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Cringe thread

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 135

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Cringe thread
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my sides
That looks like a 1970's pedo version of Chris Pratt
wtf is an "oegamiom"? sounds like a fucking pokemon kek
Just a gentleman who knows what he wants, doesn't need spelling skills to go with that sick tattoo
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That guy does cocaine
Like a heathy amount of cocaine
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Fucking this! It gets better/worse everytime I read it. my sides!
I'd fuck wit dat
based Shrikant

Alexander is a beta fuckboi
>most intimidating things ive ever seen
that chick is fucking hot tho
Expect to hear from his lawyers.
Can you argue?
I didn't think so fgt
at least i was never that bad
lmao, this white-knighting faggot. I bet he LARP's too.
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That's just a dank meme
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How is that cringey? That guy is alpha as fuck. Like what is star wars in concert? Whats with his hat? Are his glasses transitions? Whats with his stash? Fuck it! I dunno!
That's what we in the business call a wordsmith
jesus fucking christ this kid is going to end up on /pol/ after his first rejection
Nigga looks like Manne Frank
Where does one Star Wars in concert?
alpha af
Nailed it
I have no idea! But this guy fucking does!
I was going to go to bed but it looks like I'm looking up Star Wars in concert now
This is a good joke and I want you to know that.
This is actually just Dwight Schrute
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Plus a trap
Why is he so red?
This isn't cringy, its down right fucking stupid

Hot shower probably
this isn't real is it?
is it?
He's had too many oegamioms
Can't even read the comments because I'm too busy looking at her. Goddamn.
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i bet Alexander would be grateful just to eat that doon-coon's cum out of that chick's pussy
I've seen shit like this on facebook before, always get a good laugh.
For some reason I doubt that person is younger than 60
>destiny poster

virgin confirmed
Just because she has tits doesn't mean you have to go all beta on us.
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No it's not real. Dogs are not fucking stupid. As soon as it tasted the salt water it would have stopped drinking it.
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Actually, dogs can be that fucking stupid. Ever heard of beach diarrhea? It's when your dog gets the shits on the beach from drinking the ocean water. If they're thirsty, they'll drink it. Still doubt this pic is real though
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>blocking out the name

Sigh, there was a time...
that guy's head probably weighs at least 200 lbs
Nah, dogs are stupid. I've seen a dog take a shit, turn around, sniff it, then scarf it down like it was a milkbone, puke it back up, and eat it again.
thank you based shrikant
I'll bet this guy mutters under his breath a lot when he gets yelled at by his boss for fucking up.

Which is often.
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speaking from experience faggot?
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nice feet
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hardly cringe, too busy looking at those sick fucking graphs
I wonder how much he weighs, I know a guy who is like 300ish pounds and his face isn't nearly that fat. How much do you have to weigh before you get multiple rolls of face and neck fat?
After the Bushwhacers broke up; Butch kind of went downhill.
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Those graphs are actually really good, I'm genuinely impressed.
That's a champion shitposter

Only heroes make it all the way through
i honestly doubt this autistic fuckbag has a job
How is this cringe?
Faggot confirmed for never squash hunting.
Gee, a teacher having fun. Let's act like that's somehow bad.

to be fair he does have a little bit of swag in the pic

my sides are in orbit.
It's intimidating in the way that he might shoot up the school some day.
kek, some douchehandle was in the bar I work at a few weeks ago and started talking about 4chinz like it's some hush hush den of haxors ready to take down the world.

Then I saw them all get on their fucking phones and find /b/, full of fucking bananas and sissy traps and dick rate threads. I thought he was going to cry.
Nothing will ever be as funny to me again
Bittersweet AF
Got more nice feet poses or angles?
They look very happy
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At that fucking nose !'
Well this sounds like a reasonable getleman, perhaps a scholar
fuck her nose
you did contact him before posting, right?
i thought this was a cringe thread, not a rage one
Dubs-to-lucky-trips ultimate combo
i wish kitty-tan anon was could see my message...

i want more
Not super cringe. Like we have some potential for cringe but not quite there.
that aint cringe you close-minded fuck
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I bet hes been fucking killed by mexican skinheads or something by now.
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reminds me: why are we don't do that Anonymous stuff anymore?
I wonder what anon is doing right now.

Found the tumblr
>mexican skinheads
Because nothing could beat Chanology and anyone doing it after that was the most cringeworthy autist you could imagine.
I bet his face looks exactly like the mask LMAO
yeah they'll eat the fucking fresh snow if it's cold enough for water to freeze
Fuck back off to tumblr, fatty.
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Fuck off, you massive queer
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all according to keikaku.jpg
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>mexican skinheads
13 seconds. That’s as far as I could stomach.
this is a satire page you faggot
dont see why you cringe at a picture of a happy couple
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done by ruler
much impressions
Cringe my ass... fuck that kid's got brass balls.
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If she's cute/likeable I'd be okay with it
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This isn't cringe its strangely arousing and an idiot with an abscess
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How do you type with two dicks in each hand?
Some people.. just.. idk
he's so fucking badass he doesn't even zip up his pants
I'm willing to bet he killed himself
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kek, that's kind of cute.

at least his teacher has a sense of humor.
not bad, only watched 2 minutes though
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oh this poor soul. may he die soon and quick to end his pointless awful life...
couldnt cringe any harder. why would you want to be a white hating nigger?
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the man really doesn't know how to pick out his cages
>white Morpheus
>You are NOT allowed to copy, download, reshare, and/or sell for profit or use in ads without contacting
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also fuck niggers
6/10 made me reply
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His entire Facebook history is like this. The previous pictures were taken from his page 3 or 4 months ago, this was posted less than an hour ago.

