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Today is a sad day /b/, Shafman and his site are rip.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 72

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Today is a sad day /b/, Shafman and his site are rip.
Do we know why?
He sucks. I'm worried about part 3 of that jlullaby comic
Everyone gives him shit for his art style but I've never minded it, I find it quite enjoyable


Supposedly because of legal issues check his twitter.
Good hope all his art dies with him, the style is horrible and the subjects are passable on a good day
My money is on those wall street faggots who made the little girl statue are supremely booty blasted about all the porn
This is about that youtube guys daughter right?
What the fuck did he draw?
Probably for drawing irl lolis
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I doubt. He didn't draw keem's daughter getting fucked or anything so probably not.

It's possibly because of his artwork on ltcorbis.
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Wishing shad just drew fictional lolis
the ltcorbis had no nudity right?
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ding dong the witch is dead
If I remember, no. But she was blowing microphones and having a microphone grind on her ass.

So, yeah. Going to drop $50 that she gets bullied at school for the porn.
Even though I hate his work. He's in that line of censorship that should not be crossed. If he goes to jail for what he does, it's only a short amount of time before general censorship gets so bad we'll all be fucked.
Honestly if you are drawing any copyrighted work you shouldn't be allowed to make money off it. You have a right to draw a "parody" but not to use the IP for profit.
Can't wait for Shad to get fucked by a black guy like his lolis in prison.
obviously when you make porn parodies of cartoons depicting little girls and boys in explicit material that you share online is going to get you in trouble.
I sort of agree with you. Legally you are allowed to make a profit out of parodies under fair use, but some artist take it too far. However I doubt he's in legal issues due to copyright infringement. My gut tells me it's because of the nature of his content and his depicitions if irl minors, which unlike fictional minors, is actually illegal.
he had it coming
always drawing faggot shit
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maybe it's all the paedophile art he sold? who knows. it's a mystery.

inb4 it's not pedo art
inb4 loli pics are legal
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again? so he's starting to repeat himself?
i mean...they are.
You think that because she got wet, that she had an orgasm?
He draw some real little girl and got into trouble.
Someone post the Lt. Corbis pic.
>land of the free
who? i can't remember rn
fucking kek
There were a few of them, but I don't have them on here.
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They are though, that was Canada that punished a lolicon who had never pedo'd. Merica' will use it as strong evidence of pedo but not as a crime on it's own.
keemstar's daughter, he also draw ltcorbis, but that last one didn't had nudity, yet he got into trouble. I would bet it was for keem's daughter
In Canada, though, it is actually a crime. It isn't really one in the US at the federal level (it is in some areas at the state level).
Nigger deserved it for putting his daughter on a youtube channel
yeah didn't keem like tell him not to do that lol
and i thought ltcorbis was a boy
>keemstar's daughter

That wasn't him tho. At lest not the nude one.
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I expect no more from any 4chan poster other than autism. Especially you Anon.

> but but - inserts insult with snarky image -
If it's not illegal, post em
No day is a sad day when you have me

It was only one. I don't have it. It sucks, you could tell it was rushed just to cause triggerings.
can i get your longest yeah boi?
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It was Target or Youtube. My bet is Target.
Just google her name and shadbase and you will find them fairly fast.

Then again I just noticed it has her full name on the description text...
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Trying to criminalize this shit is equivalent of being arrested for drawing s murder. Nobody is getting hurt, it's a better option than IRL CP
That him?
where to find full pic?

>inb4 reverse search
>inb4 filename
>inb4 shadbase
yeah he's mad edgy and knows it
prison rape is a meme
Yea, heres his voice.
know how to tell a storu
A meme I'd like him to be in.
He sounds like this guy I knew in Highschool but with a slightly deeper voice.
You know what that guy did in the computer class?

Made SFM videos of Scout getting raped by the Tank from L4D.
what's so bad about his shit that isn't bad about the bjillions of loli pics that get posted on this board
Was until the teacher found it.
He made him put all his porn onto a flashdrive, called his parents into a meeting, and made them sit and watch it. All of it.
Hour and a half of it.
^ Fucking this.
That's what worries me about the increasing censorship paranoia. I enjoy violent content, I'm not violent irl nor advocate for violence, but shit I love my violent content. Once the fucking censors get loli, violence is the next target. We are heading for a world of pansies.
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Is that seriously how his interpretation of tana mongoose
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go to rule 34, probably still there, too lazy to dump
He is not know for doing fateful interpretations.

