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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>726796907 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 177
Thread images: 151

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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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I was sleeping
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I want to cuddle an Kumiko.
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"You are a real follower of our survival gamers. It is fantastic to be atrocious! You must be the one beyond good and evil."

Sonokawa Momoka-sama is now OFFICIALLY claimed! ^^
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I want to comb Holo's fluffy tail.
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I'm doing well this morning.

What happened last night?

A quiet peaceful death is what we all want isn't it?

This is why God hates us.

Just be yourself on the piano, and don't let others judge you.
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Have any good dreams, love?
Oh sick he released Polaris.
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I don't hate you, baka...

You don't have dreams? :c
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Not good ones
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>>726811820 (Tomo)
The choice of name is pretty silly.
Naming the collection after a fictional book, that actually appears in the stories in the book.
>no love
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Ah okay, so did you sleep well?
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No. I only sleep well when I get really drunk
Is he hitting the drum kit with his hands
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Yeah but I knife through the sternum sounds desireable at this point.
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>using the word in the definition

Got damned idjuts interprettin' shit in a way that suits then insted of makin it right.

The Necronomicon is a work of fiction, but ultimately it's "source" can be loosely connected to The Egyptian's "Book of the Dead." Or, if you will, a mortuary science text book that explains the techniques in preparing the dead in ancient Egyptian tradition.

Lovecraftian Lore is just some chuuni's horror story that everyone liked. I don't hate then, but to call his work apart of the Necronomicon is just delusional. A delusion of delusions.
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I hope you guys have better day than i do, back from 10 hours of welding, feeling like shit.

I actually never noticed that, that's pretty cool. The videoclip version of the song is way different (and worse imo) from the album version so I never payed much attention to it.
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A buddy of mine would kill for a welding job. He's trained and licensed but he can't get his foot in the door. Those hiring claim no experience required but they all want 2 years experience. It's like false advertising.
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I didn't really like it that much, but I'm not really into that type of music
Classic employers
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>makin it right
It's fiction m8. A large portion of what you read in fiction will be "loosely connected" to something real.
>call his work apart of the Necronomicon
When did that happen?
Sleep well. Don't forget to read!
Eh, true enough.

As soon as they slapped that title on a collection of his work.
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It is like that sadly, hard to get experience when you can't get a job. I got myself hired for sweeping the warehouse and carrying boxes for like a year because "no experience in welding" and then went to the boss again and told him hey i am working here for a year, can i weld now? Surprisingly it worked.
I hope your buddy will eventually find a job
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*walks up to you* h-hey there. I was just thinking you look really cute. Wh-what's your name? *looks down, blushing*
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It funny, he has this entitled attitude about welding, but he won't obtain personal transportation or do menial labor.
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That name shouldn't have been used for the book at all, that's just publishers being smart, with an edgy name like that, it's bound to sell.
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Lol stop drinking! I have to go again. My dumb mom wants me to do more favors.
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But there in lies the issue. The Necronomicon is supposed to be a fictional book granting power over the dead. It's not supposed to be real.

Sure, the publisher probably thinks himself smart. But they single-handedly ruined something great and universal and turned it into something proprietary.
what's her name anyone know?
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>single-handedly ruined something great
Sounds like we agree then
Pico, from Boku no Pico
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How did he got money for his license in first place then? Here its so expensive.
God i remember in how many shit jobs i used to work just to save money for welding courses, Couple years of eating ramen and sleeping and working and sleeping and working.
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Pico, newfag.
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He made a huge mistake in the United States: Unsubsidised Student Loan.

He found a trade he was interested in, passed the classes, and then he had to pay back his loan.

But he couldn't get work.
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Hi hi~

Akume no riddle? Neat!

