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What went wrong?

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 54

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What went wrong?
We'll the mistake was electing someone for lulz.

trusting paul ryan. no matter we still gucci famalam
Totally 100% Trumps fault.

This had absolutely nothing to do at all with the Republicans in the house, Rand Paul or Paul Ryan because that would destroy the anti-Trump narrative.
He needs to reread his "Art of the Deal".
“You will end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that will take place immediately after we go in. Immediately! Fast! Quick!”

"Everybody will be covered."

"I'll defeat Isis in 30 days.""I have a secret plan." "I know more than the generals do."

"I'll build a wall and make Mexico pay for it."

Basically people fell for what I personally think is a really obvious conman.
his father didn't pull out
>most likely had contact with Russia during the election, FBI is coming for his ass
>administration lies to the public daily
>retard for secretary of education
>yemen raid was a disaster
>immigration ban failed
>repealing the ACA failed
>building the wall will probably fail too

I have to admit, it's so fucking funny to see his presidency turning into an absolute clusterfuck and it's not even a couple months in.

Quitters never win.
>Be OP

>A massive faggot

>Upset his dumb cunt Hillary Clinton didn't win

>Make 4chan post

>advisors all jews
>wonder what went wrong
>electing a meme candidate for the lulz

there's your problem.
Just like how everything wrong during the last 8 years was nobody's fault but Obama's?
The FBI got Flynn to flip.

Manafort, Page & Stone are going to meet with the Intelligence Committee. Probably to try to steer them wrong.

Comey made an unexpected trip to the White House yesterday.
Why does this happen every single fucking election? Politicians promise people the fucking moon and people actually believe it. Are people really that fucking stupid?
>inb4 yes
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Jenny was 15
Agreed, but this one was a doozy. I mean, the lies being told were comically stupid, but soooooo many people are still believing his bullshit. Retarded.
Nothing went wrong.

Trump is an incompetent dipshit who shouldn't be President.
you are a massive faggot
You do realize that every thread you spam with this shit results in more votes for Ryan, just because you are a giant douche... you realize that, right? Setting up a script to auto-vote for Ryan right now.

I would be laughing hysterically if it wasn't for the fact that this is real life and happening in the country that I love.
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You mean, what went right
Implying something went wrong.
Test of fire.

How does a stable democracy survive and recover from a soft coup?
Op is asking for the non-retarded folks in this thread, Jethro.
It started with Newt Gingrich in 1995
Go on...
Ever think that maybe you're just a massive faggot who will never hold a real job because your liberal arts degree is worthless? Maybe it's because your spotty neck beard which is slowly creeping up to your face forming blotchy hair spots looks like a cancer survivors dick hair.
OR MAYBE it's because you will never know the definition of real work because youd rather be a barista at a local Starbucks while getting fucked in the ass by the Muslim immigrant your cuck boss hired. OR MAYBE it's because you will always remain a beta male or female only to live intimidated by those who are more attractive and successful then you. Maybe it's that, but I think you're just a massive faggot.
Kill yourself
He posted on /b/. Full of retards.
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Go back to /pol/ and shill for your shekkles there faggot
don't know mr. Trump, you tell us!
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>can't defend the orange shitgibbon
>durr it's you libs fault

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If Trump is an artist his medium of finger paints.
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Go to /pol/ and keep your faggot politics off /b/ cunt
>What went wrong?

People supported Trump
People know politicians are lying, but they assume they'll get like 50% of what they're being promised. In this case, they got 0%.

And yes, people are that stupid.