Remember the Hiloli Clitton shit? A complete festival of cringe.
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this is his drawing of keems daughter
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I've played violent video games for most of my adolescence, I;m the last guy who'd murder someone. Hell when games give you a choice to kill or sneak by them I don't kill them (like dishonored where you can go through the whole campaign without killing anyone)
Everything he's been drawing for the past while has been nothing but cringe. All "hurr hurr look ahm drawin lolis haha are you guys mad???" trying to be edgy
That's fine. What's wrong with it?
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It's about fucking time. Now you fags don't have much to bait with, with your shitty porn.
yeah man, see the video here >>727495831
woah i break taboos im a fuckin pioneer
YASSS a man of my own kind,
always took the pacifist route in games.
Unless the enemies are like giant mosquitoes or spiders or something, those fuckers can DIAF fueled with benzine!
the loli hillary, that's what got him into trouble. It's not like the feds give 2 flying fucks about cartoons anyway.
Sauce of your information?
>drawing lolis is edgy to /b/ now

Aren't you guys allowed to post loli on reddit? What's the big deal?
There were other ones. I remember one has her jacking off microphones.
same here, even when playing evil characters at some point I always deviate back into a moralfag. Still, as things are now that wont even be an option anymore, once the loli wall falls, we are next. Soon the world will be nothing but PC content.

i think he openly admits that, and that by doing it he's a faget. He's still a massive edgelord, but at least he's not deluding himself like many others.
My god. Was the porn even good? Or was it just the tank just ramming his crotch behind scout?
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I still kill sometimes, like when the character is a malicious asshole, but normal guards are just doing their jobs. Fuck Big Smoke
>google material that got its creator into legal trouble
>being this retarded
Stop posting.
meh. Some pieces were actually good, others were trash. Like with every artist, unless those that post only on their paid sites once every full moon and actually make a living of it (like that faggit Reiq)
>implying you can't google for even worse shit and never get in trouble
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This made me chuckle a lil bit
el oh el

If drawing stuff gets you in trouble

Do not draw things like bank robberies
You WILL get arrested for bank robbery
Thats the one girl who said she wanted dragon dildos and that gay double penetration was so hot...
Da fuq was that lil bitches name?
And nothing of value was lost.
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Holy shit, this logic blew my mind.
I always thought loli artist just want to fuck a kid IRL. But since you put it that way, with me, I create fictional gore content, but yet, I don't ever think of killing someone IRL.
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Good let's keep this autistic robot fucking down
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just as the jews wanted

to rid your freedom to write, say and draw whatever you like

whether you agreed with what he drew or said or not, you should be able to do it, in a free country

the end of one of your freedoms is very close.
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That wasnt his daughter. That was LtCorbis. Pic related.
can i get a fucking link LOL. does sophie know about this shit?



no but actually does sophie (ltcorbis) know about this bullshit?
This actually changes my opinion on this shit. At least it's a way of not acting on anything. If that's the case then it shouldn't be a crime. It's still sick and wrong and you shouldn't post it here though find some other faggots place for it
Most likely.
basicly fucking thought police.
FUCK, how am I going to fap now?
who's going to appeal to my anal piercing fetish?
the jews got him
LOOOOL AHHAHA. i need to send her this shit just incase.
She's a stupid bitch anyways
Happened a long time ago. Wouldnt be surprised if she was fully aware but didnt wanna talk about it.
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Nobody cares about club penguin? Y'all just care about some horrible porn artist?
fbi freeze
im usually a moralfag because games tend to give you worse rewards for killing
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Sometimes he did based shit like pic related.
To think that FBI would persecute artists rather than real, actually dangerous pdf files is retarded at best. I'm putting my money on the Shillary theory.
wouldnt shadman get fucking jailed lol.
shadbase whatever his fucking name is.
just noticed the pepe
u r sending porn to a minor
fags like u are so annoying crying mods if they even seem 17 years 365 days and 23 hours old. ps 999999999999999/10 your wrong and they are legal.
this never fails to make me laugh.
so does jewgle every single day.

but they are a multi trillion dollar industry with armys of lawyers...
its still up with cloudflare, just go to his website
yeah i guess so but wouldnt the fbi be off dealing with REAL pedos. who actually kidnap and rape kids?
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can someone make a siterip before they take it down?
no fbi is watching you and your loli threads
sad face but i dont take part in that bullshit.

