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Crazy chick thread Wife with borderline, have pics and stories

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Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 23

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Crazy chick thread
Wife with borderline, have pics and stories of a sexual and non sexual nature
Things included to pick from story wise:
>calls me daddy
>impregnation fetish
>was raped multiple times throughout childhood by different men, including her father
>heavily dissociated for years, both of us believing she was several different "people" lots of stories about those
>has almost cheated twice, never actually brought herself to do it and almost killed herself the second time
>we have both raped each other before
>lots of other stuff I'm forgetting

Assuming this is true (spoiler: probably not), i have just one question. Why would you choose to be with such a fucked up person that fuck your life forever?
Lets see her nudes and hear her rape stories.
Borderline personality disorder?
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>we have both raped each other before
rape stories please op
wait I think I dated this girl too
>probably says I raped her
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First time I notice my wife dissociating
>we're long distance in high school
>no contact for 2 years since she moved away only Skype
>one time over the phone she tells me some offhand confession that she's not always "herself" / keeps saying shit about some lady named "Lola"
>whatever I'm 15 lol
>skyping one day
>she's acting super different
>won't talk about specific things that have happened to her, like she can't remember
>pushing her tits out, like she's trying to seduce me
>lots of suggestive talk
>my dick is hard because I'm fifteen
>about halfway through the conversation I sort of pick up what's happening
>"is this dolly or whatever? "
>I speak like a moron
>her face instantly goes from pouty blowjob lips to crazy eyes
>tell her to let me wife (gf at the time) out
>she huffs
>after a minute or so something about her changes
>she breaks down crying and says she's sorry and didn't know how to tell me

At the time I bought into it because I was an edgy shit who was obsessed with that kind of stuff, plus it got me really hard thinking I was with "another chick" that I didn't care if it was real or not.
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more about the rape shit OP, i want to hear how you got "raped" by a woman you sissy faggot, god OP you're so fucking pathetic are you some sort of faggot?
of course you are you're fucking OP and OP is always a faggot
>we're long distance in high school
Stopped reading.
I was an edgy fuck boi who ended up falling in love with her. We're actually doing much better now.

On separate occasions, of course. She used to dissociate into a sort of little girl state of mind and I've fucked her while she was half asleep. She never mentioned it but I knew she was awake enough to know what I was doing.

She raped me once when she forced me to cum inside her or she'd kill herself

This is also the last time she dissociated in the last 6 months.
>one night we get really drunk and blunted
>she starts tripping a little
>starts crying
>starts talking about how she can't hear any other voices
>she starts remembering all this repressed shit
>talks about how her father raped her only once
>she was 9 and her mother had just died
>her dad creeps into her room one night
>crawls into her bed, inserts himself into her
>she's confused
>her mom just died
>she thinks to herself she wants to be mom
>dad is using her like mom
>she tries to kiss him
>he pushes her away, she says it hurt
>just leaves her there and never mentions it again
post moar pics fag
Damn dude, that story made me hard.
More stories on disassociative personalities
This was pretty much when we were at our worst.
>I'm working a dead end job
>she ran away from home to come live with me, I'm super poor and she's not used to living like this
>she's very depressed because I'm always working and she can't leave the room
>is cutting and shit
>I confront her and tell her to stop
>she says the only way to not make her feel that way is to get her knocked up
>turns out she's obsessed because her mom died in childbirth
>I have no money and don't want kids
>she tells me if I don't she'll kill herself
>I get on top of her
>I'm uncomfortable but this is my first time raw
>cum pretty quickly, first time rawing
>feel bad afterwords
>She said it felt nice but we'd have to try again later so she could cum

She didn't get pregnant thankfully
OP your chick is making me super diamonds! I'll take her ! Post her kik or whatever.
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First time I did anything explicitly sexual with "Dolly"
>still long distance
>talking on phone with gf
>now that I know about dolly she always wants to talk to me
>constantly steers the conversation to sex
>I'm into it and it gets me hard, but I don't do anything but talk about the subject, as I still saw it as cheating at the time
>she always gets bitter that I won't jerk off for her or anything
>gf a few days later says dolly is making her starve herself and making her sleep without blankets
>won't stop unless I start fooling around with her
>feel conflicted
>gf says she doesn't care she just wants to eat
>starts crying
>fine whatever
>it's just over the phone, but we talk and she encourages me to jerk off
>I cum the hardest I had up until that point
>feel guilty
>she's way hotter like this though
just dump a load of pics OP
>she was 9 and her mother had just died