>Pico (ぴこ Piko?) is a blond boy who works part-time at Tamotsu's grandfather's bar in the summer.

hmmm ok

thanks anon, she's really cute. I like how she looks much mature and the constantly blushing/flushed look is adorable.
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hifumi senpai
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Hifumi is pretty great
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>Yeah but I knife through the sternum sounds desireable at this point

Probably would not die. The knife would get stuck really tight.

not bad at all
>pretty good actually
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Hi Yui
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Ah i see, that sucks, i never believed in loans.
Well he has to get whatever job in some company that does welding as well and just hope for the best.
Anyway, thats actually first time im posting in one of these threads, i lurked for years but never posted, but i like it here, its comfy.
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Sup Taiga
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A Tet?!
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Very little, which is nice. Drinking coffee and listening to music.

You up to anything fun?
I honestly hate the fact that "Student Loans" are considered "Good Debt" when, in reality, NO DEBT IS GOOD DEBT.

I keep telling him to get a car but he won't. I just don't understand his thought process.

Stay away from ERP like the plague and you'll find it stays a pretty comfy place.
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Cooking potatoes
Its not really fun, but I am hungry
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The one and only~
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Have you gone back to classes yet? OR they haven't started up again yet
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I mean, theoretically debt is good because it lets you invest so potentialy make more later, it makes sence. But it also puts a chain on you, i really don't like the idea of taking one.
Oh yeah getting car always helps, he should, thats something i don't have, im horribly scared of driving cars.
And no im not into ERP
i like comfy tho
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I figured out why Skyrim's combat is so shit: There's no dodge button

How nice of Bethesda to not include a core mechanic of melee
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absolute waifu
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Who needs to dodge when you have Enchanted Refined Dragon Bone Armor and Woad?
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Don't turn skyrim into rolling festival, also you can still just step back from alot of animations.
Hmm, i don't think i will go into classes for a while.

How are you, Alice? What have you been doing?
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People that dual wield and use light armor need to

It just needs a sidestep
And light weapons track you if you just walk

It's like having a shield but not being able to block
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Classes, drinking when I can and games. Same as always
I'm like a broken record
>6 days with no car
This is true suffering.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind a small dodge mechanic. Like, a quick juant in any direction, but it takes a massive amount of stamina. Just something to make the combat feel less like "Walk to dodge".
>dual wielding
>light armor

Just go Archery.

You are already a stealth character anyway, change your Sign to The Steed or The Shadow and win the game.
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Thats true they could probably give us a sidestep mechanics. Thing that i never liked in skyrim at least vanilla was how spongy enemies are on higher difficulties, way more annoying than actuall combat mechanics.

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>You can't play how you want because the game doesn't accommodate it

And I do use archery when I can, but once i get spotted i take out my sword and dagger

Spongy enemies really do screw games over
And I hate that people use mods as an excuse for poor game design
You have a great way of making it sound different every time though~
What's your plans for next week? The same again or~?
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QOTT: what is the best flavored chip?

Chedder, bbq or sour cream
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The Stealth tree is really powerful. If you are using light armor, there is no reason to not use Stealth.

Get your damage multipliers and the last perk for a quick vanish to discombobulate enemies and reset combat. It's not quite a "dodge" but it is an "evade" of sort.
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Yup. And thing again
Different game maybe, who knows
Spicy Pepperoni Dog Fart
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Yeah it kills the excitement of a combat for sure, in many games.
dark messiah of might and magic combat was pure love.
As for mods, it is always like that with bethesda, at least since morrowind, they make alright game, moding community makes it amazing. There are alot of badly designed things in bethesda games, but still it gets fixed by kind people of the internet.
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>only come to these threads to save the anime images
Heh, thanks for contributing to my folders, nerds.
Same thing again*

Damn phone
Hm hm, i see~
I hope that you'll have fun~
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We'll see. No alcohol so that's one thing down
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I'd rather have stealth be a one time advantage, If i fuck up I want to have to deal with it

But it shows Bethesda we don't care if they poorly design a game because somebody else will fix it for free

Can't have the good without the bad it seems
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bof pies claimed
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Oh yeah bethesda seems to be pretty lazy with design, i guess it also comes from the fact that now every game has to be 4000 square kilometers big, and alot of steam goes there and there is very little left to design this huge space in exciting ways, hence Fallout 4 lazy settlement design.
Still alot of players play those games and find alot of fun there, even with barely any mods so i guess it works for bethesda.