- dumber than a box of rocks
- makes assertions based on no tangible evidence
- serial liar
- uninterested in policy details
- thinks everything is about him winning and that everyone else only cares about this as well
- incapable of actually persuading anyone when more than bromides are necessary
- completely inexperienced at his new job
- surrounded by equally inexperienced and incompetent people
- sows chaos everywhere, which is antithetical to the coalition building needed to bring multiple stakeholders together around a complex policy that touches many facets of society
- dumb as a box of rocks
- dumb as a box of rocks

the question is why anyone is asking why
You'll never become anything. You won't amount to shit because youd rather stand by and REQUEST you get things handed to you.
You'll live a minimal life. You won't make a lot of money. You'll never be rich and you'll always envy those who are more successful then yourself.
Your girlfriend is ugly by modern standards but "attractive and beautiful on the inside" by your little liberal standards.

Neither of you will amount to shit. You voted for a bitch who lost and just like the candidate you voted for, you too will always lose in life as well.
aw did someone tell you your President is a fucking moron, anon?
>the story according to liberals
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No one gives a shit about your gay ass politics. Kill yourself politiFAG
This isn't about me, anon.

It's about you. And how stupid you were on Election Day.

all in a day's (lack of) work for do-nothing donald!
are you having a jewish stroke?
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You are loved also. Only your on your knees below.
You faggots see Jews everywhere.
This isn't normal behavior. Get help.
It should be illegal to post that.
>ad hominems is best hominems
>How stupid you were on election day

Wait, my candidate won, right?

Ahhhh, yea. Your candidate rigged an election and still lost. How do you rig your own fucking election and still lose!

Projection too from the sound of it.
Anon really doesn't like to see his sandcastle crumble before his eyes.
Is treason xD
>Hillary rigged an election

tinfoil much, faggot?
>/pol/ can't go outside it's shitty little infested containment board without being triggered by everything
>retorts back to it's primal autistic tantrum consisting of angrily posting about le moslem/jew/black/librul boogeymanz while eating hot pockets in his mums basement
Great place to spread THAT message
why do shills keep making the same thread over and over?
are we being raided?
Your candidate has proven to be a total failure in less than 50 days of his Presidency.
where have you been?
But you faggots get so mad when it's pointed out you're mentally ill.
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spotted, the /pol/ guy

anyone who disagrees with me is a shill!

Seriously. I love knowing these beta males exist.
Yes, I'm from Share the Record and I will order Chinese Food after I log 100 Trump Supporter Encounters.
And this, my friends, is why you never go full retard
Where have you been dude haha it's always like this.

Shills are on the boards tonight, hot pocket in hand
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how about this?

literally a melting snowflake breaking down

i love it
didnt see 5 shill threads an hour last week or even a few days ago
That actually would warrant some experimental neural hardwiring to make you never disrespect our President ever again.
The rest of the Repiblican party went kaboom because fully half of them are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
We should all start tweeting Trump with messages that read something along the lines of "Thank you for finally killing Obamacare and replacing it with the Affordable Care Act" just to see how long it is until he takes credit for doing that and his supporters believe him.
I've never seen this thread. Faggot.
can someone please point me to where I can be paid to shill for the opposition party?

the only thing I can find when I search on google are jobs for the kremlin...
Isn't Burger King owned by Russia now? I'd start there.

are your wittle feelings hurt?

these CTR shills are making me cringe 2 be honest
There are two issues in the United States that spread out across all issues:

1: Greed
2: Poor Education

Tax breaks for the rich? #1.
Radical Feminism? #2.
Corporate Lobbying? #1. Shill Senators.
Racial Divide? #BLM? #2.

Try to find me an issue in the US that doesn't somehow crawl back to these issues.