>turns out she's obsessed because her mom died in childbirth
Was literally going to post the same thing. Maybe her dad remarried, and her step mom died?
more likely than sister i'd say
how old is she rn ?
is she still crazy or not ?
water seeks it's own level
not by choice
>Mom died at 9
>died in child birth
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Here's the first time I had heard of her getting raped. We were dating when this happened
>she's living with me
>4 personalities
>linny, responsible but really spiteful and jealous
>ariel, the little girl I was talking about before, saw me as a father figure

>I'm at work
>dolly was supposed to be hanging out with a friend
>she was defs trying to make me jealous
>later that day I pick her up
>"how's everyone doing"
>"fine, linny is gone"
>they would come and go as they pleased, this wasn't weird
>we go home
>I like to tell ariel goodnight so she comes out
>she starts freaking out
>crying about a man
>she didn't understand what happened
>tells me dolly made linny go away
>I tell dolly to come back out
>ask her what happened
>Basically this guy drove her like an hour away from our home
>locks her in the car and tells her he won't let her go until he gets head
>she still has panic attacks on that parkway
>we get rid of dolly for about a year
She's the oldest of 4 (she has an older sister but that's from when her dad was in the Marines)
Her mom died giving birth to her youngest sister when my wife was 9.
>impregnated bitch in highschool
>marry her out of obligation
>5 years in, sick of her shit
>tell her I want divorce
>literally loses it
>forgets who she is
>forgets what year it is
>starts talking about the kids like their little babies again
>wanders out of the house screaming and crying
>starts tearing off her clothes and running around the neighborhood naked
>screaming at my mom because she's "going to take the kids!"
>manage to get her inside the house
>locks self in bathroom
>have to call paramedics
>they break down the bathroom door because she said she took some kind of medicine but won't say what
>drag her off to the mental health hospital
>spends a couple of months and gets out
>divorced as fuck
>don't have any contact with her anymore as she's legit crazy
>heard from her family that I still talk to that she has these kinds of episodes about once a year now
>never had them before me.

guess I triggered her.
dirty poop asshole she is 100% crazy
I'm 23 and she's 22, turning 23 soon though. We both have problems still but we're channeling it into our sex life pretty well. We have a daddy/little thing now and it really helps both of us. She doesn't dissociate either (last time being just before she remembered her dad raped her)
You're not gonna believe me but I've seen her wash and she's just got a brown butthole. I think it's cute tbh
>brown is cute
Anyone else interested?
whats her relation whit her dad now if he is still alive ?
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>shit stained asshole
>that paneling on the walls tho

Bet you this bitch and OP smoke meth. And live in a beat down fucking rental house.
You have no idea do you? You kissless virgin.
All assholes are slightly brown.
The only ones that aren't are bleached/brightened.
She avoids him if she can, but never said anything to anyone but me about any of the men that have raped her. She only recently even remembered it, and coming forward now would just destroy her family more than anything. The guy is a rich snob, think of Boromir's dad in Lord of the Rings and make him kind of a neckbeard. He's probably going to die soon anyway, he's always having heart troubles.
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Nah we just smoke a little weed my guy. We do live in a shit rental because my family is poor a fuck tho, so I will give you that.
nice mic and keyboard tho, whats the specs on that PC?
Throwing money away. Interest rates are at an all time low. Find a cheap house, buy it, fix it up as you go along, have some equity and build that credit.
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Not super great I'm to stoned to remember right now, it's a prebuilt because I'm a moron but it's basically the best shitty pc on the market. Did come with the mouse and keyboard tho.

She uses the mic to make musics.

Jesus dude, I mean, my first GF had BPD but at least she was hot. What the fuck are you doing with this grotesque creature
I will try. I'm in a tough spot because my mom wrecked my credit when I turned 18, so my options are limited.
Moar pics, moar stories.
I love her crazy eyes and she swallows like a champ so there's that.

