And every single one I met in person was) but not a degenarate Racist you guys are truly the scum of the world too dumb and ignorant to see beyond the instincts of the reptilian brain you think yourself strong but you are just weak and pathetic cunts. Yours sincerly;
Cuck MC. Triggerwarning
>christians jews and all othe religions have the flaw to be to easily exploited as a tool for fanatizing people
what a load of bullshit. show me one verse of the gospels you can use to justify violence. same goes for buddhism. and now read the fucking quran in comparison. this dude quote some verses of the quran. fucking read them already:
>Does your holy book condone and encourage violence against non muslims?
In Islam, if you harm non-muslim just because 'non-muslims', you go to hell. End of story.

>Does the members of your religion consistently behead or otherwise kill non muslims in horrible, brutal ways simply because they aren't muslims?

I am not going to dance around this.
Yes. People who THINK they are following my religion behead people (mostly muslims).
It is not allowed to kill ANYONE for reasons other than defending yourself, money, country, religion, honor(family members)(In islam, women are our honor).

I just don't get why people think what followers do == what is followed commands.
Not I am attacking other religions (we are not allowed to). But I could simply say the same about christians and christians would reply saying how retarded what I just said is.

>Does your religion allow marrying of and having sex with prepubescent girls as well as degrading women and giving them less rights than livestock?
Once a girl becomes a woman, she is allowed to marry.
Before Islam, women were traded as something less than a slave( a women is a belonging of a man).
Some S.A retards say that women are only for 'riding' implying they are only useful for sex.
I will cont in next post.
>thats why I can tolerate a peacful muslim
no such thing. if you are a peaceful person and read the quran you must be absolutely revolted by it and instantly stop being a muslim
>It is not allowed to kill ANYONE for reasons other than defending yourself
>In Islam, if you harm non-muslim just because 'non-muslims', you go to hell. End of story.
are you even trying? read the quran:
Just want to throw this out here.
Liberal agenda is to allow muslim people into western civilized countries but muslim agenda is to suppress women's rights and everyone's personal rights.
It's ridicilous. Would not liberals agree that these people don't belong in our countries? What eventually happens is these people don't "immigrate" but form these areas where their Sharia Law is inforced. Worst case example is Britain. In Sweden there are 47 areas where paramedics, police or firemen don't/can't go.

Shit is fucked up yo. I've no beef with people's personal beliefs but muslims are organized like that and it is very difficult to leave that society. The first generation immigrants will never integrate into our societies and the second generation immigrants often form criminal organizations, recruiting youngsters because they just get a slap on their wrists when dealing dope and wreacking general havoc.
Sorry for shit english, not my first language. Regards, finn/b/ro of '07 "golden era of the asshole of the interbutts"
Muhammed was an illiterate goat fucking pedophile.
If killing people is peaceful then yes Islam is the religion of peace
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Good job. Way to nueter a muslim with truth. Fuck i cant spell!!!!
This guy knows what's up
And muslims are not supposed to do what god ordered our prophet to do at that time.
Get it or not?
Non-believers at that time referred to mushriks those worship idols and jews.
I don't recall a single fight with christians under our prophets ruling.(infact we had good relationships with christians and they helped our prophet).
As to WHY did god order our prophet to do so? they betrayed our hudna (you know a deal for peace) many times and it was time to end this.
Khaiber jews betrayed us during a war.
Mekka mushriks attacked our allies.
Anyways, they were given 3~4 months to get out or become muslims. After that the peace is over and we fight whom ever FIGHTS us.
If a mushrik doesn't want to fight we teach him a little a bout Islam and then send him somewhere where he feels safe. Next time there is no chance for him if he doesn't join Islam.
That is not how it works now.
We are OK with christians(I have christian friends and they are super polite and clean).. I myself not okay with jews, but I wouldn't kill them for no reason.
I don't think you know better than I do about Islam.
If you are not willing to discuss or ask why is this what it is, I don't think there is any point replying to you anymore.
this is a question of interpretation. the passages are mosty agains any non-believer of one true god (here called allah). christians and jews share that construct and thus are not viewed as disbelievers. only extremists interprete disbelievers as anybody who isn't muslim.

don't get me wrong, imho, all religions are utter bs and caused more harm then bringing people love, peace or whatever they promise.
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Islam is cancer, you camel fucking sand nigger terrorist. Get the fuck out of here you muslim sack of goat shit.
But we all agree muslims and jews need to die right?
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How many japanese immigrants have ignored laws, demanded gibmedats, shot innocents and blown up things?