Thank god! No more freckles, liverspots, and incredibly poorly done liquids that make me rage flaccidly in disgust!
>implying for every artist targeted, an actual pedo goes free

Are you actually this disabled?
full house check'd
>implying any of /b/ actually gives a fuck about him or his shit site
For every artist targeted, my tax money goes to waste targeting an artist.
Man, such irony, so funny.

Oh, Anon, you're fucking retarded. Literally.
literally no porn there.
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closest i can find guys
shads website is being taken down?
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I wonder if somebody reported him to the fbi or some shit for threatening to do a comic of destiny's kid.

Not like anything of value was lost. Shad had a great style but his end product was almost always super lame. You can only draw so many lolis getting their asshole tongued before that shit gets old.
>Thread dedicated to shadbase being taken down
>Google an image that is likely archived on shadbase
>Google an image that got a website taken down

What would this accomplish exactly?
>lolis getting their asshole tongued

in my opinion there was too much girl-on-guy rimming. i like shad's style too, but, there's just an imbalance of detail and it feels dirty. like one of those closeup spongebob shots where you can see hyper-relistic pores and hairs and shit
>To think that the authorities would persecute the people they can get their hands on rather than real, actually dangerous criminals is retarded at best.

>in my opinion there was too much girl-on-guy rimming. i like shad's style too, but, there's just an imbalance of detail and it feels dirty. like one of those closeup spongebob shots where you can see hyper-relistic pores and hairs and shit
Yeah. I can't say I disagree with anything you said. It feels like the work he was doing was more geared towards what he personally liked than what other people liked.
i dont think thats actually legal teacher should have gotten into some shit, puniching him for breaking school rules is one thing but shaming as fucking wrong
>your wrong and they are legal.

"Yeah, welcome to the slot. My name's Jonah, and I got six years for beating a drug dealer to death with an axe handle. Over there, that's Embo, he shot six people during a holdup. What are you in for, new boot?"

"I drew pictures of people fucking little girls."

okay! what happens next?
Dude that sucks I actually semi follow his new content and have jerked plenty to his art. There is this ONE pic in particular I'm going to miss. It's a pic of eska and desna from legend of korra. It's so fucking hawt.
Why don't you just save it to your pc? fap to it forever
I highly doubt he's in trouble because of his loli art, but if that does be the case, I am going to be disappointed. The world is getting too PC without thinking people can separate fantasy from reality.
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this one?
This isn't the first time though
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Sucks those are like the only ones. I require more twins rule 34
Can't tell if bait or retarded.
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I feel like i've betrayed my lord by not archiving all his shit before the site was taken down.. *sob*
1) Story sucks you can't greentext for shit.
>Thinking she had an orgasm just because she got wet.
2) You can't be above the age of 18. Get the fuck off my /b/.
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Fucking good. His shit is trash.
Drawing real people was stupid.
Is thete a full pic of this??
here ya go. luckily i save most things Shad makes.
They actually aren't.

If they're considered obscene, they aren't protected under the 1st amendment.

How they consider something obscene is up to the courts, and that's something for prosecutors and defense attorneys to argue over.
Thank you! That fucking minion shirt kek
when america is so fucked even porn sites are telling us
Assuming they took it that far, the only thing they could charge him with is a few obscenity violations.
We are coming for you, you sick bastards! Every single one of you pedophiles WILL get whats coming!
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>be me
>14 fag boi
>plays league and has 4 freinds
>start a team because we think we fucking good
>acutely ass shit at game
>need name
>sees porn
>after fap thinks of a great name
>great name
>played on team for 4 month
>watching porn
>come across shadmen
>mfw i made a team from a porn name
Theyve been saying that shit for at least a year, just there as a safety net so they dont get in trouble

perhaps a collective
sound boom directed
towards you
thought nazis
to avenge the murder of
innocent art enthusiasts
and artists is good enough
fuck you closed minded fractal
infected fear based infested
predroids of bullshit die with the shatter

this reality,
it is an illusion

i see allllll this narcasism
people like this are gonna be
the main bloodletting beheadals
in the streets
i assure you.

a darkside is coming.
and you oppressive freedom
obstructive nazi niggers
are the only ones in sight
They could charge him with manufacturing child pornography, since the pictures he draws depict underage children performing sexual acts, or underage children in compromising positions despite the fact that they are just fucking drawings drawings.
Ban all assault drawings
Shad is about to be canned for drawing loli, bestiality, and incest.