I mean mine used to take creampies and loads like no tomorrow too but cmon dude, you can do better. Your life is going to be hell if you stay with her. Go find a normal girl who is crazy for cum
Ha because women loving accepting personal responsibility amirite? She just felt bad after voluntarily swallowing the third burst of semen
Force her to seduce her dad and let him go hard on her while you watch?
Am confused.. are you two still speaking/together or not?
Post results plz
Bumping for answers
Get in here op you rocking raggot
Goddamnit op you sensitive bitch
Op is nigger
beach niga
Original Poster Are Homosex
Running out of pics but I have plenty of stories.

>if any persona was out too long they would naturally start getting relapsing
>start becoming obsessive, self harm, etc
>she's basically making personalities anytime this happens at this point
>linny is getting more obsessive, I haven't talked to the "personality" I had started dating in high school for a year or so at this point
>she's having to take breaks while a new persona handles things
>they sometimes had memories and lives she would make for them
>this one had a boyfriend that she could remember (fake memories)
>I'm sleeping with linny one night
>I guess at some point while we're asleep she slips into this new persona
>they havent been romantic toward me thus far
>they're spooning me
>they start tugging my cock
>i assume it's linny
>dig my ass against her
>she's moaning
>i say I love you
>she instantly realizes I'm not her boyfriend and freaks out
>thought she was back home in some made up town sleeping with her boyfriend
>she's crying
>we end up talking
>she sucks me off, best head I've gotten from her
>we fuck right after I cum, I'm really hard because I never asked if I could sleep with this persona so it feels like cheating
>we both cum hard
>the next day linny gets jealous and basically gets rid of this new persona
>never tell her how great the sex was even today

She's sitting next to me practicing Esperanto my guy.
Why the fuck would she be doing that?
>Running out of pics but
>She's sitting next to me
well get either of her personalities down to post here tell her it's kinky af idk
Gave out the old suck she did

SO you don't believe her personalities are real?

As a fellow man who is with a person with Multiple Personalities I want to know what makes you doubt them? What inconsistencies?

Post pics of your dick in her mouth
Second this motion
Lol her dad lives half a continent away, sorry my guy
These are all old nudes I'm posting, though keep a look out because I'm trying to get her more into the idea of doing request threads/making webms of us fucking. She doesn't know I made this thread, she just said I could do whatever I wanted with these nudes.
All in favor please raise your hand (also be sure to let op and his wife know what you'd like to drink.. Pepsi products only)
Just introduce her to the dad idea. See what fruit it bears.


Also just a water for me OP
It will bear thorn-ed dick poison fruit
Also mt dew plz
It's not that I don't believe her, honestly it's that she hasn't dissociated for a few months now and I'm feeling conflicted. I do miss all of these personalities that felt like different people, but she's also doing much better so I feel like I have to treat them as not people to make myself feel better about it.
We all know that YOU'RE Tyler Durden lady.. you don't have to pretend to be "your boyfriend" any longer...
I'll see if I can get one before the thread dies, I'll keep posting till then though.

I have a similar issue but reversed. I believe her entirely and I love her personalities. But I am growing impatient with certain ones. Starting to lose interest in her personalities and such.

I don't know what to do, she is complaining I never ask for them anymore.
Fingers crossed that chicks gonna be deepthroating her own strap on while it's strapped on
Diet double dew

Hey OP, BPD exgf guy again. I need to tell you, the biggest spell BPD chicks put on you is the sex.

I still remember the times where I was barebacking her as we did spooning doggy and she was turned looking at me with such an innocent lust in her eyes, and whispered "fill me up". They dig their claws into your psyche and make you love them. I still remember how it felt shooting some of the biggest loads of my life, bareback into her pussy, and her heavy breaths against my neck every time she felt more pulse inside her, yelling I love you.

They give you the best sex in the world because that's all the control they have over you. It isn't worth it



Borderline only? Because I have actual DID and it's a fucking roller coaster, especially when it comes to sex.
Aight boys she wants to bone I'm going to see if I can get pics. Keep thread bumped.

Where you gonna blow your load?
get some closeups of her butthole

Keepin bumped
aint gonna happen - bumpin for hope

Op is probably getting stabbed to death right now
By Becky the new identity
Damn, is this really true? This both frightens and arouses me. Thanks for the heads up. Gotta be extra careful with these BPD broads.