"Japanese immigrants. They're just better!"
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yo i fixed your image fam
>Media is controlled
>Media tells people to b accepting and racism is bad
>Pounded in head over years and years
>Not everyone agrees thus a schism in politics
>Those against immigration are demonized
>West lets in refugees etc
>Immigrants are paid less at jobs than whitey McCracker.
>hire more and more immigrants
>wages sink lower and lower overtime
>fat cats win again
>see feminism for same story.
include christians and esotheric freaks and we have a deal.
Fuck all you sand niggers.
I've got 13 confirmed kills. Thank to you sand niggers
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>And muslims are not supposed to do what god ordered our prophet to do at that time.
for muslims, the quran is the exact word of god. and it's full of concrete requests, what to do.
>As to WHY did god order our prophet to do so? they betrayed our hudna (you know a deal for peace) many times and it was time to end this.
Khaiber jews betrayed us during a war.
Mekka mushriks attacked our allies.
wrong. muhammad waged war. aggressive war. see the quran verses: >>727517902
>Next time there is no chance for him if he doesn't join Islam.
very peaceful
>We are OK with christians
no, you're not, liar:
quran 5:51
"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."
>I don't think you know better than I do about Islam.
you already proved, you don't. see above. i read the quran, you can't deceive me
>If you are not willing to discuss or ask why is this what it is
i do. but you're wrong. and i know, muslims are allowed to lie
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Yup because all Chrsitians and Co are living so true to the Bibel nowadays I´d guessnott even 10% of them even read this shitty book because if they did they wouldn´t believe whats in it. As for an exampel who "your Peace Religion" holds up in Reality here are some Christian terror Groups or Christian Groups comitting acts of Terror Lord’s Resistance Army, Klu Klux Klan, National Liberation Front of Tripura, Antibalaka; Catholic Reaction Force/Protestant Action Force, The Orange Volunteers, The Aryan Nations, The Christian Identity Movement, Eastern Lightning, a.k.a. the Church of the Almighty God, The Army of God, The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), The Phineas Priesthood and The Concerned Christians. Mmmh must be real peaceful that Bibel why else are there so many Terrorist justifyieng their actions with it. And Historically speaking we christians are fucking worse our civiliastion would nothing if didn´steal almost every invention from Arabs during our continiously "peaceful" marsh throughs. As for Buddhist only Current in Myanmar there was a Marriage ban installed by the Buddhist Goverment prohibiting people of different believ from Marrieng. Oh really peaceful this Military Dictatorship. No really intelligent Human Being can deny that all Religion is flawed and institutionalised Religion will always lead to MAnipuation and Miss use by those wielding power. I am not saying that every thing in the Bibel Quran Tora Upanishaden or El ron Hubbard Scientology Book,is complet utter Bullshit but most of it is and you people fighting over who got the best imaginary friend are nothing but pathetic retarded child minded ignorant dumbfuck Cunts.
Again fuck you. Fuck You all.
Cuck Mc Triggerwarning saying Goodbye and suck a nice juicy cock faggots
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This is the redpill that eurofags may never actually choke down.
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>this is a question of interpretation.
no, it's very concrete. there is no other interpretation possible.
>christians and jews share that construct and thus are not viewed as disbelievers.
wrong. quran talks a lot of christians and jews and how they are wrong. see here:
quran 5:51
"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."
>only extremists interprete disbelievers as anybody who isn't muslim.
what is there to interpret otherwise in these >>727517902 verses?
>all religions are utter bs and caused more harm then bringing people love, peace or whatever they promise.
no, islam is the worst. read the gospels in comparison
Go back to /pol/
"show me one verse of the gospels you can use to justify violence"
>And Historically speaking we christians are fucking worse our civiliastion would nothing if didn´steal almost every invention from Arabs
you have to be fucking kidding. there are some contributions in medicine. thats it. greeks, romans and modern west did everything else.
I am sorry,
Let me the fix the second greentext.

>In Islam, if you harm christians/jews just because 'non-muslims', you go to hell. End of story.