>Protip: you can't.
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Give trump a few years and educational camps will be everywhere.
you have democrats who will fight him on anything and refuse to talk for no reason but because the party told them to and if they don't listen they don't get reelected. republicans are fractured each group thinking it's our way or the highway and trump doesn't have the support to take charge and have them follow so he has to endorse things like ryans healtcare bill which was slightly better than obamas but the good was outweighed by the bad just like obamacare so its good it failed.
right now people are against trump simply because he is trump and they see supporting him or any of his ideals as losing when a lot of what he wants to do is for the better of the country and im not talking about travel bans and border wall but things like better trade deals, better budgets, enforcement of laws that have been ignored leading to problems, fixing infrastructure and revamping military back to something not shit
everyone would rather fight as the building burns down than try to put out the fire then blame the other side. if 1 side bends the other thinks its a trick and wont work with them so there is no fixing it unless a majority of the usa population wises up and votes new people into congress who will be willing to work together rather than stand on fake moral high ground
He's a twuck dwiver
what if they don't get paid?
The Election's over, faggot. Who the fuck would be paying people to shill for Clinton?
The problem is that we're all waiting for Congress to hurry up and impeach this asshole so we can get on with President Pence's administration. In a global sense nothing technically has gone wrong. A Republican is picking SC Justices for the next four years and not Hillary. Mission Accomplished.
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Wow you are triggered
Where it all went sideways was the political takedown of Tom DeLay.
Since he left, the Republicans in the House have been quite short on messaging and discipline.
so they do it free of charge?
Ah...Goerge Soros cupcake
>Mission Accomplished

What "mission," retardation?
Derr...He grabbed her by the pussy. He moved on her like a bitch...but he couldn't get there.
They are already working on with the department of education going full retard and corporate controlled.

Do you print out those words and then shove the paper with them on it up your ass like a toy hat?
He joined the wrong circus
I guess you have been reeducated in the camps already.
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No one actually hates Trump. We're all paid by the Jewspiracy to rustle your jimmies and shit post. Look at my memes and beware. You'll never catch my fat/skinny neckbeard, fedora adorned splendor. My sheckels will trickle down just like your economics plan. I am THE SHILL!!!
Tee Hee!!! Take that racists: the black guy looks like a champ in comparison.
yep trump has already set camps up germany
If I could get my Queen re-elected, I would troll millions of you for the privilege of serving in the emerging Global paradigm.
god i love the taste of shit in my mouth
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So the Repugs stole the SC judge pick from Obama by not having a hearing. They broke the constitution and now want there own guy in.
I saw his plane fly into my town and it did something odd it actually turned my stomache in fact he made me sick
Trump is a freakishly awful being
So does Trump.
>passive agressive disorder
>self-righetous ignorance
>petty behavior

they've all come out of their hiding places and starting shitting on the planet/society that took care of them, what's truly dangerous is how far they are willing to go

They'd believe it immediately.
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Nothing went wrong. While the public are busy being bombarded by all of the 'controversies' coming out of trumps twitter feed and cabinet, the quiet dismantling of regulations that the Republicans don't like, because rules, is being neatly accomplished.
No some of us actually do. As a youngin I used to love the USFL. His greed and manipulation of the other owners killed that.

I will forever hate that man for that.
He didn't write the book so it's a stretch to say reread

People got conned by a great conman.
The same thing that goes wrong every four years.

People get all frothy about their chosen candidate without realizing that the POTUS is just another puppet.
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third world country here we come.
He has to start a fucking new war now to blind us.
They are hard at work on it.
Yes he did. The original framed crayon drawing is hanging in Trump Tower.
Bannon is working on that.
A war is the only thing that will deflect from the obvious shit that's coming out against this Presidency.
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here, use some of these next time, so we can all understand what the fuck your primitive brain is trying to communicate. Don't worry, you don't have to pay for punctuation.
he does sound quite drugged
They looked hard at Iran for the war but Russia has its back and that is their friend.
So it is still up in the air.
Hey now, that's a bit harsh. For the cost of a SEAL and a child, trump was able to get laptops banned from the passenger cabins of flights from like 10 Muslim airports. That my friend is a resounding win.
>muh both sides bad

>stood in line on a tuesday for no reason
>calls people faggot
>not having mail-in ballots
Jesus what shithole red state are you from??
The ameritard people allowed him to take office and didn't emulate ancient Rome, and surround congress and execute every last motherfucking one of them and the emperor and all the aides and just start clean over.