Or the fact he is a immigrant.
Good his art was shit anyway
Anon, you got aroused by ass sweat. How does this make you feel?
Or really really well hydrated pee. With ass sweat. Maybe some poo residue?

or may be cause he is rusian with tie to puten
He specifies on his site that all characters he draws are over 18
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MFW he draws infants:
Doesn't matter. The depiction is still the same, regardless of what you label it as. They look like children, and they are labeled "loli".
I agree, let's think what a jury would say...there would be a collective drawing of the middle finger not a hung jury...although if shad draws the jury you can bet they WILL be hung.

I'm sorry I'll leave now.
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Yeah his art style just kinda kills my mood instantly.
He could argue that loli is the artstyle and that there are real people over the age of 18 with the appearance of children that are in the porn industry.
>i don't know what a infant look like
You could, but I don't think the court would see it that way. It would be a viable defense though.
>implying it's a coincidence

You have to be fucking retarded or something
More realistically:
"Yeah, welcome to the slot. My name's Jonah, and I got six years for moving product. Over there, that's Embo, he's in here for buying. You?"

"I drew some shit some bitch-ass hippies didn't like."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Cartoon characters. I drew cartoon characters and enough faggots bitched that the feds got involved and here I am. That's the world we live in, now, by the way."

"[gratuitous laughter] Ain't that some shit."

"So, uhh, neither of you are mass murderers or serial rapists or anything like that?"

"Fuck na. Only niggas close to that crazy are the dudes like Deandre over there who whacked his old lady for selling his car for some blow, or Alejandro who's in here 'cause he caught his girl with some other nigga and when the cops showed up she said he raped her. Apparently, it stuck."

"That's fucked up but I heard there were gonna be dudes in here who beat people to death with axe handles or gunned down a bunch of people."

"We get one of those crazy rambo motherfuckers every now and then but they don't stay long, if you get me. They always start shit they can't finish. The niggas who like to shoot shit ain't shit without a gun to hide behind, so they just become everyone's bitch."
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It's gunna be ok.
>pics or not real shadman
Is there more to this?
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Yes. Here you go.
There was on his website but you know its down
you still get pounded at the end of that dialogue tho fam...
everyone does tho fam
Didn't we already do this in the 90s?

"Violence in video games make you violent! Violence in TV makes you violent! To much sex makes you a sex predator!"

This is not new, fucken underaged assholes.
Nice feet
Not enough nazi-pandering
0/10 not Shad
If he's in murica it isn't because it is a drawing of a loli it's something else. You can draw loli all day long and be relatively fine. The problem is when you draw an actual girl, who is underaged, that it crosses the line. He was drawing e-celebs gettin' railed; that's the problem.
Is that illegal, though? It's a drawing. Where does it start? Can I be arrested for drawing a stick figure of Lt. Corbis being fucked? The crime shouldn't depend on the artistic talent, but on the crime itself.
i think the law states that any written or drawn form of presentation depicting underage pornography is a punishable offense.
I'm referencing Federal case rulings. It isn't the drawing of the loli that's the problem. It crosses a grey area when the drawing is a drawing of an actual real life girl getting railed by a horse.

It depends, if you were to somehow make money off of your stick figure then it is a possibility. What is interesting is that it usually applies to drawings where as a fan-fic won't even be looked at as evidence.
Shad-sama pls
No. That law was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2002.

Again, if I draw a stick figure, I wouldn't be prosecuted.
Is this real?

Nice edge, anon.
You should watch Donnie Darko and Fight Club.

Using the likeness of an actual minor has always been illegal.
I didn't think of that. I can write stories about that all day and nobody would care. Drawing a picture, however, is punishable.

That makes no sense.
It's not the drawing of the loli that is illegal; that was repealed. The illegal factor is that it is either a reference or depiction of a real little girl. Technically he can be hit for Defamation though it would be hard to proof actual loss.