As for the post you referred to.
This is what I meant by "the same as the bible and old testement thing"
These commands were for our prophet to foght the enemies of Islam (mushriks used to collab with jews to kill muslims).
What did you expect? I said before and I'll say it again: we fight those who want kill us /fight us/ hold a sword/gun against us.
It just makes sense. Do want muslims to just let jews kill them? That is suicide.
Alao, I'd appreciate it if you post a question rather than
>hurr durr here and there i needz no context and i know you lie.
I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
>the religion of peace
>nazi scum

counter yourself within 1 sentence, gj man
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>>In Islam, if you harm christians/jews just because 'non-muslims', you go to hell. End of story.
and that is wrong.
>These commands were for our prophet to foght the enemies of Islam
you're wrong. see here:
quran 9:123
"O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous."
quran 2:212
"Beautified for those who disbelieve is the life of this world, and they ridicule those who believe. But those who fear Allah are above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account."
quran 4:74
"So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory - We will bestow upon him a great reward."
quran 4:95
"Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] - other than the disabled - and the mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward -"
quran 9:111
"Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. "
quran 9:29
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."
>quran 9:123
"O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous."
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Every religion is for peace.

The human is the only one who seems to fuck it all up.

>Example: They refuse to die.
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you still think left and right are different? how sweet. here's how the game works:
>the right start a conflict in contry X
>oil, tantal, gas, all goodies
>loadsapeople bombed out of their homes and now on the loose
>next election: nice libtard guy chilling the world down "sorry for war, we help now. was just the ebil right"
>now they bring in ppl from bombed country to show US not ebil
>ppl in US be like: dafuqqqq, where my country at?
>next election: tough right guy new pres. totally a man of teh people, who will btfo the internationalist
>to show strenght of US benis start another war with country/group Y

rinse and repeat. inbetween some financial crisis' in which the dem's let their wallstreet advisors set up rules for the banks. next election now with rep guy: same bankers remove the handcuffs from wallstreet to make us great again.

people are being kept busy and the mic and wallstreet can make bank. meanwhile our civil rights are being reduced and former standards to show we have advanced from teh middle ages are being removed or canceled. allemende? fuck that. all socialism now. sigh... I'm trying to enjoy having drinkable tabwater as long as it lasts, cuz soon it will all get privatized as in the states (give us dat sweet flourid, so I can buy Nestle water bby)

libtard/rightcuck politicians enjoy their rising wealth, knowing the people actually belive the big lie: that there is something like liberal or conservative in politics.
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I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
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if peace means taking everything from other by opression , you're right,

KYS Sandniggers who practices Islam
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I mean... terrorism aside... some pedophile tells a bunch of people they can't eat bacon and every Muslim is like "this sounds legit..."
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>for muslims, the quran is the exact word of god. and it's full of concrete requests, what to do.
Your point?
God ordered the prophet to fight those who broke the hudna. The hudna was in the past and so are the people whom god ordered the prophet to fight.

Read the tafsir of sura 9 (tawba/ the sura where god "washed his hands" from those who broke the hudna)

>wrong. muhammad waged war. aggressive war. see the quran verses
I told you. They broke the hudna and tried to sell us during a war with mushriks.
We won against mushriks and then kicked them out.
I don't get what you don't understand about fighting them
We have every reason to.
They broke it and we FOUGHT them.
The hudna was with mushriks of THAT time and now after 1400 years none of them are alive.

The rest of your post is suras without context. read the tafsir.
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>because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up
no, you don't. i lived with muslims. i know them. you are a muslim and you lie about your ideology.
>followers have no fucking idea what their book says
yes, but it's deep in their culture
>sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic
wrong. standard arabic language is fixed in the quran and all arabs understands it.
>cherry picked
i read the whole thing. you're lying. show me the context in which these verses are ok:
>Don't forget they discovered and named "Algebra"
aaand they did nothing with it. you contributed almost nothing to science. the west did all of it. you mad?

I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
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Muslims and blacks are inbred
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>Muslims are anything like cel-shaded chinese cartoons
>Anime is halal as hell, except the pedo parts..
>This derailed thread
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name one good thing about islam
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inbred genetics have overdominace and defect, this overdominace kills of other chromosomes during the selection.
I have already read the quran.
What you need is to read the tafseer(the meaning) (al jalalein is a popular one)
What the fuck, samefag here, all i said sums up that religious followers are retarded, the fuck you disagreeing with, you assumed iam a sandnigger ima assume you're a catholic, fuck off faggot
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maybe jews planned it but the sandniggers hijaking the planes where still sandniggers
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You're obviously butthurt about something, u a jew irl?
>All Arabs understand it