This still needs to happen before you're going to see any meaningful changes to the American stalemate. The pigs need consequences to be real.
Are you anons this fucking dumb? Do you still watch the news if you do you are part of the problem, and shame on you.
>most of America believes this shit
>most faggots are excited about thier favorite sports teams and their celebrities
>you get excited over news stories
Wake the fuck up this is a smokescreen to hide you from the reality of the problems of our country and our world.
Do you think who fucks who, who shits where, abortion, race, religion, and all the other shit our corporate owned media spews is the problem?
If you do you are ignorant. Common /b/ it's not about this it's about our lives and the lives of all.
The greedy bankers that enslave you in debt are the villains wake the fuck up
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The Republicans let him down.

If you forgot, the entire Republican party was imploding before Trump decided to run. So now that they're in power they don't know what the fuck to do.
Watch the news in the next 2 weeks. We will bomb the shit out of somewhere.
>took a break from licking dad's benis to lick a stamp
Good point comrade.

Brad's wife.

I think you mean "winning state." Because they won. And you lost. Lol
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To be fair, they didn't forsee someone even more corrupt and idiotic than them being given the kingship.

No one did, really.
Dear President Trump: I've been very good this year. Ive been working hard and dad says I'm his number one patriot. I voted for you (I'm happy you won :D) This year I would like you to blow up the Islam's, finish your wall (I can help) and a pony for my sister. Love Craig <3
you sound like someone who watches NASCAR
"People are sayin" Flynn flipped and is cooperating with FBI now


he thought he would run for office


...thus bringing about the ugly crashing end of the republican party for about the next ten elections in a row.
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This kills republicucks
You mean "Duh I R r-tard with interwebz. I talk good" because the post clearly lacks any mention of losing, just being a shithole red state.
Keep watching the news and believe what you see. You are a poorfag and are a slave to the system. I feel sorry for you
As clear as I can tell, Americans are idiots and they elected someone who best represented them.
democucks are to blame, along with establishment republicucks blocking everything

you can complain about Trump all you want, even I'll admit this hasn't been a great start, but Hillary would have been a billion times worse
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Republicucks on suicide watch
God damit your 30 fucking years old....get a job already!
My state is actually quite powerful and is telling Trump to fuck off DAILY.
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Goodnight republicucks
This. A huge victory for Trump's opponents.

Finally, cracks in the facade of leadership.
You are young and are already caught in this cycle. I feel bad for you. Remember this live within your means no debt is king do yourself a favor I am an oldfag.
Dear Craig,

Thank you for your support. Your sister sounds nice. Can you send some pictures? I have no idea how computers work so just mail them to the White House please.

Yours truly,

Donald Trump, President

doesnt it say more about Obama?, considering the new proposal was basically working off the framework of Obamacare
Obama isn't President.
I am 65 fucking years old and don't owe shit.
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Republicucks on suicide watch
Common sense would say the Republican party working lockstep with the Deal Maker In Chief should have blown the ACA out of the water. However when you're in a country that elected a poorly shaved orangutan as it's political leader, you're not dealing with common sense.
i'm looking forward to the next few years when enough time has passed that even trumptards feel embarrassed to keep saying "b-b-but Obama!" or "b-b-but Hillary!" as a defense to every criticism
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>lefties say they love Obamacare
>Trump says he supports Obamacare lite
>Lefties vote against Trump
>Obamacare lite fails
>Trump wins again
Is everyone sick of winning yet? I'm not.
too many mexicans
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Except anyone who avoided voting for him. No one saw it coming at all. You're right.
Are you a faggot? This is it. Obamacare will remain law.
His father didn't wear a condom.

shitty b8 m8
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Too many Russians
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Not even bait

goddamn you Americans get so worked up over this, no youre not going to become a third world country, no ones gonna let Trump start throwing Nukes around

chill the fuck out amerifags
>soft coup

Rednecks worship the ground he walks on m8.