No joke bro, I was getting a PTSD boner typing it. That's the other thing BPD does to you, it gives you PTSD. And the sooner you get out, the more likely you are to get over it.

Like all the scary memories came flooding back when I was typing this. Want another scary story?

GF gets angry at me, starts crying and getting belligerent over something stupid like a sock was not in a drawer. Eventually I get so mad with her I start yelling back. She suddenly gets really upset and crying, clings to me, then looks up at my face a moment later with tears in her eyes, and says "fuck me".

Being at a stage in the relationship where I don't care anymore, I pick her up, throw her on the bed and raw dog her while she's screaming "fuck me" , tightening her legs around me so I can't pull out and I blow a load balls deep in her.

She lets me go and begins touching herself and crying profusely as I watch in disbelief and horror.ahe makes herself cum and then proceeds to lie on the bed crying profusely in a pool of cum as I leave the room shaken and confused.

Don't do it bro. The images still haunt me

Holy shit, dude! Thanks for sharing that story, seriously. I had no idea about the PTSD boner part. Arrrgghh, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't turned on by your story, though. If it wasn't so difficult for you, I'd ask to hear other scary sexually-related instances, but I'm glad you shared what you did. Good thing you were able to get out. I hope you can move on and get back to a normal life one day without the PTSD.

Maybe it's best if I stay away. But if I ever do pursue a BPD chick, I think I'll pursue a girl who's outside the country while I'm vacationing there. I'll use an alias with all fake info about myself. I'll also have my tubes tied to avoid pregnancies. Just as it starts going badly, I'll leave the country and vanish before she can track me down.
Any pics of this hot psycho mess of an ex?

Oh I don't mind telling the stories, I can share more if you like. I just haven't thought about them in years. I'm all good now, it was like 5-6 years ago. The thing is you don't know how to stop BPD until you deal with it firsthand

It's all well and good to say you'll avoid it but there are telltale signs in behavior that'll show you if you should flee

There's a reason crazy girls are the best fucks you can get. It's all they have to keep you

Lots, dunno if I really want to share them
In the off chance she finds out and decides to track me down and murder me
Awesome, good to hear you're better these days. Hell yeah I'd love to hear more stories, man. Gimme your worst (or best).

Aside from stories, I got a few questions:
what are the telltale signs to look for?
how did you get out safely in the end?
how do you think she would've handled it if you were into cuckolding or femdom?
what's her ultimate goal.. is it that she wants a slave/servant/worshiper?

Thanks again.
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OP has returned!
This is true, but the thing that helped us get better was when we both realized we had severe ptsd, and that as long as you're being consensual it's cool to fuck it out
OP can we see face or something? maybe feet? also can we see your dick? i need it for comparison with my own

I'll share soon, gotta get off my phone and to a computer
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None in mouth cuz my condom had gross spermicidal lube on it.
None of my face or cock, sorry, didn't think anyone wanted to see my dik
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And for whoever asked I came all over my chest. She was gonna sugg me off but the aforementioned nasty lube almost made her puke and I didn't want to put on another condom or get her sweater dirty

I'll answer your questions real quick

1. - Suicide attempts/threats to kill oneself that never end in successful suicide. Like taking just enough pills to cause a reaction but not enough to kill themselves.

- Always being the victim in even the most ridiculous of situations. You will understand it when you see it.

- Insane mood swings. Sweetest person in the world to literal spawn of hell. Those are the three easiest ones to spot.

2. I cut all contact. I made sure I was able to sever any contact ties and went cold turkey. Became a ghost after saying my final piece. And you have to maintain no contact, because people with BPD will relentlessly try every trick to get you to talk again, from threatening suicide, to saying their sorry, to guilting you, etc etc etc. Eventually they give up when they find a new victim to victimize themselves to

3. Probably would have loved it. She cheated and I caught her and destroyed her phone and called her a slut for it. She was really upset. I was like 20 at the time and not as strong willed so I think it changed me, she went for total losers and weak men. I wasn't like that and when I reacted angrily she didn't know what to do.