are you one?
no, it doesn't. if you have an insight, that contradicts quran, than you go with the quran - that's not rational. also, dogmas are by definition against rational thinking, because, in science, a theory has to be accepted under reserve, so it can be changed if the empirical data makes it necessary. in islam, the quran determines everything - that's obviously not rational thinking.
nice. saved, so i know, where to buy from
i learned about mohammed - then i started opposing his religion. so, i am not ignorant, i just reject bad ideas
inequality is obviously unjust. justice, by definition, contains equality
also, read these verses:
quran 2:228
"Divorced women remain in waiting for three periods, and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have more right to take them back in this [period] if they want reconciliation. And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority]"
quran 4:34
"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."
thats the most funny one. read these quran verses:
quran 4:89
"So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper."
quran 4:144
quran 5:51
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So then why look all shitskins like the lotr orks? Especially when around 40-50
The 4 witness rule only applies to women.

Also the great prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) raped a 9 year old.

Also you forget to mention that the people who should never go hungry are Muslims only.

Ohh and if you sin you get punished? Do you have any idea how much shit they consider sins? Free speech is a goddamn sin.
This is flawed logic. Ahmed and Helga are the same species. Pip and Seabiscuit aren't.

I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
If Islam was the religion of peace Muslims wouldn't have to say it over and over and over and over again to convince themselves and the rest of us that it's true.

If you want an example of a true religion of peace try one of the variances of Buddhism.
it's obviously not freedom, if you HAVE to wear the hijab.
every religion has fasting. it's not islamic
"mohammedan" is a neutral term. it says that the person follows the ideas of mohammed. by calling them "muslims" (which means "an obidient one"), we would accept their interpretation of mohammeds ideas, who claimed that his ideas came from god
except they are non-believers. then you have to kill them
wrong. read these verses:
you really want to justify stoning and all this shit?
liberated her from what and how? it's just an assertion. where are the reasons? like this, this picture is just. just state something over and over again is how propaganda works
especially in summer
I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
Great you read the verses.
Now read the meaning(tafseer).
Quran was and is unbeatable when it comes to arabic.
It was hard at firdt for me to understand some words and verses. But I searched the meaning and understood them. The Quran did a great job enhancing my arabic.
Even arabs go to the tafseer to understand some verses.
Not because it is not clear.
It is because it is much superior than any arab when it comes to arabic.
So superior that people accepted the fact that it is the words of god.
I am just gunna lay my opinions about sand niggers, if there's something to take out from this thread, its this, because i have sandniggers as friends whom i kinda like and was able to talk to them about this stuff without getting blown up, the deal about their religion is, idk why or how, but it has both bad-good stuff, the people who follow cherry pick, the ones who argue cherry pick, the ones who wanna blow themselves up also cherry pick, most of the followers have no fucking idea what their book says, believe it or not, the norm for sandniggers isn't to read and discuss, its basically... get this, to fucking "Sing" it, you get these "Holy men" all over the place reading it with different tones, and people are like, damn that guys' voice is good, i feel so peaceful, without actually understanding shit, mostly due to it being written in the "pure" arabic form or whatever its called. sandniggers don't usually speak that version of arabic, so what you get is ignorance, and to make matters worse, you get these "holy men" who have a decent fan base spitting bullshit and shoving it up ignorant people's asses, in my honest opinion its the same deal with some other similar religions, ignorant people teaching ignorant people about stuff they cherry picked, if you follow any similar religion, at some point you had to ignore or look away from something you didn't like, cherry picked, and sure as fuck at some point you were thankful you're on the "right" side cause everybody else is damned... hell is scurry bro
>Your point?
in the quran, there are concrete requests to kill non-believers. these are not stories
>I told you. They broke the hudna and tried to sell us during a war with mushriks.
there is no word about that in the quran. these are concrete rules to follow by believers.
>The rest of your post is suras without context.
show me the context in which these verses are morally ok
Maybe it is because europeans keep pointing a finger at us everytime one of their dogs explode or run down some people.
I am not responsible for what the terrorists are doing nor is Islam.
yes, i know him, i read the quran. he was a fucking piece of shit
no, quran says yes to terror by telling believers to kill non-believers over and over
islam is intelectual basis for islamist terrorist attacks. quran is filled with "conquer and kill infidels" verses
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kek beat me to it
no, i don't. i know how to read and comprehend a text
and were wrong about some things
no. i read the quran. the ideology of islam is just like neonazism. is it ok to fight neonazism to make the world a better place? i do think so
jews tried to save us from sandniggers
no, i just learned about islam and the quran. qurans arabic became the standard arabic. just inform yourself
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These redpills were delicious!
>I live with muslims
yet you're still here, go figure
>standard arabic language is fixed
you wouldn't know that unless you were an arab, please don't tell me you're a self hating arab, that just sucks
>It was hard at firdt for me to understand some words and verses.
then you must be pretty stupid. these verses are as clear and basic as it gets. no abstraction whatsoever
>Now read the meaning(tafseer).
i don't have to. the verses are clear. if you really need another book to get these verses, then you're really trying to reinterpret the quran. also: muslims all over the world prove me right every day
>It is because it is much superior than any arab when it comes to arabic.
fuck off with your "can't really translate it"-bullshit. i read 4 translations simultaniously. 2 were from muslims. there is no way you can interpret these verses different
>So superior that people accepted the fact that it is the words of god.
no, they accepted it, because they would be killed otherwise. plus brainwashing from early age
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i wrote: i LIVED with muslims. funny how you distorted that
>you wouldn't know that unless you were an arab.
yeah, because i can't read books ABOUT islam, quran and arab language, right?
why does it matter? jews are sand niggers too. they both come from the middle easte
>Maybe it is because europeans keep pointing a finger at us everytime one of their dogs explode or run down some people.
>I am not responsible for what the terrorists are doing nor is Islam.
yes, islam is responsible for islamic terrorism
read these verses:
Not him but as a Catholic, I can say a lot of shit in the christian religion can be used to fanaticize people. Hell in America we have tons of "Christian Solders" who are constantly fighting against LGBT rights, women's rights, and general rights of people daily because of "God". Hell if you go to church the sermons sound like fucking cult ideology sometimes.
lmfao, if you actually read books about the arabic lang, you'd realize different arab countries speak different versions, what the fuck is a "standard" anyway, if you don't speak the "Standard" you can't comprehend the "standard" you make no fucking sense
go to iraq, listen to them talk, then fucking go to libya or whatever the fuck