It didn't stop them for trying to redirect the failings of Bush onto Kerry, Gore and Bill and they still try. Now they just pretend Bush never existed and it went right from Clinton to Obama. They'll do the same once Trump is gone.
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literal sjw tier response m8
Obama care did not support the one player system.
The repugs were against it. It will never be right until we kick the paid off slime bags and do whats right for the country.
Thanks Mr. President!! I'll try and mail some pictures soon!!! Good luck with the terrorists (I've got my eye on my neighbor, I think he's Canadian)
Pipeline going good.
Hillary would have been a godsend. Do not give a shit about the emails, she did nothing wrong with Benghazi, and as her exposed emails have come out they've shown she cares about Americans and America and is hugely patriotic. We fucked up.
A disaster waiting to happen that will only employ 35 people. Good job!
Turns out about 3 million more people saw the shit that was Trump and did vote.
Uh that's a negative
This. Proud Clinton supporter here.
So you got trips and didn't use it. Kind of like how the Republicans got majority but are still impotent.
Good point comrade.
yeah it's been pretty embarrassing to watch so far. But even so it's not all bad, speaking as someone who didn't even vote for him

extra funding for NASA, starting the process for dismantling net neutrality, even Bernie is happy about his promise to kill the TPP
the only thing "wrong" is the mainstream left media which cannot accept a democratic election they dont agree with

so the "news" keeps pushing this russian bullshit. its pathetic.
Yeah she'd of made a much better Republican president, hell just look at the way she screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. No doubt she would be the boss of the swamp.
I voted for Hillary in the general election because I'm not a retard, but Bernie would have been way better.
*35 for monitoring the pipeline after it's finished, a few thousand beforehand to build it

Also jobs related to oil refinery in Illinois, bringing the people of Illinois several more thousands in tax revenue also.
weak bait mate
you just wanted that war with Russia over a no fly zone in Syria huh
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Well yeah. This country is full of retards.
Trump never promised any of those things you butthurt libcuck.
> everyone hitching their wagon to trumps fucking train
>ryan positively giddy as a schoolchild every fucking day to be elevated to the prominent position he's enjoying
>everyone knuckling under to trumps petty vindictive power plays for a scale of the pie
>trump finally does what he campaigned on doing, repealing obummercare, and just as in the campaign, has no fucking plan to replace it, just "it's gonna be the best"
>o fuk I don't want my name on this
>me neither
>I have reeekection to think about
>we have reelection to think about

Trumptards: Durr its liberal, errr, republicans fault.

No, it's your fault for being the dumbest most gullible electorate in the entire history of representative governments. Fucking shoot yourselves in the face lol
>but durr the Pipeline it create jobs
It's a boondoggle you fucking useful idiot.
>What went wrong?

About 70 years ago, society started taking people who are left-wing seriously, rather than institutionalizing them.

It bottle necked to the point non-left wing people were willing to grant that huge idiot actual power.
I was not a Hillary supporter, but after her emails came out, I realize I made a huge misjudgment. She's also about ten times smarter than Trump, I had no idea he was such an idiot, but reading what he says and writes... He's got an IQ of maybe 75.
>no fly zone

I can always tell a Hillary hater
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oh shit nigga
that's even worse!
dismantling net neutrality is a bad thing, yu kno this right?
Oh well. Let's not fuck up in 2020, shall we? :^)
Hillary represented everything that WAS the establishment

her dirty money, her secret pay-offs, her globalist ideas

voting Trump was a big fuck-you to the Globalist agenda and anyone still thinking she would have been a good idea doesnt even deserve a vote retards
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Can you please explain how it is that liberals are the cucks?
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>dirty money
>her secret pay-offs,
I love the way guys are still talking about Hillary Clinton 5 months later. You know the election's over right? She has nothing to do with anything.
>dismantling net neutrality is a bad thing

No it isn't. I thought so too at first but /g/ made some pretty salient points about how "net neutrality" was just an excuse for the government to interfere with private enterprise.
What really bothers me is that he isn't pulling out of the middle-east, but from what I've gathered there's billions of dollars worth of a bubble riding on oil being sold in US currency and if that collapses then trillions would be gone overnight due to people trying to cash out of the US dollar worldwide.
Trips is common math. /b/ loves them but I am not /b/, I am me.
>a Hillary hater
yeh what of it? she is a corrupt sack of shit and was pushing the issue of the no-fly zone
So THAT'S what the bottom third of the bell curve looks like.
I have zero problem with the government interfering with private enterprise. They should do it a lot more often than they do.