4. Her ultimate goal? I dont think people with BPD are even aware of what they're doing half the time and most don't want to recognize there's a problem. They're a victim of their own chemical imbalances unfortunately and that's just how nature made them.
I have a Borderline gf, too. At the beginning it was really really hard and I was at my worst, too.
It's still kinda complicated sometimes, she doesn't like any girl I'm talking too. She doesn't want me to meet female friends alone.

But damn she's a godess in bed...

Dude, they are ALL threatened by other women and people taking your attention away from them. Every single BPD story has this common thread
Thanks for the replies. Very fascinating stuff. How did she perceive unusual fetishes in general? Things that most girls are easily freaked out by like fisting/gaping, blood-play, piss stuff, scat, beastiality, etc? I'm tired of girls who claim to be "very sexual" when you meet them, but later tell you that they think anal sex is "disgusting."

Also, no rush on any extra story you got. I'll be on this thread as long as I can. I'm just glad I can get straight answers about BPD girls for once.
shes really fucking hot too holy shit got any more pics?
OP here
^ This guy is on the nose for a lot of this. The thing about BPD is that their entire thought process is different. They aren't wanting to cuck you or anything, or have any goal.
My wife is super sub, and the times she's tried to "cheat" on me were basically just texting guys in far away places nudes so they would tell her she's pretty, which I've done as well anyways, and we do it consensually now anyways because I like the idea of other people coveting her but me getting to be the only one that fucks her

As for the other BPD guy, you probably made the right call. Me and my wife were in a bad place but she made a conscious effort to fix things, and it seems like this other chick just wanted to keep being crazy.
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Other BPD guy here, SAME exact thing happened to me. She was carrying on in conversations with like 50+ people in other states and sent them nudes. The thing that really set me off was when she said she was going to some shopping plaza for the day to go shopping and some dude took a train from out of state just to see her. I found their texts of him saying shes so sexy and he cant wait to see her etc.

I have no idea if she fucked him but I gave her hell afterward, because she had JUST gotten out of an out-patient facility for attempting to kill herself and she begged me to stay with her because she said she "wouldn't be able to get through this treatment without me". So she gets out and then goes and likely goes and fucks some stranger she just met. That's when I got ready to cut everything off with her.
I would like to add that the reason I think bpd is so hard to treat and deal with is that BPD itself isn't so much a mental illness so much as a compounded trauma on another mental illness. My wife's family has a history, and even after her father raped her he instantly remarried and treated my wife like shit, especially if my wife ever mentioned her mother.

It's like, imagine not only having a parent die on you but then get raped and told you can't even be sad or talk about any of it your whole life.

She wasn't into anything out of the ordinary. The one thing that was unusual that we both got into was her birth control started messing with her hormones and she began lactating. Her boobs would fill up with milk and engorge and we started making an erotic game out of milking her breasts and getting her to express milk for relief.

Used to get me hard as diamonds milking her into a glasses or sucking on them. She'd stroke me until I'd cum and call me a good boy while clutching/stroking my hair and pushing my head firmer against her breast that I was sucking

More stories of course if requested haha

Please post more, my poor penis cant take the anticpation
Yeah, she only really did the cheating stuff in the "dolly" persona. I hear the dissociation is basically them designating different trauma and feelings into neat little compartments, so I guess that's why.
>we have both raped each other
>raped each other

You both should be fucking gassed

Especially whichever girlfriend she is at the moment.
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Oops, sorry, didn't take a whole lot because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable
Ha, I find this story quite comical tbh. Nothing too unordinary here, just some kinky fun.

Definitely more stories, though. The unusual ones like when she whispers to fill her up or tells you to fuck her with tears in her eyes. Stories that involve anger (or heated emotions) and sex, I suppose. You got any of those?
Webm of pooper

There's one I vividly remember where she really upset me and I had been building up a lot of anger/emotion with her doing things that were belligerent and typical of BPD.

I started yelling at her and grabbing her and looking into her eyes while yelling at her. She was so entranced in that moment she took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom, pulled down her pants, got on all fours and said "fuck me. I want you to fuck me until I'm full of your anger and hot cum".

I didn't want to, but it turned into my first serious hatefuck. I manhandled her, pulled her hair, spanked her hard, and told her to beg like the little cumslut she is.