i didn't distort that you insecure delusional faggot
i just mistyped, funny it hit a nerve
you say you read and stuff, but you come off as a 12 yr old atheist with a fucking fedora
there you go
>t's obviously not freedom, if you HAVE to wear the hijab.
You seem to be good at taking verses out of context, but you can't find any on hijab, now can't you?
Hijab is part of arab culture nothing to do with Islam.
>except they are non-believers. then you have to kill them
The orders for our prophet killing non-muslims at THAT time for breaking the peace by attempting to get us killled and actually killing some muslims, too. Read the tafseer and learn about the context.

>you really want to justify stoning and all this shit?
We don't stone people.

>liberated her from what and how? it's just an assertion. where are the reasons? like this, this picture is just. just state something over and over again is how propaganda works

Arabs used to think that women are a man's property. Women had no right what so ever.
Islam changed that and dignified women and talked about their major role.
Islam made sure a woman is never in need of money by making relatives pay things that she need and spend on her.
>Father takes care of his daughter.
>No father? Brother does that for his sister and mother.
>No brother? uncle from father side then mother side.
>No uncle? grandfather.
>No grandfather?
>Those in command have to give her salary that ensures a decent living.
Isn't that more than enough?
For a married woman the husband has to do that and provide her with everything she needs.
She doesn't even have to feed her baby if she doesn't feel like it.
In exchange the man get the final word in things that not agreed upon by the couple.
>use to justify violence
you just have to call it an sacrifice
christian god loves sacrifices, even human ones
>Implying Christians didnt do the same.
Not trying to defend sand niggers but dont be stupid. The history of the world is filled with blood and its on everyone hands. Hell there was a huge war between Christians in Europe that have ideology that is HARDLY different.
Are you trying to find a new way to start a rekt thread?
>Not him but as a Catholic, I can say a lot of shit in the christian religion can be used to fanaticize people.
no, you're not. show me the verses in the gospels.
>what the fuck is a "standard" anyway, if you don't speak the "Standard" you can't comprehend the "standard" you make no fucking sense
you must be fucking stupid. almost every language that produces books, has a standard version.
arabic in the quran is the basic for the dialects today and all arabs understand it.
>i didn't distort that you insecure delusional faggot
>i just mistyped, funny it hit a nerve
you say you read and stuff, but you come off as a 12 yr old atheist with a fucking fedora
>there you go
so, what is your point? i lived with muslims and i know how they are lying and hating. that was my point. you implied, i must be dead, because i lived with muslims. but i live in the west. and believe me, if they could have killed me, they would have done it. i was verbally attacked a lot and they threatend to kill me more than once.
People are jumping on Sandniggers' dicks to make their versions of the abrahamic faith sound better
dude there is a story of a man that god forced to sacrifice his own son
thats pretty much the worst a human could possibly do
Fair enough all muslims arent terrorists.
but all terrorists as of right now are muslims.
You could 100% end terrorism for some communities, by outlawing islam, or religion in general.
What call would you take?
>implying muslims dont smoke
they dont drink with me so i cant possibly trust them but they smoke like hell
fucking scum
>in vino veritas
What a retard