Nice dubs, though. Only thing of value to be found here.
you're a dipshit
Extra funding for NASA?
Some of the funding for NASA, you mean.

And this shits going to be hilarious when you idiots see how losing your consumer rights via net neutrality plays out.

I'm just looking forward to the selling off of all the national parks and forests and native lands that every generation has been paying with cash and blood and sweat to maintain over all these years and centuries, for his own personal profit.
Will begin murder spree then.
I love reliving the Election with you faggots. No way Clinton was any of those things.
Meanwhile, you elected a monster.
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Good point comrade!
Are you Trump?
Fuck you. I'm not Russian you fucking dipshit.
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>65 on 4chan plz post your pic with time stamp
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this anon is woke AF
That would be hilarious. Someone would have to buy him a pass though.

No way could Drumpfie do the CAPTCHA.
Dirty money and secret payoffs? You're reading too much infowars bro.

Their own guy, the next guy, and the guy after that if we're lucky. Call it a win-win-win.

Not only that they can confirm them right over the Democrats crying and complaining.
this isnt /pol/ nigga
/b/ hates on everyone and everything
Luckily thing you didn't get any of that with Trump on about a 10,000x greater scale huh?

Fuckin useful idiot, open your goddamn eyes.
the liberals attitude to multiculturalism

it makes you so overwhelmingly cuckable
basically willing to bend over and let backwards ideologies take your land and women
That's what I thought gtfo fake af kys
Yeah he did. Everything listed except for divesting his business interests because the law is written to state the Pres and Vice cannot have a conflicts of interest. Everything else is a campaign promise he made that he or his mouthpieces have since 'walked back'.

Nah, you guys got that mission covered. No need to waste resources on retardation while Pelosi is still showing up for work.
Is this really what most Americans think?
I am very sad for you all...
I hope you at least learn from this. Voting for Hillary wouldn't have changed much tbh, but at least you wouldn't have so much to be ashamed of. The rest of the world is embarrassed for you.
How about a revolution America? And electing Donald Trump doesn't fucking count. Like a real revolution? There is still potential in your country. Largest GDP in the world is a good start in itself. Get your fucking shit together.
>projecting this hard

More like you're scared of anyone who isn't white or can speak English, anon.
Barron maybe
He is an expert at The Cyber
Yeah put me in charge. I will move us into a great future.
Yea...we want Hitler guy back....
Pelosi is kicking Trump's ass right now. I'd vote for her if I lived in her district.

actually this guy brought it up faggo>>726880185
Hey, fuck you. This was Paul Ryan and the house. Rand did nothing wrong, and is one of the only good politicians.

>implying I have any women
Joke's on you, faggot.

But no, seriously, I have never had a brown person harm me or attempt to harm me at any time. Including in the past when I had women. They're just neighbors like the rest.
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More like What went right?
Just rubbing it in your face. You elected a fucking idiot, and everyone but you seems to grasp that.
ok like what? im interested in how you know im a useful idiot and you are not
>bu-but you guys lost the election!
Months ago, fam. Now it's our turn to laugh at how a terrible of a mistake it was.
>this much denial


Pelosi isn't kicking a fucking thing. You liberals always confuse noise with results.
youre late billy
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I came here for the comments just like yours. Pure comedy Anon! Don't stop now!!
You're mad, faggot. :^)
>it's time to stop posting
I run a business, I need lots of electricity, water, sewer, internet, and gas. I have enterprise internet, and if any network manipulation is done, or if they decide to read our packets to better market to us, I will lose my shit.