She started coming up with the most colorful combinations of words like "Get your little cumslut pregnant like the whore she is", "blow that furious load in my womb and ruin me" "I need your fucking seed in my womb to get pregnant" etc etc

Needless to say I finished in her, then pulled out and rubbed my dick all over her face and then just left her there because I felt nothing (remember I was already so emotionally removed at this point, I was preparing to get out).

Just left her there with her bum in the air with cum leaking out as she rubbed herself furiously
nice thread
Damn, that got me hard as hell. Any freaky stories about anal? What about while drunk or high?
People with borderline personality disorder, or many other personality disorders for that matter, are the most frustrating people to be around in my opinion. I'd rather be emotionally attached to a schizophrenic.

I hate the emotional blackmail that is common in people with PD. With the short temper and wildly irrational behaviours, superficial suicidal attempts and the common threat of ending their lives which are expresses to people that genuinely care about them.

Obviously I've stereotyped here for exaggeration, but these traits can be quite common.
I had a girl with BPD fall in love with me once. She would call me and be outside my house in the middle of the night, threatening to kill herself if i did not ler her in, and many other things like that.
She was out of her tiny little mind.
We got into a relashionship after a few months, that was a big mistake.
Sex was great though.
That goddamned crotch-fluff. You're fucking smashing that and I envy you
1st pictures dated 3/19
2nd pictures dated 3/22
3rd pictures dates 3/27
Same panties in all 3....fucking disgusting creature
OP, is this true? Did her snatch smell like fish? If so, did you enjoy that musk?

Nay on all 3

you know that thing is ripe as fuck. That shit stained asshole and that hairy pussy just traps piss.
Those are our sex panties, that's why all of her pubes are sticking out in
We literally just put them on for foreplay.
She's wearing her princess panties rn
Ladies and Gentlemen, Princess Crazyasfuck-Stinkslikeshit
Sounds more schitzo then borderline

Yeah other BPD dude's crazy ex sounds hotter
Well, i rarely partecipate in threads, but i guess i have to contribute here.

I had last year a relationship with a schizophrenic chick, she was really fucked up, but very intelligent also, that's why i bothered investing time in her.
She litterally see monsters, of her own creation, since she was a child. Also was pretty much bipolar, and into mother/son fetish.

Ask if you want to know more.

What things did she do with you involving the mom/son fetish?
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Lol u got me dood
Nah, she's got a little bit of pleasant sweat smell, but we like going down on each other so we both keep our genitals clean. Other people may find it unpleasant but it gets me hard. We also like each others smells tho, so cum grano salis.
Once she was riding me on top and begging me to cum inside of her (not protected) telling me she was about to cum thinking about having a child with her and letting our son have sex and cum inside of her
>so we both keep our genitals clean
She said to me, "Look son, mommy's been wearing the same panties for 10 days" and I turned 360 degrees and walked away
>raping your wife
>your wife raped you

youre a fucking moron anon.
Holy hell you guys are lame. What I would do for a girl that kinky.
Nah, she was a very clean person. I don't live in fatmarica
No shit you triggered her anon
You're fucking a mentally ill person and pretending she's your mom and you're badmouthing America?
Kek, you are the mentally ill one here then. I never said i pretend she's my mom.


Who's mommies little faggot? Did she change your diapers?

Still having problems understanding i see. I bet you have a support teacher at school, isn't it worthless fucktard?
Hey OP, I just recently started talking to a chick with Borderline Personality Disorder. Is it worth it? We have a lot in common and get along great and she is on medication but what should I expect from this if I continue to pursue it?
anon's gf was talking about fucking her hypothetical son.
Psychopaths are worse than borderlines
I think the main reason she had a mother/son fetish is because I have a baby penis. Like a toddler
Well said, Anon.

See the following posts

If she is working on herself and genuinely wants to get better then yes, especially if she is taking those steps herself. We've been doing really well since she started actually putting in the effort to get better, and plus she's actually been doing better in bed since she started getting her shit together because we can actually communicate about it.

Got her to give me a handy too
I don't miss those 8 hour manic episodes from my ex not taking her meds and refusing to go to sleep
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