It is really strange when you think about it. I wonder if 50 shades of gray would've been destroyed if the girl was 17 or something, something legal in most NATO countries.
had it coming, fucking retard
>try to find Shad porn to post
>90% of it is loli

Goddamnit Shad.
reminds me about an incident in germany where a guy almost got jail time for having images of his wife who was 19 but "looked" underage. The court dismissed the woman's real age and held a public trial anyway
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loli pics are only illegal in certain states, countries, and Providences
>takes server down
>site is behind cloudflare
>cloudflare always online(tm) technology
Good. Maybe people will stop drawing child porn (lolicon)
Finally no more loopholes to save his ass, if you draw little girls saying they're 18, you are asking for trouble
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Shouldn't have fucked with Destiny
t. buttblasted loli loving pedo
That's my fave Shadman pic ever
The art in no way turns people pedo (and if it did that's the person's fault with a weak mind), however people using this as an outlet to sate their desires is the bigger issue. Because it's not always the case and pictures at one point don't satisfy them anymore
He never did
cmon dude atleast put some effort in
Overwhelming autism and /b/tardation
You are a fucking spastic if you think those are in any way shape or form even remotely the same. Someone's taking away your buzz of children and you're just getting defensive about it.
I agree in part, but in addition:
I could speak for myself, and probably a lot of other guys, that we've probably fapped to a great deal of different things, things that we ourselves may have no desire to actually do ourselves.
I mean I've fapped to a chick blowing a horse, I have no intent to do this myself, I've fapped to loli. i have no intent to do this myself either, and the list goes on.
That being said, those that DO, either have already, are planning to (or would), or have a collection of the real stuff regardless of the cartoon versions available, and "drawings don't satisfy anymore" isn't situation that happens the most.
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THANK GOD. This was a happy day not a sad day you dumb cunt
>prison rape is a meme
Yeah and Jared from SubWay still has a workin asshole since he went to prison
>land of the free
Its literally what i believe. Fapping to loli doesnt make you any less of a pedo than someone who faps to real life CP. You are just commiting an act thhats not as morally "wrong"
I would be with you on that, but child porn ain't easy to come by (I know on this site of course ocassionally has cp pics show up but not everyone comes here). (I do understand fapping but not actually getting into it, but the weak minded are in a huge boat)
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Fapping to loli is no different to killing innocent people in GTA V. You're doing an immoral act on a fictional character.
Not liking and hating Shadman's art is a meme.
Can we get some emo girls with mom issues in here?
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anyone know where i a fella can download some of his lesbian sets?
>weak minded
Sure, but it isn't weak minded to be gay, or being attracted to grannies, or milfs etc so we can't really say having sexual attractions in other area's are either.
Sure, harming children is counter productive, one would argue that sex with any unwilling or otherwise unable to consent person is.
Weak willed would be to act upon the desire, Yeh.
But weak minded for an attraction that isn't by choice, isn't really an argument to me, especially if we are trying to simplify a sexual orientation to "saw a picture, now i want to rape X"

Yeah, but being a pathetic degenerate loser isn't illegal, and shouldn't be. Nothing a man can do sitting alone in a room should possibly be held as a criminal act.
>Fapping to loli doesnt make you

Fapping to a girl blowing a horse doesn't make you a zoo'phile, sucking off a horse does.
Fapping to a girl peeing on another girl doesn't make you a pee'phile, getting pee'd on does
Fapping to X doesn't make you X'phile, doing X does.

Labeling everyone on the internet by what they've fapped to or fantasized over doesn't get us anywhere because we all love to watch some fucked up shit from time to time.
It's the same thing as drugs. Criminalising them has only led to wasted money and people going to jail over the most trivial of bullshit (a small bag of harmless weed). But of course everyones a fucking moralfag these days.
>shadbase claimed this post was a joke
i'm fairly sure many if not most people don't even consider lolis to be "kids", cause it makes it less attractive then.
it's just a small, cute woman. and in many cases in hantae mango it is like that, they're mature.
heck, i remember that in Tenchi Muyo the only girl with some common sense was... a loli. Sasami.
So by your logic we should arrest people for thought crimes? Get fucked you pinko cunt.
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dude, this exact shit has been going on for hundreds of years
every time an exciting new media comes along, fuckbitches have to try to ruin it
he got in legal trouble for his art before anyone even knew about him (said so on sleepycabin) so of course he's of course he's gonna get in legal trouble now that he does parody loli porn of real people
We can talk about body types.
Say you where attracted to women 21-25, but a girl you met was a vampire and was 274 years old, but had the physical age of 21-25. When it comes to body type and sexual attraction the age is irrelevant right? So, do we think the same for all age brackets? I do. If you where attracted to 12-15, but she was actually 21-25, to some people this may make her much more attractive, more than physical alone.
I think you're right, loli often depicts petite girls, often with small breasts as the concept, rather than adhering closer to actual children.
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Seriously.. the guy DRAWS character art... how the fuck could ANYONE think this is harming society.

