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Anyone here old enough to remember how Swedes online used to

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swedish mcdonalds.jpg
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Anyone here old enough to remember how Swedes online used to brag about how white and beautiful their McDonald's employees are? Any Swedes here to give us an update? How's it going, Sweden?
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sweds are sluts
That's why Islam is taking over.

Societies that lose the morality of it's women usually fail.
those are special marketing crews that open up new shops and disappear afterwards.
we have the same system in germany.

one day you get served by 20 blondie model types and you wonder if you should order extra donuts for your erection.
the next day you return and it's the regular troglodytes.
>all those trays
>7 employees just to stand behind the service counter
>5 others to stand near the drink machine and fryeres
>fuck knows how many cooks they have
Why is mcdonalds so busy in sweden? There are never that many employees at any mcdonalds ive ever been to in america. What the fuck is going on?
this might answer my question here >>726210027
but donuts? at mcdonalds? really?
corporations still use women as decorations.

most euro mcdonalds have a cafe section where you get that kinda stuff.
they can afford to pay everyone because their country isn't flooded by cheap labor.

also, if you have all females working, you need more of them because some of the tasks are rigorous and involve lifting shit.

i work at Mcdonalds across from Caesar's Palace and the only time we have this much staff is on weekends and holidays.
and when i first arrive for my shift, there's 5 managers working.

Mcdonalds has internal affairs problems with their management, they aren't disciplined like the crew are, so they basically start abusing everything.
Its what they use the kids for that don't die in all the school shootings you guys have.
Remember when swedan had hot babes like abba now they have babes that go allahu akbah
that doesn't make sense...at all.
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"Thanks, Sweden!"
kek wtf
>Anyone here old enough to remember how Swedes online used to brag about how white and beautiful their McDonald's employees are?
yes, i remember a year ago
>they can afford to pay everyone
That's not even the point. Are you retarded? The point is WHY do they need that many employees, there's no fucking way mcdonalds is that busy
>there's no fucking way mcdonalds is that busy

uh. yeah it is.
ok then.

i've been to shops multiple times during rush hour and there were five queues snaking through the whole shop with every counter busy.

i guess that didn't happen (multiple times) because you say so.
Who the fuck eats at mcdonalds. Go to a take away shop and get a real burger shoved up ya cunt.
mcd and bk are the only two big burger chains that are available almost everywhere in europe.

for a real burger you have to find a bar that's open during the day or a real burger shop, which requires an actual table and patience. they're also only found in bigger cities.
drunk people, people on vacation, people on foot or who have been traveling abroad, poor people, fat people, lazy people, should i keep going?

the busiest Mcdonalds in the world is at a turnpike in the middle of bumfuck no where Illinois or some shit. New York and Vegas are pretty busy too.
Mcdonalds does NOT fill you up. I remember buying a family dinner box to myself like 5 years ago and i was still hungry after it. Dogshit food.
Can confirm, my first job was at that shit factory. It's always that busy if you don't live in bumble fuck no where. Literally would get 1-3 busses daily full of sweaty autists from the nearby school. I wanted to die because of them.
there's over 10 counters. this is likely an airport mcdonalds.
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this can't be explained
Fries cheap, group of people buy a couple large fries each, pour on trays, explained for the autistic child who posted this
dear god not a single dip??
they're Chinese, they're retarded inbred animals.
Can't seagulls
>kid who brings his own can of soda to mcdonalds to drink
Still have only seen 2 niggers these last 5 years on McDonalds/Sibylla/Max/Burger King
That picture is from Bangladesh. And to answer your question OP, yes mostly attractive girls get picked for the Mc Jobs still. All though ham planets work off hours
I've been to a McDonald's just like that a few years ago in Stockholm. Truly a magical scene, a friggin' fast food counter staffed by a dozen chicks that were 8/10 on average.
I've been to Sweden recently. It's fine. Really nice place. Not Islamified at all. Where are people getting this shit from?