>if they could have killed me, they would have done it. i was verbally attacked a lot and they threatend to kill me more than once.
Woah woah woah.
We a need team of mommy is here dun worry.
>hugo boss
>made literally ss uniforms
>You seem to be good at taking verses out of context, but you can't find any on hijab, now can't you?
i didn't say, it's in the quran, so whats your point? they ARE forced to wear hijab culturally. just look at saudi-arabia or iran. they have a fucking police for that
>The orders for our prophet killing non-muslims at THAT time
no word about that in the quran. on the contrary. these are rules for believers. no word about: "this is a story about the time of muhammed"
>We don't stone people.
quran says you should. its sharia law. Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iran, Irak, Jemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Somalia, Sudan and United Arab Emirates do it
>Arabs used to think that women are a man's property.
hasn't changed as you can see in muslimic countries today
>Isn't that more than enough?
HAHA. no, quran says, you should hit your wife, if she doesn't obey the man
quran 4:34
"But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."
>In exchange the man get the final word in things that not agreed upon by the couple.
thats called sexism and is the opposite of liberation
no, there is no such thing in the gospels, even if you call it a sacrifice
just show me the verses already. protip: you can't
The coran.

how does that contradict my statement? qurans arabic has become the standard. all arabs understand it.
>We a need team of mommy is here dun worry.
and you're calling me a retard?
>you must be fucking stupid. almost every language that produces books, has a standard version.
arabic in the quran is the basic for the dialects today and all arabs understand it.

> all arabs understand it
i got what you mean, you're not talking about verbs grammar and shit, you're basically talking about the alphabet, i am with you, every arab can read it, but not necessarily understand it without a "translation", to make it clear for you, there's a fucking arabic translation of an arabic text so another arab can understand it, do you know what iam saying?, i studied that shit, you're assuming...
listen, i don't know you, we all been through shit... do whatever floats your boat, i aint defending nobody, you're just an avid "hater", idc who u hate on, its not good for you
Gen 22,1–19
Also Turks are being the biggest hypocrites calling everything haram or utanma but then when they celebrate their incest weddings, everyone drinks that shitty raki and holds it under the table when pics are being made.
>you must be fucking stupid. almost every language that produces books, has a standard version.

> all arabs understand it
i got what you mean, you're not talking about verbs grammar and shit, you're basically talking about the alphabet, i am with you, every arab can read it, but not necessarily understand it without a "translation", to make it clear for you, there's a fucking arabic translation of an arabic text so another arab can understand it, do you know what iam saying?, i studied that shit, you're assuming...
listen, i don't know you, we all been through shit... do whatever floats your boat, i aint defending nobody, you're just an avid "hater", idc who u hate on, its not good for you
You don't get it.
In Islam you mustn't cause harm to yourself.
In the bible it is the 7 deadly sins in Hadith.
We have to take of ourselves.

Why can't people understand that the acts the individuals don't reflect an entire group?
Catholic priest are known to be pedophile, so most christians are? No.
What war would this be?
>Catholic priest are known to be pedophile, so most christians are? No.
but most catholic priests
thats the meme at last
You're right, that is until some fucktard imams went ahead and "translated" it into whatever fit their agenda!
I am a muslim and I have been to turkey.
Can confirm.
Also, they are sunni extremists.
Women can't even laugh in public!
Read your Bible again, you missed a important part of that story.
look for yourself
>each "not" is inside the "not symbol."
>not not
>double negative
Shia are still doing it.
the dude goes as far as wanting to sacrifice his own son
i wouldnt call him father after that for shure
Clearly, english is not my first language.
Is that it? did you run out of close minded cri baby excuses?
OP is a fucking disgrace please end your existance you just make it worse for normal beings
>nuke all muslims
> i read the quran. he was a fucking piece of shit

Yeah, you're lying. The real shit is in the hadith - the life of the prophet. The Quran is just the words of God out of chronological order and cleaned up for mass consumption in the 1920's or so under an Islamic council.