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Also, fuck your tolerance and progress. We have enough of that
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The sad thing is Bethesda maps aren't even all that big, but they leave out simple things

But people will enjoy different things and Bethesda will make mediocre "RPG"s
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Im actually not a fan of everything beeing open world and huge now when it comes to RPGs, it hurts the main story usually, and sometimes feels more like MMORPG design with silly activities.
I liked things like Gothic 1 and 2, it had open world but not that big, well designed, and gated by the main story so it stayed exciting.
Chips in general, dear plushie
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I find the main story of a lot of western RPG's to be lackluster
I tend to not have a reason to care enough to bother with it
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>Wanting knock off brand chips
I suppose BBQ in that case, since I've had shitty cheddar brands, and don't like Sour cream. But I've never had a terribly bad BBQ chip.
very nice taste
>obligatory car captcha for replying to you
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Oh thats true, main story in those recent bethesda games is usually just shit, but it strikes me how incosistent some of the games are, in the same game you will have mediocre storyline but some side quests will be just great and interesting.
As a person that runs some pen and paper RPG's its so wierd to think that those companies have writers hired and yet they do such a poor job with quests and characters sometimes.
Whats your favourite RPG game then anon?
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BBQ for pretty much the same reason, even the knockoffs can be decent. The other flavors are usually too salty with the bootlegged brands to where you can't taste much else.
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I probably played and enjoyed Fallout New Vegas the most

Sadly it's likely to be the last good fallout game
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New Vegas was really good, i enjoyed it, and lets hope thats not the last good fallout, have hope anon.
For me most memorable and enjoyable RPG was probably Vampire bloodlines the masquerade.
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I want to love all over Ram and protect her from all the scary monsters <3

I-I also want to snuggle her all night and pet her hair..
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It's 2017.
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Protect her from us anon
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I'll do brand next thread. What chips do you eat with bad chedder? And how can you not like sour cream?! Bbq is always good. Dude are all the chips you have bad chips?
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Claiming best girl
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Best chip to ever stop existing
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What is this abortion of sounds Anon?

Can someone here provide me with pictures of MCRIDE aka stefan burnnet. I would love to particapate in these threads, but I don't have any images.
What gaming platform?
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Karen kujoo claimed

>"When does the beat drop? Why do they keep playing the same sound over and over?"

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Use google.

Dude textures lmao.
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I love The Rita
I really need to get home and download a lot of noise from soulseek.

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more please
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>mfw I realized that DD, CL, CA, BB, CV, BBV, SS, etc weren't KanColle nomenclature but actually a universal set of abbreviations
>mfw my own ignorance of all things naval
Best healer claimed.
sorry that was my only one

i don t spoonfeed boring peoplellol
This thread needs some "energy".
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this is going to take some time
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Hello there.
there's a cool one with anthony fantano in the first row of the audience
how are you doing?
Yee, I love the concept of Thousands of Dead Gods by The Rita.
Now you put me on the mood for some meme noise / power electronics, I've been sitting on some Prurient and Grunt records that I wanted to listen for a while but never did.

You can always download some from me, I keep my folder tidy.
I doubt I'll ever bother gettinginto A$AP but this song is pretty enjoyable.
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what was that?
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weird it's like I've seen that before
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Hmm, pretty nonchalant. Nothing to do right now anyway.
How about you?
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Who is this artist?
This shit sounds tight as fuck and I didn't know about it. Thanks.


A$AP is pretty dope, I was the same as you, >ahh another rapper everyone enjoys whatever.