>for a real burger...
... that look like those I make at home but cost 35x the price because huh "Hamburger House" hurr durr?
Only hipsters do that.
Real burgers = fast food = engineered taste = Mac Donalds and Burger King etc

Respect to them
Breitbart, same as their president
Breitbart, Fox News and other fake news outlets. It's their new "thing" to imagine Sweden as a victim of white genocide
nah. the real heroes are those 5€ bar burgers.
if you have a decent bar, the quality rivals those hipster places and the price is only slightly higher than McD.

nothing beats home made anyway.
Fox news.

Apparently, we are all being raped daily and it has gone full Sharia.
you are somehow right. I have to admit. 5€ burgers are rare in bars tho
It's insane. Fucking insane. Confirmation bias at it's finest. These hermit fucks should try actually going to visit these places rather than basing their shit opinions on bollocks like Breitbart, Trump or Prison Planet. Insular fucks.
5-8€ i guess...
i'm willing to pay that, to be honest.

mcd costs like 3-5€ and doesn't deliver half the taste.
Sheitfart. But now its sort of become their fake news reality and they cant process any truth which deviates from it. You can show them the reality of Sweden, which is a really nice place to live, but they'll think you're lying to them.
GBK - Gourmet Burger Kitchen
You have that in the U S or A?
Yeah it does you're just silly
Swedefag here. That Fox news/Breitbart/what have you is a joke. Sweden is just about the calmest and nicest place on earth. Can't really remember a time when only white folks worked at McDonalds though, but I'm not muc of a McDonalds man.
sounds kinda like a (You) problem tbh .
It's some sort of mental illness. I'm sure of it.
They're clinging onto that bullshit Tim Pool 'investigation' now. Shit like him having to leave an area incase he got attacked by immigrants. Nothing happened - but that's enough proof to these fuckwits that it's basically a war zone.
Brain dead.
Only Muslims own take away shops. And they abuse little girls and cut them up to make kebabs
Fuck off jew
Nah. The West has has women of loose morals this whole time, and we've dominated. Countries with strict moral codes for women are still largely stuck in the middle ages, unable to innovate because they're keeping half their brainpower - those women - repressed. It's a shame. The sluttier the women, the better societies do in general.

m8 i was in a macdonalds in hungary and my dick exploded
If I was a jew would I be trying to argue the case that Sweden isn't an islamified hell hole?
You have brain cancer
but the only ethnic residents who work at McDonalds work in franchise hq and wouldn't be seen dead in one of the "restaurants" all the foreigners work the burgers.
I believe the strange fake news about Sweden originated from Sweden. Some anti-immigrant folks decided it wasn't enough for the integration to be kind of bad (which it is), it has to be friggin shit in your pants burning hell disastrously bad, or noone would listen to them. They were thinking like everyone who has an idea to sell these days: the more over the top, the bigger the chance you'll get noticed. Now regarding where the idea came from to start spreading this shit abroad, your guess is as good as mine.
this is hate that sheitfart types want sweden to subscribe to.
i think you should leave your basement once in a while to realise how wrong your are.
Sweden has near South African levels of rape (by muslims) and you faggots still pretend there's no problem.

There are cities in Sweden where police can't even enter.
Nice try.
Off to your containment board now.
Oh look, an Antifa pedo who got distracted from his jailbait posts.
Shouldn't you be busy sucking dick in a leather Nazi uniform somewhere? Who allowed you to open your mouth?
Don't worry, friend, your time will come.
You would be saying everything is fine so the rest of the world turns a blind eye. I can see straight through your lies
And when it does you better open up wiiiide.
Id love to see that smug look on your face disappear when a horde of angry Muslims breaks into your house and all you have to defend yourself is your big floppy dildo
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Dude, he's gotta be a muslim himself, or s self-hating liberal pussy who wants to get at his dad by ruining Western civilization.
You know you can type a lot faster if you use both hands.
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u wot
Why would you disrespect bacon that way. I mean the quran completely ruins it.
Because I'm refreshing this page like an autistic sonic fan on speed.

Name one, else shut the fuck up.
fattest chinese people ever.

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meanwhile in ameristan
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