Mohammed probably never existed as such, but the person described in the writings was a piece of human garbage. He was an ignorant, violent, enslaving warlord. Even by the beliefs of the Muslim scholars, he was tricked by Satan into writing the so-called 'Satanic verses' which are writings so fucking insane that people who believed he rode off into heaven on a unicorn thought it was too crazy to be believed.
But he doesn't sacrifice his son. Your post said he did. You are wanting to justify the horrible shit the rag heads do by saying Christians do worse. You must be a shit for brains liberal. Go sell your stupid somewhere else, 4chan is all filled up.
I'm not proving your point for you Muslim fag. Prove it yourself or STFU.
>every arab can read it, but not necessarily understand it without a "translation", to make it clear for you, there's a fucking arabic translation of an arabic text so another arab can understand it, do you know what iam saying?
you're wrong. every arab understands it
>you're just an avid "hater"
>Anime is halal as hell, except the pedo parts..
book of genesis is not the gospels, retard
I am not the samefag, but its not just rag heads that suck, everybody fucking sucks, yall can suck a dick
*citation needed*
Why are you two arguing about the language anyways?
>Yeah, you're lying. The real shit is in the hadith - the life of the prophet.
no i'm not. muhammed is the one who made the quran up, so of course i can learn about him by reading the quran
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you muzzers are piss drinking subhumans
nuff said
Mommy didn't buy you the fedora that matched your trench coat?
This is the second or third time you reply with
>you're wrong, i know what's right
this time i aint letting you get away with it
fucking prove it
Which school u go to
>Triggered level: burger feminist.
Top KEK.
>*citation needed*
Modern standard arabic is based on classical Arabic (quran-arabic), and differences between the two varieties of the language are directly related to modernizing and simplification, both in speaking and writing styles. Most Arabic speakers consider the two varieties to be two registers of one language

see here:
If you are so peace loving maybe you should police your people better and get your fucking house in order, eh Abdul?

Set the entire Middle East aflame and I'd pay to watch it burn
>You are wanting to justify the horrible shit the rag heads do by saying Christians do worse
never said that
just that the christian god is a giant arsehole
The one where you mommy sucks cock and is colour blind.
One word.


Check mate, Muslims
You call our prophet a pedophile when your god is a 'mother'fucker pedophile.
Dude, mohammed never wrote anything. The actual texts came about starting 200 years after he supposedly lived when they decided to start codifying the religion. If was pieced together from the memory of officials. Certain trademark ideas like the ban on images, and the Koran being dictated wholly and completely were added in over time.

Like the bible, he koran is a product of comittees, politics and revision.
in this thread, you're either a sandnigger or not a sandnigger
thought you were gunna say something funny, nevermind
Is that your way of saying "I can't prove my lie so I'll insult the superior person"? I'll accept that.
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>mfw i see all this cancerous pro-islam meme comic propaganda
Enjoy hell and getting fucked by satan.
The walking on water miracle was the result of a mistranslation of Greek phraseology. It has become such an ingrained meme of christianity that it's been impossible to correct, but no biblical scholar, even the hardcore apologists, takes this as part of the bible.
i read, that muhammed dictated the quran in several sessions to someone who could write. also, he still is the most important prophet of islam and he founded islam, right?
Just the truth, sorry its not funny .
yes, it can be taught, but its not normally spoken between people, if you don't learn the "standard" in school, you cannot comprehend it, even though you live in an arab country that speaks arabic
damn, another funny statement
There is no point arguing him.
He already knows that!
He has gone full retard.
That is what happens when you tell someone that their religion is wrong and actually prove yours isn't.
I am scrolling down this thread and the point was proven many many times.
Their final response is:
>no, i know more. i dont need tafsir. here read these verses that are out of context and are for muslims at that time.
>you cannot comprehend it
every muslim i talked to about this, says otherwise and i read about it. there is no internet-source to back this up right now
>Mohammedian who calls others pedophile
If you honestly took it from sandniggers, and not just bullshitting, then you're right i can't argue with that, but if you're lying, you're pathetic
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I am not the other anon.
It is (you) who won't accept the truth.