The post office can't open our letters, the phone company can't listen to our phone calls. Your letting the internet providers do that because you're an idiot, not because you're a capitalist. I'm a capitalist, but I've already paid those motherfuckers. I don't pay google, and I don't pay facebook.
Putin loves you. Paid or not.
>brown person
um i didnt say anything about brown people mate, i mentioned multiculturalism

some cultures dont integrate into western law and values
Make me Trumpie.
You elected an idiot. :^)
inb4 durr u libs hillary

We warned you.
You didn't listen.

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Good point comrade!
That was hilarious. "My son, he's very good at the cyber."
I didn't vote for either of them. You're foaming at the mouth and you don't even know why. Check yourself friendo
Hitler was left wing.

Any system of government proposing more government intervention in social lives and economy than Classical Liberalism/Paleo-Conservativism is by every single practical application in human history, left-wing

I bet you don't believe the Earth is round either. I mean, damn...you can literally pull up in-context quotes of that shit.
>More like you're scared
being critical of bad ideologies doesnt make you scared, anon

learn to distinguish criticism
That anon lives in the wrong country.
Most of you seem blissfully unaware as fuck you live in what was started as a liberal democracy, by leftist wacko academic elites of the enlightenment, as a middle finger to the old world conservative ideologies of Europe, of monarchy, family, business/political collusion, and militarism as its own end.

You faggots belong in the old country. The old, dead, countries, that self destructed, full of dipshits with your ideas, that all killed yourselves off, twice in a row.

That shit is your pointless future, your fucking big lesson to learn, that the rest of the civilized world learned 70 years ago. Good luck dumbfucks.
In that case Donald Trump is left wing.
>didn't vote for Clinton

you voted Trump. That's how it works, faggot. Own it.
Nobody believed him, at least most didn't, Hillary was a shit stain. We need better politicians
So you weren't talking about Arab Muslims? Of course you were.
>obvious Islamophobe

pick one
Russian and Trump campaign shills were from 2015 until Trump won the election. Now that they're gone people who stopped coming here because of the alt right circlejerk shit are coming back, conflicting with the delusional retards who fell for the trump propaganda. There's also a fair share of young people who are going online to complain about whoever is in charge of the government, which at the moment is a republican, meaning that this site is become more left again.

Or you're right and democracts/globalists have learned Russia's tactics and are now using them against them.

American "education".
I don't even live in a swing state. I voted for Gary Johnson because he was the only candidate who wanted to make the government smaller. Not that it matters because my state always goes the same way. Dude you need to go have a coke and smile or something.
I DID vote for Clinton but chill the fuck out on this shit. If he didn't vote for Trump, he didn't vote for Trump. There are plenty of people who did vote for Trump. Blame them.
this is it basically

the rest of you are dipshits who only came here to whine and bitch about either side you are bandwagoned on
>high tariffs on imports


>He actually thinks a school ran by left-wing democrats would teach this
Believing the bullshit about Clinton was part of the problem too, anon. Many stayed home because of it.
No, faggot. People in MI, WI and PA had your attitude and Trump won. Could have happened in your state, too.
This was no time for a protest vote.
>What went wrong?
He was elected.
Clinton is a chronic liar and she's in bed with the big wallstreet banks, she always has been.

Bill was responsible for the one sided trade deal we currently have with China.

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Nope, nope nope and nope

Your disinformation still isn't impressive.
>He pretends to understand Chinese trade policy
>He read something about it on Breitbart
>- completely inexperienced at his new job
>- surrounded by equally inexperienced and incompetent people
This a thousand times, im keking so hard watching him crash and burn, delightful absolutely delightful. Im also loving how there is practically radio silence about him on /pol/ at the moment as they are all realising how badly they fucked up electing that fucking ape.
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He's a rich bitch with no leadership or organizational skills, and he has a subpar intellect. He's had an entire lifetime of being able to delegate any real work or brainpower to other people and his vast wealth has given him the inherent superior position in every conflict he's gotten into up until now. Being a spoiled rich nonworking brat is not a skillset. It's a handicap. He cannot handle the job, being a living example of the peter principle, and where one would expect delegation to save him, it does not because he incompetently hand picked the people he is delegating to, resulting in a "bozo explosion" of people as incapable of doing their jobs as he is.