But we live in a strange world draw a stick figure and call is Muhammad and people across the world you never met will riot and ask for your life.

Actually, no. That just went up about a couple days ago. You know what was in its place the previous day? A timer. Americans had a limited time to convince their politicians to vote NO on a bill that would authorize ISPs in selling Browsing history and internet usage to third party vendors. It also gave them the power to inject their customer's computers with adware without any consequence.

here's the link explaining why they failed.
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Go back a couple decades and they were blaming heavy metal and rock n roll. Go back another decade and they were blaming comic books. Go back even further and it was books.

There will always be a scapegoat that people look to blame for idiots committing crimes. Hell they blamed Colombine on Marilyn Manson and Eminem for Christs sake.
This guy, he done fucked up
What was it?
>Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
He had some weird massage pad, made a girl sit on it. She never reacted. He took pad back and it was wet. He thought she orgasmed and got excited. This guy got turned on by asscrack sweat basically
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you dumb shit
Kill yourself faggot
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Do it
Nigga, lmao
that really ruffles my feathers
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His fucking dialogues are cringey anyways
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god, you're so new
Irl lollis? You mean sexual pornographic depictions of actual little girls. You faggot s and your cartoon CP.
You moralfags and your morals. Grow up.
What is the problem?

Ravioli ravioli I wanna see the loli
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His art is trash and the people who like it should really kill themselves.
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is there a problem? according to the basement lawyers and sovereign citizens posting in this thread, it's not illegal to draw pictures of men raping children. you can always print this thread out and produce it in court as evidence of your innocence if the cops ever get bored enough to run you in for it.
Can't be fucked.
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> "art doesn't turn people pedo"
> but this is why it does
> and they are responsible

Trump logic.
His art is good enough, clean, and has a decent overlap with the subjects that I like in porn. I also like western styles once in a while to offset all the anime.
I must have that hat. Where can I get one?
Just claim that your post was a joke.
t. Lawyer
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people who think disagreement should be settled by killing should kill themselves
SJW's caught wind of his recent stuff(not my thing tbh) starting with the Hillary Clinton pics. That triggered them massively and since then he's been doing a LOT more and its even made regulars a little disturbed by it all(myself included). I'd

He's drawing child like sexual versions of real people. That is a legal minefield tbh. It wouldn't be an issue if they were the adult versions.
Hope he doesn't get in trouble but in many laws around the world its classed as production and distribution of CP(even Japan now). 2 of the most serious types for those crimes. With the fact they are real people interpretations and not fictional the case is even stronger.

He'll probably have to explain to web owners and the authorities his reasons for it and the precedent with which he draws. Hopefully he doesn't shut down. I love his art style and banter.

>inb4 he flees to Switzerland
you know, you could just as easily say "the jews are responsible for deviant pornographers like Shadman, because they want Western morals to slacken"

That's the narrative on /pol/, anyway
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>that pic
Balls of steel.
checked. also, hello fbi
There is a video of this happening, anyone got sauce?
Good, the fucker was drawing way too much loli porn.
He was in Germany, so it could have been
>implying that's a bad thing
I fapped to this so many times

>Not realizing loli is gd-tier

"Y-yeah... it's a g-g-good... thing..."
Shhh, don't disrupt their little cyber circle jerk
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don't worry, not here for anyone in particular
>colossal on those panties
aw man monkey dust was the shit
Damn do I wish there was more of her
You only cared about club penguin when you realised it'll be gone forever
bump for shad pronz
Personally I love the round quality of his art. It makes everything look so squishy I can't resist beating my dick so hard.
Nope, he does submissions for his patron supporters
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No "shad" day puns?
it's the chick from stranger things, right?
is she as hot on the show as all this attention she gets suggests?
If you consider she's like 12 or 13 she's really sexy for her age.
But yeah she's not that hot in the show itself
She's pretty hot on the show in concept. Plus she has a jawline that was meant to be held while a cock is in her mouth.
I am feeling very s/h/ad today.
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and he's good at drawing women licking dog's asses.
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I'd much rather fuck Mike
ikr? i don't understand why the Pedo Finder General isn't a /b/ meme. he covers all the right bases, and his version of the song "Fire" fucking rocks.

Disgusting. Thats straight up CP. Hope the waste of life gets arrested. Waste of artistic talent too
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