The only way to deal with you is give you what you don't want.
Muslims will kill you and you can do sht about it because it is the religion of peace.

I don't have to lie OR prove myself.
I am proving YOUR point.
Now thank me.
>follows a god who raped his underage mother
>laughs at what makes him cry
Where do you live and how many have you talked to?
>It is a miracle they haven't killed you, my christian brother!
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When, what, where?
Could you just tell me where in the damn holy book that we call bible is a thing about god raping childs, womens, or anything sentient enough to answer?
If you want to throw history how GOD RAPED Maria, you wll just show everyone that you are just another uneducated sandnigger screaming for 'attention'.
That's the story, but the historical evidence is pretty scant.

The closes to a historical Mohammed anybody can point to is some contemporary account of a Warlord in the area. Eye-witness accounts are pretty shit evidence for anything, especially in a time when literacy was in the fractions of a percent.
germany and a lot. i lived with muslims in the dorm
hadiths don't make muhammed look any better though.
>T R I G G E R E D
The funny thing is, this whole fucking thread is going nowhere, and will get 404'ed eventually, to yall who got triggered from a potential bait, u a nigger faggots
who cares if it makes muslims come out of their holes and defend their violent ideology?
it started about sandniggers, ended with a language debate and god knows what else, its still going though, lets see what you faggots will debate next
I really feel sorry for you.
I am a muslim by the way. And yes you need it.
it made christians come out too, plus idk maybe we got mormons here, its a shit thread thats getting too much attention for the wrong reasons
Well, that was my original point.

If you only read the Koran, shit as it is, you don't really get the full idea of what an awful person the Mohammed character is. The hadith contain the real dirt.

There are sections where he sits with his teenage wife watching Jews get lined up, the women and girls get raped and enslaved, the men slaughtered, and the boys have their tunics lifted. Those with pubic hair are slaughtered, the rest are enslaved. It even contains the detail that he laughed so hard watching all this carnage that you could see his molars.

As far as the Koran goes, I think one of the most telling things is where it describes Allah as 'the greatest deceiver'.
Your mom's ugly cunt.
>And yes you need it.
need what? you feeling sorry for me? why?

>200 million people
>0.1% muslims
>0 terrorist attacks
Hey degenerate, I'm not retarded hence I do not believe in religion or other fairy tales.
*citation needed*
You're one of those
>25 M jews dieded in ww2
What a jew tool.
>*citation needed*


Sure thing, Achmed.

One flaw with your theory there: Jews can't melt steel beams
i knew, this was a half-assed threat.
>Frog satire news prints image of Allah
>Frog satire news gets attacked in the name of Islam by terrorists
>They think they are fooling anyone but dumb hipster leftists when they say they come in peace
If they are such peaceful people why did they not just protest like good citizens? Instead of breaking out the automatics? Trust me your excuses are running thin very thin.
I see!
You can't defend your religion that is based on a flawed modified holy book, so you switch to being an autistic person to let other more intelligent b8er do it for you.
What a marvelous thread!
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Why do liberals defend Islam?
>can't cite resources
>asks me 2google it
>doesn't even know how b8 works
Aren't you another ignorant cunt!
So that faggots such as yourself go against it.
Same reason low-income republicans defend capitalism: indoctrination and tribalism.

You're the faggot, faggot.

Go suck Achmed's cock, cuck.
What a delicate snow flake.
Look around, YOU are the one getting cucked.
Even more i seems to me that you like it!
Just admit it, you are dying to be a property of a muslim.

You're projecting, cuck.
You will be my slave and you will suck my camel's urine.
The only type of special treatment you deserve you mushrik faggot.

Muslim Students' Association


only george bush jr thinks islam is a religion of peace
>you will suck my camel's urine.

Nah, that's Muhammad's thing.

Piss-drinking, slave-owning, illiterate, warmongering pedophile.

When the civilised world gets sick of your sandnigger ways, we'll annihilate all muslim-majority countries and rid the world of your inbreeding ways.

You are a cancer on humanity.

Now go fuck your brother's niece, you inbred cunt.
What a smart little girl!
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She got shut the fuck down. Jews never forget ask Germany about it.
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