Movies with Chat 24/7 MOSTLY HORROR with some Sci-fi/Gore/Cult/80s/Weird Films


This movie channel doesn't play everything under the sun. You won't have to sit through pablum like Avengers 2 or Batman movies. There are no cartoons, no musicals, no music videos, no TV shows... just movies. Specifically, It's mostly horror movies. Tons of stuff you have never heard of or seen. There are some sci-fi movies, 80s movies, cult movies, and just bizarre off the wall crazy shit like you have never seen, all mixed in to the horror movies. Over 700 movies that play randomly. None of that polling/voteskip shit, that shit doesn't work - because democracy doesn't work. No safe spaces here either. You can make rape jokes and insult minorities until you run out of edgy things to say if you want. The admins only police things that actually matter. Filmclub isn't here to have broad appeal or as many viewers as possible. It's here as an alternative to all the tired repetitive BS you get from the average vanilla stream. 24/7/365 movies most other streams won't play. Even classic XXX. Check it out.

nice timestamp grandpa. oh wait there isn't one, you're just another 20-something unemployed butthurt numale cuck who found a picture of an old man's hand on GIS

Right on man I'm 43 and I thought I was the wise wizard here. Congrats on not having any debt, I am close. If I decide to downsize my house this year I will be debt free (including no mortgage).
I share the complaints against Hilldawg, honestly, and I was super pissed off about how the party treated Bernie, but I also agree with you that it wasn't the time for a protest vote.

i know chinese trade policy too!
general tso for 5.99, with a side of noodles for 1.99 and .99 delivery fee!

i can haz president nao?
He was also a fascist, which is something most right-wingers end up going. Like Mossolini, for example.

Also, it doesn't quite matter, because there has been a number of people on the right that support Hitler's social views and that number has been increasing lately. If you switch out 'jew' with 'immigrant' or 'muslim', it's extremely similar, but retards will argue that 'that part of hitler wasn't bad' despite the mass killings and concentration camps being his most disturbing and infamous legacy.
How do you deal with butthurt /pol/ards calling those who disagree with trump. shills or shariablue?
Weirdest election ever. God I fucking hope we don't a repeat.
If you get three scoops instead of two you get less in each scoop but you still have to pay for three! God damn dirty Chinese and their dirty tricks
Muslims is a religion, i stated that Ideologies are fair for criticism, i didnt even mention race
Islam (shia muslims, who support sharia law ) is inherently incompatible with western law

you uber liberals are obsessed with race so much that you try to give ideologies the same respect and rights as a race

this is bait right? you cant seriously be using the word Islamophobe genuinely can you?

there is a pretty big reason why people are criticizing Islam anon
I love it when Islamophobes project like this.
You literally are scared of non-whites who can't speak English. It's OK this is /b/. You can admit this publicly.

me chinese, me play joke, me go pee pee in your coke

...and steal all your manufacturing...
thank you
You're not criticizing shit. You want to ban Muslims from coming into this country. Just fucking say it.
So I can remind you how un-Constitutional your idea is. :^)
The problem is simple. You have one person trying to govern millions. The ruling class can do nearly anything so long as its not on an absurd scale. With no attachments to the majority of the populace we must hope their personal morals, goals, and competence will be enough to care for the vast majority. Then to add to the difficulty you have deception, greed, and aggression from individuals and other nations to deal with.

Since one must go through a great deal of bs just to be a President it predisposes the individual to have a back stabbing, deceptive, and aggressive nature.

But thats just my thought. WTF do I know?

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