But, after I downloaded his discography, I started enjoying his music.
not doing anything either
I finally got a decent amount of sleep
do you know fantano?
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So happy to see an Asuka claimer.
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I'm recognizing some samples here that were also used in Danny Brown - Kush Coma, which does feature A$AP. Interesting.
The Black Vase should be a good start for Prurient.
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Thank you, Asuka is the best girl, and nobody wants to steal so far so im happy

No wai, Shinji is best girl and everyone knows it!
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Yeah, Danny and Rocky are pretty good buddies, they had an interview together where Danny said he like to suck toes. Shit was funny as shit. I can link you up if you want.


Do you listen to Playboi Carti?


Or Lucki Ecks.


Both of them produce music to be high to, expecially Lucki who released this gold mixtape.


You should give it a listen when you have time, you will sure have a good time listening to Bodyhigh because is not mainstream rap.

Nice song. I vibe with it.
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fuck off shes mine
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She's such a filthy slut though.
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Why aren't you claiming Shinji then Anon?
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He's my side piece.
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shes too pure and beautiful to be a slut anon
maybe if she was wearing the devil outfit
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DELET THIS. My waifu is a healslut for me only.
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Good! Keep him away from my Asuka and its all fine, i like you.
let this thread die
>one of my favorite pictures of asuka

You know Shinji has too much testosterone to pin down~
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Oh no.jpg
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Why though
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Deal with it.jpg
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>People still believe healers don't hate them
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Healers only hate you if you don't take good care of them.
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>Danny said he like to suck toes
Oh well, he is not alone in that. Yee, link it if you can.

The thing you said about my attitude with A$AP wasn't incorrect, and on top of that I consume a lot less rap than you and it'll be hard for me to run out of artists to check that simply interest me more than him.
Hell, I barely know the work of Kendrick Lamar yet.

You've linked WHAT twice, and nope, I didn't know them at all.
I can tell that the album cover for Body High does an amazing job at captivating my attention. Really enjoyable and catchy instrumentation on Lowlife. Wouldn't say it's far from mainstream rap, but that doesn't really bother me.

That album by Lily of the Valley is really happy overall, and I was also glad to find more electronic shoegaze. Altho it does feel lackluster in some moments.

That's Pen Pen.
fight me, anon
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small japanese bathtub.jpg
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Pls nigga Pen-Pen-chan doesn't even get into an Eva
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You think I won't, you nigger?
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I Don't Know.jpg
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I still haven't watched NGE
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Maid in heaven.jpg
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The healer is the one taking care of you and you know it
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Chen 86.png
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Claudia Bonarelli sounds good too. I will download that album, aswell.


Here, have fun with it.
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>hfw two autists fight over her
we must settle this peacfully
whats your career high for most healing in quick play?
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Just saying hi.
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Unpopular opinion time. I watched the first few EPs of NGE and dropped it because it bored me. It's fucking boring. Shinji is boring. The concept behind it all is neat, but it's fucking boring.
>implying I wouldn't protect my healer
I am away from my console and can't check.
>HFW I main her and this faggot who probably doesn't keeps trying to claim her
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Other things always come up that I want to watch instead
I've never dropped an anime yet, even if I don't really like it
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>Implying you have a choice
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You should, apart from it being good, it is an essential.

It has a somewhat slow start.
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>I have 70 hours on her out of a total of 95~ hours of gameplay
It's probably not great but my high for her is 12,463. In comp my most was like 15,600 something
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and yeah I've gotten huge rez if that counts for anything.
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>caring about which platform someone plays on
>implying everyone can afford a gorillion dollar PC, a decent mouse, and a decent keyboard
>implying some people don't simply prefer the feel of a controller
Fair. Can't afford to lose the healer.
>tfw I'm always the fucking healer and usually have to protect myself
You don't say.
>implying anyone HASN'T gotten huge rez by now
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fair enough
thanks for the pics for my folder of her though
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Alice (126).jpg
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I've not watched many of the "quintessential" animes, so I'm not too concerned. I'll get to it
Thread posts: 177
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