I met him in person while working at The AVN expo. he's surprisingly restrained online
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suck cocks
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Yo holy fuck I just found this picture on his fb profile. Apparently he's got a girl which is more than 70% of this website can say
It's just a symphony playing the star wars ost my boys
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where is the reason
we need to know why no kissy for him
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i was thinking the other day. when i die, if i still have shit like this on my computer, what the fuck is my family going to think?
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It's when you sqaurt rlly fukcing hard
that you were fucked in the head
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she spells like she's speaking with a retarded accent, but at least she's supportive of her niece.
I'm skeptical about this photograph
Is that jizz all over his neck and chest?
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saved, good sir
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Please tell me this is real!
Also, Danicka, kek
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I have A LOT experience in photoshop masterpieces and my sence is this picture is fake!
status doctor? is he gonna live doc?
You are cringe
you can tell its fake because of the pixels
yes, unfortunately
Depends on genetics where the fat is stored but i would guess him in the region of 450-500 lbs.
I have the video of her twerking but it's too big =(
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>realizing that this is me in 10 years
>realizing this is actually how you get sluty 35 year Olds

Guys actually pretty alpha or at least a strong beta whose apart of a strong pack. I mean, it takes a lot of balls to say such things but to also mispell them? This guy doesn't fucking care.
I don't get it.
fuck off
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fuck off
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this isn't a rage thread, anon.
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he thinks two people in love is funny.
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no cringe but cool and spooky
How do I get the best origami in the world every day?
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who the hell clips a carribiner to the belt loop of the belt?
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Jesus fuck
Is this loli or a real girl? http://www.ipanon.com
What a dumb bitch.
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here's more

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>worth reading to the end
pls give. get a link to it anon.
What does that mean anon?
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Random and quite odd WWE reference there.
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he has the best Omegamom every day. he loves his final mom
Future chad. Anon is just a jelly faggot
1 fedora per crew limit
My sides!
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You fucker
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sounds like teacher wants you
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Wow, they snuck a pie symbol into their writing, that's one dedicated math teacher
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Did she make that herself? Have some respect. That is the driest looking pie I have ever seen.
I feel like I should be buying diabeetus insurance from him...
Proud of you
No cring... just alpha...
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I think it's a big cookie
Fake and gay.
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>his mom washed that shirt
>preach equality
>down with cis
i will never understand this level of retardation
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Hahaha all thinking "wow... Josh is such a faggot"
Both your graphs and your teacher are great
and you are already dead
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damn 80k-100k income lemme hit that
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A nasty nigger. Who would have guessed?
kind of looks like tate from american horror story
a sick mullet isn't cringe it's fucking legend status fuck outta here you little pissweak cunt
underrated post
Columbine fanart? Fucking genius.
>the ciscourse
Because he is a miserable kid
I agree
This guy probably secretly thinks he's better than everyone but doesn't have the guts to say it out loud.

this isn't a you fap you lose thread, anon
Cringe thread?

Fuck this shit is weak tonight, all these posts are either generic or fucking legendary. This kid is the sickest cunt someone get this anon out of here you little trendfollowing faggot flopper.
You may be right. If you look at the location of the erect penis, it doesn't perfectly align with the dude's crotch. At least that's my professional opinion as a fag.
>done by ruler

Y'all just stop fappin' to his graphs.. it's done by mathematica... look at the bottom.

It's no wonder US fags can't math...
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first cringe post of the whole thread, what a sad state of a thread lads you guys are putting in a weak game tonight. This shit made me cringe though so props to you anon.
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keklol. Good ol 4chan, you guys never hold back anything

I like this place :)
this is cute also nice pi symbol that one is hard to spot
who dis?
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ugly people finding love isn't cringe you faggot, But making fun of people who do is
They'll drink anitfreeze you fucking hermaphadite
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fucking kill yourself
This is what the left is trying to do to men. Germany is almost there.
depends on context. If boyfriend sends to grillfriend then it's just sappy and gross, but not cringe. If it's to a random grill or the guy has been 'friendzoned' the yeah pretty fuckin cringy
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Saved. Thanks I'll try this.
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What the hell.. What did I do?

Is everyone here so rude to people who just found this site?
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tiara girl from girls gone wild
If guy, it's cringe. If girl, then 10/10
But why?
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i like that b8, anon. that is some nice, b8.
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>black baby
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I did not know this was a ylyl thread. kek.
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Why are there so many furries in Germany?
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10/10 for >close-minded fuck
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I didn't know I was baiting, but nice DUBS, anon. And I guess thanks for the compliment.
>I wish I just found this website
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that's a tucker max quote
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why tho
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Is this you?
Fear quit
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Would it be bad if it was?
Nope not at all
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>got picked on so bad in school he's a shittycarsexual
>kisses shitbox car
>also uses it as a backrest when referencing notes in the forest
>alludes to an argument between them that may have been caused by his dick having been in the gas tank
>offers to defend the work he's done documenting all of this to anyone since he's so familiar with it
Konichiwa senpai uwu

fuck off
jokes on you i have two dads
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Hitler is rolling over in his grave right now
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Dick milk
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>dat condom falling out of bra
Awesome girl.
There's no anger in the post, so it's just bumming me out, man. I feel kinda bad for them I think?
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>uses front of car as backrest
>could sit in car with windows rolled down instead

why are people so fucking dumb
Mark Thomas
That's fucking alpha holy shit.

>thing tries to kill you
>defeat thing
>fuck thing
>calls thing bitch
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https://www facebook com/mark.thomas.351
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